Article DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE, No. 1839. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MOUNT MORIAH LODGE, No. 34. Page 1 of 1 Article THE A. AND A. SCOTTISH RITE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Duke Of Cornwall Lodge, No. 1839.
hoped the brethren would support the noble Institutions of fche Craft . They bad sent up three Stewards to the Charities each ye ^ r , although fche Lodge had only been four years in existence . This they were proud of . He would conple the name of Bro . Binckes with the toast ; they all knew his great energies were devoted to the cause of the noble Institutions , which wero fnllv deserving of
their support . Bro . Hanson then sang the "Last Watch . " Brother Binckes in responding said , that day they had elected 22 girls out of 26 candidates ; bnt on Monday there were 13 boys to be elected out of 62 candidates . As the W . M . bad urged , great credit is due this Lodge for its exertions ; in the four years of its existence it had well supported the Masonic Charities . This was the firsfc time
he had been present at the Lodge ; he was pleased to visit them , and hoped that the three Institutions would be supported . There were 238 girls , and 215 boys , children of Masons , being maintained and educated in the Schools . In addition , the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution granted annuities to about 330 distressed Masons and their widows . He would urge on every brother to give a small
amount annually to the Institutions ; they would then prosper , and be prepared to meet all claims made npon their resources . The Worshipful Master next had a very pleasing toasfc to propose , — the Masonic Press . He might say there were two recognised organs , —the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE and the Freemason ; he had great pleasure in proposing the toast , and would couple with it the name of
Brother H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Brother Levy said , after tho eloquent speech of Brother Binckes , bnfc few words need emanate from him . He had been connected with the Press for twenty years , and to him it was a pleasing duty to respond for the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , whioh journal gave truthful reports , if not lengthy ones . The promoters of the CHRONICLE had always advocated the claims of the Insitutions , and he was gratified to know their efforts were
appreciated . He thanked the brethren for their reception of the toast . After Miss Margaret Hoare had delighted the brethren with another charming song ; the toasfc of fche Officers was given , and responded to by Bros . Stokes and Dewsnap . The Worshipful Master proposed a special toast for the Musical Brethren , who with the Ladies , had contributed so much to the entertainment . This having been acknowledged , the Worshipful Master gave the Tyler ' s toast , and fche proceedings closed .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Sonfcbgafce-road , Islington , on 14 th inst . Bros . Weeden W . M ., Ashton S . W ., Woolf J . W ., Rhodes S . D ., Archer J . D ., Gibbs I . G ., Brasted acting Preceptor , and Galer Secretary ; also Bros . Houghton , Venning , Bevan , Recknall , Mallefcfc , Richardson , Marks , Lone , and Manger . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of last
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Manger offered himself as candidate , and fche ceremony of inifciafcion was rehearsed . Tbe ceremony of the second degree was next rehearsed , Bro . Lone candidate , and Bro . Marks performed the work , the W . M . vacating the chair in his 'favour . Bro . Brasted worked the first section of the lecture ,
assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the firsfc degree , and Bro . Weeden worked the first section , assisted by Bro . Ashton . Bro . Recknall , P . M . of fche Euphrates Lodge , 212 , was elected a member , and Bro . Ashton waa appointed W . M . for the ensning week . Masonic bnsiness being ended , Lodge was closed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 17 th inst . Present—Bros . Christian W . M ., Bunker S . W ., Smyth J . W ., Carr Sec , Robinson S . D ., Clarke J . D ., Ames I . G . ; P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Brasted , Marks , ' and Allen . After preliminaries , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , the W . M . giving fche
traditional history . Lodge was called off and resumed its Masonic duties by Bro . Allen working the firsfc and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the firsfc degree , and Bro . Bunker was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . He appointed h ' s Officers in rotation . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday the llfch inst . Present—Bros . M . Millington W . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M ., C . G . Padel P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., J . Blenkin S . W ., A . T . B . Turner J . W ., W . B . D yson S . D ., W . Lackenby as J . D ., G . Chapman I . G ., and several other members and visitors . Having raised the Lodge to the third
degree the W . M . proceeded to put Bros . Irving and Nance through the ceremonies , the traditional history and concluding addresses being given by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., and Bro . 0 . G . Padel P . M . presided at the harmonium . Before the Lodge was closed , Bro . Ware presented to the Lodge a bound volume of fche FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , and Bro . Whytehead two old editions of tha Constitutions and a bound volume of the Voice of Masonry , for
which votes of thanks were passed . Brother Whytehead also announced that Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powletfc had presented to the Lodge a copy of Bartolozzi ' s valuable engraving of Stothart ' s picture of the Festival of the Girls' School . He was having tho engraving cleaned and mounted , ancl should then present it formally for Brother Orde-Powletfc , It was stated that the sum raised amongst the brethren for the purchase of the Mechanics' Institute now amounted to over £ 1 , 000 .
