Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES . ^ W $ B HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , E . G .. g W' ^^ Vr ^ osfc Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & c , having been graciously ( B | / ss ^^ JiuE ^ r ^ jfe pleased to accept tho special Dedication , AML TM ^ FWM " ^ s : p : i : j : B : Nr : D : i :: iD f \ JP | f HISTORICAL STEEL ENGRAVING Jp | ^^ Mf r ^^ S 0 WILL SH 0 RTLY BE PUBLISHED , i ^ ft $ ll \ ^ jSL $ * d y-k l >} } K % \ ' ^^ _ OV TnE // B */ ^? f ^ w ^ v ^ ^ | ^^^^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL 1875 , / m $ \ ^ fc || ^ ^ IN THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ p tef- ^^ _ - ^ v ~ y > W " By BEO - EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . X < :: ^^^^ ^^ >^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to be made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION roB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMA 80 HS . C B O Y D O U . Patron and President : His Royal Highness THE PUIXCK or WALES , K . G ., & c ., M . W . G . M . A T the Annual General Meeting of this Institution , held at Free-¦ £ X- mason « ' Hall , Loudon , on Friday , tho 19 th May 1 S 76 , W . Bro . Colonel J , C ' reaton , Vice-Patron P . G . D . in the chair . After tho general business was dispo-od of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to the election of Twentyono Female Annuitants from an approved list of thirty-two candidates ( tho whole of tho Hale candidates heing placed on the list without election ) , when the following were declared duly elected : — Votes ., Votes . Mrs . Hoare , Henrietta 1069 Mrs . Charlton , Sarah 616 „ Blackburn , Kliza W 10411 „ Govier , Elizabeth 615 ,. Burton , Jane 9 d 31 „ Froud , Mary S 92 „ Gidney , Lvdia 7 ( 13 „ Win-Held . Frances 590 „ Johnson , Harriet 701 ! ,, lingers , Frances 852 „ Ko ; m , Mary 681 „ Tidswell , Susannah bil „ Cowen , Harriet H 7 (!; „ Edwards , Eleanor B-i » „ Harvey , Honor fi . jt ,, Lundv , Char otte 63 S „ Ke . ldell , Martha F 6 : U 1 ,, Wilkes , Eliz'beih 513 „ Redick , Maria ( i 2 o | „* Russell , Sarah 416 ,, Brown , Sarah ( iio ' Marked thus * elected to fill a vacancy occasioned by death since tho voting papers were issued . Tlie votes of tho unsuccessful candidates will be carried forward to the next ele tion . Copies of the result sheet , with number of votes polled for all candidates , may be had on application to tho Secretary . By order , JAMES TERRY , SECKETABT . 4 FHEEJUsnys' HAM ,, LO . NDOS , W . C . 19 th May la 76 .
THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB . THE CLUB PEEMI 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , ATN'D WILT . SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTION now payable will date from tho day on which tho Club opens , and is fixed at . ( , ' 3 3 s for Town Members , i . e ., Members residing within twenty miles ol the Club , and X'l lis ( id for Country . Members . Members incur no liability beyond their subscription . None but Freemasons are eligiblti for membership . THE NEXT ELECTION will be held on 1 st June . An Entrance Feo will be imposed as soon as the Club is open d . Forms of Application for Membership may be obtained from the Secretary , at the Ullices of tho LOXDOX MASOMO CLL ' COUFAMX LIMITED , 3 " Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATHBURY , Secretary .
. A . 3 ^ I 03 srTJ ^/ CE ! 3 srTAL WORK . NOW IN PEEPABATION . HISTORY OF EVERY LODGE UNIV .. , > : GRAND LODGE OF FRi'E AND ACCEPTED MAS 1 ' . ( . ' ' ENGLAND . Will be Edited b y a JitHngninlicd Grand Offim : In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of a 1 Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
ALEXANDRA PALACE . SEASON TICKETS , available for one year from the 1 st of each I month , to bo hud of W . W . MOFC-A :. - , 67 Bnrbici ' . r ., E . C .
