Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
UNITED SERVICE LODGE , No . 1428 . AT a meeting of the brethren of this Lodge , held at tho Masonic Hall , Commercial-road . Landport , on Friday , 13 th inat ., for the i nstallation of Bro . Charles Travessaa W . M . of the Lodge , thorewas a large attendance of Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge and brethren from a distance . The Lodge opened at 530 p . m ., when tho following brethren signed the attendance book : —J . Laverty W . M . P . G . A . D . C ., 0 . Travesa W . M . elect S . W ., G . P . Arnold I . P . M . P . P . G . A . D 0 ., G . P .
Williams Treasurer , 0 . V . Birch Secretary , W . Miller D . O ., James Doidge S . D ., E . Boorman J . D ., George Sylvester Organist , J . S . Wickens I . G ., Otway Cox and W . J . Aroher Stewards , James Johns P . P . G . S . B ., P . M . ' s G . R . Striok , J . A . Elveraton , W . Dart , W . Parren ; Stockall , Cable , Mares , Robinson , Green , Praser , Palmer , Atkinson , Griffiths , West , Osborne , Mills , & o . Among the Visitors were
Bros . Eobert J . Rastrick Prov . Grand Treasurer , G . F . Lancaster P . P . G . D ., S . B . Ellis P . P . D . C ., Robert H . Croucher W . M . 342 , W . M . Outridge W . M . 487 , T . D . Askew W . M . 804 , W . Brunwin W . M . 903 , Thomas H . Williams W . M . 1776 , G . S . Grant I . P . M . 1705 , W . D . Park , house W . M . 1834 , Charles Knott P . M . 342 , Rev . P . H . Good , M . A ., Chaplain 1903 , J . Westaway Seoretary 1834 , Jarooa Cottrell , John
Grandidier 387 , William Yeardye 1705 , P . F . Faulkeuer 1739 , and many others . The ceremony of installation was most efficiently per . formed by Bro . James Johns , to whom a vote of thanks was accorded by the Lodge . The W . M . ( Bro . Charles Travess ) then appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . Laverty I . P . M ., J . G . Mason S . W ., James Doidge
J . W ., George F . Williams Treasnrer , Charles V . Biroh and W . J . Aroher Secretaries , George Sylvester S . D ., John Jackson J . D ., William Wheeler M . C ., Edwin Pratt I . G ., James Cable and James Mitchell Stewards . The W . M . then presented Brother John Laverty with a Past Master ' s jewel , bearing a suitable inscription , subscribed for by the members of the Lodge . The brethren , to the number of
about 120 , then retired to the banqnet-room , where a banquet had been prepared under the superintendence of Brother E . S . Main P . P . G . A . D . C . The usual loyal toasts having been given , the W . M . proposed the Provincial Grand Officers , and congratulated himself on having so many distinguished Officers present . Brother Rastrick Prov . G . Tr . responded , and congratulated the Lodge on the numerous
attendance , which was larger than he had ever met at any installation ceremony . Brother G . F . Lancaster P . P . G . D . in responding for the past Officers , said he was at the constitution of the Lodge , and ! had attended eaoh installation meeting in succession '; he had watched with keen interest its progress as foreshadowed by the P . G .
Master , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., at its first meeting . Bro . S . R , Ellis proposed the Installing Master . Other toasts followed . Several songs were contributed by Bros . G . Sylvester , C . Knott , J . Mitchell , Elverston , and others , Brother , Sylvester accompanying on the piano .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . — The usual weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road , S . E ., on Friday , 13 th inst . Bro . G . H . Chapman , who has but very lately been initiated into the Or ^ er , occupied , for the first time , the chair of K . S ., and very creditably carried out the duties appertaining thereto .
Amongst others present were Bros . Sarjeant S . W ., Bate J . W ., Pooler S . D ., Hooper J . D ., Johnson I . G ., Stevens P . M . Preceptor , Poore Secretary . Lodge worked in the first and second degrees , the ceremony of passing being also rehearser ] , and the charge in that degree given by Bro . Bate . The lecture on the second tracing
board was given by the Preceptor . Lodge was closed down , and Bro . Sarjeant was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The thanks of the Lodge were voted to Bro . Chapman for his services as W . M ., for whioh that brother responded , thanking the members generally for the instruction he had received , through their instrumentality . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 .-On Friday , 13 th inst ., at the St . Andrew's Tavern , Baker-street , Manchester-square , W . Present—Bros . T . W . Sedgwick P . M . W . M . , Cursons S . W ., J . Lee J . W ., G . Tribbel S . D ., H . Robinson J . D ., Hartoyd I . G . ; also Bros . Weatherliilt , Parsons , Simpson , G . Coop Preceptor , Halcoate Secretary . The minutes of the previous meeting were , read , confirmed , and signed . Lodge was opened in the second ,
Bro . Weatherhilt having offered himself as candidate for raising , was interrogated and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the third , and the ceremony ably rehearsed by that excellent exponent of the ritual Bro . Sedgwick . Lodge was resumed to the second , and the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , worked the third section of the lecture . Lodge was closed to the first , and Bro . Cursons was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed in Rnoient form , and adjourned until Friday , at 8 p . m .
