Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
3!lcmiilPasmrkInstitution{ox|to]i& THE EIGHTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL WlLf . BE UKID AT TUB ALEXANDRA PAIACE , 25 th of JUNE 1879 . EIGHT HON . THE EARL OP ROSSLYN , K . T . Mcr Majesty's Lord Miyh Commissioner to llic Church of Scotland ; MJt ' . Pasf Grand Muster of Scotland , in the Chair . 11 OAK » O 1 ? ST K W A It » S . President : Right Hon . Lord HENNIKEK , Past Grand Warden . Acliiuj Vice President * : R . W . Bro . U . W . H . GIDDY , Deputy Grand Master , South Africa . V . W . Bro . Rev . A . P . A . WOOOIOKD , Fust Griimi Chaplain . Vice Presidents : Vice-Patrons and Vice-rrcsidents of tho Institution—Present and Past Grand Olheers—Present nnd Past Grand Stewards—Present and Past Provincial Grand Oilicers . Moil . Treasurer : W . Bro . GEOROE PMN , P . M ., No . 1 G-12 . Mon . Secretary : W . Bro . FiitDERicK RI . N ' CKKS , Past Grand Steward , V . P . of Institution ( Secretary to the Institution . ) The Rand of the Royal Artillery , under tlie direction of Pro . Smy tho , will play n selection of Music during Dinner , and in the illuminated garden throughout the evening . Tho Choir of Pupils of the Institution will . Sing Pai-t-Songs , Glees , & c , alter Dinner , under the direction of Mr . W . H . Holmes , Musical Instructor . Morning Dress ; Masonic Clothing and Jewels not worn . Dinner on fable at Five o ' clock . Tickets—Ladies' 13 s , Gentlemen 21 s ; may be obtained of the Stewards , nnd ut the OHice of the Institution . V The names of brethren willing to act as Stewards can still bo received , and additions to the present List will be most gratefully welcomed . Ollice—1 > Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 2 nd June 1871 ) .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS . TIU-l RT . HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , M . W . G . M . M . ANNUAL FESTIVAL In aid of the MARK GRAND LODGE BENEVOLENT FUND "Wednesday , 2 nd July 1870 , ALh : X , VXJ ) IfA PALACK ,, ]\ IUSWJ 0 LL I-IILTJ . W . BEO . LOUD ARTHUR HILL , P . G . S . W . SUSSEX , IN THE CHAIR , Morning Dress—Mark Collars and Jowels . Tickets—Ladies 15 s , Gentlemen 21 s , inclusive of Wine . Tickets must be applied for ou or before the 30 th June . Oi'ricjj or GKAJTD LODGE OP MAKK MASTEK MASON ' S , 2 Red Lion Square , Holborn , W . C .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who Las for some timo past provided for the require . incuts of this Lodge , begs to announce tint he has obtained permission for the removal ol'his license to the 1 ' elvedr re-road , and that he is about to erect commodious premises there . These will comprise . A . SZP-A . CIOTXS ZMZ-A-SOHSTIG HALL . WITH AXTB ROOMS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G . ISAAC , " WniiB HABT , " COLLEGE STREET , LAMUETII , LONDON , S . E .
WHERE ABE YOU 001 H 0 TO DINE ? rnitY the " CANNON TAVERN , " SO Cannon Street , corner of JL Walbrook , immediately opposite the Ciio'ojr STREET RAILWAY STIIEJ : I . Bros . SMITH & KING , Proprietors .
