Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
shortcomings , and although trying to do his best , felt that the wort ¦ was not dono to his own satisfaction . Tho visitors , who replied in dividually , concurred that , from the highest to the lowest , the officers had performed their respective duties admirably , and some were o opinion that the manner in which the work was done could not b » ex celled . Comp . Ellisdon P . Z . 51 proposed " Prosperitv to the Faitl
Chapter , " which was duly responded to . There was some excelleni singing . Comp . Constable introduced a new song , tho words by Bro . G . W . Abbott of 1385 , published at the office of the FKEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , entitled , "Tho Prince and the Craft , " which w-. \ s we ! reeoivcd . Comp . Mortloek sung " Welcome , ever Welcome , Friends , "
after the Visitors' health had been proposed . Comp . Henley gave " England shall Weather the Storm , " in his usual spirited manner , and a whistling duet by Comps . Mortloek and Henley produced considerable applause . Except an emergency , this Chapter will not meet again until October .
Faith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 . —There is nothing so essential to render brethren perfect in Masonic Ritual as n punctual attendance at Lodges of Instruction ; there thoy will find that every detail is properly explained . Many brethren , duly qualified , and holding high positions in the Order , feel it a pleasure to give instruction as Preceptors , and the members of the above
Lodge determined to give the brethren a Masonic treat by having the ceremonies of Consecration and Installation worked . The brethren , numbering between eighty and ninety , met on Tuesday , when Bro . Jas . Terry P . G . D . C . Herts , occupied the chair . Bros . Reed S . W ., Cameron J . W ., C . A . Cottebruno P . G . P . as P . M ., C . Hill D . C , Scott P . M . Secretary . The musical arrangements wero under the
direction of Bro . Rhodes I . G . 1328 , and Knight CSmith . The programmes , which were of artistic design , wero presented by Bro . Reed , of Oxford , street . The ceremony was most impressively and perfectly delivered , and was followed by the ceremony of installation . Bro . Terry , at the conclusion , was warmly congratulated by every ono present . Bro . C . A . Cottebruno proposed that a vote of thanks bo recorded on the
minutes to Bro . Terry for the admirable manner he had performed the ceremonies of Consecration and Installation . Yotes of thanks were accorded to Bro . C . Hill , and those brethren who had so efficiently nssisted , also to Bro . Reed for presenting tho programmes , and to Bro . Lamb for his kindness in lending the elegant consecrating vessels . Several brethren were elected joiuing members ,
and the Lodge of Instruction was closed . The brethren then sat down to a collation , provided by Bro . Cole , that gavo great satisfaction . Bro . C . A . Cottebruno P . G . P . presided , and proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . He then gavo the health of Bro . Jas . Terry , who had come that eveuing to perform tho ceremonies . The brethren had listened to his working with great pleasure . He
had been associated in Masonry with Bro . Terry for many years , he was now the Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and through his exertions at the last festival they had received over £ 9 , 000 ; the aged ought to be cared for in their declining years as well as the yonng . Bro . Jas . Terry responded , and thanked Bro . Cottehrunc for his kind expres .
sions . He hoped , as Secretary to their noble institution , he had done hi < duty . He gave an account of the expenditure , and the require , ments annually for the annuitants . The President then promised the toast of those brethren who had so ably assisted at the eeremonv . Bros . C . Hill , Cameron , and others returned thanks , and each Brother paid a comp'itneiit to Bro . Terry for his working .
Bro . Terry then said he had a pleasing duty to perform , and that "a- * to propose tlie toast of their worthy Preceptor , the occupant of the chair . Many brethren who have received the benefit of his excellent teaching have attained high position in the Order . Brother Cotte . b uno would not have been chosen to fill that office had not his ta ' cnts been appreciated , he had been selected 'o be a Grand Officer , and he
hoped he weuld be spared for many years to give them the benefit of his valuable assistance . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Cottebruno responded : When the Lodge of Instruction was first started thev were l > ut few in number ; they did not succeed , but were not disheartened . They took a small room ; the attendance was continually fluctuating , but if gradually incicased , and they now meet with never less then 20 or 30
present . They were proud of this Lodge of Instruction , and he hoped tln-y would follow out the precepts ndvoeared therein , so that when they go to their Lodges they would be able to carry out the duties requited of them , lie hoped at all times to meet their approbation . ( Cheers . ) Several other toasts followed , mid tho brethren passed a
very harmonious evening . Bros . Cantle , Knight Smith , S . Webb and G . ilonlov gave some excellent songs . Amongst those present were Bros . II . Stiles , W . Side , C . J . Scales , Young , J . L . Thomas , T . Bull , 11 . Massey , J . Jacob" , B . Solomon , Harper , Cattail , Weston , Hunt , Scott , 15 . Swallow , W . Mann , H . Lewis , Lamb , Rhodes , Campbell , Baker , Shattd , H . M . Levy , & c .
