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8 IL ¥ ER , KMCTR 0 PMT ® & 60 TLSRY , I .. ——m - ^ - . ^¦ w*— HENRY YOUENS , PRACTICAL SILVERSMITH , & c 371 BRIXTON EOAD ( ADJOINING L ONDON & COUNTY BANK )» Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Bings , Hall Marked 6 / 6 per dwt . ' 0 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 4 / 6 » ad 12 / 6 each J Silver Tea Spoons . » 64 / per doz . ,. Fruit Knives , for Pocket .. 2 / 4 eaoh Electro Plated Table Porks and Spoons ,. 20 / per doz . „ „ Dessert „ , 14 / 6 >• , i „ Tea Spoons 7 / »» Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket Knives , Bazors , & c . all the best Sheffield Manufacture . PRESENTATION PLATE , CLOCKS , WATCHES , GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY . SPECIAL HOLLOW GBOUND BAZOBS 1 / 6 , POST FBEE 1 / 9 .
JOSEPH J . CANEY , DIAMOND MERCHANT , AND MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND WATCH MAKER , 44 CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . MASONIC JEWELS , CLOTHING AND FURNITURE . Sp » "ialite—First Class Jewels—Artistic—Massive—Best Quality—Moderate in Price C-A . TA . IiO < 3- "CrE £ 3 POST PBEB . A LARGE STOCK OF LOOSE BRILLIANTS FOR EXPENSIVE JEWELS . Diamond Rings , Brooches , Studs , Earrings and Bracelets In Great Variety .
^^ J . FORTESCUE , ^¦ GraHf WAT MANUPACTU RBR , ^ -asatw . ^ HBflf 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SHOE LANE , j § NB | ^^ R ^ lfi 6 EXMOrjTH STREET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . - ^ B ^ S n ^ ^ MH ^ Hmiillk And 143 Maxe Street , Triangle , ' Hackney fe ^ j jSl SPwmfc ^^^^^ mBrWF Gents' Silk Hats from 5 / 6 each . Second best 8 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 \ && t & B P ^ ^ Sffig gff Sy Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 16 / . The very best made 21 / . ——~ - Felt Eats , hard and soft , in all the newest shapes , from 3 / 8 to 10 / 6 .
W . W . MORGAN , LETTER-PRESS , COPPER-PLATE , LITHOGRAPHiG PRINTER , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE . SUMMONSES , MENU CARDS , & c . ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED . Sketches or Designs for Special Purposes Furnished on Application . Books , Periodicals , Pamphlets , Catalogues , Fosters , Billheads , Showcards , & o . Every description of Printing ( Plain or Ornamental ) executed in First Class Style . ESTIMATES SUPPLIED .
BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER 7 s 6 d . If with Pockets , 6 d each pocket extra . 225 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . DEESS SUITS PROM £ 3 15 s .
BV OBDEB OP MB MORTGAGEE . LEASE OF A 12 ROOMED HOUSE AT A PEPPERCORN . TWENTY-SIX YEARS TO BUN . LET FOB TWELVE YEA . ES AT £ 50—WORTH £ 100 . Neighbourhood of Portman-square , W . Apply , by letter only , to Mr John 3 . care of Mr . W . W . Morgan , Hermes Hill , Pentonvillo , London , N .
oo 35 roEi 2 . mnsr ^ . s , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAN . G JONES , 350 Cormnercial-road , Lon-. don , E ., inventor of the Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes nover fet out of tune . Used by the leading performers , ' rice List of Musical Instruments oE every description free . Established 1850 ,
ESTABLISHED 1861 . BIEKBEOK BAN K . — Southampton Buildings , Chancory Lane . Current Accounts opened according to the usual practice of other Bankers , and Interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £ 25 . No commission charged for keeping Accounts . The Bank also receives money on Deposit at three per cent . Interest , repayable on demand . Tho Bank undertakes for its Customers , free of charge , tho custody of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities and Valuables , the collection of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons ; and the purchase and sale of Stocks and Shares . Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued . A 1 ' amphlet , with full particulars , en application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . 31 st March 1880 .
