Article MESSRS. PAUL AND BURROW'S MINERAL WATERS ESTABLISHMENT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article A PASSING FUNERAL. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FIFTEEN SECTION Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Messrs. Paul And Burrow's Mineral Waters Establishment.
ing them . Suffice it , that at tho time of our visiting the establishment , some lemonade was iu course of preparation . Tho machine was working at au indicated pressure of 100—in tho manufacture of sodas it ranges as high as 120—aud could wo havo spared tho time wo might perhaps havo been able to pour out a health y libation of this sparkling and refreshing beverage in honour of the ( inn .
We contented ourselves , however , with noting the various stages of the process , obseiviug hero how tho water was being prepared , and there the vessels in which tho different ingredients wero compounded . In another department wo saw tho mixture being bottled . Elsewhere a group of hands were busily engaged in corking the bottles , aud again in some other part of the premises tho work of
making the bottles , or rather corks , secure by wiving them was going on . Everywhere the greatest zeal was noticeable , and everywhere , as wc have already observed , the snma precision and care in the carrying out of tbe details . The next time , and every timo afterwards , wc indulge in a lemonade or sod i , pure and simple , or compounded with sherry
or some other equally laminar alcoholic drink , tho pleasant memories associated with our brief inspection of Messrs . Paul and Burrows ' s establishment will be most agreeably revived . Wo shall mentally , if not verbally , wish thorn a continuance of that success which has marked the progress of the firm from its first establishment in 1802 , by M . Nicholas Paul , clown to this voar of grace 1881 .
A Passing Funeral.
SLOW moves tho mournful throng ; The muffled bell Sends forth its solemn knoll ; Aud thro' the aisles now fall , now swell , Tho weeping cadents of tho fun ' ral son " .
All sound is hnsh'd , save pray ' r : A boding gloom , That chills the heart , doth loom O ' er all things , palling as the tomb , And awes the soul with its weird presence there .
A woman in tho crowd : With gaze intent Upon the cortege bent ; Her breast with hopeless grief is pent , Ancl in her wild despair sho tpeaks aloud :
" Oh , glorious sight;—oh , grandest sight ; Stay , let mo feast mine eyes upon thee well . Death !—how I hunger for thee day and night . Alan!—how I envy thee thy heaven—or hell . Ay , hell were bettor far than wretched
lifo—Than this , my cursed , miserable lot : Oh , how I envy thee thy peace from strife—Thy sleep in which all troubles are forgot .
Oh , that I did now in thee , coffin , rest , And ye , oh hearers , bore me to my grave ; Ah , happy me , if I could but be blest With peaceful death , the one boon which I crave .
See , seo , for that poor mortal clay that's gono They shed hot tears , and wring thoir hands , and sigh : No mourning tear will ever fall upon My cold and lonely grave when I shall die . Yet , wherefore sorrow for me were I dead ?
Aly death should cause a wild , exultant glee ; None should bewail them that my life be tied , But bless the happy day that saw me free .
No , no ; at my release ye must uot grieve'Twere not a time for morbid , tearful gloom ; Ye should feel glad when this harsh world I leave , And feast—and sing —aud dance upon iny tomb !"
Oh , men of hearts sincere . Oh , women good ; — Ye who life ' s test have stood—¦ She lived—no fiction of an idle mood ; Her life a waste , with none to love her near .
This fair , wide world contains A many such , Who suffer , oh ! how much ;—Who need a friendly hand ' s kind touch To ease them just a little midst their pains .
Oh , yo WHO ever meet , Alid life ' s hot fuss , Poor hearts thafc suffer thus , Oh , think of all tbe good that blesses us , And strive to make their lives more bit ;; l and aweei . I ' . J ' aMAV CUOIlKI * ..
. Bvo . jiulkoloy Hughes , M . P ., Deput y Provincial ( Jrand MiiKlri * Nov 111 'Wales and Salop , who i . s in tin * 81 ; , L year of Ins age , and has been latterly in a somewhat indillx-reut state of health , ia rrnorted n . s bH-itr much bettor .
Tho Mavqrns of Loid ' o-: fc-y , Pi-vino :-.. ! Grnnd M-u . ' cv of "Durham , who for ouiiio tmio ; K .,- ;•; . has bee a -. d , ip |) V y i > . i < . r sea-Lortio coals' dimifc from hiri coiherie- '; roiaii , ims I ' -anni
the scheme ; so anoccfisfiil ihnt hi . ; riTonk ; havo bra ; ohoip ' .-vi •¦• iuo *•¦• : * ao ii * -:: im-uh ¦ : ¦ .. ' !•••¦> = ¦! . * . f : rv \ ; at , urofLh ; -ii .-to-izae ™ , in , Ki-, ¦ - , ¦ . : *; co- Vr . :-, !!;¦¦ :: v . . ' u , d ^ - , ^ -1 , r M the paiblio .
