Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS . THE RIGHT HON . LORD HENNIKER , MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND M . M . M . THE ANNUAL EESTIYAL , IS AID or THE MARK GRAND LODGE BENEVOLENT FUND , ^ WILL BE HELD On Wednesday , 25 th July 1883 , at flie Crista ! Palace , S y denham . R . W . BROTHER SIR PRYCE PRYCE , BART ., PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OF SOUTH WALES , In the Chair . Dinner on the Table at Five o'clock p . m . Morning Dress — Mark Collars and . Tewels . TICKETS : —LADIES 15 s . GENTLEMEN 21 s , inclusive of Wine . Brethren who aro kindly aeting as Stewards are requested to send in their Lists on or before Saturday , 2 l » t instant . FREDERICK BINCKES , Grand Secretary . 8 a Red Lion Square , W . C . 12 th July 1883 .
! f * rpl Satiric $ irefitaftm for § 0 gs * PREPARATORYSGHOOL SPECIAL BUILDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection -with such Special Fund , attainable until 31 st December 1883 . Any present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor who may qualify as sucfi up to the date named above , willTeceive—TWO VOTES , —instead of One Vote , for LIFE , ion EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " Lodges , Chapters , & c , similarly qualified may seonro Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Guineas contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " * # Ladies , and "Lewises" —being minors—similarly qualified , nnd all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Uuineas so contributed . Contributors of less than Five Guineas , to the " SPECIAL FUND , " will be entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions . BRO . R . HIEST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient ¦ Band for Annual Banquets , 'Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Patties For terms apply to " R . Hirst , The Throe Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
NOTICE-FIRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL . THIS fire has not tonched in the least any part of the Freemasons ' Tavern , and will not cause the slighest interference with any arrangements made or pending for Masonic or other Bnnqno ' s , Balls , Public Meetings , or any purpose for which tho establishment is devoted . Orders can now he received for Masonic aud Regimental Dinners , Public Festivals , Private Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Evening Parties , Balls , Soirees , & c , and the Spacious Hall is , as usual , available for Election and other Public Meetings . Tho business will in every respect be conducted as heretofore . SPIERS AND POND ( Limited ) . 4 th May 1883 .
FIRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL ! LARGE photographs of the Temple , taken immediately after the fire , on 4 th May ( suitable for framing ) , 5 s each ; or framed in oak , securely packed , sent to any address in the United Kingdom , carriage paid , on receipt of cheque for 15 s . Masters of Lodges should secure this memorial of tho old Temple for their Lodge rooms . W . G . PABKEB , Photographer , 40 High Holbom , "W . C . Established 25 years .
Til € Jl F I IDIICt , ( Proprietors—The Brothers Monioo , London Lodge , No . 108 , ) 15 TICHBORNE STREET , PICCADILLY CIRCUS . THIS magnificent and commodious Restaurant has been entirely refitted and artistically decorated . Tho Proprietors bog to inform their numerous friends that the PARISIAN RESTAURANT was opened to the public on the 1 st May . Tho services of one of the most expert Chefs , from Paris , has been scoured , and they feel confident of being able to sustain the reputation they havo so long enjoyed , both as regards cuisine and wines . The cellars of the Brothers Monico are acknowledged as of tho best in London . THE GRILL AND GRAND HALL , not to bo equalled in the stylo of its appointments and as regards its siio , Open for Suppers till 12 * 30 . It can be clainwd for this establishment , —that Omnibuses from every part of tho Metropolis pass this well known thoroughfare until a lato hour .
CITY ARMS TAVERN , ST . MARY AXE , E . C . WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and BRETHREN are invited to inspect the commodious and most suitable Lodge and Banquet rooms , to bo let for Lodge and other public meeting , at this central and well appointed Tavern . MANAGER—BROTHER D . M . SHERWILL , No . ( 813 ) , Late of Guildhall Tavern , Gresham . Street .