The Birkbeek Building Society ' s Annual Beceipts exceed Four Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOIL TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with immediate Possession and no Rent to pay . Apply at tho OtUco of the BIBKBECK BUII / DINO SOCIETY . HOW TO PORCHA . SE A PLOT OF LAND FOR STVS SHILLINGS PER MONTH , with immediate possession , either for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at tho Ollicoof the BIBKBUCK FBEBHOLD LASD SooiKTr . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
Summer Tours in Scotland . GLASGOW AND TBXHIGHLANDS . ROYAL ROUTE , via CRINAN and CALK - DOKIAS CANAXS . Royal Mail Steamer " COLUMBA " or " IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock at 9 a . m ., conveying , in connection with his West Highland Stoamers , passengers for Oban , Fort-William , Inverness , Lochawo , Skye , Gairloch , Staffa , Iona , Glencoe , Islay , Stornoway , & o . Official Guide , 3 d ; Illustrated , 6 d and Is , by post , or at Chatto and Windus , 211 Piccadilly , London , and W . H . Smith and Sons' Railway Bookstalls . Time Bill , with Map and Fares , free from the owner—DAVID MACBRAYNE , 119 Hope Street , Glasgow .
RIPPINGILLE'S PATENT WARMING STOVES . rpHE only Perfect Oil Stoves . Made to JL burn absolutely without Smoko or Smell , Trouble or Dirt . Unequalled for Warming GREENHOUSES , VINERIES , SHOPS , BEDROOMS , HALLS , OFFICES , DAMP ROOMS , & c . Perfectly safe , requiro no pipes or fittings , will burn from twelve to twenty hours without attention , give off no injurious vapour , and are the best stoves ever invented to save plants from frost , keep out tho damp , & c . Price , from a few shillings . Write for Illustrated List of Warming Stoves to The Holborn Lamp and Stove Co . 118 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C . And say where you saw this Advertisement .
Cjxe § kck gAttflMpgxat , By Her Majesty ' s Royal letters Patent . Latest Invention for INDELIBLE BLACK REPRODUCTIONS Of Letters , Circulars , Music , Drawings , & o . PRICES . Octavo 16 / complete Quarto 20 / „ Foolsoap 24 / „ Folio 28 / „ PUBLIC TRIALS FREE AT 36 Farringdon Street , London , E . C .
* V ^ -RILLIARD BALLS . Chalks , Cues ^ V A- ^^ and Tips , at HENNIO BROS ., >* . W . ^^ I vory Works , 11 High Street , Lon . f ^^^^ TA ^ don , W . C . Cheapest house In the ^ 4 j ? JFC SB tracts for billiard-table requisites and y ^ ^ Sr ivory goods In general . Old balls < SS ^ / " ^ ^^ . adjusted or exchanged , and tables ,-iX sj tegs A ^^_ recovered . Price Lists on application . S tw ^ Established 1802 .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and mostinfluential circulation . The Naval Paper of the Principal Naval Arsenals . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny , Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices . —151 Queen Street , Portsea , Bro . R . HotBBooK & SOHS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday Afternoons .
Published every Wednesday . Price 3 d , THE CHESS PLAYER ' S CHRONICLE ¦ AND Journal of Indoor and Outdoor Amusements-THE CHESS PLAYER ' S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , or will be forwarded direct from the Office on the following terms : — Twelve months , post freo 12 0 Three „ , 3 3 It is also obtainable at the following Chess Resorts and Agencies—Messrs . Dean and Son , IBOA Fleet Street , E . C . Simpson ' s Divan ( 0 h 033 Room ) , Strand , Vf . G . Purssell's Restaurant , ditto , Cornhill , E . C . All communications and books , & c . for notice , to b addressed to the Editor , 555 Caledonian Road , N .
