Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEFREEMASONS'TAVERN, GREAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON . W . C . The admirable » nd unrlrilled accommodation provided at this SsUblishmeut for ZM ^ A-SOHSTIC ZBA-ILTQTTIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , fa . Is too well known to need comment . The entire manasementhan been chanced , and the Establishment in elllts branches thoroushly re-organised . The attention ot the Masonio Body it directed to the many adrantagea offered . CTJISINVB 1 OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES F £ KF £ CT IN CONDITION AND O . UAI . ITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING A RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure ef public confidence ind support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR -
* ^^ —^ ——— Free by Post for 12 Stamps . AFTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-one Years' Ministerial Policy , as set forth at LORD MAYOR ' S DAY BAXQCBIS , from 1813 to 1878 . Collected by RICHAKD SEXD , F . S . S . London : W . W , MOBGAX , 67 Barbican , E . C .
Published monthly , Demy 8 vo , Price 6 d . rilHE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare and Interesting Works on Chess , Cards , & o . can be had on application to W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
ja ^^^ k V ^ ^ V ^ J ^ ^^ S ^ lSB SMV ^^^ M 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
English Masonry In Tunis.
THE closing of the various English Masonio bodies in the city of Tunis for the summer months received additional eclat from the presence of tho Chevalier Edward Rosenbnsch P . D . D . G . M . of Malta , & c , and several Malta brethren . The visit of Bro . Rosenbnsch gave unqualified ploasure to all members of the Craft in Tunis , as it was entirely owing to his exertions that the " Ancient Carthage Lodgo " was founded in 1877 , there being at that time only three
English Masons in the country . A special meeting of the Lodge to receive him was held on the 25 th May . Present—W . Bro . A . M . Broadley D . D . G . M . W . M ., Bros . J . H . Stevens ( Acting British Consul General ) S . W ., Dr . Pcrini J . W ., G . Gardelle Acting Sec , Cavalierc A . Blanch Treas ., Professor Souiller Interpreter , Professor V . C . Clement D . of C , G . Pentecost S . D ., P . M . Paleologo J . D .,
A . Bokobsa Assist . D . of C , M . Le Gallais I . G } ., Commander Bridger , R . N ., Org ., J . Eymon Tyler . P . M . ' s Sulema and Mugnaini , and a numerous attendance of members , including the Chevalier Tulin de la Tunisie , Imperial German Consul . Visitors—Bros . Professor H . Stilon J . W . 515 , A . Tagliaferro I . G . 515 , and many Italian Masons . W . Bro . Rosenbnsch wa 8 received with Grand Honours on his
entrance into the Lodge . The W . M . addressed the assembled brethren and informed them that they now had the pleasure to see amongst them tho founder of their Lodge , and paid a high eulogiutn to the Masonic character of W . Bro , Rosenbusch . The P . D . D . G . M . replied that no words of his could suffice to express his satisfaction at the extreme beauty of the arrangements of the Lodge , its influence and
progress , and the harmony existing amongst its hundred members . He had certainly aided in laying the foundation stone , and his friend and successor as D . D . G . M . Bro . Broadley had indeed built up a Grand Masonic edifice on that foundation . He exhorted the mombers to persevere in their endeavours to carry out the work which had been begun so satisfactorily . The Lodge being duly raised , Bros . Bya and
Bigneance received at the hands of the W . M . the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge was lowered , and an adjournment took place , after which tho W . M . initiated , in English , Messrs . William Pariente and Vincent Borg ( who had been elected at a previous meeting ) into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The Lodge was then closed . On Monday , the 26 th May , a meeting of tho R . A . Chapter , " Ancient Carthage , "
took place . Present . —E . Comps . A . M . Broadley Z ., Dr . Mugnaini H ., Baron Castellnuovo J . ; Comps . J . H . Stevens E ., G . Pentecost N ., Dr . Perini P . S ., P . M . Paleologo S . S ., J . B . Bourepaux J . S ., Clement Registrar , A . Blanch Treas ., Commander Bridger , R . N ., Org ., and Eymon Janitor . Comps . Chevalier E . Rosenbusch P . D . D . G . M ., Curletto , Barsottie , They and others . A ballot was taken and proved
favourable for the following Master Masons : —Bros . Professor Stilon J . W . 515 , A . Tagliaferro I . G . 515 , V . Finzi and IS " . Paleologo of 1717 . Tho candidates , being present , wero exalted to the sublime degree of tho H . R . A . Comp . Chevalier Rosenbusch paid a high compliment to tho M . E . Z . on the working of the Chapter in Italian , and tho beauty of its appointment and furniture . The proceedings were
closed by the charitable collection , and the Chapter adjourned till the month of October . On the evening of the 31 st May , tho installation meeting of the Kingston Mark Lodge No . 222 was hold , and was followed by a banquet . Present—W . Bro . A . M . Broadley W . M . M ., Bros . Pentecost S . W ., Perini J . W ., Paleologo M . O ., Gardelle S . O ., Le Gallais J . O ., Clemeut D . of C , Souiller Secretary and Treasurer
English Masonry In Tunis.