,, Exoelsior Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 1155 . —Held nt the Commercial Dock Tavern , Plough-road , Rotherhithe , S . E ., on 17 th , na i nt . There were present : —Bros . J . W . Walker W . M ., H . Wilson T n H # Strickland J . W ., W . Topp S . D ., R . Dale J . D ., J . B . Williams *•<* ., I . G . Milbouru ( J . D . 13 ) Preceptor ; also Bros . W . Williams ,
Moth , Holdsworth , & c . The Lodge was opened in due form , and 'he minntes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro jftilbourn being the candidate . The questions preparatory to passing aaymg been answered , the Lodge was opened in the second degree ,
Notices Of Meetings.
and Bro . Walker was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , the ceremony being most ably and efficiently rehearsed , in his usual excellent style , by Bro . Topp . The Lodgo was then resumed in the first degree , and the first section of the Lecture worked by Bro . Topp , assisted by the brethren . Proposed by Bro . Milboarn , seconded by Bro . Strickland , and oarried unanimomly , that this Lodge be adjourned until the 25 th September . Nothing farther offering for the good of Freemasonry , Lodge was dosed in due form .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 16 th July , at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , 111 Praed-street , Paddington . Present—Bros . G . Coop W . M ., R . E . Cursons S . W ., W . A . Vincent S . W . 1139 J . W ., W . Moore S . D ., S . Smont W . M . 1642 J . D ., W . H . Chalfont W . M . 1425 I . G ., G . Read P . M . 511 Preceptor , H . Dehane W . M . 15 t 3 P . G . S . D . Essex Sec
Morton J . Green Steward , Captain A . Niools P . M . 1974 , 130 S , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab , J . C . Rhtnd J . D . 1543 , C . S . Mote , F . T . C . Keeble , W . Death , S . T . Humphre 3 s I . G . 733 , T . Tribbel P . M . 1287 , C . J . Craig S . D . 1223 , H . Robinson , E . F . Ferris , C . R . Wickens S . D . 436 , G . Simpson . Lodge was opened in first degree , and the minntes were confirmed . Opened in second and third degrees . The ceremony
of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Tribbel P . M . being candidate . Lodge resumed to second degree , and Bro . Read worked the second section , assisted by Bro . Coop . Lodge resumed to first degree , and the first and seoond seotions were worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Cursons was unanimously elected W . M . for next Monday . The brethren were then invited to the William Preston
Lodge of Instruction , on Friday , 20 th inst ., to meet the Canadian Volunteers , at present at Wirabledou , who have expressed their wish to attend a Lodge of Instruction in England daring their stay . The Lodge was dosed in perfeofc harmony , and adjourned until 23 rd inst . at 8 p . m . A brother joined the Benevolent Association , being No . 33 on the list .
Martyn Lodge No . 1983 . —At the Installation of officers on Friday , the 6 th inst ., Bro . J . M . Canova , the retiring W . M ., was presented with a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel by the brethren of the Lodge . The jewel , whioh was of 18-oarat gold , was a very fine specimen of the goldsmith ' s art , and bore the following
inscription : — " Presented b y the Brethren of the Martyn Lodge , 1983 , to Bro . John M . Canova , the first W . M . July 6 , 1883 . " Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn D . P . G . M , who spoke in highest terms of Bro . Canova as a man and a Mason , in a graceful speech made the presentation , and acted as Installing Master , induoting the new W . M ., Bro . A , E . Smith , into the ohair . »
Royal Arch.
