Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article BRO. DICK RADCLYFFE'S DRAWING Page 1 of 1 Article DR. BARNARDO'S HOME. Page 1 of 1 Article DR. BARNARDO'S HOME. Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Book-Keeping , which we hope will bo an inducement for the Boys to persevere with this , in our opinion , the most important part of commercial education . Tho usual cold collation was provided for tho guests , and various entertainments wero arranged in order to make onjoyment as easy as possiblo . The meeting throughout was most successful .
Bro. Dick Radclyffe's Drawing
Wo hereby Certify that at tho Drawing of Numbers in Bro . Dick Radclyffe ' s Ballot for Life Governorships in tho Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , held this day , Fourteen Prizes ( £ 5 5 s each ) were balloted for , when the following were declared tho winning numbers : —
Prize No . TicketNo . From books supplied to—7 550 John Bertram Crouch End . 5 3013 C . Stephens Woodley Hill , Reading . 1 4206 F . Eyre 67 Tooley-street . 10 4386 C . A . Walter Warwick-rd ., Kensington
8 5304 Voung 344 Oxford-strcet . 6 5307 Hill 2 Princes-streot , E . C . 2 5605 Swift * Black Lion , Mold . 3 6122 H . R . H . Prince Leopold 4 9911 W . Hopekirk Crystal Palace .
13 12779 G . Bigley 65 St . Augustine ' s-rd , N . W . 9 13296 Jacoby Nottingham . 14 15681 H . M . Levy 24 Soutliampton-row , W . C 11 16283 F . Binckes Freemasons' Hall . 12 17861 W . Carter Canterbury .
Signed—Bros . F . BINCKES P . G . S . „ J . CONSTABLE P . M . 185 . „ J . O . CARTER P . M . 209 . „ G . W . DIXON P . M . 865 . „ R . ROBERTS P . M . 742 . „ DICK RADCCYFFE , J . D . 209 . „ -W . W . MORGAN , Sec . 211 . 19 th June , 1879 .
Brother Radclyffe may bo congratnlated ou having thus completed the labour ho had undertaken . We are aware that the result of his efforts in behalf of the Benevolent Institution and the Boys' School has not , by a long way , reached his expectations , but we are not
singular in tho opinion that by the zeal and nntinng energy ho has exhibited he has bronght prominently under notice the merits of our Charitable Institutions . He has distributed good seed broadcast ; doubtless , in the fullness of timo , it will produce an abundant harvest .
Dr. Barnardo's Home.
ON Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., the annual fete was held afc the Village House for Orphan and Destitute Girls , Barkingside , Ilford . Every convenience had been made for visitors , special trains being provided from Liverpool-street , on the Great Eastern Railway . On arriving at Ilford , we found waggonettes and vehicles of all descriptions waiting to convey the guests to the Home . The houses on the route wero decorated with flags and banners ; triumphal
arches , decked with evergreens , and bearing inscriptions of all kinds , commanded attention on the way . The country folks seemed to consider it a holiday , and greeted us on all sides , and after half an hour ' s pleasant rido ( though perhaps some found it rather dusty ) , we found ourselves at the pretty little village . Our attention was now drawn to a large marquee , where boys
and girls from the Home at Stepney Causeway were singing , in a style that merited praise for several of their songs . The " Sleighing Song , " and " O , hush thee , my Baby , " deserve especial commendation . A selection of music wa 3 played at intervals by the Holdfast Handbell Ringers . The Princess Mary ( Duchess of Teck ) then formally opened three new cottage homes , named respectively ,
" Hyacinth , " " Eaton , " and " Beehive . Her Royal Highness then proceeded to lay the foundation stones of two others , while the Countes 3 of Aberdeen laid that of a third j these will in all make thirty , and will complete the original scheme of the village , which when finished , will accommodate not less than six hundred children . Each cottage presents accommodation for twenty children , with a
" Mother " at their head . We visited several of those already occupied , and found all to be in the best order , and their respective families as happy as could be expected by the most sanguine . We were also glad to see that tho residents havo a Steam Laundry , with every convenience desired ; in connection with this feature is an artesian well , three hundred feet in depth . The promoters hope , before long , to bo able to open a Mission Hall , which has been rendered absolutely
Dr. Barnardo's Home.