Royal Arch.
Chapter , of Elias Ashmole , No . 148 , Warrington . — The regular bi-monthly meeting ol tin ' s Chapter was held on Monday evening last , at the , rooms in Sankey-street . The Principals Comps . James Jackson , W . H . h ' obinson , and J . ilynior Young , occupied the chairs of their respective ofliccs , and were supported by Comps , John Howes P . Z . Provincial Oram ! Treasurer , D . W . Finney P . Z
P . P . G . P . S ., P . J . Edelstcn P . Z . Af . K . Z . 1 _ ' 50 , Hriorloy P . Z ., J . Paul Rylands , F . S . A ., S . K ., Charles Skinner P . S ., John Harding and W . Robinson Assistant Sojourners , W . Barlow , Dr . Young , Robert Heaton , Kdwarcl Oreeuall , and others . Tho Chapter having been opened , thn Comps . generally wero admitted , and tho minutes read and confirmed . Pro . Evans P . Af . of the Earl of Chester Lodge ,
Lymni , was unanimously elected at tho last Convocation , and being now in attendance , bo was admitted with due caution and exalted to the supremo degree , by tho AI . K . ' / J . We were much pleased with the quiet , dignified demeanour of the P . S ., which added much to the beauty of this delightful ccromouy . The At . K . Z . having to leave the Chapter , his placo was taken by the senior P . Z . E . Comp . Bowes . The lectures woro given from tho respective chairs , and wo never
remember hearing them delivered with better effect . Tho history , symbols , find mysteries became a reality , and well did tho Principals earn tho congratulations they received nt tho eloso . Bro . Dr . A . Mackie was proposed as a candidato for exaltation , and Comp . W . Robinson gavo notice of motion to the effect that it bo a rule that all Comps . attend the Chapter in evening dross . Thero being no further business , the Chapter was closed .
North London Chapter of Improvement , No 1471 . — On Thursday , 10 th inst ., at tbe Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road . Present—E . Comps . Weston AI . E . Z ., Osborn II ., Hunter J ., Sheffield acting S . E ., Sparrow P . S ., Edmonds Preceptor ; also Comps . Fysh , Sproat , ITawtharn , Cusworth , and several others . After preliminaries , the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Sproat acting as
candidate . Comps . Weston , Osborn and Hunter woro elected to fill the respective chairs at tho next meeting . It was determined to invito tho AI . E . Z . and members of the Aletropolitan Chapter to work the ceremony of exaltation on a meeting night convenient to them . Companion Sparrow was elected P . S . and Companion Cusworth S . N . for the next meeting . All business being ended , tho Chapter was closed and adjourned .
The Alexander Chapter , No . 1601 , Newark on Trent , was consecrated on Thursday , by the Grand Scribo E ., Col . Shadwell H , Gierke . Particulars will be published next week .
Mark Masonry.
Prince Leopold Lodge . —There was a numerous gathering of tho members of this popular Lodge at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , ou Tuesday evening ' , under the presidency of Bro . Tisley W . AL , who was supported by Bro . T . R . Eiuhuell P . G . S . B . S . W . ; Bro . Walls P . AI . acting- us J . W ., and many other officers , brethren and visitors . Lodsro was opened in accordance with aucieut
formalities , and after the transaction of some routine business , Bro . Saunders , 1503 , aud Bro . Dodd were advanced in Alark Atasoury by Bro . Colonel Wigginton , who had received permission to perform , the ceremony ou behalf of his friends from the Worshipfnl Master . The duties were most efficiently discharged , and at the conclusion of the business a sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . Clemow , whose arrangements gave universal satisfaction . The
customary Loyal and Mark toasts were honoured , the health of Bro . T . P „ . Riobnell P . G . S . B . being received with especial cordiality . Bro . lliehuell ncskmiwU-clgod the compliment paid to him ia suitable terms . In the course of tho proceedings it was remarked that Ero . H . R . H . Prince Leopold is a working member of the Lodge which bears his name . Amidst an abundance of excellent music and singing , a very harmonious and agreeable evening was passed .