FUSTE-RAIS-Bros . W . X . I / . & G-. A . SUTTON , CoBln Makers and Undertakers , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , "W . C aad . 30 Forest Hill Road , Peokliani Rye , S . E ,
Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 34.
THE Centenary Ball of this ancient and flourishing Lodge was held on the 18 th instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W . D . Lyon , and an efficient Board of Stewards , including Brothers Artns , Postans , Butler , Perkins . Waylett , Jenkins , Gibbs , Greenfield , Parker , Gribbon , Meyer , Hales , De Lacy , Hnghes , Bean , Rixou , A . 0 . Thorpe , Wainwright , E . J .
Thorpe , Wells , and Wood . Bros . Jenkins and Rixou efficiently acted aa M . C . ' s . A very distinguished company assembled . The St . George ' s Rifles String Band discoursed sweet music , under the direction of Mr . Fleet . A very sumptuous and recherche supper was provided , under the superintendence of Bro . Dawkins . The W . M . proposed the toasts—the Qneen and the Craft , and the M . W . Grand
Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family . Bro . Artus , in rising to propose the health of the W . M ., said it was a great pleasure for him , as senior P . M . and Secretary , to descant on tbe merits of fche W . M . ; he wished to impress upon those present that fche members of this Lodge were a happy family , and where that good feeling existed , a Lodge was sure to prosper .
Might he live long to see it so continue . Their W . M . was one they could look up to , and tho members were proud to have him iu that position . The W . M . in reply thanked Bro . Artns for his kindness . It was a great pleasure to be Master of such a Lodge , more especially so on the occasion of its Centenary Ball . He hoped that every one present
had enjoyed the entertainment . Bro . Meyer , in a happily conceived speech , proposed the toast of the Ladies , and Bro . J . Thorpe as ably responded . Dancing was then resumed . Before leaving , the Ladies and brethren expressed to the W . M . and Bro . Artus their appreciation of the exertions made for their enjoyment .
Eboraacum Chapter , Ho . 1611 . —An emergency meeting of this Chapter was held on Tuesday week last . The following members were present : Comps . C . G . Padel Z ., T . B . Whytehead P . Z . as H ., G . Simpson J ., James Key S . E ., G . Balmford P . Z . as S . N ., M , Millington as P . S ., E . J . de Salis and H . Chapman , as
Assistants ; W . Lackenby , R . Ware , and others . Bros . S . J . Dalton , Eboracum Lodge , 1611 , and Sergt .-Major Morgan , 5 th Dragoon Guards Lodge , were exalted to the degree . After the close of the Chapter the Companions met at supper , at which the M . E . Z . presided .
The A. And A. Scottish Rite.
WE are continually in receipt of copies of communications which are being sent to fche Secretaries , Deputies and Commanders of the several organisations known as fche "Cerneau Snpreme Council , " wherein the writers , with more or less forcible language , give their reasons for withdrawing their connection from these irregular Bodies , the dissolution of which has been progress .
ing for some time past , and hence the scamper from the sinking squadron of Cerneau Supreme Councils , of which we are informed there are three or four in antagonism in this city . The following communication addressed fco one of the Deputies , which was signed by seventeen Masons , is fche mosfc courteous . We have three others before us :
DEAK SIR AND BROTHER , —We , the undersigned , desire to withdraw from the Cerneau Bodies . You will please advise ns of the amounts we owe to the several Bodies , and upon such advice reaching us we will at once remit ; after which , please drop onr names from the tablets .
