Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Occasional Papers.—No. Iii.
if , as many are disposed to affirm , ho ever was made a Freemason at all . Preston says that during the rebuilding of St . Paul ' s Cathedral , Wren regularly attended tho old Lodge of St . Paul ' s , now Antiquity , No . 2 . Be this as it may , there is no donbt tho civil commotions which
prevailed in England daring the latter years of tho seventeenth century had the effect of arresting the progress of tho Society . Tho Lodges wero inconsiderable in point of numbers and membership , Preston affirming that , at the Revolution , out of seven regular Lodges which met in
London and its suburbs , two only were worthy of notice , namely , the old Lodge of St . Paul ' s , already mentioned , and a Lodge at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , Southwark . During the following reign—that of Anne—Masonry made no great progress . So few , indeed , Avere the members of
the Lodges then existing , that it was resolved " that the privileges of Masonry should no longer bo restricted to operative Masons , but extended to men of various professions , provided they were regularly approved and initiated into the Order . " This is quoted from the " Book of
Constitutions , published in 1738 , but nothing is said about fche year in which the resolution was passed , Moreover , as we have already seen , non-Speculative members had already been elected . At all events , the few authorities to
which I have had access all agree that , after this , the Society revived , and when the Hanoverian dynasty ascended the throne , on the death of Queen Anne , but three years passed ere the present Grand Lodge of England was constitnted *
[* The lecture included the circumstances of the establishment of the Grand Lodge in London , but the story has been so often told that , having regard to the space at our disposal , we have omitted the account . —ED . F . O . ]
Freemasonry In The United States.
THE Grand Lodge of Missouri held its annual meeting in St . Louis , on 11 th October and two following days . Most Worshipful Brother W . R . Stubblefield Grand Master presided , and there were present twelve Past Grand Masters and some five hundred brethren . The Grand Master , in a
brief address , described the events of the year , but the most gratifying feature of the meeting was the consideration and adoption of a plan by which , if the Grand Lodge of New Mexico accede to it , an end will be put to the difference existing between the two Grand Lodges on the subject
of jurisdiction re the Silver City Lodge , No . 465 , on the roll of Missouri , but situate within the Masonic jurisdiction of New Mexico . The plan is simplicity itself , Silver City Lodge being requested to join the Grand Lodge of New Mexico , and the latter being invited to remove the interdict
against Silver City Lodge . The following are the principal Grand Officers for the current year : —Bros . Dr . A . M . Dockery Grand Master , Rev . C . C . Woods Deputy Grand Master , Lee A . Hall Senior Grand Warden , " R . F . Stevenson Junior Grand Warden , John W . Luke Grand
Treasurer , Rev . John D . Vincil , of St . Louis , Grand Secretary . It has been resolved to erect in the city of Washington , U . S . A ., a Garfield Masonic Memorial Institute , where the Orphan children of Master Masons of the United States shall be maintained and educated .
The annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Illinois was held at Chicago on the 4-7 th ult ., under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . W . H . Scofcfc Grand Master , the attendance of Grand Officers and representatives of
Lodges being large . A thousand dollars were voted towards the relief of brethren who have suffered by the recent forest fires in Michigan . Recognition was refused to the so called Grand Lodges of Colon and Cuba and
New South Wales . M . W . Bro . William H . Scott , of Salem , was re-elected Grand Master , R . W . Wiley M . Egan , of Chicago , Grand Treasurer , and Bro . Loyal L . Munn , of Freeport , elected Grand Secretary .
Sir Knight Simeon V . McDowell , of Rochester , has been elected Right Eminent Grand Commander of Knights Templar of New York , and Sir Robert Macoy , of New York City , re-elected Grand Recorder .