Price 2 s , Crown 8 vo , stiff paper covers ; 2 s lid cloth lettered . WILL BE PUBLTSITKD immediately upon the receipt of a suflicient number of guaranteed subscribers to cover cost of printing , ftlmfonmty o . f gtaroir gitim * mvft Mmmm , LJir . KA . CIXG ME CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS or i'AST MASTBI 1 S AS -PRECEPTORS , tTBIFOHMITr OF WORKING , and WHICir IK CORRSCT ? Extracted from the Masonic Publications and MSS . letters of distinguished Masons , with other inlevestiuK lUixonic information . Compiled by BEO . JAItfES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & c . Subscribers' names may be forwarded to Bru . J \ : iEE STLVO-.- - - , Clapham , S . W ., or to the Publisher , Bro . \\ . W . MOKG AS , U 7 Barbican , London , K . C ,
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE BERKSHIRE & BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE will bo opened at tho County Hall , Abingdon , at 1 . 30 p . m . on Thursday , the 2 i > th day of June 1879 , by Sir DANIEL GOOCII , Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master . Tho Banquet will take placo at tho Council Chamber , at Three o ' clock punctually . RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS . Return Tickets at Single Fares will bo issued ou production of tho Summons , at tho Hooking Offices of tho Great Western ltaihvay , from tho following Stations—London , Windsor , Reading , Oxford , Newbury , Maidenhead , Swindon , Farringdon , Aylesbury , Wycombe , and Mavlow Road . A Special Train will leavo Didcot for Abingdon on the arrival of the 12 . 17 train , returning to Didcot at 0 . 30 . It . BRADLEY . Market Place , Reading . Provincial Grand Secretary "
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MIDDLESEX . Col . FRANCIS BURDETT , P . S . G . W ., & c . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . THE ANNUAL MEETING will bo held at THE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE , Great Staumorc , on Saturday , 2 Sth of June , at 1 . 30 p . m . precisely . Tho Provincial Grand Lodge will he closed at 3 . 0 , and tho Brethren will attend Divino Sen-ice in the Parish Church , where , by kind permission of tho Rev . L . J . Bernays , Rector of Stanmore , a Sermon will be preached by one of tho Provincial Grand Chaplains . Tho Banquet will bo held at the Instituted 1 . 30 . Tickets , Ono Guinea each , may bo obtained before tho 2 Sth instant , from the Provincial Grand Secretary , or on the day of meeting from tho Provincial Grand Stewards . Musical arrangements under the direction of Bro . Louis Beck , Prov . G . O . Trains to Kdgwaro from Moorgate Street ... 11 . 20 , 1 . 50 „ ,, from Broad Street ... 1 . 7 Return from Edgwaro ... H . 25 , 9 . 0 Trains to Harrow from Euston Square 11 . 33 , 12 . 35 , 1 . 55 Return from Harrow ... ... 8 . U , 9 . 11 Omnibuses will be at the Edgwarc and Harrow Stations to meet tho above named trains from London . By order , II . C . LEVANDER , Provincial Grand Secretary . 30 North Villas , Camden Square , N . W .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE 0 E ESSEX THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL BROTHER THE RIGHT HON . LORD TENTERDEN , ^ Provincial Grvtmcl Master , THE VERY WORSHIPUL BROTHER THE REV . S . R . WIG-RAM , P . G . C , Deputy l ? rovin . c ! uil Grant ! Master . A PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE will bo holdon at tho SHIRE HALL , CHELMSFORD , on WEDNESDAY , 2 nd day of July next , at One o ' clock , for tho purpose of Installing tho R . W . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Tenterden , K . C . B ., as Provincial Grand Master for tho Province of Essex , and for General Business . The Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Master of England , Bro . tho Right Hon . Lord CARNARVON , will preside . The Grand Lodge will be opened punctually at Half-past One o'clock . The Treasurer ' s Accounts will be Audited at Half-past Twelve o ' clock precisely . By command of the R . W . P . G . M ., THOS . J . RALLING , Provincial Grand Secretary . A BANQUET will tako placo at the CORN EXCHANGE punctually at Four o ' clock . Tickets 103 6 d each ( including Wino and Dessert ) . It is requested that applications for Banquet Tickets bo made to tho Stewards , Whito Hart Hotel , Chelmsford , on or before the 27 th instant .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 6 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH dc GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Xiti-n . clieon . is on the Ground . Floor ; This Room will accommodato 100 persons . CHOPS ; STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Orlll Boom will aoat 150 pevnoug . REID'S TREBLE STOUT , WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIVOLI BE BR . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm's , and the Crystal Palace .
