Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meetings , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
\ 98—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern . Sonthgntc-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 716— Panmure , Cannon-street Hotel , W . C . . 1275—Star , Five Hells , 155 New Cross-road , S . E ., at 7 . ( Instnietion ) ] 3 < M—Earl 0 f Zetland , Old Town "Hall . Marc-streot , Hackney 1621—Kcelestou , King ' s Head , Eburv Bridge , Pimlico , afc 7 ( Instnietion )
1611—Cr ' chton , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell Srnni rhnnter nf Tmn'ovprnflrit . TTnimi . A ir-Hreet . Rogent-st ., W ., at 8 R . A . 142—St . Thorn'Vs . Cannon Street Hotel M . M . 205—Beaconsfie'd , Chenuers , Marsh Street , Walthamstow M . M . 251—Tenterden , Anderton's Hotol , Fleet Street , E . C . M . M . 315—Henniker , 8 A Red Lion Square , W . C . ( CONSECRATION )
149—Peace , Private Rooms , Meltham 308—Prince George , Private Rooms , Bottoms , "Eastwood . 1897—Citadel , Eailway Hotel , Harrow
MONDAY , 23 rd APRIL . 4—Royal Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall , W . O . 22—Loughborough , Cambria Tavern . Cnmbna Road , near Loughborongt Junction , at 7 . 30 . ( Instnietion ) 26—Castle Lodge of Harmony , Willis ' s "Rooms , St . James ' s 28—Old F ing's Arms , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 46—Strong "Van . George Hotel , Australian Avenue , Barbican , at 7 ( Tnstruc . )
174—Sincerity , Railway Tavern , "Railway Place , Feu church Street , at . 7 . ( In ) 180—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-si . reet , W .. at 8 f Instruction ) 186—Industry , Bell , Carter-lane , "Doctors-commons , EC . at 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) 548—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Dent / nrd , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1426—Hyde Park , Fountain Abbey Hotel , Praod Street . Paddington , at 8 ( In ) . 1489—Marq-iess of Rinon , Pembiirv Tavern , Amhr / rst-rd ., Hacknov , nt . 7 . 30 ( In '
1507—Metronolitan . Crown and Cushion , London wall , E . G .. at 7 . 30 ( Tnst . ) 1608—Kilbnrn , 48 South Molfcon Street , Oxford Street ,, W .. at , 8 . ( Inst . ) 1623—West Pmit . nfloVt . Varringftou Ho „ e * i . T & Yrmgfton-stTeot , "E . C . a , t 8 ( Tnst . l 1625—Tredegar , Rov il Hotel . Mile End-road , corner of Burdett-road . ( Inst . ) 1603—Kings ' and , Canonbnry Tavern , Cannnbnrv , N ., at . 8 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1 F 91—St . Ambrose Baron's Co'irt H"t , el . West Kensington . ( Instruction ) R . A . 933—Doric . 79 Whitechapel-road , at 7 . ( Instruction )
48—Industry . 3 V Denmark-street , Gateshead S 02—Hope . New Masonic Hall , "Darley-street , Bradford 807—Prinra Frederick . WhiteHorsnHotel , Hebden Bridge 724—Derby , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 820—T . ilyof Richmond . Greyhound . Richmond , afc 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 827—St . John . Masonio Temple , Halifax-road , Dewsbury 999—Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester
1449—Roval Military . Masonic Hall . Canterbury , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1477—Sir Watkin . "Masonic , Hall , Mold 1894—Herschell , Masonic Rooms , Slongh R . A . 189—Snverltv , St . George ' s Hall , East Stonehouse "R A . 210—Faith , Bowling Green Hotel , Denton . "R . A . 241—Friendship , Masonic Hall , Liverpool R . A . 331—Loyal Cornubian , Masonic Hall , Tmro
Audit Committee Girls' School , at 4 . It—Tuscan , Freemasons' Hal ' , Great Queen-street , W . O . 55—rjonstitntionnl . Bedford Hotel , Southampton-blrtgs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction ) 92—Moira , Albion , Aldersgate-street 141—Faith , Anderton ' s Hotel . Fleet Street , E . C . HI—Faith . 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 145—Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall . W . C . 165—Honour and Generosity , Inns of Court Hotel
177—Domatie . Surrey Masonic Hall . Oamberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 186—Industry , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 188—Joppa , Champion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 205—Israel , Cannon-street Hotel , B . C . 259 —? rince of Wales , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s 654—Yarborough . Green Dr . igon . Stepney ( Instruction ) 763—Prince Frederick William , Eagle Tavern , Clifton Road , Maida Hill , at 8 . ( Instruction )
