Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4
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Notices Of Meetings.
day , the 11 th inst ., under tho presidency of the W . M ., Bro . J . M Kidd . A very sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . Reynard and the W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts . He mentioned as a pleasing fact that the meeting was held on the dsu H . R . H . the Princeof Wales , M . W . the Grand Master , had returne " to his native shores , in health , to gladden the hearts of all , more par .
ticu ' arly his brother Masons . A telegram had been received announc ing his arrival , and it might be considered a red-letter day that thev were there tocelebrato their festival ou that auspicious occasion . Tht toast of the W . M . was given , who was congratulated on the mannei in which ho had discharged his duties . There was a goodly numbet of tho brethren present , and among the visitors was Bro . E . J
Furner , D . P . G . M ., whom every one was pleased to welcome after hi * recent serious accident ; there were also Bro . Knhe , Grand Organist of the Grand Lodgo of England : Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . S ., Secretary Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; W . H . Hallett P . G . S . W . ; J . II . Scott P . G . Secretary , and several others . The gathering was one that gave pleasure to all , and a delightful evening was passed . .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Trianglo Hackney , on the 16 th May . Bros . P . iT . Wallington W . M ., Smith S . W ., Brown J . W ., Wiego S . D ., Barke J . D ., Johns . m I . G . ; also P . M . ' s Bros . Ashburner and Mnsto , and several other brethren . Bro . Musto
having answered the usual questions , was raised to the 3 rd degree , the W . M . giving the traditional history . The 1 st and 3 rd soetions were then worked by Bro . Musto . Lodgo was then closed down to the 1 st degree , when the 1 st section was worked by Bro . Musto . Bro . Smith , the S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for tho following Tuesday and appointed tho officers in rotation .
Priory Chapter , No . 1000 . —Tho installation meeting of this flourishing Chapter , and first anniversary of its consecration , was held at the Middleton Hotel , Sontheud , on Wednesday , the 10 th inst . There were present Comps . Rev . S . R . Wigrarn P . Z . 214 , Grand 1 st Asst . Soj . M . E . Z ., E . E . Phillips H ., A . Lticking J ., J . C . Johnstone
Scribe E ., S . R . Weston Treas ., J . A . Wardell Prin . Soj ., Jas . Wdling jun . and T . W . Gower Asst . Sojs ., J . R . Hemmann , F . V . Jillings , E . Judd , W . Pissey , V . Cantor , T . Williams , H . 11 . Child , J . Wiseman ; Visitor , Comp . Rev . — Skelton P . Z . 214 . The Chapter having been opened and the Companions admitted , the minutes of tho last Convocation were read aud confirmed . Four candidates for exaltation
wpre ballot ted for and unanimously elected . Bros . F . Wood P . M . 1000 and F . Calrnnz 197 , being present , wero duly exalted to this sup erne degree , the ceremony being impressively performed by the M . K . Z ., Comps . II . and J . giving tho symbolical and historical lectures . The Principals were then installed for the ensuing year , viz . —Comps . E . E . Phillips M . E . Z ., A . Lticking II ., J . A . Wardell J . The following
