Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Curious Piece Of China.
moveable jewels , or the working tools of the second degree . Corresponding with what I assume to be a fall of water , is represented the volume S L ., with a ten-pointed star on the cover . The volume lies between the square and the
compasaoss , which are arranged as is usual in the second degree . This is additional evidence in support of the view that the doubtful picture in the interior of the bowl is meant to represent a waterfall . On either side of this picture there is a beehive aud bees .
On the fourth side of the bowl appear the 24-inch gauge , a semicircular gauge exactly like the brass gauges supplied in some boxes of mathematical instruments , and a parallel ruler . Upon the whole one would have expected to find here the working tools of the first degree , instead of a
medley of Masonic and land surveying instruments . The bowl appears to have been intended for use in the second degree , as will be obvious to any Mason from the principal picture , i . e . the two pillars and globes at the
bottom of the bowl , and the nature and position of many of the emblems . There is little or nothing represented upon it which appertains to the third degree , and tho few points in which the first degree appears , are incorrectly , or at least insufficiently represented .
The number of points appearing in the stars represented and the occurrence of land surveying instruments appear to me to show that the execution of the bowl was entrusted to an artist who was not a well-informed Mason , although it was clearly designed by some one who had considerable knowledge of the Craft .
The present owner of the bowl believes it to be over a hundred years ' old . The- ' daughter of the late owner remembers it all her life , and she is approaching threescore years and ton , and the late owner is said to have stated that it was older than himself . He died about 15
years ago , at the age of 84 . He was a good working Mason , and it is almost certain that he showed it to his contemporaries , and in other ways attempted to learn what he could about it , but he appears to have ascertained nothing . Can any brother throw any light upon the snbject ? TUSCAN , ¦ in the Madras Masonia Review .
The Prince of Wales will be again nominated for election as Most Worshipful Grand Master of English Freemasons at the next Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge , on 2 nd December . His Boyal Highnesses ' s election will take place on 3 rd March , and his installation on 28 th
April 1892 . In Mark Masonry he will be nominated again for the Grand Mastership at the meeting of Grand Mark Lodge on 1 st December , elected on 2 nd March , and reinstalled on 1 st June . The Prince of Wales has been Grand Master of Craft Freemasons nearly seventeen years , and of Mark Masons nearly six years .
At the annual meeting of Boyal Arch Masons , All Saints ' Chapter , at the Masonic Hall , Gainsboro ' , on the 10 th inst ., Companion Alfred Kirk , the Provincial Grand Treasnrer , was installed as First Companion , for the eleventh time ; Companion T . Staniforth ( Crowle ) Second
Principal , Companion H . Wright Third Principal , and the Officers were invested , as follow : —Companions Liversidge P . S ., Moxon S . N ., Pearson S . E ., Cassan First A . S .,
Constable Second A . S ., Scott Janitor . Some exaltations took place , and the annual banquet was subsequently held at the Monson's Arms Hotel , at which the usual Masonic toasts were given .
Bro . W . H . Rylands , Secretary of the Society of Biblical Archaeology , was installed as Master of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Freemasons on the 9 th inst . The first Treasurer of the Lodge , who has since been annually reelected , was Mr . Walter Besant .
The brethren of the Portcullis Lodge , No , 2038 , Langport , have obtained a lease of the historic Hanging Chapel , dedicated to St . Mary , near the parish church , and this ancient building has been handsomely fitted up for the use of the members of the Order
Devon Annual Provincial Priory.
THE annual convocation- of the Knights Templar Provincial Priory of Devon was held at Torquay , on the 29 th nit ., under the banner of the Boyal Preoeptory . We are late in reporting this meeting , but the proceedings were of a very interesting character , and our readers will not require more of us than the admission of the delay . Five guineas was voted to the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . The Treasurer ,
Frater W . Taylor , added another five guineas to that donation , and the ten guineas was directed to be carried to the list of the Proviuoial Prior as a Steward for the Institution for the year . The Priory was opened by the P . P ., supported by Fraters E . Aitken-Daviea aa Past Gnard of the National Priory , J . Chapman Guard of the National Priory , J . Lane Prov . G . Const , pro tern , P . B . Clemens Prov . G .