810—Dnlhonsie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , DaVoi afc , 8 ( Instruction ) 1041—Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Anu ' s-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . ) 13-48—Ebury , Regent Masonic Hall , Air-street , W . 1349—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , afc 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1360—Royal Arthur . Rock Tavern , Battersea Park Road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1381—Kennington , The Horns , Kennington . ( Instruction ) 1416— Mount Kdgcnmhe , 19 . Terruvn-sfcreofc , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1471—Islington . Crown and Cushion , London Wall , at 7 ( Instruction )
1472—Henley . Three Crowns . North Woolwich ( Instruction ) 1510—Chaucer , Old White Hart , Borough High Street , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1558—D . Connaught . P . t . ' merston Arms , G 'oavenor Park , Cambevwell , an 8 ( In . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Wooloack . St . . Tohn's-st .-rd ., at 8 ( In . ) 1695—Now Finsbury Park , Hornsev Wood Tavern , Finsbury Park , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1707—Eleanor . Trocadero , Brond-street-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 ( Inst . )
1719—Evening Star , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1919—Brixton . Prince Regent , Dulwich-roa . 1 . East Brixton , at 8 . ( Instruction ) Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . Jimiica Coffee Honse , Cornhill , 6 . 30 R . A . 7—Royal York of Perseverance , Freemasons'Hall , W . O . R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton M . M . 3—Keystone , Shin and Turtle , Lavlenhall Street R . C . 67-Studholme . Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-sauare
126—Silent Temple , Cross Keys Inn , Burnley 241—Me-chants , Mar . onic Hall , Liverpool ( Instruction ) 253—Tyrinn , Masonic Hall , Gower-street , Derby 299—Emulation , Bull Hotel , DarttorU 310—Unions , Freemasons' Hali , Castle-street , Carlisle 357—Apollo University . Masonic Hall , Oxford 373—Socrates , George Hotol , High-street , Huntingdon 448—St . James , Freemasom' Hall , St . John's-place , Halifax
oio—at . Martin , Masonic Hall , . 573—Perseverance , Shenstone Hotel . Hales Owen 779—Ferrers and Ivanhoe . Town Hall , Ashb . y-de-la-Zouch 1016—Elkington , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham 1358—Torba > , Town Hall , Plaignton 1479—Halsey , Town Hall , St . Albans 15 GG—Ellington , Town Hall , "Maidenhead 1609—Dramatic , Masonic Hall , Liverpool
1675—Antient Briton . Masonic Hall , Liverpool R . A , 47—Abbey , George Hotel , "Nottingham R . A . 94—De Lambton , Freemasons' Hall , Queen Street , Sunderland R . A . 103 -Peaufort , Freemasons' Hall , Park Street , Bristol R . A . 199—Peace and Harmony , Royal Oak Hotel . Dover R . A . 418—SlarTrdshire Knot , Freemasons' Hall , Hanley "R . A . 721—Grosvenor , Masonic-chambers , Eastgate-row-north , Chester R . A . 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool K . T . 114—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds
GIUND FHSTIVAI , Freemasons'Hall , W . C ., at 6 . IS—Kent , King and Queen . Norton Folgate , E . G ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) . 10—Uni ' ed Mariners ' . The Lugnrd , Peckham , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 73—Mount Lebanon , Horso Shoo Inn , Newington Causeway , at 8 . ( Inst ) . m .- ( Y , nfidence Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 212—Euphrates , Masonic Hall , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall-street , E . C . 22 S—TTmterl 8 tronfft . il , Prince Al ' red , 130 mwndale-rd ., Camden-t 0 wn , 8 ( In . )
607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall . Camberwell , S . E . 5 : ) 9 _ T , Tolerance . Morland ' s Hotel , Dean Street , Oxford St . at 8 ( Inst . ) 7- > n—Panmure . Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ! 754—Hi"h Cross , Seven Sisters' Tavern , Page Green , Tottenham 731— ' \ r « rc'hant Navy . Silver Tavern . Burdett-road , E . ( Instruction ) Bin—New Concord . Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate-road , N . ( Instruction ) PR>—Whittington , Red Lion , Ponrvin's-conrt , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 898—Temperance in the East , 6 Newby Place , Poplar 1017—Montefiore , Regent Masonic Hall . Air Street . W .
