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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS ENGLAND AND WALES AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . THE RIGHT HON . LORD HENNIKER , AIOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OP KINTORB , RIGHT WORSHIPFUL DEPUTY GRAND AIASTER . INSTALLATION of II . E . H the DUKE of ALBANY , K . G AS M . W . PAST GRAND MASTER . rilHE WINTER HALF-YEARLY COAIAIUNICATION OF THIS 1 . Grand Lodge will be hold in the Large Hall , freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , on Tuesday , the ( ith December 18 S 1 , when and where all Grand Officers ( Past aud Present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters , Wardens , and OvcivscPrs of private Lodges iire hereby summoned to attend , and at which , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may be present . Graud Lodge will bo opened at live o ' clock p . m . lly command of tho M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK ' ISINCKGS ( P . G . J . W . ) , Grand Secretary . Oflioe : —8 . v Run LION SQUAKE , LONDON , W . C . . 17 th November 1881 . N . B . —A Banquet will bo provided at Seven o'Clock . Tho Tickets , will be 15 s each , inclusive of Wine , if taken before the day of Meeting , and 17 s 6 d if taken on thafc day , and ifc is requested that every Brother intending to dine will forward hi . s name to the Grand Secretary , not later than Saturday , the 3 nl December .
G . WISE & SONS , Seebswen , jflcrriste mttr fjtrkfote , 17 MILE END ROAD , LONDON , E . AND 302 CALEDONIAN ROAD , N . GOLD , SILVER AND RIVER FISH , The Largest Stock in London . BRITISH AND FOREIGN FERNS , FERN CASES , AQUARIUMS . I * eat Mcmld , Shingle , Virgin Corlc . & " it * it . t l'iVJ * , ? U . !»! i 11 i * i X Ult Xillj t' ^ rtl * , ' ' . j . iltul i * CJ £ '* . '¦ £ lj . / i . X ' Li ui \ i . FLORAL DECORATIONS for FANCY EAIRS , FETES , & c
ESTABLISHED 185 9 . JOSEPH STOCK & CO . Slater # flecker iifocrs & f later * , 14 C 0 B 0 URG STREET , SKINNER STREET , OLERONWELL , E . G . Speeialite— Masonio Jewels , Furniture and . Regalia Eenovated , and made Equal to Few . PAST MASTERS' JEWELS MADE TO ANY DESIGN ,
BORD'S PIANOS . C 1 HAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these cele-/ bratecl Pianos , have Removed to 42 Soiitliampton-row , Holborn , London , "W . C . Where may be seen a largo and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at how Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OK OX T 11 K T H R E K Y E A R S ' SYS T E M , From 15 s per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIS T . '•' ccoud-lland I'ianos on tho Three Years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Full Value allowed for Old Iiislrur . icnts of any kind in Exchange .
AMERICAN GROANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , QY il . e STERLING ORGAN CO ., mRBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., :-. t if Low Price , with Twenty-Five | ier cent . ' "lo-opcrative i ) i : a . auit for Cash ; or on the TltltEK YEARS' SYSTHM , from Id ; ( M ; aa .- :. UMV , I . SEND V 0 11 1 I , 1 . I' : '' ! ' R A TE i ) I , TST TO i-ITT s I ; I r :-. < -, ¦ ¦ - - ; , T-. ,.. ., - , , - C \/^ . M SOUTHAMPTON " dow , ikiiOhN , mom , w . c , 'X'hoso Olefins aro oi . iii . i--n . fcJy unite J . for nse in 7 . T !¦ r : n't-xr /" . - * - .- v , , •" . ' . S ! irlxi . ^ - , '_ . ¦ _ W JH — -J-iwiXiO .
