Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE, No. 1558. Page 1 of 1 Article DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE, No. 1839. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Organist . Tho W . M . gavo the traditional history m a most correct and perfect manner . Lodge was resumed . The Worshipful Master proposed that the Treasurer ' s accounts , as audited by the Permanent Committee ( an abstract of which had been sent to each member ) , bo passed , aud that a vote of thanks to the Treasurer be recorded on the minutes ; this was seconded by fcho I . P . M . and carried . The I . P . M .,
in accordance with a notice of motion which appeared on the agenda paper , now moved thafc tho snm of ten gnineas from the funds of the Lodge be voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and that the same be added to the list of fche W . M . who would , iu the capacity of Steward , represent tbo Lodge afc tho forthcoming Festival of that Institution . This was seconded by Bro . Ridley S . W ., and carried .
The Worshipful Master expressed his sincere thanks for the grant , and hoped to have the personal assistance of the members , so that his list might compare favourably with thoso of his predecessors . Brother Sparrow , who had lately come to this country from New Zealand , desired to present to the Lodge two ebonised columns , surmounted by a pair of globes ( presented to tbe Lodge in 1869 by
Brother Pulley Past Master ) . This splendid present , placed at the foot of the winding staircase , was much admired , and gave a finishing touch to this elegantly furnished hall . The Worshipful Master , on behalf of the Lodge , returned his sincere thanks to Brother Sparrow for his magnificent present , and moved that a cordial vote of thanks be recorded on the minntes to that brother ; this was seconded by
the I . P . M . and carried with acclamation . Past Master Pulley desired to call the attention of tbe Lodge to tbe decease of two brethren , one of whom was a subscribing member , aud the other had been initiated in this Lodge . One of them leaves a widow and three children in destitute circumstances , two of the children being twins and in ill health . The other , he feared , was somewhat similarly
circumstanced , but not in such destitution ; he hoped the Permanent Committee would investigate , and take tbe matters into consideration . The Worshipful Master expressed fche hope that the death of these brothers would make a lasting impression on the minds of tbe members . He suggested that a letter of sympathy be sent to the widow of each brother , signed by himself and tbe Secretary ; also that the Permanent Committee be empowered to aid the destitute widow with
temporary relief ; this was seconded by Brother Margrett P . M . and supported by Brother Ridley S . W ., who suggested that the Lodge , of which one of these brethren was connected previous to his coming to Reading , be communicated with , and be asked to co-operate with the Grey Friars in endeavouring to obtain assistance from the Fund of Benevolence ;—carried . After the proposal of a candidate for initiation , and fche customary routine work , Lodge was closed according to ancient form , and adjourned .
Duke Of Connaught Lodge, No. 1558.
A REGULAR meeting of the above Lodge was held on the 12 th inst ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . Bros . Taylor
W . M ., Sims S . W ., Smith J . W ., Power P . M . Treasurer , Mitchell P . M . Secretary , Stokes S . W ., Nefctlefold J . W ., Briscoe I . G ., Walker Wine Steward , Plummer Assistant Wine Steward , Crossley Organist , Thomas Tyler ; Past Master Brother Rnnacres . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . Eykyn 1585 , Tompson 594 , Austin 1275 , Griffin 975 , Hill 1658 , Swallow P . P . G . J . D . Middlesex , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Lodge was formally opened , and after the confirmation of the minutes , Bros . Hargroves , Mullet , Backlog , Mitcham , and Back were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . H . Stevens , who was duly initiated into the Order . Both the ceremonies were impressively rendered . After a candidate had been proposed for initiation , and other business
transacted , Lodge was closed . After an excellent supper , the Worshipful Master , in very eloquent terms , proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Power P . M . proposed the toasfc of fche W . M . They had seen how ably Bro . Smith had fulfilled his duties ; he had had five brethren to raise , and one candidate to initiate ; they could appreciate such a worker , who filled the chair in every way to their satisfaction
The W . M . in reply thanked Bro . Power for his kind expressions , and the brethren for their cordial acceptation of the toast . If he had given them satisfaction by his working he was amply repaid for any trouble he had taken to perfect himself . In speaking to the toast of the initiate , tbe W . M . said they were pleased to see Bro . Stevens among them . There were two candidates on the agenda paper , but
one was unable to be present ; he hoped the brethren would give the toasfc a hearty reception . Bro . Stevens briefly , but appropriately responded . Bro . H . M . Levy replied for the Visitors , and paid a just compliment to the W . M . for the excellence of his working . The W . M . in proposing the toast of . the Past Masters said the duty was a very pleasing one . They had three of their Past Masters present , and
he conld say no better could be found ; their services in the cause of Freemasonry could not be surpassed . Bro . Power in responding said , it was the duty of the Pasfc Masters to assist the Worshipful Master ; this he was ever ready to do , and he felt he conld say as much for the others . Bro . Smith next paid a graceful compliment to his Officers , and thanked them for tho manner in which they assisted him . In response Bro . Simms S . W . made an excellent speech ; Bro .
