Article THE MASONIC YEAR 1878. ← Page 4 of 12 Article THE MASONIC YEAR 1878. Page 4 of 12 →
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The Masonic Year 1878.
off most satisfactorily . And yefc another interesting episode must be recorded in connection with West Lancashire . In March a handsome epergno was presented at a complimentary dinner given in his honour to Bro . Dr . Daniel Moore , M . D ., for his valuable services to the Rowley
Lodge , No . 1051 . There was a numerous gathering on the occasion , and Dr . Moore feelingly acknowledged the compliment paid to him . Turning to the annnal meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire , which was held on tho 29 th November , under the presidency of
R . W . Bro . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . Grand Masterto whom in the early part of the year a testimonial was presented—we note thafc the handsome sum of five hundred guineas was voted towards the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at which
Lieut . Colonel Starkie has kindly consented to preside . It was announced at the same time that over thirty brethren had resolved on acting as Stewards on the occasion , so that it is on the cards that East Lancashire may surpass the Western portion of the county , which gave over £ 1 , 500 ,
when Lord Skelmersdale presided on a like occasion , and even Warwickshire , which contributed exactly £ 2 , 000 when Lord Leigh , its Prov . Grand Master , was President at a recent Festival . It should be added that a grant of £ 50 was made to the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic
Educational andBenevolent Institution . Moving still further northward , duty requires we should make at least a passing allusion to a highly interesting meeting that was held at the Masonic Hall , for the purpose of presenting Bro . B . J . Thompson , P . Prov . Grand Senior Warden and Prov .
Grand Secretary , with a handsome testimonial , consisting of a splendid massive silver tea and coffee service , with salver to match , in recognition of his valuable services to Freemasonry in the Province for a period of one-andtwenty years . It is likewise worthy of mention that the
Grand Lodge of the Province of Northumberland was held this year afc Alnwick , under the presidency of the Earl Percy , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master , and heir apparent to the dukedom of Northumberland . When the business of the meeting was terminated , his lordship entertained all the
brethren who were present—and between 600 and 700 were in attendance—in the great hall of Alnwick Castle . The Duchess of Northumberland , who for a few minutes witnessed tho festive scene from the gallery , was loudly cheered by her son ' s guests .
Descending southward , we shall find a few events worthy of being noted in this record . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent was held early in July , under the presidency of Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master , for the first time for eighteen years ,
in the ancient city of Canterbury , so many of whose archbishops are supposed to have been associated with the Craft . By the kind permission of the Dean , tho meeting was held in the Chapter House of the Cathedral , and in the course of the afternoon , the brethren in full Masonic clothing
attended divine service in the sacred edifice , there being some five hundred Craftsmen present , while the congregation was far in excess of what it usually is , the non-Masonic inhabitants being attracted by a sight so unusual . Between three and four hundred pounds were voted in the
shape of donations to the several Masonic Charities . On the 14 th November , another event of considerable importance to the Masonic citizens of Canterbury was celebrated . The brethren of the three Lodges having combined together , and secured the lease of a house in St . Peters-streetfor
, the purpose of turning the said house to account as a Masonic Hall , the premises were on that day formally dedicated in a quiet and unostentatious way to the purposes of
Freemasonry . On the 10 th July Lord Skelmersdale presided at a meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge of Essex , held at Clacton-on-Sea , for the purpose of presenting to the Life Boat Institution one of the two life boats which had been
voted by Grand Lodge to commemorate the Grand Master ' s safe return from India . The Masonic ceremony passed off welh The after proceedings were not creditable to the municipal authorities of Clacton-on-Sea , or whoever had charge of them .
Lefcus now direct our attention to Royal Arch Masonry , of which we may at once say that , like Craft Masonry , it has prospered during the year now rapidly drawing to a close . Thirty-two new Chapters have been warranted during the year , namely , six in the first quarter , thirteen in the second , five in the third , and eight in the fourth .