B , E : 3 ! '¦' ¦ MATISM , 7 i . i ' . W- ) on ! , - -: r-. ' . \\ Vi " .- | . ' -: iv for this conijil . 'iir , ; . i : ; \\\ a Nortlie :.: Oin-rs : i ] -,:. -. nt ' . * . d ; do- ' :,: s la ' ' . U \ oa' -a .: a lie la" ! old d Cuemisl . s . " roprieU a .. a . ( - . . - ¦ . " a a ., . . : i . ; . i . .,,., ! ,. .,..., ( | r ...,. „ ..,...,., I » I .,.. tptar ..... . ^ -- . .,. .. : t . | e-nn- ' , d
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GKEAT QUEEN STEEET . LONDON W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided fit this Establishment for 2 ^ -A . SOIiTIC ; ZB-A-ZLsrOTCTIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , « . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and tlie Establishment in ulllta branches thoroughly re-organlaed . The attention of the Masonic Body i ? directed to the many advantages offered . CUISIdNdF" OF THE HIGHEST CPIARA . CTER . WISES PERFECT IN VOKDIT-KM * ANI » tlUAIiITY . N . B . - DINHERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY . PAUL & BURROWS , WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C . rii „ . _ , ( SvvvhTC—Always regular , v i BI " ") QUALITY—Best possible . iUABKb . ( . I ' HICES—Lowest consistent with FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
T . & T . GATES , GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English Gold 45 s and 47 s 6 d per 10 OO , Foreign Gold 41 s and 43 s do . Bronze Po-wrder 3 s 6 d and 5 s per lb . 44 HATTOK WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to *• R . Hirst , The Threo Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
COALS ! COALS ! from 17 / 6 a TON . LOWEST AUTUMN PRICES . 12 / ATOM CHEAPER THAN LAST JANUARY . LARGE KITCHEN ( sold by some Firms as Best Wiitlsend ) | 7 ' fi DERBYSHIRE BRIGHT , Large . Strong Heat | g / c DOUBLE DIAMOND SILKSTONES , Excellent House Coals 21 / BEST OLD SILKSTOXE , for Drawing Rooms 22 / Terms Cash . Discount Is per Ton on 2 or more Tons . Delivered Free of all other Charges . AU Coal Thoroughly Sereened . E . T . RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
COALS ! 16 s a TON—A Special Bargain . UNDER CONTRACT TO BE DELIVERED WITHIN 11 DAYS . MIDLAND HOUSE COALS , 16 s A TON . Terms Cash . Discount Gd a Ton on two or more Tons . SOLO UAILY AT 20 s A TON , E . T , RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARFDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
Eleventh Edition , post free , One Shilling . Dtt . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Snccessful Method of Curing tlrs Disease . l ! y ROIIKBI G . WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L . F . C . S ., iSc ., 5 Bulstrodo-street , Cavendish-square , London . london : C . MITCHELL AJTD Co ., Red Lion-court , Elect-strcot .
• 3 IVOBY Et : ^_ xz ^ DBi ? .-crsia : BS y £ g Mirrors * all other Ivory Toilet Articles , CD * * # ft k I " lw */ ^; " -A , # ^\ j Q rifiJ ¥ Pffrfe ^^ yAQOOS 18 a , 1 «« ma ^ 0 i ^ s " & ; i ZB * * ¥ 41 ^^^^ 2 arjcr j jij Sc IVOBT C 3-0 O 33 S I 3 ST a-E 3 STEK ^ . Xi , " O oo o Wholesale & for Exoortation & the Trade only . S ? , r-jO " p ™ ^ 1 IIS % ^ d ^ nfea ¥ l ! g 3 ; J . dlS £ i ^^ K 3 ffl a S'imstsm , 5 ' s 5 § ' . " -a unnsTX-Tia- gB , OS . Ivory ' ' 7 orfcy , * g iM 'I . HIGH STREET , LOiN DON , \ V . Q p .
i "I" 7 AIi . l TRADERS , Rapatcrcrl . —T . E . SHAND & CO . Wino Meri _ chiii : t-i . 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria Street , London , S . W ., herebv Give ! iii-t ' . or Public Notice that in May 187 : > , thoy Adopted nnd IlKGISTERKD the v .-nrd . s "FAIR TRAOMliS" as their Triido Title , and as an addition to their . -iria- 'i-l 'i ' rada Mark of l'i ! ' 0 . — Vide adverMsomont sin "Tlio Times" and " The Sr-aralard " of that date , also of October ids I .