Wilkins J . W . followed , and he was succeeded by the Treasnrer , who with pride stated the Lodge was in a flourishing condition ; they had discharged all liabilities ; this he thought was a great thing for so young a Lodge . Bro . Mitchell , one of the founders , P . M . and Secretary , said his services were always at command . Several of the junior Officers having also spoken , the W . M . summoned the Ty ler , Bros . Hardy , Rouse , Back , W . Mitchell , Runacres and Briscoe contributed to the harmony .
The members of the Percy Lodge of Instruction , " by invite" will work the Fifteen Sections at the Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , held afc Bro . Meekham ' s , the Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s Road , Highbury , on Friday , the 27 th insfc . Brethren are cordiall y invited on thab occasion .
Duke Of Cornwall Lodge, No. 1839.
THERE was a well-attended meeting of the members , with many distinguished visitors , at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen . street , on the 14 th instant . The chair was occupied by Bros . G . F Smith jun . W . M ., A . Stokes S . W ., Wilkins J . W ., Dewsnap Treasnrer , J . W . Brooke P . M . Sec , G . F . Smith sen . J . D ., Williams I . G ., Cattermole M . C , J . Da Silva Organist ; Pasfc Masters Corpe and Maloney Visitors—Bros . Philbrick Deputy Provincial Grand Master Essex
Knhn 298 , Sheffield 901 . Halsey P . M . 134 , Clowes W . M . 650 , Edmonds S . W . 913 , Halestrap 1471 , Braham 1471 , Smith 1438 , Hastelow P . M . 101 , Carter 382 , Crate P . P . G . C . P . M . 697 , Johnston 1777 , Hodges , Da Silva P . M . 205 , Max Mendelsohn 212 , Smith 1706 , Robertson 1538 , Mnlsfcer 1706 , Wood 1901 , Watson 1706 , Thomas 1818 , Ganz P . G . O ., Legge 15 , Hook P . M . 185 , Allen 51 , Watson , and H . M .
Levy P . M . 188 . After due observance of preliminaries , Brother Heinekey was raised to the third degree , and Bro . Blake was passed . The election of W . M . resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . Stokes . Bio . Corpe was elected Treasnrer , in consequence of Bro . Dewsnap having retired , and Bro . Bowler was appointed Tyler . Bro . Stokes thanked the brethren for having elected him W . M . of this flourishing
Lodge ; he hoped to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors . Bros . Ayres , Enswovfch , and Barsfcow were elected Auditors . The W . M . proposed , and it was carried unanimously , that a jewel he presented to Bro . Dewsnap , on his retiring from the office of Treasurer , for the efficient manner he had carried out his duties . A . P . M . 's jewel was voted to the retiring Master for the manner he had discharged
his functions , and a sum of £ 10 10 s was voted , to be placed on the list of the W . M ., who is a Steward for the next Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys . Brother Fielding presented the Lodge with a very elegant casket for the use of the Benevolent Fund , and a vote of thanks was accorded to him and entered on the minutes . A similar vote was given to Bros . Monday
and Da Silva for having invested the sum of £ 100 for the benefit of the Lodge without making any charge . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren ( seventy-one in number ) sat down in the Crown room , where a very sumptuous and recherche banquet was provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) , superintended by Bro . Dawkins . Grace having been sung , the W . M ., in felicitous terms , proposed the
toast of the Queen and the Craft . The National Anthem was given , Miss Hoare singing the solo pleasingly . In speaking to the toast of H . R . H . the M . W . the Grand Master ; the R . W . the Earl of Carnarvon Pro Grand Master ; and the R . W . the Earl of Lathom D . G . M . ; and the rest of the Grand Officers , the W . M . said they were honoured thafc evening by the presence of distinguished brethren . The | Rev . Bro .
