Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
£ 36 available for the Chapter ' s votes . It was decided that £ 30 of that money ahould be given to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in aid of the widows of Freemasons , that vote also to be equally divided to appear on the lists of four Stewards who were about to take part in the
approaohing Jubilee of tho Masonio Benevolent Institution , Ex .-Comps . the Rev . Dr . Lemon , for Plymouth ; J . Taylor and \ V . H . Wills , for Torquay ; and J . Simpson , for Exeter . Thero were three candidates proposed for the Treasurer for the ensuing year—Ex .-Comps . A . J .
Truscott , J . Alger , and F . Sanders . The last two , howover , retired in favour of Comp . Truscott , who was eleoted , and the other two candidates were elected tho Auditors . The M . Ex . the Prov . G . Superintendent then invested as his Officers : —
W . G . Rogers H . J . T . Bond J . Major G . C . Davie S . E .
Dr . Gray S . N . A . J . Truscott Treasurer F . Watts Registrar A . W . White P . S .
W . Packham 1 st A . S . A . H . Whidden 2 nd A . S . E . Bishop Sword Bearer J . Sampson Standard Bearer J . R . Lord Dir . of Cers . E . Tout A . D . C . J . Parkhouse Org . H . Shooter Janitor
His Lordship explained that he had been convinced of the utility of making the offices of Director of Ceremonies and Assistant Director of Ceremonies permanent appointments both in the Craft and Arch . For the future he intended to do so . Those Officers would then be well
acquainted with their duties , and also be personally acquainted with the majority of the brethren aud Companions . Those would be admirable qualifications for the offices . Comps . Lord and Tout had consented to accept them , and he believed these would prove admirable appointments .
The Chapter passed a vote congratulating the Superintendent upon his restoration to health , and expressed their great pleasure at his return to his duties , and a hope that he might be for many years enabled to continue to carry them out .
The Superintendent thanked the Companions . He said it gave him great pleasure to be again among them . He was not the man he was three years since , but his health was much improved and he hoped would continue to improve , and onablo him to fulfil his offices with satisfaction to himself and to them .
Mark Masonry.
— : 0 : — PROV . GRAND LODGE OP WEST YORKSHIRE . THE Half-yearly Communication of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Great George Street , Leeds , on Saturday , the 31 st ult ., Brother
Charles Letch Mason P . G . M . in the chair , supported by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Thomas C . Smyth P . G . Chap . D . P . G . M . and a large number of brethren from each Lodge in the Province .
The Lodge of Mark Masters having been opened by the W . M . aud Officers of the Copley Lodge , No . Ill , the Prov . Grand Master and his Officers entered the room ; the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was opened , and the Provincial Grand Master and his Officers duly saluted .
The Provincial Grand Master , in acknowledging the salutation , delivered an able address , in which he reviewed the work of the Provincial Grand Lodge during tho year , formulating some excellent advice , valuable alike to the members of his Graud Lodge and to the Craft generally .
The minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge , held at Doncaster on 8 th April 1891 , were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary read the acknowledgment by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Smyth D . P . G . M . to the sympathetic vote to bira passed at the last meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . The roll of Lodges was next called , and also that of the Provincial Grand Officers .
Mark Masonry.
The Provincial Grand Registrar read a statement of the numerical position of eaoh Lodge up to tho 31 st December 1891 . The Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s bulanoo-shcot to 30 th September 1891 was received and adopted . Bro . P . Cleeves Prov . Graud Treasurer proposed , and Bro . John Barker P . P . G . W . seconded , tint Brother Henry Oxley P . G . I . G . be elected as Prov . Grand Treasurer for the ensuing 12 months .
This was carried uuanimously , and Brother Oxley expressed his acknowledgments for tho honour conferred upon him . The Prov . Grand Master then invostad tho following brethren as Provinoial Grand Officers for the ensuing year : —
Rev . T . C . Smyth D . P . G . M . Frederick Cleeves Senior Warden Arthur Tupman Junior Warden Frederick Simpson M . O . John J . Green S . O .
Charles J . Sohott J . O . Rev . W . J . W . G . Jungbluth Chaplain William Langbridga Registrar Henry Oxley Treasurer Tudor Trevor Seoretary Charles F . Seaward Senior Deaoon
Alfred Uill Junior Deaoon William D . Shoebridge Iusp . of Works William Flookton Director of Ceremonies J . Stenson Webb Assist . Dir . of Cers . John Robert Welsman Sword Bearer A . G . Kirkham Standard Bearer
George Edwards Organist A . H . J . Fletcher Inner Guard George H . Parke " \ Riohard Hodgson f Stewards Benjamin Smith f ( stewards Herbert King j
A General Purposes Committee having been appointed , the Prov . Grand Master announced that he hoped to hold the next meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge at Huddetsfield , under the Banner of the Truth Lodge , No . 132 .