Thirty-three petitions were submitted and approved , but of these two were for a Chapter to be attached to one and
The Masonic Year 1878.
the same Lodge ; so that the number of additional Chapters is , as we have stated , only thirty-two . Of these , ten are London Chapters , and fifteen Provincial , namely , three in West Lancashire , two in East Lancashire , two in Surrey , and one each in Cornwall , Derbyshire , Devon , Durham , Hants
and Isle of Wight , Oxford , South Wales West Division , and West Yorkshire . The remaining seven are in foreign stations : two being in the District of Bengal , one in St . Helena , one in North Africa ( Tunis ) , one in South Africa , one in Gibraltar , and one in New Zealand . There is
nothing noteworthy about these new Chapters except in the case of Ancient Carthage , No . 1717 , which is held under the auspices of tho Lodge bearing the same name and number , which had been founded only about six months when the warrant for the Chapter was granted .
It was shown , however , that the Lodge , young as it was , numbered forty-two members , and , what , was of still greater concern , there was no other Masonic body within two hundred miles of it ; the prayer of the Companions , therefore , was unhesitatingly granted . There are now about 550
Chapters holding under the Supreme Grand Chapter of England , of which , in round figures , between 90 and 100 are located in the Metropolis , 350 in the Provinces , and 100 on foreign stations , or attached to Military Lodges . As to personal changes and losses , we note that Essex and
Worcestershire have both lost their Provincial Grand Superintendents , the former by tho death of Comp . J . Bagshaw , and the latter by that of Comp . A . Hudson Royds . Comp . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., has been installed Prov . Grand
Superintendent of West Yorkshire , in succession to the late Comp . Bentley Shaw , and Norfolk has a new Royal Arch ruler in the person of Colonel James Duff , who now occupies the place of the late Prov . Grand Superintendent Comp . Hon . F . Walpole , M . P .
The installation of Sir H . Edwards took place at Sheffield , and there were present close on 250 Companions on the occasion , Lieut .-Col . Lo Gendre Starkie , Prov . G . Superintendent of E . Lancashire being the officer entrusted with the ceremony of installation , and right well Comp . Starkie
fulfilled his part . It is also worthy of mention that before the Prov , G . Chapter was closed , the handsome sum of one hundred guineas was voted to the fund in course of being raised to perpetuate , in some way , the memory of Comp . Bentley Shaw , whose death we have already alluded to ,
and who was the immediate predecessor of Sir Henry Edwards as Prov . G . Superintendent of this influential Province . Less imposing—on the ground that the Province can point to fewer Chapters , but ou that ground only—was the installation of Comp . Rev . C J . Martyn as Prov . G .
Superintendent of Suffolk . The appointment was made last year , but the formal induction of the Rev . Companion into office did not take place till the early spring of this . Some seventy R . Arch Masons were present , the most ; eminent being Comp . Lord Skelmersdale Grand H ., who
attended for the purpose of installing Rev . C . J . Martyn . We need hardly say the duty was admirably fulfilled . At the Quarterly Convocation in February , the General Committee reported that there stood to the credit of Grand Chapter in the Three per Cent . Consols no less than
£ 3 , 400 , and as no immediate claim was likely to be made on tbe funds in question , it was recommended , and Grand Chapter approved of the recommendation , that £ 2 , 000 should be granted to our Institutions , namely , £ 500 to tbe Girls' School , £ 500 to the Boys' School , £ 500 to the
R . M . Benevolent Fund ( Male ) , and £ 500 to the same ( Female Fund ) . Another vote , small in itself , yet showing clearly the goodwill which the R . A . Masons of Cheshire bear towards their Prov . G . Superintendent , may appropripriately be referred to . A sum of sixty guineas was
unanimously voted in order to complete the amount necessary to make Lord de Tabley P . G . Sup . a Vice-Patron of the Girls' School . A line , too , may be added as to the Wanderers' Chapter , the warrant for which was granted under
exceptional circumstances . Tho Chapter was consecrated in March by General Brownrigg , C . B ., Prov . Grand Superintendent Surrey , the gallant Companion being a distinguished member of the service which is so strongly represented in the Chapter .
