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that the fund had £ 500 to go on with . Recommendations to the Grand Master at the October meeting to the amount of £ 310 were confirmed . There were 32 new cases , which were qualified through Lodges in the London district , and at Maidenhead , Dover , Bideford , Berkeley , Brighton ,
Littleborough , Barbadoes , Hatfield , St . John ' s ( N . B . ) , Carlisle , Woodbridge , Hull , Bombay , Sunderland , Harwich , and Llanelly . Threo of these cases were deferred foi further information . The remaining 29 were relieved , with
a total of £ 710 . There were three recommendations to Grand Lodge of £ 50 each ; three to the Grand Master of £ 40 each , and seven of £ 30 each ; and seven grants of £ 20 each , one of £ 15 , seven of £ 10 each , and one of £ 5 .
HUYSHE LODGE , No . 1099 . BRO . S . J . PAGE , the W . M . eleot , was , on the 12 th inat ., installed at the Hall , Home Park , Stoke . Bro . Page being widely known and much respected in the Ordpr , there was an unusually large attendance of the brethren , including forty Put Masters . The Officers invested were Bros . Vanstone I . P . M ., Olver S . W ., Dillon J . W ., Panter Treasurer , Stanbury Seoretary , Penrose S . D ., Edgcuinbe
J . D ., Miller I . O ., Bird A . D . O ., Friend 0 ., Henderson A . O ., Pry I . G ., Prideauz , Honey , Booth , and Weir Stewards , Rashbrook Tyler . Bro . E . Aitken-Davies was re-elected the representative at the Committee of Petitions , and Charity Steward . The annual banqae , was appointed to be held on 26 th November , at the Freemasons ' Club , Plymouth .
GREY ERIARS LODGE , No . 1101 . ON Wednesday , the 11 th inst ., the installation of the Worshipful Master of this Lodge took place at the Masonio Hall , Reading . The Installing Officer was Bro . Greenaway , the outgoing W . M ., to whom , in the course of the afternoon , a P . M . ' s jewel was presented . The newly-eleoted W . M . was Bro . Thomas Perkins Stewart , who has most ably filled many offices in the Lodge . After the installation
the W . M . invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Green way I . P . M ., Sherwin S . W ., Biggs J . W ., Stransom Treasurer , Read Secretary , Hodder S . D ., Ridley J . D ., Hiokie P . M . D . C ., Biddies Organist , Long I . G ., Brown jun ., Lewis and Kidgell Stewards , Hemmings Tyler , Dowsett P . M . Almoner . In the evening the brethren dined together
at the Great Western Hotel , where the banquet was admirably served by Bro . Flanagan . The W . M . presided , and about fifty brethren were present , amongst them the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . J . T . Morland ) , and the Provincial Grand Seoretary ( Bro . J . W . Martin ) . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master
mentioned , in the course of an interesting speech , that he had visited all the Lodges in the Province except one , and he said that the Grey Friars Lodge was the largest in the Province . There was some good singing by the Apollo Quartette , under the direction of Bro . W . B . Biddies OrganiBfc . The proceedings at the banquet passed off most satisfactorily .
STOUR VALLEY LODGE , No . 1224 . THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at tho Masonic Hall , Sudbury , on Friday last , the 12 th inst ., and was numerously attended by members and Visitors , the ceremony of installation being performed by Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn Past Grand Chaplain and Deputy Grand Master of Suffolk . Amongst the large assembly were Bros . Mitchell Reid W . M ., William Barley S . W . and W . M .-elect , Joseph Hills P . P . G . J . W . Treasurer acting J . W ., W . Ticehurst
Corfleld Prov . G . Chaplain , Fred Wheeler P . P . G . Reg . Secretary , Robert Sizer Joy acting S . D ., Joseph George J . D ., B . H . Hurst Prov . Grand Organist , H . Sholl Tyler ; Past Masters H . C . Pratt P . P . G . S . W ., W . Inglis Mason , J . P ., P . P . G . S . W ., Thos . B . Ardles P . P . G . J . D ., G . W . Grimwood ( Major of Sndbnry ) P . P . G . S . of Works , and Danl . Alston P . P . G . Steward ; Members—C . J . N . Rowo , A . W . Salzmann , W . J .
