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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SSMHBR , ELECTRO PMTC & OffTXiHRTi HENRY YOUENS , PRACTICAL SILVERSMITH , & C . From the CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION , 371 BRIXTON" ROAD ( ADJOINING LONDON & COUNTY BANK ) , Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Rings , Hall Marked 6 6 per dwt , 0 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 12 / 6 each Silver Tea Spoons , 64 / per doz . „ Fruit Knives , for Pocket , 2 / 4 each Electro Plated Table Forks and Spoons „ 20 / per doz . ,, ,, Dessert „ 14 6 „ ,, ,, Tea Spoons 7 / ,, Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket Knives , Bazors , & c . all the best Sheffield Manufacture N . B .-TO ENSURE DESPATCH , ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE .
SODA WATER MACHINERY AND APPURTENANCES TO THE TRADE . ^ l ' ni . t Juices , KcsuntL' -i , llxtnu'U ' , Syrups , Liuiu . iiiicu Cordial , Ice Cream 1 J ) Vcez ( . * rd , leu Sales , ( Jinn Extinct lor producing Foam , and every ^ e >^ r " "" 1 requisite conuccicd with the Trade . \ a ^ «* 4 I ' ure and Sparkling Lemonade , Giujjcr Alo , Limeade , Champagne Cup , <^ T ^ <^ L Aerated Apple Juico , Soda Water , Seltzer , Potass , Vichy , & c , & c . ^ "N ta rr ^^^^ Stx ^ N H p \ ^* = ^* ' ^ ajsss *} k j | i ? 5 gj f )) frte ^_ s * a | te ??" , i ! j ' il f ^ a = ss ^ ^ ^*** = ^ UajaJ h-H \ 31 SJ / \ j 5 y pv * 5 > ALSO GOLD MEDAL . (/) ^ 4 CATALOGUES POST FREli . Messrs . DOWS , CLARK , & Co ., 46 & 47 , Frith Street , London .
J . FORTESCUE , JI'r T v-.: " .:- JU . A . T MANUFACTURER , ^ emeeaa *^ !^ V 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SHOE LANE , gjSSBl : \ i ¦'¦!'¦' ... •' . ' ( One door from Fleet Street ) S ^ ES jS & glRsij f & h"" ¦' - 6 EXMOUTH STREET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . ^ fe ^^ Plll i' ^ Yv 1 215 SEVEN SISTERS' ROAD , N . < # « - # IS ^ Ifev > -: i \ i } And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , Hackney gSii | S ^^ W ^^ Ti £ '• ' - &* Gent 8 ' SilkHatsfrom 6 / 6 each . Second bast 6 / 0 7 / 6 8 / 0 ^^ Sjg ^" ^ ^^ k , f ,: ' - ' Superfine quality , 10 / 012 / fl . S : 16 / . The ? erj besfcmade 21 / . ¦ '• V . E .. ¦ : ¦ j , j £ atSj ijar ( i anc | sof ^ in nn th newest shapes , from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in . Tone and TcmoTi . Elegant 'Wa . lru . Tfc Cases . Every Instrument -warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIEDBefore deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Prico List and Testimonials to G . LIIWTIUD , Manager . C 0 BDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . O-IRO YSB ¥ " GBOYBB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , HHSS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . | ftmafl g | PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , t y ^^~ SlZ ' . T \ FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . L $ jj £ I g | TJ , Advsuit-igcB of » Trial , with the Convenience of the ^ flaJ —i— I 0 Throe Vciirn' Systom at Cualt Price , hy I'ayiufy about a < tuai' ( er ¦ gfc sLidj- u . _ gj- 1 / of the value down , the Balance by JEasy Payiucuts , from <¦> , ^ j ^ f ^ , ;•* J . » H i > e «* quarter . GROVER & GROVER fate AYILL & SMART ) , TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . JE . VJTAII ' L . INJIJ- ' J- IN : SO .
R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANGER , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . E Minutes sent free on application . CllA . aGKSiIODBRA . TE .
! NEXT OP KIN— 1881 EDITION . A DESCKIPTIVE INDEX ( of 25 , 000 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin . Chancery Heirs , . Legatees , Ac . from . 1700 , 2 s Gd , by Postal Order . Address W . CULLMKR , 17 Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane , Lonaon .
A CCTDBNT INSURANCE COMPANY Ix . Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnry , B . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIRKBECK BAN K . — Southampton liuiMings , Chancery Lane . Current Accounts opened according tii tho usual pnetice of other Bankers , and Interest allowed ou tho minimum monthly balances when uot drawn below £ 25 . No commission charged for keeping ! Accounts . Tho Hank also receives money ou Deposit at three [ ior cent . Interest , repayable on demand . The Bank undertakes for its Customer : * , free of charge , the custody of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities aud Valuables , the collection of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons ; and the purchase and sale of Stocks and Shares . Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . 3 lst March 1880 .