( acting ) , Stevens R . M ., Finzi S . D ., Bokobsa J . D ., Bridger Organist , and Eymon Tyler ; Bros . E . Rosenbusch and other members , Tho minutes of tho last meeting being dnly confirmed , Bro . G . Pentecost was presented in the east , and duly installed by W . Bro . Broadley into tho chair of A . The W . M . then made the following appointments . LP . M . W . Bro . A . M . Broadley ( P . G . M . designate ) , Dr . A . Perini S . W ..
Professor Souiller J . W ., Professor Clement Sec , P . M . PaleologoM . O ., E . Gardelle S . O ., M . Le Gallais J . O ., Euriquez R . M ., L . Curletto D . of C , Finzi S . D ., Bokobsa J . D ., Bourepaux and N . Paleologo Stewards , Commander Bridger , R . N ., Org ., and Barsottie I . G . Bros . Blanch and Eymon were re-elected Treasurer and Tyler . The W . M . Bro . Pentecost returned thanks for the honour done him by the brethren
and said he hopod with the aid and support of his I . P . M . to maintain the interests of tho Mark Degree in North Africa . On the proposition of Bro . Souiller , a vote of thanks to the I . P . M ., for his untiring zeal and devotion to tho work of the Lodge , and his efforts to place tho degree on a firm basis in Tunis , was unanimously oarried . Bro . Rosenbusch added that one of the pleasurable incidents connected
with his visit to Tunis was his bringing a letter from tho G . M . Sec , announcing the M . W . G . M . M . M . ' s consent to the forming of Malta and Tunis into a Province under the rule of Bro . Broadley . He said the working of the Mark Lodgo had given him unfeigned pleasure , and he hoped to continue always an active member of No . 222 . These remarks were much applauded by the brethren . Bro . Rosenbusch ,
whose popularity in tho district is very great , has conferred a favour on the brethren of the Mark by accepting the office of P . G . Registrar . The Lodge being duly closed tho brethren adjourned to a banquet , where the toasts appropriate to Mark Masonry were duly honoured . On the 7 th June , the last regular meeting of the Lodge of " Ancient Carthage" before the summer recess took place ; tho Masonio Hall waa
densely crowded , tho whole of the Officers being at their posts . The D . D . G . M . delivered a lecture , detailing the History of English Freemasonry from tho year 1717 up to tho present time , and describing its influence on European Masonry generally . He then gave an exhaustive account of tho Masonio Charities , and proceeded to trace tho progress of the " Ancient Carthage " Lodge since its foundation
The W . M . incidentally mentioned that during the two years he had occupied the Eastern chair he had initiated 87 candidates , passed 72 , and raised 65 brethren , while 26 foreign Masons had enrolled themselves as joining members . The " Ancient Carthage" Lodge had now a considerable balance in the hands of its Treasurer , and had furnished and adorned the Masonic Hall in a manner to exoite the
admiration of visitors . During thi 3 period , he remarked , their work had been chiefly directed to consolidate the foundations on which tho future of tho Lodge was to rest . They had become Life Subscribers to the Masonic Institution for Boys , and the Lodge had published its bye-laws , both in English and Italian , as well as a translation into the latter language of the greater part of the Book of Constitutions ,
a copy of which had been sent to several of the leading Masons in England , and very kindly acknowledged by them , especially by Bro . Collins on behalf of H . R . H . Prince Leopold , who expressed himself deeply interested with the spread of Masonry in Tunis , and sent his fraternal greetings to the brethren . They had also relieved some of their own members who rendered assistance to many foreign brethren .