Barton , C . E . Maldon , W . J . Normandale , W . L . Lewis , Chas . Scwell . W . H . Kennuy , Napoleon Aprile , J . S . Carlton , W . Brown , and others ; Visitors—Bros . G . N . Copus P . M . 2154 , E . H . Inman P . P . G . Reg . Essex , Thos . Stokoe P . M . 2183 P . P . G . Purs ., Rov . T . S . Raffles W . M . 2239 P . P . G . Chap . Essex , E . Hennomeyer P . M . 51 P . P . G . S . W . Essex , James Stevens P . M . 720 , 1216 , 1426 , J . Bardwell S . D . 1823 ,
Arthur Taylor I . P . M . 332 , Andrew Boa W . M . 1823 , Rev . B . B . S-cr P . P . G . Chap ., F . C . Johnson 46 , C . S . Goodohild P . M . 1823 , James Terry P . G . S . B . Secretary R . M . B . I ., W . J . Ward P . M . 1823 , A . J . Ward P . P . G . Reg . Essex , J . Motum P . M . 51 , and other brethren . The Lodge having been opened in due form , the R . W . Deputy Grar . d Muator was received and sainted , and the minutes of tho previous
uieetiDg confirmed , ho at once procae . led to iustal Bro . William Bailey into the chair of K . S ., in bis customary able and impressive manner . The Officers invested were Bros . Joseph Georgo S . W ., G . Hawkins J . W ., Rev . W . T . Corfield Chaplaiu , J . F . Hills P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Treasurer , F . Wheeler P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Essex Secretary , R .
S . Joy S . D ., Geerge Graut J . D ., W . G . Normandale I . G ., H . W . Kenney D . C , B . H . Hurst Prov . G . O . Organist , C . Sewell Steward , and II . Sholl Tyler . The ceremony having been completed , arrangements were made for tho representation of the Lodge at the furthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . The decease
of Bro . John Martin , one of the founders and first Secretary of the Lodge , aud which sad event had taken place on the previous day , was announced amidst expressions of great regret . The Deputy Grand Master proposed a vote of condolence with the sorrowing relatives , and it was decided that the Lodge should be fully represented when paving the last sad tribute of respeot to departed merit . Other
tontine business having been disposed of the Lodge was dosed , and the brethren shortly afterwards re-united in the handsome assembly room of the Rose and Crown Hotel , where , under the direotion of the host , B'o . Joseph Georpe , Senior Warden of the Lodge , a very reoherobo banquet was provided , which gave general satisfaction . After the cloth had been cleared and grace sung , the onstomary Loyal
and Masonic Toasts were given from the chair , and dnly honoured . For the Grand Lodge Officers Bro . James Terry P . P . G . S . B ., replied in a capital speech , very mnch to the purpose . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master replied in equally felioious terms to the toast which embraced himself aud the rest of tho Provincial Grand Officers of Suffolk , and again as Installing Master . The Worshipful Master ' s health was
drunk with enthusiasm , and a brief resume of the progress of this prosperous Lodge gave much pleasure tn hia hearers . For the Masonio Charities Bro . James Terry , Seci ¦ tary of the Benevolent Institution , made an effective response , cougi atulating the Lodge on the zeal evinced by members who had offered to undertake Steward , ships on behalf of his particular Institution , and induoing an
immediate collection of ten guineas to supplement the proposed Lodge donations and other liberal promises . For the visitors Bro . James Stevens expressed thanks for an unstinted hospitality , aud the pleasure afforded by the excellent work in Lodge . Other brethren added their expressions of appreciation of both labour aud refreshment ; the Past Masters , the Officers , the musical brethren , and the Tyler ' s toast completed the agenda , and brought a moat pleasant
meeting to an agreeable termination . Beyond the compliments paid to the brethren who had the direction of the musical arrangements in their bands , Bros . A . Osmond and J . Motum , both Past Masters of No . 51 , Colchester , it is but fair to state that with the assistance of the choir boys brought over by them for that purpose , a well selected and not too lengthy concert added greatly to the success of the Installation meeting ; , and the general enjoyment of those members of the Craft who had the privilege of attending .