J . Studholme Brownrigg D . P . G . M . Berks and Bucks . Bro . Philbrick D . P . G . M . for Essex , Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , and others . The members were pleased to see such distinguished brethren at a Lodge so young in the Craft . Bro . Brownrigg eloquently responded , and in the course of his remarks expressed the pleasure he felt at the progress made by the Lodge . He could go back to the country , and say
what he had seen that night had been well done . There was no fault to be found with the Lodge . He had predicted this on the night of its consecration , when he had the gratification of being present . Here Bros . Winn , Carter , Hodges and Hanson sang a glee that was deservedly applauded . The W . M . on again rising said he had now the great pleasure to propose , the toast of the Brethren from the
Province of Essex . There were three present , bufc he would call on their esteemed Bro . Philbrick to respond . Bro . Philbrick in a very eloquent speech replied , and then Bro . Wilhelm Ganz played a solo on the pianoforte . Bro . Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg said he felt a great deal of p leasure in proposing the next toasfc , which usually falls to the lot of the Immediate Past Master ; ifc was the health of the
W . M . Bro . Taylor knew bis work , and had introduced and initiated nineteen gentlemen into the Order . He ( Bro . Brownrigg ) knew thafc when tbe Duke of Connaught brethren undertook any work , they did it well ; that had been fully exemplified by the W . M . After a song by Miss Cater— " Beauty , sleep "—the W . M . replied ; he was at all times anxious to keep up the reputation of the Lodge . Its having
invested £ 100 in Consols was a very good beginning ; their Benevolent Fnnd possessed over £ 25 , and with that night's addition would realise about £ 30 ; he was sorry to leave the chair , bufc there were other brethren equally deserving to fill ifc . He thanked all very heartily for their reception of the toast . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors , coupled with the names of Bro .
Rev . C . H . Crate P . P . G . C . and T . J . Railing P . M . P . P . G . S ., both of Essex ; and Bros . Edmonds , Hook , and Roberts . Bro . Carter here sang , with exquisite taste , " Tell me , Mary , how to woo thee . " Bro . Crate in responding said he and Bro . Railing had received a very excellent lesson in the working of the Lodge , and felt it a great pleasure to note its financial position . They shonld carry away
pleasing recollections of the hospitality they had enjoyed , and hoped to be present , and see the future prosperity of the Lodge . Bros . Edmonds , Roberts , and Hook P . M . likewise responded . The latter said he had initiated the W . M ., in a Lodge in which he had the honour of being a P . M . Miss Heath here sang " The Lost Chord , " mosfc artistically , and received loud and well-deserved app lause .
The W . M . next proposed the toasfc of the Pasfc Masters . Each of them in the Lodge well knew his work . Bro . Mitchell is a good Secretary , and Brother Corpe wonld make a careful Treasurer . Bro . Maloney is nofc a P . M . of the Lodge , bufc they were pleased to see him among them . Bro . Brooke was the Firsfc to respond ; he regretted tbe absence of Bro . Bott , who , from some unforeseen circumstances , had not been able to be present . When the W . M . went into
office he promised to fulfil certain duties , and carry them out to the best of his ability . He had done so , to their satisfaction ; and thanks were due to him . They should be pleased to receive him among the Past Masters . Bro . Corpe followed , expressing his appreciation of the compliment paid him in a very humorous speech . Miss Hoare and Miss Helen Heath sang "I know a Maiden . " In proposing the toast of the Masonic Charities , fche W . M . said they were pleased to Bee the Worthy Secretary of the Boys' School , Brother Binckes P . G . S . 5 ne
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Organist . Tho W . M . gavo the traditional history m a most correct and perfect manner . Lodge was resumed . The Worshipful Master proposed that the Treasurer ' s accounts , as audited by the Permanent Committee ( an abstract of which had been sent to each member ) , bo passed , aud that a vote of thanks to the Treasurer be recorded on the minutes ; this was seconded by fcho I . P . M . and carried . The I . P . M .,
in accordance with a notice of motion which appeared on the agenda paper , now moved thafc tho snm of ten gnineas from the funds of the Lodge be voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and that the same be added to the list of fche W . M . who would , iu the capacity of Steward , represent tbo Lodge afc tho forthcoming Festival of that Institution . This was seconded by Bro . Ridley S . W ., and carried .
