Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Page 1 of 1 Article MEETING OF THE LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FIFTEEN SECTIONS Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
Depute Grand Master Mason of Scotland , has declined to comply with tbe requisition , signed by about 500 members of tbe Masonic Order , to allow himself to be nominated Grand Master , in consequence of the expressed desire of the present Grand Master , Sir M . R . Shaw-Stewart , to retain office for another year .
Bro . Erasmus Wilson and his confrere , Bro . John Dixon , have received a congratulatory telegram from the Queen on the successful termination of their labours in connection with the Egyptian Obelisk , Cleopatra ' s Needle .
The City of London Orchestral Union will give the First Concert of their Twelfth Season on Wednesday next , at the Albion Hall , London Wall . Bro . G . T . H . Seddon , S . W . 174 , is tbe Conductor , and Arthur Gee , P . M . 174 , is the Treasurer . The Concert will begin at eight p . m .
We have before us a copy of the Report of the Directors of the Crystal Palace District Gas Company for the halfyear ending the 30 th June 1878 , which was laid before the Proprietors at the Ordinary General Meeting on Thursday . The Directors begin by announcing that the general
working of the Company during the half-year has been most satisfactory . They then announce that they have taken advantage of the low prico of coal , in order to secure contracts for all the coal that will be required to March 1880 ; that they have resolved on reducing the price of gas to the
general consumer to 3 s 9 d per 1 , 000 cubic feet , the reduction to take effect from the Michaelmas quarter ; and also that the Reports of the Gas Examiners of the Parishes supplied by the Company , with respect to the illuminating power of the gas and its freedom from sulphuretted hydrogen ,
were , as usual , satisfactory . They conclude their Report with the announcement that the Profit and Loss Accounts amount to £ 11 , 103 2 s lid , out of which they recommend the Declaration of a Dividend for the half-year to 30 th June last at the following rates , namely : at 6 per cent , per
annum on the Preference Stock ; at 7 per cent , per annum on the Ordinary Seven Per Cent . Stock ; at 10 per cent , per annum on the Ordinary Ten Per Cent . Stock ; and at the rate of 7 per cent , per annum on the New Ordinary Seven Per Cent . Shares—all less income tax .
This will absorb £ 10 , 188 16 s lOd , aud leave a sum of £ 914 6 s Id to be carried forward to the profit of the next half year . Appended are various Statements of Account , from which we have gleaned the following interesting particulars : —The paid-up Capital of the Company includes
the old Preference Stock ( 50 , 000 ) , Ordinary Seven Per Cent , ditto ( £ 125 , 000 ) , and Ordinary Ten Per Cent . ( £ 75 , 000 ) , making together £ 250 , 000 , to which must be added £ 29 , 874 12 s of the New Ordinary Seven Per Cent . Stock , bringing the total up to £ 279 , 874 12 s . Against
this is set the expenditure till end of half year , amounting to £ 255 , 321 Is 8 d , leaving a balance unexpended of £ 24 , 553 10 s 4 d . There were consumed during the period 19 , 883 tons of coal against 20 , 075 tons received , the quantity in store on 30 th June being
11 , 443 tons , or somewhat in excess of the amount in store on 31 st December preceding . The Reserve . Fund amounts to £ 8 , 275 5 s lOd , the Contingent Fund to £ 10 , 000 , and the Insurance Fund to £ 1 , 894 2 s lOd . On the Revenue Account there is a balance of
£ 12 , 550 17 s 4 d , which has arisen thus . Tho sale of gas yielded £ 37 , lUd 4 s 3 d , £ 638 2 s 4 d being for Meter Rental , and the rest for Gas Rental , and the sale of Residual Products £ 9 , 589 18 s Id , making a total receipt oi £ 46 , 698 2 s 4 d . Against this must be set the following
expenditure : —Manufacture of Gas £ 25 , 810 12 s 5 d , Distribution of Gas £ 2 , 537 18 s 3 d , Public Lamps £ 680 3 s lid , Rents , Rates , and Taxes 1 , 529 6 s 7 cl , and Expenses ol Management £ 2 , 798 Os Od . These , with sundry other items , raise the aggregate of the expenditure to
£ 34 , 147 5 s , leaving , aa we have just said , a balance o \ £ 12 , 550 17 s 4 d . From the General Balance Sheet n appears there is £ 18 , 616 7 s 2 d , that there is coal , & c , in stock and in transit to the value of £ 17 , 427 2 s 9 d , the sum oi £ 13 , 117 Os 5 d is due for Gas and Meter Rental , anct # 1 , 154 Is 9 d for Residual Products ,
Cape Of Good Hope.