Marshal , W . Taylor P . G . Treasurer , H . Stooker P . G . O . D . There were also among the Fraters present W . J . Hughan Past Prov . Grand Prior of Canada , J . Austin P . P . G . Ex ., Geo . Dunsterville H . Loyal Brunswick , J . Taylor E . P ., E . C . Frost P . P . G . W . R ., T . H . Willis Marshal , T . A . Blaokler C . G ., all of Boyal Sussex , W . H . Dillon Aidde-Camp , James Gidley Guard . The Prov . Chancellor reported that
the members registered had not inoreased during the past year . The Prov . Treasurer reported that all the liabilities had been met and there remained a satisfactory available balanoe in hand . Frater F . C . Frost was elected Treasurer . The Provincial Prior invested as his Officers Fraters John Brewer Trinity in Unity Preoeptory , Prov . Sub Prior , Bev . G . Townsend Warner , M . A ., Boyal Sussex Prov . Prel .,
H . Stooker Bougemont P . G . Chancellor , Jno . Chapman Boyal Sussex P . O . Const ., Josiah Austin Boyal Veterans P . G . Marshal , F . C . Frost Boyal Sussex P . G . Treas ., J . Jerraan Bougemont P . G . Begis ., W . Trevena Boyal Veterans Prov . V . Chancellor , Jno . Taylor Boyal Bain sex P . Sub-Marshal , Bev . T . Bussell Trinity in Unity P . Almoner and Chap ., H . J . Edwards , Mus . Doc ., Trinity in Unity P . Herald , F . Crouoh
Loyal Brunswiok P . St . B . ( Beaugeant ) , F . E . Thomas Loyal Brunswick P . St . B . ( Vexilluni Belli ) , J . Kinton Bond , B . Sc , Boyal Veterans Prov . Priors B . B ., J . B . Gover Eoyal VeteranB P . C . G ., T . H . Wills Boyal Sussex P . S . B ., H . B . Start Bongemont P . O ., Jas . Gidley Loyal Brunswiok P . Guard . Frater W . J . Hughau , who was cordially received as a distingnised visitor , said it was the first time such a
meeting had been held at Torquay , and ourionsly on the occasion of its being the Centenary of the Great Priory . Many Priories of Knights Templar had been held long before , but 1791 was the first occasion when a Great Priory had been held in Devon , and that was held under that distinguished Frater Thomas Dunokerley . Since then Knight Templary had made considerable progress in England .
It was Masonry worked in connection with a Christian Order , and it was rather strange that it had not made even wider progress throughout Great Britain . In the United States of America and in Canada it had been taken up with greater enthusiasm . In the States there were not less than 80 , 000 swords , the designation of members , and there they were trained , and even drilled , after the manner of soldiers , and formed a disciplined and very important body of
considerable influence in promoting the objects of the Order . In Canada they were also very well organised , and were very creditable to Masonry . With the progress of Masonio information in England he believed they might look forward also to a rauoh wider extension of their numbers . Frater Chapman thanked the Prior for selecting Torquay to hold hia meeting at . That town had very interesting Knight Templar reminiscences . Near where they were then met many valiant Knights embarked to proceed to the Holy Land .
Banquet At Cambridge.
THE brethren of Scientific Lodge , No . 88 , and Three Grand Principles , No . 441 , meeting at Cambridge , held a united banquet on Monday , the 9 th inst ., in commemoration of the 50 th birthday of tho Most Worshipful Grand Master H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , and the gathering was a great success , between eighty and ninety attending . The W . M . of eaoh Lodge ( Bro . F . Piggott and Bro . W . C . Dewberry
respectively ) had the conduct of the proceedings . The Provincial Grand Master Designate of Cambridgeshire ( Bro . Lieat .-Colonel K . T . Caldwell ) proposed the health of the Grand Master , and a telegram
was sent to Sandringham , offering congratulations to His Boyal Highness upon his fiftieth birthday , which was . duly acknowledged . Bro . F . C . Wace , the ontgoing Mayor of Cambridge , proposed the health of the Provincial Grand Officers , and other speeches followed .
The vicar and churchwardens of Crowle propose to erect a small church at Ealand , a hamlet with a population of 300 , and which is about a mile and a half from Crowle church .
Bro . James Smith , Dumfries , who is engaged in a history of the ancient Lodge of Dumfries , has been favouring Bro . W . J . Hughan with a view of some ancient MSS ., one of which is thus described . The roll is composed of seven strips of vellum joined together , running to the extraordinary length of 14 feet 8 inches , the width varying from slightly over 5 inches to 6 inches , and is the property
of the Dumfries Kilwinning Lodge , No . 53 , which , though not chartered prior to the year 1750 , was at work long before , tho preserved records dating from 1687 . The text of the scroll , saya Bro . Hughan , is similar to the "Bedford MS . " The "obligation , " the "finale , " some of the " charge ? , " and marginal notes are peculiar . — Glasgow Evening News
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Curious Piece Of China.
moveable jewels , or the working tools of the second degree . Corresponding with what I assume to be a fall of water , is represented the volume S L ., with a ten-pointed star on the cover . The volume lies between the square and the
compasaoss , which are arranged as is usual in the second degree . This is additional evidence in support of the view that the doubtful picture in the interior of the bowl is meant to represent a waterfall . On either side of this picture there is a beehive aud bees .