R . W . Bro . Robert A . Quillian , of Walsenberg , has been elected Grand Master of Masons of Colorado , and R . W ; Ed . 0 . Parmelee , of Georgetown , re-elected Grand Secre-
Freemasonry In The United States.
tary . In the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons Companion Roger W . Woodbury , of Denver , has been elected Grand High Priest , and Companion Ed . C . Parmelee , of Georgetown , re-elected Grand Secretary . In tho Grand
Commandery of Knights Templar Sir Knight Michael Spangler , of Denver , has been elected Grand Commander , and Sir Knight Ed . C . Parmelee , of Georgetown , re-elected Grand Recorder .
The following are the Officers of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters , & c , of the Dominion of Canada for the current year , namely : —Comps . Joshua G . Burns Grand Master , Hugh A . Mackay Deputy Grand Master , J . Ross Robertson Grand Principal C . of Works , David
McLellan Grand Treasurer , Daniel Spiy Grand Recorder , H . K . Maitland Grand Captain of Guards , L . H . Henderson Grand Lecturer , Rev . Albert Anthony Grand Chaplain , D . B . Murray Grand Master of Ceremonies , John Dickson
Grand Conductor , W . H . Rooks Grand Organist , S . M . Davies , A . G . Harvey , J . F . Kennedy , James Jardine , P . J . Slafcter , John Scoon Stewards , James B . Nixon , R . Brierly , C . B . MacDonnell , H . A . Baxter Members of the Executive Committee , J . K . Brydon Grand Sentinel .
As announced in our advertisement columns , the Prov . Grand Lodge of Sussex will hold a meeting on Monday , 12 fch December , in the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , under the presidency of Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart-, M . P ., for the
especial purpose of welcoming all brethren of fche standing of Master Masons who attend the Health Congress , which will meet on Tuesday and following days in the same
building . Full particulars , as well as tickets , which include admission to the opening of the Domestic and Scientific Exhibition , to be had of Bro . V . P . Freeman , P . G . Secretary , Brighton .
The Great Western Railway Musical Society , of which Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., Provincial Grand Master Berks and Bucks , is President , will hold its thirty-first Annual Concert on Friday , 2 nd December , afc the Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill .
Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master Warwickshire , has undertaken to represent his Province as Steward afc the Festival , in May next , of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Lord De Tabley , Provincial Grand Master Cheshire , who completed his seventieth year on Thursday , the 10 th instant , has been presented by the brethren of his Province
with his portrait painted by Mr . Frank Hall , the wellknown artist , who has been most successful in portraying his Lordship .
As will be seen elsewhere in our advertisement columns , at the Half-yearly Communication of the Mark Grand Lodge , to be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on
Tuesday , 6 th December , H . R . H . Prince Leopold , Duke of Albany , K . G ., will be installed as M . W . Past G . Master of Mark Grand Lodge for England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown .
According to the Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar for 1882 , there are now no less that 291 Lodges on roll of the Mark Grand Lodge of England and Wales , & c , & c . In the
same Calendar for 1881 there were 268 , so that in tho pasfc twelve months there have been twenty-three new Lodges added .
Sir T . Brassey , M . P ., K . C . B ., distributed the prizes to the Royal Naval Volunteers , on board H . M . S . Dsadalus , afc Bristol , on Saturday last .
The Very Rev . the Dean of York , Grand Chaplain , will preach to-morrow ( Sunday ) at the Royal Savoy Chapel in the morning , and at St . Paul's Cathedral in the
evening . The Prince and Princess of Wales gave a grand ball at Sandringham on Friday last .
HOILOWAT ' PIILS . —The blood being the very essence of health and lifo it is most essential that it should bo throughly purified before the depressing influences of winter display themselves . These Pills trill accomplish this purification in a safe and satisfactory manner , and put the circulation in that desirable condition , which nlone can rightly form flesh , b „ ne , muscle , nerve , and skin . Capricious appetites , weak digestions , torpid livers , and irregular bowels , fire corrected hy this potent medicine , which may be truly said to induce " a sane mind in » sound body . " Holloway ' s Pills possess the remarkable property of cleansing without weakening . While purifying they aro strengthening and adding to thoso enjoyments of life which health ancl vigour eta alone bestow .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Occasional Papers.—No. Iii.