Goodwill , INO . 711 , Port Elizabeth . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held in the Masonio Temple , ou the 6 th August . The chair was occupied by Bro . C . T . W . Monafc , M . W . Dist . G . S . D ., tho following Officers , members , and Visitors being present , namely : —Bros . Jaa . Brister Treas . acting as S . W ., Geo . King J . W ., W . Gilbert S . D ., A . Guthrie S . D ., T . Staines Secretary , and J . Newsomo I . G . ;
S . It . White I . P . M ., F . D . Deare P . M ., I . C . Kennedy P . M ., S . Bain D . D . G . M . of the East Province of South Africa , Kev . Dr . Wirgman , II . E . Tonks , E . R . Smythe , Ashbnrnhara , Howell , Gay , Tunbridge , Forsaith , Gibbs , Sutter , Eead P . M . and Probate , both of the Capo of Good Hope Lodgo , No . 863 , P . Holms . Bro . Constable P . M . 185 was only introduced , and proved himself to the satisfaction of the W . M . ; but tho latter having called upon him to retire during tho
ceremony of opening and tho reading and confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Constable did not present himself again during the evening , though he was given to understand that if ho insisted on his right to be present , the W . M . would waive all objection . The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last regular meeting held on 2 nd July , as well as those of tho Emergency Meeting on the 23 rd of that month , having been read and confirmed , Messrs G . N . Walker and C . V " . Freeman were balloted for as candidates for
initiation , and declared elected . Bros . F . Cheese , of No . 683 , S . S . Hunter , of No . 281 , and W . C . Johnson , No . 1359 , were balloted for , and elected joining members . Bro . Wirgman was then raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., tho ceremony beiug ably and impressivoly rendered by the W . M , A motion by Bro . J . C . Kemsley P . M ., to the effect that a P . M . ' s jewel be presented to Bro . S . A . White I . P . M .,
was carried , and so was a motion by Bro . S . Bain P . M ., that in accordance with the request of D . G . Lodge , the sum of five shillings per member ou account be remitted , the amount being placed to tho credit of the Lodge in tho books of District Grand Lodgo . The report of the Standing Committeo on District Grand bye-laws was received in part , but sundry questions were raised , and referred back to the
Committeo for further information . Tho Auditor ' s report was recoived and adopted , after which Lodge was " called off , " it being announced that labour would be resumed at 7 . 30 p . m . the following day , and the brethren adjourned to an informal banquet , a mere slight repast , the only incident of note in connection with this being the discussion among those present as to whether Bro . Constable was constitutionally
right in his demand to be present at the opening of the Lodge and during the confirmation of the minutes . Many brethren objected to the action of the Worshipful Master , and applauded Bro . Constable for the course he had adopted . This was stated to be the second instance in which a visitor had retired , owing to the same cause . On the following evening the Lodge again assembled , and after the
customary preliminaries , Messrs . G . W . Walker and C . V . Freeman were initiated into the mysteries of the first degree , the W . M ., as on the day previous , performing the ceremony with his wonted ability . The Lodge was then closed . We shall offer a few remarks next week on the propriety of this system of distributing the business over two , evenings .
Meeting Of The Lodge Of Benevolence.
IKE Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening , at Freeniasous' Hall . The brethren present wore Bros . J . M . Clabon ( President ) , Joshua Nunn ( Senior Vice President ) , James Brett ( Junior Vice Presideut ) , John Hervey ( Grand Secretary ) , A . A . Pendlebury , W . Dodd , Col . Burney , E . P . Albert , H . Bartlett , Joseph Wright , H . Garrod , W . Stephens , C . F . Hogard , S . Rawson , W . Russell , W . Maun , W . Grooine , Thomas Deaue , W . Stuart , G . R . Shervill ,
G . P . Britten , John White , J . D . Matthews , H . Massey , and W . H . Cohen . There were only fourteen new petitions before the Lodge , and these were relieved with a total sum of £ 390 . Bro . Garrod informed the Lodge that since the last meeting one of the elected members , Bro . Craven Proctor Cobham , wa 3 unfortunately lost iu the collision between the Princess Alice and the Bywell Castle , Lodge was then closed .
