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The Girls' School. The Subscription List At The Recent Festival.
AS tho object of our analysis of the Subscription List at the last of onr annual Festivals , namely , the one held in February for the R . M . B . I . has been misunderstood ; as one brother , at all events , took us to task for the tone in which we commented on the partial character of the list ; as he seemed to think our desire was to goad members into
contributing by holding up sundry , "in all the conspicuousness of italics , " to the reproach of their fellows , we may as well , at the risk of repeating ourselves , state here that all we wish to do is to point out to the energetic secretaries of our three Institutions and their almost equally active
supporters , where they may break fresh ground with a very good chance of bringing substantial grist to the mill from virgin sources , or , at all events , from sources that , for some time pnst , have been overlooked or neglected . The idea of goading people into charitable acts is a silly one on the
face of it . Gifts compulsorily or unwillingly bestowed come not under the category of charitable gifts . But while , for this reason , it would never occur to us to force members into contributing , we see no harm in pointing out what provinces have not contributed to this or that institution .
It is one thing to say that certain Lodges or districts are unrepresented in a certain subscri p tion list , another , that such Lodges or districts have deliberately stood aloof , and so neglected that most important of all Masonic duties , the duty of being charitable . The more we analyse these lists , the more convinced are we that all is not done that , mie-nt
be done on behalf of our Institutions . While the support that is accorded them is an increasing one , and beyond question liberal as regards amount , it is very far from being general . We demonstrated this in the case of the Insfc list at the Benevolent Festival in February , aud we confirm it in the case of the present list .
The amount of subscriptions in 1875 was stated at the time to be £ 7 , 268 3 s , with thirteen lists to come in . This year the figure is £ 8 , 214 , and there are still twelve lists to be received , so that , in round figures , the increase over 1875 is £ 1 , 000 . This is certainly satisfactory , though we
had full y expected the thousands would have reached ten . Of this sum of £ 8 , 214 , more than one-half , or , to bo as precise as possible , £ 4 , 674 16 s 6 d are contributed b y the metropolitan districts , and the remainder by the provinces ,
Stations abroad , the Red Cross Order , Knights Templar , & c . There were , it seems , according to Grand Lodge Calendar for this year , 224 Lodges in the lo ldon district , that is , excluding those warranted since the Quarterl y Communication of Grand Lodire in December last . Of
these , ei g hty-seven figure in the list , and there are likewise four Chapters , of which one is put down conjointly with the Lodge . Of these eighty-seven Lodaes , forty-two were among the seventy-three London Lodges which contributed last year . To put the matter in another wav .
Seventy-three Lodges contributed in 1875 , of which fortytwo contribute again in 1876 , and eig hty-seven this year , of which forty-five did not figure on the last list . Thus , in the two years , one hundred and eighteen Lodges have
subscribed to the Girls' School , and of these six did not appear in Grand Lodge Calendar for 1875 . It follows , of conrse , that nearly one-half the London Lodges are not contributories to this charity in either year , while close upon a fifth of the number in the roll in 1875 are contributories in both
The Girls' School. The Subscription List At The Recent Festival.
years . To show , further , not only how partial is the subscrip tion , but how frequently the same ground is travelled over , while other ground lies fallow or is untried , of the eighty-seven Lodges in the present list , not only have fortytwo , as we have said , subscribed in both years , but
nineteen of them have given three times , that is , twice to the Girls and once to the Benevolent , or , this year to the Girls and this and last year to the Benevolent , while nineteen have subscribed four times , that is , to both festivals of the Benevolent and the Girls . Of these seventeen were
in the Boys List in July last , and have thus subscribed at the last five anniversaries , namely , the two Benevolent , two Girls , and one Boys . As regards the provinces , Berks and Bucks , with fifteen Lodges , represented by the Wycombe Lodge , No . 1 , 501 ,
Hig h Wycombe , contributed £ 141 15 s , and also gave last vear . Cheshire , with thirty-eight Lodges , is represented by Lodges No . 425 of Chester , No . 287 of Stockport , and 237 (? 537 ) of Birkenhead . Devonshire , with forty-six Lodges , is down for five guineas and a-half , Lodge
Perseverance , No . 164 , Sidmouih . Hants and the Isle of Wight has twenty-uino Lodges , of which Lodge 319 , New Forest , subscribes twenty guineas . Kent numbers forty Lodges , and is represented by Nos . 820 , for £ 29 8 s , 1206 for ten guineas , 1208 for twenty-five guineas , 1464 for forty-two
guineas , and 1531 for £ 24 17 s 6 d . The honour of East Lancashire , with its eighty-two Lodges ( Manchester 17 , Salford 5 , Bury 5 , Bolton 4 , Ashlon-under-Lyno 3 , Rochdale 2 ) . is left to a Bolton Lodge , No . 221 , and figures for eleven guineas . Last year the province , with its then
