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jwn « KAiie « iwT * S ^ ESTABLISHED 1857 . | S^K|J^^^^SCABINETMANUFACTURE!!MIDUPHOLSTERER, ^^ Sl ^ Si ^^^^^^ gHHl SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIPPERS , AND GOODS I^SKWH^^^^S.55 CURTAINROAD,E.C. H ' t ^^^^^ p-fe ^ a ^ fe ^^^^!^^^' ' A largo stock always on vioAV , to Avliich tlic attention of those about to ' imiiMLUiMEiimsBJ ^^^^^^^^^^' "' furnish , is particularly directed .
PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER . ^ ^ PR ' * £ ? 2 «*» ^^ oOvS ^ * ^ w ^ ^ sf ^^^ ^ ^ 237 A 239 EUSTON ROAD , LONDON ,
fe|j|_Jj|i | p ^ By Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Eoyal Household Troops . I.J.ROWLEY&Co,,Colliery&ShippingAgents, COAL , BREEZE & IRON MERCHANTS , London Office—14 Blandford Street , Portman Square , W . and at 16 Milton Street , Spring Bank , Hull . NETT CASH PEICES DELIVERED . PER TOX | PER TON B EST W ALLSEXD - - 27 s EUREKA HARTLEY - - 19 s BEST SILKSTONE - - 24 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 19 s NEW SILKSTOKE - - 22 s DUDLEY BREEZE - - - 21 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - 21 s BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE IGs LARGE BRIGHTS - - 20 s BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 12 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED .
coisrciESTiiiirj ^ s , ENGLISH AND ANGL 0-GEEMAH . G JONES , 350 Commercial-road , Lon-, don , E ., inventor of tho Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of time . Used by the leading performers . Price List of Musical Instrument : ! of every duioription free . Established 1850 .
R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . T / Iartin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANGER , PAINTER AMD 0 SC 03 ATQ ?? . Estimates sent free on application . CHARGES MODERATE .
I NOW READY . : QYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS . O A Tabulated Analysis . Third Edition , with : additions and emendations . By AVII / UVM COOK . Price 3 s fid . AV . AV . MORGAJT , 23 Groat Queen Street , AV . C .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown Svo ., Cloth , 5 s . If / AIFS AND STRAYS , cniKir . v FROM > Y TUB CIIKSS UoAita , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President of tho British Chess Association . TiO' ( Do : f ; AV . AV . MOROAS , 23 GKKAT QOEM STREET .
FURNITURE , comprising a leather dining , room suite of 2 i articles , quite now , and warranted . Prico 6 ^ guineas . To be SOLD at HENRY DEAHE'S , THE LION FURNISHING EXCHANGE , 307 , 309 , 311 Old-streot ( near Curtain-road ) , E . C .
FURNITURE ( genuine second-hand ) . —A drawing-room " suite in solid Italian walnut frames , covered in good green rep , all spring seats , comprising a large German lounge , lady ' s and gent ' s easy chairs , and six handsome carved small chairs to match , an oval walnut centre table on four massive carved supports , and beautifully inlaid , an oblong side table to match , very handsome j French cabinet with glazed door , and mounted with 1 o 'molu , a noble gilt chimney glass , steel fender anil fireirons , nnd a large Brussels carpet , and ms to match . Tho lot only 12 guineas , worth more than double . On view at HENRY DEARE'S , THB LION FURNISHING EXCHANGE , 307 , 309 , 311 Old-street ( near Curtain-roadh E . 0 .
BEDDING . —All quite new . A massive brass nnd enamelled bedstead , with , extended foot rail , I ft . Oin . wide by 0 ft . 4 in . Ions ; French spring mattress , with superior wool oveiwi covered in real Belgian satteen ; a large white goose feathe •bolster , and two large pillows ; pairof large AVitney blankets ; handsome white honeyconw quilt , and a largo sized pair of twill calico sheets ; a mahogany chest of five drawers , -i ft . hign j mahogany washstand with marble top ; toOTJ horse , two cano chairs , and toilet glass . The IM £ 7 15 s . Not to be equalled at any other house in London . Apply to HENRY DEARE , THE LION FURNISHING EXCHANGE , 307 , 309 , 311 Old-street ( near Curtain-road ) , R
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
jwn « KAiie « iwT * S ^ ESTABLISHED 1857 . | S^K|J^^^^SCABINETMANUFACTURE!!MIDUPHOLSTERER, ^^ Sl ^ Si ^^^^^^ gHHl SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIPPERS , AND GOODS I^SKWH^^^^S.55 CURTAINROAD,E.C. H ' t ^^^^^ p-fe ^ a ^ fe ^^^^!^^^' ' A largo stock always on vioAV , to Avliich tlic attention of those about to ' imiiMLUiMEiimsBJ ^^^^^^^^^^' "' furnish , is particularly directed .
PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER . ^ ^ PR ' * £ ? 2 «*» ^^ oOvS ^ * ^ w ^ ^ sf ^^^ ^ ^ 237 A 239 EUSTON ROAD , LONDON ,
fe|j|_Jj|i | p ^ By Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Eoyal Household Troops . I.J.ROWLEY&Co,,Colliery&ShippingAgents, COAL , BREEZE & IRON MERCHANTS , London Office—14 Blandford Street , Portman Square , W . and at 16 Milton Street , Spring Bank , Hull . NETT CASH PEICES DELIVERED . PER TOX | PER TON B EST W ALLSEXD - - 27 s EUREKA HARTLEY - - 19 s BEST SILKSTONE - - 24 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 19 s NEW SILKSTOKE - - 22 s DUDLEY BREEZE - - - 21 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - 21 s BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE IGs LARGE BRIGHTS - - 20 s BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 12 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED .
coisrciESTiiiirj ^ s , ENGLISH AND ANGL 0-GEEMAH . G JONES , 350 Commercial-road , Lon-, don , E ., inventor of tho Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of time . Used by the leading performers . Price List of Musical Instrument : ! of every duioription free . Established 1850 .
R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . T / Iartin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANGER , PAINTER AMD 0 SC 03 ATQ ?? . Estimates sent free on application . CHARGES MODERATE .
I NOW READY . : QYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS . O A Tabulated Analysis . Third Edition , with : additions and emendations . By AVII / UVM COOK . Price 3 s fid . AV . AV . MORGAJT , 23 Groat Queen Street , AV . C .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown Svo ., Cloth , 5 s . If / AIFS AND STRAYS , cniKir . v FROM > Y TUB CIIKSS UoAita , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President of tho British Chess Association . TiO' ( Do : f ; AV . AV . MOROAS , 23 GKKAT QOEM STREET .
FURNITURE , comprising a leather dining , room suite of 2 i articles , quite now , and warranted . Prico 6 ^ guineas . To be SOLD at HENRY DEAHE'S , THE LION FURNISHING EXCHANGE , 307 , 309 , 311 Old-streot ( near Curtain-road ) , E . C .
FURNITURE ( genuine second-hand ) . —A drawing-room " suite in solid Italian walnut frames , covered in good green rep , all spring seats , comprising a large German lounge , lady ' s and gent ' s easy chairs , and six handsome carved small chairs to match , an oval walnut centre table on four massive carved supports , and beautifully inlaid , an oblong side table to match , very handsome j French cabinet with glazed door , and mounted with 1 o 'molu , a noble gilt chimney glass , steel fender anil fireirons , nnd a large Brussels carpet , and ms to match . Tho lot only 12 guineas , worth more than double . On view at HENRY DEARE'S , THB LION FURNISHING EXCHANGE , 307 , 309 , 311 Old-street ( near Curtain-roadh E . 0 .
BEDDING . —All quite new . A massive brass nnd enamelled bedstead , with , extended foot rail , I ft . Oin . wide by 0 ft . 4 in . Ions ; French spring mattress , with superior wool oveiwi covered in real Belgian satteen ; a large white goose feathe •bolster , and two large pillows ; pairof large AVitney blankets ; handsome white honeyconw quilt , and a largo sized pair of twill calico sheets ; a mahogany chest of five drawers , -i ft . hign j mahogany washstand with marble top ; toOTJ horse , two cano chairs , and toilet glass . The IM £ 7 15 s . Not to be equalled at any other house in London . Apply to HENRY DEARE , THE LION FURNISHING EXCHANGE , 307 , 309 , 311 Old-street ( near Curtain-road ) , R