Pbcenix Lodge , No . 173 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 13 th Mav , at Freemasons' lla'l . Great Queen-street . Bros . " W . Wills WM ., J . D . Massey S . W .. Burford J . W ., E . W . Matthews Secretary ; and P . M . 's Bros . F . R . Tine I . P . M ., W . Watson , G . Wilson , Sherman , C . R . Green , Ac . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros .
Guterbock and 11 . W . Davis , were laised to the 3 rd degree . Ballots were taken for several gentlemen , but they were not present . The report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted , and a balance carried forward of £ 97 12 s ud . A Board of Installed Master * was then formed , and Bro . J . D . Massey , W . M . elect , was presented to the Ledge , and Bro . F . K . Vino I . P . M . occupied the chair , and dnlv
installed him into the chair , in a careful , perfect , and impressive manner , Bro . Jekyll , W M . Asaph , ably i fiiciating as Organist . On the admission of the-brethren , the W . M . was saluted according to ancient form , and then invested his officers : Bros . W . Wills I . P . M-. Phillips S . W ., Finch J . W ., J . Burford Treasurer , E . W . Matthews Secretary , E W . Allen S . D ., J . BIyih J . D . and W . S ., J . Andrews I . G ., W . C . Davidson D . O ., F . P . Vine A . W . S .. and Speight Tyler . The
W . M ., in investing his officers , exhibited his proficiency for ho office by his pertinent remarks , which showed the brethren tho election they had made was ono that would in every respect reflect credit . Bro . Vine then gave the customary addresses , md tho encomiums paid to him on his concluding , showed how admirably he had performed the ceromony . Bro . Jekyll W . M . 1319 was
¦ lected an honoravy member , and was afterwards invested with the Collar of Organist of the Lodge . The Lodge was then closed , and 'ho brethren , 58 in number , adjourned to tho Crown Room , where a banquet and dessert was provided by Bro . Francatelli , superintended by Bro . Knill . Bro . Rev . I . W . Goucher 1017 t' en said grace . The W . M . gave the toast of tho Queen and the Craft , and Bros . Wills ,
Sharman and Jekyll sang the National Anthem . Tho W . M . in proposing tho toast of H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., alluded to tho great enthusiasm shown for him by all classes , from the moment of his landing at Portsmouth , and the grand reception he had experienced . Bro . G . Wilson P . M . then sang " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " amid great cheers . Bro . Wongh P . G . P . returned thanks for the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . Watts sang , very sweet ' y , " Stay
with me , darling , stay . " Bro . Wills T . P . M . then roso and said ho would ask the brethren to drink a toast that ho was sure they would heartily respond to ; that was the health of one whom they all respected , tho W . M . ( cheers ) . Ho might congratulate himself on having the hearty support , not only of the officers bnt of every brother in the Lodge . The toast was received with great cheering . Bro . Henson then sang Once Again . " The W . M . thanked the brethren for drinking his health in so cordial a manner . He had been elected to fill
tho chair , and nothing should bo wanting on his part to give them every satisfaction . He then proposed tho toast of tho Visitors ; it was always a pleasure on the part of tho Lodge to recoive them . Tonight they had many distinguished Masons present , and all felt honoured by their presence . Ho then mentioned thdv name * seriatim . Bro . J . L . Mather P . M . G 5 responded , and was followed
by Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Several other brethren also complimented the W . M . on his able presidency , and Brother Vine for his oxcellont rendering of the Ceremony of Installation . Tho W . M . said he was about to propose a toast out of the ordinary conrse , but one , he was sure , that would bo welcome—it was the Masonic Charities . There was au institution that should
never be forgotten—that for the aged . There was a brother among them who had devoted his euergics successfully to the service of the old folks . lie referred to Bro . Terry —( cheers ) —and so long as he was among them as W . M . those Charities should never be forgotten . Bro . Jas . Terry responded to the toast . He thanked the W . M . for bringing his name before tho brethren . At tho election on Friday next there
were 57 candidates , all over GO years of age , and all descending the ladder . As the W . M . said , it was only Freemasonswho support thoso Charities . £ S /> 95 will be required next year , and £ 30 , 000 is annually wanted to support the three Masonic Charities . There aro now 130 rnalo annuitants rec . iving £ 10 per annum , and 110 widows receiving £ 32 peratumm , and ho honed to receive the cordial support of the