if , as many are disposed to affirm , ho ever was made a Freemason at all . Preston says that during the rebuilding of St . Paul ' s Cathedral , Wren regularly attended tho old Lodge of St . Paul ' s , now Antiquity , No . 2 . Be this as it may , there is no donbt tho civil commotions which
prevailed in England daring the latter years of tho seventeenth century had the effect of arresting the progress of tho Society . Tho Lodges wero inconsiderable in point of numbers and membership , Preston affirming that , at the Revolution , out of seven regular Lodges which met in
London and its suburbs , two only were worthy of notice , namely , the old Lodge of St . Paul ' s , already mentioned , and a Lodge at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , Southwark . During the following reign—that of Anne—Masonry made no great progress . So few , indeed , Avere the members of
the Lodges then existing , that it was resolved " that the privileges of Masonry should no longer bo restricted to operative Masons , but extended to men of various professions , provided they were regularly approved and initiated into the Order . " This is quoted from the " Book of
Constitutions , published in 1738 , but nothing is said about fche year in which the resolution was passed , Moreover , as we have already seen , non-Speculative members had already been elected . At all events , the few authorities to
which I have had access all agree that , after this , the Society revived , and when the Hanoverian dynasty ascended the throne , on the death of Queen Anne , but three years passed ere the present Grand Lodge of England was constitnted *
[* The lecture included the circumstances of the establishment of the Grand Lodge in London , but the story has been so often told that , having regard to the space at our disposal , we have omitted the account . —ED . F . O . ]
Freemasonry In The United States.
THE Grand Lodge of Missouri held its annual meeting in St . Louis , on 11 th October and two following days . Most Worshipful Brother W . R . Stubblefield Grand Master presided , and there were present twelve Past Grand Masters and some five hundred brethren . The Grand Master , in a
brief address , described the events of the year , but the most gratifying feature of the meeting was the consideration and adoption of a plan by which , if the Grand Lodge of New Mexico accede to it , an end will be put to the difference existing between the two Grand Lodges on the subject
of jurisdiction re the Silver City Lodge , No . 465 , on the roll of Missouri , but situate within the Masonic jurisdiction of New Mexico . The plan is simplicity itself , Silver City Lodge being requested to join the Grand Lodge of New Mexico , and the latter being invited to remove the interdict
against Silver City Lodge . The following are the principal Grand Officers for the current year : —Bros . Dr . A . M . Dockery Grand Master , Rev . C . C . Woods Deputy Grand Master , Lee A . Hall Senior Grand Warden , " R . F . Stevenson Junior Grand Warden , John W . Luke Grand
Treasurer , Rev . John D . Vincil , of St . Louis , Grand Secretary . It has been resolved to erect in the city of Washington , U . S . A ., a Garfield Masonic Memorial Institute , where the Orphan children of Master Masons of the United States shall be maintained and educated .
The annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Illinois was held at Chicago on the 4-7 th ult ., under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . W . H . Scofcfc Grand Master , the attendance of Grand Officers and representatives of
Lodges being large . A thousand dollars were voted towards the relief of brethren who have suffered by the recent forest fires in Michigan . Recognition was refused to the so called Grand Lodges of Colon and Cuba and
New South Wales . M . W . Bro . William H . Scott , of Salem , was re-elected Grand Master , R . W . Wiley M . Egan , of Chicago , Grand Treasurer , and Bro . Loyal L . Munn , of Freeport , elected Grand Secretary .
Sir Knight Simeon V . McDowell , of Rochester , has been elected Right Eminent Grand Commander of Knights Templar of New York , and Sir Robert Macoy , of New York City , re-elected Grand Recorder .
