Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE , No . 1642 . Presented , together with a Past Master ' s Jewel , to Samuel Smout I . P . M ., by the brethren of the above Lodge , as a mark of esteem and appreciation of his services during tho period in which he has presided as W . M . ( Signed ) C . DARUV RE \ D W . M . S . SMOUT JUN . S . W .
F . CHARLES FRVE J . W . GKOJ ' GE PEJW Treasurer . W . J . MURUS Secretary . The jewel had previously been presented to Bro . Smout . In reply tho I . P . M . with great pleasure tendered hia thanks . He was sure the gifts he had that day received from tho Earl of Carnarvon Lodgo
would be prized as long as ho lived , and ho hoped they might be handed down to his children , by whom ho felt they would be as much appreciated as they were by himself . He had always been proud of the progress made by the Lodge , ancl particularly so aa by ifc thoy were enabled to figure so favourably as supporters of the Charities . He intended to servo tho office of
Steward for one of them during the coming year , and hoped the members would do all they could to make his list representative of the spirit of the Lodgo . He hoped afc the Festival of the Benevolent Institution , for which he was working , the Lodge would figure as well as on any occasion in the pust , although he could hardly expect so large an amount as previous representatives had been able to collect . One thing ho particularly desired the brethren
to bear in mind , this was that anything they felt disposed to give wonld be well spent . He would also impress upon them thafc there was no charity in giving that which was needed in their own households . Wo may state that tho list of Bro . Smonfc afc the time of the meeting reached close on seventy guineas . Other toasts followed , the list not being completed until a late hour , when the concluding toasfc was proposed and the brethren separated . The following were among the visitors-. —Bros . J . F . B . Firth P . M . 227 , 1435 , J . J . Thomas 753
J . W . Baldwin P . M . 1423 P . P . G . P ., R . Fairclough P . M . 1675 , T . Cubitt P . G . P ., J . N . Frye 195 Prov . J . W ., J . W . Hiscox S . W . 1512 , F . J . Moore 1196 , Ambrose VV . Hall G . Chaplain , VV . Shead 1366 , W . Prevost 861 , H . Ruff J . W . 95 , C . Davey P . M . 30 , J . J . Michael W . M .
1107 P . P . G . P . Kent , L . M . Myers S . W . 188 , Colonel G . Haldane P . D . D . G . M . Malta , J . E . Carpenter P . M . 284 , 1196 , A Dickenson 55 , G . C . Harding W . M . 1238 , 0 . Smith S . W . 1489 , Lieutenant-Colonel H . S . Somerville Burney P . G . Deacon , J . Healey 1348 , C . W . Cunningham 1612 , L . Bryett P . P . G . S . of Works Berks and Bucks , J .
Driscoll P . M . 30 , J . W . Cuff W . M . 1608 , G . Davis P . M . 167 , W . T . Wilkinson 115 LC ., * L . Wall 188 , H . Massey P . M . 619 , and W . M . 1928 , H . A . Spencer 733 , W . W . Morgan jun . J . W . 1107 , R . W . Bosworth 230 , F . J . Deacon 1382 , G . Cooper P . M . 507 , J . Jordan P . M . 4 , J . Fisher 733 , S . Etherington 1305 , R . J . Ward S . D . 1541 , W . G . Vassil 1767 , J . H . Pearson P . M . 1567 , J . O . Surtees P . M . 1248 , J . Gillingham S . D . 1238 , & c .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1602 . —On Tuesday last , at tho Crown ancl Woolpack , St . Johnstreet-road . Present : —Bros . C . Weeden VV . M ., T . J . Bird S . W ., J . Field J . W ., R . Pearcy Preceptor , J . Osborn Secretary , A . R . Green S . D ., Gyer J . D ., J . Cammell I . G . ; C . Dearing , G . Willison , T . H . Inmau , C . G . Payne , VV . Hirst , R . Dillon , J . Trofcman , H . L .
Godolphin , S . Milhn , T . Crosbie , Isaac , & o . The Lodge was opened iu due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Payne acting as candidate . Bros . Dearing and Cammell answered the questions leading to the second degree . The first ancl second sections of the lecture were
worked by Bro . Pearcy Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bro . J . Trotman , Citadel Lodgo 1897 , was elected a member . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Millin for his kindness in having the jewels of the Lodge renovated . The Lodgo was then closed , and adjourned .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 — A meeting was hold at the Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , on 17 th inst . Bro . Thomas Butt P . M . 907 W . M ., he was supported by Bros . J . F . Van Raalfce Worshipfnl Master 917 as S . W ., T . Baker J . W ., G . H . Stephens S . D ., Keeble I . G ., Walter Tyler ; also Bros . Hiscox , McButt , Field , Laurence , VV . Pennefather P . M .