The Prov . Grand Master , in feeling terms , proposed the following resolution , which was seconded by the D . P . G . M ., aud uuanimously carried by all tho brethren upstanding , the Prov . Grand Secretary being instructed to communicate it at once to Brother H . G . E . Green Provincial Grand
Secretary of Craft Masonry in the Province of West Yorkshire : That the Mark Master Masons of West Yorkshire , iti Provincial Grand Lodge assembled , desire to express their deep Hvmpathy with
the Right Woishipful Bro . Thornas William Tew in his prolonged illnoae , aud bnmbly pray that ic may please the Great Overseer of the Universe to spoedily restore him to health , and spare him for many years to the Craft , of whioh he is so distinguished a member .
A most interesting address on " Traces of Freemasonry existing among the Druses " was delivered by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Bro . Dr . Smyth P . G . Chaplain England ; and , on the motion of the Prov . Grand Master ,
seconded by the Provincial Senior Grand Warden , a hearty vote of thanks was passed to tho learned brother , which he acknowledged in felicitous terms . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed .
The portrait in oils which the Loyal Cambrian Lodge of Freemasons intend to present to Colonel D . Rees Lewis is now on view in the shop window of Messrs . Harris and Sons , at Merthyr . The picture has been painted by Bro . G . F . Harris , himself a member of the Lodge , who has produced an admirable likeness .
Tho death is announced , in a Reutor ' s telegram from Halifax , of the Hon . Samuel Chipraau , at the age of ouo hundred and two years . The deceased had taken au active part in Nova Scotian politics for sixty yeaiy . He was raised to the Master ' s degree in 1813 .
Hoi , tow » T's OiirrstBjrT AND Pints . —Self Help . —Prior to the discovory of these romeoics , an easy , ready and reliable remedy for outward disfigurations and inward cornpliciitions was , practically speaking , unknown . No oao need now be at a loss if they should uufortunatulv -suffer from pilos , ulcers , sores , tumours , boil " , bruises , sprains , & e . Knvelopina llolloway's medicines are
very intelligible winted directions for using t . iem , which should be attentively read and immediately followed by all who resort to hi * truatmtut . Sooner or later the sufferer will assuredly triumph over the worst diseases , This searching Ointment disperses all those malignant humours which aggravate diseases of the skin , prevent the cicatrization of ulcors , and excite iulUumatory tendencies in tho system .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
£ 36 available for the Chapter ' s votes . It was decided that £ 30 of that money ahould be given to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in aid of the widows of Freemasons , that vote also to be equally divided to appear on the lists of four Stewards who were about to take part in the
approaohing Jubilee of tho Masonio Benevolent Institution , Ex .-Comps . the Rev . Dr . Lemon , for Plymouth ; J . Taylor and \ V . H . Wills , for Torquay ; and J . Simpson , for Exeter . Thero were three candidates proposed for the Treasurer for the ensuing year—Ex .-Comps . A . J .
Truscott , J . Alger , and F . Sanders . The last two , howover , retired in favour of Comp . Truscott , who was eleoted , and the other two candidates were elected tho Auditors . The M . Ex . the Prov . G . Superintendent then invested as his Officers : —
W . G . Rogers H . J . T . Bond J . Major G . C . Davie S . E .
Dr . Gray S . N . A . J . Truscott Treasurer F . Watts Registrar A . W . White P . S .
W . Packham 1 st A . S . A . H . Whidden 2 nd A . S . E . Bishop Sword Bearer J . Sampson Standard Bearer J . R . Lord Dir . of Cers . E . Tout A . D . C . J . Parkhouse Org . H . Shooter Janitor
His Lordship explained that he had been convinced of the utility of making the offices of Director of Ceremonies and Assistant Director of Ceremonies permanent appointments both in the Craft and Arch . For the future he intended to do so . Those Officers would then be well
acquainted with their duties , and also be personally acquainted with the majority of the brethren aud Companions . Those would be admirable qualifications for the offices . Comps . Lord and Tout had consented to accept them , and he believed these would prove admirable appointments .
The Chapter passed a vote congratulating the Superintendent upon his restoration to health , and expressed their great pleasure at his return to his duties , and a hope that he might be for many years enabled to continue to carry them out .
The Superintendent thanked the Companions . He said it gave him great pleasure to be again among them . He was not the man he was three years since , but his health was much improved and he hoped would continue to improve , and onablo him to fulfil his offices with satisfaction to himself and to them .
Mark Masonry.
— : 0 : — PROV . GRAND LODGE OP WEST YORKSHIRE . THE Half-yearly Communication of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Great George Street , Leeds , on Saturday , the 31 st ult ., Brother
Charles Letch Mason P . G . M . in the chair , supported by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Thomas C . Smyth P . G . Chap . D . P . G . M . and a large number of brethren from each Lodge in the Province .