eighty Lodges , was down for forty guineas . Thus Manchester , with its seventeen Lodges , unless it contributed the whole or a part of the forty guineas just mentioned ,
has not given one farthing to either the Benevolent or the Girls' these two years , and was not as worthily represented at the Boys' Festival , as considering its enormous wealth aud the number of its members it mi "lit have been . A small
contribution of £ 6 lis from a Liverpool Lodge , No . 1086 , is all we note from West Lancashire , with its seventy-one Lodges , while its contribution last year was only £ 63 lis , but at the Benevolent , in February , it figured for over £ 1 , 500 , and to the Boys' in 1875 it subscribed
considerably over £ 200 . Lincolnshire last Festival gave only sixty guineas ; this year , with Bros . John Su'cliffe ( 1226 ) , Jack Sutcliffe ( 1264 ) , R . J . Boyall , Charity Steward for the Province . Rev . Dr . Ace ( 123 'i ) , Jas . Robinson , and Wm . Marshall ( 792 ) , Joseph Chapman ( 1224 ) , and F . Long
( 1223 ) , it appears for £ 543 14 s . Ifc gave an even larger sum to the Benevolent in 1875 , and was also represented on the Boys' list . Middlesex is a handsome subscriber both years ; in 1874 , for £ 581 19 s , and in 1176 , £ 711 12 s . One of the eig ht Nottingham Lodges , No . 1434 , is down for forty
guineas . North Wales and Shropshire , with nineteen , is also represented by one , No . 11 " 24 , Oswestry , for eleven guineas . Oxfordshire numbers only seven Lodges , but two of them , Nos . 357 aud 478 , are jointl y down for £ 50 . Somersetshire , with nineteen Lodges is represented by one ,
No . 1199 . South Wales ( East Division ) has ten Lodges , and contributes £ 115 10 s . A Sudbury Lodge , No . 1224 , with twenty-five guineas , does duty for Suffolk . Three of the fourteen Surrey Lodges contributed among them thirty guineas . Warwickshire , per a Birmingham Lodge , No . 938 ,
" Grosvenor , contributes two hundred and fifty guineas , and we may anticipate great things from it at the Boys ' Festival , when its Grand Master , Lord Leigh , will take the chair . Wilts-hire aud Jersey also figure , tho former for £ 115 12 s , and the latter for one hundred guineas , while
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Girls' School. The Subscription List At The Recent Festival.
AS tho object of our analysis of the Subscription List at the last of onr annual Festivals , namely , the one held in February for the R . M . B . I . has been misunderstood ; as one brother , at all events , took us to task for the tone in which we commented on the partial character of the list ; as he seemed to think our desire was to goad members into
contributing by holding up sundry , "in all the conspicuousness of italics , " to the reproach of their fellows , we may as well , at the risk of repeating ourselves , state here that all we wish to do is to point out to the energetic secretaries of our three Institutions and their almost equally active
supporters , where they may break fresh ground with a very good chance of bringing substantial grist to the mill from virgin sources , or , at all events , from sources that , for some time pnst , have been overlooked or neglected . The idea of goading people into charitable acts is a silly one on the
face of it . Gifts compulsorily or unwillingly bestowed come not under the category of charitable gifts . But while , for this reason , it would never occur to us to force members into contributing , we see no harm in pointing out what provinces have not contributed to this or that institution .
It is one thing to say that certain Lodges or districts are unrepresented in a certain subscri p tion list , another , that such Lodges or districts have deliberately stood aloof , and so neglected that most important of all Masonic duties , the duty of being charitable . The more we analyse these lists , the more convinced are we that all is not done that , mie-nt
be done on behalf of our Institutions . While the support that is accorded them is an increasing one , and beyond question liberal as regards amount , it is very far from being general . We demonstrated this in the case of the Insfc list at the Benevolent Festival in February , aud we confirm it in the case of the present list .
The amount of subscriptions in 1875 was stated at the time to be £ 7 , 268 3 s , with thirteen lists to come in . This year the figure is £ 8 , 214 , and there are still twelve lists to be received , so that , in round figures , the increase over 1875 is £ 1 , 000 . This is certainly satisfactory , though we
had full y expected the thousands would have reached ten . Of this sum of £ 8 , 214 , more than one-half , or , to bo as precise as possible , £ 4 , 674 16 s 6 d are contributed b y the metropolitan districts , and the remainder by the provinces ,
Stations abroad , the Red Cross Order , Knights Templar , & c . There were , it seems , according to Grand Lodge Calendar for this year , 224 Lodges in the lo ldon district , that is , excluding those warranted since the Quarterl y Communication of Grand Lodire in December last . Of
these , ei g hty-seven figure in the list , and there are likewise four Chapters , of which one is put down conjointly with the Lodge . Of these eighty-seven Lodaes , forty-two were among the seventy-three London Lodges which contributed last year . To put the matter in another wav .