Preceptor . Lodge haviug been duly opened and minutes read , and confirmed , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Field candidate . Bro . Van Raalte resumed the chair , and opened up the Lodge . Bro . Hiscox was interrogated aud entrusted , and Lodge was advanced . Tho ceremony of raising was next carefully rehearsed , and a most instructive evening passed . Some discussion ensued as to tho
desirability of returning to tho old hours of meeting , i . e . from eight to ten—the alteration to seven till nine not being deemed to have worked satisfactorily . Bro . Hiscox was elected VV . M . for the ensuing meeting , and Lodge was closed . Tho members of this Lo lge have it in contemplation to rehearse the ceremony of consecration , Bro . J . Terry , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , has kindly consented to assist on the occasion .
Crusaders' Lodge of Instruction , No . 1677 . —The adjourned annual meeting of this Lodgo was held at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Thursday , 10 th instant , thero being present among others Bros . VV . Simpson W . M ., Arthur E . Gladwell S . W ., J . S . Fletcher J . W ., R . D . Cummings Preceptor , C . G . Payn S . D ., J . S . Tillefcfc J . D ., VV . J . Goode I . G . The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of tho last meeting read and confirmed , the ceremony of passing was ably rehearsed by Bro . Simpson . This being an
Installation Meetings, &C.
off-tiighfc , the formal business of tho Lodge waa proceeded with . Bros . Cummings , Calderwood , and Halliday were unanimously re-eleoted Preceptor , Treasurer , and Secretary for the ensuing year , and the new Bye-laws were read aud adopted . Bro . Arthur E . Gladwell waa unanimously chosen to fill tho chair of K . S . for the ensuing week , and appointed Officers in rotation . Bro . Secretary was authorised to
get tho new Bye-laws printed and distributed among the members . The annual supper takes placo on the first Thursday in December . On Thursday , 24 th Nov ., Bro . J . Terry P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts wiirrchearso tho ceremonies of Consecration nnd Installation at this Lodge , which on this occasion will bo opened at eight punctually , brethren to appear in Masonic clothing .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —At a meeting of the above Lodge on Monday , the 14 th inst ., Bro . G . Ferrar W . M ., Harthan S . W ., GYosbio J . YV ., aud over thirty members , amongst whom were a great many P . M . 's . Tho Lodgo was opened iu duo form , aud the minutes of tho previous meeting woro read and confirmed . Lodge was advanced , when Bro . Pearcy offered himself as
a candidate for raising , and having answered the usual questions was entrusted . Lodge having been advanced , the cerem my of raising was ably rehearsed by Bro . Ferrar . Lodge was closed in each degree . The votes of the members were taken for Bro . Marks , of tho Caxton * and Bro . Strugnoll , of the Farringdon , who were unanimously elected members . Bro . Harthan was appointed to occupy the chair for the
ensuing week . Bro . Secretary proposed , and Bro . Pearcy seconded , that Bro . Osborn W . M . of the Sir Hugh Myddelton , be invited to rehearse tbe ceremony of installation on the last Monday of this month . Bro . Osborn expressed himself as ready to accede to the request , and thanked the brethren for the privilege . Lodge was then colsed in perfect harmony , and adjourned until Monday , 21 st Nov ., afc 8 . 30 .
Sir Thomas Brassey , Jrv . O . B ., M . P ., one of the Lords of the Admiralty , will be admitted a member of the Court of Assistants , and will subsequently take part at tbe Livery
dinner of the Shipwrights Company , on Friday , tbe 2 nd December . The dinner will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
The Marquis of Hartington will visit Nelson , East Lancashire , on Saturday , 3 rd December . In the afternoon he will open a Liberal Club at Brierfield , and in the evening will address a large meeting in the Albert Hall .
The recent visit to Canada of Sir Knight A . Sfcaveley Hill , Q . C , M . P ., Grand Chancellor of the Grand Priory of England , afforded His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of the Templar Order in England , the
opportunity of transmitting a letter to Sir Knight Colonel W . J . B . Macleod-Moore , Great Prior of the Dominion of Canada , in which His Royal Highness offered his fraternal greetings to Knights Templars and the Masonic body
generally of Canada . A special meeting of the Richard Coeur de Lion Preceptory was called for the purpose of receiving Sir Knighfc Hill , and due honour was done to the letter of the Prince .