Printed and Published by Brother Wiuux WBAT MORGA . IT , at Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , Saturday , 21 st July 1383 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
8 IL ¥ ER , KMCTR 0 PMT ® & 60 TLSRY , I .. ——m - ^ - . ^¦ w*— HENRY YOUENS , PRACTICAL SILVERSMITH , & c 371 BRIXTON EOAD ( ADJOINING L ONDON & COUNTY BANK )» Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Bings , Hall Marked 6 / 6 per dwt . ' 0 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 4 / 6 » ad 12 / 6 each J Silver Tea Spoons . » 64 / per doz . ,. Fruit Knives , for Pocket .. 2 / 4 eaoh Electro Plated Table Porks and Spoons ,. 20 / per doz . „ „ Dessert „ , 14 / 6 >• , i „ Tea Spoons 7 / »» Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket Knives , Bazors , & c . all the best Sheffield Manufacture . PRESENTATION PLATE , CLOCKS , WATCHES , GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY . SPECIAL HOLLOW GBOUND BAZOBS 1 / 6 , POST FBEE 1 / 9 .
JOSEPH J . CANEY , DIAMOND MERCHANT , AND MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND WATCH MAKER , 44 CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . MASONIC JEWELS , CLOTHING AND FURNITURE . Sp » "ialite—First Class Jewels—Artistic—Massive—Best Quality—Moderate in Price C-A . TA . IiO < 3- "CrE £ 3 POST PBEB . A LARGE STOCK OF LOOSE BRILLIANTS FOR EXPENSIVE JEWELS . Diamond Rings , Brooches , Studs , Earrings and Bracelets In Great Variety .
^^ J . FORTESCUE , ^¦ GraHf WAT MANUPACTU RBR , ^ -asatw . ^ HBflf 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SHOE LANE , j § NB | ^^ R ^ lfi 6 EXMOrjTH STREET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . - ^ B ^ S n ^ ^ MH ^ Hmiillk And 143 Maxe Street , Triangle , ' Hackney fe ^ j jSl SPwmfc ^^^^^ mBrWF Gents' Silk Hats from 5 / 6 each . Second best 8 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 \ && t & B P ^ ^ Sffig gff Sy Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 16 / . The very best made 21 / . ——~ - Felt Eats , hard and soft , in all the newest shapes , from 3 / 8 to 10 / 6 .
W . W . MORGAN , LETTER-PRESS , COPPER-PLATE , LITHOGRAPHiG PRINTER , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE . SUMMONSES , MENU CARDS , & c . ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED . Sketches or Designs for Special Purposes Furnished on Application . Books , Periodicals , Pamphlets , Catalogues , Fosters , Billheads , Showcards , & o . Every description of Printing ( Plain or Ornamental ) executed in First Class Style . ESTIMATES SUPPLIED .
BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER 7 s 6 d . If with Pockets , 6 d each pocket extra . 225 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . DEESS SUITS PROM £ 3 15 s .
BV OBDEB OP MB MORTGAGEE . LEASE OF A 12 ROOMED HOUSE AT A PEPPERCORN . TWENTY-SIX YEARS TO BUN . LET FOB TWELVE YEA . ES AT £ 50—WORTH £ 100 . Neighbourhood of Portman-square , W . Apply , by letter only , to Mr John 3 . care of Mr . W . W . Morgan , Hermes Hill , Pentonvillo , London , N .
oo 35 roEi 2 . mnsr ^ . s , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAN . G JONES , 350 Cormnercial-road , Lon-. don , E ., inventor of the Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes nover fet out of tune . Used by the leading performers , ' rice List of Musical Instruments oE every description free . Established 1850 ,
ESTABLISHED 1861 . BIEKBEOK BAN K . — Southampton Buildings , Chancory Lane . Current Accounts opened according to the usual practice of other Bankers , and Interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £ 25 . No commission charged for keeping Accounts . The Bank also receives money on Deposit at three per cent . Interest , repayable on demand . Tho Bank undertakes for its Customers , free of charge , tho custody of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities and Valuables , the collection of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons ; and the purchase and sale of Stocks and Shares . Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued . A 1 ' amphlet , with full particulars , en application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . 31 st March 1880 .
