Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS'TAVERN , GKEAT QUEEN" STKEET , LONDON , "W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at Mils Establisment for H & JL . & 02 STTC ZBJLUSTQTXIEJTS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management haa been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . Tho attention of the Masonic Body is dh-ected to tho many advantages offered . CUISINE OE THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT JtN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING «! fc RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
LONDON MASONICCLUB , 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . C . Bro . ALDERMAN HADLEY Chairman . NOTICE TO MEMBERS . —The Subscription from 31 st July 1878 to 31 st July 1879 is now payable . It is intended to admit a few more members without Entrance Fee at the present rate of Subscription , viz . £ 5 5 s ibr Town Members , and £ i as for Country Members . The Club premises are boing improved so as to increase the accommodation already afforded to members and to Masonic Lodges . Full particulars can bo obtained of the Honorary Secretary at the Club .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . £ . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C *
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad , Served from 12 to 4 daily . —GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgato Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE LAST CHANCE . % a % d Pa & wk Jitgtitaiinu fox % o % 8 > SEVENTHJJ ? J ? LIVATWN , OCTOBER 1 S 78 . The , Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers are earmstlij sulicited on behalf of ARTHUR H . DAY , Aged Ten Years , SON of the lato Bro . JOHN DAY , of Tendring , in the County of Essex , Farmer and Brewer . Tho Deceased was for eight years , and up to a short time of his death , u Subscribing Member of the Lodgo of Hope , No . -13 a , Brightlingsea . During tbe last years of his life ue became inucn reduced , in circumstances , in consotjueuce of a long affliction—Paralysis . At his decease , which took place on tlie 20 th of December ls 71 , bardy sufficient funds were realised to pay his debts , and the Widow was consequently ouliged to give up the business , and is mainly dependent on her friends for support . She nas two children ( out of a family of five ) entirely ilependeut . The Applicant is a quick , promising Boy , greatly needing your sympathy . The Case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren : —R . W . Bros . W . W . B . BBACH M . i ' . P . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight ; * Sir . J . H . JOHXSOJT , Shakespeare Lodge , JNO . 9 'J , the Priory , St . Osyth , Essex ; * E . Joiixsox , V . P . Farringdou House , Exeter ; C . H . WAIUHS P . M . Grand Stewards Lodge , Buckingham Palace Road , London ; BIATH , New Concord Lodgo No . alt ) , KJ Bed Lion Street , Holborn ; S . HAKMAN , Headings House , Palmers Green , Southgate ; E . W . DAVIS P . M . 95 and 172 P . £ . 551 , 31 s High Holborn W . C . ; * K . T . 'i'euus Marylebone Lodge l , ao 5 , 21 Wellington Koad , St . John ' s Wood ; * G . GAUD PXJJ P . P . G . S . of W . Essex , P . M . Angel Lotlge is ' o . 51 , Bank Buildings , Colchester ; Faun A . COLE P . P . G . Registrar P . M . Angel . Lodge No . 61 , St . Botolph ' s , Colchester ; W . GBIGGS P . M . Lodge of Hope JNO . laa , Brightlingsea ; W . BHAGG P . M . Lodge of Hope No .-faa , Brigtitluigsea ; W . BALLS Louge of Hope No . laa , Tendring , Colchester ; * J . E . WISEMAN P . P . G . A . D . C . P . M . and Secretary No . 43 a , Brightlingsea ; Tuos . J . BALLING I . P . M . Augel Lodge No . 51 , P . G . See . Essex , Essex Standard Office Colchester . Proxies will be thankfully received by the Brethren opposite whose names a * is placed , or they man De se "' '" Mrs . DAY , Great Clacton Green , Colchester .
gPTOCCTAMJS ^^ H^^^^^^^ HWrWVWWWtm 67 BARBICAN , B . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
AT a Council held on Saturday , at Balmoral , where the Queen still remains , it was ordered that Parliament , which stood prorogued to the 2 nd of November , be further prorogued to the 80 th of that month . The Prince of
Wales left Brantingham Thorpe on Saturday , and returned to London . On Monday H . K . H . left for Abergeldie Castle , Aberdeenshire . The Duke of Connaught arrived in London on Tuesduy , on his way from Potsdam
Our Weekly Budget.