necessary by the absence of any suitablo place of worship in the neighbourhood whore the children can assemble on Sundays . It ia also desirable to have a common kitchen , which will servo as a School for Cookery ; and last , bnt not least , a swimming bath . The total amount already expended upon tho land and buildings hss been £ 30 , 500 , and for fittings and furniture £ 3 , 500 , making a total of £ 34 , 000 ; an amount which , considering the character of the
buildings , and the general extent and appcaranco of tho Institution , proves that Dr . Barnardo has gone to work economically ; his aim has been to train girls for domestic service . Before concluding , we must not forget to mention that it is tho most destitnto candidates who are considered the most eligiblo , not by votes , as is the general plan adopted by similar institutions . A largo bazaar was open during tho day in the grounds , in aid of the funds , and wo trust tho sum realise ! met the anticipations of its projectors .
Wellington Lodge of Instruction . —The Fifteen Sections were worked at a meeting of this Lodgo of Instruction , held on . Monday , the 16 th inst ., at the Lodge House , White Swan Hotel , Highstreet , Deptford , when there was a numerous attendance of brethren , chiefly members of Lodges in the vicinity . Bro . J . G . Milbourn , of the Union Waterloo Lodge , No . 13 , occupied the chair of W . M ., the
remaining offices being filled by Bro . J . J . Hatchings J . W . 147 , S . D . 1531 as S . W ., S . P . Catterson J . W . 548 as J . W ., Fieldson S . D . 548 as S . D ., Martin 879 as J . D ., Price 1255 as I . G . The Lodge having been opened , the sections appertaining to the first degree wero worked as follows : —The first by Bro . Watermau W . M . 147 ; the second by Bro . Gibson 1531 , Hon . Sec . to the Lodge of Instruction ; tho third by tho
J . W . ; the fourth by the S . W . ; the fifth by the W . M ., the questions being put by the S . W . ; the sixth and seventh by the J . D . After a brief adjournment from labour to refreshment , tho Lodgo was opened in the second and third degrees ; being resumed in the second degree , the first section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Tuck 834 and 1531 ; tho second by the S . W . ; the third by Bro . Waterman ; the
fourth by the J . D . j and the fifth by Bro . Speight P . M . and Sec . 147 . On the resumption of tho Lodge in the third degroo the remaining sections were worked—the first by Bro . Tuck , the second by Bro . Griffin P . M . 933 , P . Z . 933 and 79 , J . W . 1531 , the Preceptor and Treasurer of the Lodge of Instruction . Tho labours of tho evoning
being thus terminated , the Lodge was resumed in the first degree , and in due timo closed , after a unanimous vote of thanks had been accorded to Bro . Milbourn for his kindness in undertaking to preside , and as an acknowledgment of the ability displayed by him in discharging the duties of tho office .
The Theatres, &C.
EOYAL ITALIAN OPEBA , COVENT GABDEN .-This Evening , LK PROPHETK . On Monday , UN BALL . 0 IX MASOUKRA . On Tuesday , TANNHAUSttR . Ou ¦ Thursday , LE NOMB 1 ) 1 FIGARO Ou Friday , DUN GIOVANNI . At 8 . 30 each evening .
HEB MAJESTY'S THEATBE .- Lhi » Horning , FAUST . This Evening , LUCIA DI LAMMKRMOOR On Monday , A 1 DA . On Tuesday , DINORAH . On Thursday , LOHEiNGRia . Oa Friday , AIDA . At 8 . 30 each evening . GLOBE . —At 7 . 15 , DON QUIXOTE , JUNIOR . At 8 . 5 , LES CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE .
ADELPHI .-At 7 . 30 , Nc . 1 ROUND THE CORNER . At 8 . 0 , AMY ROBSART . OLYMPIC —At 7 . 45 , THE MOTHER , and BETTY MARTIN . On Monday , EAST LYNNE . LYCEUM . —LADY OF LYONS , HAMLET , or LOUIS XL , & c . PBINCESS'S .-At 7 . 45 , DRINK .