105 R—Victoria , Gni'dhnll Tavern , Gresham-street , E . O . 1278—Burdett Coutts , D 'k- >' s Head , ' 9 Whit -chapel Road . E ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1281—Finshnrv Park . Cock Tavern , Highhnrv , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1321—Emblematic , Goat and Star , Swallow Street , W ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 1415—Prince Leopold , Moorgate Tavern , Moorgate Street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1475—Peckham . i , oTd Wellington Hotel , 516 Old Kent-road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1524—Duke nf Connaught , Royal Edward , Mare-street , Hackney , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1540—Chancer . Bridge House Hotel . Southwark 1604—Wa . ndorers , Black Ho -se , York Street . S . W ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
1638—Brownrigg . Sun Hotel , Kingston-on-Thames , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1662—Beaconsfield , Chequers , Marsh Street . VValthamstow . at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1791—Creaton , Prince Albert Tavern . Portobello-ter ., Notting-hill-gate ( Inst . ) 1818—Clapham . Grosvenor Hotel , Victoria Station 1922— "Earl of Lathom , Station Hotel . Camberwell New Road , S . E ., at 8 . ( Im . ) R . A . 13—Union Waterloo , Maso lie Hal ! , William Street , Woolwich l ? . A . 177 DnmatiV Union Tavein . Air-street . Regent-st „ at 8 ( Instruction ) R . A ' . 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond M . M Thistle , Freemasons' Tavern . Great Queen Street , at 8 ( Instruction )
32—St George , Adetnto Hotel , Liverpool 117—Salopian of Charity , Raven Hotel , Shrewsbury 12 s—Prince Edwin , White Hart Hotel , H . rthe , Kent 128—Prince Edwin , Bridge Inn , Bolton-street , Bury , Lancashire 163—Integrity , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester 2 io—Duke of Athol . Bowling Green Hotel , Denton 220—Harmonv , Garston Hotel . Gavston , Lancashire 274—Tranquillity , Bmr s Head Inn , Newchurch , near Manchester iue ? uiiuuraueiu
290—Huddersfleld , Masonio nan , ouum r » r :, . 304—Philarthropio , Masonic Hall , Great George-street . Leeds 363—Keystone , Ne v Inn . Whitworth . 387— AirPdn ' e . Masonic Hall . Westgate , Shipley 439—Scientific , Masonic Room , Bingley R' * 6— Segontinm , The Castle . Carnarvon 625—Devonshire , Norfolk Hotel , Gtossop 721—Derby . Masonio Hall , Liverpool M * n -rm •" - »_» * -m .. ___ ..- — » "drill T ? Ci iltHTOTT-df *» Qftf flltinlnliAiiliAtt
972—St . Augustine . Masonic Hall , Canterbury . / Instruction ) 996—Sondes , Eagle Hotel . East Dereham , Norfolk 1039—Rt John , Georae Hotel , Lichfield 1083—Townley Parker , Mosley Hotel , Beswiok , near Manchester loss—Hartington , Masonic Hall , Gower-street , Derby ( Instruction ) 1119—St . Bede , Mechanics' IustUato , Jarvow 1219—Strangeways , Empire Hotel , Strangeways , Manchester
- —Neptune , nan , LUVOIV . IUI , , . , . uouruuuum ; 1283— "Hybnrn , Central-buildings . Town Hall-street . Sowerby Bridge 1392—Egerton , Stanley A-ms Hotel , Stanley-street , Bury , Lancashire 1403—West Lancashire , Commercial Hotel , Ormskirk 1611—Alexandra , Hovnsea . Hull ( Instruction ) 1633—Avon , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 1645—Colne Valley . Lewisham Hotel , Slaithwaite 1723—St . George , Commercial Hotel , Town Hall-square , Bolton 1797—Southdown . Hurstpierpoint , Sussex
1953—Prudence and Industry , George Hotel , Chard , Somersetshire 1987—Beacon Court , Ghuznee Fort Hotel , New Brompton , Kent R . A . 86—Lebanou , Maconic Hall , Prescot R . A . 236—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Dnncombe Street , York R . A . 329—Brotherly Love , Choughs Hotel , Yeovil R . A . 409—Stortford , Chequers Inn , Bishop ' s Stortford . R . A . 1356—De Grey and Ripon . Maso lie Hall , Liverpool M . M . —Northumberland and Berwick , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle M . M . 21—Roberts , Masonic Rooms , Ann Street , Rochester