The Fifteen Sections
Will be vjorked as under : At the Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 , Rising Snn Tavernj Globe-road , Mile End , on the 22 nd September , at 7 o ' clock precisely . Bro . Stephens , No . 1623 , will preside . Bros . Barnes P . M .
No . 933 and No . 551 . S . W ., Ellis No . 933 J . W ., Cundick P . M . So . 1121 I . P . M . FIHST LKCIUUB—Bi-os . D . Moss , Musto , Shepherd , b ' alver , Taylor , Yecton , and Williams ; SECOND LECTURE—Bros . Ellis , Fieldvvick , Burr , Webb , anil Andrews ; THILID LECIUUE—Bros . I . P . Cohen , Slaiter , aud Job . Bro . Wm . Musto P . M . 1319 Hon . Sec .
At the Belgrade Lodge of Instruction , No . 719 , Harp Tavern , Jermyn-street , Reguuc-street , by the brethren of tho Salisbury Lodgo of Instruction , No . 135 , ou Friday , 27 th September 1878 . tiros . Cull ( S . D . 1446 ) W . M ., Earwig ( S . W . 180 ) S . W ., Cotleua
{ D . C . 76 : >) J . W . Lodge will bo opened at 7 p . m . Bio . G . Willson , ( Org . 1321 ) Hon . Sec . Fmsi LECTURE—Bros . Waugh , Richardson , iiuueock , Coileus , Belfiago , Farwig , and Comton ; SECOND LECIUUE — Bros . Wynne , Watts , Hurdell , Docker , and Davis ; i ' muD LECTUKE—Bros . Hunter , Wright , and Wray .
lhe installation I : leeting of the Burclett Goutts Lodge , So . 1278 , took pla ^ e on Thursday . Bro . 0 . K . Crouch is the new W . M , Beport shall appear in our next ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
Depute Grand Master Mason of Scotland , has declined to comply with tbe requisition , signed by about 500 members of tbe Masonic Order , to allow himself to be nominated Grand Master , in consequence of the expressed desire of the present Grand Master , Sir M . R . Shaw-Stewart , to retain office for another year .
Bro . Erasmus Wilson and his confrere , Bro . John Dixon , have received a congratulatory telegram from the Queen on the successful termination of their labours in connection with the Egyptian Obelisk , Cleopatra ' s Needle .
The City of London Orchestral Union will give the First Concert of their Twelfth Season on Wednesday next , at the Albion Hall , London Wall . Bro . G . T . H . Seddon , S . W . 174 , is tbe Conductor , and Arthur Gee , P . M . 174 , is the Treasurer . The Concert will begin at eight p . m .
We have before us a copy of the Report of the Directors of the Crystal Palace District Gas Company for the halfyear ending the 30 th June 1878 , which was laid before the Proprietors at the Ordinary General Meeting on Thursday . The Directors begin by announcing that the general
working of the Company during the half-year has been most satisfactory . They then announce that they have taken advantage of the low prico of coal , in order to secure contracts for all the coal that will be required to March 1880 ; that they have resolved on reducing the price of gas to the
general consumer to 3 s 9 d per 1 , 000 cubic feet , the reduction to take effect from the Michaelmas quarter ; and also that the Reports of the Gas Examiners of the Parishes supplied by the Company , with respect to the illuminating power of the gas and its freedom from sulphuretted hydrogen ,
were , as usual , satisfactory . They conclude their Report with the announcement that the Profit and Loss Accounts amount to £ 11 , 103 2 s lid , out of which they recommend the Declaration of a Dividend for the half-year to 30 th June last at the following rates , namely : at 6 per cent , per
annum on the Preference Stock ; at 7 per cent , per annum on the Ordinary Seven Per Cent . Stock ; at 10 per cent , per annum on the Ordinary Ten Per Cent . Stock ; and at the rate of 7 per cent , per annum on the New Ordinary Seven Per Cent . Shares—all less income tax .
