Article JOHN HERVEY LODGE, No. 1260. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ST. MARYLEBONE LODGE, No. 1507. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. MARYLEBONE LODGE, No. 1507. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. JOHN LODGE, No. 1306. Page 1 of 1
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John Hervey Lodge, No. 1260.
was proclaimed and saluted according to ancient custom . Brother Hraton then proceeded lo appoint his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Salmon S . W ., Sorrell P . M . 176 J . W ., Baker S . D ., Tayler J . D ., Frost I . G . Bro . Jabez Hogg P . G . D . and P . M ., who had been re-elected Treasnrer , was , we regret to say , nimble to attend for investment , he having been confined to his hcwe lor some weeks past by a severe
attack of bronchitis . Bro . Chas . A tkins Past Master was re-nppointed Secretary . The Worshipful Master , in appointing the Officers , instructed each ono in the duties attached to the position . The appointment of OSicers being concluded , Bro . Latreille addressed the W . M ., Wardens , and Brethren ivith an eloquence thafc elicited the applnnse of every brother who had tho advantage of bping present
The Worshipful Master subsequently proceeded to initiate Mr . Wm . Henry . The work , considering the Officers were , new to it , was admirably performed by those engaged . We are pleased to notice that this Lodge has a balance of £ 233 4 s lOd to credit of its Benevolent Fund , established in 1878 . Visitors—Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary , C . A . Grammer W . M . 27 . A . Tislny W . M . TROQ T W : ii : „ r . WTU 10 a" 7 T KnnllPM 19 RR P . PViiUina P . M R 9 f \
W . Manger P . M . 1314 , J . Green P . M . 27 , C . W . G . Pinero Past Master 257 , & c . Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet at Freemasons' Tavern . The Grand Secretary , in respond ing to the toast of the Grand Officers ' , expressed his regret at the absence of his esteemed friend nnd colleague in Grand Lodge , Bro . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., and his pleasure in attending the John Hervey
Lodge , seeing it bore and would perpetuate the name of his predecessor in the office of Grand Secretary . That distinguished brother having associated himself with , and taken an interest in tbe Lodge , ifc was very gratifying fco him ( Colonel Gierke ) to find the work carlied on in snch an admirable manner . The Installing Master had performed the ceremony with eloquence and ability , whilst the new
W . M . had proved his capacity by his excellent working at the initition of tbe brother on his right . The toast of the Visitors was associated with the names of Bro . Grammer W . M . 27 , and Bro . Tisley W . M . 1589 , who , together with several other visiting brethren , acknowledged the compliment . Tbe Tyler's toast having been duly honoured , the brethren separated after a most successful and enjoyable evening .
St. Marylebone Lodge, No. 1507.
THE installation meeting was held on the 11 th inst ., at the Langham Hotel , Portland-place , where there was a large attendance of members and visitors . Lodge was opened by Brother Benjamin Phillips W . M ., who was supported by Bros . White P . M . 177 S . W . and W . M . elect , Mouflet J . W ., Chaplin Treasnrer , Baker P . M . Secretary , Hill S . D ., Halliday J . D ., Smith I . G ., Kiffc Organist . P . M . ' s
Bros . Timewell , Draper , Ashwell , Foxull P . G . P . Visitors—Bros . L . Ascot P . M . 733 , Berkley P . M . 507 , Dr . Stirling 174 , G . Fredericks late 118 , Mussared 1901 and 188 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , Bros . Curtis , Barr , and Ash - down were raised to the sublime degree , and Bros . P . Rocco , 0 . Woolf , Artaud , and Billing were passed . Both ceremonies were excellently
worked by tbe W . M ., while each Officer was equally perfect . Bro . White P . M . 177 , 1563 , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the Lodge and duly installed into the chair by the retiring W . M . Bro . Phillips , who conducted the ceremony in a very excellent manner ; Bro . Ascot efficiently acted as M . C . By special request the W . M . gave the concluding address , which he delivered mosfc impressively .