The Worshipful Master expressed his sincere thanks for the grant , and hoped to have the personal assistance of the members , so that his list might compare favourably with thoso of his predecessors . Brother Sparrow , who had lately come to this country from New Zealand , desired to present to the Lodge two ebonised columns , surmounted by a pair of globes ( presented to tbe Lodge in 1869 by
Brother Pulley Past Master ) . This splendid present , placed at the foot of the winding staircase , was much admired , and gave a finishing touch to this elegantly furnished hall . The Worshipful Master , on behalf of the Lodge , returned his sincere thanks to Brother Sparrow for his magnificent present , and moved that a cordial vote of thanks be recorded on the minntes to that brother ; this was seconded by
the I . P . M . and carried with acclamation . Past Master Pulley desired to call the attention of tbe Lodge to tbe decease of two brethren , one of whom was a subscribing member , aud the other had been initiated in this Lodge . One of them leaves a widow and three children in destitute circumstances , two of the children being twins and in ill health . The other , he feared , was somewhat similarly
circumstanced , but not in such destitution ; he hoped the Permanent Committee would investigate , and take tbe matters into consideration . The Worshipful Master expressed fche hope that the death of these brothers would make a lasting impression on the minds of tbe members . He suggested that a letter of sympathy be sent to the widow of each brother , signed by himself and tbe Secretary ; also that the Permanent Committee be empowered to aid the destitute widow with
temporary relief ; this was seconded by Brother Margrett P . M . and supported by Brother Ridley S . W ., who suggested that the Lodge , of which one of these brethren was connected previous to his coming to Reading , be communicated with , and be asked to co-operate with the Grey Friars in endeavouring to obtain assistance from the Fund of Benevolence ;—carried . After the proposal of a candidate for initiation , and fche customary routine work , Lodge was closed according to ancient form , and adjourned .
Duke Of Connaught Lodge, No. 1558.
A REGULAR meeting of the above Lodge was held on the 12 th inst ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . Bros . Taylor
W . M ., Sims S . W ., Smith J . W ., Power P . M . Treasurer , Mitchell P . M . Secretary , Stokes S . W ., Nefctlefold J . W ., Briscoe I . G ., Walker Wine Steward , Plummer Assistant Wine Steward , Crossley Organist , Thomas Tyler ; Past Master Brother Rnnacres . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . Eykyn 1585 , Tompson 594 , Austin 1275 , Griffin 975 , Hill 1658 , Swallow P . P . G . J . D . Middlesex , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Lodge was formally opened , and after the confirmation of the minutes , Bros . Hargroves , Mullet , Backlog , Mitcham , and Back were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . H . Stevens , who was duly initiated into the Order . Both the ceremonies were impressively rendered . After a candidate had been proposed for initiation , and other business
transacted , Lodge was closed . After an excellent supper , the Worshipful Master , in very eloquent terms , proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Power P . M . proposed the toasfc of fche W . M . They had seen how ably Bro . Smith had fulfilled his duties ; he had had five brethren to raise , and one candidate to initiate ; they could appreciate such a worker , who filled the chair in every way to their satisfaction
The W . M . in reply thanked Bro . Power for his kind expressions , and the brethren for their cordial acceptation of the toast . If he had given them satisfaction by his working he was amply repaid for any trouble he had taken to perfect himself . In speaking to the toast of the initiate , tbe W . M . said they were pleased to see Bro . Stevens among them . There were two candidates on the agenda paper , but
one was unable to be present ; he hoped the brethren would give the toasfc a hearty reception . Bro . Stevens briefly , but appropriately responded . Bro . H . M . Levy replied for the Visitors , and paid a just compliment to the W . M . for the excellence of his working . The W . M . in proposing the toast of . the Past Masters said the duty was a very pleasing one . They had three of their Past Masters present , and
he conld say no better could be found ; their services in the cause of Freemasonry could not be surpassed . Bro . Power in responding said , it was the duty of the Pasfc Masters to assist the Worshipful Master ; this he was ever ready to do , and he felt he conld say as much for the others . Bro . Smith next paid a graceful compliment to his Officers , and thanked them for tho manner in which they assisted him . In response Bro . Simms S . W . made an excellent speech ; Bro .