The Fifteen Section
"Wild . V . V . - iVOilfcKD AS "JXuV . lS .: — At the Burdett fdiiit . ls L'j : i : ; o of in-ariietion , " v-. . * :: 78 . at the | Lamb TV •' , "I'piaavi ! : !!•¦! . hna ' -yi eon . ! n ncf t- " "ii .- fJ . I'dl ! .,, mi VVcdacsl . hiv . the ddital i . slant , (• /' mi - nene ' in' * : at 7 p . ui . prei-i .- ' -ly . > ro . ( J . i [ .
I \ v , * , ! , , vm :. !•(>!¦! . ¦ . Pros . T . . 1 . . Panics S . W ' .. Wd : o < liag J . W ., Musto didi'f . . FirVt f . 'T ;* uro—ibo .- ' . < . 'lomoiif . Prit'aia , HmrLovaiil , Slewu' -f , Christian . Woedin'r , acid oirplicns . Second L ¦ ¦¦ lure — !!> x \ s \ Clark , :,. . . ^ . s . ; U . d : d . s , . d ; . d : ;; aa . d ' id V . C ; d > o ' . i . Thirl i ' . r * , •¦ . !• ¦ .. - —iirus . J .. ''' : ' ;! 1 , 'J ' . 'ivior , and WaKington . Bro . Alfred Haad Hon . il ; c .
At ; bo ' . ;'; ¦ , .- ;! . •! , -... Ljilga' til' L . ; sUa ; a ! :: aU , ., ' u . \ > 'Z ' C ; :. ' : ;!••! Royal iUilu ' ., Aiiie U . u-roul , cu lloadi-. v , : ^ d :. d insd . at . liro . 0 . I . . " T-j plieuu v .. |[ pivs ' . dj . Lro . 7 . T . J . i ; . iv : ieJ : J . V , " ., V . " . II . Alya a J . > ' , ' ., P .. Cuu . ii . ji : I . P . M . ' . 'irsi- i . aatuio -jiia . a . ( deuioats , " . £ :: »> : .: i ti . - ir . i-jgregor , v » . - . - . : ! " : ! ¦"¦¦ , "! d-d Alaaadauiid , . i- . . i . Uuaiaa . aaivia ! Ia CTV . ru—Bros .
la-lKCa' ' , a id b . . "* ra' 7 a > d . - '¦ I " ' :. ¦ ¦ '• '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Messrs. Paul And Burrow's Mineral Waters Establishment.
ing them . Suffice it , that at tho time of our visiting the establishment , some lemonade was iu course of preparation . Tho machine was working at au indicated pressure of 100—in tho manufacture of sodas it ranges as high as 120—aud could wo havo spared tho time wo might perhaps havo been able to pour out a health y libation of this sparkling and refreshing beverage in honour of the ( inn .
We contented ourselves , however , with noting the various stages of the process , obseiviug hero how tho water was being prepared , and there the vessels in which tho different ingredients wero compounded . In another department wo saw tho mixture being bottled . Elsewhere a group of hands were busily engaged in corking the bottles , aud again in some other part of the premises tho work of
making the bottles , or rather corks , secure by wiving them was going on . Everywhere the greatest zeal was noticeable , and everywhere , as wc have already observed , the snma precision and care in the carrying out of tbe details . The next time , and every timo afterwards , wc indulge in a lemonade or sod i , pure and simple , or compounded with sherry
or some other equally laminar alcoholic drink , tho pleasant memories associated with our brief inspection of Messrs . Paul and Burrows ' s establishment will be most agreeably revived . Wo shall mentally , if not verbally , wish thorn a continuance of that success which has marked the progress of the firm from its first establishment in 1802 , by M . Nicholas Paul , clown to this voar of grace 1881 .
A Passing Funeral.
SLOW moves tho mournful throng ; The muffled bell Sends forth its solemn knoll ; Aud thro' the aisles now fall , now swell , Tho weeping cadents of tho fun ' ral son " .
All sound is hnsh'd , save pray ' r : A boding gloom , That chills the heart , doth loom O ' er all things , palling as the tomb , And awes the soul with its weird presence there .
A woman in tho crowd : With gaze intent Upon the cortege bent ; Her breast with hopeless grief is pent , Ancl in her wild despair sho tpeaks aloud :
" Oh , glorious sight;—oh , grandest sight ; Stay , let mo feast mine eyes upon thee well . Death !—how I hunger for thee day and night . Alan!—how I envy thee thy heaven—or hell . Ay , hell were bettor far than wretched
lifo—Than this , my cursed , miserable lot : Oh , how I envy thee thy peace from strife—Thy sleep in which all troubles are forgot .