General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Giey , London street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenha ' . l-street , E . G ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 66—Grenadiers ' , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , at 8 ( Instruction ) 99—Shakesneare , Albion , Aldersgate-street 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern . Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 70 V—Camden . Crown and Cushion , London Wall , at 7 ( Instruction )
751—High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 ( Instruction ) 858—South Middlesex , Beaufort House , North End , Fulham 86!—Finsbury , London Tavern . Fenchurch-street 871—Roya ! Oak , White Swan , Deptford 901—City of London , Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , at 6 30 . ( Instruction ) 602—Burgoyne , Cock Tave -n St . Martin ' s-couri , Ludgafce-biU , afc 6 . 30 ( Inst ) 1158—Southern Star , Pheasant , Stang . to , Westminster-bridge , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1185—Lewis , Kings Arms Hotel , Woor . Greed , at 7 ( Instruction )
1227—Upton , Swan , Bethnal Green-road , nea-. •Shoreditch , at 8 ( Instruction 1339—Stockwell , Cock Tavern , Kennington-road , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1421—Langthorne , Swan Hotel . Stratford 1426—The Great Citv , Masons' Hall . Masons' Avenue , E . G ., at 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1563—The City of Westminster , Regent Masonic Hall , Air Street , W . 1614—Covent Garden , Constitution , Bedfoi'd-s . reo ; , W . C , at 7 . 45 ( Instruction ) 1673—Langton , Mansion House Station Restaurant , E . C . at 6 , ( Instruction )
1677—Crusaders , Old Jerusalem Tav ., St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , at 9 ( Inst . ) 1950—Southgate , Railway Hotel . New Southgate , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1974-St . Mary Abbotts , Town Hall , Kensington R . A . 531—Polish National , Freemasons' Hall , W 0 . R . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lo l ' s Hoto " , S' ; . John's Wood , at 8 . ( In . ) R . A . 1471—North London , Canonbury T' vera , Canonbury Place , afc 8 ; ( Inst . ) R . C . 42—St . George , 33 Golden Square , W
61—Angel , Three Cups , Colchester 78—Imperial George , Assheton Arms Hotel , Middleton , Lancashire HI—Restoration , Freemasons' Hall , Archer-Street , Darlington 203—Ancient Union , Mswsonic Hall , Liverpool . ( Instruction ) 214—Hope and Unity , White Hart Hotel , Brentwood , Essex 215—Commerce , Commercial Hotel , Haslingdcn 219—Mariners , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 286—Samaritan , Green Man Hotel , Bacup
619—St . John , Bull's Head Inn , Bradshawgate , Bolton 432—Abbey , Newdcgalo Arms , Nuneaton 594—Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 784—Wellington , Public Rooms , Park-street , Deal i 807—Cabbell , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich 904—Phoenix , Ship Hotel , Rotherham 935—Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Islington-square , Salford
986—St . Ed . vard . Literary Institute , Leek , Stafford j 971—Trafalgar . Private Room , Commercial Street , Batley ( 1313—Former , Masonic Hall , Southport , Lancashire j 1325—Stnu ' oy , 214 Great Homor-street , Liverpool , at 3 ( Instruction ") 1459—Ashbury , Justice Birch Hotel , Hyde-road , West Gorton , near Manchester 1 1505—Emulation , Masonic Kail , Liverpool 1514—Thornhill , Ma-sonic Room , Dearn House , Lindley 1680—Craabourne , Red Lion Hotol , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meetings , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
\ 98—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern . Sonthgntc-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 716— Panmure , Cannon-street Hotel , W . C . . 1275—Star , Five Hells , 155 New Cross-road , S . E ., at 7 . ( Instnietion ) ] 3 < M—Earl 0 f Zetland , Old Town "Hall . Marc-streot , Hackney 1621—Kcelestou , King ' s Head , Eburv Bridge , Pimlico , afc 7 ( Instnietion )
