Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
St . Patrick ' s Lodge , No . 295 ( I . C . ) -This Lodge , attached to tho 4 th Dragoon Guards , hold a meeting on the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , York . The W . M . Bro . J . Hanly V . S . presided , supported by Bros . Capt , Murphy S . W ., W . P . Husband 1611 as J . W ., T . B . Whytehead P . M . 1011 , Sergt .-Major Harris Secretary , Quarter-Mastor-Sei-fft . Somerset S . D ., J . Battye 230 , and other brethren and
visitors . The W . M . opened the Lodge in the third degree , and three brethren were presented to bo raised . Tho ceremonies wero then taken by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., ancl tho three brethren were successively raised to the snblime degree . Wo aro pleased to hear that this very old military Lodgo ( lately revived ) is making good progress , and has dono good work sinco tho Regiment has been stationed in York .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 673 . —This Lodge hold its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 1 st of Jnly 1879 , at the Masonic Hall , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . Present—Bros . David Jackson W . M ., W . Brackenbury S . W ., L . Herman J . AV ., Wm . Thomas May P . M . See ., Thos . Clark P . M . Treas ., J . Seddon S . D ., J . T . Callow P . G . T . P . M . D . C , Marsh , Leitch and Marshall Stewards , T . Smyth I . G ., W . H .
Ball Tyler . Past Masters Bros . T . Pioberts , E . Kyle , H . Burrows , J . Hocken , M . Carless , J . B . Bunting , R . Pearson , H . Nelson . Visitors—Bros . T . Davies W . M . 1182 , J . Ellis I . P . M . G 67 , A . D . Hesketh J . W . 1182 , T . Boswell W . M . 391 , It . P . France P . M . 591 , J . Houghton I . P . M . 591 , It . Brown P . M . 241 , J . Skeaf P . G . O ., and many others . Tho business comprised one initiation , this was
followed by the installation of W . M ., Bro . Brackeubnry , by Bro . Thos . Eobcrts P . M ., and tho presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to the retiring W . M . There was also a proposition . After Lodge closed , tho brethren , with ladies , to the nnmber of 200 , proceeded by special train to Frodsham for Overton Hills , to hold their annual picnic , and after dining together , and spending a most enjoyable day , returned homo at an early hour .
Koyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —A meeting was held at tho Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on 11 th July , at half-past seven . Bros . Gomm W . M ., F . Botley S . W ., Tucker J . W ., Gnnnor S . D ., Talbot J . D ., Blasby I . G . ; Bros . J . C . Eoe P . M . and Preceptor , Goss I . P . M 780 , Kyezor , Talbot , Pearson , Skinner , & o .
Lodge opened , and the minntes were read , confirmed , and signed . Bro . C . E . Botley offered himself as candidate , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . C . E . Botley answered tho questions leading to the second degree , and retired . Lodge opened tip , and Bro . Goss was passed . Lodge opened to third , and closed to first , when meeting adjourned till 18 th inst ., at half-past seven .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its weekly meeting on Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Polak W . M ., Forss S . W ., Williams J . W ., Clark S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., Greenwood I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . AVallington Preceptor ; Bros . Wyman , AVardell , Brasted , C . Lorkin , Collins , Darnell , Davis , Moss , Christian , and others . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting
were read and confirmed . Bro . Hand answered the necessary qnestions , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Hand as candidate . The Preceptor gave the traditional history . Bro . C . Lorkin worked the first , and Bro . Moss worked the third section , assisted by the brethren . The Lodgo was resumed to the first degree . Bro . Quay , of Lodge 94 , and Bro . Eoberts , of Lodge G 5 , were elected members . Bro . Forss Avas appointed AV . M . for the next Tuesday ' s meeting .
Eoyal Standard Lodge of Instruction , 1298 . —A meeting was held on Friday , 11 th July , at the Alwyno Castle , Canonbnry , N . Present—Bros . Eowley AV . M ., Mendelsohn S . AV ., Beattie J . AV ., Cull Preceptor , G . H . Hunter Sec . pro tem , Ager S . D ., Chant J . D ., Potter I . G . ; Bros . Eldridge , Yeomans , Field , Shackell . Tho minutes were read and confirmed , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Hunter candidate . Bro . Yeomans worked the
first , and Bro . Cull the second and third sections of the second Lecture . Tho Lecture on the Tracing Board was also given . The Secretary read a letter from Bro . Lardner , on behalf of tho AVest Smithfield Ledge of Instruction , accepting tho invitation to work the Fifteen Sections on Friday , 25 th inst . Bro . Mendelsohn was appointed AV . M . for the ensuing week . Lodgo was closed in ancient form with solemn prayer .
"Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —On Tuesday , 15 th Jnly , tho brethren met at Bro . Pavitt's , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . Bros . Lloyd AV . M ., Pavitt S . AV ., Glaspoole J . W ., Smith S . D ., Barker J . D ., Spencer I . G ., Worsley Secretary , Musto P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Johnson , Dixon , Dunsmore , Shepherd AV . M . 1349 , Ellis 124 , Ellis 8 G 0 , Andrews , Eawc , Keable , aud
AVatkins . Lodge was opened with due observance of all ceremonial , and minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Johnson answered the necessary questions , and the Lodge opened in tho third degree , when the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Jchnson candidate . Bro . Worsley worked the first section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren , and tho Lodge was closed to the first degree . Bro . Pavitt was unanimously elected
AV . M , for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on tho minutes for the excellent way in which the AV . M . worked the ceremony , the whole having been done in a pleasing manner , and without any dictation . Nearly all the members in this Lodge aro good workers , and enter thoroughl y into the spirit of what they undertake ; as a consequence , good attendances are the rule , some come a considerable distance . The Lodge room is pleasantly situated , and every attention is paid
Notices Of Meetings.
thoso who attend . On Tuesday next , in accordance with tho byelaws , sections only will be worked . The Lodge will bo presided over by P . M . Musto the Preceptor , P . M . Cundick S . AV ., and Bro . Shepherd tho AV . M . of 1319 J . AV . Business will bo commenced afc seven o ' clock , when the following brethren will work tho sections : —
1 st , Bro . Spencer ; 2 nd , AVatkins ; 3 rd , Lloyd ; 4 th , Johnson ; 5 th , Shepherd ; Gfch , Cundick ; 7 th , Andrews ; 8 th , Rawe ; 9 th , Keablo ; 10 th , Pavitt ; 11 th , Smith ; 12 th , AVorsloy ; 13 th , Barker ; 14 th Ellis ; 15 th , Musto . This array of talent wo hope will induce a good attendance ; AVO aro suro a pleasant evening may bo anticipated .
United Service Lodge , No . 1428 . —The installation of the W . M . elect ( Bro . James Johns ) took place on Friday afternoon at tho Masonic Hall , Highbury-street , Portsmouth , in the presence of a largo mnster of brethren , including several W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s . Tho ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . H . AV . Townsend , P . M ., to Avhom a cordial vote of thanks was subsequently awarded .
The W . M . invested the Officers as follow : —Bros . Leggatt I . P . M ., G . R . Strides S . AV ., AVoodward J . AV ., T . Mares Treasurer , Arnold Sec . retary , Laverty S . D ., Walton J . D ., Elverston I . G ., Wilton Organist , H . Burke and Qniun P . M ., Stewards . Nearly a hundred wore present at the installation banquet , which was admirably served by Bro . Shepherd , of the United Service Lodgo . After
the cloth had been cleared tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero honoured , tho post-prandial proceedings being interspersed with harmony , and a pleasant evening was passed . This Lodge , which is confined to members of tho services , is in a highly satisfac tory state . It has 1 G 4 subscribing members ; during tho pasfc year £ 90 was voted to the Masonio Charities , and ifc has a balance in hand of £ 220 .