R . W . Bro . Robert A . Quillian , of Walsenberg , has been elected Grand Master of Masons of Colorado , and R . W ; Ed . 0 . Parmelee , of Georgetown , re-elected Grand Secre-
Freemasonry In The United States.
tary . In the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons Companion Roger W . Woodbury , of Denver , has been elected Grand High Priest , and Companion Ed . C . Parmelee , of Georgetown , re-elected Grand Secretary . In tho Grand
Commandery of Knights Templar Sir Knight Michael Spangler , of Denver , has been elected Grand Commander , and Sir Knight Ed . C . Parmelee , of Georgetown , re-elected Grand Recorder .
The following are the Officers of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters , & c , of the Dominion of Canada for the current year , namely : —Comps . Joshua G . Burns Grand Master , Hugh A . Mackay Deputy Grand Master , J . Ross Robertson Grand Principal C . of Works , David
McLellan Grand Treasurer , Daniel Spiy Grand Recorder , H . K . Maitland Grand Captain of Guards , L . H . Henderson Grand Lecturer , Rev . Albert Anthony Grand Chaplain , D . B . Murray Grand Master of Ceremonies , John Dickson
Grand Conductor , W . H . Rooks Grand Organist , S . M . Davies , A . G . Harvey , J . F . Kennedy , James Jardine , P . J . Slafcter , John Scoon Stewards , James B . Nixon , R . Brierly , C . B . MacDonnell , H . A . Baxter Members of the Executive Committee , J . K . Brydon Grand Sentinel .
As announced in our advertisement columns , the Prov . Grand Lodge of Sussex will hold a meeting on Monday , 12 fch December , in the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , under the presidency of Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart-, M . P ., for the
especial purpose of welcoming all brethren of fche standing of Master Masons who attend the Health Congress , which will meet on Tuesday and following days in the same
building . Full particulars , as well as tickets , which include admission to the opening of the Domestic and Scientific Exhibition , to be had of Bro . V . P . Freeman , P . G . Secretary , Brighton .
The Great Western Railway Musical Society , of which Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., Provincial Grand Master Berks and Bucks , is President , will hold its thirty-first Annual Concert on Friday , 2 nd December , afc the Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill .
Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master Warwickshire , has undertaken to represent his Province as Steward afc the Festival , in May next , of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Lord De Tabley , Provincial Grand Master Cheshire , who completed his seventieth year on Thursday , the 10 th instant , has been presented by the brethren of his Province
with his portrait painted by Mr . Frank Hall , the wellknown artist , who has been most successful in portraying his Lordship .
As will be seen elsewhere in our advertisement columns , at the Half-yearly Communication of the Mark Grand Lodge , to be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on
Tuesday , 6 th December , H . R . H . Prince Leopold , Duke of Albany , K . G ., will be installed as M . W . Past G . Master of Mark Grand Lodge for England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown .
According to the Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar for 1882 , there are now no less that 291 Lodges on roll of the Mark Grand Lodge of England and Wales , & c , & c . In the
same Calendar for 1881 there were 268 , so that in tho pasfc twelve months there have been twenty-three new Lodges added .
Sir T . Brassey , M . P ., K . C . B ., distributed the prizes to the Royal Naval Volunteers , on board H . M . S . Dsadalus , afc Bristol , on Saturday last .
The Very Rev . the Dean of York , Grand Chaplain , will preach to-morrow ( Sunday ) at the Royal Savoy Chapel in the morning , and at St . Paul's Cathedral in the
evening . The Prince and Princess of Wales gave a grand ball at Sandringham on Friday last .
HOILOWAT ' PIILS . —The blood being the very essence of health and lifo it is most essential that it should bo throughly purified before the depressing influences of winter display themselves . These Pills trill accomplish this purification in a safe and satisfactory manner , and put the circulation in that desirable condition , which nlone can rightly form flesh , b „ ne , muscle , nerve , and skin . Capricious appetites , weak digestions , torpid livers , and irregular bowels , fire corrected hy this potent medicine , which may be truly said to induce " a sane mind in » sound body . " Holloway ' s Pills possess the remarkable property of cleansing without weakening . While purifying they aro strengthening and adding to thoso enjoyments of life which health ancl vigour eta alone bestow .