Mark Masonry has made rapid progress in the course of the last twelve months . Indeed , each successive year finds this degree increasing in favour . At the Winter
Haltyearly Communication , held on the 4 th instant , the number of the latest Warrant issued was returned as No . 234 , and since then the Clapton , No . 236 , has been consecrated , so that , including the Time Immemorial Lodges , there
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Year 1878.
off most satisfactorily . And yefc another interesting episode must be recorded in connection with West Lancashire . In March a handsome epergno was presented at a complimentary dinner given in his honour to Bro . Dr . Daniel Moore , M . D ., for his valuable services to the Rowley
Lodge , No . 1051 . There was a numerous gathering on the occasion , and Dr . Moore feelingly acknowledged the compliment paid to him . Turning to the annnal meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire , which was held on tho 29 th November , under the presidency of
R . W . Bro . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . Grand Masterto whom in the early part of the year a testimonial was presented—we note thafc the handsome sum of five hundred guineas was voted towards the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at which
Lieut . Colonel Starkie has kindly consented to preside . It was announced at the same time that over thirty brethren had resolved on acting as Stewards on the occasion , so that it is on the cards that East Lancashire may surpass the Western portion of the county , which gave over £ 1 , 500 ,
when Lord Skelmersdale presided on a like occasion , and even Warwickshire , which contributed exactly £ 2 , 000 when Lord Leigh , its Prov . Grand Master , was President at a recent Festival . It should be added that a grant of £ 50 was made to the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic
Educational andBenevolent Institution . Moving still further northward , duty requires we should make at least a passing allusion to a highly interesting meeting that was held at the Masonic Hall , for the purpose of presenting Bro . B . J . Thompson , P . Prov . Grand Senior Warden and Prov .
Grand Secretary , with a handsome testimonial , consisting of a splendid massive silver tea and coffee service , with salver to match , in recognition of his valuable services to Freemasonry in the Province for a period of one-andtwenty years . It is likewise worthy of mention that the
Grand Lodge of the Province of Northumberland was held this year afc Alnwick , under the presidency of the Earl Percy , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master , and heir apparent to the dukedom of Northumberland . When the business of the meeting was terminated , his lordship entertained all the
brethren who were present—and between 600 and 700 were in attendance—in the great hall of Alnwick Castle . The Duchess of Northumberland , who for a few minutes witnessed tho festive scene from the gallery , was loudly cheered by her son ' s guests .
Descending southward , we shall find a few events worthy of being noted in this record . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent was held early in July , under the presidency of Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master , for the first time for eighteen years ,
in the ancient city of Canterbury , so many of whose archbishops are supposed to have been associated with the Craft . By the kind permission of the Dean , tho meeting was held in the Chapter House of the Cathedral , and in the course of the afternoon , the brethren in full Masonic clothing
attended divine service in the sacred edifice , there being some five hundred Craftsmen present , while the congregation was far in excess of what it usually is , the non-Masonic inhabitants being attracted by a sight so unusual . Between three and four hundred pounds were voted in the
shape of donations to the several Masonic Charities . On the 14 th November , another event of considerable importance to the Masonic citizens of Canterbury was celebrated . The brethren of the three Lodges having combined together , and secured the lease of a house in St . Peters-streetfor
, the purpose of turning the said house to account as a Masonic Hall , the premises were on that day formally dedicated in a quiet and unostentatious way to the purposes of
Freemasonry . On the 10 th July Lord Skelmersdale presided at a meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge of Essex , held at Clacton-on-Sea , for the purpose of presenting to the Life Boat Institution one of the two life boats which had been
voted by Grand Lodge to commemorate the Grand Master ' s safe return from India . The Masonic ceremony passed off welh The after proceedings were not creditable to the municipal authorities of Clacton-on-Sea , or whoever had charge of them .
Lefcus now direct our attention to Royal Arch Masonry , of which we may at once say that , like Craft Masonry , it has prospered during the year now rapidly drawing to a close . Thirty-two new Chapters have been warranted during the year , namely , six in the first quarter , thirteen in the second , five in the third , and eight in the fourth .