SCOTLAND BY THE WEST COAST ROYAL MAIL ROUTE . LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN AND CALEDONIAN RAILWAY S .-Tho SUMMER SERVICE of PASSENGER TRAINS from LONDON to SCOTLAND is new in operation . WEEK DATS . A B a . m . a . m . a . m . a . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . London ( Enston Station ) dep . 615 7 15 10 0 XI 0 8 0 8 50 0 0 Edinburgh arr . 4 30 5 50 7 50 9 45 0 15 8-15 7 50 Glasgow ' .. „ 4 45 CO 8 0 10 0 6 40 6 55 8 0 Greenock „ 5 52 715 9 5 1142 7 50 7 50 9 46 Oban , 0 43 — — 4 35 1215 1215 2 34 Perth ... „ 0 50 — 9 35 1140 8 5 815 0 55 Dundee , 7 30 — 10 30 12 50 9 0 9 0 12 0 Aberdeen „ 1010 — — 3 20 1140 ' 215 Inverness „ — — — 8 0 130 0 25 The HIGHLAND EXPRESS ( 8 . 0 p . m . ) will leave Euston every night ' { Saturdays excepted ); and be duo at Greonock in time to enable passengers to join tho steamers to the Western Const o £ Scotland . It will also arrive at Perth in time to enable passengers to breakfast there before proceeding northwards . From the ICth July to the 10 th August { Saturdays and Sundays excepted ) an additional express train will leave Euston Station at 7 . 30 p . m . for Edinburgh , Glasgow , and all parts of Scotland . This train will convey special parties , horses , and carriages . A Does not run to Oban or Dundee on Sunday mornings . B Does not run beyond Edinburgh and Glasgow on Sunday mornings . Day saloons fitted with lavatory accommodation are attached to the 10 . 0 a . m . down express train from Euston to Edinburgh and Glasgow , & c , without extra charge . IMPROVED SLEEPING SALOONS , accompanied by an attendant , are run on the night trains between London , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Greenock , Stranraer , and Perth . Extra charge , 5 s for each berth . Callander and Oban Line . The line to Oban affords the quickest and most comfortable route to the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland , For particulars of np train service from Scotland to London , see the Companies' time bills . G . FINDLAY , Geueral Manager , L . & N . W . Railway . J . THOMPSON , General Manager , July 1883 , Caledonian Railway ,
THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , HOLBOEN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the Tsminrus of the LOKDOK CHATHAM and DOVEB RAILWAY , but distinct from the Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS ; Tlic appointment !) tliroiijjlioiit so arvnngett as to ensure domestic conifort . EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , ^ itWk p ^ mncrs # IPTttto mjg JBrnMaste . THE CBUSADEBS LODGE , NO . 1077 , AND PEBSEVEBAJTCE LODGE , No . 1713 , HOLD THEIK aiEETIITGS AT THIS JBSTABMSHSIEIfT . GOOD C 00 K 1 KG . FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The JEdison Electric Light . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
FIRST AND LAST APPLICATION . To the Governors and Subscribers of the Hoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . YOUR VOTES AND INTEREST are earnestly solicited on behalf of AMY MARGARET LEE , daughter of tho late Bro . TmMtis VIKCBNT LEE , of the Union Waterloo Lodge , No . 13 . MARGARET J . LEE , Bull and Last , Highgato Road , N .
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on the only successful Method of Curing these Diseases . By ROBBBT &• WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstrodo-street , Cavendish-sq ., London . London : C . MITCHELL AND Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
WANTED , by Advertiser ( a Freemason of some years standing ) , a sitaation as Book-keepor , or any appointment of responsibility . Good references . Salary moderate . J . J , T ., 1 Cliiltera View Villas , Uxbridge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS . THE RIGHT HON . LORD HENNIKER , MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND M . M . M . THE ANNUAL EESTIYAL , IS AID or THE MARK GRAND LODGE BENEVOLENT FUND , ^ WILL BE HELD On Wednesday , 25 th July 1883 , at flie Crista ! Palace , S y denham . R . W . BROTHER SIR PRYCE PRYCE , BART ., PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OF SOUTH WALES , In the Chair . Dinner on the Table at Five o'clock p . m . Morning Dress — Mark Collars and . Tewels . TICKETS : —LADIES 15 s . GENTLEMEN 21 s , inclusive of Wine . Brethren who aro kindly aeting as Stewards are requested to send in their Lists on or before Saturday , 2 l » t instant . FREDERICK BINCKES , Grand Secretary . 8 a Red Lion Square , W . C . 12 th July 1883 .
! f * rpl Satiric $ irefitaftm for § 0 gs * PREPARATORYSGHOOL SPECIAL BUILDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection -with such Special Fund , attainable until 31 st December 1883 . Any present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor who may qualify as sucfi up to the date named above , willTeceive—TWO VOTES , —instead of One Vote , for LIFE , ion EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " Lodges , Chapters , & c , similarly qualified may seonro Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Guineas contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " * # Ladies , and "Lewises" —being minors—similarly qualified , nnd all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Uuineas so contributed . Contributors of less than Five Guineas , to the " SPECIAL FUND , " will be entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions . BRO . R . HIEST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient ¦ Band for Annual Banquets , 'Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Patties For terms apply to " R . Hirst , The Throe Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
NOTICE-FIRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL . THIS fire has not tonched in the least any part of the Freemasons ' Tavern , and will not cause the slighest interference with any arrangements made or pending for Masonic or other Bnnqno ' s , Balls , Public Meetings , or any purpose for which tho establishment is devoted . Orders can now he received for Masonic aud Regimental Dinners , Public Festivals , Private Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Evening Parties , Balls , Soirees , & c , and the Spacious Hall is , as usual , available for Election and other Public Meetings . Tho business will in every respect be conducted as heretofore . SPIERS AND POND ( Limited ) . 4 th May 1883 .
FIRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL ! LARGE photographs of the Temple , taken immediately after the fire , on 4 th May ( suitable for framing ) , 5 s each ; or framed in oak , securely packed , sent to any address in the United Kingdom , carriage paid , on receipt of cheque for 15 s . Masters of Lodges should secure this memorial of tho old Temple for their Lodge rooms . W . G . PABKEB , Photographer , 40 High Holbom , "W . C . Established 25 years .