This will absorb £ 10 , 188 16 s lOd , aud leave a sum of £ 914 6 s Id to be carried forward to the profit of the next half year . Appended are various Statements of Account , from which we have gleaned the following interesting particulars : —The paid-up Capital of the Company includes
the old Preference Stock ( 50 , 000 ) , Ordinary Seven Per Cent , ditto ( £ 125 , 000 ) , and Ordinary Ten Per Cent . ( £ 75 , 000 ) , making together £ 250 , 000 , to which must be added £ 29 , 874 12 s of the New Ordinary Seven Per Cent . Stock , bringing the total up to £ 279 , 874 12 s . Against
this is set the expenditure till end of half year , amounting to £ 255 , 321 Is 8 d , leaving a balance unexpended of £ 24 , 553 10 s 4 d . There were consumed during the period 19 , 883 tons of coal against 20 , 075 tons received , the quantity in store on 30 th June being
11 , 443 tons , or somewhat in excess of the amount in store on 31 st December preceding . The Reserve . Fund amounts to £ 8 , 275 5 s lOd , the Contingent Fund to £ 10 , 000 , and the Insurance Fund to £ 1 , 894 2 s lOd . On the Revenue Account there is a balance of
£ 12 , 550 17 s 4 d , which has arisen thus . Tho sale of gas yielded £ 37 , lUd 4 s 3 d , £ 638 2 s 4 d being for Meter Rental , and the rest for Gas Rental , and the sale of Residual Products £ 9 , 589 18 s Id , making a total receipt oi £ 46 , 698 2 s 4 d . Against this must be set the following
expenditure : —Manufacture of Gas £ 25 , 810 12 s 5 d , Distribution of Gas £ 2 , 537 18 s 3 d , Public Lamps £ 680 3 s lid , Rents , Rates , and Taxes 1 , 529 6 s 7 cl , and Expenses ol Management £ 2 , 798 Os Od . These , with sundry other items , raise the aggregate of the expenditure to
£ 34 , 147 5 s , leaving , aa we have just said , a balance o \ £ 12 , 550 17 s 4 d . From the General Balance Sheet n appears there is £ 18 , 616 7 s 2 d , that there is coal , & c , in stock and in transit to the value of £ 17 , 427 2 s 9 d , the sum oi £ 13 , 117 Os 5 d is due for Gas and Meter Rental , anct # 1 , 154 Is 9 d for Residual Products ,
Cape Of Good Hope.
Goodwill , INO . 711 , Port Elizabeth . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held in the Masonio Temple , ou the 6 th August . The chair was occupied by Bro . C . T . W . Monafc , M . W . Dist . G . S . D ., tho following Officers , members , and Visitors being present , namely : —Bros . Jaa . Brister Treas . acting as S . W ., Geo . King J . W ., W . Gilbert S . D ., A . Guthrie S . D ., T . Staines Secretary , and J . Newsomo I . G . ;
S . It . White I . P . M ., F . D . Deare P . M ., I . C . Kennedy P . M ., S . Bain D . D . G . M . of the East Province of South Africa , Kev . Dr . Wirgman , II . E . Tonks , E . R . Smythe , Ashbnrnhara , Howell , Gay , Tunbridge , Forsaith , Gibbs , Sutter , Eead P . M . and Probate , both of the Capo of Good Hope Lodgo , No . 863 , P . Holms . Bro . Constable P . M . 185 was only introduced , and proved himself to the satisfaction of the W . M . ; but tho latter having called upon him to retire during tho
ceremony of opening and tho reading and confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Constable did not present himself again during the evening , though he was given to understand that if ho insisted on his right to be present , the W . M . would waive all objection . The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last regular meeting held on 2 nd July , as well as those of tho Emergency Meeting on the 23 rd of that month , having been read and confirmed , Messrs G . N . Walker and C . V " . Freeman were balloted for as candidates for
initiation , and declared elected . Bros . F . Cheese , of No . 683 , S . S . Hunter , of No . 281 , and W . C . Johnson , No . 1359 , were balloted for , and elected joining members . Bro . Wirgman was then raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., tho ceremony beiug ably and impressivoly rendered by the W . M , A motion by Bro . J . C . Kemsley P . M ., to the effect that a P . M . ' s jewel be presented to Bro . S . A . White I . P . M .,