OOTJBT .-At 7 . 45 , COU 3 IN DICK . At 8 . 15 , THE LADIES' BATTLE , Ac . OPERA COMIQUE . —At 7 . 45 , CUPS AND SAUCERS . At 8 . 30 H . JI . 8 PINAFORE , & c . EOYALTY .-At 7 . 20 , FARCE . At 8 . 0 , NICETTE , At 0 . 0 , CRUTCH AND TOOTHPICK .
CBITEBIOJN . —At 7 . 30 , MEG'S DIVERSION . At 0 . 0 , TRUTH . IMPEBIAL .-At 7 . 40 , SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER . At 9 . 45 , LADY OF LYONS . ALHAMBBA—At 7 . 40 , FARCE . At 8 . 15 , VENICE . DUKE'S .-At 7 . 30 , MY "WIFE'S OUT . At 8 . 15 , NEW BABYLON . STANDAED — At 7 . 15 , FAMILY JARS , LOVE WINS . & c .
OBYSTAL PALACE . —This day , Groat Choral Festival and Fete in honor of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught , Fireworks , ic , On Tuesday , THE GIRLS . On Wednesday , SUNDAY SCHOOL FESTIVAL . Open daily . Aquarium , Dr . Carvor , Jcc .
ALEXANDBA PALACE . —This day , HORSE SHOW , & c . On Wednesday , FESTIVAL OF THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Open daily . EGYPTIAN ( LAB & E HALL ) .-MASKELYNE AXD COOKB . Every Evening at 8 . Tuesdays , Thursdays , and Saturdays , at 3 and 8 .
BOYAL POLYTECHNIC—METKMrSYGHOSIS ; THE FAIRY DELL THE ELECTRIC LIGHT ; GAS , y ,-hM it does and can do . THE STEAM ENGINE . THK ZULU "AR . VOYAGES I . N THE AIR , and THE WONDERS OF MOP- ^ 'KN SCIENCE . STOKES ON MEMORY . LEOTARD tho Autom-K" ! - Diver , Diving Bells , ic—Admission Is . Open at 12 and 7 . wxriages at 5 and 10 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Book-Keeping , which we hope will bo an inducement for the Boys to persevere with this , in our opinion , the most important part of commercial education . Tho usual cold collation was provided for tho guests , and various entertainments wero arranged in order to make onjoyment as easy as possiblo . The meeting throughout was most successful .
Bro. Dick Radclyffe's Drawing
Wo hereby Certify that at tho Drawing of Numbers in Bro . Dick Radclyffe ' s Ballot for Life Governorships in tho Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , held this day , Fourteen Prizes ( £ 5 5 s each ) were balloted for , when the following were declared tho winning numbers : —
Prize No . TicketNo . From books supplied to—7 550 John Bertram Crouch End . 5 3013 C . Stephens Woodley Hill , Reading . 1 4206 F . Eyre 67 Tooley-street . 10 4386 C . A . Walter Warwick-rd ., Kensington
8 5304 Voung 344 Oxford-strcet . 6 5307 Hill 2 Princes-streot , E . C . 2 5605 Swift * Black Lion , Mold . 3 6122 H . R . H . Prince Leopold 4 9911 W . Hopekirk Crystal Palace .
13 12779 G . Bigley 65 St . Augustine ' s-rd , N . W . 9 13296 Jacoby Nottingham . 14 15681 H . M . Levy 24 Soutliampton-row , W . C 11 16283 F . Binckes Freemasons' Hall . 12 17861 W . Carter Canterbury .
Signed—Bros . F . BINCKES P . G . S . „ J . CONSTABLE P . M . 185 . „ J . O . CARTER P . M . 209 . „ G . W . DIXON P . M . 865 . „ R . ROBERTS P . M . 742 . „ DICK RADCCYFFE , J . D . 209 . „ -W . W . MORGAN , Sec . 211 . 19 th June , 1879 .