The Birkbeek Building Society ' s Annual Beceipts exceed Four Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOIL TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with immediate Possession and no Rent to pay . Apply at tho OtUco of the BIBKBECK BUII / DINO SOCIETY . HOW TO PORCHA . SE A PLOT OF LAND FOR STVS SHILLINGS PER MONTH , with immediate possession , either for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at tho Ollicoof the BIBKBUCK FBEBHOLD LASD SooiKTr . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
Summer Tours in Scotland . GLASGOW AND TBXHIGHLANDS . ROYAL ROUTE , via CRINAN and CALK - DOKIAS CANAXS . Royal Mail Steamer " COLUMBA " or " IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock at 9 a . m ., conveying , in connection with his West Highland Stoamers , passengers for Oban , Fort-William , Inverness , Lochawo , Skye , Gairloch , Staffa , Iona , Glencoe , Islay , Stornoway , & o . Official Guide , 3 d ; Illustrated , 6 d and Is , by post , or at Chatto and Windus , 211 Piccadilly , London , and W . H . Smith and Sons' Railway Bookstalls . Time Bill , with Map and Fares , free from the owner—DAVID MACBRAYNE , 119 Hope Street , Glasgow .
RIPPINGILLE'S PATENT WARMING STOVES . rpHE only Perfect Oil Stoves . Made to JL burn absolutely without Smoko or Smell , Trouble or Dirt . Unequalled for Warming GREENHOUSES , VINERIES , SHOPS , BEDROOMS , HALLS , OFFICES , DAMP ROOMS , & c . Perfectly safe , requiro no pipes or fittings , will burn from twelve to twenty hours without attention , give off no injurious vapour , and are the best stoves ever invented to save plants from frost , keep out tho damp , & c . Price , from a few shillings . Write for Illustrated List of Warming Stoves to The Holborn Lamp and Stove Co . 118 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C . And say where you saw this Advertisement .
Cjxe § kck gAttflMpgxat , By Her Majesty ' s Royal letters Patent . Latest Invention for INDELIBLE BLACK REPRODUCTIONS Of Letters , Circulars , Music , Drawings , & o . PRICES . Octavo 16 / complete Quarto 20 / „ Foolsoap 24 / „ Folio 28 / „ PUBLIC TRIALS FREE AT 36 Farringdon Street , London , E . C .
* V ^ -RILLIARD BALLS . Chalks , Cues ^ V A- ^^ and Tips , at HENNIO BROS ., >* . W . ^^ I vory Works , 11 High Street , Lon . f ^^^^ TA ^ don , W . C . Cheapest house In the ^ 4 j ? JFC SB tracts for billiard-table requisites and y ^ ^ Sr ivory goods In general . Old balls < SS ^ / " ^ ^^ . adjusted or exchanged , and tables ,-iX sj tegs A ^^_ recovered . Price Lists on application . S tw ^ Established 1802 .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and mostinfluential circulation . The Naval Paper of the Principal Naval Arsenals . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny , Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices . —151 Queen Street , Portsea , Bro . R . HotBBooK & SOHS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday Afternoons .
Published every Wednesday . Price 3 d , THE CHESS PLAYER ' S CHRONICLE ¦ AND Journal of Indoor and Outdoor Amusements-THE CHESS PLAYER ' S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , or will be forwarded direct from the Office on the following terms : — Twelve months , post freo 12 0 Three „ , 3 3 It is also obtainable at the following Chess Resorts and Agencies—Messrs . Dean and Son , IBOA Fleet Street , E . C . Simpson ' s Divan ( 0 h 033 Room ) , Strand , Vf . G . Purssell's Restaurant , ditto , Cornhill , E . C . All communications and books , & c . for notice , to b addressed to the Editor , 555 Caledonian Road , N .
Printed and Published by Brother Wiuux WBAT MORGA . IT , at Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , Saturday , 21 st July 1383 .