to Balmoral . The Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome left Balmoral on Wednesday for Inverary . The inquests on the victims of the collision on the Thames continue from clay to day . On Monday , evidences of identification having been , concluded , the first mate and the
seaman who was steering the unfortunate vessel were examined , while on Tuesday , other of the men engaged in the navigation of the vessel , were brought forward . On Wednesday , the principal witnesses were passengers who
were on board at the time of the collision , aud these , as well as those examined on Thursday , seem to agree that it was impossible for the Princess Alice to have avoided the collision . The fund at the Mansion House being raised on behalf of those left destitute by the accident , now exceeds £ 23 , 000 .
From an official statement made to the Lord Mayor it appears that 258 lives were lost by the explosion in the Abercarn pit . Of these 131 have left widows , and 863 children are rendered orphans by the calamity . The work of flooding the mine to extinguish the fire has been
completed , and steps have been taken to at once commence the pumping out , which it is anticipated will take at least a month . The inquest which has been opened has been adjourned for that time it being impossible to proceed
further until an inspection of the pit has taken place . A fund for the relief of the sufferers has been opened at the Mansion House , and up to the present time upwards of £ 8 , 000 has been received on account thereof .
The two Fenian prisoners , Condon and Melody , have been released , in accordance with the instructions of the pardon granted on their behalf . Hobart Pasha , who has been unexpectedly recalled to resume his duties as Inspector General of the Turkish Fleet , has left London for Constantinople for that purpose .
An obstinate resistance is still made to the Austrian
troops in some parts of Bosnia . Latest advices from Vienna , however , state that the operations of the force under Field Marshal Bienert , which begun with the passage of the Save have been proceeded with without opposition , and that the troops now occupy the line from Sakova and Gradacac towards the Bosna . The inhabitants
of the district of Bangaluka are being disarmed without much trouble , and it is expected that the insurgents will shortly surrender the stronghold of Bihach , near which place General Zach and Eeinlander ' s brigades are stationed . The Austrians are reported to have burnt Breka ,
on the Save , in consequence of the treason of the inhabitants , and now only require to subjugate Bielina Tuzla and Svornik to complete their occupation of Eastern Bosnia . A circular memorandum has been prepared by the Porte refuting the charge of delay on its part , in carrying
out the stipulations of the Berlin Treaty ; it will shortly be sent to the Powers . It is estimated that 50 , 000 Russian troops have now embarked from San Stefano , at which place the operation is still in progress . Moussa Pasha haa assumed command of Erzeroum , the evacuation by the
Russians having been completed . The Servians are actively engaged in military preparations , and , it is stated , daily expect a subsidy from Russia . In France , a grand military review , at which Marshal MacMahon and the Duke of Cambridge were present , has been held at Vincennes . The
troops on the ground numbered upwards of 50 , 000 men , and generall y exhibited improvement compared with that dis * played at any such gathering held in that country for some years past . The German Parliament has been engaged for two days on the Anti-Socialist Bill , which was ulti «
mately referred to a committee . From the United States it is reported that the new cases of yellow fever appear to be decreasing in some towns , bub that the epidemic still extensively prevails . Some cases have occurred at Jamaica , but it is hoped the measures taken to stop the progress of
the malady will be successful in staying its ravages . In view of its appearance at some of the ports of North America , the iiuglisli authorities have issued orders as to the measures to be adopted should it appear in any of our ports . From the Transvaal news of a disquieting nature
is received . The Zulu police have mutinied , and the Caff ' rcs are assuming the offensive . Fort Weber has been attacked , and Leydenburg surrounded . In consequeuce of the dissatisfaction caused by the policy of the Government , many volunteers refuse to serve longer , and are returniusr home .
