Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
eloquently responded to by Bro . W . Smith P . G . S . The Tyler ' s toast was given and the brethren returned to town .
Frederick of Unity Lodge , No . 452 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , Uith inst ., at tho Greyhound Hotel , Crovdon . Present—Bros . William Stanley Masterman P . P . G . D . for Surrey W . M ., J . W . Sugg S . W ., George Wright J . W ., Magnus Ohren P . M . P . P . G . J . W . for Surrey Sec , James Robins P . M . Treas ., A . T . Jeffery S . D ., C . Edmands J . D ., Pawloy I . G ., Speight Tyler . Bro .
Dickinson I . P . M . and a goodly attendance of brethren and visitors , amongst whom we mav mention Bros . Charles Horsley , T . Bonlton , J . Constable , J . H . Wright , II . Mas .-oy and W . W . Morgan . The Lodge was opened punctually at the timo stated on the summons , when the minutes of tho meeting held on tho 17 th August last , at Sutton , and of a Lodge of Emergency , wero read and confirmed .
The brethren , it was announced , were now assembled at old quarters , where , in days gone by , many happy gatherings had taken place , which brought forward some pleasant rocollections . Reasons were given why the members had considered it necessary to rcrnovo from Sutton to Croydon , and it was announced that proper notice had been given of this resolution to Grand Lodge . The ballot
was then taken for Mr . Georgo Robins , son of the respected P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge , which was declared unanimous in favour of that gentleman . Bro . Masterman then rose , and stated that , in consequence of domestic affliction , ho did not feel quite himself , and if the Past Masters of the Lo'lge would kindly grant permission , he would ask his esteemed friend Bro . John Constable , P . M . 185 , to work the
ceremony of raising in favour of Bro . Frederick Cassell , who was that evening a candidate for the sublime degree . This request was graciously acceded to by the several P . M . ' s present , and Bro . Constable took the chair . Bro . Casse'l , who had previously answered tho customary questions , was then introduced , and the ceremony was conducted by Bro . Constable in his well known able style . Bro . Masterman then
resumed the chair , and the election of W . M . and I reasurer for the ensuing year took plnco . Tho choice of the brethren was unanimously in favour of Bro . J . W . Sugg , the Senior Warden , while Bro . James Robins was re-elected Treasurer . Aftor these brethren had severally thanked the members present for the honour th-. it had been accorded them , Mr . George Robins was introduced and duly initiated into the
Order , the ceremony being conducted by the W . M ., Bro . W . S . Masterman . Routine business was then gone through , and the Lodge was closed in due form . A banquet followed , which was doneample justice to by all present . On the removal of the cloth Bro . Masterman , who presided in a most happy and genial way , gave the customary toasts . Those of the Queen and the most Worsh pful the G . M ., H . R . H . the
Prince of Wales , were most loyally received . In giving that of the Pro Grand Master , the Enrl of Carnarvon , Bro . Masterman paid a just eulogium to the high Masonic qualities possessed by our noble brother . Lord Skelmersdale , the Deputy Grand Master , was also a thoroughly good Mason , and he was sure that full honour would be paid to the toast . The health of tho Grand Master of the
Province , Major-General Brownrigg , was next given , and with this toast was coupled the names of P . M . ' s Magnus Ohren and James Robins . To this Bro . Ohren replied . Ho referred to the number of members of their Lodgo who had been favoured with Provincial rank , and said that all mnst bo gratified at tho proud pos tinn the Lodge held . The health of the W . M . was proposed bv Bro . Dickinson , I . P . M .
Bro . Masterman replied , and then proposed the health of his young friend , tho initiate of that evening . He was glad that his old friend , the Treasurer of their Lodge , had given the name of George to his son , he was reminded of the young gentleman ' s ancestor , of whose fame aud renown so much had been said or sung , he was not sure which . He was also gratified to know that their younger brother had
selected the same occupation in which his anc stor was so famous . He was sure all present would cordially drink his health . Bro . George Robius thanked those present for tho way in which they had received the toast . It would be his great ambition to become a good Mason , aud he was very much gratified at having been made a member of tho Order . The toast of the P . M . ' s was replied to by the
I . P . M ., Bro . Dickinson , and was followed by that of the Treasurer and Secretary . Bro . Robins replied , and paid a just tribute to Bro . Magnus Ohren , whom he described as always ready to do all in his power to furthor tho interests of tho Lodge . As for himself what he had doue was only his duty ; he know that if the prosperity of the Lodge was to be maintained , the demands of the brethren must be
kept within reasonable bounds , and if in doing so ho had met with theirappr .-val he was amply repaid . The toast of "Tho Visitors " was replied to by Bro . John Constable , and Bro . Charles Horsley made some remarks expressive of the pleasure it had given him to be present . The next toast was " The Masonic Press , " and with it was
conpled tbe names of Bro . Mussoy on behalf of The Freemason , and of Bro . Morgan in connection with this journal . Both these brethren bin fly replied , and the toast of the W . M . elect was proposed , and wittily responded to by Bro . Sugg . The Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren separated .
Clydesdale Lodge , No . 556 . —This Lodge met , in their owt Hall , I 0 ( j Rose-street , ulsisgow , on Tuesday , ll th inst . Bro . Wm Phillips R . W . M ., who was we 1 supported by his office bearers . Amongst tbe visitors were Bros . P . ihownlio J . W . 3 b s ., G . \ V . Whetlei 73 , P . Young 317 , J . Stewart 3 ii 0 , J . Ferguson I . P . M . 513 . Then were throo candidates for initiation , Messrs . Johnson , Dowue , unci McWilliam , and there beingno objection , they were initiated in a vtr \
careful mauner by tho R . W . M . The P . G . Lodge deputation war then received . Bro . McTaggart said , with very slight exceptions , he found the books in excellent order ; their fund in hand was no very large at tho date of audit , bnt he found that last year they pan off £ 13 > , find the hall was now fite , which , for so young a Lod >; e , wa highly c editable . Their working of the degn es he found to In equally satisfactory , for although they had init . atcd the largo numbei of 61 candidates , he found that only 17 had received the three degrees
at onco , and these wore all well-ascertained cases of emergency . He regretted that Bro . Neilson was sfc' 11 too ill to be with fhemand rejoice in their prosperity . Bro . G . Sinclair acting P . G . M . congratulated them , as a very yonng Lodge , on sitting under their own vine and fig-trees in that nice hall ; it said much for their Master and the re ? t
of tho officers that they had aceornnhshod this . Bri . Phillip 5 ) thanked the deputation for tho r visit , and tho good repn-t th » v had made . It had b"en his constant endeavour to m ^ rit it . H > had not soared himself in working , neither did he intend to do so in the futnre , bnt it was gratifying to tho yonng members of the Lodgo to
know that the work had been inspected bv those who woro fully competent for tho task , and that they had given them so very flatteri"g a report by declaring they were second to none in the province . Ho thanked them for coming with so large a donntation to this oufc-ofthe-wav corner of the city , but ho was determined to leave tho Lodge
eqnal to the best in the heart of it . As some of the deputation were not members of tho Lodge , be reqne ^ fed Bro . M -Taggart to now affiliate them as honorary members . Bros . J . Gillies . Sinclair , and Allison were then affiliated . Br' -s . Young 347 and Fergnson 513 were also affiliated for services rpndored . The Lodge was then called to refreshment , and a couple of hours woro spent in harmony .
Dramatic Lodge , No . 571 . —Bro . Dobson R . W . M . opened this Lodgo on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., at 2 p . m ., and proceeded to initiate two candidates , Messrs . John Cameron and Henri Lndwig , in a ve' -y carefn' manner . At 4 o'clock the P G . L . deputation , consisting of Bros . Gillies P . G . T . acting as P . G . M ., A . MoTaggart , M . A ., P G . S ., J . Miller P . G . J . D ., J . Alleans . J . Rifehh \ Jas . Balfonr D . of C . and
J . B . Hardio entered . The P . G . S . said the present was rather a complimentary than a critical visit , as they woro only oxtondod over six months , but if it had beon a critical one thev would havo passel it remarkably well for he had fonnd nothing to find fault with . The Lodge had experienced some trouble in getting their charter , bub the working of it proved that thoso who had supported them were
perfectly justified , for in no Lodge had there been a truor Masonic spirit exhibited than in tho Dramatic Lodge . Bro . Gillies as acting P . G . M . was glad to bear his testimony to tho thoroughly nffitient stato of tho Lodge , and ho was sure while Bro . Dobson was its Master , and he was supported by such able officers as thoso by whom ho was surrounded , all would be well . He was surprised , but at the same time very glad ,
to see so large a meeting at such an early hoar ; it , angured wall for Masonry . Bro . Dobson thanked the donntation for having comi at this nnusnal hour to see them , and also thoso brethren of other Lodges who had honoured them with th ^ ir presence . The only thing he was afraid of was that they had boon flittering him too highly . Ho had simply tried to do his dnty ; ho knew that
the professional brethren required a Lodgo , as their business engagements often quite prevented them attending to thoir Masonic duties . Having got tho charter with diffisnltv , he felt it incumbent on him , and so had all his officers , to do their best to prove that it had not been unworthily granted . He then proposod that tho deputation , who had left their ordinar y engagements to come
to do honour to them , be mado honorary members , and tho whole of the brethren named above , exeopt the P . G . S ., win was already a member , were affiliated , as wero also Bro . Wheeler 73 , Morgan R . W . M . 219 , Ferguson I . P . M . 513 , and Aikman 570 , for services rendered . Bro . Gillies returned thanks , on behalf of tho whole of the brethren , for tho honour that had been done thom , and tho deputation retired .
The same deputation , at S p . m ., paid a visit to St . Mary , No . 177 , Patrick , and wero able to congratulate Bro . William Wylio and his office bearers on the successful working of the Lodge , and also to express their pleasure at meeting them in the fitio new hall they have lately erected , the consecration of which we noticed somo few months ago .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —The installation banquet of this perfect working Lodge was held on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at tho Balhira Hotel , Balham . Present—Bros . Pulman W . M ., TrnssIer S . W ., aud a numerous assemblage of the brethren and visitors . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . The Treasurer presented the report of tho audit meeting , which showed the flourishing
position of the Lodge . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Trussler W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge , and duly installed into the chair by Bro . Poore P . M ., in such a manner as only could be expected from this worthy brother , whoso efficient working is so well known and admired in the Craft . The W . M . having been saluted , invested his officers : —Bros . Burgess S . W ..
Payne P . M . as J . W . pro turn , McKay S . D , Wolfe J . D ., Smith I . G ., McMurray D . C . and a W . S . Tho W . M . then initiated Messrs . Wiltshire and Mills , to the satisfaction of tho brethren . We hope , however , that the W . M ., whenever timo will permit , will tako each candidate separately , as the impress ! vencss of the ceremony is thereby gieatly increased . Tho Lodge was then closed , and 31
orcthreu partook of a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Lilley . Tie W . M . proposed tl > o usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro , Pulman I . P . M . in an eloquent speech proposed the toast of the W . M ., . vho briefly replied . Bros . Wiltshiic atid Mills replied for tho newly initiated . To the toast of the P . M . ' s Bro . Poore P . M . replied . The vV . M . then presented , in tho nanus of the Lodge , to Rvo . Pniman I . P . M . an elegant jewel . Bro . Pulman , in reply , thanked the brethren
or their kind expressions arid valuable present . Bros . Thompson L ' . M . 177 , 1158 and 1120 , and Wright P . M . 9 tf > , replied for tho . isitors , amongst whom were Bros . Baker S . W ., Stockwell S . D . 1379 , lye 111 , Hardcastle 371 , Best 723 , & c . The toast of the Wardens , Jfficcrs and Tyler were given , and a very agreeable evening was . asscd , to the enjoyment of which Bro . Poore greatly added , by . iving a recitation of the " Canonizing of Jim Crow . " Eoyal Brunswick Lodge , No . 732 . —Tho Spring banquet of thia Lod ^ e was htld at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , ou Thurs-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
eloquently responded to by Bro . W . Smith P . G . S . The Tyler ' s toast was given and the brethren returned to town .
Frederick of Unity Lodge , No . 452 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , Uith inst ., at tho Greyhound Hotel , Crovdon . Present—Bros . William Stanley Masterman P . P . G . D . for Surrey W . M ., J . W . Sugg S . W ., George Wright J . W ., Magnus Ohren P . M . P . P . G . J . W . for Surrey Sec , James Robins P . M . Treas ., A . T . Jeffery S . D ., C . Edmands J . D ., Pawloy I . G ., Speight Tyler . Bro .
Dickinson I . P . M . and a goodly attendance of brethren and visitors , amongst whom we mav mention Bros . Charles Horsley , T . Bonlton , J . Constable , J . H . Wright , II . Mas .-oy and W . W . Morgan . The Lodge was opened punctually at the timo stated on the summons , when the minutes of tho meeting held on tho 17 th August last , at Sutton , and of a Lodge of Emergency , wero read and confirmed .
The brethren , it was announced , were now assembled at old quarters , where , in days gone by , many happy gatherings had taken place , which brought forward some pleasant rocollections . Reasons were given why the members had considered it necessary to rcrnovo from Sutton to Croydon , and it was announced that proper notice had been given of this resolution to Grand Lodge . The ballot
was then taken for Mr . Georgo Robins , son of the respected P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge , which was declared unanimous in favour of that gentleman . Bro . Masterman then rose , and stated that , in consequence of domestic affliction , ho did not feel quite himself , and if the Past Masters of the Lo'lge would kindly grant permission , he would ask his esteemed friend Bro . John Constable , P . M . 185 , to work the
ceremony of raising in favour of Bro . Frederick Cassell , who was that evening a candidate for the sublime degree . This request was graciously acceded to by the several P . M . ' s present , and Bro . Constable took the chair . Bro . Casse'l , who had previously answered tho customary questions , was then introduced , and the ceremony was conducted by Bro . Constable in his well known able style . Bro . Masterman then
resumed the chair , and the election of W . M . and I reasurer for the ensuing year took plnco . Tho choice of the brethren was unanimously in favour of Bro . J . W . Sugg , the Senior Warden , while Bro . James Robins was re-elected Treasurer . Aftor these brethren had severally thanked the members present for the honour th-. it had been accorded them , Mr . George Robins was introduced and duly initiated into the
Order , the ceremony being conducted by the W . M ., Bro . W . S . Masterman . Routine business was then gone through , and the Lodge was closed in due form . A banquet followed , which was doneample justice to by all present . On the removal of the cloth Bro . Masterman , who presided in a most happy and genial way , gave the customary toasts . Those of the Queen and the most Worsh pful the G . M ., H . R . H . the
Prince of Wales , were most loyally received . In giving that of the Pro Grand Master , the Enrl of Carnarvon , Bro . Masterman paid a just eulogium to the high Masonic qualities possessed by our noble brother . Lord Skelmersdale , the Deputy Grand Master , was also a thoroughly good Mason , and he was sure that full honour would be paid to the toast . The health of tho Grand Master of the
Province , Major-General Brownrigg , was next given , and with this toast was coupled the names of P . M . ' s Magnus Ohren and James Robins . To this Bro . Ohren replied . Ho referred to the number of members of their Lodgo who had been favoured with Provincial rank , and said that all mnst bo gratified at tho proud pos tinn the Lodge held . The health of the W . M . was proposed bv Bro . Dickinson , I . P . M .
Bro . Masterman replied , and then proposed the health of his young friend , tho initiate of that evening . He was glad that his old friend , the Treasurer of their Lodge , had given the name of George to his son , he was reminded of the young gentleman ' s ancestor , of whose fame aud renown so much had been said or sung , he was not sure which . He was also gratified to know that their younger brother had
selected the same occupation in which his anc stor was so famous . He was sure all present would cordially drink his health . Bro . George Robius thanked those present for tho way in which they had received the toast . It would be his great ambition to become a good Mason , aud he was very much gratified at having been made a member of tho Order . The toast of the P . M . ' s was replied to by the
I . P . M ., Bro . Dickinson , and was followed by that of the Treasurer and Secretary . Bro . Robins replied , and paid a just tribute to Bro . Magnus Ohren , whom he described as always ready to do all in his power to furthor tho interests of tho Lodge . As for himself what he had doue was only his duty ; he know that if the prosperity of the Lodge was to be maintained , the demands of the brethren must be
kept within reasonable bounds , and if in doing so ho had met with theirappr .-val he was amply repaid . The toast of "Tho Visitors " was replied to by Bro . John Constable , and Bro . Charles Horsley made some remarks expressive of the pleasure it had given him to be present . The next toast was " The Masonic Press , " and with it was
conpled tbe names of Bro . Mussoy on behalf of The Freemason , and of Bro . Morgan in connection with this journal . Both these brethren bin fly replied , and the toast of the W . M . elect was proposed , and wittily responded to by Bro . Sugg . The Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren separated .
Clydesdale Lodge , No . 556 . —This Lodge met , in their owt Hall , I 0 ( j Rose-street , ulsisgow , on Tuesday , ll th inst . Bro . Wm Phillips R . W . M ., who was we 1 supported by his office bearers . Amongst tbe visitors were Bros . P . ihownlio J . W . 3 b s ., G . \ V . Whetlei 73 , P . Young 317 , J . Stewart 3 ii 0 , J . Ferguson I . P . M . 513 . Then were throo candidates for initiation , Messrs . Johnson , Dowue , unci McWilliam , and there beingno objection , they were initiated in a vtr \
careful mauner by tho R . W . M . The P . G . Lodge deputation war then received . Bro . McTaggart said , with very slight exceptions , he found the books in excellent order ; their fund in hand was no very large at tho date of audit , bnt he found that last year they pan off £ 13 > , find the hall was now fite , which , for so young a Lod >; e , wa highly c editable . Their working of the degn es he found to In equally satisfactory , for although they had init . atcd the largo numbei of 61 candidates , he found that only 17 had received the three degrees
at onco , and these wore all well-ascertained cases of emergency . He regretted that Bro . Neilson was sfc' 11 too ill to be with fhemand rejoice in their prosperity . Bro . G . Sinclair acting P . G . M . congratulated them , as a very yonng Lodge , on sitting under their own vine and fig-trees in that nice hall ; it said much for their Master and the re ? t
of tho officers that they had aceornnhshod this . Bri . Phillip 5 ) thanked the deputation for tho r visit , and tho good repn-t th » v had made . It had b"en his constant endeavour to m ^ rit it . H > had not soared himself in working , neither did he intend to do so in the futnre , bnt it was gratifying to tho yonng members of the Lodgo to
know that the work had been inspected bv those who woro fully competent for tho task , and that they had given them so very flatteri"g a report by declaring they were second to none in the province . Ho thanked them for coming with so large a donntation to this oufc-ofthe-wav corner of the city , but ho was determined to leave tho Lodge
eqnal to the best in the heart of it . As some of the deputation were not members of tho Lodge , be reqne ^ fed Bro . M -Taggart to now affiliate them as honorary members . Bros . J . Gillies . Sinclair , and Allison were then affiliated . Br' -s . Young 347 and Fergnson 513 were also affiliated for services rpndored . The Lodge was then called to refreshment , and a couple of hours woro spent in harmony .
Dramatic Lodge , No . 571 . —Bro . Dobson R . W . M . opened this Lodgo on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., at 2 p . m ., and proceeded to initiate two candidates , Messrs . John Cameron and Henri Lndwig , in a ve' -y carefn' manner . At 4 o'clock the P G . L . deputation , consisting of Bros . Gillies P . G . T . acting as P . G . M ., A . MoTaggart , M . A ., P G . S ., J . Miller P . G . J . D ., J . Alleans . J . Rifehh \ Jas . Balfonr D . of C . and
J . B . Hardio entered . The P . G . S . said the present was rather a complimentary than a critical visit , as they woro only oxtondod over six months , but if it had beon a critical one thev would havo passel it remarkably well for he had fonnd nothing to find fault with . The Lodge had experienced some trouble in getting their charter , bub the working of it proved that thoso who had supported them were
perfectly justified , for in no Lodge had there been a truor Masonic spirit exhibited than in tho Dramatic Lodge . Bro . Gillies as acting P . G . M . was glad to bear his testimony to tho thoroughly nffitient stato of tho Lodge , and ho was sure while Bro . Dobson was its Master , and he was supported by such able officers as thoso by whom ho was surrounded , all would be well . He was surprised , but at the same time very glad ,
to see so large a meeting at such an early hoar ; it , angured wall for Masonry . Bro . Dobson thanked the donntation for having comi at this nnusnal hour to see them , and also thoso brethren of other Lodges who had honoured them with th ^ ir presence . The only thing he was afraid of was that they had boon flittering him too highly . Ho had simply tried to do his dnty ; ho knew that
the professional brethren required a Lodgo , as their business engagements often quite prevented them attending to thoir Masonic duties . Having got tho charter with diffisnltv , he felt it incumbent on him , and so had all his officers , to do their best to prove that it had not been unworthily granted . He then proposod that tho deputation , who had left their ordinar y engagements to come
to do honour to them , be mado honorary members , and tho whole of the brethren named above , exeopt the P . G . S ., win was already a member , were affiliated , as wero also Bro . Wheeler 73 , Morgan R . W . M . 219 , Ferguson I . P . M . 513 , and Aikman 570 , for services rendered . Bro . Gillies returned thanks , on behalf of tho whole of the brethren , for tho honour that had been done thom , and tho deputation retired .
The same deputation , at S p . m ., paid a visit to St . Mary , No . 177 , Patrick , and wero able to congratulate Bro . William Wylio and his office bearers on the successful working of the Lodge , and also to express their pleasure at meeting them in the fitio new hall they have lately erected , the consecration of which we noticed somo few months ago .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —The installation banquet of this perfect working Lodge was held on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at tho Balhira Hotel , Balham . Present—Bros . Pulman W . M ., TrnssIer S . W ., aud a numerous assemblage of the brethren and visitors . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . The Treasurer presented the report of tho audit meeting , which showed the flourishing
position of the Lodge . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Trussler W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge , and duly installed into the chair by Bro . Poore P . M ., in such a manner as only could be expected from this worthy brother , whoso efficient working is so well known and admired in the Craft . The W . M . having been saluted , invested his officers : —Bros . Burgess S . W ..
Payne P . M . as J . W . pro turn , McKay S . D , Wolfe J . D ., Smith I . G ., McMurray D . C . and a W . S . Tho W . M . then initiated Messrs . Wiltshire and Mills , to the satisfaction of tho brethren . We hope , however , that the W . M ., whenever timo will permit , will tako each candidate separately , as the impress ! vencss of the ceremony is thereby gieatly increased . Tho Lodge was then closed , and 31
orcthreu partook of a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Lilley . Tie W . M . proposed tl > o usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro , Pulman I . P . M . in an eloquent speech proposed the toast of the W . M ., . vho briefly replied . Bros . Wiltshiic atid Mills replied for tho newly initiated . To the toast of the P . M . ' s Bro . Poore P . M . replied . The vV . M . then presented , in tho nanus of the Lodge , to Rvo . Pniman I . P . M . an elegant jewel . Bro . Pulman , in reply , thanked the brethren
or their kind expressions arid valuable present . Bros . Thompson L ' . M . 177 , 1158 and 1120 , and Wright P . M . 9 tf > , replied for tho . isitors , amongst whom were Bros . Baker S . W ., Stockwell S . D . 1379 , lye 111 , Hardcastle 371 , Best 723 , & c . The toast of the Wardens , Jfficcrs and Tyler were given , and a very agreeable evening was . asscd , to the enjoyment of which Bro . Poore greatly added , by . iving a recitation of the " Canonizing of Jim Crow . " Eoyal Brunswick Lodge , No . 732 . —Tho Spring banquet of thia Lod ^ e was htld at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , ou Thurs-