ERA CHAPTER , No . 1423 . THE installation meeting of this Chapter was held at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on Saturday , the 14 th instant . The attendance of members was considerably lessened by the stormy weather which prevailed throughout the day ; notwithstanding which , however , the Principals and Officers , with several members , were present in due time . Chapter was opened by Ex-Comps . W . Smeed P . P . G . J . M . E . Z ., J . Faulkner H ., and H . Higgins P . Z . J ., W . J . Baldwin I . P . Z .,
Jas . Stevens P . Z ., T . C . Walls P . Z ., W . Hammond P . Z ., and E . H . Thiellay P . Z . and Treasurer . The Companions below the chair having been admitted , the minutes of the former Convocation were read and confirmed . Ex Comps . J . Faulkner , D . Haslett , and Dr . J . B . Ryley were severally installed M . E . Z ., H . and J . Comp . J . Goodohild was invested S . E ., Comp . E . G . Wiogate S . N . The investment of P . S .
was deferred until next Convocation . Comp . John Gilbert , Janitor , being unavoidably absent , Comp . Lane officiated for him throughout the evening . The installation ceremony was ably rendered by Ex Comp . Smeed , to whom a vote of thanks for bis services was recorded . The banquet which followed was presided over by the newly-installed M . E . Z ., Ex Comp . Faulkner , who introduced the
several toasts very effectively , and the responses were equally brief and to tbe point . On his health as I . P . Z . being cordially drank , Ex Comp . Baldwin received at the hands of the M . E . Z . a very handsome P . Z . ' s jewel , with suitable inscription , recording his good services to the Chapter . The pleasures of the evening were increased by
excellent songs aud recitations , Comps , Smeed and Walls distinguishing themselves in respect of the former , and Comp . Stevens gratifying the company by the recital of the Masouic poem with which his name has become identified . After a well-spent hour or two the Companions sought their homeward-bound trains , and with hearty good wishes for tho continued welfare of the Craft , separated .
The Provincial Grand Chapter of Kent will be held under the presidency of the Grand Superintendent , the Right Hon . Viconnt Holmesdale , at the Wesleyan Schools , Dartford , on Wednesday , 1 st August . A banquet will afterwards take place at the Ball Hotel , Dartford . Tickets 7 s Gd each , to include dessert and attendance .
By Order of the Secretary of State for War , twenfcy-scven mule 3 , that were purchased for the late Egyptian Cuinpai ^ n , were sold by auction on Monday last , by Mr . Bri ^ s , at the Elephant and Castle Horse Repository , NevvKent-road . These mules , which were large and well-bred , were purchased in the Mediterranean , and sold for a total of 491 £ guineas , or an average of over 18 guineas . The best of these animals realised the exceptional price of 26 guineas .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
UNITED SERVICE LODGE , No . 1428 . AT a meeting of the brethren of this Lodge , held at tho Masonic Hall , Commercial-road . Landport , on Friday , 13 th inat ., for the i nstallation of Bro . Charles Travessaa W . M . of the Lodge , thorewas a large attendance of Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge and brethren from a distance . The Lodge opened at 530 p . m ., when tho following brethren signed the attendance book : —J . Laverty W . M . P . G . A . D . C ., 0 . Travesa W . M . elect S . W ., G . P . Arnold I . P . M . P . P . G . A . D 0 ., G . P .
Williams Treasurer , 0 . V . Birch Secretary , W . Miller D . O ., James Doidge S . D ., E . Boorman J . D ., George Sylvester Organist , J . S . Wickens I . G ., Otway Cox and W . J . Aroher Stewards , James Johns P . P . G . S . B ., P . M . ' s G . R . Striok , J . A . Elveraton , W . Dart , W . Parren ; Stockall , Cable , Mares , Robinson , Green , Praser , Palmer , Atkinson , Griffiths , West , Osborne , Mills , & o . Among the Visitors were
Bros . Eobert J . Rastrick Prov . Grand Treasurer , G . F . Lancaster P . P . G . D ., S . B . Ellis P . P . D . C ., Robert H . Croucher W . M . 342 , W . M . Outridge W . M . 487 , T . D . Askew W . M . 804 , W . Brunwin W . M . 903 , Thomas H . Williams W . M . 1776 , G . S . Grant I . P . M . 1705 , W . D . Park , house W . M . 1834 , Charles Knott P . M . 342 , Rev . P . H . Good , M . A ., Chaplain 1903 , J . Westaway Seoretary 1834 , Jarooa Cottrell , John
Grandidier 387 , William Yeardye 1705 , P . F . Faulkeuer 1739 , and many others . The ceremony of installation was most efficiently per . formed by Bro . James Johns , to whom a vote of thanks was accorded by the Lodge . The W . M . ( Bro . Charles Travess ) then appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . Laverty I . P . M ., J . G . Mason S . W ., James Doidge
J . W ., George F . Williams Treasnrer , Charles V . Biroh and W . J . Aroher Secretaries , George Sylvester S . D ., John Jackson J . D ., William Wheeler M . C ., Edwin Pratt I . G ., James Cable and James Mitchell Stewards . The W . M . then presented Brother John Laverty with a Past Master ' s jewel , bearing a suitable inscription , subscribed for by the members of the Lodge . The brethren , to the number of
about 120 , then retired to the banqnet-room , where a banquet had been prepared under the superintendence of Brother E . S . Main P . P . G . A . D . C . The usual loyal toasts having been given , the W . M . proposed the Provincial Grand Officers , and congratulated himself on having so many distinguished Officers present . Brother Rastrick Prov . G . Tr . responded , and congratulated the Lodge on the numerous
attendance , which was larger than he had ever met at any installation ceremony . Brother G . F . Lancaster P . P . G . D . in responding for the past Officers , said he was at the constitution of the Lodge , and ! had attended eaoh installation meeting in succession '; he had watched with keen interest its progress as foreshadowed by the P . G .