ARNOLD LODGE , No . 1799 . THE second meeting ( this season ) of this Lodge was held at th * Clifton Hotel , Walton-on-the-Naze , on Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., and amongst the brethren present ware Bros . Groucock W . M ., Sutton S . W . H . Finer P . M . as J . W . ; Bros . Scarlett , Wilkinson , Hempion , W . Finer , Canter ; and Past Masters Scott Seoretary Osmond Treasurer , and Purvis ; Randall , Soofield , Cutter , members
of the Lodge j with the W . M . of the Walpole Lodge ; and visitors from Norwich . The principal business of the Lodge was the alteration of one of the Bye-lawp , to increase the subscription of distant members from 10 s to 20 s . This was the proposition of the S . W . Bro .
Suttonseconded by P . M . Hempson ; it was carried unanimously . The Secretary , Bro . Scott , in his annual report , called attention to the number of members of the Lodge who were in arrears , and he
was instructed by the W . M . to call the attention of the defaulting brethren to the faot . There being no other business the Lodge was closed , and the brethren held their usual supper and banquet .
PRUDENCE LODGE , No . 2069 ( LEEDS ) . ON Saturday , 14 th Nov ., at the Masonic Hall , Great Georgestreet , Bro . Tom Atkinson was installed at the eighth Worship , ful Master of this prosperous and flourishing Lodge . The proceed , inga were opened at three o ' clock by tho W . M ., Bro . J . J . Fretwell , and amongst others present were Bros . Tom Atkinson S . W ., R . Abbott J . W ., and all the Officers ; C . Leitch Maton P . P . G . Trea . surer , Dr . Smyth P . G . C . and many other * . The minutes having
been adopted , the dintinguisltod Visitor * , of whom there was a large 1 number , were received and saluted . These included the Aoting Provincial Grand Maoter Bro . Henry Smith P . G . D ., W . F . Smithson ( Past Grand Doacon ) Prov . G . S . W ., T . Bateman Fox Past P . G . Sword Bearer , Chairman of the Charity Committee of West Yorkshire ; Jos . Binney P . M . Past Prov . Grand Registrar , Crossley .
P . P . G . S . W ., Herbert G . Greon P . M . Prov . Grand Secretary , Matthewman P . M . Prov . Assistant Grand Seoretary , J . Cooper Malcolm W . M . 306 P . P . G . Registrar , tho W . M . 's and representatives of the seven sister Lodges , as well as a large contintteut of brethren from Bradford , Castleford , aud neighbouring towns , there being upwards of sixty in the Lodge . Bro . Trevor P . M . D . C . presented the W . M . elect for the
benefit of installation , and the ceremony was dnly and impreisively performed , to the admiration of all present , by the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Smyth , C . L . Mason , Middleton , Trevor , and Dinery . The newlyinstalled W . M . then invested his Officers , this portion of the work being done in a manner which elicited tht highest encomiums from all present . Bro . Atkinson had evidently spared no pains to perfect
himself in this important duty , and his performance gives good augury of his fntnre management of tho LoJge . The various offices were filled as follows : —Bros . S . Abbott S . W ., A . Bntterworth J . W ., Rev . W . Wilkinson Chaplain , C . L . Mason P . M . P . P . G . Tr . Treasurer , B . S . Bailev Sec , E . Ellis S . D ., H . Begbie Abbott J . D ., RBV . T . C . Smyth , D . D * ., LL . D ., P . M . P . G . Chaplain of England D . C ,
J . Thornton Jones I . G ., James Buokley Organist , R . Alfred Smithson Assistant Secretary , J . C . Kirk and R . Jones Stewards . The various Officers were loudly cheered on their investment , and to each one the W . M . addressed suitable words of advice and encouragement Bro . Tudor Trevor was unanimously re-appointed as the representative of the Lodge on the West Yorks Charity Committee , his asai *
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that the fund had £ 500 to go on with . Recommendations to the Grand Master at the October meeting to the amount of £ 310 were confirmed . There were 32 new cases , which were qualified through Lodges in the London district , and at Maidenhead , Dover , Bideford , Berkeley , Brighton ,
Littleborough , Barbadoes , Hatfield , St . John ' s ( N . B . ) , Carlisle , Woodbridge , Hull , Bombay , Sunderland , Harwich , and Llanelly . Threo of these cases were deferred foi further information . The remaining 29 were relieved , with
a total of £ 710 . There were three recommendations to Grand Lodge of £ 50 each ; three to the Grand Master of £ 40 each , and seven of £ 30 each ; and seven grants of £ 20 each , one of £ 15 , seven of £ 10 each , and one of £ 5 .