brethren present . The W . M . then proposed the toast of tho I . P . M ., and in tho course of an eh quent speech presented him , in the name of Iho Lodge , with a very decant P . M . jewel , w'th suitable inscription . Ffe hoped ho might . 1 ve for many years to wear it , and that it might be transmitted from generation to generation . Tho toast was drunk with musical honours . Bro . Wills , in suitable terms , responded for
the valuab'e » ift . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Past Masters . He was pleased to see so many present . They had had an opportunity of witnessing this evening what they conld do , and he was sure they wero always ready to render valuable services to the Lodge . Bro . Cusworth gavo a very humorous recitation , find after this Bro . G . W Ison P . M . responded . Tho toasts of the Wardens ,
Officers , Treasurer and Secretary were given , and the lyler s toast concluded a very agreeable evening . The visitors wero Bros . J . L . Mather P . M . 65 ; J . Holmes 87 ; C . Jekvll W . M . 1319 ; W . Ough P . G . P . ; J . Terrv . P . P . G . D . C , Herts ; W . A . Smith , 1298 ; J . Cusworth , 873 ; C . ' Frv , 913 ; R . Perkins , 31 ; E . Bowyer . P . M ., M-71 ; R . J . Smith , 31 ; S . " Godfrey-Morton , P . M ., 105 C ; Bracebridge , P . M ., 871 ; Watts , S . D ., 1381 ; and U . M . Lew P . M ., 188 .
Royal Union Lodge , Uxbridge , No . 382 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , 15 th inst ., at the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge . Bro . C . J . W . Davis ocenpied the chair . Bros . W . Smith P . G . S . S . W ., ITalliday J . W ., Coulton P . M . Treasurer , W . Coomhes P . P . G . S . B . Secretary , W . Webb S . D ., G . E . Cook J . D ., Lonsdale I . G ., Russ D . C , Dayson W . S . ; and P . M . 's Bros . B . Swallow , Fehrenbach , T . A . Adams P . G . O ., and Lonsdale . The Lodge was
evened , iind tho minutes wero confirmed . Bro . Bnrge'S was raised to the 3 rd degree . Bros . Ceeil atid Cooper were passed to the 2 nd degree , and Messrs . E . F . Deneubonrg , E . T . Brown and A . J . Hanson were initiated into the Order by tho W . M ., iu a very perfect and impressive manner . Tlie Lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a capital banquet . Tho usnal Loval and Masonic tcasta were irivon . That of II . II . IT . the Prince of Wains M . W . G . M .
meetinotin enthusiastic rec ption . The W . M . said the wishes for his safe return in renewed health were now verified , and the reception he had met with from all classes must have shown him how dear ho is to the nation , and to none more so than to tho brethren of the Order . Bro . T . Adams P . G . P . returned thanks for the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . Fehrenbach P . M . proposed the toast of the W . M . He said tho
Lodge might , bo congratulated on their selection ; their brother was able , in every respect , to carry out tho duties of the chair to their satisfaction . The W . M . suitably replied , and in proposing tho toast of the initiates , sa'd he was pleased with tho attention they had paid to the ceremony ; thev were the sort of brethren the Craft required ,
and if all brethren would bo sure of the respectability of a candidate beforo proposing him , the Order would indeed bo benefitted . Bro . Brown returned thanks for the toast . The impressive manner tho beautiful ceremony had beeu delivered by the W . M . fully impressed him , and would never be forgotten by him and by his brother initiates . Tho toasts pf the P . M . aud Officers were giveu , tho latter being
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
shortcomings , and although trying to do his best , felt that the wort ¦ was not dono to his own satisfaction . Tho visitors , who replied in dividually , concurred that , from the highest to the lowest , the officers had performed their respective duties admirably , and some were o opinion that the manner in which the work was done could not b » ex celled . Comp . Ellisdon P . Z . 51 proposed " Prosperitv to the Faitl
Chapter , " which was duly responded to . There was some excelleni singing . Comp . Constable introduced a new song , tho words by Bro . G . W . Abbott of 1385 , published at the office of the FKEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , entitled , "Tho Prince and the Craft , " which w-. \ s we ! reeoivcd . Comp . Mortloek sung " Welcome , ever Welcome , Friends , "
after the Visitors' health had been proposed . Comp . Henley gave " England shall Weather the Storm , " in his usual spirited manner , and a whistling duet by Comps . Mortloek and Henley produced considerable applause . Except an emergency , this Chapter will not meet again until October .