Master , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., at its first meeting . Bro . S . R , Ellis proposed the Installing Master . Other toasts followed . Several songs were contributed by Bros . G . Sylvester , C . Knott , J . Mitchell , Elverston , and others , Brother , Sylvester accompanying on the piano .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . — The usual weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road , S . E ., on Friday , 13 th inst . Bro . G . H . Chapman , who has but very lately been initiated into the Or ^ er , occupied , for the first time , the chair of K . S ., and very creditably carried out the duties appertaining thereto .
Amongst others present were Bros . Sarjeant S . W ., Bate J . W ., Pooler S . D ., Hooper J . D ., Johnson I . G ., Stevens P . M . Preceptor , Poore Secretary . Lodge worked in the first and second degrees , the ceremony of passing being also rehearser ] , and the charge in that degree given by Bro . Bate . The lecture on the second tracing
board was given by the Preceptor . Lodge was closed down , and Bro . Sarjeant was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The thanks of the Lodge were voted to Bro . Chapman for his services as W . M ., for whioh that brother responded , thanking the members generally for the instruction he had received , through their instrumentality . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 .-On Friday , 13 th inst ., at the St . Andrew's Tavern , Baker-street , Manchester-square , W . Present—Bros . T . W . Sedgwick P . M . W . M . , Cursons S . W ., J . Lee J . W ., G . Tribbel S . D ., H . Robinson J . D ., Hartoyd I . G . ; also Bros . Weatherliilt , Parsons , Simpson , G . Coop Preceptor , Halcoate Secretary . The minutes of the previous meeting were , read , confirmed , and signed . Lodge was opened in the second ,
Bro . Weatherhilt having offered himself as candidate for raising , was interrogated and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the third , and the ceremony ably rehearsed by that excellent exponent of the ritual Bro . Sedgwick . Lodge was resumed to the second , and the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , worked the third section of the lecture . Lodge was closed to the first , and Bro . Cursons was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed in Rnoient form , and adjourned until Friday , at 8 p . m .
,, Exoelsior Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 1155 . —Held nt the Commercial Dock Tavern , Plough-road , Rotherhithe , S . E ., on 17 th , na i nt . There were present : —Bros . J . W . Walker W . M ., H . Wilson T n H # Strickland J . W ., W . Topp S . D ., R . Dale J . D ., J . B . Williams *•<* ., I . G . Milbouru ( J . D . 13 ) Preceptor ; also Bros . W . Williams ,
Moth , Holdsworth , & c . The Lodge was opened in due form , and 'he minntes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro jftilbourn being the candidate . The questions preparatory to passing aaymg been answered , the Lodge was opened in the second degree ,
Notices Of Meetings.
