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Cryptic Kite . —A meeting of the Grand Masters' Council No . 1 , of Royal and Select Masters was held at tho Masonio Rooms , No . 2 Red Lion-squnre , on Thursday , the 12 th instant . Present—Comp . Rev . G . R . Portal M . P . Grand Master . Comp . Capt . N . G . Philips 33 " R . P . Doputy Grand Mnster , Comp . Hyde Pullen 33 ° R . P . G . Good of Works , Comp . S . Rosenthal 33 ° R . P . G . Capt . of Guards , Comp . H .
C . Levander 31 ° R . P . G . Lecturer , and Comps . Colonel S . H . Gierke 33 ° , H . R . Cooper Smith 81 ° , C . F . Matier 30 ° , Jas . Keene 31 ° , T . 0 . Walls 18 ° , and D . M . Dewar 18 ° . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed ,, Comps . Chas . Chandos Polo 32 ° , R . L . Loveland 30 ° , and Rev . W . S . Mosea 18 ° ,
were admitted into the several degrees of Most Excellent Master , Royal , Select , and Super Excellent Master . Comps . W . Hickman 32 ° , W . J . Hickman 18 ° , and Fentham Hedges 18 ° , wero proposed as candidates for the degrees at next meeting of the Council , which was fixed for Friday , 21 st February 1879 . The Council was then closed in ample form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —Held its weekly meeting on Tuesday evening , at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bro . Brasted W . M ., J . Lorkin S . W ., Christian J . W ., Williams S . D ., Carr J . D ., Smyth I . G ., Dallas Secretary , Smyth Treasurer , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Allen , Webb
Forss , C . Lorkin , Holsworth , Bigg and others . After all formalities had been observed , tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Poluk candidate . Bro . C Lorkin worked the first , and Bro . Webb the third section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was regularly closed to the 1 st degree . Bro . J . Lorkin will preside next week .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction . No . 882 . —Held its weekly meeting on Wednesday , 16 th Dec , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppins-conrt , Fleet-street , Br . Brown , of Lodge 862 , in the chair j Abell S . W ., Vizzard J . W ., Tate S . D ., Richardson I . G ., Long P . M .
Preceptor . The Lodge was opened . A candidate offered himself , and tho W . M . performed the ceremony of raising . The whole of the sections of this degree were then worked by the brethren . Bro . Abell waa elected W . M . for next meeting , 8 th January , when tho coremony of passing will be performed .
Dorio Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 . —The usual meet , ing of this Lodge was hold on Friday , the 13 th inst ., at the Duke ' s Head , Whitechapel . road , E . Present- Bros . Forss W . M ., West S . W ., Moss J . W ., Richards S . D ., Stamp J . D ., McDonald I . G ., W . Musto P . M . Hon . Sec , I . P . Col . en P . M . ; J . Webb , J . T . K . Job , A . Ellis and G . H . Stephens . Lodge was opened . Bro . Ellis was passed to
the second degree . Bro . G . H . Stephens worked tho whole of the sections of the lecture , and tho fourth of the first , assisted by tho b : c Li . n . The Hon . Sec . having appealed to the brethren for tho necessities of an esteemed brother , unfortunately in bad health , a sum of money was ordered to be forwarded to him out of the Lodge funds . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned until Friday , 20 th inst ., Bro . West being appointed W . M . for that evening .
