Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
— : o : — PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OP DORSET THE annual meeting of this Provinoial Grand Lodge was held on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., at the Masonio Hall , in the Isle of Portland , nnder the Banner of Portland lark Lodge , No . 133 . Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at 1 3 D by the Right Worshipful the Provinoial Grand Mark Master the Rev . W . Mortimer Heath , M . A ., assisted by W . Bro . R . N . Howard , Mayor of Weymonth
, Deputy Provincial Grand Mark Master , and the Provincial Grand Officers . After the roll of Officers and Lodges had been called over the minutes of the last Provinoial Grand Lodge were read and confirmed , and the ordinary business of the Mark Province was transacted . The Treasurer ' s accoants were received and adopted . The Provinoial Grand Master addressed the Lodge on the state and
prospects of the Province , and congratulated the brethren on the steady progress which Mark Masonry was making in the Province of Dorset . A rote of thanks was passed to W . Bro . W . D . Dngdale , the Treasnrer , who was now vacating that office and not eligible for reelection , in consequence of appointment to other Provincial office .
A vote of thanks was also passed to the Provincial Grand Registrar of Marks , Bro . W . B . Morgan , and attention was called to the efficient manner in which the Register of the Province had been kept . Bro . S . A . Vickery was elected Treasnrer . The Provinoial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following brethren a 3 Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year : —
Bro . R . N . Howard W . M . 133 ... ... D . Prov . Grand Masfcei W . D . Dngdale W . M . 132 G . Senior Warden J . A . Shemen P . M . 126 ... ... G . Junior Warden T . Ratcliffe 133 ... ... ... G . M . O . R . G . Long 99 ... ... ... G . S . O . H . J . Sydenham 132 ... ... G . J . O . Rev . J . F . Chanter 121 ... ... G . Chaplain J . H . Bowen 133 ... ... ... G . Secretary G . A . Vickery 133 ... ... ... G . Treasurer W . B . Morgan 126 ... ... ... G . Registrar A . Maclean 133 ... ... ... G . Senior Deacon C . J . Dring 126 ... ... ... G . Jnnior Deacon F . Wheatley 132 G . Snpt . Works R . Cox 133 ... ... ... G . Dir . of Cers . J . Ford 126 ... ... ... G . Assist . D . of Cers . W . J . Nos worthy 133 ... ... G . Organist G . H . Wallis ... ... G . Sword Bearer J . Eveleigh 133 ... ... ... G . Standard Bearer W . R . Jeffery 133 G . Inner Guard J . Clarke 133 l _ _ R . C . Greenwood 126 j - Stewards D . Haylett ... ... ... G . Tyler
After the closing of the Provincial Grand Lodge the annual banquet was held on the Lodge premises , at which the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly hqnoured . It had been intended to have conveyed the brethren , in the interval between Lodge and banquet , for a marine excursion in a steamboat round the Shambles and Bill of Portland , but the inclemency of the weather prevented that part of the day ' s programme from being carried out .
BEVERLAC LODGE , No . 28 L . THE installation meeting of the above Lodge was held at the Assembly Rooms , Norwood , Beverley , on Monday , the 9 th inst . In the unavoidable absence , through illness , of the W . M . ( Bro . B . E . Naylor ) W . Bro . A . P . Wilson P . M . P-P . G . Snpt . of Works North and East Yorkshire presided , supported by the following officers and brethren : —Bros . J . R . Ansdell W . M . Humber Lodge 182 as S . W .,
Eli Bryan ( W . M . elect ) J . W ., C . Gonlding M . O ., T . Dixon S . O ., Sydney Smith J . O ., Geo . S . Highmoor Chap ., T . Marshall P . G . J . G . Treasurer , F . W . Adams Secretary , M . M . Weslcrby S . D ., Jos . Hind J-D ., F . Hewson I . G ., H . Adams , J . Sugdon , J . Sharp , G . H . Knight , W . Richardson . Visitors—W . Bro . Geo . Wilson P . M . 182 , Bros . Jas . Scott Wilson M . O . 291 , R . Pexton 182 , and J . R . Shearsmith 12 .