Brother Radclyffe may bo congratnlated ou having thus completed the labour ho had undertaken . We are aware that the result of his efforts in behalf of the Benevolent Institution and the Boys' School has not , by a long way , reached his expectations , but we are not
singular in tho opinion that by the zeal and nntinng energy ho has exhibited he has bronght prominently under notice the merits of our Charitable Institutions . He has distributed good seed broadcast ; doubtless , in the fullness of timo , it will produce an abundant harvest .
Dr. Barnardo's Home.
ON Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., the annual fete was held afc the Village House for Orphan and Destitute Girls , Barkingside , Ilford . Every convenience had been made for visitors , special trains being provided from Liverpool-street , on the Great Eastern Railway . On arriving at Ilford , we found waggonettes and vehicles of all descriptions waiting to convey the guests to the Home . The houses on the route wero decorated with flags and banners ; triumphal
arches , decked with evergreens , and bearing inscriptions of all kinds , commanded attention on the way . The country folks seemed to consider it a holiday , and greeted us on all sides , and after half an hour ' s pleasant rido ( though perhaps some found it rather dusty ) , we found ourselves at the pretty little village . Our attention was now drawn to a large marquee , where boys
and girls from the Home at Stepney Causeway were singing , in a style that merited praise for several of their songs . The " Sleighing Song , " and " O , hush thee , my Baby , " deserve especial commendation . A selection of music wa 3 played at intervals by the Holdfast Handbell Ringers . The Princess Mary ( Duchess of Teck ) then formally opened three new cottage homes , named respectively ,
" Hyacinth , " " Eaton , " and " Beehive . Her Royal Highness then proceeded to lay the foundation stones of two others , while the Countes 3 of Aberdeen laid that of a third j these will in all make thirty , and will complete the original scheme of the village , which when finished , will accommodate not less than six hundred children . Each cottage presents accommodation for twenty children , with a
" Mother " at their head . We visited several of those already occupied , and found all to be in the best order , and their respective families as happy as could be expected by the most sanguine . We were also glad to see that tho residents havo a Steam Laundry , with every convenience desired ; in connection with this feature is an artesian well , three hundred feet in depth . The promoters hope , before long , to bo able to open a Mission Hall , which has been rendered absolutely
Dr. Barnardo's Home.
necessary by the absence of any suitablo place of worship in the neighbourhood whore the children can assemble on Sundays . It ia also desirable to have a common kitchen , which will servo as a School for Cookery ; and last , bnt not least , a swimming bath . The total amount already expended upon tho land and buildings hss been £ 30 , 500 , and for fittings and furniture £ 3 , 500 , making a total of £ 34 , 000 ; an amount which , considering the character of the
buildings , and the general extent and appcaranco of tho Institution , proves that Dr . Barnardo has gone to work economically ; his aim has been to train girls for domestic service . Before concluding , we must not forget to mention that it is tho most destitnto candidates who are considered the most eligiblo , not by votes , as is the general plan adopted by similar institutions . A largo bazaar was open during tho day in the grounds , in aid of the funds , and wo trust tho sum realise ! met the anticipations of its projectors .
Wellington Lodge of Instruction . —The Fifteen Sections were worked at a meeting of this Lodgo of Instruction , held on . Monday , the 16 th inst ., at the Lodge House , White Swan Hotel , Highstreet , Deptford , when there was a numerous attendance of brethren , chiefly members of Lodges in the vicinity . Bro . J . G . Milbourn , of the Union Waterloo Lodge , No . 13 , occupied the chair of W . M ., the
remaining offices being filled by Bro . J . J . Hatchings J . W . 147 , S . D . 1531 as S . W ., S . P . Catterson J . W . 548 as J . W ., Fieldson S . D . 548 as S . D ., Martin 879 as J . D ., Price 1255 as I . G . The Lodge having been opened , the sections appertaining to the first degree wero worked as follows : —The first by Bro . Watermau W . M . 147 ; the second by Bro . Gibson 1531 , Hon . Sec . to the Lodge of Instruction ; tho third by tho
J . W . ; the fourth by the S . W . ; the fifth by the W . M ., the questions being put by the S . W . ; the sixth and seventh by the J . D . After a brief adjournment from labour to refreshment , tho Lodgo was opened in the second and third degrees ; being resumed in the second degree , the first section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Tuck 834 and 1531 ; tho second by the S . W . ; the third by Bro . Waterman ; the
fourth by the J . D . j and the fifth by Bro . Speight P . M . and Sec . 147 . On the resumption of tho Lodge in the third degroo the remaining sections were worked—the first by Bro . Tuck , the second by Bro . Griffin P . M . 933 , P . Z . 933 and 79 , J . W . 1531 , the Preceptor and Treasurer of the Lodge of Instruction . Tho labours of tho evoning
being thus terminated , the Lodge was resumed in the first degree , and in due timo closed , after a unanimous vote of thanks had been accorded to Bro . Milbourn for his kindness in undertaking to preside , and as an acknowledgment of the ability displayed by him in discharging the duties of tho office .