was carried , and so was a motion by Bro . S . Bain P . M ., that in accordance with the request of D . G . Lodge , the sum of five shillings per member ou account be remitted , the amount being placed to tho credit of the Lodge in tho books of District Grand Lodgo . The report of the Standing Committeo on District Grand bye-laws was received in part , but sundry questions were raised , and referred back to the
Committeo for further information . Tho Auditor ' s report was recoived and adopted , after which Lodge was " called off , " it being announced that labour would be resumed at 7 . 30 p . m . the following day , and the brethren adjourned to an informal banquet , a mere slight repast , the only incident of note in connection with this being the discussion among those present as to whether Bro . Constable was constitutionally
right in his demand to be present at the opening of the Lodge and during the confirmation of the minutes . Many brethren objected to the action of the Worshipful Master , and applauded Bro . Constable for the course he had adopted . This was stated to be the second instance in which a visitor had retired , owing to the same cause . On the following evening the Lodge again assembled , and after the
customary preliminaries , Messrs . G . W . Walker and C . V . Freeman were initiated into the mysteries of the first degree , the W . M ., as on the day previous , performing the ceremony with his wonted ability . The Lodge was then closed . We shall offer a few remarks next week on the propriety of this system of distributing the business over two , evenings .
Meeting Of The Lodge Of Benevolence.
IKE Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening , at Freeniasous' Hall . The brethren present wore Bros . J . M . Clabon ( President ) , Joshua Nunn ( Senior Vice President ) , James Brett ( Junior Vice Presideut ) , John Hervey ( Grand Secretary ) , A . A . Pendlebury , W . Dodd , Col . Burney , E . P . Albert , H . Bartlett , Joseph Wright , H . Garrod , W . Stephens , C . F . Hogard , S . Rawson , W . Russell , W . Maun , W . Grooine , Thomas Deaue , W . Stuart , G . R . Shervill ,
G . P . Britten , John White , J . D . Matthews , H . Massey , and W . H . Cohen . There were only fourteen new petitions before the Lodge , and these were relieved with a total sum of £ 390 . Bro . Garrod informed the Lodge that since the last meeting one of the elected members , Bro . Craven Proctor Cobham , wa 3 unfortunately lost iu the collision between the Princess Alice and the Bywell Castle , Lodge was then closed .
The Fifteen Sections
Will be vjorked as under : At the Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 , Rising Snn Tavernj Globe-road , Mile End , on the 22 nd September , at 7 o ' clock precisely . Bro . Stephens , No . 1623 , will preside . Bros . Barnes P . M .
No . 933 and No . 551 . S . W ., Ellis No . 933 J . W ., Cundick P . M . So . 1121 I . P . M . FIHST LKCIUUB—Bi-os . D . Moss , Musto , Shepherd , b ' alver , Taylor , Yecton , and Williams ; SECOND LECTURE—Bros . Ellis , Fieldvvick , Burr , Webb , anil Andrews ; THILID LECIUUE—Bros . I . P . Cohen , Slaiter , aud Job . Bro . Wm . Musto P . M . 1319 Hon . Sec .
At the Belgrade Lodge of Instruction , No . 719 , Harp Tavern , Jermyn-street , Reguuc-street , by the brethren of tho Salisbury Lodgo of Instruction , No . 135 , ou Friday , 27 th September 1878 . tiros . Cull ( S . D . 1446 ) W . M ., Earwig ( S . W . 180 ) S . W ., Cotleua
{ D . C . 76 : >) J . W . Lodge will bo opened at 7 p . m . Bio . G . Willson , ( Org . 1321 ) Hon . Sec . Fmsi LECTURE—Bros . Waugh , Richardson , iiuueock , Coileus , Belfiago , Farwig , and Comton ; SECOND LECIUUE — Bros . Wynne , Watts , Hurdell , Docker , and Davis ; i ' muD LECTUKE—Bros . Hunter , Wright , and Wray .
lhe installation I : leeting of the Burclett Goutts Lodge , So . 1278 , took pla ^ e on Thursday . Bro . 0 . K . Crouch is the new W . M , Beport shall appear in our next ,