Faith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 . —There is nothing so essential to render brethren perfect in Masonic Ritual as n punctual attendance at Lodges of Instruction ; there thoy will find that every detail is properly explained . Many brethren , duly qualified , and holding high positions in the Order , feel it a pleasure to give instruction as Preceptors , and the members of the above
Lodge determined to give the brethren a Masonic treat by having the ceremonies of Consecration and Installation worked . The brethren , numbering between eighty and ninety , met on Tuesday , when Bro . Jas . Terry P . G . D . C . Herts , occupied the chair . Bros . Reed S . W ., Cameron J . W ., C . A . Cottebruno P . G . P . as P . M ., C . Hill D . C , Scott P . M . Secretary . The musical arrangements wero under the
direction of Bro . Rhodes I . G . 1328 , and Knight CSmith . The programmes , which were of artistic design , wero presented by Bro . Reed , of Oxford , street . The ceremony was most impressively and perfectly delivered , and was followed by the ceremony of installation . Bro . Terry , at the conclusion , was warmly congratulated by every ono present . Bro . C . A . Cottebruno proposed that a vote of thanks bo recorded on the
minutes to Bro . Terry for the admirable manner he had performed the ceremonies of Consecration and Installation . Yotes of thanks were accorded to Bro . C . Hill , and those brethren who had so efficiently nssisted , also to Bro . Reed for presenting tho programmes , and to Bro . Lamb for his kindness in lending the elegant consecrating vessels . Several brethren were elected joiuing members ,
and the Lodge of Instruction was closed . The brethren then sat down to a collation , provided by Bro . Cole , that gavo great satisfaction . Bro . C . A . Cottebruno P . G . P . presided , and proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . He then gavo the health of Bro . Jas . Terry , who had come that eveuing to perform tho ceremonies . The brethren had listened to his working with great pleasure . He
had been associated in Masonry with Bro . Terry for many years , he was now the Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and through his exertions at the last festival they had received over £ 9 , 000 ; the aged ought to be cared for in their declining years as well as the yonng . Bro . Jas . Terry responded , and thanked Bro . Cottehrunc for his kind expres .
sions . He hoped , as Secretary to their noble institution , he had done hi < duty . He gave an account of the expenditure , and the require , ments annually for the annuitants . The President then promised the toast of those brethren who had so ably assisted at the eeremonv . Bros . C . Hill , Cameron , and others returned thanks , and each Brother paid a comp'itneiit to Bro . Terry for his working .
Bro . Terry then said he had a pleasing duty to perform , and that "a- * to propose tlie toast of their worthy Preceptor , the occupant of the chair . Many brethren who have received the benefit of his excellent teaching have attained high position in the Order . Brother Cotte . b uno would not have been chosen to fill that office had not his ta ' cnts been appreciated , he had been selected 'o be a Grand Officer , and he
hoped he weuld be spared for many years to give them the benefit of his valuable assistance . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Cottebruno responded : When the Lodge of Instruction was first started thev were l > ut few in number ; they did not succeed , but were not disheartened . They took a small room ; the attendance was continually fluctuating , but if gradually incicased , and they now meet with never less then 20 or 30
present . They were proud of this Lodge of Instruction , and he hoped tln-y would follow out the precepts ndvoeared therein , so that when they go to their Lodges they would be able to carry out the duties requited of them , lie hoped at all times to meet their approbation . ( Cheers . ) Several other toasts followed , mid tho brethren passed a
very harmonious evening . Bros . Cantle , Knight Smith , S . Webb and G . ilonlov gave some excellent songs . Amongst those present were Bros . II . Stiles , W . Side , C . J . Scales , Young , J . L . Thomas , T . Bull , 11 . Massey , J . Jacob" , B . Solomon , Harper , Cattail , Weston , Hunt , Scott , 15 . Swallow , W . Mann , H . Lewis , Lamb , Rhodes , Campbell , Baker , Shattd , H . M . Levy , & c .