Viscount Ebrington , Prov . Grand Master Devonshire , has been returned by a large majority as Member of Parliament for Tiverton , in place of the Right Hon . W . N " . Massey , deceased .
We regret to announce the death , on Saturday last , of his Lordship ' s youngest sister , the Lady Florence Fortescue , aged seventeen years . Rro . Alderman Smith has been succeeded in theMayoralty
of Brighton By Alderman W . H . Hallett . A vote of thanks to Bro . Smith for his valuable services was unanimously passed by the Town Council , and it was agreed that the said vote should be engrossed on vellum and presented to his Worship .
t LAMPLOTJGH'S PYRETIC SALINE . An Eft ' crvcsciug aud Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Vitalising , aud Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or BILIOUS SICKNESS , INDIGESTION , CONSTIPATION , I , ASSiTUDi" , HKAHTnuu * f , FEVERISH C OLDS , anil prevents and quickly relievos or cures tho worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLK , and other . FEVERS , 1 ' HICKI . I- UEAT , SMAIL-POX , MEASLES , ERUPTIVJB or Siatr Con-PLAINTS , and various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . T > U MORGAN— "It furnishes tlio blood don ) , writes ; — I have Rrcat pleasure iu witii its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to its cnicacy . in the treatment of many of the ordinary und DR . TURL , UY . — "I found It act as a sne- chronic forms of Gastric Complaints , and itio , in mv experience and family . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst form of Scarlet Fever , XO other modi- _ .. _ .. „ „ , .. . ., cine bciiitf l-etiuli-ocl . " t J 'f - } V . UOWS ^ G .- * I used it in Hie J ' treatmentof forty two cases of Yellow Fever DR . SI'AUKS ( Goveru'iiont Medical In- and lam happy to state I never lost n single spcetor of Knv :, " ; ints from the Tort of Lou- : case . " A systematic course proven' ¦ awl cures obstinate Cosfcivcness . Notice my Nomo and Trade Murk . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 3 / , 5 / , 11 / 6 , nnd 22 / each . E \ LAMPLOUGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE , No . 1642 . Presented , together with a Past Master ' s Jewel , to Samuel Smout I . P . M ., by the brethren of the above Lodge , as a mark of esteem and appreciation of his services during tho period in which he has presided as W . M . ( Signed ) C . DARUV RE \ D W . M . S . SMOUT JUN . S . W .
F . CHARLES FRVE J . W . GKOJ ' GE PEJW Treasurer . W . J . MURUS Secretary . The jewel had previously been presented to Bro . Smout . In reply tho I . P . M . with great pleasure tendered hia thanks . He was sure the gifts he had that day received from tho Earl of Carnarvon Lodgo
would be prized as long as ho lived , and ho hoped they might be handed down to his children , by whom ho felt they would be as much appreciated as they were by himself . He had always been proud of the progress made by the Lodge , ancl particularly so aa by ifc thoy were enabled to figure so favourably as supporters of the Charities . He intended to servo tho office of
Steward for one of them during the coming year , and hoped the members would do all they could to make his list representative of the spirit of the Lodgo . He hoped afc the Festival of the Benevolent Institution , for which he was working , the Lodge would figure as well as on any occasion in the pust , although he could hardly expect so large an amount as previous representatives had been able to collect . One thing ho particularly desired the brethren
to bear in mind , this was that anything they felt disposed to give wonld be well spent . He would also impress upon them thafc there was no charity in giving that which was needed in their own households . Wo may state that tho list of Bro . Smonfc afc the time of the meeting reached close on seventy guineas . Other toasts followed , the list not being completed until a late hour , when the concluding toasfc was proposed and the brethren separated . The following were among the visitors-. —Bros . J . F . B . Firth P . M . 227 , 1435 , J . J . Thomas 753
J . W . Baldwin P . M . 1423 P . P . G . P ., R . Fairclough P . M . 1675 , T . Cubitt P . G . P ., J . N . Frye 195 Prov . J . W ., J . W . Hiscox S . W . 1512 , F . J . Moore 1196 , Ambrose VV . Hall G . Chaplain , VV . Shead 1366 , W . Prevost 861 , H . Ruff J . W . 95 , C . Davey P . M . 30 , J . J . Michael W . M .