The newly-installed Master then , in appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers . Bros . B . Phillips I . P . M ., F . C . Mouflet S . W ., Hill J . W ., J . Chaplin Treas . re-elected , J . L . Baker P . M . Sec , Halliday S . D ., F . Smith J . D ., Dorand I . G ., G . Spurgin M . C , J . Kift Organist , Daly Tyler . The Auditors' report was read and adopted , and then Lodge was closed until the second Wednesday in
June . The brethren sat down to a very sumptuous and recherche banquet and dessert , provided by Captain Gordon . The W . M ., in very eloquent terms , proposed the preliminary loyal toasts , the Queen and the Craft and H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . In speaking of the Grand Officers the W . M . said those who attend Grand Lodge see how ably they do their duty . He called on all to give the toast the
reception it merited . Mr . Armand Semple , M . D ., a friend of Bro . Dr . Spnrgin , here delighted the brethren with a song entitled "Golden Love . " Bro . Phillips I . P . M . then rose . It was with great pleasure he had to propose the health of the W . M ., who had been associated with him for many years . Brother White was well calculated to preside over them , and would prove himself as good a Master as ever had
been elected in the Lodge . He would promote harmony , and his year of office was sure to be a successful one . Bro . Stirling , previous to the W . M . 's reply , played a solo on the violin . Bro . White then thanked Brother Phillips for the way he had spoken of him . He hoped the same love and harmony that now existed would continue , Every member of fche Lodge , he was sure , wished ifc to go on
and prosper . Personally he could hardly express his gratitude for the kind manner in which the toast bad been received . In speaking to the toast of tho Visitors , tho W . M . said tho Lodge was indebted to Bro . Ascot for his assistance in the ceremony ; on behalf of the members he thanked him . He could also say they wero very pleased to see the visiting brethren present . The St . Marylebone
Lodge is afc all times pleased to see them . Bro . Ascot in eloquent terms responded ; he was present afc the consecration of the Lod ge , thirteen years ago , and was gratified to see the progress it had made . Bro . Alderman sang in excellent style " The Vagabond . " In speaking to the next toast the W . M . said it was nofc an ordinary one . Bro . Phillips , the I . P . M . and Installing Master of the day , had passed and
raised seven brethren . He had likewise installed him ; and ha ( the W . M . ) was sure the brethren bad appreciated tbe valuable services thus rendered . In clue course , he hoped to instal his successor . However , thafc was an event for tho future . He asked for the toast a hearty reception ; bnt before Bro . Philips responded , he desired to gay the brethren had voted him a jewel , for fcho manner in which he
St. Marylebone Lodge, No. 1507.
had carried onfc the dnties of the ohair . Ifc had been voted nnanimonsly . and be hoped Bro . Phillips might be spared for many years fco « -enr ifc , in recollection of his association with their Lodge . Bro . Phillips in reply conld scarcely find words to say how gratified he was fo hear the kind words of Bvo . White . He appreciated the good feeling of his many friends . Ten years since he was initiated , by
Bro . Stringer . He had been successful in his Masonic career , inasmuch as he was a P . M . of the City of Westminster , as well as of the St . Marvlebnne . In both Lodges he had received many kindnesses , which ho trnsted bo might never forget . He thanked fhe members fur the elegant jewel jnst presented ; this was tbe second one voted him , and he hoped to be spared to wear it among them for many
vears . The W . M ., in proposing the tnasfc of the P . M . 's , said he hoped they would support him dnring his year of office ; indeed , he wns sure . they would do so . Brother Semple again delighted tbe brethren with one of his splendid songs , and then Bvo . Timewell , on behalf of the P . M . ' s , responded . He regretted being absent during Bro . Phillips's year ; he could assure them it was
ont of no disrespect to him ; he thought no better Mason existed . He hoped in future to be a more regular attendant . Brothers Foxall and Draper followed . The toast of the Treasnrer and Secretary came next ; to both of these Officers hearty thanks were due . The Worshipful Master generally has all the credit ; bufc ifc is generally due to the efforts of the Treasurer and
Secretary that a Lodge owes its prosperity . Here both Officers had done their dnty well . After Bro . Stirling bad played a solo on the pinnoforte , Bro . Chaplin ( Treasnrer ) responded . Bro . Baker followed j while he was Secretary , he hoped not only to give satisfaction to the W . M ., but to every brother in the Lodge . Bro . Phillips had had a successfnl year of office , and he ( Bro . Baker ) hoped Bro . White would
have a still more successful one ; this he was sure would be satisfactory to all . In speaking to his Officers the W . M . fully impressed on them the necessity of their attending Lodges of Instruction ; he would ever readily give them his assistance ; he knew their working qualifications , and had every confidence in them . To Bro . Dr . Spnrgin he and the Lodge were specially grateful ; the musical treat he
had provided them was much appreciated . Bro . Spnrgin had induced some of his private friends who possessed high intellectual attainments and splendid voices to render him assistance , and the result had been eminently satisfactory . Bros . Mouflet S . W . and Dr . Spurgin acknowledged tbe compliment . Bro . Seager Hnnfc , in replying to
the next toasfc said , the Lay Members , he felfc assured , would strive to advance the welfare of the Lodge . Shortly afterwards the Tyler ' s toast was given . We cannot conclude this notice without a word for Dr . Spurgin ; he and his friends deserve great praise for the excellent musical entertainment they provided ; this greatly added to the enjoyment of the evening .