BBfjyFnA rR 0 M THE J 0 INT from TWELVE to THREE o'clock . IraHr H ! % CHOPS and STEAKS from the GRILL till FIVE o ' clock . IBf ElhlSV 1 . MAIOWILL , HtrcutesTavern , Leadenhall-st ., City , E . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
3!lcmiilPasmrkInstitution{ox|to]i& THE EIGHTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL WlLf . BE UKID AT TUB ALEXANDRA PAIACE , 25 th of JUNE 1879 . EIGHT HON . THE EARL OP ROSSLYN , K . T . Mcr Majesty's Lord Miyh Commissioner to llic Church of Scotland ; MJt ' . Pasf Grand Muster of Scotland , in the Chair . 11 OAK » O 1 ? ST K W A It » S . President : Right Hon . Lord HENNIKEK , Past Grand Warden . Acliiuj Vice President * : R . W . Bro . U . W . H . GIDDY , Deputy Grand Master , South Africa . V . W . Bro . Rev . A . P . A . WOOOIOKD , Fust Griimi Chaplain . Vice Presidents : Vice-Patrons and Vice-rrcsidents of tho Institution—Present and Past Grand Olheers—Present nnd Past Grand Stewards—Present and Past Provincial Grand Oilicers . Moil . Treasurer : W . Bro . GEOROE PMN , P . M ., No . 1 G-12 . Mon . Secretary : W . Bro . FiitDERicK RI . N ' CKKS , Past Grand Steward , V . P . of Institution ( Secretary to the Institution . ) The Rand of the Royal Artillery , under tlie direction of Pro . Smy tho , will play n selection of Music during Dinner , and in the illuminated garden throughout the evening . Tho Choir of Pupils of the Institution will . Sing Pai-t-Songs , Glees , & c , alter Dinner , under the direction of Mr . W . H . Holmes , Musical Instructor . Morning Dress ; Masonic Clothing and Jewels not worn . Dinner on fable at Five o ' clock . Tickets—Ladies' 13 s , Gentlemen 21 s ; may be obtained of the Stewards , nnd ut the OHice of the Institution . V The names of brethren willing to act as Stewards can still bo received , and additions to the present List will be most gratefully welcomed . Ollice—1 > Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 2 nd June 1871 ) .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS . TIU-l RT . HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , M . W . G . M . M . ANNUAL FESTIVAL In aid of the MARK GRAND LODGE BENEVOLENT FUND "Wednesday , 2 nd July 1870 , ALh : X , VXJ ) IfA PALACK ,, ]\ IUSWJ 0 LL I-IILTJ . W . BEO . LOUD ARTHUR HILL , P . G . S . W . SUSSEX , IN THE CHAIR , Morning Dress—Mark Collars and Jowels . Tickets—Ladies 15 s , Gentlemen 21 s , inclusive of Wine . Tickets must be applied for ou or before the 30 th June . Oi'ricjj or GKAJTD LODGE OP MAKK MASTEK MASON ' S , 2 Red Lion Square , Holborn , W . C .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who Las for some timo past provided for the require . incuts of this Lodge , begs to announce tint he has obtained permission for the removal ol'his license to the 1 ' elvedr re-road , and that he is about to erect commodious premises there . These will comprise . A . SZP-A . CIOTXS ZMZ-A-SOHSTIG HALL . WITH AXTB ROOMS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G . ISAAC , " WniiB HABT , " COLLEGE STREET , LAMUETII , LONDON , S . E .
WHERE ABE YOU 001 H 0 TO DINE ? rnitY the " CANNON TAVERN , " SO Cannon Street , corner of JL Walbrook , immediately opposite the Ciio'ojr STREET RAILWAY STIIEJ : I . Bros . SMITH & KING , Proprietors .