THE GKAND MASTERSHIP OF SCOTLAND . —We , Scotsman , are authorised to state that Mr . lnglis , of Torsonce . tb . Q
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS'TAVERN , GKEAT QUEEN" STKEET , LONDON , "W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at Mils Establisment for H & JL . & 02 STTC ZBJLUSTQTXIEJTS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management haa been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . Tho attention of the Masonic Body is dh-ected to tho many advantages offered . CUISINE OE THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT JtN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING «! fc RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
LONDON MASONICCLUB , 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . C . Bro . ALDERMAN HADLEY Chairman . NOTICE TO MEMBERS . —The Subscription from 31 st July 1878 to 31 st July 1879 is now payable . It is intended to admit a few more members without Entrance Fee at the present rate of Subscription , viz . £ 5 5 s ibr Town Members , and £ i as for Country Members . The Club premises are boing improved so as to increase the accommodation already afforded to members and to Masonic Lodges . Full particulars can bo obtained of the Honorary Secretary at the Club .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . £ . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C *
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad , Served from 12 to 4 daily . —GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgato Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE LAST CHANCE . % a % d Pa & wk Jitgtitaiinu fox % o % 8 > SEVENTHJJ ? J ? LIVATWN , OCTOBER 1 S 78 . The , Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers are earmstlij sulicited on behalf of ARTHUR H . DAY , Aged Ten Years , SON of the lato Bro . JOHN DAY , of Tendring , in the County of Essex , Farmer and Brewer . Tho Deceased was for eight years , and up to a short time of his death , u Subscribing Member of the Lodgo of Hope , No . -13 a , Brightlingsea . During tbe last years of his life ue became inucn reduced , in circumstances , in consotjueuce of a long affliction—Paralysis . At his decease , which took place on tlie 20 th of December ls 71 , bardy sufficient funds were realised to pay his debts , and the Widow was consequently ouliged to give up the business , and is mainly dependent on her friends for support . She nas two children ( out of a family of five ) entirely ilependeut . The Applicant is a quick , promising Boy , greatly needing your sympathy . The Case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren : —R . W . Bros . W . W . B . BBACH M . i ' . P . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight ; * Sir . J . H . JOHXSOJT , Shakespeare Lodge , JNO . 9 'J , the Priory , St . Osyth , Essex ; * E . Joiixsox , V . P . Farringdou House , Exeter ; C . H . WAIUHS P . M . Grand Stewards Lodge , Buckingham Palace Road , London ; BIATH , New Concord Lodgo No . alt ) , KJ Bed Lion Street , Holborn ; S . HAKMAN , Headings House , Palmers Green , Southgate ; E . W . DAVIS P . M . 95 and 172 P . £ . 551 , 31 s High Holborn W . C . ; * K . T . 'i'euus Marylebone Lodge l , ao 5 , 21 Wellington Koad , St . John ' s Wood ; * G . GAUD PXJJ P . P . G . S . of W . Essex , P . M . Angel Lotlge is ' o . 51 , Bank Buildings , Colchester ; Faun A . COLE P . P . G . Registrar P . M . Angel . Lodge No . 61 , St . Botolph ' s , Colchester ; W . GBIGGS P . M . Lodge of Hope JNO . laa , Brightlingsea ; W . BHAGG P . M . Lodge of Hope No .-faa , Brigtitluigsea ; W . BALLS Louge of Hope No . laa , Tendring , Colchester ; * J . E . WISEMAN P . P . G . A . D . C . P . M . and Secretary No . 43 a , Brightlingsea ; Tuos . J . BALLING I . P . M . Augel Lodge No . 51 , P . G . See . Essex , Essex Standard Office Colchester . Proxies will be thankfully received by the Brethren opposite whose names a * is placed , or they man De se "' '" Mrs . DAY , Great Clacton Green , Colchester .
gPTOCCTAMJS ^^ H^^^^^^^ HWrWVWWWtm 67 BARBICAN , B . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
AT a Council held on Saturday , at Balmoral , where the Queen still remains , it was ordered that Parliament , which stood prorogued to the 2 nd of November , be further prorogued to the 80 th of that month . The Prince of
Wales left Brantingham Thorpe on Saturday , and returned to London . On Monday H . K . H . left for Abergeldie Castle , Aberdeenshire . The Duke of Connaught arrived in London on Tuesduy , on his way from Potsdam
Our Weekly Budget.