St. John Lodge, No. 1306.
ST . JOHN LODGE , No . 1306 .
THE annual installation meeting of this prosperous Lodge was held at the City Arms Tavern , St . Mary-Axe , E . G ., on Wednesday , the 11 th instant , when there was a large attendance of brethren and visitors , under the presidency of the retiring W . M ., Bro . T . Wooding , who was supported by I . P . M . T . Magrath and P . M . ' s W . H . Hayward , W . Poore , C . Veal , and W . BeckTreasurer ; T . J . Tyer J . W .
and W . M . elect , A . G . Clements Secretary , I . P . Confcure S . D ., G . T . Holdom J . D ., J . Somners M . C , W . Sherwin Organist , I . G . Twinn I . G ., J . Loftus Steward ; also Bros . S . M . Pipe , G . Wise , T . J . Barnes jun ., 0 . Stephenson , A . W . Flack , J . Oxley , W . T . ' i ardy , T . Phillips , J . L . Green , A . Lloyd , C . Hausmann , T . J . Tarling , T . Willetts , W . McCreddie , E . Oppenheim , T . J . Morris , H . Harbord 901 , H . Forss 917 , P . Jackman 1805 , R . Hayward 1306 , A . Meyers W . M .
1421 , H . McClelland 901 , W . H . Myers P . M . 820 , P . K . Job P . M . 1076 , R . Hirst 1421 , C . H . Bardoleau 1421 , G . Clarke 554 , T . Loane 1421 . Lodge was opened in accordance with antient rites soon after four o ' clock , and the minutes of last regular and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . The Auditors' Report was most nnanimously received and adopted . This showed the Lodge to be in a most satisfactory financial position . Bro . Tyer was then presented
as W . M . for the eusuing year , and duly installed into the chair , the impressive ceremony being carried out mosfc ably by the retiring Master . After tbe customary salutations , Bro . Tyer ( the new Master ) invested his Officers for the year , as follow : —Bros . Wooding I . P . M ., Couture S . W ., Clements J . W ., Holdom S . D ., Twinn J . D ., Pipe Secretary , Beck Treasnrer , Hardy I . G ., Hayward M . C , Loftus Assfc .
M . C , Barnes W . S ., Wise and Norris Stewards , Longstaff Tyler . Reference was made to the new home and new title of the Lodge ( which had received the assent of Grand Lodge ) , and mutual congratulations were exchanged by all as to the conspicuous foundation for the future prosperity of the Lodge . A unanimous vote of thanks was then passed in favour of Bro . Hayward for his able services in contributing to this issue , the same to be recorded on the minutes of the
Lodge . Afc the conclusion of other bnsiness , the brethren and Visitors adjourned to the banqnetting room , where the new W . M . presided iu a very able ancl congenial manner . The Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , while the toast of the Visitors received all honours . In duo course , the brethren separated , after having been favoured with songs by several of those present , and an excellent recitation by Bro . Oxley .
Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1471 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 17 th April , at the Crown and Cushion , London Wall . Bros . Medwin WM ., Tyler S . W ., Ford J . W ., Millar Sec ., Hawksley S . D ., Mather Preceptor , Conchraan I . G . ; Bros . Goldney , Hepburn , Hunter , Blay , Stoekdale , Draper inn ., Benison ,
Laroorn , Mitchell . Lodge was opened in due form , and minntes were read and confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Goldney candidate . Lodge opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Benison candidate . Bro . Mather worked this ceremony . Lodge was closed , and the brethren separated after a very instructive evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
John Hervey Lodge, No. 1260.
was proclaimed and saluted according to ancient custom . Brother Hraton then proceeded lo appoint his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Salmon S . W ., Sorrell P . M . 176 J . W ., Baker S . D ., Tayler J . D ., Frost I . G . Bro . Jabez Hogg P . G . D . and P . M ., who had been re-elected Treasnrer , was , we regret to say , nimble to attend for investment , he having been confined to his hcwe lor some weeks past by a severe
attack of bronchitis . Bro . Chas . A tkins Past Master was re-nppointed Secretary . The Worshipful Master , in appointing the Officers , instructed each ono in the duties attached to the position . The appointment of OSicers being concluded , Bro . Latreille addressed the W . M ., Wardens , and Brethren ivith an eloquence thafc elicited the applnnse of every brother who had tho advantage of bping present
The Worshipful Master subsequently proceeded to initiate Mr . Wm . Henry . The work , considering the Officers were , new to it , was admirably performed by those engaged . We are pleased to notice that this Lodge has a balance of £ 233 4 s lOd to credit of its Benevolent Fund , established in 1878 . Visitors—Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary , C . A . Grammer W . M . 27 . A . Tislny W . M . TROQ T W : ii : „ r . WTU 10 a" 7 T KnnllPM 19 RR P . PViiUina P . M R 9 f \
W . Manger P . M . 1314 , J . Green P . M . 27 , C . W . G . Pinero Past Master 257 , & c . Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet at Freemasons' Tavern . The Grand Secretary , in respond ing to the toast of the Grand Officers ' , expressed his regret at the absence of his esteemed friend nnd colleague in Grand Lodge , Bro . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., and his pleasure in attending the John Hervey
Lodge , seeing it bore and would perpetuate the name of his predecessor in the office of Grand Secretary . That distinguished brother having associated himself with , and taken an interest in tbe Lodge , ifc was very gratifying fco him ( Colonel Gierke ) to find the work carlied on in snch an admirable manner . The Installing Master had performed the ceremony with eloquence and ability , whilst the new
W . M . had proved his capacity by his excellent working at the initition of tbe brother on his right . The toast of the Visitors was associated with the names of Bro . Grammer W . M . 27 , and Bro . Tisley W . M . 1589 , who , together with several other visiting brethren , acknowledged the compliment . Tbe Tyler's toast having been duly honoured , the brethren separated after a most successful and enjoyable evening .
St. Marylebone Lodge, No. 1507.
THE installation meeting was held on the 11 th inst ., at the Langham Hotel , Portland-place , where there was a large attendance of members and visitors . Lodge was opened by Brother Benjamin Phillips W . M ., who was supported by Bros . White P . M . 177 S . W . and W . M . elect , Mouflet J . W ., Chaplin Treasnrer , Baker P . M . Secretary , Hill S . D ., Halliday J . D ., Smith I . G ., Kiffc Organist . P . M . ' s
Bros . Timewell , Draper , Ashwell , Foxull P . G . P . Visitors—Bros . L . Ascot P . M . 733 , Berkley P . M . 507 , Dr . Stirling 174 , G . Fredericks late 118 , Mussared 1901 and 188 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , Bros . Curtis , Barr , and Ash - down were raised to the sublime degree , and Bros . P . Rocco , 0 . Woolf , Artaud , and Billing were passed . Both ceremonies were excellently
worked by tbe W . M ., while each Officer was equally perfect . Bro . White P . M . 177 , 1563 , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the Lodge and duly installed into the chair by the retiring W . M . Bro . Phillips , who conducted the ceremony in a very excellent manner ; Bro . Ascot efficiently acted as M . C . By special request the W . M . gave the concluding address , which he delivered mosfc impressively .