The Theatres, &C.
EOYAL ITALIAN OPEBA , COVENT GABDEN .-This Evening , LK PROPHETK . On Monday , UN BALL . 0 IX MASOUKRA . On Tuesday , TANNHAUSttR . Ou ¦ Thursday , LE NOMB 1 ) 1 FIGARO Ou Friday , DUN GIOVANNI . At 8 . 30 each evening .
HEB MAJESTY'S THEATBE .- Lhi » Horning , FAUST . This Evening , LUCIA DI LAMMKRMOOR On Monday , A 1 DA . On Tuesday , DINORAH . On Thursday , LOHEiNGRia . Oa Friday , AIDA . At 8 . 30 each evening . GLOBE . —At 7 . 15 , DON QUIXOTE , JUNIOR . At 8 . 5 , LES CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE .
ADELPHI .-At 7 . 30 , Nc . 1 ROUND THE CORNER . At 8 . 0 , AMY ROBSART . OLYMPIC —At 7 . 45 , THE MOTHER , and BETTY MARTIN . On Monday , EAST LYNNE . LYCEUM . —LADY OF LYONS , HAMLET , or LOUIS XL , & c . PBINCESS'S .-At 7 . 45 , DRINK .
OOTJBT .-At 7 . 45 , COU 3 IN DICK . At 8 . 15 , THE LADIES' BATTLE , Ac . OPERA COMIQUE . —At 7 . 45 , CUPS AND SAUCERS . At 8 . 30 H . JI . 8 PINAFORE , & c . EOYALTY .-At 7 . 20 , FARCE . At 8 . 0 , NICETTE , At 0 . 0 , CRUTCH AND TOOTHPICK .
CBITEBIOJN . —At 7 . 30 , MEG'S DIVERSION . At 0 . 0 , TRUTH . IMPEBIAL .-At 7 . 40 , SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER . At 9 . 45 , LADY OF LYONS . ALHAMBBA—At 7 . 40 , FARCE . At 8 . 15 , VENICE . DUKE'S .-At 7 . 30 , MY "WIFE'S OUT . At 8 . 15 , NEW BABYLON . STANDAED — At 7 . 15 , FAMILY JARS , LOVE WINS . & c .
OBYSTAL PALACE . —This day , Groat Choral Festival and Fete in honor of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught , Fireworks , ic , On Tuesday , THE GIRLS . On Wednesday , SUNDAY SCHOOL FESTIVAL . Open daily . Aquarium , Dr . Carvor , Jcc .
ALEXANDBA PALACE . —This day , HORSE SHOW , & c . On Wednesday , FESTIVAL OF THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Open daily . EGYPTIAN ( LAB & E HALL ) .-MASKELYNE AXD COOKB . Every Evening at 8 . Tuesdays , Thursdays , and Saturdays , at 3 and 8 .
BOYAL POLYTECHNIC—METKMrSYGHOSIS ; THE FAIRY DELL THE ELECTRIC LIGHT ; GAS , y ,-hM it does and can do . THE STEAM ENGINE . THK ZULU "AR . VOYAGES I . N THE AIR , and THE WONDERS OF MOP- ^ 'KN SCIENCE . STOKES ON MEMORY . LEOTARD tho Autom-K" ! - Diver , Diving Bells , ic—Admission Is . Open at 12 and 7 . wxriages at 5 and 10 .