Wilkins J . W . followed , and he was succeeded by the Treasnrer , who with pride stated the Lodge was in a flourishing condition ; they had discharged all liabilities ; this he thought was a great thing for so young a Lodge . Bro . Mitchell , one of the founders , P . M . and Secretary , said his services were always at command . Several of the junior Officers having also spoken , the W . M . summoned the Ty ler , Bros . Hardy , Rouse , Back , W . Mitchell , Runacres and Briscoe contributed to the harmony .
The members of the Percy Lodge of Instruction , " by invite" will work the Fifteen Sections at the Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , held afc Bro . Meekham ' s , the Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s Road , Highbury , on Friday , the 27 th insfc . Brethren are cordiall y invited on thab occasion .
Duke Of Cornwall Lodge, No. 1839.
THERE was a well-attended meeting of the members , with many distinguished visitors , at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen . street , on the 14 th instant . The chair was occupied by Bros . G . F Smith jun . W . M ., A . Stokes S . W ., Wilkins J . W ., Dewsnap Treasnrer , J . W . Brooke P . M . Sec , G . F . Smith sen . J . D ., Williams I . G ., Cattermole M . C , J . Da Silva Organist ; Pasfc Masters Corpe and Maloney Visitors—Bros . Philbrick Deputy Provincial Grand Master Essex
Knhn 298 , Sheffield 901 . Halsey P . M . 134 , Clowes W . M . 650 , Edmonds S . W . 913 , Halestrap 1471 , Braham 1471 , Smith 1438 , Hastelow P . M . 101 , Carter 382 , Crate P . P . G . C . P . M . 697 , Johnston 1777 , Hodges , Da Silva P . M . 205 , Max Mendelsohn 212 , Smith 1706 , Robertson 1538 , Mnlsfcer 1706 , Wood 1901 , Watson 1706 , Thomas 1818 , Ganz P . G . O ., Legge 15 , Hook P . M . 185 , Allen 51 , Watson , and H . M .
Levy P . M . 188 . After due observance of preliminaries , Brother Heinekey was raised to the third degree , and Bro . Blake was passed . The election of W . M . resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . Stokes . Bio . Corpe was elected Treasnrer , in consequence of Bro . Dewsnap having retired , and Bro . Bowler was appointed Tyler . Bro . Stokes thanked the brethren for having elected him W . M . of this flourishing
Lodge ; he hoped to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors . Bros . Ayres , Enswovfch , and Barsfcow were elected Auditors . The W . M . proposed , and it was carried unanimously , that a jewel he presented to Bro . Dewsnap , on his retiring from the office of Treasurer , for the efficient manner he had carried out his duties . A . P . M . 's jewel was voted to the retiring Master for the manner he had discharged
his functions , and a sum of £ 10 10 s was voted , to be placed on the list of the W . M ., who is a Steward for the next Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys . Brother Fielding presented the Lodge with a very elegant casket for the use of the Benevolent Fund , and a vote of thanks was accorded to him and entered on the minutes . A similar vote was given to Bros . Monday
and Da Silva for having invested the sum of £ 100 for the benefit of the Lodge without making any charge . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren ( seventy-one in number ) sat down in the Crown room , where a very sumptuous and recherche banquet was provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) , superintended by Bro . Dawkins . Grace having been sung , the W . M ., in felicitous terms , proposed the
toast of the Queen and the Craft . The National Anthem was given , Miss Hoare singing the solo pleasingly . In speaking to the toast of H . R . H . the M . W . the Grand Master ; the R . W . the Earl of Carnarvon Pro Grand Master ; and the R . W . the Earl of Lathom D . G . M . ; and the rest of the Grand Officers , the W . M . said they were honoured thafc evening by the presence of distinguished brethren . The | Rev . Bro .