'¦ - . lIE FRENCH LANGUAGE ¦ ' -. - { LITERATURE . —BRO . LEON j . A . KESUOUZM P . M . 123 " . V .-t- " - T , rdraaa : ' y of 1-Vnn ' . , v / HiriM f-i odt . iir-¦ ( iimi additional Pupils , r ' peci'il and . sup : a ¦ In-. mie'ion id-ad . aaaa . d I ' upii . aad C' andi'lites for Examinsitioi . -. iricrlio ,-.. n !* , .-..:,. ¦ , ... . < ,:, ! . ¦ ,.,.-, im idiiisdownr
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS ENGLAND AND WALES AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . THE RIGHT HON . LORD HENNIKER , AIOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OP KINTORB , RIGHT WORSHIPFUL DEPUTY GRAND AIASTER . INSTALLATION of II . E . H the DUKE of ALBANY , K . G AS M . W . PAST GRAND MASTER . rilHE WINTER HALF-YEARLY COAIAIUNICATION OF THIS 1 . Grand Lodge will be hold in the Large Hall , freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , on Tuesday , the ( ith December 18 S 1 , when and where all Grand Officers ( Past aud Present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters , Wardens , and OvcivscPrs of private Lodges iire hereby summoned to attend , and at which , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may be present . Graud Lodge will bo opened at live o ' clock p . m . lly command of tho M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK ' ISINCKGS ( P . G . J . W . ) , Grand Secretary . Oflioe : —8 . v Run LION SQUAKE , LONDON , W . C . . 17 th November 1881 . N . B . —A Banquet will bo provided at Seven o'Clock . Tho Tickets , will be 15 s each , inclusive of Wine , if taken before the day of Meeting , and 17 s 6 d if taken on thafc day , and ifc is requested that every Brother intending to dine will forward hi . s name to the Grand Secretary , not later than Saturday , the 3 nl December .
G . WISE & SONS , Seebswen , jflcrriste mttr fjtrkfote , 17 MILE END ROAD , LONDON , E . AND 302 CALEDONIAN ROAD , N . GOLD , SILVER AND RIVER FISH , The Largest Stock in London . BRITISH AND FOREIGN FERNS , FERN CASES , AQUARIUMS . I * eat Mcmld , Shingle , Virgin Corlc . & " it * it . t l'iVJ * , ? U . !»! i 11 i * i X Ult Xillj t' ^ rtl * , ' ' . j . iltul i * CJ £ '* . '¦ £ lj . / i . X ' Li ui \ i . FLORAL DECORATIONS for FANCY EAIRS , FETES , & c
ESTABLISHED 185 9 . JOSEPH STOCK & CO . Slater # flecker iifocrs & f later * , 14 C 0 B 0 URG STREET , SKINNER STREET , OLERONWELL , E . G . Speeialite— Masonio Jewels , Furniture and . Regalia Eenovated , and made Equal to Few . PAST MASTERS' JEWELS MADE TO ANY DESIGN ,
BORD'S PIANOS . C 1 HAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these cele-/ bratecl Pianos , have Removed to 42 Soiitliampton-row , Holborn , London , "W . C . Where may be seen a largo and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at how Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OK OX T 11 K T H R E K Y E A R S ' SYS T E M , From 15 s per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIS T . '•' ccoud-lland I'ianos on tho Three Years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Full Value allowed for Old Iiislrur . icnts of any kind in Exchange .
AMERICAN GROANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , QY il . e STERLING ORGAN CO ., mRBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., :-. t if Low Price , with Twenty-Five | ier cent . ' "lo-opcrative i ) i : a . auit for Cash ; or on the TltltEK YEARS' SYSTHM , from Id ; ( M ; aa .- :. UMV , I . SEND V 0 11 1 I , 1 . I' : '' ! ' R A TE i ) I , TST TO i-ITT s I ; I r :-. < -, ¦ ¦ - - ; , T-. ,.. ., - , , - C \/^ . M SOUTHAMPTON " dow , ikiiOhN , mom , w . c , 'X'hoso Olefins aro oi . iii . i--n . fcJy unite J . for nse in 7 . T !¦ r : n't-xr /" . - * - .- v , , •" . ' . S ! irlxi . ^ - , '_ . ¦ _ W JH — -J-iwiXiO .
