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Annual Banquet Of The Royal Alfred Lodge Of Instruction, No. 780.
WE have heard it remarked that those who desire to see the Fourth Degree carried ont under different circumstances must meet the brethren at the annual gatherings of their Lodges of Instruction , and compare the order of the course pursued in our regnlar Lodges . Undoubtedly the scenes present different aspects ; a cynical friend tells us the reason must be apparent to all who care to consider the facts of the case . In regular Lodgo a
number of Visitors—more or less , according to the nature of the assembly—are sure to be present ; the Visitors are received by the Lodge in its corporate capacity , or they have been invited by some worthy brother who generously upholds the hospitality of hia Lodgo . On the other hand , at the Lodge of Instrnction Banquet , to uso a familiar phrase , " every tub is on its own bottom ;"
there is no " corporate capacity , and the result is , unless the true spirit of hospitality is in the ascendant , a frost prevails , and chill and discomfort are in tho ascendant . Such were the views forcibly placed before us by the friend whom wo have quoted above , when recounting our experiences on a late occasion . Well , perhaps it may be considered we are wandering from the task we set ourselves when
we started to write this report of the proceedings afc tbe Star and Garter Hotel , Kew * on Friday , the 11 th instant . The brethren had assembled to celebrate their anniversary Festival , and all seemed imbued with one spirit , namely , to make the evening a thoroughly enjoyable one . The ^ cbair was taken by Bro . J . J . Gunner J . W . of tbe Alother Lodge , who was supported right and left by P . AI . 's Andrews
( Preceptor ) and Gomtn . The Vice-Chair was filled by Bro . B . E . Blasby I . P . M . 78 f ) , arid there were present to sustain him in the fulfilment of his labours Bros . W . Gardiner and W . Goss , both of whom have ably filled the chair of this Lodge . Bro . H . Brill placed a capital repast before his guests , and one and all seemed fully to appreciate his efforts . The toasts usual on these occasions were fully honoured . Bro .
Andrews proposed the toast of tho W . AI . of the evening . All knew the interest Bro . Gunner took in the well-being of the Lodge of Instruction . The P . M . ' s aud old members of the Lodge could bufc be gratified at the zeal he at all times displayed . Bro . Gunner , in reply , said he felt ifc a great honour thafc had been conferred on 'him , he having been selected to preside at this annual gathering . He made reference to the special recognition thafc had been noted twelve
months back of any trifling services that he had rendered to the Lodge of Instruction , and could but be gratified at the knowledge that snch help as he had been able to give still stands in the recollection of the brethren . To the other toasts replies were made by Bros . Blasby , Sugg , Goss , Gardiner , Botley , & c . Bros . Botley , Lucas , Legg and Alaton contributed some capital songs , and all strove to make the evening what ifc essentially proved to be—an agreeable one .
THE Annual Snpper took place afc Bro . Alaidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , on Taesday , the 15 th instant . Bros . Chicken W . AI ., Roberts S . W ., Shadier J . W ., and the following brethren : —Alaidwell , Ferry , Brown , Bond , Marshall , Davidson , Clements , Rich , Walker , Daniel , Haynes , Hollands , AIoss , and Herold . The Lodge was opened and closed in due form . The brethren then did full justice to the
excellent repast provided by Bro . Alaidwell . After the usual Loyal and Masouic toasts , occasion was taken to present Bro . AIoss , the indefatigable Preceptor , and his wife , with tokens of the brethren's appreciation of his services . Bro . Moss having responded in suitable terms , the toasts of the Treasnrer Bro . Alaidwell , the Secretary Bro .
Hollands , and Bro . Brown P . A 1 . Secretary of the Benevolent Association connected with the Lodge of Instruction , were given . In responding , Bro . Brown stated thafc tho snm of £ 280 had been sent to tho Institutions during the last eighteen months . Tbe evening was enlivened by the harmony of Bros . Alarshall , Bond , Shadier , Maidwell , Hollands , and Hayes .