The usual preliminary Lodge business having been taken , Bro . Peter Hancock J . D . Samaritan Lodge 368 was balloted for and unanimously accepted , and arrangements were made for advancing him to the degree of a M . M . M . at a Lodge of Emergency to be called at an early date . Bro . A . P . Wilson then vacated tbe chair , and presented Bro . Eli Bryan as W . M . for the ensoingyear to tbe Installing Master , W . Bro . Geo . Wilson , a brother whose working was none in that
careful and satisfactory manner which has on more than one occasion been so highly appreciated and warmly spoken of . The newly installed Master having been inducted into the chair of A ., and duly saluted , appointed and invested his Officers as follow : — Bros . B . E . Naylor I . P . M ., C . Goulding S . W ., T . Dixon J . W ., S . Smith M . O ., M . M . Westerby S . O ., J . Hind J . O ., Rev . H . Adams Chaplain , r - Marshall P . M . Treasurer , F . W . Adams Secretary , John Sugdon
Mark Masonry.
Reg . of Marks , R . Allan S . D ., F . Hewson J . D ., W . Richardson I . G ., G . H . Knight Steward , J . Westoby Tyler . A vote of thanks to the Installing Master , ending with a motion that Bro . Geo . Wilson should bo made an honorary mamber of the Lodge , was moved by tho W . M ., seconded by P . M . A . P . Wil 3 on , aud unanimously carried . Tho W . M . then proceeded to close his Lodge in due form , and tho
parting address was given in the most perfect manner by a Visitor , Bro . Pexton M . O . 182 . The brethren subsequently sat down to a rich & rche repast , served in tho adjoining room , after which the nsnal Loyal and Mark Masonio toasts were given and responded to . Bros . A . P . Wilson and Marshall replied on behalf of the Prov . Grand Officers Present and Past , and the former then proposed the W . M .
, and subsequently the I . P . M ., to both of which the newly installed W . M . responded in terse but aptly chosen and effective tevui 3 , and as regarded the latter toast , regretting that the I . P . M . himself ( Bro . Naylor ) was nnable to be present , but trusting that the G . A . O . T . D * . would soon enable that brother to throw off his present indisposition and regain tho best of health , in which case he had no doubt tho
Lodge conld guarantee the I . P . M . ' s presence during the ensuing year . The " Retiring Officers , " " Newly Installed Officers , " and the " In . stalling Master , " were each proposed from the chair , and suitably responded to by Bros . G . S . Highmore , Harry Adams , and George Wilson respectively . Bro . A . P . Wilson P . M . was then toasted , and afterwards followed " The Visitors , " responded to by Bro . J .
Scott Wilson 291 , Pexton 182 , and Shearsmith 12 . The " Treasurer " and " Secretary , " both of which toasts , proposed by Bros . Hind and Dixon , were well received and suitably replied to by Bros . T . Marshall and F . W . Adam 3 . The harmony of the evening was well sustained by Bros . Ansdell , Goulding , M . M . Westerby , Knight , Shearsmith , and A . P . Wilson , and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
HIGH CROSS LODGE , No . 284 THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at tbe Seven Sisters' Hotel , Page Green , Tottenham , on Wednesday , the 13 th July , and was well attended . Amongst those present were Bros . H . V . Clements W . M ., W . J . Meek P . M . aud W . Beasley P . M ., E . G . Lewis S . W . and W . M . elect , Major Pemrose Dunbar J . W ., J . D . Birkin S . O ., Percy Gilling J . O ., the Rev . C . H . Roberts Chaplain , A . Little Treasurer , W . Farquharson Seoretary , F . Wheelhouse J . D .,
E . Holt I . G ., John Black , J . Webb ; and J . Very Tyler . Amongst hon ' members and Visitors present were the Very Worshipful Bros . C . F . Matier P . G . W ., D . M . Dewar P . G . M . O . and Grand Assistant Seoretary , James Stevens P . G . J . O . and P . Prov . Grand Secretary Middlesex and Surrey , Thomas Poore P . G . I . G ., W . G . Brighten Past Provinoial G . S . W . and Provincial Grand Secretary Middlesex and Surrey ,
Captain Henry Stephens Provinoial G . J . O ., and J . K . Pitt Prov . G . A . D . C . ; also Worshipful Brothers T . J . Cusworth P . M . 236 , G . Powell No . 1 , C . J . Eveniss 22 , R . Leaman Old Kent , S . Smither 199 , and others who omitted to sign the attendance book . The minntes of the preceding Lodge meeting having been confirmed , ballots were taken for Bro . A . Fowler , of Craft Lodge 754 , and
Charles Handley , of No . 475 , which were clear , and Bro . Handley , being in attendance , was advanced in due form , the ceremony being most ably carried out by the Worshipful Master and his Officers . Bro . Thomas Poore , as Installing Master , in his usual admirable style of working , installed Bro . E . G . Lewis into the chair of K . S . The Officers for the ensuing year were appointed in the following order ,
viz .: —Bros . Major Dunbar S . W ., J . D . Birkin J . W ., A . G . Fidler M . O ., Percy Gilling S . O ., C . H . Roberts J . O . and Pro Chaplain , A . Little Treasurer , W . Dance Registrar , W . Farquharson Secretary , T . Wheelhouse S . D ., E . Holt J . D ., J . Webb I . G ., Hall M . C ., Handley Steward , J . Very Tyler . A very handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring W . M . The Auditors' Report , being satisfactory , was