to Balmoral . The Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome left Balmoral on Wednesday for Inverary . The inquests on the victims of the collision on the Thames continue from clay to day . On Monday , evidences of identification having been , concluded , the first mate and the
seaman who was steering the unfortunate vessel were examined , while on Tuesday , other of the men engaged in the navigation of the vessel , were brought forward . On Wednesday , the principal witnesses were passengers who
were on board at the time of the collision , aud these , as well as those examined on Thursday , seem to agree that it was impossible for the Princess Alice to have avoided the collision . The fund at the Mansion House being raised on behalf of those left destitute by the accident , now exceeds £ 23 , 000 .
From an official statement made to the Lord Mayor it appears that 258 lives were lost by the explosion in the Abercarn pit . Of these 131 have left widows , and 863 children are rendered orphans by the calamity . The work of flooding the mine to extinguish the fire has been
completed , and steps have been taken to at once commence the pumping out , which it is anticipated will take at least a month . The inquest which has been opened has been adjourned for that time it being impossible to proceed
further until an inspection of the pit has taken place . A fund for the relief of the sufferers has been opened at the Mansion House , and up to the present time upwards of £ 8 , 000 has been received on account thereof .
The two Fenian prisoners , Condon and Melody , have been released , in accordance with the instructions of the pardon granted on their behalf . Hobart Pasha , who has been unexpectedly recalled to resume his duties as Inspector General of the Turkish Fleet , has left London for Constantinople for that purpose .
An obstinate resistance is still made to the Austrian
troops in some parts of Bosnia . Latest advices from Vienna , however , state that the operations of the force under Field Marshal Bienert , which begun with the passage of the Save have been proceeded with without opposition , and that the troops now occupy the line from Sakova and Gradacac towards the Bosna . The inhabitants
of the district of Bangaluka are being disarmed without much trouble , and it is expected that the insurgents will shortly surrender the stronghold of Bihach , near which place General Zach and Eeinlander ' s brigades are stationed . The Austrians are reported to have burnt Breka ,
on the Save , in consequence of the treason of the inhabitants , and now only require to subjugate Bielina Tuzla and Svornik to complete their occupation of Eastern Bosnia . A circular memorandum has been prepared by the Porte refuting the charge of delay on its part , in carrying
out the stipulations of the Berlin Treaty ; it will shortly be sent to the Powers . It is estimated that 50 , 000 Russian troops have now embarked from San Stefano , at which place the operation is still in progress . Moussa Pasha haa assumed command of Erzeroum , the evacuation by the
Russians having been completed . The Servians are actively engaged in military preparations , and , it is stated , daily expect a subsidy from Russia . In France , a grand military review , at which Marshal MacMahon and the Duke of Cambridge were present , has been held at Vincennes . The
troops on the ground numbered upwards of 50 , 000 men , and generall y exhibited improvement compared with that dis * played at any such gathering held in that country for some years past . The German Parliament has been engaged for two days on the Anti-Socialist Bill , which was ulti «
mately referred to a committee . From the United States it is reported that the new cases of yellow fever appear to be decreasing in some towns , bub that the epidemic still extensively prevails . Some cases have occurred at Jamaica , but it is hoped the measures taken to stop the progress of
the malady will be successful in staying its ravages . In view of its appearance at some of the ports of North America , the iiuglisli authorities have issued orders as to the measures to be adopted should it appear in any of our ports . From the Transvaal news of a disquieting nature
is received . The Zulu police have mutinied , and the Caff ' rcs are assuming the offensive . Fort Weber has been attacked , and Leydenburg surrounded . In consequeuce of the dissatisfaction caused by the policy of the Government , many volunteers refuse to serve longer , and are returniusr home .
THE GKAND MASTERSHIP OF SCOTLAND . —We , Scotsman , are authorised to state that Mr . lnglis , of Torsonce . tb . Q