1611—Cr ' chton , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell Srnni rhnnter nf Tmn'ovprnflrit . TTnimi . A ir-Hreet . Rogent-st ., W ., at 8 R . A . 142—St . Thorn'Vs . Cannon Street Hotel M . M . 205—Beaconsfie'd , Chenuers , Marsh Street , Walthamstow M . M . 251—Tenterden , Anderton's Hotol , Fleet Street , E . C . M . M . 315—Henniker , 8 A Red Lion Square , W . C . ( CONSECRATION )
149—Peace , Private Rooms , Meltham 308—Prince George , Private Rooms , Bottoms , "Eastwood . 1897—Citadel , Eailway Hotel , Harrow
MONDAY , 23 rd APRIL . 4—Royal Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall , W . O . 22—Loughborough , Cambria Tavern . Cnmbna Road , near Loughborongt Junction , at 7 . 30 . ( Instnietion ) 26—Castle Lodge of Harmony , Willis ' s "Rooms , St . James ' s 28—Old F ing's Arms , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 46—Strong "Van . George Hotel , Australian Avenue , Barbican , at 7 ( Tnstruc . )
174—Sincerity , Railway Tavern , "Railway Place , Feu church Street , at . 7 . ( In ) 180—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-si . reet , W .. at 8 f Instruction ) 186—Industry , Bell , Carter-lane , "Doctors-commons , EC . at 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) 548—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Dent / nrd , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1426—Hyde Park , Fountain Abbey Hotel , Praod Street . Paddington , at 8 ( In ) . 1489—Marq-iess of Rinon , Pembiirv Tavern , Amhr / rst-rd ., Hacknov , nt . 7 . 30 ( In '
1507—Metronolitan . Crown and Cushion , London wall , E . G .. at 7 . 30 ( Tnst . ) 1608—Kilbnrn , 48 South Molfcon Street , Oxford Street ,, W .. at , 8 . ( Inst . ) 1623—West Pmit . nfloVt . Varringftou Ho „ e * i . T & Yrmgfton-stTeot , "E . C . a , t 8 ( Tnst . l 1625—Tredegar , Rov il Hotel . Mile End-road , corner of Burdett-road . ( Inst . ) 1603—Kings ' and , Canonbnry Tavern , Cannnbnrv , N ., at . 8 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1 F 91—St . Ambrose Baron's Co'irt H"t , el . West Kensington . ( Instruction ) R . A . 933—Doric . 79 Whitechapel-road , at 7 . ( Instruction )
48—Industry . 3 V Denmark-street , Gateshead S 02—Hope . New Masonic Hall , "Darley-street , Bradford 807—Prinra Frederick . WhiteHorsnHotel , Hebden Bridge 724—Derby , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 820—T . ilyof Richmond . Greyhound . Richmond , afc 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 827—St . John . Masonio Temple , Halifax-road , Dewsbury 999—Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester
1449—Roval Military . Masonic Hall . Canterbury , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1477—Sir Watkin . "Masonic , Hall , Mold 1894—Herschell , Masonic Rooms , Slongh R . A . 189—Snverltv , St . George ' s Hall , East Stonehouse "R A . 210—Faith , Bowling Green Hotel , Denton . "R . A . 241—Friendship , Masonic Hall , Liverpool R . A . 331—Loyal Cornubian , Masonic Hall , Tmro
Audit Committee Girls' School , at 4 . It—Tuscan , Freemasons' Hal ' , Great Queen-street , W . O . 55—rjonstitntionnl . Bedford Hotel , Southampton-blrtgs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction ) 92—Moira , Albion , Aldersgate-street 141—Faith , Anderton ' s Hotel . Fleet Street , E . C . HI—Faith . 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 145—Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall . W . C . 165—Honour and Generosity , Inns of Court Hotel
177—Domatie . Surrey Masonic Hall . Oamberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 186—Industry , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 188—Joppa , Champion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 205—Israel , Cannon-street Hotel , B . C . 259 —? rince of Wales , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s 654—Yarborough . Green Dr . igon . Stepney ( Instruction ) 763—Prince Frederick William , Eagle Tavern , Clifton Road , Maida Hill , at 8 . ( Instruction )