Oh , that I did now in thee , coffin , rest , And ye , oh hearers , bore me to my grave ; Ah , happy me , if I could but be blest With peaceful death , the one boon which I crave .
See , seo , for that poor mortal clay that's gono They shed hot tears , and wring thoir hands , and sigh : No mourning tear will ever fall upon My cold and lonely grave when I shall die . Yet , wherefore sorrow for me were I dead ?
Aly death should cause a wild , exultant glee ; None should bewail them that my life be tied , But bless the happy day that saw me free .
No , no ; at my release ye must uot grieve'Twere not a time for morbid , tearful gloom ; Ye should feel glad when this harsh world I leave , And feast—and sing —aud dance upon iny tomb !"
Oh , men of hearts sincere . Oh , women good ; — Ye who life ' s test have stood—¦ She lived—no fiction of an idle mood ; Her life a waste , with none to love her near .
This fair , wide world contains A many such , Who suffer , oh ! how much ;—Who need a friendly hand ' s kind touch To ease them just a little midst their pains .
Oh , yo WHO ever meet , Alid life ' s hot fuss , Poor hearts thafc suffer thus , Oh , think of all tbe good that blesses us , And strive to make their lives more bit ;; l and aweei . I ' . J ' aMAV CUOIlKI * ..
. Bvo . jiulkoloy Hughes , M . P ., Deput y Provincial ( Jrand MiiKlri * Nov 111 'Wales and Salop , who i . s in tin * 81 ; , L year of Ins age , and has been latterly in a somewhat indillx-reut state of health , ia rrnorted n . s bH-itr much bettor .
Tho Mavqrns of Loid ' o-: fc-y , Pi-vino :-.. ! Grnnd M-u . ' cv of "Durham , who for ouiiio tmio ; K .,- ;•; . has bee a -. d , ip |) V y i > . i < . r sea-Lortio coals' dimifc from hiri coiherie- '; roiaii , ims I ' -anni
the scheme ; so anoccfisfiil ihnt hi . ; riTonk ; havo bra ; ohoip ' .-vi •¦• iuo *•¦• : * ao ii * -:: im-uh ¦ : ¦ .. ' !•••¦> = ¦! . * . f : rv \ ; at , urofLh ; -ii .-to-izae ™ , in , Ki-, ¦ - , ¦ . : *; co- Vr . :-, !!;¦¦ :: v . . ' u , d ^ - , ^ -1 , r M the paiblio .
Royal Arch.
Chapter , of Elias Ashmole , No . 148 , Warrington . — The regular bi-monthly meeting ol tin ' s Chapter was held on Monday evening last , at the , rooms in Sankey-street . The Principals Comps . James Jackson , W . H . h ' obinson , and J . ilynior Young , occupied the chairs of their respective ofliccs , and were supported by Comps , John Howes P . Z . Provincial Oram ! Treasurer , D . W . Finney P . Z
P . P . G . P . S ., P . J . Edelstcn P . Z . Af . K . Z . 1 _ ' 50 , Hriorloy P . Z ., J . Paul Rylands , F . S . A ., S . K ., Charles Skinner P . S ., John Harding and W . Robinson Assistant Sojourners , W . Barlow , Dr . Young , Robert Heaton , Kdwarcl Oreeuall , and others . Tho Chapter having been opened , thn Comps . generally wero admitted , and tho minutes read and confirmed . Pro . Evans P . Af . of the Earl of Chester Lodge ,
Lymni , was unanimously elected at tho last Convocation , and being now in attendance , bo was admitted with due caution and exalted to the supremo degree , by tho AI . K . ' / J . We were much pleased with the quiet , dignified demeanour of the P . S ., which added much to the beauty of this delightful ccromouy . The At . K . Z . having to leave the Chapter , his placo was taken by the senior P . Z . E . Comp . Bowes . The lectures woro given from tho respective chairs , and wo never
remember hearing them delivered with better effect . Tho history , symbols , find mysteries became a reality , and well did tho Principals earn tho congratulations they received nt tho eloso . Bro . Dr . A . Mackie was proposed as a candidato for exaltation , and Comp . W . Robinson gavo notice of motion to the effect that it bo a rule that all Comps . attend the Chapter in evening dross . Thero being no further business , the Chapter was closed .