Eboracum Lodge No . 1611 . —A regular mooting of this Lodge Avas held on Monday evening , at York . Present : —Bros . J . S . Cumberland W . M ., T . B . AVhytehead I . P . M ., Georgo Balmford P . M . and Treasurer , J . Moss P . M . Lion Lodge , Whitby , G . Ayre P . M . Falcon Lodge , Thirsk , C . G . Padel S . AV ., J . T . Seller J . AV ., J . Kay Secretary , T . Humphries Asst . Secretary , M . Millington S . D .,
AV . P . Husband as S . D ., J . Blenkin I . G ., G . H . Simpson Organist , A . T . B . Turner Asst . M . C ., with many brethren and other Visitors from the York and St . Patrick ' s Lodges . The Lodge having been opened , the I . P . M . retired Avith four Stewards , and having formed a procession , introduced tho Deputy Prov . G . M . Bro . J . P . Boll P . G . D . England , who was saluted by tho brethren . A successful ballot was
then taken for a candidate , and the Lodge was opened in fche third degree , and Bro . Dyson was raised to tho sublime degree of a Master Mason by the AV . M ., tho traditional history being given by the I . P . M . Tho Lodge being again lowered , ' the AV . M . addressed a few words to tho D . P . G . M ., welcoming him , in the name of tho members of the Lodge , and expressing tho pleasure ifc gavo them to seo him
amongst them . The D . P . G . M ., in replying , said thafc ifc had given him tho very greatest pleasure to witness the perfect ; working of tho ritnal , and he complimented the W . M . and members on the way in which their affairs wero managed . He then presented to tho Lodge a curious cup , carved out of Dead Sea bitumen , and engraved with a representation of tho foundation of Solomon ' s
Temple , and also a photograph of an elaborate drawing of Masonic emblems , by Bro . Dr . Hooper , for both of which gifts tho hearty thanks of tho Lodge wero given . Tho AV . M . then presented to the Lodge , on behalf of Bro . Mason , of the Royal Lodge , Filey , now resident in York , an old snuff box , bearing on its lid a mass of embossed Masonic emblems , which also called forth a voto of thanks . Bro . Husband
then presented a curious jug of old Staffordshire ware , bearing on one side the arms of the Ancients and tho inscription " Lodge 225 , London , " and on tho other a representation of St . Georgo and tho Dragon . In tho coarse of tho evening Bro . Husband read a short paper , iu which ho endeavoured to identify the Lodgo to whom tho relic had once belonged . The W . M . thda alluded to tho loss tho Lodgo had
sustained in the death of their late P . M . Bro . T . Cooper , and ended by proposing- that a letter of condolence should bo prepared and sent to the widow and family , which was seconded by the S . AV . and carried in mournful silence . Tho D . P . G . M . also made some remarks on Bro . Cooper , speaking of him in the highest terms as a man aud a Mason . After the singing of a Masonic hymn the Lodge was closed and
tho brethren adjourned to refreshment . The toast of the Prov . Grand Lodgo having been dnly honoured , the health of tho AV . M . was proposed by the D . P . G . M . and that of the I . P . M . by the AV . M . " The Visitors" being ably undertaken by the S . W . The I . P . M . in responding said , that in conducting the arrangements for the Lodgo of Sorrow tho previous week he had experienced a sad kind of pleasure , for he was suro that if anything could havo consoled their lato dear
brother for a separation from his Masonic friends , ifc would have been tho knowledge that his memory would havo boon so deeply honoured , revered aud cherished . Tho proceedings of tho evening were made tho more pleasant by the splendid glee singing of the Lodgo quartette—Bros . J . S . Cumberland , J . E . AVilkinson , T . Humphries and O . Marshall ; and Bro . J . E . AVilkinson elicited great commendation by his beautiful rendering of " Phvllis is my only joy . "
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612—On Thursday , 3 rd Jnly , tho usual fortnig htly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held , at the Feathers , Ealing , and proved one of tho mosfc snecesful that has yefc been attended . Bros . E . J . Acworth AV . M ., Seward S . AV ., Blasby J . AV . 780 J . AV ., J . W . Rickwood S . D .,
Costelow S . D . 780 J . D ., Fisher I . G ., II . E . Tucker Preceptor . The following brethren were also present : — Bros . Goss I . P . M . 780 , J . C . Roe P . M . 780 , Gardiner P . M . 780 , Gomm S . AV . 780 , Sumner T . G . 780 , Talbot 780 , Botley 780 , Kyezor S . W . 820 , Jones , Porter , AVright , Ycweus , and Coopo of 1612 ; Stephens , AVoolmer , & c . Minutes of last Lodgo meeting having been read and confirmed , tho W . M . rehearsed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