810—Dnlhonsie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , DaVoi afc , 8 ( Instruction ) 1041—Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Anu ' s-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . ) 13-48—Ebury , Regent Masonic Hall , Air-street , W . 1349—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , afc 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1360—Royal Arthur . Rock Tavern , Battersea Park Road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1381—Kennington , The Horns , Kennington . ( Instruction ) 1416— Mount Kdgcnmhe , 19 . Terruvn-sfcreofc , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1471—Islington . Crown and Cushion , London Wall , at 7 ( Instruction )
1472—Henley . Three Crowns . North Woolwich ( Instruction ) 1510—Chaucer , Old White Hart , Borough High Street , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1558—D . Connaught . P . t . ' merston Arms , G 'oavenor Park , Cambevwell , an 8 ( In . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Wooloack . St . . Tohn's-st .-rd ., at 8 ( In . ) 1695—Now Finsbury Park , Hornsev Wood Tavern , Finsbury Park , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1707—Eleanor . Trocadero , Brond-street-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 ( Inst . )
1719—Evening Star , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1919—Brixton . Prince Regent , Dulwich-roa . 1 . East Brixton , at 8 . ( Instruction ) Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . Jimiica Coffee Honse , Cornhill , 6 . 30 R . A . 7—Royal York of Perseverance , Freemasons'Hall , W . O . R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton M . M . 3—Keystone , Shin and Turtle , Lavlenhall Street R . C . 67-Studholme . Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-sauare
126—Silent Temple , Cross Keys Inn , Burnley 241—Me-chants , Mar . onic Hall , Liverpool ( Instruction ) 253—Tyrinn , Masonic Hall , Gower-street , Derby 299—Emulation , Bull Hotel , DarttorU 310—Unions , Freemasons' Hali , Castle-street , Carlisle 357—Apollo University . Masonic Hall , Oxford 373—Socrates , George Hotol , High-street , Huntingdon 448—St . James , Freemasom' Hall , St . John's-place , Halifax
oio—at . Martin , Masonic Hall , . 573—Perseverance , Shenstone Hotel . Hales Owen 779—Ferrers and Ivanhoe . Town Hall , Ashb . y-de-la-Zouch 1016—Elkington , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham 1358—Torba > , Town Hall , Plaignton 1479—Halsey , Town Hall , St . Albans 15 GG—Ellington , Town Hall , "Maidenhead 1609—Dramatic , Masonic Hall , Liverpool
1675—Antient Briton . Masonic Hall , Liverpool R . A , 47—Abbey , George Hotel , "Nottingham R . A . 94—De Lambton , Freemasons' Hall , Queen Street , Sunderland R . A . 103 -Peaufort , Freemasons' Hall , Park Street , Bristol R . A . 199—Peace and Harmony , Royal Oak Hotel . Dover R . A . 418—SlarTrdshire Knot , Freemasons' Hall , Hanley "R . A . 721—Grosvenor , Masonic-chambers , Eastgate-row-north , Chester R . A . 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool K . T . 114—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds
GIUND FHSTIVAI , Freemasons'Hall , W . C ., at 6 . IS—Kent , King and Queen . Norton Folgate , E . G ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) . 10—Uni ' ed Mariners ' . The Lugnrd , Peckham , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 73—Mount Lebanon , Horso Shoo Inn , Newington Causeway , at 8 . ( Inst ) . m .- ( Y , nfidence Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 212—Euphrates , Masonic Hall , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall-street , E . C . 22 S—TTmterl 8 tronfft . il , Prince Al ' red , 130 mwndale-rd ., Camden-t 0 wn , 8 ( In . )
607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall . Camberwell , S . E . 5 : ) 9 _ T , Tolerance . Morland ' s Hotel , Dean Street , Oxford St . at 8 ( Inst . ) 7- > n—Panmure . Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ! 754—Hi"h Cross , Seven Sisters' Tavern , Page Green , Tottenham 731— ' \ r « rc'hant Navy . Silver Tavern . Burdett-road , E . ( Instruction ) Bin—New Concord . Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate-road , N . ( Instruction ) PR>—Whittington , Red Lion , Ponrvin's-conrt , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 898—Temperance in the East , 6 Newby Place , Poplar 1017—Montefiore , Regent Masonic Hall . Air Street . W .