ofheers were invested—Comps . J . C . Job - stone Scribe E ., W . Pissey Scribe N ., S . K . Weston Tieas ., Jas . Willing jun . Prin . Soj ., T . W . Gower 1 st A . S ., Rev . H . J . Hatch 2 nd AS ., J . R . Hemmann D . C , E . Judd and F . V . Jillings Stewards , Mountain Janitor . The leport of the andit committee , which was favourable , was received and adopted . Ti . o M E . Z ., iu the name of the Chapter , then proreuted the I . P . Z ., Comp . Kev . S . R . Wigram , with a handsome P . Z . ' s jewel , in
recognition of his invaluable services as the first M . E . Z . of the Priory Chapter , and also congratulated him on the high office to which he had been appointed in the Supreme Grand Chapter . The Chapter was duly closed and the Companions adjourned to banqnet . Tlie usual Loyal and R . A . toasts were given , and duly honoured . Comp . Rev . S . it . Wiyruui returned thanks for the Lfficcrsof Grand Chapter , and Comp . R . v . — Skelton for the Visitors . The Janitor ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , after a very pleasant and instructive meeting .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly mooting on Wednesday , tho 10 ih May , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Pre .-ent—Bros . J . T . F . cernan W . M ., Margrett S . W ., Welch J . W ., Ivey P . M . Secretary , St ransom Treasurer , Flanagan S . D ., Bailey acting J . D , Dowsett Organist , Furgnsoti aud Newman Stewards , Dat . ks I . G ., Heinmings Tvler . I' . M ' s Bros . Brown , Chancellor ,
Egginton , Hurley , and ten members . Business—iho minutes of the last regular Lodge were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . Henry Cived passed to the degree of F . C . The Lodgo was resumed in the first degree . A very interesting aud animated disenssiou arose upon a notice of motion by the S . W . " That a vote of £ 31 10 s for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ,
passed at the Inst regular Lodgo Uieeting , be re .-cinded ; as due notice was not given to the brethren on the agenda . " On a division this was carried by a majority of tine , upon which Bro . Brown P . M . pave notice of motion , "Ttiat the sum of thirty guineas , from the Lodge Fut ds , he applied to the list of the Chaplain , who will
represent the Lodge as Steward at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution fur Boys . " It is understood that there will be a unanimous vote for this at the Lodge meeting in June , which will be iu time for the Festival . Tiio Lodge was then closed .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , iNo . 1178 . —An emot-goncy meetingof the Lodge was heiti at the Brioge House Hotel , Southwark . Bros . J . A . Sinuh W . M ., W . Bachelor S . W ., T . W . Lover J . W ., F . U . Cusworth P . M . Treasurer . F Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex , Secretary , F . Garbeit S . D ., J . Stock J . D ., J . Porter B . C ., G . J . Grace P . M ., j . H . Hatmsworth P . M . 1 he Lodge was opened , ami Bros . F . Shaw , J . R . Fcnwick ,
D . Murdt eh , E . Harm ns , aud W . Hancock , were raised to the 3 rd degree ; Bros . J . Quiucey , G . Williamson , E . Bridges , F . W . Stump , and T . Clark were passed to the 2 nd degree , and Messrs . F . Bri i-. es , A . Barman , C . M . Whipp , J . Wukelin , a . , d E . T . Atlinge were iniiiated o to tbe Order . It was unanimously reso vtd that a siimmei
fesr val take place , 'iho L dec was then c : ostd , and slight refreshmeais followed The Visitors weie Bros . J . F . P . Woo . ey , late 1 'izti , J . Hooper 1314 , E . Ma let J . W . 141 , J . W . Adams 765 , E . W . Deveicux S . D . 1423 , G . S . Whale P . M . 148 , P . Magee J . D . 548 , J . Shipley 30 , and C . J . Jones 829 .
Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge was held on tho 15 th inst . at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen . street . Bros . J . M . Watts W . M ., E . J . Harty , S . W ., Taylor J . W ., H . Mander P . M . Treas ., Watts P . M . Sec , Saul S . D ., Richardson as J . D ., Lloyd as I . G ., and Leo as Organist ; Bros . Dubbing , Walker , Grey , iemenoctzky , Sturm , and Dr . Lloyd . The Lodge was opened , and the
ninutes were confirmed . Bros . J . G . Rush , Newton , and Driver were raised to the 3 rd degree . Bros . Egan and Brooks were raised to the 2 nd degree , and Messrs . Green , C . II . Brandon , and A . Bensor ( an Arabian ) were initiated into the Order . Bros . I . and J . Botibol , No . 188 , were elected joining memtiers . The initiation fee was raised to 610 10 s , and the joining fee to £ 5 5 s . Bro . E . J . Harty S . W . pave
a notice of motion that the Worshipful Master , Senior and Junior Wardens for tho time being be endowed annually with the sum of £ 10 10 s , to enablo them , in the name of the Lodgo , to become Life Governors of tho three Masonic Charities . Bro . E . J . Hart y S . W . [ imposed , and Bro . Dubbing seconded—That an address be forwarded to H . R . H . Tho Pridco of Wales M . W . G . M . ou his safe return to his nativo country , and tho happy and successful results of his
journey , and that tho Secretary , bo desired to communicate the same to tho Grand Secretary to be forwarded to H . R . H . This was carried unanimously . Two propositions were handed in for initiation . The working throughout was unexceptionable , and the Lodge wao closed . There was no banquet , as this Lodge only has ono on the Installation meeting , tho surplus fttuds beiug devoted to the Masonic Charities .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction . —On Friday , the 12 th inst ., the members held their usual weekly meeting , at 8 o'clock . Bros . Asliburner W . M ., Allen S . W ., Hugh Cotter J . W ., Livermore S . D ., Wallington J . D ., Peal I . G / ., Chitson Secretary . Lodge opened with the usual preliminaries ; first degree was worked , Bio . J . K . Pitt acting as candidate . Lodge opened in sec-ud degree , arid Bro . Fairbank
was passed . Lodge resumed to the first degree , and the 3 rd and 4 th sections of first lecture wero worked by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren . Bro . G . W . Verry , who formerly acted as Preceptor to this good working Lodge , was asked to resume that position , aud to this request he kindly consented . Tho brethren are satisfied all labour will prosper iu his hands , and in this we heartily concur .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held ou the 13 th iust ., at tho King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton . Bros . J . Baxter Langley W . M ., E . H . Thiellay P . G . A . G . P . Middlesex S . W ., T . J . Sabine P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , Treasurer J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex , Secretary , E . W . Devereux S . D ., S . Wolff J . D .,
H . Faija , C . E ., as I . G ., E . W . Mackney P . M . Tho Lodge was opened , and Mr . T . E . Henmau was initiated by the W . M ., by whose courtesy Brother J . W . Baldwin passed Bros . Beckwith and Wingate , and raised Bro . A . Rolington . The Lodgo was then closed , and refreshments followed . Tho visitors were Bros . J . W . Smith 447 , R . Giiggs W . M . 228 , H . A . Hart 1339 , and F . Fisher 62 k
Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1556 . —A regular meetingof this Loogo was held on Saturday last , the 13 th inst ., at the Alma Tavern , Addiscombe . Present—Bros . S . J . Turquand W . M ., Mullett S . W ., J . Parsons Smith J . W ., Masterman P . M . Treasurer , Frances P . M . P . G . S . D . Secretary , Gtay S . D ., Pitt J . D ., L . Turquaud I . G .,
Carpentcr D . C , Lambert W . S ., and several other brethren . Vistors—Bros . J . Bcare ' 193 , Dr . Dixon and Green 890 . Bros . Beare , Cooper , Chumley and Foss wero duly passed to the second degree . All Masonic business ended , twenty-three brethren sat down to an excellent repast , which was provided by tbe worthy hostess .