received and adopted , and after some routine business had been transacted , the Lodge was closed . A banquet was provided in liberal style by " mine host" of the " Seven Sisters , " and after the cloth had been cleared , toast and song followed in quiet succession . For the Officers of Grand Lodge , Bro . Matier returned thanks , eulogising the work of the Past Grand Masters of the Order , and the continuance
thereof by the Present Grand Master , Lord Henniker , and his Officers . He congratulated the W . M . on being surrounded by Masons who had literally made their " Mark " in Masonry , and concluded a telling speech by suggesting to the W . M . that if he liked the then present sample of G . L . Officers , he might at some future time "invite the bulk . " The remaining toasts were briefly given , and as briefly responded to . The excellent programme of music , evidently the result of great care
and attention on the part of the Rev . C . H . Roberts , the Chaplain of the Lodge , and his musical friends , was carried throughout , and gave great satisfaction . The entire proceedings quite justified the remarks of Bro . Meek P . M ., that for so young a Lodge its progress had been remarkable , and its prospects most encouraging . We congratulate our worthy Bro . Clements on the success of his year of office , and our eonally worthy Bro . Lowis on the assurances given for future support .
The Province of Leicester and Rutland appeared to great advantage at the recent Festival of the Boys' School , ¦ when its representative , Bro . Captain J . G . F . Richardson , a member of . the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1560 , brought up £ 405 . The Province was represented at the
Festival of the Benevolent Institution in February , when it contributed £ S 6 15 s , The contributions of the year shew a total equal £ 1 each from every registered Mason in the Province , a most gratifying result for any district to achieve .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ILmjJj f ^^^^^^^ S ^ ¦ ^ Tt ^ v ^ v acS ^ ^ W gv . vrfVigsgB
Mark Masonry.
— : o : — PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OP DORSET THE annual meeting of this Provinoial Grand Lodge was held on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., at the Masonio Hall , in the Isle of Portland , nnder the Banner of Portland lark Lodge , No . 133 . Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at 1 3 D by the Right Worshipful the Provinoial Grand Mark Master the Rev . W . Mortimer Heath , M . A ., assisted by W . Bro . R . N . Howard , Mayor of Weymonth
, Deputy Provincial Grand Mark Master , and the Provincial Grand Officers . After the roll of Officers and Lodges had been called over the minutes of the last Provinoial Grand Lodge were read and confirmed , and the ordinary business of the Mark Province was transacted . The Treasurer ' s accoants were received and adopted . The Provinoial Grand Master addressed the Lodge on the state and
prospects of the Province , and congratulated the brethren on the steady progress which Mark Masonry was making in the Province of Dorset . A rote of thanks was passed to W . Bro . W . D . Dngdale , the Treasnrer , who was now vacating that office and not eligible for reelection , in consequence of appointment to other Provincial office .
A vote of thanks was also passed to the Provincial Grand Registrar of Marks , Bro . W . B . Morgan , and attention was called to the efficient manner in which the Register of the Province had been kept . Bro . S . A . Vickery was elected Treasnrer . The Provinoial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following brethren a 3 Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year : —
Bro . R . N . Howard W . M . 133 ... ... D . Prov . Grand Masfcei W . D . Dngdale W . M . 132 G . Senior Warden J . A . Shemen P . M . 126 ... ... G . Junior Warden T . Ratcliffe 133 ... ... ... G . M . O . R . G . Long 99 ... ... ... G . S . O . H . J . Sydenham 132 ... ... G . J . O . Rev . J . F . Chanter 121 ... ... G . Chaplain J . H . Bowen 133 ... ... ... G . Secretary G . A . Vickery 133 ... ... ... G . Treasurer W . B . Morgan 126 ... ... ... G . Registrar A . Maclean 133 ... ... ... G . Senior Deacon C . J . Dring 126 ... ... ... G . Jnnior Deacon F . Wheatley 132 G . Snpt . Works R . Cox 133 ... ... ... G . Dir . of Cers . J . Ford 126 ... ... ... G . Assist . D . of Cers . W . J . Nos worthy 133 ... ... G . Organist G . H . Wallis ... ... G . Sword Bearer J . Eveleigh 133 ... ... ... G . Standard Bearer W . R . Jeffery 133 G . Inner Guard J . Clarke 133 l _ _ R . C . Greenwood 126 j - Stewards D . Haylett ... ... ... G . Tyler
After the closing of the Provincial Grand Lodge the annual banquet was held on the Lodge premises , at which the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly hqnoured . It had been intended to have conveyed the brethren , in the interval between Lodge and banquet , for a marine excursion in a steamboat round the Shambles and Bill of Portland , but the inclemency of the weather prevented that part of the day ' s programme from being carried out .
BEVERLAC LODGE , No . 28 L . THE installation meeting of the above Lodge was held at the Assembly Rooms , Norwood , Beverley , on Monday , the 9 th inst . In the unavoidable absence , through illness , of the W . M . ( Bro . B . E . Naylor ) W . Bro . A . P . Wilson P . M . P-P . G . Snpt . of Works North and East Yorkshire presided , supported by the following officers and brethren : —Bros . J . R . Ansdell W . M . Humber Lodge 182 as S . W .,
Eli Bryan ( W . M . elect ) J . W ., C . Gonlding M . O ., T . Dixon S . O ., Sydney Smith J . O ., Geo . S . Highmoor Chap ., T . Marshall P . G . J . G . Treasurer , F . W . Adams Secretary , M . M . Weslcrby S . D ., Jos . Hind J-D ., F . Hewson I . G ., H . Adams , J . Sugdon , J . Sharp , G . H . Knight , W . Richardson . Visitors—W . Bro . Geo . Wilson P . M . 182 , Bros . Jas . Scott Wilson M . O . 291 , R . Pexton 182 , and J . R . Shearsmith 12 .
The usual preliminary Lodge business having been taken , Bro . Peter Hancock J . D . Samaritan Lodge 368 was balloted for and unanimously accepted , and arrangements were made for advancing him to the degree of a M . M . M . at a Lodge of Emergency to be called at an early date . Bro . A . P . Wilson then vacated tbe chair , and presented Bro . Eli Bryan as W . M . for the ensoingyear to tbe Installing Master , W . Bro . Geo . Wilson , a brother whose working was none in that
careful and satisfactory manner which has on more than one occasion been so highly appreciated and warmly spoken of . The newly installed Master having been inducted into the chair of A ., and duly saluted , appointed and invested his Officers as follow : — Bros . B . E . Naylor I . P . M ., C . Goulding S . W ., T . Dixon J . W ., S . Smith M . O ., M . M . Westerby S . O ., J . Hind J . O ., Rev . H . Adams Chaplain , r - Marshall P . M . Treasurer , F . W . Adams Secretary , John Sugdon
Mark Masonry.
Reg . of Marks , R . Allan S . D ., F . Hewson J . D ., W . Richardson I . G ., G . H . Knight Steward , J . Westoby Tyler . A vote of thanks to the Installing Master , ending with a motion that Bro . Geo . Wilson should bo made an honorary mamber of the Lodge , was moved by tho W . M ., seconded by P . M . A . P . Wil 3 on , aud unanimously carried . Tho W . M . then proceeded to close his Lodge in due form , and tho
parting address was given in the most perfect manner by a Visitor , Bro . Pexton M . O . 182 . The brethren subsequently sat down to a rich & rche repast , served in tho adjoining room , after which the nsnal Loyal and Mark Masonio toasts were given and responded to . Bros . A . P . Wilson and Marshall replied on behalf of the Prov . Grand Officers Present and Past , and the former then proposed the W . M .
, and subsequently the I . P . M ., to both of which the newly installed W . M . responded in terse but aptly chosen and effective tevui 3 , and as regarded the latter toast , regretting that the I . P . M . himself ( Bro . Naylor ) was nnable to be present , but trusting that the G . A . O . T . D * . would soon enable that brother to throw off his present indisposition and regain tho best of health , in which case he had no doubt tho
Lodge conld guarantee the I . P . M . ' s presence during the ensuing year . The " Retiring Officers , " " Newly Installed Officers , " and the " In . stalling Master , " were each proposed from the chair , and suitably responded to by Bros . G . S . Highmore , Harry Adams , and George Wilson respectively . Bro . A . P . Wilson P . M . was then toasted , and afterwards followed " The Visitors , " responded to by Bro . J .
Scott Wilson 291 , Pexton 182 , and Shearsmith 12 . The " Treasurer " and " Secretary , " both of which toasts , proposed by Bros . Hind and Dixon , were well received and suitably replied to by Bros . T . Marshall and F . W . Adam 3 . The harmony of the evening was well sustained by Bros . Ansdell , Goulding , M . M . Westerby , Knight , Shearsmith , and A . P . Wilson , and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
HIGH CROSS LODGE , No . 284 THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at tbe Seven Sisters' Hotel , Page Green , Tottenham , on Wednesday , the 13 th July , and was well attended . Amongst those present were Bros . H . V . Clements W . M ., W . J . Meek P . M . aud W . Beasley P . M ., E . G . Lewis S . W . and W . M . elect , Major Pemrose Dunbar J . W ., J . D . Birkin S . O ., Percy Gilling J . O ., the Rev . C . H . Roberts Chaplain , A . Little Treasurer , W . Farquharson Seoretary , F . Wheelhouse J . D .,
E . Holt I . G ., John Black , J . Webb ; and J . Very Tyler . Amongst hon ' members and Visitors present were the Very Worshipful Bros . C . F . Matier P . G . W ., D . M . Dewar P . G . M . O . and Grand Assistant Seoretary , James Stevens P . G . J . O . and P . Prov . Grand Secretary Middlesex and Surrey , Thomas Poore P . G . I . G ., W . G . Brighten Past Provinoial G . S . W . and Provincial Grand Secretary Middlesex and Surrey ,
Captain Henry Stephens Provinoial G . J . O ., and J . K . Pitt Prov . G . A . D . C . ; also Worshipful Brothers T . J . Cusworth P . M . 236 , G . Powell No . 1 , C . J . Eveniss 22 , R . Leaman Old Kent , S . Smither 199 , and others who omitted to sign the attendance book . The minntes of the preceding Lodge meeting having been confirmed , ballots were taken for Bro . A . Fowler , of Craft Lodge 754 , and
Charles Handley , of No . 475 , which were clear , and Bro . Handley , being in attendance , was advanced in due form , the ceremony being most ably carried out by the Worshipful Master and his Officers . Bro . Thomas Poore , as Installing Master , in his usual admirable style of working , installed Bro . E . G . Lewis into the chair of K . S . The Officers for the ensuing year were appointed in the following order ,
viz .: —Bros . Major Dunbar S . W ., J . D . Birkin J . W ., A . G . Fidler M . O ., Percy Gilling S . O ., C . H . Roberts J . O . and Pro Chaplain , A . Little Treasurer , W . Dance Registrar , W . Farquharson Secretary , T . Wheelhouse S . D ., E . Holt J . D ., J . Webb I . G ., Hall M . C ., Handley Steward , J . Very Tyler . A very handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring W . M . The Auditors' Report , being satisfactory , was
received and adopted , and after some routine business had been transacted , the Lodge was closed . A banquet was provided in liberal style by " mine host" of the " Seven Sisters , " and after the cloth had been cleared , toast and song followed in quiet succession . For the Officers of Grand Lodge , Bro . Matier returned thanks , eulogising the work of the Past Grand Masters of the Order , and the continuance
thereof by the Present Grand Master , Lord Henniker , and his Officers . He congratulated the W . M . on being surrounded by Masons who had literally made their " Mark " in Masonry , and concluded a telling speech by suggesting to the W . M . that if he liked the then present sample of G . L . Officers , he might at some future time "invite the bulk . " The remaining toasts were briefly given , and as briefly responded to . The excellent programme of music , evidently the result of great care
and attention on the part of the Rev . C . H . Roberts , the Chaplain of the Lodge , and his musical friends , was carried throughout , and gave great satisfaction . The entire proceedings quite justified the remarks of Bro . Meek P . M ., that for so young a Lodge its progress had been remarkable , and its prospects most encouraging . We congratulate our worthy Bro . Clements on the success of his year of office , and our eonally worthy Bro . Lowis on the assurances given for future support .
The Province of Leicester and Rutland appeared to great advantage at the recent Festival of the Boys' School , ¦ when its representative , Bro . Captain J . G . F . Richardson , a member of . the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1560 , brought up £ 405 . The Province was represented at the
Festival of the Benevolent Institution in February , when it contributed £ S 6 15 s , The contributions of the year shew a total equal £ 1 each from every registered Mason in the Province , a most gratifying result for any district to achieve .