One of tho fruits of their labour was tho foundation of the " William Kingston " Lodge at Goletta , for which the D . G . M . had granted a provincial warrant in date the 31 st May . This Lodgo possessed a pecnliar interest , as existing on the actual site of the aiioicnt city of Carthage , in a town , which , in the middle ages , became famous from the exploits of St . Louis of France , and still later from its occupation
by Charles V ., nnd the Knights of Malta , many of whom found an untimely gravo beneath it 3 walls . The Goletta bears the same relation to Tunis as tho Pirtcus does to Athens , aud , as its population was almost entirely European , he had great hopes of the success of the new Lodge . The W . M . then concluded his lecture by exhorting the brethren to uphold the time-honoured principles of English
Freemasonry , and trusted that they would endeavour , in the foundations he had laid , to render English Masonry a permanent institution in the ancient city whore they dwelt , and that if they did so ho assured them they would earn the gratitude of their children and of the generations which would succeed them . At the conclusion of the address the W . M . informed the brethren that having served in that capacity for two years , he was no longer eligible for election
but he felt no anxiety as to the future of the Lodge in the hands of either of his Wardens . The S . W . Bro . Stevens ( acting Brisish Consnl General ) proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the part of tho Lodge to the W . M ., who had worked so indefatigably during the past two years . The proposition was warmly seconded by the J . W . and Bro . Tulin de la Tnnisio , Imperial German Consul General , and carried unanimously by acclamation . The Lodge was then formally adjourned till the 20 fch Soptember .
Lodge of St . John and St . Paul , No . 349 E . C , Malta . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was hold on 2 nd June , at the Masonic Hall , Valetta . Present—The W . M . Bro . Coffee , several P . M . ' s and a large number of brethren . Lodge having been opened in duo form in tho first degree , Bros . Noyes , Chapman and Freeman wero entrusted . Mr . Thomas Steele being in attendance and duly prepared was initiated into tho mysteries of Freemasonry .
Lodge was advanced , and Bros . Noyes , Chapman , and Freeman were passed . Lodge was closed to the first degree . The newl y initiated brother then re-entered ; two brethren were proposed as joining members , somo routine business transacted , and Lodge was closed in ancient form , the brethren adjourning to the refreshment room , whero tho nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given aud duly honoured .
At a meeting of tho Society of Antiquarians of Loudon , held at Burlington House , on the 12 th inst ., under tho Presidency of the Earl of . Carnarvon , Brother James Lewis Thomas , Past Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , was elected a Fellow .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEFREEMASONS'TAVERN, GREAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON . W . C . The admirable » nd unrlrilled accommodation provided at this SsUblishmeut for ZM ^ A-SOHSTIC ZBA-ILTQTTIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , fa . Is too well known to need comment . The entire manasementhan been chanced , and the Establishment in elllts branches thoroushly re-organised . The attention ot the Masonio Body it directed to the many adrantagea offered . CTJISINVB 1 OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES F £ KF £ CT IN CONDITION AND O . UAI . ITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING A RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure ef public confidence ind support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR -
* ^^ —^ ——— Free by Post for 12 Stamps . AFTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-one Years' Ministerial Policy , as set forth at LORD MAYOR ' S DAY BAXQCBIS , from 1813 to 1878 . Collected by RICHAKD SEXD , F . S . S . London : W . W , MOBGAX , 67 Barbican , E . C .
Published monthly , Demy 8 vo , Price 6 d . rilHE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare and Interesting Works on Chess , Cards , & o . can be had on application to W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
ja ^^^ k V ^ ^ V ^ J ^ ^^ S ^ lSB SMV ^^^ M 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
English Masonry In Tunis.