Pbcenix Lodge , No . 173 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 13 th Mav , at Freemasons' lla'l . Great Queen-street . Bros . " W . Wills WM ., J . D . Massey S . W .. Burford J . W ., E . W . Matthews Secretary ; and P . M . 's Bros . F . R . Tine I . P . M ., W . Watson , G . Wilson , Sherman , C . R . Green , Ac . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros .
Guterbock and 11 . W . Davis , were laised to the 3 rd degree . Ballots were taken for several gentlemen , but they were not present . The report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted , and a balance carried forward of £ 97 12 s ud . A Board of Installed Master * was then formed , and Bro . J . D . Massey , W . M . elect , was presented to the Ledge , and Bro . F . K . Vino I . P . M . occupied the chair , and dnlv
installed him into the chair , in a careful , perfect , and impressive manner , Bro . Jekyll , W M . Asaph , ably i fiiciating as Organist . On the admission of the-brethren , the W . M . was saluted according to ancient form , and then invested his officers : Bros . W . Wills I . P . M-. Phillips S . W ., Finch J . W ., J . Burford Treasurer , E . W . Matthews Secretary , E W . Allen S . D ., J . BIyih J . D . and W . S ., J . Andrews I . G ., W . C . Davidson D . O ., F . P . Vine A . W . S .. and Speight Tyler . The
W . M ., in investing his officers , exhibited his proficiency for ho office by his pertinent remarks , which showed the brethren tho election they had made was ono that would in every respect reflect credit . Bro . Vine then gave the customary addresses , md tho encomiums paid to him on his concluding , showed how admirably he had performed the ceromony . Bro . Jekyll W . M . 1319 was
¦ lected an honoravy member , and was afterwards invested with the Collar of Organist of the Lodge . The Lodge was then closed , and 'ho brethren , 58 in number , adjourned to tho Crown Room , where a banquet and dessert was provided by Bro . Francatelli , superintended by Bro . Knill . Bro . Rev . I . W . Goucher 1017 t' en said grace . The W . M . gave the toast of tho Queen and the Craft , and Bros . Wills ,
Sharman and Jekyll sang the National Anthem . Tho W . M . in proposing tho toast of H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., alluded to tho great enthusiasm shown for him by all classes , from the moment of his landing at Portsmouth , and the grand reception he had experienced . Bro . G . Wilson P . M . then sang " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " amid great cheers . Bro . Wongh P . G . P . returned thanks for the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . Watts sang , very sweet ' y , " Stay
with me , darling , stay . " Bro . Wills T . P . M . then roso and said ho would ask the brethren to drink a toast that ho was sure they would heartily respond to ; that was the health of one whom they all respected , tho W . M . ( cheers ) . Ho might congratulate himself on having the hearty support , not only of the officers bnt of every brother in the Lodge . The toast was received with great cheering . Bro . Henson then sang Once Again . " The W . M . thanked the brethren for drinking his health in so cordial a manner . He had been elected to fill
tho chair , and nothing should bo wanting on his part to give them every satisfaction . He then proposed tho toast of tho Visitors ; it was always a pleasure on the part of tho Lodge to recoive them . Tonight they had many distinguished Masons present , and all felt honoured by their presence . Ho then mentioned thdv name * seriatim . Bro . J . L . Mather P . M . G 5 responded , and was followed
by Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Several other brethren also complimented the W . M . on his able presidency , and Brother Vine for his oxcellont rendering of the Ceremony of Installation . Tho W . M . said he was about to propose a toast out of the ordinary conrse , but one , he was sure , that would bo welcome—it was the Masonic Charities . There was au institution that should