Sir Hugh Middelton Lodge , No . 1602 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge , which was lately consecrated , met at the Agricultural Hall , Islington . Bros . E . Somers W . M ., E . G . Sim S . W ., G . J . Coombs J . W ,, J . Osborn Secretary , J . Weston Treasurer , A . F . Rowley S . D ., F . Allen J . I ) ., W . Norris D . C , \ V . F . Poulton Stewaul , J . G . Glover I . G ., H . De Sella Organist , Steedman Tyler ,
and Bros . Lee aud Dyer 45 . Tho Lodge was opeued , aud Messrs , S . Rowley , H . Oppontieim , W . Payne , E . G . Thomas , and H . Bevis , who had been previously balloted for , wero duly initiated into the Order . Bros . J . Crocker 1189 , H . Field 1189 , T . Upward 487 , and W . A . Dawson 820 , wero elected joining members . The Lodge was then closed . The next meetiug will take place on 26 th May . The
brethren then sat down to very excollenc coid collation , provided by Bro . Sawyer . The W . M . gave tho usual toasts . Bro . Lee proposed the toast of tho W . M . The newly initiated brethren severally tesponded . Tne Wardens and Officers toasts were given , and the har . mony of the evening was euliveucd by tho excellent singing of Bros . A . De Solla , Upward and Sim , and by a very capital recitation from Bro . Dyer .
East Sussex Lodge of Mark Masons . — The annual meeting and Installation was held on Tuesday last , at tbe Castle Hotel , Hastings . Th « Lodge was opened and the minutes wero Confirmed . Bro . C . W . Duke P . G . A . D . 0 . Sussex , was installed W . M . and iuvested as his officers Bros . G . Mureu of Heatbfield b . W ., 0 . M . A ' orris of St . Leonards J . W ., Dr . Croticher of Hastings P . G . O . M . O .,
C . Ashendeu S . U ., T . H . Coie J . O ., K . F . Cave P . G . C . Chaplaiu , G . Wellard Treasurer , J . Dorman Registrar of Marks , Dr . Trollope G . D . C . P . M . Secretary , T . H . Wadd SJD ., R . J . Ret-d J . D ., Rossiter I . G . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Gaze , the worthy host . The usual toasts
were giveu and duly responded to . Bro . Knkham was unable to ba j . resent from indisposition , and among those present were Bros . F . liiuckes G . S . cf Euglaud , Dr . Cunningham V . W . D . P . G . M ., Wood id Brighton , and G . Smith W . M . of Lodge 76 Brightou , and several brethren from London , Brighton , Eastbourne and tho surrounding neighbourhood .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
day , the 11 th inst ., under tho presidency of the W . M ., Bro . J . M Kidd . A very sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . Reynard and the W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts . He mentioned as a pleasing fact that the meeting was held on the dsu H . R . H . the Princeof Wales , M . W . the Grand Master , had returne " to his native shores , in health , to gladden the hearts of all , more par .
ticu ' arly his brother Masons . A telegram had been received announc ing his arrival , and it might be considered a red-letter day that thev were there tocelebrato their festival ou that auspicious occasion . Tht toast of the W . M . was given , who was congratulated on the mannei in which ho had discharged his duties . There was a goodly numbet of tho brethren present , and among the visitors was Bro . E . J
Furner , D . P . G . M ., whom every one was pleased to welcome after hi * recent serious accident ; there were also Bro . Knhe , Grand Organist of the Grand Lodgo of England : Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . S ., Secretary Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; W . H . Hallett P . G . S . W . ; J . II . Scott P . G . Secretary , and several others . The gathering was one that gave pleasure to all , and a delightful evening was passed . .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Trianglo Hackney , on the 16 th May . Bros . P . iT . Wallington W . M ., Smith S . W ., Brown J . W ., Wiego S . D ., Barke J . D ., Johns . m I . G . ; also P . M . ' s Bros . Ashburner and Mnsto , and several other brethren . Bro . Musto
having answered the usual questions , was raised to the 3 rd degree , the W . M . giving the traditional history . The 1 st and 3 rd soetions were then worked by Bro . Musto . Lodgo was then closed down to the 1 st degree , when the 1 st section was worked by Bro . Musto . Bro . Smith , the S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for tho following Tuesday and appointed tho officers in rotation .
Priory Chapter , No . 1000 . —Tho installation meeting of this flourishing Chapter , and first anniversary of its consecration , was held at the Middleton Hotel , Sontheud , on Wednesday , the 10 th inst . There were present Comps . Rev . S . R . Wigrarn P . Z . 214 , Grand 1 st Asst . Soj . M . E . Z ., E . E . Phillips H ., A . Lticking J ., J . C . Johnstone
Scribe E ., S . R . Weston Treas ., J . A . Wardell Prin . Soj ., Jas . Wdling jun . and T . W . Gower Asst . Sojs ., J . R . Hemmann , F . V . Jillings , E . Judd , W . Pissey , V . Cantor , T . Williams , H . 11 . Child , J . Wiseman ; Visitor , Comp . Rev . — Skelton P . Z . 214 . The Chapter having been opened and the Companions admitted , the minutes of tho last Convocation were read aud confirmed . Four candidates for exaltation
wpre ballot ted for and unanimously elected . Bros . F . Wood P . M . 1000 and F . Calrnnz 197 , being present , wero duly exalted to this sup erne degree , the ceremony being impressively performed by the M . K . Z ., Comps . II . and J . giving tho symbolical and historical lectures . The Principals were then installed for the ensuing year , viz . —Comps . E . E . Phillips M . E . Z ., A . Lticking II ., J . A . Wardell J . The following
ofheers were invested—Comps . J . C . Job - stone Scribe E ., W . Pissey Scribe N ., S . K . Weston Tieas ., Jas . Willing jun . Prin . Soj ., T . W . Gower 1 st A . S ., Rev . H . J . Hatch 2 nd AS ., J . R . Hemmann D . C , E . Judd and F . V . Jillings Stewards , Mountain Janitor . The leport of the andit committee , which was favourable , was received and adopted . Ti . o M E . Z ., iu the name of the Chapter , then proreuted the I . P . Z ., Comp . Kev . S . R . Wigram , with a handsome P . Z . ' s jewel , in
recognition of his invaluable services as the first M . E . Z . of the Priory Chapter , and also congratulated him on the high office to which he had been appointed in the Supreme Grand Chapter . The Chapter was duly closed and the Companions adjourned to banqnet . Tlie usual Loyal and R . A . toasts were given , and duly honoured . Comp . Rev . S . it . Wiyruui returned thanks for the Lfficcrsof Grand Chapter , and Comp . R . v . — Skelton for the Visitors . The Janitor ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , after a very pleasant and instructive meeting .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly mooting on Wednesday , tho 10 ih May , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Pre .-ent—Bros . J . T . F . cernan W . M ., Margrett S . W ., Welch J . W ., Ivey P . M . Secretary , St ransom Treasurer , Flanagan S . D ., Bailey acting J . D , Dowsett Organist , Furgnsoti aud Newman Stewards , Dat . ks I . G ., Heinmings Tvler . I' . M ' s Bros . Brown , Chancellor ,
Egginton , Hurley , and ten members . Business—iho minutes of the last regular Lodge were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . Henry Cived passed to the degree of F . C . The Lodgo was resumed in the first degree . A very interesting aud animated disenssiou arose upon a notice of motion by the S . W . " That a vote of £ 31 10 s for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ,
passed at the Inst regular Lodgo Uieeting , be re .-cinded ; as due notice was not given to the brethren on the agenda . " On a division this was carried by a majority of tine , upon which Bro . Brown P . M . pave notice of motion , "Ttiat the sum of thirty guineas , from the Lodge Fut ds , he applied to the list of the Chaplain , who will
represent the Lodge as Steward at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution fur Boys . " It is understood that there will be a unanimous vote for this at the Lodge meeting in June , which will be iu time for the Festival . Tiio Lodge was then closed .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , iNo . 1178 . —An emot-goncy meetingof the Lodge was heiti at the Brioge House Hotel , Southwark . Bros . J . A . Sinuh W . M ., W . Bachelor S . W ., T . W . Lover J . W ., F . U . Cusworth P . M . Treasurer . F Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex , Secretary , F . Garbeit S . D ., J . Stock J . D ., J . Porter B . C ., G . J . Grace P . M ., j . H . Hatmsworth P . M . 1 he Lodge was opened , ami Bros . F . Shaw , J . R . Fcnwick ,
D . Murdt eh , E . Harm ns , aud W . Hancock , were raised to the 3 rd degree ; Bros . J . Quiucey , G . Williamson , E . Bridges , F . W . Stump , and T . Clark were passed to the 2 nd degree , and Messrs . F . Bri i-. es , A . Barman , C . M . Whipp , J . Wukelin , a . , d E . T . Atlinge were iniiiated o to tbe Order . It was unanimously reso vtd that a siimmei
fesr val take place , 'iho L dec was then c : ostd , and slight refreshmeais followed The Visitors weie Bros . J . F . P . Woo . ey , late 1 'izti , J . Hooper 1314 , E . Ma let J . W . 141 , J . W . Adams 765 , E . W . Deveicux S . D . 1423 , G . S . Whale P . M . 148 , P . Magee J . D . 548 , J . Shipley 30 , and C . J . Jones 829 .
Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge was held on tho 15 th inst . at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen . street . Bros . J . M . Watts W . M ., E . J . Harty , S . W ., Taylor J . W ., H . Mander P . M . Treas ., Watts P . M . Sec , Saul S . D ., Richardson as J . D ., Lloyd as I . G ., and Leo as Organist ; Bros . Dubbing , Walker , Grey , iemenoctzky , Sturm , and Dr . Lloyd . The Lodge was opened , and the
ninutes were confirmed . Bros . J . G . Rush , Newton , and Driver were raised to the 3 rd degree . Bros . Egan and Brooks were raised to the 2 nd degree , and Messrs . Green , C . II . Brandon , and A . Bensor ( an Arabian ) were initiated into the Order . Bros . I . and J . Botibol , No . 188 , were elected joining memtiers . The initiation fee was raised to 610 10 s , and the joining fee to £ 5 5 s . Bro . E . J . Harty S . W . pave
a notice of motion that the Worshipful Master , Senior and Junior Wardens for tho time being be endowed annually with the sum of £ 10 10 s , to enablo them , in the name of the Lodgo , to become Life Governors of tho three Masonic Charities . Bro . E . J . Hart y S . W . [ imposed , and Bro . Dubbing seconded—That an address be forwarded to H . R . H . Tho Pridco of Wales M . W . G . M . ou his safe return to his nativo country , and tho happy and successful results of his
journey , and that tho Secretary , bo desired to communicate the same to tho Grand Secretary to be forwarded to H . R . H . This was carried unanimously . Two propositions were handed in for initiation . The working throughout was unexceptionable , and the Lodge wao closed . There was no banquet , as this Lodge only has ono on the Installation meeting , tho surplus fttuds beiug devoted to the Masonic Charities .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction . —On Friday , the 12 th inst ., the members held their usual weekly meeting , at 8 o'clock . Bros . Asliburner W . M ., Allen S . W ., Hugh Cotter J . W ., Livermore S . D ., Wallington J . D ., Peal I . G / ., Chitson Secretary . Lodge opened with the usual preliminaries ; first degree was worked , Bio . J . K . Pitt acting as candidate . Lodge opened in sec-ud degree , arid Bro . Fairbank
was passed . Lodge resumed to the first degree , and the 3 rd and 4 th sections of first lecture wero worked by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren . Bro . G . W . Verry , who formerly acted as Preceptor to this good working Lodge , was asked to resume that position , aud to this request he kindly consented . Tho brethren are satisfied all labour will prosper iu his hands , and in this we heartily concur .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held ou the 13 th iust ., at tho King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton . Bros . J . Baxter Langley W . M ., E . H . Thiellay P . G . A . G . P . Middlesex S . W ., T . J . Sabine P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , Treasurer J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex , Secretary , E . W . Devereux S . D ., S . Wolff J . D .,
H . Faija , C . E ., as I . G ., E . W . Mackney P . M . Tho Lodge was opened , and Mr . T . E . Henmau was initiated by the W . M ., by whose courtesy Brother J . W . Baldwin passed Bros . Beckwith and Wingate , and raised Bro . A . Rolington . The Lodgo was then closed , and refreshments followed . Tho visitors were Bros . J . W . Smith 447 , R . Giiggs W . M . 228 , H . A . Hart 1339 , and F . Fisher 62 k
Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1556 . —A regular meetingof this Loogo was held on Saturday last , the 13 th inst ., at the Alma Tavern , Addiscombe . Present—Bros . S . J . Turquand W . M ., Mullett S . W ., J . Parsons Smith J . W ., Masterman P . M . Treasurer , Frances P . M . P . G . S . D . Secretary , Gtay S . D ., Pitt J . D ., L . Turquaud I . G .,
Carpentcr D . C , Lambert W . S ., and several other brethren . Vistors—Bros . J . Bcare ' 193 , Dr . Dixon and Green 890 . Bros . Beare , Cooper , Chumley and Foss wero duly passed to the second degree . All Masonic business ended , twenty-three brethren sat down to an excellent repast , which was provided by tbe worthy hostess .
Sir Hugh Middelton Lodge , No . 1602 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge , which was lately consecrated , met at the Agricultural Hall , Islington . Bros . E . Somers W . M ., E . G . Sim S . W ., G . J . Coombs J . W ,, J . Osborn Secretary , J . Weston Treasurer , A . F . Rowley S . D ., F . Allen J . I ) ., W . Norris D . C , \ V . F . Poulton Stewaul , J . G . Glover I . G ., H . De Sella Organist , Steedman Tyler ,
and Bros . Lee aud Dyer 45 . Tho Lodge was opeued , aud Messrs , S . Rowley , H . Oppontieim , W . Payne , E . G . Thomas , and H . Bevis , who had been previously balloted for , wero duly initiated into the Order . Bros . J . Crocker 1189 , H . Field 1189 , T . Upward 487 , and W . A . Dawson 820 , wero elected joining members . The Lodge was then closed . The next meetiug will take place on 26 th May . The
brethren then sat down to very excollenc coid collation , provided by Bro . Sawyer . The W . M . gave tho usual toasts . Bro . Lee proposed the toast of tho W . M . The newly initiated brethren severally tesponded . Tne Wardens and Officers toasts were given , and the har . mony of the evening was euliveucd by tho excellent singing of Bros . A . De Solla , Upward and Sim , and by a very capital recitation from Bro . Dyer .
East Sussex Lodge of Mark Masons . — The annual meeting and Installation was held on Tuesday last , at tbe Castle Hotel , Hastings . Th « Lodge was opened and the minutes wero Confirmed . Bro . C . W . Duke P . G . A . D . 0 . Sussex , was installed W . M . and iuvested as his officers Bros . G . Mureu of Heatbfield b . W ., 0 . M . A ' orris of St . Leonards J . W ., Dr . Croticher of Hastings P . G . O . M . O .,
C . Ashendeu S . U ., T . H . Coie J . O ., K . F . Cave P . G . C . Chaplaiu , G . Wellard Treasurer , J . Dorman Registrar of Marks , Dr . Trollope G . D . C . P . M . Secretary , T . H . Wadd SJD ., R . J . Ret-d J . D ., Rossiter I . G . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Gaze , the worthy host . The usual toasts
were giveu and duly responded to . Bro . Knkham was unable to ba j . resent from indisposition , and among those present were Bros . F . liiuckes G . S . cf Euglaud , Dr . Cunningham V . W . D . P . G . M ., Wood id Brighton , and G . Smith W . M . of Lodge 76 Brightou , and several brethren from London , Brighton , Eastbourne and tho surrounding neighbourhood .