THE closing of the various English Masonio bodies in the city of Tunis for the summer months received additional eclat from the presence of tho Chevalier Edward Rosenbnsch P . D . D . G . M . of Malta , & c , and several Malta brethren . The visit of Bro . Rosenbnsch gave unqualified ploasure to all members of the Craft in Tunis , as it was entirely owing to his exertions that the " Ancient Carthage Lodgo " was founded in 1877 , there being at that time only three
English Masons in the country . A special meeting of the Lodge to receive him was held on the 25 th May . Present—W . Bro . A . M . Broadley D . D . G . M . W . M ., Bros . J . H . Stevens ( Acting British Consul General ) S . W ., Dr . Pcrini J . W ., G . Gardelle Acting Sec , Cavalierc A . Blanch Treas ., Professor Souiller Interpreter , Professor V . C . Clement D . of C , G . Pentecost S . D ., P . M . Paleologo J . D .,
A . Bokobsa Assist . D . of C , M . Le Gallais I . G } ., Commander Bridger , R . N ., Org ., J . Eymon Tyler . P . M . ' s Sulema and Mugnaini , and a numerous attendance of members , including the Chevalier Tulin de la Tunisie , Imperial German Consul . Visitors—Bros . Professor H . Stilon J . W . 515 , A . Tagliaferro I . G . 515 , and many Italian Masons . W . Bro . Rosenbnsch wa 8 received with Grand Honours on his
entrance into the Lodge . The W . M . addressed the assembled brethren and informed them that they now had the pleasure to see amongst them tho founder of their Lodge , and paid a high eulogiutn to the Masonic character of W . Bro , Rosenbusch . The P . D . D . G . M . replied that no words of his could suffice to express his satisfaction at the extreme beauty of the arrangements of the Lodge , its influence and
progress , and the harmony existing amongst its hundred members . He had certainly aided in laying the foundation stone , and his friend and successor as D . D . G . M . Bro . Broadley had indeed built up a Grand Masonic edifice on that foundation . He exhorted the mombers to persevere in their endeavours to carry out the work which had been begun so satisfactorily . The Lodge being duly raised , Bros . Bya and
Bigneance received at the hands of the W . M . the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge was lowered , and an adjournment took place , after which tho W . M . initiated , in English , Messrs . William Pariente and Vincent Borg ( who had been elected at a previous meeting ) into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The Lodge was then closed . On Monday , the 26 th May , a meeting of tho R . A . Chapter , " Ancient Carthage , "
took place . Present . —E . Comps . A . M . Broadley Z ., Dr . Mugnaini H ., Baron Castellnuovo J . ; Comps . J . H . Stevens E ., G . Pentecost N ., Dr . Perini P . S ., P . M . Paleologo S . S ., J . B . Bourepaux J . S ., Clement Registrar , A . Blanch Treas ., Commander Bridger , R . N ., Org ., and Eymon Janitor . Comps . Chevalier E . Rosenbusch P . D . D . G . M ., Curletto , Barsottie , They and others . A ballot was taken and proved
favourable for the following Master Masons : —Bros . Professor Stilon J . W . 515 , A . Tagliaferro I . G . 515 , V . Finzi and IS " . Paleologo of 1717 . Tho candidates , being present , wero exalted to the sublime degree of tho H . R . A . Comp . Chevalier Rosenbusch paid a high compliment to tho M . E . Z . on the working of the Chapter in Italian , and tho beauty of its appointment and furniture . The proceedings were
closed by the charitable collection , and the Chapter adjourned till the month of October . On the evening of the 31 st May , tho installation meeting of the Kingston Mark Lodge No . 222 was hold , and was followed by a banquet . Present—W . Bro . A . M . Broadley W . M . M ., Bros . Pentecost S . W ., Perini J . W ., Paleologo M . O ., Gardelle S . O ., Le Gallais J . O ., Clemeut D . of C , Souiller Secretary and Treasurer
English Masonry In Tunis.
( acting ) , Stevens R . M ., Finzi S . D ., Bokobsa J . D ., Bridger Organist , and Eymon Tyler ; Bros . E . Rosenbusch and other members , Tho minutes of tho last meeting being dnly confirmed , Bro . G . Pentecost was presented in the east , and duly installed by W . Bro . Broadley into tho chair of A . The W . M . then made the following appointments . LP . M . W . Bro . A . M . Broadley ( P . G . M . designate ) , Dr . A . Perini S . W ..