THE Annual Banquet in connection with the above took place on Wednesday , at the Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham . The chair was taken by Bro . J . Garrod ( W . M . of the mother Lodge ) Hon . Sec . ; he was supported by Bro . Taverner W . AI . of the Enfield Lodge as S . W ., and a considerable number of Past Alasters and members ; altogether there must have been nearly fifty guests
present . A capital repast having been partaken or , Bro . Garrod briefly proposed the toasts . With that of Prosperity to the Lodge of Instruction was associated tbe name of Bro . Thompson the Preceptor , who was complimented on the ability he had brought to bear on tbe fulfilment of his duties . The health of the President of fche evening came next , Bro . Garrod being commended for the energy he displayed
as Secretary , and specially thanked for attending on this occasion , as' by so doing he had entailed on himself a long double railway journey . In reply , Bro . Garrod stated that any inconvenience ho had experienced had been amply compensated for by tho heartiness with which he had been received . In the course of the evening reference
was made to the good work being done through the Charity Association in connection with this Lodge , and the brethren were nrged to a continued assistance iu so worthy a cause . Notwithstanding tho prevalence of most tempestuous weather , the proceedings throughout were of tbe most harmonious character .
MR . GLADSTONE and the WINK DUTIES . —J . E . SHAND & CO ., Wine Mei * cli » nts , 2 Albeit Mansions , Victoria Street , Loudon . S . W .. beg t o inform numerous inquirers that the letter received from tlie rlU'IMIKH in re ply to thoir questions on this important subject appeared in " The Times " and "Daily News" of 26 tU January 1881 .
Annual Banquet Of The Royal Alfred Lodge Of Instruction, No. 780.
Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 . —On Wednesday evening , the members of this Lodge assembled in full strength at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , when the Worshipful Master , Bro . Jones was supported by a largo number of brethren and visitors . Some excellent working was witnessed , at the close of which the brethren dined together in harmony .
Eoyal Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 382 . —A meet . ing was held at the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge , on Alonday , 14 th inst There were present seven members , three honorary members , and three visitors . Bro . C . E . Botley D . C . 780 took the chair as W . M ., and appointed his officers as follow " : —Bros . Cotton S . W ., F . Botley J . W ., Poole S . W ., Rowles J . D ., Nicholson I . G ., DuflRn Tyler . Bro . Andrews
P . AI ., in the absence of Bro . Tucker , acted as Preceptor . After the Lodgo had been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , the ceremonies of initiation and raising were rehearsed in a very satis , factory manner , Bro . Brook being the candidate for the former degree , and Bro . E . H . Sugg P . M . for the latter . A hearty and well
merited vote of thanks was proposed by Bro . Nicholson , seconded b y Bro . Cotton , and carried unanimously to Bros . 0 . E . Botley W . M ., F . Botley J . W ., and E . H . Sugg P . M ., for the assistance they had rendered the Lodge . Bro . Cotton Seo . was proposed as W . M . for the next meeting . Bro . C . P . Kearley 173 was elected a member .
Polish National Lodge , No . 534 . —The first meeting of this old established Lodge , since the installation , took place on Thursday , 10 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bro . Dr . Corrie Jackson W . AI ., Lancaster S . W ., Smith J . W ., Runtz S . D ., Berling J . D ., Tongue I . G ., and Davis Tyler . Bro . Nowakowski , son of fche respected Treasurer , having answered fche preparatory questions , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . After the usual
business , Lodge was closed punctually at 8 p . m . The brethren then retired to the banquet room . During the evening the sum of eleven guineas was subscribed , to form a testimonial for Brother Beckett , who retires from the office of Tyler , which he has held for 26 years to the satisfaction of the brethren . The sum of two pounds five shillings was also subscribed for a brother in distress . Several visitors were present .
St . Ninian Lodge , No . 499 . —The brethren metonTnes . day evening , at Newton Stewart , Galloway , for the election of Officers for the ensuing year , Bro . Cooke W . M . in the chair . The names of Bros . George Hodkinson and J . G . Lennox were submitted to the meeting for the post of Worshipful Master , and on the ballot box being opened , ifc was found thafc the choice had fallen upon Bro .
Hodkinson . The W . M . elect then nominated his Officers as follow : —Bros . Cooke I . P . M ., Alontgomery D . M ., George Moffat S . M ., Lit . terick S . W ., D . Hodkinson J . W ., James Aloffafc S . D ., John Thompson J . D ., G . R . Peattie Secretary , Hunter Treasurer , Charles Ward I . G ., Welsh O . G . The installation was fixed for St . Ninian's Day , the 30 th instant . The W . M . elect returned thanks for the honour done
him , and invited the brethren to dine with him at fche Crown Hotel , at the conclusion of the installation of Officers . On the Secretary stating that he had received a circular , asking for the usual annual contribution to the Prov . Grand Lodge , the Worshipful Master instructed him to state that the St . Ninian Lodge was hardly aware thafc Prov . Grand Lodge was in existence . No meeting of it had
been held for about fifteen months . Vacancies in the Prov . Grand Lodge had nofc been filled up , the Province had not been visited , and altogether Alasonry , through the neglect of tho Prov . Grand Lodge , was in a very poor condition . He only hoped thafc the Grand Lodge would give Galloway a little of its attention . These remarks were endorsed by the brethren present . The Lodge was then closed in due ancl ancient form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Present—Bros . T . Clark W . AI ., Edwards S . W ., Dignam J . W ., Glass S . D ., Boyce J . D ., J . D . Larter I . G ., J . Lorkin P . M . Secretary , Brasted acting Preceptor , C . Smyth Treasurer ; also Bros . Bunker , Catling , Baker , Christian , Jones , Forss , Allen , Robinson , Olley P . M ., Webb .