Seventy-three Lodges contributed in 1875 , of which fortytwo contribute again in 1876 , and eig hty-seven this year , of which forty-five did not figure on the last list . Thus , in the two years , one hundred and eighteen Lodges have
subscribed to the Girls' School , and of these six did not appear in Grand Lodge Calendar for 1875 . It follows , of conrse , that nearly one-half the London Lodges are not contributories to this charity in either year , while close upon a fifth of the number in the roll in 1875 are contributories in both
The Girls' School. The Subscription List At The Recent Festival.
years . To show , further , not only how partial is the subscrip tion , but how frequently the same ground is travelled over , while other ground lies fallow or is untried , of the eighty-seven Lodges in the present list , not only have fortytwo , as we have said , subscribed in both years , but
nineteen of them have given three times , that is , twice to the Girls and once to the Benevolent , or , this year to the Girls and this and last year to the Benevolent , while nineteen have subscribed four times , that is , to both festivals of the Benevolent and the Girls . Of these seventeen were
in the Boys List in July last , and have thus subscribed at the last five anniversaries , namely , the two Benevolent , two Girls , and one Boys . As regards the provinces , Berks and Bucks , with fifteen Lodges , represented by the Wycombe Lodge , No . 1 , 501 ,
Hig h Wycombe , contributed £ 141 15 s , and also gave last vear . Cheshire , with thirty-eight Lodges , is represented by Lodges No . 425 of Chester , No . 287 of Stockport , and 237 (? 537 ) of Birkenhead . Devonshire , with forty-six Lodges , is down for five guineas and a-half , Lodge
Perseverance , No . 164 , Sidmouih . Hants and the Isle of Wight has twenty-uino Lodges , of which Lodge 319 , New Forest , subscribes twenty guineas . Kent numbers forty Lodges , and is represented by Nos . 820 , for £ 29 8 s , 1206 for ten guineas , 1208 for twenty-five guineas , 1464 for forty-two
guineas , and 1531 for £ 24 17 s 6 d . The honour of East Lancashire , with its eighty-two Lodges ( Manchester 17 , Salford 5 , Bury 5 , Bolton 4 , Ashlon-under-Lyno 3 , Rochdale 2 ) . is left to a Bolton Lodge , No . 221 , and figures for eleven guineas . Last year the province , with its then
eighty Lodges , was down for forty guineas . Thus Manchester , with its seventeen Lodges , unless it contributed the whole or a part of the forty guineas just mentioned ,
has not given one farthing to either the Benevolent or the Girls' these two years , and was not as worthily represented at the Boys' Festival , as considering its enormous wealth aud the number of its members it mi "lit have been . A small
contribution of £ 6 lis from a Liverpool Lodge , No . 1086 , is all we note from West Lancashire , with its seventy-one Lodges , while its contribution last year was only £ 63 lis , but at the Benevolent , in February , it figured for over £ 1 , 500 , and to the Boys' in 1875 it subscribed
considerably over £ 200 . Lincolnshire last Festival gave only sixty guineas ; this year , with Bros . John Su'cliffe ( 1226 ) , Jack Sutcliffe ( 1264 ) , R . J . Boyall , Charity Steward for the Province . Rev . Dr . Ace ( 123 'i ) , Jas . Robinson , and Wm . Marshall ( 792 ) , Joseph Chapman ( 1224 ) , and F . Long
( 1223 ) , it appears for £ 543 14 s . Ifc gave an even larger sum to the Benevolent in 1875 , and was also represented on the Boys' list . Middlesex is a handsome subscriber both years ; in 1874 , for £ 581 19 s , and in 1176 , £ 711 12 s . One of the eig ht Nottingham Lodges , No . 1434 , is down for forty
guineas . North Wales and Shropshire , with nineteen , is also represented by one , No . 11 " 24 , Oswestry , for eleven guineas . Oxfordshire numbers only seven Lodges , but two of them , Nos . 357 aud 478 , are jointl y down for £ 50 . Somersetshire , with nineteen Lodges is represented by one ,
No . 1199 . South Wales ( East Division ) has ten Lodges , and contributes £ 115 10 s . A Sudbury Lodge , No . 1224 , with twenty-five guineas , does duty for Suffolk . Three of the fourteen Surrey Lodges contributed among them thirty guineas . Warwickshire , per a Birmingham Lodge , No . 938 ,
" Grosvenor , contributes two hundred and fifty guineas , and we may anticipate great things from it at the Boys ' Festival , when its Grand Master , Lord Leigh , will take the chair . Wilts-hire aud Jersey also figure , tho former for £ 115 12 s , and the latter for one hundred guineas , while