Til € Jl F I IDIICt , ( Proprietors—The Brothers Monioo , London Lodge , No . 108 , ) 15 TICHBORNE STREET , PICCADILLY CIRCUS . THIS magnificent and commodious Restaurant has been entirely refitted and artistically decorated . Tho Proprietors bog to inform their numerous friends that the PARISIAN RESTAURANT was opened to the public on the 1 st May . Tho services of one of the most expert Chefs , from Paris , has been scoured , and they feel confident of being able to sustain the reputation they havo so long enjoyed , both as regards cuisine and wines . The cellars of the Brothers Monico are acknowledged as of tho best in London . THE GRILL AND GRAND HALL , not to bo equalled in the stylo of its appointments and as regards its siio , Open for Suppers till 12 * 30 . It can be clainwd for this establishment , —that Omnibuses from every part of tho Metropolis pass this well known thoroughfare until a lato hour .
CITY ARMS TAVERN , ST . MARY AXE , E . C . WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and BRETHREN are invited to inspect the commodious and most suitable Lodge and Banquet rooms , to bo let for Lodge and other public meeting , at this central and well appointed Tavern . MANAGER—BROTHER D . M . SHERWILL , No . ( 813 ) , Late of Guildhall Tavern , Gresham . Street .
SCOTLAND BY THE WEST COAST ROYAL MAIL ROUTE . LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN AND CALEDONIAN RAILWAY S .-Tho SUMMER SERVICE of PASSENGER TRAINS from LONDON to SCOTLAND is new in operation . WEEK DATS . A B a . m . a . m . a . m . a . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . London ( Enston Station ) dep . 615 7 15 10 0 XI 0 8 0 8 50 0 0 Edinburgh arr . 4 30 5 50 7 50 9 45 0 15 8-15 7 50 Glasgow ' .. „ 4 45 CO 8 0 10 0 6 40 6 55 8 0 Greenock „ 5 52 715 9 5 1142 7 50 7 50 9 46 Oban , 0 43 — — 4 35 1215 1215 2 34 Perth ... „ 0 50 — 9 35 1140 8 5 815 0 55 Dundee , 7 30 — 10 30 12 50 9 0 9 0 12 0 Aberdeen „ 1010 — — 3 20 1140 ' 215 Inverness „ — — — 8 0 130 0 25 The HIGHLAND EXPRESS ( 8 . 0 p . m . ) will leave Euston every night ' { Saturdays excepted ); and be duo at Greonock in time to enable passengers to join tho steamers to the Western Const o £ Scotland . It will also arrive at Perth in time to enable passengers to breakfast there before proceeding northwards . From the ICth July to the 10 th August { Saturdays and Sundays excepted ) an additional express train will leave Euston Station at 7 . 30 p . m . for Edinburgh , Glasgow , and all parts of Scotland . This train will convey special parties , horses , and carriages . A Does not run to Oban or Dundee on Sunday mornings . B Does not run beyond Edinburgh and Glasgow on Sunday mornings . Day saloons fitted with lavatory accommodation are attached to the 10 . 0 a . m . down express train from Euston to Edinburgh and Glasgow , & c , without extra charge . IMPROVED SLEEPING SALOONS , accompanied by an attendant , are run on the night trains between London , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Greenock , Stranraer , and Perth . Extra charge , 5 s for each berth . Callander and Oban Line . The line to Oban affords the quickest and most comfortable route to the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland , For particulars of np train service from Scotland to London , see the Companies' time bills . G . FINDLAY , Geueral Manager , L . & N . W . Railway . J . THOMPSON , General Manager , July 1883 , Caledonian Railway ,
THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , HOLBOEN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the Tsminrus of the LOKDOK CHATHAM and DOVEB RAILWAY , but distinct from the Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS ; Tlic appointment !) tliroiijjlioiit so arvnngett as to ensure domestic conifort . EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , ^ itWk p ^ mncrs # IPTttto mjg JBrnMaste . THE CBUSADEBS LODGE , NO . 1077 , AND PEBSEVEBAJTCE LODGE , No . 1713 , HOLD THEIK aiEETIITGS AT THIS JBSTABMSHSIEIfT . GOOD C 00 K 1 KG . FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The JEdison Electric Light . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
FIRST AND LAST APPLICATION . To the Governors and Subscribers of the Hoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . YOUR VOTES AND INTEREST are earnestly solicited on behalf of AMY MARGARET LEE , daughter of tho late Bro . TmMtis VIKCBNT LEE , of the Union Waterloo Lodge , No . 13 . MARGARET J . LEE , Bull and Last , Highgato Road , N .
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on the only successful Method of Curing these Diseases . By ROBBBT &• WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstrodo-street , Cavendish-sq ., London . London : C . MITCHELL AND Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
WANTED , by Advertiser ( a Freemason of some years standing ) , a sitaation as Book-keepor , or any appointment of responsibility . Good references . Salary moderate . J . J , T ., 1 Cliiltera View Villas , Uxbridge .