1107 P . P . G . P . Kent , L . M . Myers S . W . 188 , Colonel G . Haldane P . D . D . G . M . Malta , J . E . Carpenter P . M . 284 , 1196 , A Dickenson 55 , G . C . Harding W . M . 1238 , 0 . Smith S . W . 1489 , Lieutenant-Colonel H . S . Somerville Burney P . G . Deacon , J . Healey 1348 , C . W . Cunningham 1612 , L . Bryett P . P . G . S . of Works Berks and Bucks , J .
Driscoll P . M . 30 , J . W . Cuff W . M . 1608 , G . Davis P . M . 167 , W . T . Wilkinson 115 LC ., * L . Wall 188 , H . Massey P . M . 619 , and W . M . 1928 , H . A . Spencer 733 , W . W . Morgan jun . J . W . 1107 , R . W . Bosworth 230 , F . J . Deacon 1382 , G . Cooper P . M . 507 , J . Jordan P . M . 4 , J . Fisher 733 , S . Etherington 1305 , R . J . Ward S . D . 1541 , W . G . Vassil 1767 , J . H . Pearson P . M . 1567 , J . O . Surtees P . M . 1248 , J . Gillingham S . D . 1238 , & c .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1602 . —On Tuesday last , at tho Crown ancl Woolpack , St . Johnstreet-road . Present : —Bros . C . Weeden VV . M ., T . J . Bird S . W ., J . Field J . W ., R . Pearcy Preceptor , J . Osborn Secretary , A . R . Green S . D ., Gyer J . D ., J . Cammell I . G . ; C . Dearing , G . Willison , T . H . Inmau , C . G . Payne , VV . Hirst , R . Dillon , J . Trofcman , H . L .
Godolphin , S . Milhn , T . Crosbie , Isaac , & o . The Lodge was opened iu due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Payne acting as candidate . Bros . Dearing and Cammell answered the questions leading to the second degree . The first ancl second sections of the lecture were
worked by Bro . Pearcy Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bro . J . Trotman , Citadel Lodgo 1897 , was elected a member . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Millin for his kindness in having the jewels of the Lodge renovated . The Lodgo was then closed , and adjourned .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 — A meeting was hold at the Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , on 17 th inst . Bro . Thomas Butt P . M . 907 W . M ., he was supported by Bros . J . F . Van Raalfce Worshipfnl Master 917 as S . W ., T . Baker J . W ., G . H . Stephens S . D ., Keeble I . G ., Walter Tyler ; also Bros . Hiscox , McButt , Field , Laurence , VV . Pennefather P . M .
Preceptor . Lodge haviug been duly opened and minutes read , and confirmed , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Field candidate . Bro . Van Raalte resumed the chair , and opened up the Lodge . Bro . Hiscox was interrogated aud entrusted , and Lodge was advanced . Tho ceremony of raising was next carefully rehearsed , and a most instructive evening passed . Some discussion ensued as to tho
desirability of returning to tho old hours of meeting , i . e . from eight to ten—the alteration to seven till nine not being deemed to have worked satisfactorily . Bro . Hiscox was elected VV . M . for the ensuing meeting , and Lodge was closed . Tho members of this Lo lge have it in contemplation to rehearse the ceremony of consecration , Bro . J . Terry , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , has kindly consented to assist on the occasion .
Crusaders' Lodge of Instruction , No . 1677 . —The adjourned annual meeting of this Lodgo was held at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Thursday , 10 th instant , thero being present among others Bros . VV . Simpson W . M ., Arthur E . Gladwell S . W ., J . S . Fletcher J . W ., R . D . Cummings Preceptor , C . G . Payn S . D ., J . S . Tillefcfc J . D ., VV . J . Goode I . G . The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of tho last meeting read and confirmed , the ceremony of passing was ably rehearsed by Bro . Simpson . This being an
Installation Meetings, &C.