Egerton Lodge No . 1030 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at tho George Hotol , Wellington-road , Heaton Norris , near Stockport , on Monday , the 16 th inst . Present—Bros . W . II . Vaughan W . M ., J . W . Abbott I . P . M ., F . Staples S . W ., A . J . Fern as J . W ., E . S . Newton Sec , A . G . Fern Treas ., G . Harden P . M . as S . D ., G . L . Vaughan J . D ., J . Wilkinson I . G ., J . Meadows Tyler ,
and Bros . S . J . Haigh , A . Pomberton , A . Gothard , G . Floyd , and Visitors W . Brandon W . M . 1219 , J . Bromley 1375 , & o . Tho Lodge was formally opened , and tho minutes of last meeting confirmed . Mr . Cameron was balloted for , and initiated into tho privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . The Lodgo was closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to supper , after which a very pleasant evening was spent .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction , No . 1044 . —A meeting was held ou Wedneiday , the 18 th instant , at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , under the presidency of Bros . A . A . Donham W . M ., J . J . Holland S . W ., F . Reed J . W ., A . J . Newens S . D ., J . Frost J . D ., and P . V . Denham I . G . The first degree was worked , after which the Lodge was closed , and the brethren retired for " refreshment , " and engaged in harmony for the remainder of the evening .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly met ? ting on Wednesday , the 11 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . William George Flanagan W . M ., J . Early Dank-s S . W ., William Ferguson J . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Sec , J . T . Stransom Treas ., E . J . Blackwell S . D ., Richard Dowsett J . D ., Rev . C . R . Honey I . G ., W . Heramings Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Brown , Margrett . Members—Bros . Bailey , Prickett , White , Hickie ,
Bavniooat , sell and Rhind . Business—The minutes of the last regular Lodge wore read and confirmed . Several joining membera were elected . Bros . Prickett , Rhind and Hunt were elected on the Permanent Committee . The W . M . announced that the offer made to the Lodge of Union , No . 414 , with regard to the rent , had been accepted . Two candidates for initiation were proposed and seconded Lodge closed .
Clapton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1365 . —Friday , 13 th Deo . After opening in due form , and confirming the minutes of the previous meeting , the Lodge was closed , and tho brethren repaired to the banqueting room , where an excellent supper was laid for five . » nd . twenty , the W . M . of tb « mother Lodge , Bro . Cogan ,
presiding . The usual loyal and othor toasta having been heartily responded to , tho W . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . P . M . Cusworth , " afc the same time presenting him with a beautifully illu « minated testimonial on vellum , together with a diamond ring , as a
tribute of high esteem from the many brethren who have dorivid valuable instruction from him as Preceptor of the Lodge for the last four years , during which period tho brethren have worked together with , if possible , more than the nsual lovo and harmony which ia nt all times a characteristic of this Lodgo .
Royal Military Lodge , No . 1449 . —A meeting was hold on the 9 th December , at 38 Sr . Peter ' s Street , Canterbury . Present—Bros . Edwin Beer W . M ., Ball S . W ., Miskin J . W ., Anderson Hon . Sec , Naylor Treas ., Blamiers S . D ., Coats J . D . Evison Steward , Vantier I . G ., Harnett Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Naylor , Turner ,
Greenwood , Major Knight , Minell ; also 14 brethren . Visitors—Bros . Doctor Holttum P . M . 31 and Hon . Member 1449 , Pilch 972 , Stadward Booley 730 Irish Con ., Davidson , Watts and Flynn 730 I . C . The business comprised the initiation of Mr . Peter Duncan , the raising of Bro . Howorth , and the auditing and passing the accounts for past year .
Eleanor Cross Lodge , No . 1764 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 17 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Northampton , Present—Bros . Boeme W . M ., Rev . S . J . W . Sanders S . W ., Atkins J . W ., Brown Sec , Hill S . D ., Spoor J . D ., Ellard D . C , -Morris I . G ., Kirby and Dean Tylers . Bros . Bearley , Barton , Manning , Perceval , Taylor , Emery , Campion , Frank , Croft , Barnes . Visitors—Bros .
Scales 1286 , Shout 523 , Chapman 360 , Seeker 360 , Cox 10 . Tho first business waa the election , as joining members , of Bros . Croft 840 , Linnell 445 , De Denne 510 . This waa followed by the passing of Bros . Barton , Manning , Barnes , Campion , Emery and Taylor . Tho S . W . proposed , on behalf of the Treasurer , who was unavoidably absent , that ten guineas bo voted to the R . M . B . I ., to bo vested in the
name of the W . M ., which waa carried unanimously . Ifc was also resolved unanimously , on tho proposition of Bro . . Spoor , thafc a plate bearing the names of the foundera be affixed to the frame of the Warrant . A code of by-laws waa read by tha Secretary , passed , and ordered to be printed . Bro . Hill , who has at each meeting of the Lodge conducted the musical portion of the ceremonies ,
was ' appointod Organist . Tho brethren adjourned to a banquet in the Lower Hall , and a very fraternal gathering was brought to a happy conclusion . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts being given , tho W . M . alluded , in very feeling terms , to tho late bereavement in the Royal Family . Bro . Capt . Cox replied to the Visitors' toast , and wished tho new Lodgo tho prosperity which the additions to , and working of , gave snch promise .