105 R—Victoria , Gni'dhnll Tavern , Gresham-street , E . O . 1278—Burdett Coutts , D 'k- >' s Head , ' 9 Whit -chapel Road . E ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1281—Finshnrv Park . Cock Tavern , Highhnrv , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1321—Emblematic , Goat and Star , Swallow Street , W ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 1415—Prince Leopold , Moorgate Tavern , Moorgate Street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1475—Peckham . i , oTd Wellington Hotel , 516 Old Kent-road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1524—Duke nf Connaught , Royal Edward , Mare-street , Hackney , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1540—Chancer . Bridge House Hotel . Southwark 1604—Wa . ndorers , Black Ho -se , York Street . S . W ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
1638—Brownrigg . Sun Hotel , Kingston-on-Thames , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1662—Beaconsfield , Chequers , Marsh Street . VValthamstow . at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1791—Creaton , Prince Albert Tavern . Portobello-ter ., Notting-hill-gate ( Inst . ) 1818—Clapham . Grosvenor Hotel , Victoria Station 1922— "Earl of Lathom , Station Hotel . Camberwell New Road , S . E ., at 8 . ( Im . ) R . A . 13—Union Waterloo , Maso lie Hal ! , William Street , Woolwich l ? . A . 177 DnmatiV Union Tavein . Air-street . Regent-st „ at 8 ( Instruction ) R . A ' . 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond M . M Thistle , Freemasons' Tavern . Great Queen Street , at 8 ( Instruction )
32—St George , Adetnto Hotel , Liverpool 117—Salopian of Charity , Raven Hotel , Shrewsbury 12 s—Prince Edwin , White Hart Hotel , H . rthe , Kent 128—Prince Edwin , Bridge Inn , Bolton-street , Bury , Lancashire 163—Integrity , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester 2 io—Duke of Athol . Bowling Green Hotel , Denton 220—Harmonv , Garston Hotel . Gavston , Lancashire 274—Tranquillity , Bmr s Head Inn , Newchurch , near Manchester iue ? uiiuuraueiu
290—Huddersfleld , Masonio nan , ouum r » r :, . 304—Philarthropio , Masonic Hall , Great George-street . Leeds 363—Keystone , Ne v Inn . Whitworth . 387— AirPdn ' e . Masonic Hall . Westgate , Shipley 439—Scientific , Masonic Room , Bingley R' * 6— Segontinm , The Castle . Carnarvon 625—Devonshire , Norfolk Hotel , Gtossop 721—Derby . Masonio Hall , Liverpool M * n -rm •" - »_» * -m .. ___ ..- — » "drill T ? Ci iltHTOTT-df *» Qftf flltinlnliAiiliAtt
972—St . Augustine . Masonic Hall , Canterbury . / Instruction ) 996—Sondes , Eagle Hotel . East Dereham , Norfolk 1039—Rt John , Georae Hotel , Lichfield 1083—Townley Parker , Mosley Hotel , Beswiok , near Manchester loss—Hartington , Masonic Hall , Gower-street , Derby ( Instruction ) 1119—St . Bede , Mechanics' IustUato , Jarvow 1219—Strangeways , Empire Hotel , Strangeways , Manchester
- —Neptune , nan , LUVOIV . IUI , , . , . uouruuuum ; 1283— "Hybnrn , Central-buildings . Town Hall-street . Sowerby Bridge 1392—Egerton , Stanley A-ms Hotel , Stanley-street , Bury , Lancashire 1403—West Lancashire , Commercial Hotel , Ormskirk 1611—Alexandra , Hovnsea . Hull ( Instruction ) 1633—Avon , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 1645—Colne Valley . Lewisham Hotel , Slaithwaite 1723—St . George , Commercial Hotel , Town Hall-square , Bolton 1797—Southdown . Hurstpierpoint , Sussex
1953—Prudence and Industry , George Hotel , Chard , Somersetshire 1987—Beacon Court , Ghuznee Fort Hotel , New Brompton , Kent R . A . 86—Lebanou , Maconic Hall , Prescot R . A . 236—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Dnncombe Street , York R . A . 329—Brotherly Love , Choughs Hotel , Yeovil R . A . 409—Stortford , Chequers Inn , Bishop ' s Stortford . R . A . 1356—De Grey and Ripon . Maso lie Hall , Liverpool M . M . —Northumberland and Berwick , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle M . M . 21—Roberts , Masonic Rooms , Ann Street , Rochester