Our reasons for preferring the above request can be stated in a few words . We are thoroughly convinced that your Body is in possession of nothing on which to establish a claim of legitimacy , and thafc all tbe time and money we have given have been expended foolishly ant in vain .
Although we notify you officially of our withdrawal , we wish , you to understand that we have nothing but respect and brotherly love to offer you personally . Yours respectfully . Hebrew Leader .
Bro . James Stevens P . M . P . Z , has promised to deliver his interesting lecture , " Explanatory of the Ritual and Ceremonies of the Frst Degree , " in the St . Margaret ' s Lodge , No . 1452 , at the Masonic Hall , Lowestoft , on Thursday , the 26 th inst . Bro . W . Woolner Garnharn
P . P . S . G . W . Suffolk , Secretary to the Lodge , has , at the request of W . Bro . H . J . Eastaugh WM . , issued a special circular convening the Lodge meeting for 6 . 55 pm . punctually . A large attendance of brethren from the surrounding districts is anticipated . Arrangements have also heen made with Bro . J . Stevens to deliver his Lecture at Freemasons' Hall , Osborne Street ,. Hull , on Friday , the 27 th instant .
DANCING .-To Those Who Have Never Learnt to Dance . —Bro . and Mrs . JACQUES WYNMANN receive daily , and undertake to teach ladies and gentlemen , who havo never had tho slightest previous knowledge or instruction , to go through every fashionable \ ball-danco in a few easy lessons . Private lessons any hour . Homing and evening classe PH 0 SPECTT 7 S ON APPLtOATIOJf ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . Buo . JACQUES WSSOIASS wra . ns KAEK TO IAE . B THE MAHAQBHKTC OB j MASOJflO BAUS . FjSSI-ClASS BAJTJJS 2807 IBBD .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Duke Of Cornwall Lodge, No. 1839.
hoped the brethren would support the noble Institutions of fche Craft . They bad sent up three Stewards to the Charities each ye ^ r , although fche Lodge had only been four years in existence . This they were proud of . He would conple the name of Bro . Binckes with the toast ; they all knew his great energies were devoted to the cause of the noble Institutions , which wero fnllv deserving of
their support . Bro . Hanson then sang the "Last Watch . " Brother Binckes in responding said , that day they had elected 22 girls out of 26 candidates ; bnt on Monday there were 13 boys to be elected out of 62 candidates . As the W . M . bad urged , great credit is due this Lodge for its exertions ; in the four years of its existence it had well supported the Masonic Charities . This was the firsfc time
he had been present at the Lodge ; he was pleased to visit them , and hoped that the three Institutions would be supported . There were 238 girls , and 215 boys , children of Masons , being maintained and educated in the Schools . In addition , the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution granted annuities to about 330 distressed Masons and their widows . He would urge on every brother to give a small
amount annually to the Institutions ; they would then prosper , and be prepared to meet all claims made npon their resources . The Worshipful Master next had a very pleasing toasfc to propose , — the Masonic Press . He might say there were two recognised organs , —the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE and the Freemason ; he had great pleasure in proposing the toast , and would couple with it the name of
Brother H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Brother Levy said , after tho eloquent speech of Brother Binckes , bnfc few words need emanate from him . He had been connected with the Press for twenty years , and to him it was a pleasing duty to respond for the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , whioh journal gave truthful reports , if not lengthy ones . The promoters of the CHRONICLE had always advocated the claims of the Insitutions , and he was gratified to know their efforts were
appreciated . He thanked the brethren for their reception of the toast . After Miss Margaret Hoare had delighted the brethren with another charming song ; the toasfc of fche Officers was given , and responded to by Bros . Stokes and Dewsnap . The Worshipful Master proposed a special toast for the Musical Brethren , who with the Ladies , had contributed so much to the entertainment . This having been acknowledged , the Worshipful Master gave the Tyler ' s toast , and fche proceedings closed .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Sonfcbgafce-road , Islington , on 14 th inst . Bros . Weeden W . M ., Ashton S . W ., Woolf J . W ., Rhodes S . D ., Archer J . D ., Gibbs I . G ., Brasted acting Preceptor , and Galer Secretary ; also Bros . Houghton , Venning , Bevan , Recknall , Mallefcfc , Richardson , Marks , Lone , and Manger . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of last
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Manger offered himself as candidate , and fche ceremony of inifciafcion was rehearsed . Tbe ceremony of the second degree was next rehearsed , Bro . Lone candidate , and Bro . Marks performed the work , the W . M . vacating the chair in his 'favour . Bro . Brasted worked the first section of the lecture ,
assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the firsfc degree , and Bro . Weeden worked the first section , assisted by Bro . Ashton . Bro . Recknall , P . M . of fche Euphrates Lodge , 212 , was elected a member , and Bro . Ashton waa appointed W . M . for the ensning week . Masonic bnsiness being ended , Lodge was closed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 17 th inst . Present—Bros . Christian W . M ., Bunker S . W ., Smyth J . W ., Carr Sec , Robinson S . D ., Clarke J . D ., Ames I . G . ; P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Brasted , Marks , ' and Allen . After preliminaries , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , the W . M . giving fche
traditional history . Lodge was called off and resumed its Masonic duties by Bro . Allen working the firsfc and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the firsfc degree , and Bro . Bunker was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . He appointed h ' s Officers in rotation . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday the llfch inst . Present—Bros . M . Millington W . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M ., C . G . Padel P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., J . Blenkin S . W ., A . T . B . Turner J . W ., W . B . D yson S . D ., W . Lackenby as J . D ., G . Chapman I . G ., and several other members and visitors . Having raised the Lodge to the third
degree the W . M . proceeded to put Bros . Irving and Nance through the ceremonies , the traditional history and concluding addresses being given by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., and Bro . 0 . G . Padel P . M . presided at the harmonium . Before the Lodge was closed , Bro . Ware presented to the Lodge a bound volume of fche FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , and Bro . Whytehead two old editions of tha Constitutions and a bound volume of the Voice of Masonry , for
which votes of thanks were passed . Brother Whytehead also announced that Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powletfc had presented to the Lodge a copy of Bartolozzi ' s valuable engraving of Stothart ' s picture of the Festival of the Girls' School . He was having tho engraving cleaned and mounted , ancl should then present it formally for Brother Orde-Powletfc , It was stated that the sum raised amongst the brethren for the purchase of the Mechanics' Institute now amounted to over £ 1 , 000 .
FUSTE-RAIS-Bros . W . X . I / . & G-. A . SUTTON , CoBln Makers and Undertakers , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , "W . C aad . 30 Forest Hill Road , Peokliani Rye , S . E ,
Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 34.
THE Centenary Ball of this ancient and flourishing Lodge was held on the 18 th instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W . D . Lyon , and an efficient Board of Stewards , including Brothers Artns , Postans , Butler , Perkins . Waylett , Jenkins , Gibbs , Greenfield , Parker , Gribbon , Meyer , Hales , De Lacy , Hnghes , Bean , Rixou , A . 0 . Thorpe , Wainwright , E . J .
Thorpe , Wells , and Wood . Bros . Jenkins and Rixou efficiently acted aa M . C . ' s . A very distinguished company assembled . The St . George ' s Rifles String Band discoursed sweet music , under the direction of Mr . Fleet . A very sumptuous and recherche supper was provided , under the superintendence of Bro . Dawkins . The W . M . proposed the toasts—the Qneen and the Craft , and the M . W . Grand
Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family . Bro . Artus , in rising to propose the health of the W . M ., said it was a great pleasure for him , as senior P . M . and Secretary , to descant on tbe merits of fche W . M . ; he wished to impress upon those present that fche members of this Lodge were a happy family , and where that good feeling existed , a Lodge was sure to prosper .
Might he live long to see it so continue . Their W . M . was one they could look up to , and tho members were proud to have him iu that position . The W . M . in reply thanked Bro . Artns for his kindness . It was a great pleasure to be Master of such a Lodge , more especially so on the occasion of its Centenary Ball . He hoped that every one present
had enjoyed the entertainment . Bro . Meyer , in a happily conceived speech , proposed the toast of the Ladies , and Bro . J . Thorpe as ably responded . Dancing was then resumed . Before leaving , the Ladies and brethren expressed to the W . M . and Bro . Artus their appreciation of the exertions made for their enjoyment .
Eboraacum Chapter , Ho . 1611 . —An emergency meeting of this Chapter was held on Tuesday week last . The following members were present : Comps . C . G . Padel Z ., T . B . Whytehead P . Z . as H ., G . Simpson J ., James Key S . E ., G . Balmford P . Z . as S . N ., M , Millington as P . S ., E . J . de Salis and H . Chapman , as
Assistants ; W . Lackenby , R . Ware , and others . Bros . S . J . Dalton , Eboracum Lodge , 1611 , and Sergt .-Major Morgan , 5 th Dragoon Guards Lodge , were exalted to the degree . After the close of the Chapter the Companions met at supper , at which the M . E . Z . presided .
The A. And A. Scottish Rite.
WE are continually in receipt of copies of communications which are being sent to fche Secretaries , Deputies and Commanders of the several organisations known as fche "Cerneau Snpreme Council , " wherein the writers , with more or less forcible language , give their reasons for withdrawing their connection from these irregular Bodies , the dissolution of which has been progress .
ing for some time past , and hence the scamper from the sinking squadron of Cerneau Supreme Councils , of which we are informed there are three or four in antagonism in this city . The following communication addressed fco one of the Deputies , which was signed by seventeen Masons , is fche mosfc courteous . We have three others before us :
DEAK SIR AND BROTHER , —We , the undersigned , desire to withdraw from the Cerneau Bodies . You will please advise ns of the amounts we owe to the several Bodies , and upon such advice reaching us we will at once remit ; after which , please drop onr names from the tablets .
Our reasons for preferring the above request can be stated in a few words . We are thoroughly convinced that your Body is in possession of nothing on which to establish a claim of legitimacy , and thafc all tbe time and money we have given have been expended foolishly ant in vain .
Although we notify you officially of our withdrawal , we wish , you to understand that we have nothing but respect and brotherly love to offer you personally . Yours respectfully . Hebrew Leader .
Bro . James Stevens P . M . P . Z , has promised to deliver his interesting lecture , " Explanatory of the Ritual and Ceremonies of the Frst Degree , " in the St . Margaret ' s Lodge , No . 1452 , at the Masonic Hall , Lowestoft , on Thursday , the 26 th inst . Bro . W . Woolner Garnharn
P . P . S . G . W . Suffolk , Secretary to the Lodge , has , at the request of W . Bro . H . J . Eastaugh WM . , issued a special circular convening the Lodge meeting for 6 . 55 pm . punctually . A large attendance of brethren from the surrounding districts is anticipated . Arrangements have also heen made with Bro . J . Stevens to deliver his Lecture at Freemasons' Hall , Osborne Street ,. Hull , on Friday , the 27 th instant .
DANCING .-To Those Who Have Never Learnt to Dance . —Bro . and Mrs . JACQUES WYNMANN receive daily , and undertake to teach ladies and gentlemen , who havo never had tho slightest previous knowledge or instruction , to go through every fashionable \ ball-danco in a few easy lessons . Private lessons any hour . Homing and evening classe PH 0 SPECTT 7 S ON APPLtOATIOJf ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . Buo . JACQUES WSSOIASS wra . ns KAEK TO IAE . B THE MAHAQBHKTC OB j MASOJflO BAUS . FjSSI-ClASS BAJTJJS 2807 IBBD .