Bro . Cuthbert Lytion assisted afc a very successful entertainment on Monday , the 16 th inat ., atSt . Francia Schools , Stratford , the proceeds of which will be added to the School Fund , and to judge from the numerous attendance on the occasion , the result will bo satisfactory . The programme was well selected , and tho audience showed their appreciation of tho performances of the various artists who gavo
their services by frequently and heartily applauding them . Part I . included a pianoforte solo— " Qnatre Bras" —by Miss Ida Brooks , who exhibited both taste aud skill as an executant , "Jack ' s Yarn , " by Mr . Breckall , " The Storm , " by Miss Taylor , " When tho Heart ia Young , " by Miss Clara Perfitt , and " Jessie ' s Dream , " by Miss Lemmon , all which were admirably rendered , and as usual wore
redemanded . The ballad , " My Sweetheart when a Boy , " sung by Mr . C . B . Bnlow , who has a voice of excellent quality and good compass , and a humorous sketch , " My First Dog , " by Bro . Lytton , together with contributions from other artists , all of whom received wellmerited applause . The Second Part was equally good . Mr . Breckall sang "Nancy Lee , " Mr . C . B . Bulow , "The Warrior Bold , " Mr .
Walter Brooks played a solo on tho cornet , " Martha , " Miss Taylor sang , " Let mo dream again , " Miss Clara Perfitt , " Once upon a time , " and Miss Lemmon , "Joyous Life , " while Bro . Lytton gave two humorous sketches " The Jolly Jeremiahs " and " Called to the Bar ; " all of which mi ghtily pleased the audience . Bro . Lytton was also successful iu an entertainment he gave on Tuesday , at the Great Arthur-street Mission Hall , Golden-lane .
M THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for 13 s 6 d , this will n Oade postage for 12 months . Intending Subscribers should forward heir full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every clasa . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page ... £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 a per inch . Double Column Advertisements ls per line . Special Terma for a Series of insertions on application .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cryptic Kite . —A meeting of the Grand Masters' Council No . 1 , of Royal and Select Masters was held at tho Masonio Rooms , No . 2 Red Lion-squnre , on Thursday , the 12 th instant . Present—Comp . Rev . G . R . Portal M . P . Grand Master . Comp . Capt . N . G . Philips 33 " R . P . Doputy Grand Mnster , Comp . Hyde Pullen 33 ° R . P . G . Good of Works , Comp . S . Rosenthal 33 ° R . P . G . Capt . of Guards , Comp . H .
C . Levander 31 ° R . P . G . Lecturer , and Comps . Colonel S . H . Gierke 33 ° , H . R . Cooper Smith 81 ° , C . F . Matier 30 ° , Jas . Keene 31 ° , T . 0 . Walls 18 ° , and D . M . Dewar 18 ° . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed ,, Comps . Chas . Chandos Polo 32 ° , R . L . Loveland 30 ° , and Rev . W . S . Mosea 18 ° ,
were admitted into the several degrees of Most Excellent Master , Royal , Select , and Super Excellent Master . Comps . W . Hickman 32 ° , W . J . Hickman 18 ° , and Fentham Hedges 18 ° , wero proposed as candidates for the degrees at next meeting of the Council , which was fixed for Friday , 21 st February 1879 . The Council was then closed in ample form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —Held its weekly meeting on Tuesday evening , at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bro . Brasted W . M ., J . Lorkin S . W ., Christian J . W ., Williams S . D ., Carr J . D ., Smyth I . G ., Dallas Secretary , Smyth Treasurer , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Allen , Webb
Forss , C . Lorkin , Holsworth , Bigg and others . After all formalities had been observed , tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Poluk candidate . Bro . C Lorkin worked the first , and Bro . Webb the third section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was regularly closed to the 1 st degree . Bro . J . Lorkin will preside next week .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction . No . 882 . —Held its weekly meeting on Wednesday , 16 th Dec , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppins-conrt , Fleet-street , Br . Brown , of Lodge 862 , in the chair j Abell S . W ., Vizzard J . W ., Tate S . D ., Richardson I . G ., Long P . M .