After preliminaries , Bro . Baker , as candidate for raising , was interrogated and entrusted ; Lodge was opened to the third degree , when the ceremony was rehearsed , the W . AI . gave the traditional history . The Lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming Alasonio"duties , was closed in tbe third degree . Bro . Forss worked the first section of the second lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in the second degree , and Bro .
Edwards was elected W . AI . for tbe ensuing week . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at this Lodge , by the brethren of fche Westbonrno Lodgo of Instruction , No . 733 . We are assured the members of the Dalhousie will do all in their power to give their invited brethren a hearty reception . The Lodge will be opened afc seven prompt . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the Lodgo was closed .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . — At the Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal-green Junctiou , G . E . R ., on the 10 th inst . Present Bros . Clark W . AI ., Jones S . W ., Chitson J . W ., Ward S . D ., Peal J . D ., Bonner I . G ., Hand Secretary ; Christian , Stewart , Anderson , Hammond . Lodge was opened by the W . M . in the three degrees . The minntes of the previous meeting having
been duly read ancl confirmed , the W . M . rehearsed the three ceremonies , Bro . Hammond acting as candidate . Ifc was proposed and seconded that Bro . Jones S . W . occupy the chair on Wednesday , tho 30 th inst . Lodge was closed in duo form and adjourned . The Fifteen Sections will be worked here next Wednesday , 23 rd instant , when it is hoped that the brethren will support our esteemed Bro . Webb , who will preside on the occasion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Annual Banquet Of The Royal Alfred Lodge Of Instruction, No. 780.
WE have heard it remarked that those who desire to see the Fourth Degree carried ont under different circumstances must meet the brethren at the annual gatherings of their Lodges of Instruction , and compare the order of the course pursued in our regnlar Lodges . Undoubtedly the scenes present different aspects ; a cynical friend tells us the reason must be apparent to all who care to consider the facts of the case . In regular Lodgo a
number of Visitors—more or less , according to the nature of the assembly—are sure to be present ; the Visitors are received by the Lodge in its corporate capacity , or they have been invited by some worthy brother who generously upholds the hospitality of hia Lodgo . On the other hand , at the Lodge of Instrnction Banquet , to uso a familiar phrase , " every tub is on its own bottom ;"
there is no " corporate capacity , and the result is , unless the true spirit of hospitality is in the ascendant , a frost prevails , and chill and discomfort are in tho ascendant . Such were the views forcibly placed before us by the friend whom wo have quoted above , when recounting our experiences on a late occasion . Well , perhaps it may be considered we are wandering from the task we set ourselves when
we started to write this report of the proceedings afc tbe Star and Garter Hotel , Kew * on Friday , the 11 th instant . The brethren had assembled to celebrate their anniversary Festival , and all seemed imbued with one spirit , namely , to make the evening a thoroughly enjoyable one . The ^ cbair was taken by Bro . J . J . Gunner J . W . of tbe Alother Lodge , who was supported right and left by P . AI . 's Andrews
( Preceptor ) and Gomtn . The Vice-Chair was filled by Bro . B . E . Blasby I . P . M . 78 f ) , arid there were present to sustain him in the fulfilment of his labours Bros . W . Gardiner and W . Goss , both of whom have ably filled the chair of this Lodge . Bro . H . Brill placed a capital repast before his guests , and one and all seemed fully to appreciate his efforts . The toasts usual on these occasions were fully honoured . Bro .