St . Patrick ' s Lodge , No . 295 ( I . C . ) -This Lodge , attached to tho 4 th Dragoon Guards , hold a meeting on the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , York . The W . M . Bro . J . Hanly V . S . presided , supported by Bros . Capt , Murphy S . W ., W . P . Husband 1611 as J . W ., T . B . Whytehead P . M . 1011 , Sergt .-Major Harris Secretary , Quarter-Mastor-Sei-fft . Somerset S . D ., J . Battye 230 , and other brethren and
visitors . The W . M . opened the Lodge in the third degree , and three brethren were presented to bo raised . Tho ceremonies wero then taken by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., ancl tho three brethren were successively raised to the snblime degree . Wo aro pleased to hear that this very old military Lodgo ( lately revived ) is making good progress , and has dono good work sinco tho Regiment has been stationed in York .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 673 . —This Lodge hold its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 1 st of Jnly 1879 , at the Masonic Hall , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . Present—Bros . David Jackson W . M ., W . Brackenbury S . W ., L . Herman J . AV ., Wm . Thomas May P . M . See ., Thos . Clark P . M . Treas ., J . Seddon S . D ., J . T . Callow P . G . T . P . M . D . C , Marsh , Leitch and Marshall Stewards , T . Smyth I . G ., W . H .
Ball Tyler . Past Masters Bros . T . Pioberts , E . Kyle , H . Burrows , J . Hocken , M . Carless , J . B . Bunting , R . Pearson , H . Nelson . Visitors—Bros . T . Davies W . M . 1182 , J . Ellis I . P . M . G 67 , A . D . Hesketh J . W . 1182 , T . Boswell W . M . 391 , It . P . France P . M . 591 , J . Houghton I . P . M . 591 , It . Brown P . M . 241 , J . Skeaf P . G . O ., and many others . Tho business comprised one initiation , this was
followed by the installation of W . M ., Bro . Brackeubnry , by Bro . Thos . Eobcrts P . M ., and tho presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to the retiring W . M . There was also a proposition . After Lodge closed , tho brethren , with ladies , to the nnmber of 200 , proceeded by special train to Frodsham for Overton Hills , to hold their annual picnic , and after dining together , and spending a most enjoyable day , returned homo at an early hour .
Koyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —A meeting was held at tho Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on 11 th July , at half-past seven . Bros . Gomm W . M ., F . Botley S . W ., Tucker J . W ., Gnnnor S . D ., Talbot J . D ., Blasby I . G . ; Bros . J . C . Eoe P . M . and Preceptor , Goss I . P . M 780 , Kyezor , Talbot , Pearson , Skinner , & o .
Lodge opened , and the minntes were read , confirmed , and signed . Bro . C . E . Botley offered himself as candidate , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . C . E . Botley answered tho questions leading to the second degree , and retired . Lodge opened tip , and Bro . Goss was passed . Lodge opened to third , and closed to first , when meeting adjourned till 18 th inst ., at half-past seven .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its weekly meeting on Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Polak W . M ., Forss S . W ., Williams J . W ., Clark S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., Greenwood I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . AVallington Preceptor ; Bros . Wyman , AVardell , Brasted , C . Lorkin , Collins , Darnell , Davis , Moss , Christian , and others . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting
were read and confirmed . Bro . Hand answered the necessary qnestions , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Hand as candidate . The Preceptor gave the traditional history . Bro . C . Lorkin worked the first , and Bro . Moss worked the third section , assisted by the brethren . The Lodgo was resumed to the first degree . Bro . Quay , of Lodge 94 , and Bro . Eoberts , of Lodge G 5 , were elected members . Bro . Forss Avas appointed AV . M . for the next Tuesday ' s meeting .
Eoyal Standard Lodge of Instruction , 1298 . —A meeting was held on Friday , 11 th July , at the Alwyno Castle , Canonbnry , N . Present—Bros . Eowley AV . M ., Mendelsohn S . AV ., Beattie J . AV ., Cull Preceptor , G . H . Hunter Sec . pro tem , Ager S . D ., Chant J . D ., Potter I . G . ; Bros . Eldridge , Yeomans , Field , Shackell . Tho minutes were read and confirmed , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Hunter candidate . Bro . Yeomans worked the
first , and Bro . Cull the second and third sections of the second Lecture . Tho Lecture on the Tracing Board was also given . The Secretary read a letter from Bro . Lardner , on behalf of tho AVest Smithfield Ledge of Instruction , accepting tho invitation to work the Fifteen Sections on Friday , 25 th inst . Bro . Mendelsohn was appointed AV . M . for the ensuing week . Lodgo was closed in ancient form with solemn prayer .
"Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —On Tuesday , 15 th Jnly , tho brethren met at Bro . Pavitt's , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . Bros . Lloyd AV . M ., Pavitt S . AV ., Glaspoole J . W ., Smith S . D ., Barker J . D ., Spencer I . G ., Worsley Secretary , Musto P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Johnson , Dixon , Dunsmore , Shepherd AV . M . 1349 , Ellis 124 , Ellis 8 G 0 , Andrews , Eawc , Keable , aud
AVatkins . Lodge was opened with due observance of all ceremonial , and minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Johnson answered the necessary questions , and the Lodge opened in tho third degree , when the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Jchnson candidate . Bro . Worsley worked the first section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren , and tho Lodge was closed to the first degree . Bro . Pavitt was unanimously elected
AV . M , for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on tho minutes for the excellent way in which the AV . M . worked the ceremony , the whole having been done in a pleasing manner , and without any dictation . Nearly all the members in this Lodge aro good workers , and enter thoroughl y into the spirit of what they undertake ; as a consequence , good attendances are the rule , some come a considerable distance . The Lodge room is pleasantly situated , and every attention is paid
Notices Of Meetings.
thoso who attend . On Tuesday next , in accordance with tho byelaws , sections only will be worked . The Lodge will bo presided over by P . M . Musto the Preceptor , P . M . Cundick S . AV ., and Bro . Shepherd tho AV . M . of 1319 J . AV . Business will bo commenced afc seven o ' clock , when the following brethren will work tho sections : —
1 st , Bro . Spencer ; 2 nd , AVatkins ; 3 rd , Lloyd ; 4 th , Johnson ; 5 th , Shepherd ; Gfch , Cundick ; 7 th , Andrews ; 8 th , Rawe ; 9 th , Keablo ; 10 th , Pavitt ; 11 th , Smith ; 12 th , AVorsloy ; 13 th , Barker ; 14 th Ellis ; 15 th , Musto . This array of talent wo hope will induce a good attendance ; AVO aro suro a pleasant evening may bo anticipated .
United Service Lodge , No . 1428 . —The installation of the W . M . elect ( Bro . James Johns ) took place on Friday afternoon at tho Masonic Hall , Highbury-street , Portsmouth , in the presence of a largo mnster of brethren , including several W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s . Tho ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . H . AV . Townsend , P . M ., to Avhom a cordial vote of thanks was subsequently awarded .
The W . M . invested the Officers as follow : —Bros . Leggatt I . P . M ., G . R . Strides S . AV ., AVoodward J . AV ., T . Mares Treasurer , Arnold Sec . retary , Laverty S . D ., Walton J . D ., Elverston I . G ., Wilton Organist , H . Burke and Qniun P . M ., Stewards . Nearly a hundred wore present at the installation banquet , which was admirably served by Bro . Shepherd , of the United Service Lodgo . After
the cloth had been cleared tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero honoured , tho post-prandial proceedings being interspersed with harmony , and a pleasant evening was passed . This Lodge , which is confined to members of tho services , is in a highly satisfac tory state . It has 1 G 4 subscribing members ; during tho pasfc year £ 90 was voted to the Masonio Charities , and ifc has a balance in hand of £ 220 .