never be forgotten—that for the aged . There was a brother among them who had devoted his euergics successfully to the service of the old folks . lie referred to Bro . Terry —( cheers ) —and so long as he was among them as W . M . those Charities should never be forgotten . Bro . Jas . Terry responded to the toast . He thanked the W . M . for bringing his name before tho brethren . At tho election on Friday next there
were 57 candidates , all over GO years of age , and all descending the ladder . As the W . M . said , it was only Freemasonswho support thoso Charities . £ S /> 95 will be required next year , and £ 30 , 000 is annually wanted to support the three Masonic Charities . There aro now 130 rnalo annuitants rec . iving £ 10 per annum , and 110 widows receiving £ 32 peratumm , and ho honed to receive the cordial support of the
brethren present . The W . M . then proposed the toast of tho I . P . M ., and in tho course of an eh quent speech presented him , in the name of Iho Lodge , with a very decant P . M . jewel , w'th suitable inscription . Ffe hoped ho might . 1 ve for many years to wear it , and that it might be transmitted from generation to generation . Tho toast was drunk with musical honours . Bro . Wills , in suitable terms , responded for
the valuab'e » ift . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Past Masters . He was pleased to see so many present . They had had an opportunity of witnessing this evening what they conld do , and he was sure they wero always ready to render valuable services to the Lodge . Bro . Cusworth gavo a very humorous recitation , find after this Bro . G . W Ison P . M . responded . Tho toasts of the Wardens ,
Officers , Treasurer and Secretary were given , and the lyler s toast concluded a very agreeable evening . The visitors wero Bros . J . L . Mather P . M . 65 ; J . Holmes 87 ; C . Jekvll W . M . 1319 ; W . Ough P . G . P . ; J . Terrv . P . P . G . D . C , Herts ; W . A . Smith , 1298 ; J . Cusworth , 873 ; C . ' Frv , 913 ; R . Perkins , 31 ; E . Bowyer . P . M ., M-71 ; R . J . Smith , 31 ; S . " Godfrey-Morton , P . M ., 105 C ; Bracebridge , P . M ., 871 ; Watts , S . D ., 1381 ; and U . M . Lew P . M ., 188 .
Royal Union Lodge , Uxbridge , No . 382 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , 15 th inst ., at the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge . Bro . C . J . W . Davis ocenpied the chair . Bros . W . Smith P . G . S . S . W ., ITalliday J . W ., Coulton P . M . Treasurer , W . Coomhes P . P . G . S . B . Secretary , W . Webb S . D ., G . E . Cook J . D ., Lonsdale I . G ., Russ D . C , Dayson W . S . ; and P . M . 's Bros . B . Swallow , Fehrenbach , T . A . Adams P . G . O ., and Lonsdale . The Lodge was
evened , iind tho minutes wero confirmed . Bro . Bnrge'S was raised to the 3 rd degree . Bros . Ceeil atid Cooper were passed to the 2 nd degree , and Messrs . E . F . Deneubonrg , E . T . Brown and A . J . Hanson were initiated into the Order by tho W . M ., iu a very perfect and impressive manner . Tlie Lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a capital banquet . Tho usnal Loval and Masonic tcasta were irivon . That of II . II . IT . the Prince of Wains M . W . G . M .
meetinotin enthusiastic rec ption . The W . M . said the wishes for his safe return in renewed health were now verified , and the reception he had met with from all classes must have shown him how dear ho is to the nation , and to none more so than to tho brethren of the Order . Bro . T . Adams P . G . P . returned thanks for the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . Fehrenbach P . M . proposed the toast of the W . M . He said tho
Lodge might , bo congratulated on their selection ; their brother was able , in every respect , to carry out tho duties of the chair to their satisfaction . The W . M . suitably replied , and in proposing tho toast of the initiates , sa'd he was pleased with tho attention they had paid to the ceremony ; thev were the sort of brethren the Craft required ,
and if all brethren would bo sure of the respectability of a candidate beforo proposing him , the Order would indeed bo benefitted . Bro . Brown returned thanks for the toast . The impressive manner tho beautiful ceremony had beeu delivered by the W . M . fully impressed him , and would never be forgotten by him and by his brother initiates . Tho toasts pf the P . M . aud Officers were giveu , tho latter being