Price 2 s , Crown 8 vo , stiff paper covers ; 2 s lid cloth lettered . WILL BE PUBLTSITKD immediately upon the receipt of a suflicient number of guaranteed subscribers to cover cost of printing , ftlmfonmty o . f gtaroir gitim * mvft Mmmm , LJir . KA . CIXG ME CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS or i'AST MASTBI 1 S AS -PRECEPTORS , tTBIFOHMITr OF WORKING , and WHICir IK CORRSCT ? Extracted from the Masonic Publications and MSS . letters of distinguished Masons , with other inlevestiuK lUixonic information . Compiled by BEO . JAItfES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & c . Subscribers' names may be forwarded to Bru . J \ : iEE STLVO-.- - - , Clapham , S . W ., or to the Publisher , Bro . \\ . W . MOKG AS , U 7 Barbican , London , K . C ,
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE BERKSHIRE & BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE will bo opened at tho County Hall , Abingdon , at 1 . 30 p . m . on Thursday , the 2 i > th day of June 1879 , by Sir DANIEL GOOCII , Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master . Tho Banquet will take placo at tho Council Chamber , at Three o ' clock punctually . RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS . Return Tickets at Single Fares will bo issued ou production of tho Summons , at tho Hooking Offices of tho Great Western ltaihvay , from tho following Stations—London , Windsor , Reading , Oxford , Newbury , Maidenhead , Swindon , Farringdon , Aylesbury , Wycombe , and Mavlow Road . A Special Train will leavo Didcot for Abingdon on the arrival of the 12 . 17 train , returning to Didcot at 0 . 30 . It . BRADLEY . Market Place , Reading . Provincial Grand Secretary "
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MIDDLESEX . Col . FRANCIS BURDETT , P . S . G . W ., & c . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . THE ANNUAL MEETING will bo held at THE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE , Great Staumorc , on Saturday , 2 Sth of June , at 1 . 30 p . m . precisely . Tho Provincial Grand Lodge will he closed at 3 . 0 , and tho Brethren will attend Divino Sen-ice in the Parish Church , where , by kind permission of tho Rev . L . J . Bernays , Rector of Stanmore , a Sermon will be preached by one of tho Provincial Grand Chaplains . Tho Banquet will bo held at the Instituted 1 . 30 . Tickets , Ono Guinea each , may bo obtained before tho 2 Sth instant , from the Provincial Grand Secretary , or on the day of meeting from tho Provincial Grand Stewards . Musical arrangements under the direction of Bro . Louis Beck , Prov . G . O . Trains to Kdgwaro from Moorgate Street ... 11 . 20 , 1 . 50 „ ,, from Broad Street ... 1 . 7 Return from Edgwaro ... H . 25 , 9 . 0 Trains to Harrow from Euston Square 11 . 33 , 12 . 35 , 1 . 55 Return from Harrow ... ... 8 . U , 9 . 11 Omnibuses will be at the Edgwarc and Harrow Stations to meet tho above named trains from London . By order , II . C . LEVANDER , Provincial Grand Secretary . 30 North Villas , Camden Square , N . W .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE 0 E ESSEX THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL BROTHER THE RIGHT HON . LORD TENTERDEN , ^ Provincial Grvtmcl Master , THE VERY WORSHIPUL BROTHER THE REV . S . R . WIG-RAM , P . G . C , Deputy l ? rovin . c ! uil Grant ! Master . A PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE will bo holdon at tho SHIRE HALL , CHELMSFORD , on WEDNESDAY , 2 nd day of July next , at One o ' clock , for tho purpose of Installing tho R . W . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Tenterden , K . C . B ., as Provincial Grand Master for tho Province of Essex , and for General Business . The Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Master of England , Bro . tho Right Hon . Lord CARNARVON , will preside . The Grand Lodge will be opened punctually at Half-past One o'clock . The Treasurer ' s Accounts will be Audited at Half-past Twelve o ' clock precisely . By command of the R . W . P . G . M ., THOS . J . RALLING , Provincial Grand Secretary . A BANQUET will tako placo at the CORN EXCHANGE punctually at Four o ' clock . Tickets 103 6 d each ( including Wino and Dessert ) . It is requested that applications for Banquet Tickets bo made to tho Stewards , Whito Hart Hotel , Chelmsford , on or before the 27 th instant .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 6 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH dc GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Xiti-n . clieon . is on the Ground . Floor ; This Room will accommodato 100 persons . CHOPS ; STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Orlll Boom will aoat 150 pevnoug . REID'S TREBLE STOUT , WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIVOLI BE BR . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm's , and the Crystal Palace .
BBfjyFnA rR 0 M THE J 0 INT from TWELVE to THREE o'clock . IraHr H ! % CHOPS and STEAKS from the GRILL till FIVE o ' clock . IBf ElhlSV 1 . MAIOWILL , HtrcutesTavern , Leadenhall-st ., City , E . C ,