B , E : 3 ! '¦' ¦ MATISM , 7 i . i ' . W- ) on ! , - -: r-. ' . \\ Vi " .- | . ' -: iv for this conijil . 'iir , ; . i : ; \\\ a Nortlie :.: Oin-rs : i ] -,:. -. nt ' . * . d ; do- ' :,: s la ' ' . U \ oa' -a .: a lie la" ! old d Cuemisl . s . " roprieU a .. a . ( - . . - ¦ . " a a ., . . : i . ; . i . .,,., ! ,. .,..., ( | r ...,. „ ..,...,., I » I .,.. tptar ..... . ^ -- . .,. .. : t . | e-nn- ' , d
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GKEAT QUEEN STEEET . LONDON W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided fit this Establishment for 2 ^ -A . SOIiTIC ; ZB-A-ZLsrOTCTIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , « . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and tlie Establishment in ulllta branches thoroughly re-organlaed . The attention of the Masonic Body i ? directed to the many advantages offered . CUISIdNdF" OF THE HIGHEST CPIARA . CTER . WISES PERFECT IN VOKDIT-KM * ANI » tlUAIiITY . N . B . - DINHERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY . PAUL & BURROWS , WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C . rii „ . _ , ( SvvvhTC—Always regular , v i BI " ") QUALITY—Best possible . iUABKb . ( . I ' HICES—Lowest consistent with FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
T . & T . GATES , GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English Gold 45 s and 47 s 6 d per 10 OO , Foreign Gold 41 s and 43 s do . Bronze Po-wrder 3 s 6 d and 5 s per lb . 44 HATTOK WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to *• R . Hirst , The Threo Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
COALS ! COALS ! from 17 / 6 a TON . LOWEST AUTUMN PRICES . 12 / ATOM CHEAPER THAN LAST JANUARY . LARGE KITCHEN ( sold by some Firms as Best Wiitlsend ) | 7 ' fi DERBYSHIRE BRIGHT , Large . Strong Heat | g / c DOUBLE DIAMOND SILKSTONES , Excellent House Coals 21 / BEST OLD SILKSTOXE , for Drawing Rooms 22 / Terms Cash . Discount Is per Ton on 2 or more Tons . Delivered Free of all other Charges . AU Coal Thoroughly Sereened . E . T . RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
COALS ! 16 s a TON—A Special Bargain . UNDER CONTRACT TO BE DELIVERED WITHIN 11 DAYS . MIDLAND HOUSE COALS , 16 s A TON . Terms Cash . Discount Gd a Ton on two or more Tons . SOLO UAILY AT 20 s A TON , E . T , RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARFDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
Eleventh Edition , post free , One Shilling . Dtt . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Snccessful Method of Curing tlrs Disease . l ! y ROIIKBI G . WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L . F . C . S ., iSc ., 5 Bulstrodo-street , Cavendish-square , London . london : C . MITCHELL AJTD Co ., Red Lion-court , Elect-strcot .
• 3 IVOBY Et : ^_ xz ^ DBi ? .-crsia : BS y £ g Mirrors * all other Ivory Toilet Articles , CD * * # ft k I " lw */ ^; " -A , # ^\ j Q rifiJ ¥ Pffrfe ^^ yAQOOS 18 a , 1 «« ma ^ 0 i ^ s " & ; i ZB * * ¥ 41 ^^^^ 2 arjcr j jij Sc IVOBT C 3-0 O 33 S I 3 ST a-E 3 STEK ^ . Xi , " O oo o Wholesale & for Exoortation & the Trade only . S ? , r-jO " p ™ ^ 1 IIS % ^ d ^ nfea ¥ l ! g 3 ; J . dlS £ i ^^ K 3 ffl a S'imstsm , 5 ' s 5 § ' . " -a unnsTX-Tia- gB , OS . Ivory ' ' 7 orfcy , * g iM 'I . HIGH STREET , LOiN DON , \ V . Q p .
i "I" 7 AIi . l TRADERS , Rapatcrcrl . —T . E . SHAND & CO . Wino Meri _ chiii : t-i . 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria Street , London , S . W ., herebv Give ! iii-t ' . or Public Notice that in May 187 : > , thoy Adopted nnd IlKGISTERKD the v .-nrd . s "FAIR TRAOMliS" as their Triido Title , and as an addition to their . -iria- 'i-l 'i ' rada Mark of l'i ! ' 0 . — Vide adverMsomont sin "Tlio Times" and " The Sr-aralard " of that date , also of October ids I .
'¦ - . lIE FRENCH LANGUAGE ¦ ' -. - { LITERATURE . —BRO . LEON j . A . KESUOUZM P . M . 123 " . V .-t- " - T , rdraaa : ' y of 1-Vnn ' . , v / HiriM f-i odt . iir-¦ ( iimi additional Pupils , r ' peci'il and . sup : a ¦ In-. mie'ion id-ad . aaaa . d I ' upii . aad C' andi'lites for Examinsitioi . -. iricrlio ,-.. n !* , .-..:,. ¦ , ... . < ,:, ! . ¦ ,.,.-, im idiiisdownr