On the fourth side of the bowl appear the 24-inch gauge , a semicircular gauge exactly like the brass gauges supplied in some boxes of mathematical instruments , and a parallel ruler . Upon the whole one would have expected to find here the working tools of the first degree , instead of a
medley of Masonic and land surveying instruments . The bowl appears to have been intended for use in the second degree , as will be obvious to any Mason from the principal picture , i . e . the two pillars and globes at the
bottom of the bowl , and the nature and position of many of the emblems . There is little or nothing represented upon it which appertains to the third degree , and tho few points in which the first degree appears , are incorrectly , or at least insufficiently represented .
The number of points appearing in the stars represented and the occurrence of land surveying instruments appear to me to show that the execution of the bowl was entrusted to an artist who was not a well-informed Mason , although it was clearly designed by some one who had considerable knowledge of the Craft .
The present owner of the bowl believes it to be over a hundred years ' old . The- ' daughter of the late owner remembers it all her life , and she is approaching threescore years and ton , and the late owner is said to have stated that it was older than himself . He died about 15
years ago , at the age of 84 . He was a good working Mason , and it is almost certain that he showed it to his contemporaries , and in other ways attempted to learn what he could about it , but he appears to have ascertained nothing . Can any brother throw any light upon the snbject ? TUSCAN , ¦ in the Madras Masonia Review .
The Prince of Wales will be again nominated for election as Most Worshipful Grand Master of English Freemasons at the next Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge , on 2 nd December . His Boyal Highnesses ' s election will take place on 3 rd March , and his installation on 28 th
April 1892 . In Mark Masonry he will be nominated again for the Grand Mastership at the meeting of Grand Mark Lodge on 1 st December , elected on 2 nd March , and reinstalled on 1 st June . The Prince of Wales has been Grand Master of Craft Freemasons nearly seventeen years , and of Mark Masons nearly six years .
At the annual meeting of Boyal Arch Masons , All Saints ' Chapter , at the Masonic Hall , Gainsboro ' , on the 10 th inst ., Companion Alfred Kirk , the Provincial Grand Treasnrer , was installed as First Companion , for the eleventh time ; Companion T . Staniforth ( Crowle ) Second
Principal , Companion H . Wright Third Principal , and the Officers were invested , as follow : —Companions Liversidge P . S ., Moxon S . N ., Pearson S . E ., Cassan First A . S .,
Constable Second A . S ., Scott Janitor . Some exaltations took place , and the annual banquet was subsequently held at the Monson's Arms Hotel , at which the usual Masonic toasts were given .
Bro . W . H . Rylands , Secretary of the Society of Biblical Archaeology , was installed as Master of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Freemasons on the 9 th inst . The first Treasurer of the Lodge , who has since been annually reelected , was Mr . Walter Besant .
The brethren of the Portcullis Lodge , No , 2038 , Langport , have obtained a lease of the historic Hanging Chapel , dedicated to St . Mary , near the parish church , and this ancient building has been handsomely fitted up for the use of the members of the Order
Devon Annual Provincial Priory.
THE annual convocation- of the Knights Templar Provincial Priory of Devon was held at Torquay , on the 29 th nit ., under the banner of the Boyal Preoeptory . We are late in reporting this meeting , but the proceedings were of a very interesting character , and our readers will not require more of us than the admission of the delay . Five guineas was voted to the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . The Treasurer ,
Frater W . Taylor , added another five guineas to that donation , and the ten guineas was directed to be carried to the list of the Proviuoial Prior as a Steward for the Institution for the year . The Priory was opened by the P . P ., supported by Fraters E . Aitken-Daviea aa Past Gnard of the National Priory , J . Chapman Guard of the National Priory , J . Lane Prov . G . Const , pro tern , P . B . Clemens Prov . G .