and Bro . Walker was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , the ceremony being most ably and efficiently rehearsed , in his usual excellent style , by Bro . Topp . The Lodgo was then resumed in the first degree , and the first section of the Lecture worked by Bro . Topp , assisted by the brethren . Proposed by Bro . Milboarn , seconded by Bro . Strickland , and oarried unanimomly , that this Lodge be adjourned until the 25 th September . Nothing farther offering for the good of Freemasonry , Lodge was dosed in due form .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 16 th July , at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , 111 Praed-street , Paddington . Present—Bros . G . Coop W . M ., R . E . Cursons S . W ., W . A . Vincent S . W . 1139 J . W ., W . Moore S . D ., S . Smont W . M . 1642 J . D ., W . H . Chalfont W . M . 1425 I . G ., G . Read P . M . 511 Preceptor , H . Dehane W . M . 15 t 3 P . G . S . D . Essex Sec
Morton J . Green Steward , Captain A . Niools P . M . 1974 , 130 S , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab , J . C . Rhtnd J . D . 1543 , C . S . Mote , F . T . C . Keeble , W . Death , S . T . Humphre 3 s I . G . 733 , T . Tribbel P . M . 1287 , C . J . Craig S . D . 1223 , H . Robinson , E . F . Ferris , C . R . Wickens S . D . 436 , G . Simpson . Lodge was opened in first degree , and the minntes were confirmed . Opened in second and third degrees . The ceremony
of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Tribbel P . M . being candidate . Lodge resumed to second degree , and Bro . Read worked the second section , assisted by Bro . Coop . Lodge resumed to first degree , and the first and seoond seotions were worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Cursons was unanimously elected W . M . for next Monday . The brethren were then invited to the William Preston
Lodge of Instruction , on Friday , 20 th inst ., to meet the Canadian Volunteers , at present at Wirabledou , who have expressed their wish to attend a Lodge of Instruction in England daring their stay . The Lodge was dosed in perfeofc harmony , and adjourned until 23 rd inst . at 8 p . m . A brother joined the Benevolent Association , being No . 33 on the list .
Martyn Lodge No . 1983 . —At the Installation of officers on Friday , the 6 th inst ., Bro . J . M . Canova , the retiring W . M ., was presented with a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel by the brethren of the Lodge . The jewel , whioh was of 18-oarat gold , was a very fine specimen of the goldsmith ' s art , and bore the following
inscription : — " Presented b y the Brethren of the Martyn Lodge , 1983 , to Bro . John M . Canova , the first W . M . July 6 , 1883 . " Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn D . P . G . M , who spoke in highest terms of Bro . Canova as a man and a Mason , in a graceful speech made the presentation , and acted as Installing Master , induoting the new W . M ., Bro . A , E . Smith , into the ohair . »
Royal Arch.
ERA CHAPTER , No . 1423 . THE installation meeting of this Chapter was held at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on Saturday , the 14 th instant . The attendance of members was considerably lessened by the stormy weather which prevailed throughout the day ; notwithstanding which , however , the Principals and Officers , with several members , were present in due time . Chapter was opened by Ex-Comps . W . Smeed P . P . G . J . M . E . Z ., J . Faulkner H ., and H . Higgins P . Z . J ., W . J . Baldwin I . P . Z .,
Jas . Stevens P . Z ., T . C . Walls P . Z ., W . Hammond P . Z ., and E . H . Thiellay P . Z . and Treasurer . The Companions below the chair having been admitted , the minutes of the former Convocation were read and confirmed . Ex Comps . J . Faulkner , D . Haslett , and Dr . J . B . Ryley were severally installed M . E . Z ., H . and J . Comp . J . Goodohild was invested S . E ., Comp . E . G . Wiogate S . N . The investment of P . S .
was deferred until next Convocation . Comp . John Gilbert , Janitor , being unavoidably absent , Comp . Lane officiated for him throughout the evening . The installation ceremony was ably rendered by Ex Comp . Smeed , to whom a vote of thanks for bis services was recorded . The banquet which followed was presided over by the newly-installed M . E . Z ., Ex Comp . Faulkner , who introduced the
several toasts very effectively , and the responses were equally brief and to tbe point . On his health as I . P . Z . being cordially drank , Ex Comp . Baldwin received at the hands of the M . E . Z . a very handsome P . Z . ' s jewel , with suitable inscription , recording his good services to the Chapter . The pleasures of the evening were increased by
excellent songs aud recitations , Comps , Smeed and Walls distinguishing themselves in respect of the former , and Comp . Stevens gratifying the company by the recital of the Masouic poem with which his name has become identified . After a well-spent hour or two the Companions sought their homeward-bound trains , and with hearty good wishes for tho continued welfare of the Craft , separated .
The Provincial Grand Chapter of Kent will be held under the presidency of the Grand Superintendent , the Right Hon . Viconnt Holmesdale , at the Wesleyan Schools , Dartford , on Wednesday , 1 st August . A banquet will afterwards take place at the Ball Hotel , Dartford . Tickets 7 s Gd each , to include dessert and attendance .
By Order of the Secretary of State for War , twenfcy-scven mule 3 , that were purchased for the late Egyptian Cuinpai ^ n , were sold by auction on Monday last , by Mr . Bri ^ s , at the Elephant and Castle Horse Repository , NevvKent-road . These mules , which were large and well-bred , were purchased in the Mediterranean , and sold for a total of 491 £ guineas , or an average of over 18 guineas . The best of these animals realised the exceptional price of 26 guineas .