The Lodge of Mark Masters having been opened by the W . M . aud Officers of the Copley Lodge , No . Ill , the Prov . Grand Master and his Officers entered the room ; the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was opened , and the Provincial Grand Master and his Officers duly saluted .
The Provincial Grand Master , in acknowledging the salutation , delivered an able address , in which he reviewed the work of the Provincial Grand Lodge during tho year , formulating some excellent advice , valuable alike to the members of his Graud Lodge and to the Craft generally .
The minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge , held at Doncaster on 8 th April 1891 , were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary read the acknowledgment by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Smyth D . P . G . M . to the sympathetic vote to bira passed at the last meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . The roll of Lodges was next called , and also that of the Provincial Grand Officers .
Mark Masonry.
The Provincial Grand Registrar read a statement of the numerical position of eaoh Lodge up to tho 31 st December 1891 . The Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s bulanoo-shcot to 30 th September 1891 was received and adopted . Bro . P . Cleeves Prov . Graud Treasurer proposed , and Bro . John Barker P . P . G . W . seconded , tint Brother Henry Oxley P . G . I . G . be elected as Prov . Grand Treasurer for the ensuing 12 months .
This was carried uuanimously , and Brother Oxley expressed his acknowledgments for tho honour conferred upon him . The Prov . Grand Master then invostad tho following brethren as Provinoial Grand Officers for the ensuing year : —
Rev . T . C . Smyth D . P . G . M . Frederick Cleeves Senior Warden Arthur Tupman Junior Warden Frederick Simpson M . O . John J . Green S . O .
Charles J . Sohott J . O . Rev . W . J . W . G . Jungbluth Chaplain William Langbridga Registrar Henry Oxley Treasurer Tudor Trevor Seoretary Charles F . Seaward Senior Deaoon
Alfred Uill Junior Deaoon William D . Shoebridge Iusp . of Works William Flookton Director of Ceremonies J . Stenson Webb Assist . Dir . of Cers . John Robert Welsman Sword Bearer A . G . Kirkham Standard Bearer
George Edwards Organist A . H . J . Fletcher Inner Guard George H . Parke " \ Riohard Hodgson f Stewards Benjamin Smith f ( stewards Herbert King j
A General Purposes Committee having been appointed , the Prov . Grand Master announced that he hoped to hold the next meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge at Huddetsfield , under the Banner of the Truth Lodge , No . 132 .
The Prov . Grand Master , in feeling terms , proposed the following resolution , which was seconded by the D . P . G . M ., aud uuanimously carried by all tho brethren upstanding , the Prov . Grand Secretary being instructed to communicate it at once to Brother H . G . E . Green Provincial Grand
Secretary of Craft Masonry in the Province of West Yorkshire : That the Mark Master Masons of West Yorkshire , iti Provincial Grand Lodge assembled , desire to express their deep Hvmpathy with
the Right Woishipful Bro . Thornas William Tew in his prolonged illnoae , aud bnmbly pray that ic may please the Great Overseer of the Universe to spoedily restore him to health , and spare him for many years to the Craft , of whioh he is so distinguished a member .
A most interesting address on " Traces of Freemasonry existing among the Druses " was delivered by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Bro . Dr . Smyth P . G . Chaplain England ; and , on the motion of the Prov . Grand Master ,
seconded by the Provincial Senior Grand Warden , a hearty vote of thanks was passed to tho learned brother , which he acknowledged in felicitous terms . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed .
The portrait in oils which the Loyal Cambrian Lodge of Freemasons intend to present to Colonel D . Rees Lewis is now on view in the shop window of Messrs . Harris and Sons , at Merthyr . The picture has been painted by Bro . G . F . Harris , himself a member of the Lodge , who has produced an admirable likeness .
Tho death is announced , in a Reutor ' s telegram from Halifax , of the Hon . Samuel Chipraau , at the age of ouo hundred and two years . The deceased had taken au active part in Nova Scotian politics for sixty yeaiy . He was raised to the Master ' s degree in 1813 .
Hoi , tow » T's OiirrstBjrT AND Pints . —Self Help . —Prior to the discovory of these romeoics , an easy , ready and reliable remedy for outward disfigurations and inward cornpliciitions was , practically speaking , unknown . No oao need now be at a loss if they should uufortunatulv -suffer from pilos , ulcers , sores , tumours , boil " , bruises , sprains , & e . Knvelopina llolloway's medicines are
very intelligible winted directions for using t . iem , which should be attentively read and immediately followed by all who resort to hi * truatmtut . Sooner or later the sufferer will assuredly triumph over the worst diseases , This searching Ointment disperses all those malignant humours which aggravate diseases of the skin , prevent the cicatrization of ulcors , and excite iulUumatory tendencies in tho system .