Andrews proposed the toast of tho W . AI . of the evening . All knew the interest Bro . Gunner took in the well-being of the Lodge of Instruction . The P . M . ' s aud old members of the Lodge could bufc be gratified at the zeal he at all times displayed . Bro . Gunner , in reply , said he felt ifc a great honour thafc had been conferred on 'him , he having been selected to preside at this annual gathering . He made reference to the special recognition thafc had been noted twelve
months back of any trifling services that he had rendered to the Lodge of Instruction , and could but be gratified at the knowledge that snch help as he had been able to give still stands in the recollection of the brethren . To the other toasts replies were made by Bros . Blasby , Sugg , Goss , Gardiner , Botley , & c . Bros . Botley , Lucas , Legg and Alaton contributed some capital songs , and all strove to make the evening what ifc essentially proved to be—an agreeable one .
THE Annual Snpper took place afc Bro . Alaidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , on Taesday , the 15 th instant . Bros . Chicken W . AI ., Roberts S . W ., Shadier J . W ., and the following brethren : —Alaidwell , Ferry , Brown , Bond , Marshall , Davidson , Clements , Rich , Walker , Daniel , Haynes , Hollands , AIoss , and Herold . The Lodge was opened and closed in due form . The brethren then did full justice to the
excellent repast provided by Bro . Alaidwell . After the usual Loyal and Masouic toasts , occasion was taken to present Bro . AIoss , the indefatigable Preceptor , and his wife , with tokens of the brethren's appreciation of his services . Bro . Moss having responded in suitable terms , the toasts of the Treasnrer Bro . Alaidwell , the Secretary Bro .
Hollands , and Bro . Brown P . A 1 . Secretary of the Benevolent Association connected with the Lodge of Instruction , were given . In responding , Bro . Brown stated thafc tho snm of £ 280 had been sent to tho Institutions during the last eighteen months . Tbe evening was enlivened by the harmony of Bros . Alarshall , Bond , Shadier , Maidwell , Hollands , and Hayes .
THE Annual Banquet in connection with the above took place on Wednesday , at the Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham . The chair was taken by Bro . J . Garrod ( W . M . of the mother Lodge ) Hon . Sec . ; he was supported by Bro . Taverner W . AI . of the Enfield Lodge as S . W ., and a considerable number of Past Alasters and members ; altogether there must have been nearly fifty guests
present . A capital repast having been partaken or , Bro . Garrod briefly proposed the toasts . With that of Prosperity to the Lodge of Instruction was associated tbe name of Bro . Thompson the Preceptor , who was complimented on the ability he had brought to bear on tbe fulfilment of his duties . The health of the President of fche evening came next , Bro . Garrod being commended for the energy he displayed
as Secretary , and specially thanked for attending on this occasion , as' by so doing he had entailed on himself a long double railway journey . In reply , Bro . Garrod stated that any inconvenience ho had experienced had been amply compensated for by tho heartiness with which he had been received . In the course of the evening reference
was made to the good work being done through the Charity Association in connection with this Lodge , and the brethren were nrged to a continued assistance iu so worthy a cause . Notwithstanding tho prevalence of most tempestuous weather , the proceedings throughout were of tbe most harmonious character .
MR . GLADSTONE and the WINK DUTIES . —J . E . SHAND & CO ., Wine Mei * cli » nts , 2 Albeit Mansions , Victoria Street , Loudon . S . W .. beg t o inform numerous inquirers that the letter received from tlie rlU'IMIKH in re ply to thoir questions on this important subject appeared in " The Times " and "Daily News" of 26 tU January 1881 .
Annual Banquet Of The Royal Alfred Lodge Of Instruction, No. 780.
Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 . —On Wednesday evening , the members of this Lodge assembled in full strength at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , when the Worshipful Master , Bro . Jones was supported by a largo number of brethren and visitors . Some excellent working was witnessed , at the close of which the brethren dined together in harmony .
Eoyal Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 382 . —A meet . ing was held at the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge , on Alonday , 14 th inst There were present seven members , three honorary members , and three visitors . Bro . C . E . Botley D . C . 780 took the chair as W . M ., and appointed his officers as follow " : —Bros . Cotton S . W ., F . Botley J . W ., Poole S . W ., Rowles J . D ., Nicholson I . G ., DuflRn Tyler . Bro . Andrews
P . AI ., in the absence of Bro . Tucker , acted as Preceptor . After the Lodgo had been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , the ceremonies of initiation and raising were rehearsed in a very satis , factory manner , Bro . Brook being the candidate for the former degree , and Bro . E . H . Sugg P . M . for the latter . A hearty and well
merited vote of thanks was proposed by Bro . Nicholson , seconded b y Bro . Cotton , and carried unanimously to Bros . 0 . E . Botley W . M ., F . Botley J . W ., and E . H . Sugg P . M ., for the assistance they had rendered the Lodge . Bro . Cotton Seo . was proposed as W . M . for the next meeting . Bro . C . P . Kearley 173 was elected a member .
Polish National Lodge , No . 534 . —The first meeting of this old established Lodge , since the installation , took place on Thursday , 10 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bro . Dr . Corrie Jackson W . AI ., Lancaster S . W ., Smith J . W ., Runtz S . D ., Berling J . D ., Tongue I . G ., and Davis Tyler . Bro . Nowakowski , son of fche respected Treasurer , having answered fche preparatory questions , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . After the usual
business , Lodge was closed punctually at 8 p . m . The brethren then retired to the banquet room . During the evening the sum of eleven guineas was subscribed , to form a testimonial for Brother Beckett , who retires from the office of Tyler , which he has held for 26 years to the satisfaction of the brethren . The sum of two pounds five shillings was also subscribed for a brother in distress . Several visitors were present .
St . Ninian Lodge , No . 499 . —The brethren metonTnes . day evening , at Newton Stewart , Galloway , for the election of Officers for the ensuing year , Bro . Cooke W . M . in the chair . The names of Bros . George Hodkinson and J . G . Lennox were submitted to the meeting for the post of Worshipful Master , and on the ballot box being opened , ifc was found thafc the choice had fallen upon Bro .
Hodkinson . The W . M . elect then nominated his Officers as follow : —Bros . Cooke I . P . M ., Alontgomery D . M ., George Moffat S . M ., Lit . terick S . W ., D . Hodkinson J . W ., James Aloffafc S . D ., John Thompson J . D ., G . R . Peattie Secretary , Hunter Treasurer , Charles Ward I . G ., Welsh O . G . The installation was fixed for St . Ninian's Day , the 30 th instant . The W . M . elect returned thanks for the honour done
him , and invited the brethren to dine with him at fche Crown Hotel , at the conclusion of the installation of Officers . On the Secretary stating that he had received a circular , asking for the usual annual contribution to the Prov . Grand Lodge , the Worshipful Master instructed him to state that the St . Ninian Lodge was hardly aware thafc Prov . Grand Lodge was in existence . No meeting of it had
been held for about fifteen months . Vacancies in the Prov . Grand Lodge had nofc been filled up , the Province had not been visited , and altogether Alasonry , through the neglect of tho Prov . Grand Lodge , was in a very poor condition . He only hoped thafc the Grand Lodge would give Galloway a little of its attention . These remarks were endorsed by the brethren present . The Lodge was then closed in due ancl ancient form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Present—Bros . T . Clark W . AI ., Edwards S . W ., Dignam J . W ., Glass S . D ., Boyce J . D ., J . D . Larter I . G ., J . Lorkin P . M . Secretary , Brasted acting Preceptor , C . Smyth Treasurer ; also Bros . Bunker , Catling , Baker , Christian , Jones , Forss , Allen , Robinson , Olley P . M ., Webb .
After preliminaries , Bro . Baker , as candidate for raising , was interrogated and entrusted ; Lodge was opened to the third degree , when the ceremony was rehearsed , the W . AI . gave the traditional history . The Lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming Alasonio"duties , was closed in tbe third degree . Bro . Forss worked the first section of the second lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in the second degree , and Bro .
Edwards was elected W . AI . for tbe ensuing week . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at this Lodge , by the brethren of fche Westbonrno Lodgo of Instruction , No . 733 . We are assured the members of the Dalhousie will do all in their power to give their invited brethren a hearty reception . The Lodge will be opened afc seven prompt . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the Lodgo was closed .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . — At the Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal-green Junctiou , G . E . R ., on the 10 th inst . Present Bros . Clark W . AI ., Jones S . W ., Chitson J . W ., Ward S . D ., Peal J . D ., Bonner I . G ., Hand Secretary ; Christian , Stewart , Anderson , Hammond . Lodge was opened by the W . M . in the three degrees . The minntes of the previous meeting having
been duly read ancl confirmed , the W . M . rehearsed the three ceremonies , Bro . Hammond acting as candidate . Ifc was proposed and seconded that Bro . Jones S . W . occupy the chair on Wednesday , tho 30 th inst . Lodge was closed in duo form and adjourned . The Fifteen Sections will be worked here next Wednesday , 23 rd instant , when it is hoped that the brethren will support our esteemed Bro . Webb , who will preside on the occasion .