The Birkbeck Buildinar Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Pour Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with immediate Possession and no Rent to pay . Apply at tho Office of the BIRKIIECK BBUDIN ' O SOCIBT ? . HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH , with immediate possession , either for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at the Office of the BIKKBKCK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
THE WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLERKS * PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY , Offices—2 Church Passage , Gresham Street , E . C . Established for the purpose of making advances on Freehold ancl Leasehold Property , or on any other Good Securities . No Premium , Bonus , Fees , or extra payments of any kind . All classes aro eligible to become borrowers . Write for Prospectus . ARTHUR RUMBELOW , Manager .
HOTELS , ETC . riARLISiE—Bush Hotel . VV SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor "BALING—Feathers Hotel EASTBOURNE—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , Good Stabling . J . J . FILMER Proprietor LONDON . GREEN DRAGON—Spring Garden-place , Stepney Wines and Spirits of the best quality . Billiardst Banquets provided for largo or small parties . Yarborough 1 . & C . 554 , and Temple Mark L . 173 held here . Lodge of Instruc . ( 554 ) meets every Tuesday at 8 . A . WALTER Proprietor
MOORGATE TAVERN . 15 FiySBUBT PAVKltaUT , E . C . Banquets provided for large or small parties . St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1306 . Friara Lolge , No . 1319 . Roso of Sharon Senate K . H . No . 8 . Hold their regnlar meetings here . The following Lodges of Instruction Metropolitan , No . 1507 . Islington , No . 1471 Prince Leopold , No . 1445 . St . Michael ' s , No . 211 . Also hold their meetings here . H . KINGSTON , Proprietor .
PORTUGAL HOTEL . —Fleet-street , E . C . Wines and Spirits of tbe best quality . Banquets provided for large or small parties . Special accommodation for Lodge and other meetings . For terms apply to tho Manager , Mr . J . G . Shaw . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1056 , meets here . A . YATES , Proprietor .
1 f \ (\ f \(\ PICTURES . - GREAT 1 \ J 5 V U \ J BARGAINS . 1 A AAA PICTURES . — ALL 11 / , V V V QUITE NEW . 1 A AAA PICTURES . — THE 1 U , \ J \ J V No . 4 GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINGS ; Pair by Turner , Pair by Landseer , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkie , pair by Hunt ; sufficient to furnish two large rooms . G . R . having purchased a very large stock at a great sacrifice will give the public the benefit . GEO . REES , 41 , 42 , 43 , Russell-st ., Covent Garden ; ( Opposite Drury Lane Theatre . ! ,
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 5 ? . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY FHOM THK CHKSS Boiita , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedj-, Vice-President of the British Chess Association . Losno . 1 : W . "VV . MOBQAJT , 23 GBSAT Qusajf STBHBT
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SSMHBR , ELECTRO PMTC & OffTXiHRTi HENRY YOUENS , PRACTICAL SILVERSMITH , & C . From the CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION , 371 BRIXTON" ROAD ( ADJOINING LONDON & COUNTY BANK ) , Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Rings , Hall Marked 6 6 per dwt , 0 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 12 / 6 each Silver Tea Spoons , 64 / per doz . „ Fruit Knives , for Pocket , 2 / 4 each Electro Plated Table Forks and Spoons „ 20 / per doz . ,, ,, Dessert „ 14 6 „ ,, ,, Tea Spoons 7 / ,, Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket Knives , Bazors , & c . all the best Sheffield Manufacture N . B .-TO ENSURE DESPATCH , ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE .
SODA WATER MACHINERY AND APPURTENANCES TO THE TRADE . ^ l ' ni . t Juices , KcsuntL' -i , llxtnu'U ' , Syrups , Liuiu . iiiicu Cordial , Ice Cream 1 J ) Vcez ( . * rd , leu Sales , ( Jinn Extinct lor producing Foam , and every ^ e >^ r " "" 1 requisite conuccicd with the Trade . \ a ^ «* 4 I ' ure and Sparkling Lemonade , Giujjcr Alo , Limeade , Champagne Cup , <^ T ^ <^ L Aerated Apple Juico , Soda Water , Seltzer , Potass , Vichy , & c , & c . ^ "N ta rr ^^^^ Stx ^ N H p \ ^* = ^* ' ^ ajsss *} k j | i ? 5 gj f )) frte ^_ s * a | te ??" , i ! j ' il f ^ a = ss ^ ^ ^*** = ^ UajaJ h-H \ 31 SJ / \ j 5 y pv * 5 > ALSO GOLD MEDAL . (/) ^ 4 CATALOGUES POST FREli . Messrs . DOWS , CLARK , & Co ., 46 & 47 , Frith Street , London .