Thirty-three petitions were submitted and approved , but of these two were for a Chapter to be attached to one and
The Masonic Year 1878.
the same Lodge ; so that the number of additional Chapters is , as we have stated , only thirty-two . Of these , ten are London Chapters , and fifteen Provincial , namely , three in West Lancashire , two in East Lancashire , two in Surrey , and one each in Cornwall , Derbyshire , Devon , Durham , Hants
and Isle of Wight , Oxford , South Wales West Division , and West Yorkshire . The remaining seven are in foreign stations : two being in the District of Bengal , one in St . Helena , one in North Africa ( Tunis ) , one in South Africa , one in Gibraltar , and one in New Zealand . There is
nothing noteworthy about these new Chapters except in the case of Ancient Carthage , No . 1717 , which is held under the auspices of tho Lodge bearing the same name and number , which had been founded only about six months when the warrant for the Chapter was granted .
It was shown , however , that the Lodge , young as it was , numbered forty-two members , and , what , was of still greater concern , there was no other Masonic body within two hundred miles of it ; the prayer of the Companions , therefore , was unhesitatingly granted . There are now about 550
Chapters holding under the Supreme Grand Chapter of England , of which , in round figures , between 90 and 100 are located in the Metropolis , 350 in the Provinces , and 100 on foreign stations , or attached to Military Lodges . As to personal changes and losses , we note that Essex and
Worcestershire have both lost their Provincial Grand Superintendents , the former by tho death of Comp . J . Bagshaw , and the latter by that of Comp . A . Hudson Royds . Comp . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., has been installed Prov . Grand
Superintendent of West Yorkshire , in succession to the late Comp . Bentley Shaw , and Norfolk has a new Royal Arch ruler in the person of Colonel James Duff , who now occupies the place of the late Prov . Grand Superintendent Comp . Hon . F . Walpole , M . P .
The installation of Sir H . Edwards took place at Sheffield , and there were present close on 250 Companions on the occasion , Lieut .-Col . Lo Gendre Starkie , Prov . G . Superintendent of E . Lancashire being the officer entrusted with the ceremony of installation , and right well Comp . Starkie
fulfilled his part . It is also worthy of mention that before the Prov , G . Chapter was closed , the handsome sum of one hundred guineas was voted to the fund in course of being raised to perpetuate , in some way , the memory of Comp . Bentley Shaw , whose death we have already alluded to ,
and who was the immediate predecessor of Sir Henry Edwards as Prov . G . Superintendent of this influential Province . Less imposing—on the ground that the Province can point to fewer Chapters , but ou that ground only—was the installation of Comp . Rev . C J . Martyn as Prov . G .
Superintendent of Suffolk . The appointment was made last year , but the formal induction of the Rev . Companion into office did not take place till the early spring of this . Some seventy R . Arch Masons were present , the most ; eminent being Comp . Lord Skelmersdale Grand H ., who
attended for the purpose of installing Rev . C . J . Martyn . We need hardly say the duty was admirably fulfilled . At the Quarterly Convocation in February , the General Committee reported that there stood to the credit of Grand Chapter in the Three per Cent . Consols no less than
£ 3 , 400 , and as no immediate claim was likely to be made on tbe funds in question , it was recommended , and Grand Chapter approved of the recommendation , that £ 2 , 000 should be granted to our Institutions , namely , £ 500 to tbe Girls' School , £ 500 to the Boys' School , £ 500 to the
R . M . Benevolent Fund ( Male ) , and £ 500 to the same ( Female Fund ) . Another vote , small in itself , yet showing clearly the goodwill which the R . A . Masons of Cheshire bear towards their Prov . G . Superintendent , may appropripriately be referred to . A sum of sixty guineas was
unanimously voted in order to complete the amount necessary to make Lord de Tabley P . G . Sup . a Vice-Patron of the Girls' School . A line , too , may be added as to the Wanderers' Chapter , the warrant for which was granted under
exceptional circumstances . Tho Chapter was consecrated in March by General Brownrigg , C . B ., Prov . Grand Superintendent Surrey , the gallant Companion being a distinguished member of the service which is so strongly represented in the Chapter .
Mark Masonry has made rapid progress in the course of the last twelve months . Indeed , each successive year finds this degree increasing in favour . At the Winter
Haltyearly Communication , held on the 4 th instant , the number of the latest Warrant issued was returned as No . 234 , and since then the Clapton , No . 236 , has been consecrated , so that , including the Time Immemorial Lodges , there