off-tiighfc , the formal business of tho Lodge waa proceeded with . Bros . Cummings , Calderwood , and Halliday were unanimously re-eleoted Preceptor , Treasurer , and Secretary for the ensuing year , and the new Bye-laws were read aud adopted . Bro . Arthur E . Gladwell waa unanimously chosen to fill tho chair of K . S . for the ensuing week , and appointed Officers in rotation . Bro . Secretary was authorised to
get tho new Bye-laws printed and distributed among the members . The annual supper takes placo on the first Thursday in December . On Thursday , 24 th Nov ., Bro . J . Terry P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts wiirrchearso tho ceremonies of Consecration nnd Installation at this Lodge , which on this occasion will bo opened at eight punctually , brethren to appear in Masonic clothing .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —At a meeting of the above Lodge on Monday , the 14 th inst ., Bro . G . Ferrar W . M ., Harthan S . W ., GYosbio J . YV ., aud over thirty members , amongst whom were a great many P . M . 's . Tho Lodgo was opened iu duo form , aud the minutes of tho previous meeting woro read and confirmed . Lodge was advanced , when Bro . Pearcy offered himself as
a candidate for raising , and having answered the usual questions was entrusted . Lodge having been advanced , the cerem my of raising was ably rehearsed by Bro . Ferrar . Lodge was closed in each degree . The votes of the members were taken for Bro . Marks , of tho Caxton * and Bro . Strugnoll , of the Farringdon , who were unanimously elected members . Bro . Harthan was appointed to occupy the chair for the
ensuing week . Bro . Secretary proposed , and Bro . Pearcy seconded , that Bro . Osborn W . M . of the Sir Hugh Myddelton , be invited to rehearse tbe ceremony of installation on the last Monday of this month . Bro . Osborn expressed himself as ready to accede to the request , and thanked the brethren for the privilege . Lodge was then colsed in perfect harmony , and adjourned until Monday , 21 st Nov ., afc 8 . 30 .
Sir Thomas Brassey , Jrv . O . B ., M . P ., one of the Lords of the Admiralty , will be admitted a member of the Court of Assistants , and will subsequently take part at tbe Livery
dinner of the Shipwrights Company , on Friday , tbe 2 nd December . The dinner will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
The Marquis of Hartington will visit Nelson , East Lancashire , on Saturday , 3 rd December . In the afternoon he will open a Liberal Club at Brierfield , and in the evening will address a large meeting in the Albert Hall .
The recent visit to Canada of Sir Knight A . Sfcaveley Hill , Q . C , M . P ., Grand Chancellor of the Grand Priory of England , afforded His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of the Templar Order in England , the
opportunity of transmitting a letter to Sir Knight Colonel W . J . B . Macleod-Moore , Great Prior of the Dominion of Canada , in which His Royal Highness offered his fraternal greetings to Knights Templars and the Masonic body
generally of Canada . A special meeting of the Richard Coeur de Lion Preceptory was called for the purpose of receiving Sir Knighfc Hill , and due honour was done to the letter of the Prince .
Viscount Ebrington , Prov . Grand Master Devonshire , has been returned by a large majority as Member of Parliament for Tiverton , in place of the Right Hon . W . N " . Massey , deceased .
We regret to announce the death , on Saturday last , of his Lordship ' s youngest sister , the Lady Florence Fortescue , aged seventeen years . Rro . Alderman Smith has been succeeded in theMayoralty
of Brighton By Alderman W . H . Hallett . A vote of thanks to Bro . Smith for his valuable services was unanimously passed by the Town Council , and it was agreed that the said vote should be engrossed on vellum and presented to his Worship .
t LAMPLOTJGH'S PYRETIC SALINE . An Eft ' crvcsciug aud Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Vitalising , aud Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or BILIOUS SICKNESS , INDIGESTION , CONSTIPATION , I , ASSiTUDi" , HKAHTnuu * f , FEVERISH C OLDS , anil prevents and quickly relievos or cures tho worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLK , and other . FEVERS , 1 ' HICKI . I- UEAT , SMAIL-POX , MEASLES , ERUPTIVJB or Siatr Con-PLAINTS , and various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . T > U MORGAN— "It furnishes tlio blood don ) , writes ; — I have Rrcat pleasure iu witii its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to its cnicacy . in the treatment of many of the ordinary und DR . TURL , UY . — "I found It act as a sne- chronic forms of Gastric Complaints , and itio , in mv experience and family . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst form of Scarlet Fever , XO other modi- _ .. _ .. „ „ , .. . ., cine bciiitf l-etiuli-ocl . " t J 'f - } V . UOWS ^ G .- * I used it in Hie J ' treatmentof forty two cases of Yellow Fever DR . SI'AUKS ( Goveru'iiont Medical In- and lam happy to state I never lost n single spcetor of Knv :, " ; ints from the Tort of Lou- : case . " A systematic course proven' ¦ awl cures obstinate Cosfcivcness . Notice my Nomo and Trade Murk . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 3 / , 5 / , 11 / 6 , nnd 22 / each . E \ LAMPLOUGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . G .