Eboracum Lodge No . 1611 . —A regular mooting of this Lodge Avas held on Monday evening , at York . Present : —Bros . J . S . Cumberland W . M ., T . B . AVhytehead I . P . M ., Georgo Balmford P . M . and Treasurer , J . Moss P . M . Lion Lodge , Whitby , G . Ayre P . M . Falcon Lodge , Thirsk , C . G . Padel S . AV ., J . T . Seller J . AV ., J . Kay Secretary , T . Humphries Asst . Secretary , M . Millington S . D .,
AV . P . Husband as S . D ., J . Blenkin I . G ., G . H . Simpson Organist , A . T . B . Turner Asst . M . C ., with many brethren and other Visitors from the York and St . Patrick ' s Lodges . The Lodge having been opened , the I . P . M . retired Avith four Stewards , and having formed a procession , introduced tho Deputy Prov . G . M . Bro . J . P . Boll P . G . D . England , who was saluted by tho brethren . A successful ballot was
then taken for a candidate , and the Lodge was opened in fche third degree , and Bro . Dyson was raised to tho sublime degree of a Master Mason by the AV . M ., tho traditional history being given by the I . P . M . Tho Lodge being again lowered , ' the AV . M . addressed a few words to tho D . P . G . M ., welcoming him , in the name of tho members of the Lodge , and expressing tho pleasure ifc gavo them to seo him
amongst them . The D . P . G . M ., in replying , said thafc ifc had given him tho very greatest pleasure to witness the perfect ; working of tho ritnal , and he complimented the W . M . and members on the way in which their affairs wero managed . He then presented to tho Lodge a curious cup , carved out of Dead Sea bitumen , and engraved with a representation of tho foundation of Solomon ' s
Temple , and also a photograph of an elaborate drawing of Masonic emblems , by Bro . Dr . Hooper , for both of which gifts tho hearty thanks of tho Lodge wero given . Tho AV . M . then presented to the Lodge , on behalf of Bro . Mason , of the Royal Lodge , Filey , now resident in York , an old snuff box , bearing on its lid a mass of embossed Masonic emblems , which also called forth a voto of thanks . Bro . Husband
then presented a curious jug of old Staffordshire ware , bearing on one side the arms of the Ancients and tho inscription " Lodge 225 , London , " and on tho other a representation of St . Georgo and tho Dragon . In tho coarse of tho evening Bro . Husband read a short paper , iu which ho endeavoured to identify the Lodgo to whom tho relic had once belonged . The W . M . thda alluded to tho loss tho Lodgo had
sustained in the death of their late P . M . Bro . T . Cooper , and ended by proposing- that a letter of condolence should bo prepared and sent to the widow and family , which was seconded by the S . AV . and carried in mournful silence . Tho D . P . G . M . also made some remarks on Bro . Cooper , speaking of him in the highest terms as a man aud a Mason . After the singing of a Masonic hymn the Lodge was closed and
tho brethren adjourned to refreshment . The toast of the Prov . Grand Lodgo having been dnly honoured , the health of tho AV . M . was proposed by the D . P . G . M . and that of the I . P . M . by the AV . M . " The Visitors" being ably undertaken by the S . W . The I . P . M . in responding said , that in conducting the arrangements for the Lodgo of Sorrow tho previous week he had experienced a sad kind of pleasure , for he was suro that if anything could havo consoled their lato dear
brother for a separation from his Masonic friends , ifc would have been tho knowledge that his memory would havo boon so deeply honoured , revered aud cherished . Tho proceedings of tho evening were made tho more pleasant by the splendid glee singing of the Lodgo quartette—Bros . J . S . Cumberland , J . E . AVilkinson , T . Humphries and O . Marshall ; and Bro . J . E . AVilkinson elicited great commendation by his beautiful rendering of " Phvllis is my only joy . "
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612—On Thursday , 3 rd Jnly , tho usual fortnig htly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held , at the Feathers , Ealing , and proved one of tho mosfc snecesful that has yefc been attended . Bros . E . J . Acworth AV . M ., Seward S . AV ., Blasby J . AV . 780 J . AV ., J . W . Rickwood S . D .,
Costelow S . D . 780 J . D ., Fisher I . G ., II . E . Tucker Preceptor . The following brethren were also present : — Bros . Goss I . P . M . 780 , J . C . Roe P . M . 780 , Gardiner P . M . 780 , Gomm S . AV . 780 , Sumner T . G . 780 , Talbot 780 , Botley 780 , Kyezor S . W . 820 , Jones , Porter , AVright , Ycweus , and Coopo of 1612 ; Stephens , AVoolmer , & c . Minutes of last Lodgo meeting having been read and confirmed , tho W . M . rehearsed