General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Giey , London street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenha ' . l-street , E . G ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 66—Grenadiers ' , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , at 8 ( Instruction ) 99—Shakesneare , Albion , Aldersgate-street 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern . Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 70 V—Camden . Crown and Cushion , London Wall , at 7 ( Instruction )
751—High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 ( Instruction ) 858—South Middlesex , Beaufort House , North End , Fulham 86!—Finsbury , London Tavern . Fenchurch-street 871—Roya ! Oak , White Swan , Deptford 901—City of London , Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , at 6 30 . ( Instruction ) 602—Burgoyne , Cock Tave -n St . Martin ' s-couri , Ludgafce-biU , afc 6 . 30 ( Inst ) 1158—Southern Star , Pheasant , Stang . to , Westminster-bridge , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1185—Lewis , Kings Arms Hotel , Woor . Greed , at 7 ( Instruction )
1227—Upton , Swan , Bethnal Green-road , nea-. •Shoreditch , at 8 ( Instruction 1339—Stockwell , Cock Tavern , Kennington-road , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1421—Langthorne , Swan Hotel . Stratford 1426—The Great Citv , Masons' Hall . Masons' Avenue , E . G ., at 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1563—The City of Westminster , Regent Masonic Hall , Air Street , W . 1614—Covent Garden , Constitution , Bedfoi'd-s . reo ; , W . C , at 7 . 45 ( Instruction ) 1673—Langton , Mansion House Station Restaurant , E . C . at 6 , ( Instruction )
1677—Crusaders , Old Jerusalem Tav ., St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , at 9 ( Inst . ) 1950—Southgate , Railway Hotel . New Southgate , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1974-St . Mary Abbotts , Town Hall , Kensington R . A . 531—Polish National , Freemasons' Hall , W 0 . R . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lo l ' s Hoto " , S' ; . John's Wood , at 8 . ( In . ) R . A . 1471—North London , Canonbury T' vera , Canonbury Place , afc 8 ; ( Inst . ) R . C . 42—St . George , 33 Golden Square , W
61—Angel , Three Cups , Colchester 78—Imperial George , Assheton Arms Hotel , Middleton , Lancashire HI—Restoration , Freemasons' Hall , Archer-Street , Darlington 203—Ancient Union , Mswsonic Hall , Liverpool . ( Instruction ) 214—Hope and Unity , White Hart Hotel , Brentwood , Essex 215—Commerce , Commercial Hotel , Haslingdcn 219—Mariners , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 286—Samaritan , Green Man Hotel , Bacup
619—St . John , Bull's Head Inn , Bradshawgate , Bolton 432—Abbey , Newdcgalo Arms , Nuneaton 594—Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 784—Wellington , Public Rooms , Park-street , Deal i 807—Cabbell , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich 904—Phoenix , Ship Hotel , Rotherham 935—Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Islington-square , Salford
986—St . Ed . vard . Literary Institute , Leek , Stafford j 971—Trafalgar . Private Room , Commercial Street , Batley ( 1313—Former , Masonic Hall , Southport , Lancashire j 1325—Stnu ' oy , 214 Great Homor-street , Liverpool , at 3 ( Instruction ") 1459—Ashbury , Justice Birch Hotel , Hyde-road , West Gorton , near Manchester 1 1505—Emulation , Masonic Kail , Liverpool 1514—Thornhill , Ma-sonic Room , Dearn House , Lindley 1680—Craabourne , Red Lion Hotol , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction )