Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
OAKTsFON STREET HOTEL, CANNON STREET , LONDON , E. C. Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotol , render this establishmeut unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE X . AKG-E HALL 18 CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OF TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHORT PERIODS , will find the ArPOivi . w . NTs , and ACCOMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . f wfete , J^ mwastt ®* p » » MpMOTtium MANUFACTUEERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Ramsden ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . the Princess Louise . Ifull Illustrated Fria & Lists post free on application to No . 4 = 0 Great MarlTDorovi s h Street . N 0 TI 1 ADDRESS—a change having recently leen made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . G-IRO YEET& OROYER LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , : fa giiMg ' BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . / pM »| l PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , [^ 3 ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . I Lg ^ I 5 $ The Advantages of n Tt-Sal , with the Convenience of tlie O rW „„ . wmM 1 ff Three Tears' System at C'nali Price , by Paying about a Quarter i : X J--TC—ji-V ~ r . ~~^ V . ° r t 5 ie vilJ ,, e < 'own , the Balance by Easy Payments , iroin «« a » jf " ^ .. mmff * "s "e 1 ,, » rtcr . GROVES , & GROVER , 157-9 Eingsland Road ESTABLISH K » 1830 . _¦ J
— " ' — - '" ^ -.- — - . Bro . A . OLDBOYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu raised lottavf . CAN" be obtained direct from the Maker * at the undermentioned prices , on recoipt oE P . 0 . 0 . payable at Stratford . i * * S £ >^ . V ""*« MQS ! S ¥ Prico n name of ¦ V ^^ JiraS 3 fl 2 nSf No . 3 2 / 0 ... Plotters ¦ t & Ss & KS ^ fcS » 4 2 / ° " " ' ^¦ MK- ' V ; 5 3 / 0 12 » M ™^ - „ 8 4 / 0 ... * *<&&& ' : " ;; 9 o / o ... A . OlDEOYD , Agent for Algerian Uigurs , and Importar of Havana and Continental Cigars . 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
F . ADLARITS JEWEL ATTACHES ? . _ J -J _ J rJ « i ! ..--Sri' *^^ T ^ r ** S ** O O < £ " 2 oSoS fif . / r ^ mS 3 £ a § 3 = 03 * at f /'' "in / i J , rj / s « lC" "* ' > TMI « - > r * ' -t— ** ^ g « = o S MS j & tMf ! M $ . \ ** 4 . 3 3 a ? ^ r l f ii iiis ii "! a ^ W^ t W< 3 o ^ ' 3 y ^ - ^ wWa a r ? l : ! iiv 5 i ¦ *\» f p r- sM §« tSf «« $ 1 fSs ? ril ^ IlitlSll # fl 225 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnry , 1 C . O . General accidents . j Personal injuries . Railway accidents . ( Death by accident . 0 . HARDflKG , Managor .
GLASGOW MB THE HIGHLANDS . ROYAL ROUTE , via- Crinaii and Caledonian Canals hy Royal Mail St arner " IONA . " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock at 9 a . m ., conveying passengers Eor the NORTH nnd WEST HIGHLANDS—See bill , with map nnd tourist fares , freo , at Messrs . CHATTO nnd WINDUS . Publishers , 74 Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVID HtJTCHBSON and Co ., 119 Hopo Street , Glasgow .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex Comity Journal Conservative organ for tho district . Largest and most influential circulation . "The Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " Hay ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —15-1 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HotBKoon & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Offico not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
TAffiAR INDIEN . SPECIAL CAUTIOJT . OWING to the marked success of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally pr «* Ruribritl by the faculty , imd the ncknowledirect cute for constipation , headache , bile , hemorrhoids , & c , BASE IMITATIONS , containing tlra-. ttc irritants , are bem- / foisted on the public . The genuine preparation bears the title "Tamarlnrtien , " find the signature E . fJKIIiLOJf , Coleman-at . London , E . C . Price 2-iGd per box . In a recent case , 1876 , O . No . 211 , a perpetual Injunction to rpstrain the defendant tvm applying the name "Tamar" to his lozengea wan awarded , with costs , by Vio ^ i-Chancellor Bacon , on 19 th January 1 S 77 , and all such piracies will be Burmnariiy proceeded against , — N . B . —See that the outer wrapi er ( directions ) ara printed in the English language , and that taoh box be » , rs tn « GoTernment 3 d a tamp , i
I I LIST OF RARE & VALUABLE WORKS ON FREEMASONRY , OFFERED VOR SALE , AT PKICES ANNEXED , AT THE Off ICE OF The Freemason's Chronicle , 67 Barbican . 48 Tho Musical Budget . 24 mo . frontispiece . Haddington 2 s 49 A Selection of Masonic Songs , by Holden . 8 vo . Allegorical frontispiece . Dublin , 1819 8 s Cd 50 Aporcu general et historique des principalis sectcs Maconniciues qui out etc ropanilues dans toas les pays , l'av Levesque . iivo . Paris , 1821 12 a 51 Le Yade-Mccmn Mac , otvmque , pour la lit Ecossais ancieu et accepto . ISmo . 1825 2 s Gd 52 Esprit da dogma de la Tranche Maconnerie . liy Reclieiliui do Schio . -Svo . 11 symbolical plates . UrussolM , 1 S 25 21 s 53 Dictionuaire Macouniqne . By J . Qnantin . Tlireo allegorical folding plates . Paris , 1825 7 s « d 51 Die Proymiiaeroj im Pischbein-ro ^ ko . J ( Masonry in Petticoats . ) Remarkable frontispiece . 12 mo . Dio rerrathene Froymanorcy . Symbolical frontispiece . 12 mo . 1775 . Together ... 10 s ( id 55 La Lire Jiaeonno ; on ltecueil do Chansons des i'rancs-Macons . New edition . 12 mo . La Haye , 1775 . 9 s 5 G Ernst nnd Falck . Gespriiche fiir Freimanrei' , < tc . By Lessing . 18 mo . Wolfonbiittel , 1778 5 s ticl 57 The Priuciplea of Freemasonry deliueated . By Trowman . 12 mo . Engraved frontispiece . Exeter , 1777 12 s Gd 58 Vortheidiguug der Freyraanrer wider dio Verliiumduugen zweener geistlichen , we ' . che deu orden Offentlich auf der Kanzel angegriffen Haben . 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1779 . 7 s ( id 59 An meine Briider . 18 mo . Breslau , 1779 4 s 60 Geschiclite des schicksals der Freymaurer zu Neapel . ISmo . Two allgoricul plates . Frankfurt , 1779 7 s ( Id 61 Ueber Jesuiten , Freymaurer und Deutsche Rosenkreutzer . 12 mo . Leip 3 ig , 1731 ... 8 s ( id 02 Ueber den zweck des Freymaurer-ordens . By Starck . 12 mo . Berlin , 1781 i ) s 63 Fragmento i ' iir nud wider die freymaurerei . 12 mo . Berlin , 1782 53 ( id 64 Der compass der weison . 12 mo . Curious vignettes and symbolical folding plate . Berlin , 1782 15 s 65 Schotzsehrift fiir die Aechtheifc der Rosenkreutzer gesellschaft . 12 mo . Leipsig . 1782 12 s 0 d 66 Ganz neue entdeckungen von der freymiiueroy nnd deren geheimnisse . ISmo . Leipsig , 1782 5 s Gd 67 De Conventu gonerali Latomorum . 8 vo . 1783 . ^ 12 s 6 d 68 Abregd de l'Histoire de la Franche-Maconnerie . 18 mo . Londres , 1779 . ... 10 s Gd 69 Der Freymaurer , eine moralisehe woehenschrift . 8 vo . Fine allegorical title . Leipsig , 1738 21 a 70 L'Ordre des Francs-Macons trahi . Eight ; very curious plates . ISmo . Amsterdam , 1715 . 21 s 71 Les Francs-Macons Ecrases . 18 mo . Frontispiece and plate 3 . Amsterdam , 1717 . 21 s 72 Die menscheuliebe , in einer Rede au die Freimauvev vovgestellt . -Ito . Berlin , 1753 . Eede an des koniges geburts-tage in der grossen loge zu den dreicn weltkugeln . -4 to . Berlin , 1755 . Together 5 s Gd 79 Geheiminisse der Freymaiirey , deren , sitten nnd gcbriincbe . 18 mo . Symbolical | frontispiece . 17 G 6 15 s ! 80 Les p ins secrets mysteres des Hauts | Grades do la Maconnerie ddvoiles . 18 mo . i Allegorical frontispiece and symbolical fold-• iug plate . Berlin , 17 G 3 153 81 Eede bey einer f eyerlichen Versammlnng der Freymaurer zu Dresden , gehalten den . 30 May . VonF . W . F . -Ito . 1772 . ... Is 6 d 82 Die Jesuiten vertriebeti aus der Freymaurerey . und ibr dolch zerbrocken durch die Freymaurer . 12 mo . Leipsig , 1733 _ 12 s Gd 83 Maurerey von einer lichtern seito betrachtel , von cinem ungliiklich seyn-sollenden Bruder . 13 mo . 1738 8 s 6 d In ordering from theso lists it is only necessary to give the number and date of the book required .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
OAKTsFON STREET HOTEL, CANNON STREET , LONDON , E. C. Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotol , render this establishmeut unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE X . AKG-E HALL 18 CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OF TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHORT PERIODS , will find the ArPOivi . w . NTs , and ACCOMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . f wfete , J^ mwastt ®* p » » MpMOTtium MANUFACTUEERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Ramsden ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . the Princess Louise . Ifull Illustrated Fria & Lists post free on application to No . 4 = 0 Great MarlTDorovi s h Street . N 0 TI 1 ADDRESS—a change having recently leen made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . G-IRO YEET& OROYER LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , : fa giiMg ' BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . / pM »| l PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , [^ 3 ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . I Lg ^ I 5 $ The Advantages of n Tt-Sal , with the Convenience of tlie O rW „„ . wmM 1 ff Three Tears' System at C'nali Price , by Paying about a Quarter i : X J--TC—ji-V ~ r . ~~^ V . ° r t 5 ie vilJ ,, e < 'own , the Balance by Easy Payments , iroin «« a » jf " ^ .. mmff * "s "e 1 ,, » rtcr . GROVES , & GROVER , 157-9 Eingsland Road ESTABLISH K » 1830 . _¦ J
— " ' — - '" ^ -.- — - . Bro . A . OLDBOYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu raised lottavf . CAN" be obtained direct from the Maker * at the undermentioned prices , on recoipt oE P . 0 . 0 . payable at Stratford . i * * S £ >^ . V ""*« MQS ! S ¥ Prico n name of ¦ V ^^ JiraS 3 fl 2 nSf No . 3 2 / 0 ... Plotters ¦ t & Ss & KS ^ fcS » 4 2 / ° " " ' ^¦ MK- ' V ; 5 3 / 0 12 » M ™^ - „ 8 4 / 0 ... * *<&&& ' : " ;; 9 o / o ... A . OlDEOYD , Agent for Algerian Uigurs , and Importar of Havana and Continental Cigars . 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
F . ADLARITS JEWEL ATTACHES ? . _ J -J _ J rJ « i ! ..--Sri' *^^ T ^ r ** S ** O O < £ " 2 oSoS fif . / r ^ mS 3 £ a § 3 = 03 * at f /'' "in / i J , rj / s « lC" "* ' > TMI « - > r * ' -t— ** ^ g « = o S MS j & tMf ! M $ . \ ** 4 . 3 3 a ? ^ r l f ii iiis ii "! a ^ W^ t W< 3 o ^ ' 3 y ^ - ^ wWa a r ? l : ! iiv 5 i ¦ *\» f p r- sM §« tSf «« $ 1 fSs ? ril ^ IlitlSll # fl 225 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnry , 1 C . O . General accidents . j Personal injuries . Railway accidents . ( Death by accident . 0 . HARDflKG , Managor .
GLASGOW MB THE HIGHLANDS . ROYAL ROUTE , via- Crinaii and Caledonian Canals hy Royal Mail St arner " IONA . " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock at 9 a . m ., conveying passengers Eor the NORTH nnd WEST HIGHLANDS—See bill , with map nnd tourist fares , freo , at Messrs . CHATTO nnd WINDUS . Publishers , 74 Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVID HtJTCHBSON and Co ., 119 Hopo Street , Glasgow .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex Comity Journal Conservative organ for tho district . Largest and most influential circulation . "The Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " Hay ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —15-1 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HotBKoon & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Offico not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
TAffiAR INDIEN . SPECIAL CAUTIOJT . OWING to the marked success of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally pr «* Ruribritl by the faculty , imd the ncknowledirect cute for constipation , headache , bile , hemorrhoids , & c , BASE IMITATIONS , containing tlra-. ttc irritants , are bem- / foisted on the public . The genuine preparation bears the title "Tamarlnrtien , " find the signature E . fJKIIiLOJf , Coleman-at . London , E . C . Price 2-iGd per box . In a recent case , 1876 , O . No . 211 , a perpetual Injunction to rpstrain the defendant tvm applying the name "Tamar" to his lozengea wan awarded , with costs , by Vio ^ i-Chancellor Bacon , on 19 th January 1 S 77 , and all such piracies will be Burmnariiy proceeded against , — N . B . —See that the outer wrapi er ( directions ) ara printed in the English language , and that taoh box be » , rs tn « GoTernment 3 d a tamp , i
I I LIST OF RARE & VALUABLE WORKS ON FREEMASONRY , OFFERED VOR SALE , AT PKICES ANNEXED , AT THE Off ICE OF The Freemason's Chronicle , 67 Barbican . 48 Tho Musical Budget . 24 mo . frontispiece . Haddington 2 s 49 A Selection of Masonic Songs , by Holden . 8 vo . Allegorical frontispiece . Dublin , 1819 8 s Cd 50 Aporcu general et historique des principalis sectcs Maconniciues qui out etc ropanilues dans toas les pays , l'av Levesque . iivo . Paris , 1821 12 a 51 Le Yade-Mccmn Mac , otvmque , pour la lit Ecossais ancieu et accepto . ISmo . 1825 2 s Gd 52 Esprit da dogma de la Tranche Maconnerie . liy Reclieiliui do Schio . -Svo . 11 symbolical plates . UrussolM , 1 S 25 21 s 53 Dictionuaire Macouniqne . By J . Qnantin . Tlireo allegorical folding plates . Paris , 1825 7 s « d 51 Die Proymiiaeroj im Pischbein-ro ^ ko . J ( Masonry in Petticoats . ) Remarkable frontispiece . 12 mo . Dio rerrathene Froymanorcy . Symbolical frontispiece . 12 mo . 1775 . Together ... 10 s ( id 55 La Lire Jiaeonno ; on ltecueil do Chansons des i'rancs-Macons . New edition . 12 mo . La Haye , 1775 . 9 s 5 G Ernst nnd Falck . Gespriiche fiir Freimanrei' , < tc . By Lessing . 18 mo . Wolfonbiittel , 1778 5 s ticl 57 The Priuciplea of Freemasonry deliueated . By Trowman . 12 mo . Engraved frontispiece . Exeter , 1777 12 s Gd 58 Vortheidiguug der Freyraanrer wider dio Verliiumduugen zweener geistlichen , we ' . che deu orden Offentlich auf der Kanzel angegriffen Haben . 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1779 . 7 s ( id 59 An meine Briider . 18 mo . Breslau , 1779 4 s 60 Geschiclite des schicksals der Freymaurer zu Neapel . ISmo . Two allgoricul plates . Frankfurt , 1779 7 s ( Id 61 Ueber Jesuiten , Freymaurer und Deutsche Rosenkreutzer . 12 mo . Leip 3 ig , 1731 ... 8 s ( id 02 Ueber den zweck des Freymaurer-ordens . By Starck . 12 mo . Berlin , 1781 i ) s 63 Fragmento i ' iir nud wider die freymaurerei . 12 mo . Berlin , 1782 53 ( id 64 Der compass der weison . 12 mo . Curious vignettes and symbolical folding plate . Berlin , 1782 15 s 65 Schotzsehrift fiir die Aechtheifc der Rosenkreutzer gesellschaft . 12 mo . Leipsig . 1782 12 s 0 d 66 Ganz neue entdeckungen von der freymiiueroy nnd deren geheimnisse . ISmo . Leipsig , 1782 5 s Gd 67 De Conventu gonerali Latomorum . 8 vo . 1783 . ^ 12 s 6 d 68 Abregd de l'Histoire de la Franche-Maconnerie . 18 mo . Londres , 1779 . ... 10 s Gd 69 Der Freymaurer , eine moralisehe woehenschrift . 8 vo . Fine allegorical title . Leipsig , 1738 21 a 70 L'Ordre des Francs-Macons trahi . Eight ; very curious plates . ISmo . Amsterdam , 1715 . 21 s 71 Les Francs-Macons Ecrases . 18 mo . Frontispiece and plate 3 . Amsterdam , 1717 . 21 s 72 Die menscheuliebe , in einer Rede au die Freimauvev vovgestellt . -Ito . Berlin , 1753 . Eede an des koniges geburts-tage in der grossen loge zu den dreicn weltkugeln . -4 to . Berlin , 1755 . Together 5 s Gd 79 Geheiminisse der Freymaiirey , deren , sitten nnd gcbriincbe . 18 mo . Symbolical | frontispiece . 17 G 6 15 s ! 80 Les p ins secrets mysteres des Hauts | Grades do la Maconnerie ddvoiles . 18 mo . i Allegorical frontispiece and symbolical fold-• iug plate . Berlin , 17 G 3 153 81 Eede bey einer f eyerlichen Versammlnng der Freymaurer zu Dresden , gehalten den . 30 May . VonF . W . F . -Ito . 1772 . ... Is 6 d 82 Die Jesuiten vertriebeti aus der Freymaurerey . und ibr dolch zerbrocken durch die Freymaurer . 12 mo . Leipsig , 1733 _ 12 s Gd 83 Maurerey von einer lichtern seito betrachtel , von cinem ungliiklich seyn-sollenden Bruder . 13 mo . 1738 8 s 6 d In ordering from theso lists it is only necessary to give the number and date of the book required .