Marshal , W . Taylor P . G . Treasurer , H . Stooker P . G . O . D . There were also among the Fraters present W . J . Hughan Past Prov . Grand Prior of Canada , J . Austin P . P . G . Ex ., Geo . Dunsterville H . Loyal Brunswick , J . Taylor E . P ., E . C . Frost P . P . G . W . R ., T . H . Willis Marshal , T . A . Blaokler C . G ., all of Boyal Sussex , W . H . Dillon Aidde-Camp , James Gidley Guard . The Prov . Chancellor reported that
the members registered had not inoreased during the past year . The Prov . Treasurer reported that all the liabilities had been met and there remained a satisfactory available balanoe in hand . Frater F . C . Frost was elected Treasurer . The Provincial Prior invested as his Officers Fraters John Brewer Trinity in Unity Preoeptory , Prov . Sub Prior , Bev . G . Townsend Warner , M . A ., Boyal Sussex Prov . Prel .,
H . Stooker Bougemont P . G . Chancellor , Jno . Chapman Boyal Sussex P . O . Const ., Josiah Austin Boyal Veterans P . G . Marshal , F . C . Frost Boyal Sussex P . G . Treas ., J . Jerraan Bougemont P . G . Begis ., W . Trevena Boyal Veterans Prov . V . Chancellor , Jno . Taylor Boyal Bain sex P . Sub-Marshal , Bev . T . Bussell Trinity in Unity P . Almoner and Chap ., H . J . Edwards , Mus . Doc ., Trinity in Unity P . Herald , F . Crouoh
Loyal Brunswiok P . St . B . ( Beaugeant ) , F . E . Thomas Loyal Brunswick P . St . B . ( Vexilluni Belli ) , J . Kinton Bond , B . Sc , Boyal Veterans Prov . Priors B . B ., J . B . Gover Eoyal VeteranB P . C . G ., T . H . Wills Boyal Sussex P . S . B ., H . B . Start Bongemont P . O ., Jas . Gidley Loyal Brunswiok P . Guard . Frater W . J . Hughau , who was cordially received as a distingnised visitor , said it was the first time such a
meeting had been held at Torquay , and ourionsly on the occasion of its being the Centenary of the Great Priory . Many Priories of Knights Templar had been held long before , but 1791 was the first occasion when a Great Priory had been held in Devon , and that was held under that distinguished Frater Thomas Dunokerley . Since then Knight Templary had made considerable progress in England .
It was Masonry worked in connection with a Christian Order , and it was rather strange that it had not made even wider progress throughout Great Britain . In the United States of America and in Canada it had been taken up with greater enthusiasm . In the States there were not less than 80 , 000 swords , the designation of members , and there they were trained , and even drilled , after the manner of soldiers , and formed a disciplined and very important body of
considerable influence in promoting the objects of the Order . In Canada they were also very well organised , and were very creditable to Masonry . With the progress of Masonio information in England he believed they might look forward also to a rauoh wider extension of their numbers . Frater Chapman thanked the Prior for selecting Torquay to hold hia meeting at . That town had very interesting Knight Templar reminiscences . Near where they were then met many valiant Knights embarked to proceed to the Holy Land .
Banquet At Cambridge.
THE brethren of Scientific Lodge , No . 88 , and Three Grand Principles , No . 441 , meeting at Cambridge , held a united banquet on Monday , the 9 th inst ., in commemoration of the 50 th birthday of tho Most Worshipful Grand Master H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , and the gathering was a great success , between eighty and ninety attending . The W . M . of eaoh Lodge ( Bro . F . Piggott and Bro . W . C . Dewberry
respectively ) had the conduct of the proceedings . The Provincial Grand Master Designate of Cambridgeshire ( Bro . Lieat .-Colonel K . T . Caldwell ) proposed the health of the Grand Master , and a telegram
was sent to Sandringham , offering congratulations to His Boyal Highness upon his fiftieth birthday , which was . duly acknowledged . Bro . F . C . Wace , the ontgoing Mayor of Cambridge , proposed the health of the Provincial Grand Officers , and other speeches followed .
The vicar and churchwardens of Crowle propose to erect a small church at Ealand , a hamlet with a population of 300 , and which is about a mile and a half from Crowle church .
Bro . James Smith , Dumfries , who is engaged in a history of the ancient Lodge of Dumfries , has been favouring Bro . W . J . Hughan with a view of some ancient MSS ., one of which is thus described . The roll is composed of seven strips of vellum joined together , running to the extraordinary length of 14 feet 8 inches , the width varying from slightly over 5 inches to 6 inches , and is the property
of the Dumfries Kilwinning Lodge , No . 53 , which , though not chartered prior to the year 1750 , was at work long before , tho preserved records dating from 1687 . The text of the scroll , saya Bro . Hughan , is similar to the "Bedford MS . " The "obligation , " the "finale , " some of the " charge ? , " and marginal notes are peculiar . — Glasgow Evening News