The newly-installed Master then , in appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers . Bros . B . Phillips I . P . M ., F . C . Mouflet S . W ., Hill J . W ., J . Chaplin Treas . re-elected , J . L . Baker P . M . Sec , Halliday S . D ., F . Smith J . D ., Dorand I . G ., G . Spurgin M . C , J . Kift Organist , Daly Tyler . The Auditors' report was read and adopted , and then Lodge was closed until the second Wednesday in
June . The brethren sat down to a very sumptuous and recherche banquet and dessert , provided by Captain Gordon . The W . M ., in very eloquent terms , proposed the preliminary loyal toasts , the Queen and the Craft and H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . In speaking of the Grand Officers the W . M . said those who attend Grand Lodge see how ably they do their duty . He called on all to give the toast the
reception it merited . Mr . Armand Semple , M . D ., a friend of Bro . Dr . Spnrgin , here delighted the brethren with a song entitled "Golden Love . " Bro . Phillips I . P . M . then rose . It was with great pleasure he had to propose the health of the W . M ., who had been associated with him for many years . Brother White was well calculated to preside over them , and would prove himself as good a Master as ever had
been elected in the Lodge . He would promote harmony , and his year of office was sure to be a successful one . Bro . Stirling , previous to the W . M . 's reply , played a solo on the violin . Bro . White then thanked Brother Phillips for the way he had spoken of him . He hoped the same love and harmony that now existed would continue , Every member of fche Lodge , he was sure , wished ifc to go on
and prosper . Personally he could hardly express his gratitude for the kind manner in which the toast bad been received . In speaking to the toast of tho Visitors , tho W . M . said tho Lodge was indebted to Bro . Ascot for his assistance in the ceremony ; on behalf of the members he thanked him . He could also say they wero very pleased to see the visiting brethren present . The St . Marylebone
Lodge is afc all times pleased to see them . Bro . Ascot in eloquent terms responded ; he was present afc the consecration of the Lod ge , thirteen years ago , and was gratified to see the progress it had made . Bro . Alderman sang in excellent style " The Vagabond . " In speaking to the next toast the W . M . said it was nofc an ordinary one . Bro . Phillips , the I . P . M . and Installing Master of the day , had passed and
raised seven brethren . He had likewise installed him ; and ha ( the W . M . ) was sure the brethren bad appreciated tbe valuable services thus rendered . In clue course , he hoped to instal his successor . However , thafc was an event for tho future . He asked for the toast a hearty reception ; bnt before Bro . Philips responded , he desired to gay the brethren had voted him a jewel , for fcho manner in which he
St. Marylebone Lodge, No. 1507.
had carried onfc the dnties of the ohair . Ifc had been voted nnanimonsly . and be hoped Bro . Phillips might be spared for many years fco « -enr ifc , in recollection of his association with their Lodge . Bro . Phillips in reply conld scarcely find words to say how gratified he was fo hear the kind words of Bvo . White . He appreciated the good feeling of his many friends . Ten years since he was initiated , by
Bro . Stringer . He had been successful in his Masonic career , inasmuch as he was a P . M . of the City of Westminster , as well as of the St . Marvlebnne . In both Lodges he had received many kindnesses , which ho trnsted bo might never forget . He thanked fhe members fur the elegant jewel jnst presented ; this was tbe second one voted him , and he hoped to be spared to wear it among them for many
vears . The W . M ., in proposing the tnasfc of the P . M . 's , said he hoped they would support him dnring his year of office ; indeed , he wns sure . they would do so . Brother Semple again delighted tbe brethren with one of his splendid songs , and then Bvo . Timewell , on behalf of the P . M . ' s , responded . He regretted being absent during Bro . Phillips's year ; he could assure them it was
ont of no disrespect to him ; he thought no better Mason existed . He hoped in future to be a more regular attendant . Brothers Foxall and Draper followed . The toast of the Treasnrer and Secretary came next ; to both of these Officers hearty thanks were due . The Worshipful Master generally has all the credit ; bufc ifc is generally due to the efforts of the Treasurer and
Secretary that a Lodge owes its prosperity . Here both Officers had done their dnty well . After Bro . Stirling bad played a solo on the pinnoforte , Bro . Chaplin ( Treasnrer ) responded . Bro . Baker followed j while he was Secretary , he hoped not only to give satisfaction to the W . M ., but to every brother in the Lodge . Bro . Phillips had had a successfnl year of office , and he ( Bro . Baker ) hoped Bro . White would
have a still more successful one ; this he was sure would be satisfactory to all . In speaking to his Officers the W . M . fully impressed on them the necessity of their attending Lodges of Instruction ; he would ever readily give them his assistance ; he knew their working qualifications , and had every confidence in them . To Bro . Dr . Spnrgin he and the Lodge were specially grateful ; the musical treat he
had provided them was much appreciated . Bro . Spnrgin had induced some of his private friends who possessed high intellectual attainments and splendid voices to render him assistance , and the result had been eminently satisfactory . Bros . Mouflet S . W . and Dr . Spurgin acknowledged tbe compliment . Bro . Seager Hnnfc , in replying to
the next toasfc said , the Lay Members , he felfc assured , would strive to advance the welfare of the Lodge . Shortly afterwards the Tyler ' s toast was given . We cannot conclude this notice without a word for Dr . Spurgin ; he and his friends deserve great praise for the excellent musical entertainment they provided ; this greatly added to the enjoyment of the evening .