J . FORTESCUE , JI'r T v-.: " .:- JU . A . T MANUFACTURER , ^ emeeaa *^ !^ V 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SHOE LANE , gjSSBl : \ i ¦'¦!'¦' ... •' . ' ( One door from Fleet Street ) S ^ ES jS & glRsij f & h"" ¦' - 6 EXMOUTH STREET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . ^ fe ^^ Plll i' ^ Yv 1 215 SEVEN SISTERS' ROAD , N . < # « - # IS ^ Ifev > -: i \ i } And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , Hackney gSii | S ^^ W ^^ Ti £ '• ' - &* Gent 8 ' SilkHatsfrom 6 / 6 each . Second bast 6 / 0 7 / 6 8 / 0 ^^ Sjg ^" ^ ^^ k , f ,: ' - ' Superfine quality , 10 / 012 / fl . S : 16 / . The ? erj besfcmade 21 / . ¦ '• V . E .. ¦ : ¦ j , j £ atSj ijar ( i anc | sof ^ in nn th newest shapes , from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in . Tone and TcmoTi . Elegant 'Wa . lru . Tfc Cases . Every Instrument -warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIEDBefore deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Prico List and Testimonials to G . LIIWTIUD , Manager . C 0 BDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . O-IRO YSB ¥ " GBOYBB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , HHSS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . | ftmafl g | PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , t y ^^~ SlZ ' . T \ FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . L $ jj £ I g | TJ , Advsuit-igcB of » Trial , with the Convenience of the ^ flaJ —i— I 0 Throe Vciirn' Systom at Cualt Price , hy I'ayiufy about a < tuai' ( er ¦ gfc sLidj- u . _ gj- 1 / of the value down , the Balance by JEasy Payiucuts , from <¦> , ^ j ^ f ^ , ;•* J . » H i > e «* quarter . GROVER & GROVER fate AYILL & SMART ) , TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . JE . VJTAII ' L . INJIJ- ' J- IN : SO .
R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANGER , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . E Minutes sent free on application . CllA . aGKSiIODBRA . TE .
! NEXT OP KIN— 1881 EDITION . A DESCKIPTIVE INDEX ( of 25 , 000 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin . Chancery Heirs , . Legatees , Ac . from . 1700 , 2 s Gd , by Postal Order . Address W . CULLMKR , 17 Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane , Lonaon .
A CCTDBNT INSURANCE COMPANY Ix . Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnry , B . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIRKBECK BAN K . — Southampton liuiMings , Chancery Lane . Current Accounts opened according tii tho usual pnetice of other Bankers , and Interest allowed ou tho minimum monthly balances when uot drawn below £ 25 . No commission charged for keeping ! Accounts . Tho Hank also receives money ou Deposit at three [ ior cent . Interest , repayable on demand . The Bank undertakes for its Customer : * , free of charge , the custody of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities aud Valuables , the collection of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons ; and the purchase and sale of Stocks and Shares . Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . 3 lst March 1880 .
The Birkbeck Buildinar Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Pour Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with immediate Possession and no Rent to pay . Apply at tho Office of the BIRKIIECK BBUDIN ' O SOCIBT ? . HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH , with immediate possession , either for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at the Office of the BIKKBKCK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
THE WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLERKS * PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY , Offices—2 Church Passage , Gresham Street , E . C . Established for the purpose of making advances on Freehold ancl Leasehold Property , or on any other Good Securities . No Premium , Bonus , Fees , or extra payments of any kind . All classes aro eligible to become borrowers . Write for Prospectus . ARTHUR RUMBELOW , Manager .
HOTELS , ETC . riARLISiE—Bush Hotel . VV SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor "BALING—Feathers Hotel EASTBOURNE—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , Good Stabling . J . J . FILMER Proprietor LONDON . GREEN DRAGON—Spring Garden-place , Stepney Wines and Spirits of the best quality . Billiardst Banquets provided for largo or small parties . Yarborough 1 . & C . 554 , and Temple Mark L . 173 held here . Lodge of Instruc . ( 554 ) meets every Tuesday at 8 . A . WALTER Proprietor
MOORGATE TAVERN . 15 FiySBUBT PAVKltaUT , E . C . Banquets provided for large or small parties . St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1306 . Friara Lolge , No . 1319 . Roso of Sharon Senate K . H . No . 8 . Hold their regnlar meetings here . The following Lodges of Instruction Metropolitan , No . 1507 . Islington , No . 1471 Prince Leopold , No . 1445 . St . Michael ' s , No . 211 . Also hold their meetings here . H . KINGSTON , Proprietor .
PORTUGAL HOTEL . —Fleet-street , E . C . Wines and Spirits of tbe best quality . Banquets provided for large or small parties . Special accommodation for Lodge and other meetings . For terms apply to tho Manager , Mr . J . G . Shaw . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1056 , meets here . A . YATES , Proprietor .
1 f \ (\ f \(\ PICTURES . - GREAT 1 \ J 5 V U \ J BARGAINS . 1 A AAA PICTURES . — ALL 11 / , V V V QUITE NEW . 1 A AAA PICTURES . — THE 1 U , \ J \ J V No . 4 GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINGS ; Pair by Turner , Pair by Landseer , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkie , pair by Hunt ; sufficient to furnish two large rooms . G . R . having purchased a very large stock at a great sacrifice will give the public the benefit . GEO . REES , 41 , 42 , 43 , Russell-st ., Covent Garden ; ( Opposite Drury Lane Theatre . ! ,
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 5 ? . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY FHOM THK CHKSS Boiita , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedj-, Vice-President of the British Chess Association . Losno . 1 : W . "VV . MOBQAJT , 23 GBSAT Qusajf STBHBT