Professor Souiller J . W ., Professor Clement Sec , P . M . PaleologoM . O ., E . Gardelle S . O ., M . Le Gallais J . O ., Euriquez R . M ., L . Curletto D . of C , Finzi S . D ., Bokobsa J . D ., Bourepaux and N . Paleologo Stewards , Commander Bridger , R . N ., Org ., and Barsottie I . G . Bros . Blanch and Eymon were re-elected Treasurer and Tyler . The W . M . Bro . Pentecost returned thanks for the honour done him by the brethren
and said he hopod with the aid and support of his I . P . M . to maintain the interests of tho Mark Degree in North Africa . On the proposition of Bro . Souiller , a vote of thanks to the I . P . M ., for his untiring zeal and devotion to tho work of the Lodge , and his efforts to place tho degree on a firm basis in Tunis , was unanimously oarried . Bro . Rosenbusch added that one of the pleasurable incidents connected
with his visit to Tunis was his bringing a letter from tho G . M . Sec , announcing the M . W . G . M . M . M . ' s consent to the forming of Malta and Tunis into a Province under the rule of Bro . Broadley . He said the working of the Mark Lodgo had given him unfeigned pleasure , and he hoped to continue always an active member of No . 222 . These remarks were much applauded by the brethren . Bro . Rosenbusch ,
whose popularity in tho district is very great , has conferred a favour on the brethren of the Mark by accepting the office of P . G . Registrar . The Lodge being duly closed tho brethren adjourned to a banquet , where the toasts appropriate to Mark Masonry were duly honoured . On the 7 th June , the last regular meeting of the Lodge of " Ancient Carthage" before the summer recess took place ; tho Masonio Hall waa
densely crowded , tho whole of the Officers being at their posts . The D . D . G . M . delivered a lecture , detailing the History of English Freemasonry from tho year 1717 up to tho present time , and describing its influence on European Masonry generally . He then gave an exhaustive account of tho Masonio Charities , and proceeded to trace tho progress of the " Ancient Carthage " Lodge since its foundation
The W . M . incidentally mentioned that during the two years he had occupied the Eastern chair he had initiated 87 candidates , passed 72 , and raised 65 brethren , while 26 foreign Masons had enrolled themselves as joining members . The " Ancient Carthage" Lodge had now a considerable balance in the hands of its Treasurer , and had furnished and adorned the Masonic Hall in a manner to exoite the
admiration of visitors . During thi 3 period , he remarked , their work had been chiefly directed to consolidate the foundations on which tho future of tho Lodge was to rest . They had become Life Subscribers to the Masonic Institution for Boys , and the Lodge had published its bye-laws , both in English and Italian , as well as a translation into the latter language of the greater part of the Book of Constitutions ,
a copy of which had been sent to several of the leading Masons in England , and very kindly acknowledged by them , especially by Bro . Collins on behalf of H . R . H . Prince Leopold , who expressed himself deeply interested with the spread of Masonry in Tunis , and sent his fraternal greetings to the brethren . They had also relieved some of their own members who rendered assistance to many foreign brethren .
One of tho fruits of their labour was tho foundation of the " William Kingston " Lodge at Goletta , for which the D . G . M . had granted a provincial warrant in date the 31 st May . This Lodgo possessed a pecnliar interest , as existing on the actual site of the aiioicnt city of Carthage , in a town , which , in the middle ages , became famous from the exploits of St . Louis of France , and still later from its occupation
by Charles V ., nnd the Knights of Malta , many of whom found an untimely gravo beneath it 3 walls . The Goletta bears the same relation to Tunis as tho Pirtcus does to Athens , aud , as its population was almost entirely European , he had great hopes of the success of the new Lodge . The W . M . then concluded his lecture by exhorting the brethren to uphold the time-honoured principles of English
Freemasonry , and trusted that they would endeavour , in the foundations he had laid , to render English Masonry a permanent institution in the ancient city whore they dwelt , and that if they did so ho assured them they would earn the gratitude of their children and of the generations which would succeed them . At the conclusion of the address the W . M . informed the brethren that having served in that capacity for two years , he was no longer eligible for election
but he felt no anxiety as to the future of the Lodge in the hands of either of his Wardens . The S . W . Bro . Stevens ( acting Brisish Consnl General ) proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the part of tho Lodge to the W . M ., who had worked so indefatigably during the past two years . The proposition was warmly seconded by the J . W . and Bro . Tulin de la Tnnisio , Imperial German Consul General , and carried unanimously by acclamation . The Lodge was then formally adjourned till the 20 fch Soptember .
Lodge of St . John and St . Paul , No . 349 E . C , Malta . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was hold on 2 nd June , at the Masonic Hall , Valetta . Present—The W . M . Bro . Coffee , several P . M . ' s and a large number of brethren . Lodge having been opened in duo form in tho first degree , Bros . Noyes , Chapman and Freeman wero entrusted . Mr . Thomas Steele being in attendance and duly prepared was initiated into tho mysteries of Freemasonry .
Lodge was advanced , and Bros . Noyes , Chapman , and Freeman were passed . Lodge was closed to the first degree . The newl y initiated brother then re-entered ; two brethren were proposed as joining members , somo routine business transacted , and Lodge was closed in ancient form , the brethren adjourning to the refreshment room , whero tho nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given aud duly honoured .
At a meeting of tho Society of Antiquarians of Loudon , held at Burlington House , on the 12 th inst ., under tho Presidency of the Earl of . Carnarvon , Brother James Lewis Thomas , Past Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , was elected a Fellow .