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SATURDAY , 21 ST OCTOBER 1891 . ——— - ^ r—n-s- ^ -. ^ ¦ ¦ -. ^_ r ... ,... — . ,. ¦ ¦ ¦¦ „ « ... .... ,., -- .. ^^ ¦ -- ¦ .. .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Dorset.
TITHE Provincial Grand Lodge met at the Guildhall ( by X permission of the Mayor and Corporation ) on Friday , the 6 th inst ., under the presidency of the li . W . Provinoial Grand Master Bro . Montagu Guest . There wus a large gathering of brethren , including W . D . Prov . G " . M .
Bro . YV . E . Brymer , M . P ., Rev . W . Mortimer Heath P . G . Chaplain England , G . Burt P . G . A . D . C . England , aud the following among other distinguished Provincial Grand Officers : —Bros . G . J . G . Gregory , L . H . Ruegg , W . D . Dugdale , C . H . W . Parkinson , P . E . L . Budge , R . D .
Thornton P . G . Treasurer , R . Case P . G . Secretary , & c . The handsome Guildhall was admirably fitted up , and when the Provincial Grand Lodge was formed proseuted a brilliant appearance . A lecture having beea delivered by the Chaplain Bro . the Rev . Reeve Smith , P . G . Secretary
read various communications , including a letter acknowledging on behalf of Lady Carnarvon the vote of condolence passed on the death of the late Pro Grand Master . The Provinoial Grand Master then delivered an address on the state and progress of the Craft and the general business . of
the Province , and announced that he had decided to accept the invitation of the Dorchester Lodge to hold the next Provincial Grand Lodge in that town . The usual reports , all of which were of a satisfactory nature , were presented . It was mentioned that the three candidates for the Masonic
• Institutions , recommended by the Charity Organisation Committee , had been carried . Various propositions connected with the Charities were fnlly discussed . Brother Zillwood Milledge , of the Weymouth Lodge , received at
the hands of tho Prov . Grand Muster , tho Charity jewel , he having duly served ns Steward to the Royal Masonic In-titution for Boys and R . M . B . I , for Aged Freemasons . The following Officers were then invested :
Vv . L > . Dngdale Senior Warden Z ill wood Milledge Junior Warden Rev . Henry Dankiu Chaplain R . D . Thornton Treasurer 0 . G . Nantes Registrar
Robert Case Secretary D . Hitching Senior Deacon W . Daniel Junior Deacon "* C . J . Freeman Stint , of Works
A . J . Drewe Dir . of Cers . W . Morguu Assist . Dir . of COM . Richard Smith Sword Bearer G . Davis Organise
G . Oldfiuld Pursuivant W . J . Tarrant •• , 0 . Carter
E . W . Young o , . RoBselPatey J . Steward * W . B . Alexander J J . J . Lawrence j F . Long Tyler
The usual thanks were passed , including a hearty vote to the Mayor and Corporation for allowing tho uso of the Guildhall for the occasion . Bro . P . E . L . Badge ( Mayor ) replied , and expressed his gratification that one of his last official acta was to allow the use of the municipal
buildings for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset . A large number of the brethren afterwards sat down to an elegant banquet at the Drill Hall . The Prov . G . M . presided during a portion of the proceedings and subsequently his place was filled by Bro . Major Brymer , M . P ., D . P . G . M . iho usual Masonic toasts were honoured .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmoreland.
rpHE annual meeting of the above Grand Lodge was X . held at Wigton , on Friday , the 6 th inst ., under the banner of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 327 . Bro . L . F . B .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmoreland.
Dykes D . P . G . M . P . G . D . of England , presided ; Brothers Colonel F . R , Sewell P . P . G . S . W . as D . P . G . M ., W . F . L-moiiby P . M . 1002 P . G . >' . W . Victoria , Gen . J . M'Kay P . G . Se . n tary Grnn 1 Standard Bearer of England , and
tl » e other Provincial Grand Officers Present and Past , and mttiy members of private Lodges . The minutes of the last annual meeting wera read and confirmed , and the following members of tho Province were invested as Grand
Officers for the year , viz .: — T . A . Arglea Senior Warden H . Bewes Junior Warden Rev . J . Ewbank Chaplain Rev . W . Cree """ Assistant Chaplain R . J . Nelson Treasurer J . Nelson Registrar G . J . M'Kay Secretary Geo . Starkey Senior Deaoon Dr . White Junior Deaoon T . J . Richardson Supt . of Works R . J . Burgess Dir . of Cere . Jog . Kerry Assist . Dir . of Cers .