J . Studholme Brownrigg D . P . G . M . Berks and Bucks . Bro . Philbrick D . P . G . M . for Essex , Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , and others . The members were pleased to see such distinguished brethren at a Lodge so young in the Craft . Bro . Brownrigg eloquently responded , and in the course of his remarks expressed the pleasure he felt at the progress made by the Lodge . He could go back to the country , and say
what he had seen that night had been well done . There was no fault to be found with the Lodge . He had predicted this on the night of its consecration , when he had the gratification of being present . Here Bros . Winn , Carter , Hodges and Hanson sang a glee that was deservedly applauded . The W . M . on again rising said he had now the great pleasure to propose , the toast of the Brethren from the
Province of Essex . There were three present , bufc he would call on their esteemed Bro . Philbrick to respond . Bro . Philbrick in a very eloquent speech replied , and then Bro . Wilhelm Ganz played a solo on the pianoforte . Bro . Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg said he felt a great deal of p leasure in proposing the next toasfc , which usually falls to the lot of the Immediate Past Master ; ifc was the health of the
W . M . Bro . Taylor knew bis work , and had introduced and initiated nineteen gentlemen into the Order . He ( Bro . Brownrigg ) knew thafc when tbe Duke of Connaught brethren undertook any work , they did it well ; that had been fully exemplified by the W . M . After a song by Miss Cater— " Beauty , sleep "—the W . M . replied ; he was at all times anxious to keep up the reputation of the Lodge . Its having
invested £ 100 in Consols was a very good beginning ; their Benevolent Fnnd possessed over £ 25 , and with that night's addition would realise about £ 30 ; he was sorry to leave the chair , bufc there were other brethren equally deserving to fill ifc . He thanked all very heartily for their reception of the toast . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors , coupled with the names of Bro .
Rev . C . H . Crate P . P . G . C . and T . J . Railing P . M . P . P . G . S ., both of Essex ; and Bros . Edmonds , Hook , and Roberts . Bro . Carter here sang , with exquisite taste , " Tell me , Mary , how to woo thee . " Bro . Crate in responding said he and Bro . Railing had received a very excellent lesson in the working of the Lodge , and felt it a great pleasure to note its financial position . They shonld carry away
pleasing recollections of the hospitality they had enjoyed , and hoped to be present , and see the future prosperity of the Lodge . Bros . Edmonds , Roberts , and Hook P . M . likewise responded . The latter said he had initiated the W . M ., in a Lodge in which he had the honour of being a P . M . Miss Heath here sang " The Lost Chord , " mosfc artistically , and received loud and well-deserved app lause .
The W . M . next proposed the toasfc of the Pasfc Masters . Each of them in the Lodge well knew his work . Bro . Mitchell is a good Secretary , and Brother Corpe wonld make a careful Treasurer . Bro . Maloney is nofc a P . M . of the Lodge , bufc they were pleased to see him among them . Bro . Brooke was the Firsfc to respond ; he regretted tbe absence of Bro . Bott , who , from some unforeseen circumstances , had not been able to be present . When the W . M . went into
office he promised to fulfil certain duties , and carry them out to the best of his ability . He had done so , to their satisfaction ; and thanks were due to him . They should be pleased to receive him among the Past Masters . Bro . Corpe followed , expressing his appreciation of the compliment paid him in a very humorous speech . Miss Hoare and Miss Helen Heath sang "I know a Maiden . " In proposing the toast of the Masonic Charities , fche W . M . said they were pleased to Bee the Worthy Secretary of the Boys' School , Brother Binckes P . G . S . 5 ne