PH ^^^^^^^ Sfiinivivww * vs Bi | fcyiWrtw »^^ raB 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE serene atmosphere of the House of Lords has been disturbed this week by a conflict , in which tbe Liberals , led b y Enrl Granville , sustained defeat at the hands of the Government , by 148 votes to 92 . The question was one of amending the laws relating to the Burial of the Dead , bat Ministers , supported by the whole bench of bishops , save
Bishop Temple of Exeter , while admitting that some modification of the existing laws might be made , resisted the abstract resolution of the Opposition leader , and their resistance prevailed . The treatment of Coolies in the
Mauritius , brought under notice by the Earl of Kimberley , and the second reading of a Uniou of Benefices Bill , proposed by the Bishop of Exeter , have been the other chief points of interest .
On Friday , the Ministry experienced a somewhat heavy defeat in the House of Commons . Mr . R . Smyth moved a resolution , having for object the closing the public houses in Ireland on Sunday , and in spite of the opposition of the Government , gained the day by 2 * 24 to 167 . On Monday ,
on the motion for the second reading of the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill , a Mr . Rylands proposed a resolution questioning the financial policy of the Government on the ground of its extravagance , and a long debate followed . On the division taking place , Mr . Rylands , though
supported by the whole strength of the Opposition , was defeated by the very considerable majority of 88 , there being for his motion 175 , and against it 263 . On Tuesday , Mr . Butt obtained leave to bring in a Bill to make provision for University Education in Ireland , and Mr .
Walpole also obtained leave to bring in a Bui for making further provision respecting the University of Cambridge aud its Colleges . On Wednesday , Mr . Cowen moved the second reading of a Bill for altering the present system
of licensing the sale of intoxicating liquors , by taking away the power now vested in justices of the peace and transferring it to licensing Boards , but he found only 109 supporters , while his opponents mustered 274 . Ou Thursday , Lord' Sandon obtained leave to introduce an Amending
Bill on Elementary Education , and Mr . Hubbard moved a resolution on the Income Tax , but was beaten by 241 to 121 . The Prince of Wales , since his return home , has not been permitted the enjoyment of much rest . On Friday ,
he and the Princess attended the Drawing-room held at Buckingham Palace by her Majesty , aud himself presented several of the gentlemen , including Major-General Probyn and Captain Carr-Glynn , who returned with him iu the Serapis , On Monday , by command , of Her Majesty , his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES . ^ W $ B HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , E . G .. g W' ^^ Vr ^ osfc Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & c , having been graciously ( B | / ss ^^ JiuE ^ r ^ jfe pleased to accept tho special Dedication , AML TM ^ FWM " ^ s : p : i : j : B : Nr : D : i :: iD f \ JP | f HISTORICAL STEEL ENGRAVING Jp | ^^ Mf r ^^ S 0 WILL SH 0 RTLY BE PUBLISHED , i ^ ft $ ll \ ^ jSL $ * d y-k l >} } K % \ ' ^^ _ OV TnE // B */ ^? f ^ w ^ v ^ ^ | ^^^^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL 1875 , / m $ \ ^ fc || ^ ^ IN THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ p tef- ^^ _ - ^ v ~ y > W " By BEO - EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . X < :: ^^^^ ^^ >^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to be made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION roB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMA 80 HS . C B O Y D O U . Patron and President : His Royal Highness THE PUIXCK or WALES , K . G ., & c ., M . W . G . M . A T the Annual General Meeting of this Institution , held at Free-¦ £ X- mason « ' Hall , Loudon , on Friday , tho 19 th May 1 S 76 , W . Bro . Colonel J , C ' reaton , Vice-Patron P . G . D . in the chair . After tho general business was dispo-od of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to the election of Twentyono Female Annuitants from an approved list of thirty-two candidates ( tho whole of tho Hale candidates heing placed on the list without election ) , when the following were declared duly elected : — Votes ., Votes . Mrs . Hoare , Henrietta 1069 Mrs . Charlton , Sarah 616 „ Blackburn , Kliza W 10411 „ Govier , Elizabeth 615 ,. Burton , Jane 9 d 31 „ Froud , Mary S 92 „ Gidney , Lvdia 7 ( 13 „ Win-Held . Frances 590 „ Johnson , Harriet 701 ! ,, lingers , Frances 852 „ Ko ; m , Mary 681 „ Tidswell , Susannah bil „ Cowen , Harriet H 7 (!; „ Edwards , Eleanor B-i » „ Harvey , Honor fi . jt ,, Lundv , Char otte 63 S „ Ke . ldell , Martha F 6 : U 1 ,, Wilkes , Eliz'beih 513 „ Redick , Maria ( i 2 o | „* Russell , Sarah 416 ,, Brown , Sarah ( iio ' Marked thus * elected to fill a vacancy occasioned by death since tho voting papers were issued . Tlie votes of tho unsuccessful candidates will be carried forward to the next ele tion . Copies of the result sheet , with number of votes polled for all candidates , may be had on application to tho Secretary . By order , JAMES TERRY , SECKETABT . 4 FHEEJUsnys' HAM ,, LO . NDOS , W . C . 19 th May la 76 .
THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB . THE CLUB PEEMI 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , ATN'D WILT . SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTION now payable will date from tho day on which tho Club opens , and is fixed at . ( , ' 3 3 s for Town Members , i . e ., Members residing within twenty miles ol the Club , and X'l lis ( id for Country . Members . Members incur no liability beyond their subscription . None but Freemasons are eligiblti for membership . THE NEXT ELECTION will be held on 1 st June . An Entrance Feo will be imposed as soon as the Club is open d . Forms of Application for Membership may be obtained from the Secretary , at the Ullices of tho LOXDOX MASOMO CLL ' COUFAMX LIMITED , 3 " Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATHBURY , Secretary .
. A . 3 ^ I 03 srTJ ^/ CE ! 3 srTAL WORK . NOW IN PEEPABATION . HISTORY OF EVERY LODGE UNIV .. , > : GRAND LODGE OF FRi'E AND ACCEPTED MAS 1 ' . ( . ' ' ENGLAND . Will be Edited b y a JitHngninlicd Grand Offim : In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of a 1 Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
ALEXANDRA PALACE . SEASON TICKETS , available for one year from the 1 st of each I month , to bo hud of W . W . MOFC-A :. - , 67 Bnrbici ' . r ., E . C .
PH ^^^^^^^ Sfiinivivww * vs Bi | fcyiWrtw »^^ raB 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE serene atmosphere of the House of Lords has been disturbed this week by a conflict , in which tbe Liberals , led b y Enrl Granville , sustained defeat at the hands of the Government , by 148 votes to 92 . The question was one of amending the laws relating to the Burial of the Dead , bat Ministers , supported by the whole bench of bishops , save
Bishop Temple of Exeter , while admitting that some modification of the existing laws might be made , resisted the abstract resolution of the Opposition leader , and their resistance prevailed . The treatment of Coolies in the
Mauritius , brought under notice by the Earl of Kimberley , and the second reading of a Uniou of Benefices Bill , proposed by the Bishop of Exeter , have been the other chief points of interest .
On Friday , the Ministry experienced a somewhat heavy defeat in the House of Commons . Mr . R . Smyth moved a resolution , having for object the closing the public houses in Ireland on Sunday , and in spite of the opposition of the Government , gained the day by 2 * 24 to 167 . On Monday ,
on the motion for the second reading of the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill , a Mr . Rylands proposed a resolution questioning the financial policy of the Government on the ground of its extravagance , and a long debate followed . On the division taking place , Mr . Rylands , though
supported by the whole strength of the Opposition , was defeated by the very considerable majority of 88 , there being for his motion 175 , and against it 263 . On Tuesday , Mr . Butt obtained leave to bring in a Bill to make provision for University Education in Ireland , and Mr .
Walpole also obtained leave to bring in a Bui for making further provision respecting the University of Cambridge aud its Colleges . On Wednesday , Mr . Cowen moved the second reading of a Bill for altering the present system
of licensing the sale of intoxicating liquors , by taking away the power now vested in justices of the peace and transferring it to licensing Boards , but he found only 109 supporters , while his opponents mustered 274 . Ou Thursday , Lord' Sandon obtained leave to introduce an Amending
Bill on Elementary Education , and Mr . Hubbard moved a resolution on the Income Tax , but was beaten by 241 to 121 . The Prince of Wales , since his return home , has not been permitted the enjoyment of much rest . On Friday ,
he and the Princess attended the Drawing-room held at Buckingham Palace by her Majesty , aud himself presented several of the gentlemen , including Major-General Probyn and Captain Carr-Glynn , who returned with him iu the Serapis , On Monday , by command , of Her Majesty , his