VV . Armstrong ) J . S . Moffitt > Standard Beareri Edwin Loach } E . Kassall Organist G . Dalrymple Assist . Seoretary J . Diokineon " ) 0 . . J . Wilkinson j ™ " ™ J . Wakefield Tyler S . Broadbenfc " ^ A . C . Hardy ! iSSS I ; " —* - William Heathcote j T . Atkinson J
Bro . R . J . Nelson was again elected P . G . Treasurer ; and Bro . John Mills Treasurer for the education scheme , and a committee of twenty appointed for the same , with seven to be added by Lodges invested with power to , do so . The Hon . Secretary of the same local scheme intimated
that the sum of nearly £ 175 had been promised for its support from LodgeB , Chapters , and members of the Province . With Provinoial Secretary's report and other general business , Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in
form , and the brethren were marched to the pariah church , where an excellent sermon was preached by the Rev . Bro . J . S . Ostle P . G . Chaplain , and a collection made on behalf of the Masonic Charities . The brethren subsequently dined in tho Market Hall , aud the usual toast list was gone through .
Royal Arch.
— : o : — PROV . GRAND CHAPTER OF DEVON . THE annual meeting was held on Monday , the 16 th inst ., at Exeter . M . Ex-Comp . Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., Prov . G . Superintendent presided , supported by his Officers , Ex-Comps . W . G . Rogers P . G . H ., Rev . Dr . Lemon P . P . G . 3 rd P . J . pro tem , Major G . C . Davie
P . G . S . E ., J . Oliver 1138 P . P . G . P . S . P . G . S . N . pro tem , F . C . Frost F . S . I . 303 P . G . Treasurer , Jno . Lane , F . C . A ., 328 P . G . Registrar , B . J . Fisher 444 P . G . P . S ., H . Stocker 112 P . G . 1 st A . S ., D . Banks 156 P . G . 2 nd A . S ., J . Stocker
P . G . 1 st A . S . P . G . S . B . pro tem , A . Bodley P . P . G . S . N . P . G . D . C . pro tem , A . Andrews 1125 P . G . O ., Comp . H . Shootor 112 P . G . Janitor , and a large body of R . A . Masons of the Province .
The P . G . S . E . reported that all the returns had been made and dues paid from the Chapters of the Province . In several Chapters , however , there had been delays , resulting in much inconvenience . The P . G .
Superintendent supported the complaint of the S . E . The Companions would , he was sure , as business men , see the inconvenience which was occasioned by BO many Chapters making their returns at irregular times . It left him quite
in the dark as to the progress of tho Chapters . He had already given them three months longer to send in their returns than was required by the regulations , and he really must request that for the futuie endeavours should be made to carry out this regulation at least .
The Prov , Grand Treasurer reported that there was a balance of £ 46 14 s in hand . From that there were the usual five guineas each to the Devon Educational Fund and tho Fortescuo Fund to bo deducted , which would leave
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SATURDAY , 21 ST OCTOBER 1891 . ——— - ^ r—n-s- ^ -. ^ ¦ ¦ -. ^_ r ... ,... — . ,. ¦ ¦ ¦¦ „ « ... .... ,., -- .. ^^ ¦ -- ¦ .. .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Dorset.
TITHE Provincial Grand Lodge met at the Guildhall ( by X permission of the Mayor and Corporation ) on Friday , the 6 th inst ., under the presidency of the li . W . Provinoial Grand Master Bro . Montagu Guest . There wus a large gathering of brethren , including W . D . Prov . G " . M .
Bro . YV . E . Brymer , M . P ., Rev . W . Mortimer Heath P . G . Chaplain England , G . Burt P . G . A . D . C . England , aud the following among other distinguished Provincial Grand Officers : —Bros . G . J . G . Gregory , L . H . Ruegg , W . D . Dugdale , C . H . W . Parkinson , P . E . L . Budge , R . D .
Thornton P . G . Treasurer , R . Case P . G . Secretary , & c . The handsome Guildhall was admirably fitted up , and when the Provincial Grand Lodge was formed proseuted a brilliant appearance . A lecture having beea delivered by the Chaplain Bro . the Rev . Reeve Smith , P . G . Secretary
read various communications , including a letter acknowledging on behalf of Lady Carnarvon the vote of condolence passed on the death of the late Pro Grand Master . The Provinoial Grand Master then delivered an address on the state and progress of the Craft and the general business . of
the Province , and announced that he had decided to accept the invitation of the Dorchester Lodge to hold the next Provincial Grand Lodge in that town . The usual reports , all of which were of a satisfactory nature , were presented . It was mentioned that the three candidates for the Masonic
• Institutions , recommended by the Charity Organisation Committee , had been carried . Various propositions connected with the Charities were fnlly discussed . Brother Zillwood Milledge , of the Weymouth Lodge , received at
the hands of tho Prov . Grand Muster , tho Charity jewel , he having duly served ns Steward to the Royal Masonic In-titution for Boys and R . M . B . I , for Aged Freemasons . The following Officers were then invested :
Vv . L > . Dngdale Senior Warden Z ill wood Milledge Junior Warden Rev . Henry Dankiu Chaplain R . D . Thornton Treasurer 0 . G . Nantes Registrar
Robert Case Secretary D . Hitching Senior Deacon W . Daniel Junior Deacon "* C . J . Freeman Stint , of Works
A . J . Drewe Dir . of Cers . W . Morguu Assist . Dir . of COM . Richard Smith Sword Bearer G . Davis Organise
G . Oldfiuld Pursuivant W . J . Tarrant •• , 0 . Carter
E . W . Young o , . RoBselPatey J . Steward * W . B . Alexander J J . J . Lawrence j F . Long Tyler
The usual thanks were passed , including a hearty vote to the Mayor and Corporation for allowing tho uso of the Guildhall for the occasion . Bro . P . E . L . Badge ( Mayor ) replied , and expressed his gratification that one of his last official acta was to allow the use of the municipal
buildings for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset . A large number of the brethren afterwards sat down to an elegant banquet at the Drill Hall . The Prov . G . M . presided during a portion of the proceedings and subsequently his place was filled by Bro . Major Brymer , M . P ., D . P . G . M . iho usual Masonic toasts were honoured .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmoreland.
rpHE annual meeting of the above Grand Lodge was X . held at Wigton , on Friday , the 6 th inst ., under the banner of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 327 . Bro . L . F . B .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmoreland.
Dykes D . P . G . M . P . G . D . of England , presided ; Brothers Colonel F . R , Sewell P . P . G . S . W . as D . P . G . M ., W . F . L-moiiby P . M . 1002 P . G . >' . W . Victoria , Gen . J . M'Kay P . G . Se . n tary Grnn 1 Standard Bearer of England , and
tl » e other Provincial Grand Officers Present and Past , and mttiy members of private Lodges . The minutes of the last annual meeting wera read and confirmed , and the following members of tho Province were invested as Grand
Officers for the year , viz .: — T . A . Arglea Senior Warden H . Bewes Junior Warden Rev . J . Ewbank Chaplain Rev . W . Cree """ Assistant Chaplain R . J . Nelson Treasurer J . Nelson Registrar G . J . M'Kay Secretary Geo . Starkey Senior Deaoon Dr . White Junior Deaoon T . J . Richardson Supt . of Works R . J . Burgess Dir . of Cere . Jog . Kerry Assist . Dir . of Cers .
VV . Armstrong ) J . S . Moffitt > Standard Beareri Edwin Loach } E . Kassall Organist G . Dalrymple Assist . Seoretary J . Diokineon " ) 0 . . J . Wilkinson j ™ " ™ J . Wakefield Tyler S . Broadbenfc " ^ A . C . Hardy ! iSSS I ; " —* - William Heathcote j T . Atkinson J
Bro . R . J . Nelson was again elected P . G . Treasurer ; and Bro . John Mills Treasurer for the education scheme , and a committee of twenty appointed for the same , with seven to be added by Lodges invested with power to , do so . The Hon . Secretary of the same local scheme intimated
that the sum of nearly £ 175 had been promised for its support from LodgeB , Chapters , and members of the Province . With Provinoial Secretary's report and other general business , Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in
form , and the brethren were marched to the pariah church , where an excellent sermon was preached by the Rev . Bro . J . S . Ostle P . G . Chaplain , and a collection made on behalf of the Masonic Charities . The brethren subsequently dined in tho Market Hall , aud the usual toast list was gone through .
Royal Arch.
— : o : — PROV . GRAND CHAPTER OF DEVON . THE annual meeting was held on Monday , the 16 th inst ., at Exeter . M . Ex-Comp . Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., Prov . G . Superintendent presided , supported by his Officers , Ex-Comps . W . G . Rogers P . G . H ., Rev . Dr . Lemon P . P . G . 3 rd P . J . pro tem , Major G . C . Davie
P . G . S . E ., J . Oliver 1138 P . P . G . P . S . P . G . S . N . pro tem , F . C . Frost F . S . I . 303 P . G . Treasurer , Jno . Lane , F . C . A ., 328 P . G . Registrar , B . J . Fisher 444 P . G . P . S ., H . Stocker 112 P . G . 1 st A . S ., D . Banks 156 P . G . 2 nd A . S ., J . Stocker
P . G . 1 st A . S . P . G . S . B . pro tem , A . Bodley P . P . G . S . N . P . G . D . C . pro tem , A . Andrews 1125 P . G . O ., Comp . H . Shootor 112 P . G . Janitor , and a large body of R . A . Masons of the Province .
The P . G . S . E . reported that all the returns had been made and dues paid from the Chapters of the Province . In several Chapters , however , there had been delays , resulting in much inconvenience . The P . G .
Superintendent supported the complaint of the S . E . The Companions would , he was sure , as business men , see the inconvenience which was occasioned by BO many Chapters making their returns at irregular times . It left him quite
in the dark as to the progress of tho Chapters . He had already given them three months longer to send in their returns than was required by the regulations , and he really must request that for the futuie endeavours should be made to carry out this regulation at least .
The Prov , Grand Treasurer reported that there was a balance of £ 46 14 s in hand . From that there were the usual five guineas each to the Devon Educational Fund and tho Fortescuo Fund to bo deducted , which would leave