HUYSHE LODGE , No . 1099 . BRO . S . J . PAGE , the W . M . eleot , was , on the 12 th inat ., installed at the Hall , Home Park , Stoke . Bro . Page being widely known and much respected in the Ordpr , there was an unusually large attendance of the brethren , including forty Put Masters . The Officers invested were Bros . Vanstone I . P . M ., Olver S . W ., Dillon J . W ., Panter Treasurer , Stanbury Seoretary , Penrose S . D ., Edgcuinbe
J . D ., Miller I . O ., Bird A . D . O ., Friend 0 ., Henderson A . O ., Pry I . G ., Prideauz , Honey , Booth , and Weir Stewards , Rashbrook Tyler . Bro . E . Aitken-Davies was re-elected the representative at the Committee of Petitions , and Charity Steward . The annual banqae , was appointed to be held on 26 th November , at the Freemasons ' Club , Plymouth .
GREY ERIARS LODGE , No . 1101 . ON Wednesday , the 11 th inst ., the installation of the Worshipful Master of this Lodge took place at the Masonio Hall , Reading . The Installing Officer was Bro . Greenaway , the outgoing W . M ., to whom , in the course of the afternoon , a P . M . ' s jewel was presented . The newly-eleoted W . M . was Bro . Thomas Perkins Stewart , who has most ably filled many offices in the Lodge . After the installation
the W . M . invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Green way I . P . M ., Sherwin S . W ., Biggs J . W ., Stransom Treasurer , Read Secretary , Hodder S . D ., Ridley J . D ., Hiokie P . M . D . C ., Biddies Organist , Long I . G ., Brown jun ., Lewis and Kidgell Stewards , Hemmings Tyler , Dowsett P . M . Almoner . In the evening the brethren dined together
at the Great Western Hotel , where the banquet was admirably served by Bro . Flanagan . The W . M . presided , and about fifty brethren were present , amongst them the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . J . T . Morland ) , and the Provincial Grand Seoretary ( Bro . J . W . Martin ) . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master
mentioned , in the course of an interesting speech , that he had visited all the Lodges in the Province except one , and he said that the Grey Friars Lodge was the largest in the Province . There was some good singing by the Apollo Quartette , under the direction of Bro . W . B . Biddies OrganiBfc . The proceedings at the banquet passed off most satisfactorily .
STOUR VALLEY LODGE , No . 1224 . THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at tho Masonic Hall , Sudbury , on Friday last , the 12 th inst ., and was numerously attended by members and Visitors , the ceremony of installation being performed by Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn Past Grand Chaplain and Deputy Grand Master of Suffolk . Amongst the large assembly were Bros . Mitchell Reid W . M ., William Barley S . W . and W . M .-elect , Joseph Hills P . P . G . J . W . Treasurer acting J . W ., W . Ticehurst
Corfleld Prov . G . Chaplain , Fred Wheeler P . P . G . Reg . Secretary , Robert Sizer Joy acting S . D ., Joseph George J . D ., B . H . Hurst Prov . Grand Organist , H . Sholl Tyler ; Past Masters H . C . Pratt P . P . G . S . W ., W . Inglis Mason , J . P ., P . P . G . S . W ., Thos . B . Ardles P . P . G . J . D ., G . W . Grimwood ( Major of Sndbnry ) P . P . G . S . of Works , and Danl . Alston P . P . G . Steward ; Members—C . J . N . Rowo , A . W . Salzmann , W . J .