St. John Lodge, No. 1306.
ST . JOHN LODGE , No . 1306 .
THE annual installation meeting of this prosperous Lodge was held at the City Arms Tavern , St . Mary-Axe , E . G ., on Wednesday , the 11 th instant , when there was a large attendance of brethren and visitors , under the presidency of the retiring W . M ., Bro . T . Wooding , who was supported by I . P . M . T . Magrath and P . M . ' s W . H . Hayward , W . Poore , C . Veal , and W . BeckTreasurer ; T . J . Tyer J . W .
and W . M . elect , A . G . Clements Secretary , I . P . Confcure S . D ., G . T . Holdom J . D ., J . Somners M . C , W . Sherwin Organist , I . G . Twinn I . G ., J . Loftus Steward ; also Bros . S . M . Pipe , G . Wise , T . J . Barnes jun ., 0 . Stephenson , A . W . Flack , J . Oxley , W . T . ' i ardy , T . Phillips , J . L . Green , A . Lloyd , C . Hausmann , T . J . Tarling , T . Willetts , W . McCreddie , E . Oppenheim , T . J . Morris , H . Harbord 901 , H . Forss 917 , P . Jackman 1805 , R . Hayward 1306 , A . Meyers W . M .
1421 , H . McClelland 901 , W . H . Myers P . M . 820 , P . K . Job P . M . 1076 , R . Hirst 1421 , C . H . Bardoleau 1421 , G . Clarke 554 , T . Loane 1421 . Lodge was opened in accordance with antient rites soon after four o ' clock , and the minutes of last regular and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . The Auditors' Report was most nnanimously received and adopted . This showed the Lodge to be in a most satisfactory financial position . Bro . Tyer was then presented
as W . M . for the eusuing year , and duly installed into the chair , the impressive ceremony being carried out mosfc ably by the retiring Master . After tbe customary salutations , Bro . Tyer ( the new Master ) invested his Officers for the year , as follow : —Bros . Wooding I . P . M ., Couture S . W ., Clements J . W ., Holdom S . D ., Twinn J . D ., Pipe Secretary , Beck Treasnrer , Hardy I . G ., Hayward M . C , Loftus Assfc .
M . C , Barnes W . S ., Wise and Norris Stewards , Longstaff Tyler . Reference was made to the new home and new title of the Lodge ( which had received the assent of Grand Lodge ) , and mutual congratulations were exchanged by all as to the conspicuous foundation for the future prosperity of the Lodge . A unanimous vote of thanks was then passed in favour of Bro . Hayward for his able services in contributing to this issue , the same to be recorded on the minutes of the
Lodge . Afc the conclusion of other bnsiness , the brethren and Visitors adjourned to the banqnetting room , where the new W . M . presided iu a very able ancl congenial manner . The Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , while the toast of the Visitors received all honours . In duo course , the brethren separated , after having been favoured with songs by several of those present , and an excellent recitation by Bro . Oxley .
Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1471 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 17 th April , at the Crown and Cushion , London Wall . Bros . Medwin WM ., Tyler S . W ., Ford J . W ., Millar Sec ., Hawksley S . D ., Mather Preceptor , Conchraan I . G . ; Bros . Goldney , Hepburn , Hunter , Blay , Stoekdale , Draper inn ., Benison ,
Laroorn , Mitchell . Lodge was opened in due form , and minntes were read and confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Goldney candidate . Lodge opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Benison candidate . Bro . Mather worked this ceremony . Lodge was closed , and the brethren separated after a very instructive evening .