North London Chapter of Improvement , No 1471 . — On Thursday , 10 th inst ., at tbe Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road . Present—E . Comps . Weston AI . E . Z ., Osborn II ., Hunter J ., Sheffield acting S . E ., Sparrow P . S ., Edmonds Preceptor ; also Comps . Fysh , Sproat , ITawtharn , Cusworth , and several others . After preliminaries , the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Sproat acting as
candidate . Comps . Weston , Osborn and Hunter woro elected to fill the respective chairs at tho next meeting . It was determined to invito tho AI . E . Z . and members of the Aletropolitan Chapter to work the ceremony of exaltation on a meeting night convenient to them . Companion Sparrow was elected P . S . and Companion Cusworth S . N . for the next meeting . All business being ended , tho Chapter was closed and adjourned .
The Alexander Chapter , No . 1601 , Newark on Trent , was consecrated on Thursday , by the Grand Scribo E ., Col . Shadwell H , Gierke . Particulars will be published next week .
Mark Masonry.
Prince Leopold Lodge . —There was a numerous gathering of tho members of this popular Lodge at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , ou Tuesday evening ' , under the presidency of Bro . Tisley W . AL , who was supported by Bro . T . R . Eiuhuell P . G . S . B . S . W . ; Bro . Walls P . AI . acting- us J . W ., and many other officers , brethren and visitors . Lodsro was opened in accordance with aucieut
formalities , and after the transaction of some routine business , Bro . Saunders , 1503 , aud Bro . Dodd were advanced in Alark Atasoury by Bro . Colonel Wigginton , who had received permission to perform , the ceremony ou behalf of his friends from the Worshipfnl Master . The duties were most efficiently discharged , and at the conclusion of the business a sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . Clemow , whose arrangements gave universal satisfaction . The
customary Loyal and Mark toasts were honoured , the health of Bro . T . P „ . Riobnell P . G . S . B . being received with especial cordiality . Bro . lliehuell ncskmiwU-clgod the compliment paid to him ia suitable terms . In the course of tho proceedings it was remarked that Ero . H . R . H . Prince Leopold is a working member of the Lodge which bears his name . Amidst an abundance of excellent music and singing , a very harmonious and agreeable evening was passed .
The Fifteen Section
"Wild . V . V . - iVOilfcKD AS "JXuV . lS .: — At the Burdett fdiiit . ls L'j : i : ; o of in-ariietion , " v-. . * :: 78 . at the | Lamb TV •' , "I'piaavi ! : !!•¦! . hna ' -yi eon . ! n ncf t- " "ii .- fJ . I'dl ! .,, mi VVcdacsl . hiv . the ddital i . slant , (• /' mi - nene ' in' * : at 7 p . ui . prei-i .- ' -ly . > ro . ( J . i [ .
I \ v , * , ! , , vm :. !•(>!¦! . ¦ . Pros . T . . 1 . . Panics S . W ' .. Wd : o < liag J . W ., Musto didi'f . . FirVt f . 'T ;* uro—ibo .- ' . < . 'lomoiif . Prit'aia , HmrLovaiil , Slewu' -f , Christian . Woedin'r , acid oirplicns . Second L ¦ ¦¦ lure — !!> x \ s \ Clark , :,. . . ^ . s . ; U . d : d . s , . d ; . d : ;; aa . d ' id V . C ; d > o ' . i . Thirl i ' . r * , •¦ . !• ¦ .. - —iirus . J .. ''' : ' ;! 1 , 'J ' . 'ivior , and WaKington . Bro . Alfred Haad Hon . il ; c .
At ; bo ' . ;'; ¦ , .- ;! . •! , -... Ljilga' til' L . ; sUa ; a ! :: aU , ., ' u . \ > 'Z ' C ; :. ' : ;!••! Royal iUilu ' ., Aiiie U . u-roul , cu lloadi-. v , : ^ d :. d insd . at . liro . 0 . I . . " T-j plieuu v .. |[ pivs ' . dj . Lro . 7 . T . J . i ; . iv : ieJ : J . V , " ., V . " . II . Alya a J . > ' , ' ., P .. Cuu . ii . ji : I . P . M . ' . 'irsi- i . aatuio -jiia . a . ( deuioats , " . £ :: »> : .: i ti . - ir . i-jgregor , v » . - . - . : ! " : ! ¦"¦¦ , "! d-d Alaaadauiid , . i- . . i . Uuaiaa . aaivia ! Ia CTV . ru—Bros .
la-lKCa' ' , a id b . . "* ra' 7 a > d . - '¦ I " ' :. ¦ ¦ '• '