Preceptor . The Lodge was opened . A candidate offered himself , and tho W . M . performed the ceremony of raising . The whole of the sections of this degree were then worked by the brethren . Bro . Abell waa elected W . M . for next meeting , 8 th January , when tho coremony of passing will be performed .
Dorio Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 . —The usual meet , ing of this Lodge was hold on Friday , the 13 th inst ., at the Duke ' s Head , Whitechapel . road , E . Present- Bros . Forss W . M ., West S . W ., Moss J . W ., Richards S . D ., Stamp J . D ., McDonald I . G ., W . Musto P . M . Hon . Sec , I . P . Col . en P . M . ; J . Webb , J . T . K . Job , A . Ellis and G . H . Stephens . Lodge was opened . Bro . Ellis was passed to
the second degree . Bro . G . H . Stephens worked tho whole of the sections of the lecture , and tho fourth of the first , assisted by tho b : c Li . n . The Hon . Sec . having appealed to the brethren for tho necessities of an esteemed brother , unfortunately in bad health , a sum of money was ordered to be forwarded to him out of the Lodge funds . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned until Friday , 20 th inst ., Bro . West being appointed W . M . for that evening .
Egerton Lodge No . 1030 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at tho George Hotol , Wellington-road , Heaton Norris , near Stockport , on Monday , the 16 th inst . Present—Bros . W . II . Vaughan W . M ., J . W . Abbott I . P . M ., F . Staples S . W ., A . J . Fern as J . W ., E . S . Newton Sec , A . G . Fern Treas ., G . Harden P . M . as S . D ., G . L . Vaughan J . D ., J . Wilkinson I . G ., J . Meadows Tyler ,
and Bros . S . J . Haigh , A . Pomberton , A . Gothard , G . Floyd , and Visitors W . Brandon W . M . 1219 , J . Bromley 1375 , & o . Tho Lodge was formally opened , and tho minutes of last meeting confirmed . Mr . Cameron was balloted for , and initiated into tho privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . The Lodgo was closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to supper , after which a very pleasant evening was spent .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction , No . 1044 . —A meeting was held ou Wedneiday , the 18 th instant , at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , under the presidency of Bros . A . A . Donham W . M ., J . J . Holland S . W ., F . Reed J . W ., A . J . Newens S . D ., J . Frost J . D ., and P . V . Denham I . G . The first degree was worked , after which the Lodge was closed , and the brethren retired for " refreshment , " and engaged in harmony for the remainder of the evening .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly met ? ting on Wednesday , the 11 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . William George Flanagan W . M ., J . Early Dank-s S . W ., William Ferguson J . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Sec , J . T . Stransom Treas ., E . J . Blackwell S . D ., Richard Dowsett J . D ., Rev . C . R . Honey I . G ., W . Heramings Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Brown , Margrett . Members—Bros . Bailey , Prickett , White , Hickie ,
Bavniooat , sell and Rhind . Business—The minutes of the last regular Lodge wore read and confirmed . Several joining membera were elected . Bros . Prickett , Rhind and Hunt were elected on the Permanent Committee . The W . M . announced that the offer made to the Lodge of Union , No . 414 , with regard to the rent , had been accepted . Two candidates for initiation were proposed and seconded Lodge closed .
Clapton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1365 . —Friday , 13 th Deo . After opening in due form , and confirming the minutes of the previous meeting , the Lodge was closed , and tho brethren repaired to the banqueting room , where an excellent supper was laid for five . » nd . twenty , the W . M . of tb « mother Lodge , Bro . Cogan ,
presiding . The usual loyal and othor toasta having been heartily responded to , tho W . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . P . M . Cusworth , " afc the same time presenting him with a beautifully illu « minated testimonial on vellum , together with a diamond ring , as a
tribute of high esteem from the many brethren who have dorivid valuable instruction from him as Preceptor of the Lodge for the last four years , during which period tho brethren have worked together with , if possible , more than the nsual lovo and harmony which ia nt all times a characteristic of this Lodgo .
Royal Military Lodge , No . 1449 . —A meeting was hold on the 9 th December , at 38 Sr . Peter ' s Street , Canterbury . Present—Bros . Edwin Beer W . M ., Ball S . W ., Miskin J . W ., Anderson Hon . Sec , Naylor Treas ., Blamiers S . D ., Coats J . D . Evison Steward , Vantier I . G ., Harnett Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Naylor , Turner ,
Greenwood , Major Knight , Minell ; also 14 brethren . Visitors—Bros . Doctor Holttum P . M . 31 and Hon . Member 1449 , Pilch 972 , Stadward Booley 730 Irish Con ., Davidson , Watts and Flynn 730 I . C . The business comprised the initiation of Mr . Peter Duncan , the raising of Bro . Howorth , and the auditing and passing the accounts for past year .
Eleanor Cross Lodge , No . 1764 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 17 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Northampton , Present—Bros . Boeme W . M ., Rev . S . J . W . Sanders S . W ., Atkins J . W ., Brown Sec , Hill S . D ., Spoor J . D ., Ellard D . C , -Morris I . G ., Kirby and Dean Tylers . Bros . Bearley , Barton , Manning , Perceval , Taylor , Emery , Campion , Frank , Croft , Barnes . Visitors—Bros .
Scales 1286 , Shout 523 , Chapman 360 , Seeker 360 , Cox 10 . Tho first business waa the election , as joining members , of Bros . Croft 840 , Linnell 445 , De Denne 510 . This waa followed by the passing of Bros . Barton , Manning , Barnes , Campion , Emery and Taylor . Tho S . W . proposed , on behalf of the Treasurer , who was unavoidably absent , that ten guineas bo voted to the R . M . B . I ., to bo vested in the
name of the W . M ., which waa carried unanimously . Ifc was also resolved unanimously , on tho proposition of Bro . . Spoor , thafc a plate bearing the names of the foundera be affixed to the frame of the Warrant . A code of by-laws waa read by tha Secretary , passed , and ordered to be printed . Bro . Hill , who has at each meeting of the Lodge conducted the musical portion of the ceremonies ,
was ' appointod Organist . Tho brethren adjourned to a banquet in the Lower Hall , and a very fraternal gathering was brought to a happy conclusion . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts being given , tho W . M . alluded , in very feeling terms , to tho late bereavement in the Royal Family . Bro . Capt . Cox replied to the Visitors' toast , and wished tho new Lodgo tho prosperity which the additions to , and working of , gave snch promise .
Bro . Cuthbert Lytion assisted afc a very successful entertainment on Monday , the 16 th inat ., atSt . Francia Schools , Stratford , the proceeds of which will be added to the School Fund , and to judge from the numerous attendance on the occasion , the result will bo satisfactory . The programme was well selected , and tho audience showed their appreciation of tho performances of the various artists who gavo
their services by frequently and heartily applauding them . Part I . included a pianoforte solo— " Qnatre Bras" —by Miss Ida Brooks , who exhibited both taste aud skill as an executant , "Jack ' s Yarn , " by Mr . Breckall , " The Storm , " by Miss Taylor , " When tho Heart ia Young , " by Miss Clara Perfitt , and " Jessie ' s Dream , " by Miss Lemmon , all which were admirably rendered , and as usual wore
redemanded . The ballad , " My Sweetheart when a Boy , " sung by Mr . C . B . Bnlow , who has a voice of excellent quality and good compass , and a humorous sketch , " My First Dog , " by Bro . Lytton , together with contributions from other artists , all of whom received wellmerited applause . The Second Part was equally good . Mr . Breckall sang "Nancy Lee , " Mr . C . B . Bulow , "The Warrior Bold , " Mr .
Walter Brooks played a solo on tho cornet , " Martha , " Miss Taylor sang , " Let mo dream again , " Miss Clara Perfitt , " Once upon a time , " and Miss Lemmon , "Joyous Life , " while Bro . Lytton gave two humorous sketches " The Jolly Jeremiahs " and " Called to the Bar ; " all of which mi ghtily pleased the audience . Bro . Lytton was also successful iu an entertainment he gave on Tuesday , at the Great Arthur-street Mission Hall , Golden-lane .
M THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for 13 s 6 d , this will n Oade postage for 12 months . Intending Subscribers should forward heir full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every clasa . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page ... £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 a per inch . Double Column Advertisements ls per line . Special Terma for a Series of insertions on application .