Barton , C . E . Maldon , W . J . Normandale , W . L . Lewis , Chas . Scwell . W . H . Kennuy , Napoleon Aprile , J . S . Carlton , W . Brown , and others ; Visitors—Bros . G . N . Copus P . M . 2154 , E . H . Inman P . P . G . Reg . Essex , Thos . Stokoe P . M . 2183 P . P . G . Purs ., Rov . T . S . Raffles W . M . 2239 P . P . G . Chap . Essex , E . Hennomeyer P . M . 51 P . P . G . S . W . Essex , James Stevens P . M . 720 , 1216 , 1426 , J . Bardwell S . D . 1823 ,
Arthur Taylor I . P . M . 332 , Andrew Boa W . M . 1823 , Rev . B . B . S-cr P . P . G . Chap ., F . C . Johnson 46 , C . S . Goodohild P . M . 1823 , James Terry P . G . S . B . Secretary R . M . B . I ., W . J . Ward P . M . 1823 , A . J . Ward P . P . G . Reg . Essex , J . Motum P . M . 51 , and other brethren . The Lodge having been opened in due form , the R . W . Deputy Grar . d Muator was received and sainted , and the minutes of tho previous
uieetiDg confirmed , ho at once procae . led to iustal Bro . William Bailey into the chair of K . S ., in bis customary able and impressive manner . The Officers invested were Bros . Joseph Georgo S . W ., G . Hawkins J . W ., Rev . W . T . Corfield Chaplaiu , J . F . Hills P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Treasurer , F . Wheeler P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Essex Secretary , R .
S . Joy S . D ., Geerge Graut J . D ., W . G . Normandale I . G ., H . W . Kenney D . C , B . H . Hurst Prov . G . O . Organist , C . Sewell Steward , and II . Sholl Tyler . The ceremony having been completed , arrangements were made for tho representation of the Lodge at the furthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . The decease
of Bro . John Martin , one of the founders and first Secretary of the Lodge , aud which sad event had taken place on the previous day , was announced amidst expressions of great regret . The Deputy Grand Master proposed a vote of condolence with the sorrowing relatives , and it was decided that the Lodge should be fully represented when paving the last sad tribute of respeot to departed merit . Other
tontine business having been disposed of the Lodge was dosed , and the brethren shortly afterwards re-united in the handsome assembly room of the Rose and Crown Hotel , where , under the direotion of the host , B'o . Joseph Georpe , Senior Warden of the Lodge , a very reoherobo banquet was provided , which gave general satisfaction . After the cloth had been cleared and grace sung , the onstomary Loyal
and Masonic Toasts were given from the chair , and dnly honoured . For the Grand Lodge Officers Bro . James Terry P . P . G . S . B ., replied in a capital speech , very mnch to the purpose . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master replied in equally felioious terms to the toast which embraced himself aud the rest of tho Provincial Grand Officers of Suffolk , and again as Installing Master . The Worshipful Master ' s health was
drunk with enthusiasm , and a brief resume of the progress of this prosperous Lodge gave much pleasure tn hia hearers . For the Masonio Charities Bro . James Terry , Seci ¦ tary of the Benevolent Institution , made an effective response , cougi atulating the Lodge on the zeal evinced by members who had offered to undertake Steward , ships on behalf of his particular Institution , and induoing an
immediate collection of ten guineas to supplement the proposed Lodge donations and other liberal promises . For the visitors Bro . James Stevens expressed thanks for an unstinted hospitality , aud the pleasure afforded by the excellent work in Lodge . Other brethren added their expressions of appreciation of both labour aud refreshment ; the Past Masters , the Officers , the musical brethren , and the Tyler ' s toast completed the agenda , and brought a moat pleasant
meeting to an agreeable termination . Beyond the compliments paid to the brethren who had the direction of the musical arrangements in their bands , Bros . A . Osmond and J . Motum , both Past Masters of No . 51 , Colchester , it is but fair to state that with the assistance of the choir boys brought over by them for that purpose , a well selected and not too lengthy concert added greatly to the success of the Installation meeting ; , and the general enjoyment of those members of the Craft who had the privilege of attending .
ARNOLD LODGE , No . 1799 . THE second meeting ( this season ) of this Lodge was held at th * Clifton Hotel , Walton-on-the-Naze , on Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., and amongst the brethren present ware Bros . Groucock W . M ., Sutton S . W . H . Finer P . M . as J . W . ; Bros . Scarlett , Wilkinson , Hempion , W . Finer , Canter ; and Past Masters Scott Seoretary Osmond Treasurer , and Purvis ; Randall , Soofield , Cutter , members
of the Lodge j with the W . M . of the Walpole Lodge ; and visitors from Norwich . The principal business of the Lodge was the alteration of one of the Bye-lawp , to increase the subscription of distant members from 10 s to 20 s . This was the proposition of the S . W . Bro .
Suttonseconded by P . M . Hempson ; it was carried unanimously . The Secretary , Bro . Scott , in his annual report , called attention to the number of members of the Lodge who were in arrears , and he
was instructed by the W . M . to call the attention of the defaulting brethren to the faot . There being no other business the Lodge was closed , and the brethren held their usual supper and banquet .
PRUDENCE LODGE , No . 2069 ( LEEDS ) . ON Saturday , 14 th Nov ., at the Masonic Hall , Great Georgestreet , Bro . Tom Atkinson was installed at the eighth Worship , ful Master of this prosperous and flourishing Lodge . The proceed , inga were opened at three o ' clock by tho W . M ., Bro . J . J . Fretwell , and amongst others present were Bros . Tom Atkinson S . W ., R . Abbott J . W ., and all the Officers ; C . Leitch Maton P . P . G . Trea . surer , Dr . Smyth P . G . C . and many other * . The minutes having
been adopted , the dintinguisltod Visitor * , of whom there was a large 1 number , were received and saluted . These included the Aoting Provincial Grand Maoter Bro . Henry Smith P . G . D ., W . F . Smithson ( Past Grand Doacon ) Prov . G . S . W ., T . Bateman Fox Past P . G . Sword Bearer , Chairman of the Charity Committee of West Yorkshire ; Jos . Binney P . M . Past Prov . Grand Registrar , Crossley .
P . P . G . S . W ., Herbert G . Greon P . M . Prov . Grand Secretary , Matthewman P . M . Prov . Assistant Grand Seoretary , J . Cooper Malcolm W . M . 306 P . P . G . Registrar , tho W . M . 's and representatives of the seven sister Lodges , as well as a large contintteut of brethren from Bradford , Castleford , aud neighbouring towns , there being upwards of sixty in the Lodge . Bro . Trevor P . M . D . C . presented the W . M . elect for the
benefit of installation , and the ceremony was dnly and impreisively performed , to the admiration of all present , by the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Smyth , C . L . Mason , Middleton , Trevor , and Dinery . The newlyinstalled W . M . then invested his Officers , this portion of the work being done in a manner which elicited tht highest encomiums from all present . Bro . Atkinson had evidently spared no pains to perfect
himself in this important duty , and his performance gives good augury of his fntnre management of tho LoJge . The various offices were filled as follows : —Bros . S . Abbott S . W ., A . Bntterworth J . W ., Rev . W . Wilkinson Chaplain , C . L . Mason P . M . P . P . G . Tr . Treasurer , B . S . Bailev Sec , E . Ellis S . D ., H . Begbie Abbott J . D ., RBV . T . C . Smyth , D . D * ., LL . D ., P . M . P . G . Chaplain of England D . C ,
J . Thornton Jones I . G ., James Buokley Organist , R . Alfred Smithson Assistant Secretary , J . C . Kirk and R . Jones Stewards . The various Officers were loudly cheered on their investment , and to each one the W . M . addressed suitable words of advice and encouragement Bro . Tudor Trevor was unanimously re-appointed as the representative of the Lodge on the West Yorks Charity Committee , his asai *