Article THE MASONIC YEAR 1878. ← Page 5 of 12 Article THE MASONIC YEAR 1878. Page 5 of 12 →
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The Masonic Year 1878.
cannot now be far short of 250 Lodges , while the number of Mark Masons holding under this Grand Lodge is close on 12 , 000 , the actual numbers being 11 , 773 . At the Summer Half-yearly Communication in June , Lord Skelmersdale , who had been elected Grand Master at the
previous Communication , was formally installed by his predecessor , the Earl of Limerick , in the presence of a numerous gathering of brethren . In acknowledging the salutations which greeted him , Lord Skelmersdale expressed himself highly sensible of the honour conferred upon him ,
and having promised that he would devote himself to promoting the best interests of the Order , presented his noble predecessor with a handsome Past Grand Master ' s jewel , in token of the many and great services he had rendered during his three years' tenure of office . The gift was
suitably acknowledged by the Earl of Limerick , and the Officers for the year were then appointed , the Earl of Dononghmore being made Deputy Grand Mark Master , and Lord Henniker and Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Senior and Junior Grand Wardens respectively . From a financial
point of view nothing could be more satisfactory than the state of Grand Lodge . There is an amount of £ 2 , 000 invested , one-half in respect of the General Fund , and the other in respect of the Benevolent Fund , the great success of the annual Festival of the latter
having been such as to warrant the amount of invested money being increased to £ 1 , 000 . This Festival was held in July , at the Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill , under the presidency of Lord Skelmersdale , and the thirty-two Stewards among them raised over £ 370 . It is also
satisfactory to record that the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the district of Columbia U . S . A . and Western Virginia have recognised and interchanged representatives wifch our Mark G . Lodge , Lord Skelmersdale and Bro . F . Binckes , with his chief ' s approval , being accepted as the representatives
of Grand Lodge for Columbia and Western Virginia , while the G . High Priest McCoy , at the former and 111 . Comp . Cheever at the latter , each with the rank of Grand Warden , are representatives from this . A suggested change in the Constitntion of the Mark G . Lodge , by which it would have
taken under its banners certain side and other degrees , has not been entertained , but a scheme for establishing an Educational Fund in connection with the Fund of Benevolence , was duly sanctioned early this month in Grand Lodge . We have already adverted to the death of Sir F . M . Williams ,
Bart . M . P ., by which event Cornwall is deprived of the services of a mosfc distinguished ruler , and it may be mentioned that the Hon . H . Thoby Prinsep is the Prov . G . Master of Bengal , in place of Bro . Dr . Theodore Cooke . We cannot , however , allow this sketch of Mark Masonry
to pass without including in it a reference to one of the highest and best beloved of English Mark Masons , who was alive , though in somewhat failing health , at the time we wrote our history of 1877 . We allude to the death of that " Fine old English gentleman , " Bro . John Sutcliffe , Prov .
G . M . M . M . of Lincolnshire , than whom a grander fellow never existed . True , he died the day before last Christmas clay , but the sad event , though noted in our columns in the last Aveekof 1877 , comes properly within the scope of onr present record . It were foolish to say , " We ne ' er shall
look upon his like again , " for we know not what good men may como among us , but it may well happen Ave shall never see a better . Bro . Sutcliffe was in his prime , and we might have hoped for a long continuance of service from him ; but the fiat had gone forth , and a few days hence , and
one year will have elapsed since he was among us . But though he has gone , his memory still liveth , and Avill live , Avhile there is a sense of truth and respect among Mark Masons . The usual Moveable Grand Lodge Avas held at Keswick , in Cumberland , on which occasion there was a
strong muster of brethren , for the purpose of witnessing the consecration of the Fletcher Lodge , No . 213 , and the Henry , No . 216 , the former being located afc Whitehaven , and the latter at Fitzington . Oue eminently auspicious event has happened in Templar
Masonry . By special dispensation from Lord Skelmersdale Great Prior of England , an Emergency Meeting of the Cceur de Lion Preceptory , Province of Oxford , was held in November , at 33 Golden-square , London , for the purpose of installing H . R . H . Prince Leopold , into the Preceptor ' s chair .
The ceremony was performed by the eminent Preceptor Sir Knight Rev . T . Cochrane Grand Prelate , Avho was assisted by Sir Knights Hyde Pullen , F . Richardson , Rev . John Robins , D . D , and Colonel Somerville Burney . When tbe ( special dispensation tor holding the Preceptory in London
The Masonic Year 1878.
instead of at Oxford , had been read , it Avas announced that the V . H . and E . Great Prior of Ireland His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , awaited admittance . A deputation of the Great Officers Avas formed , and conducted His Royal Highness into the Preceptory , where he Avas
received with all honours , under an Arch of Steel . Prince Leopold Avas then installed , and having beeu proclaimed and saluted , briefly expressed his thanks and appointed his
Officers , Sir Knig ht Rev . T . Cochrane being assigned tho office of Pro Preceptor . Their Royal Highnesses subsequently retired under the Arch of Steel , and the interesting proceedings came to an end .
The Ancient and Accepted Rite can likewise boast of what , perhaps , may be regarded as the unique event of the year . On the 6 th November , their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught , K . G ., and Prince Leopold , K . G ., were advanced to the thirty-third and last degree of Freemasonry .
Among the members present of the Sup . Council were Lord Skelmersdale M . P . So v . G . Commander , Captain N . G . Philips Lieut . Grand Commander and Past S . G . C ., Major-General H . Clerk Treasurer-General , J . M . P . Montagu G . Chancellor , and Lieut .-Colonel Shad well H . Gierke G .
Secretary-General , and several members of the thirty-third degree . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Patron of the Order , accompanied by his brothers , arrived at 4 p . m ., and having been received by Lord Skelmersdale and other members , were conducted to the Council Chamber , Avhere the
31 st and 32 ud degrees were conferred upon them . The Supreme Council then adjourned to the hall , Avhere the Duke and Prince Leopold had the 33 rd degree conferred upon them in a most impressive manner by Lord Skelmersdale M . P . Sov . G . Commander , Avhile the Prince of Wales
personally invested his brothers Avith the insignia of the degree . Rightly have we described this as a unique event , for it is the first and only occasion on which the three Princes have met together in Masonry , illness or duty having hitherto operated to prevent this . They were then
proclaimed and saluted by their style and titles as Sovereign G . Inspector-Generals of the 33 rd degree , and as honorary members , ad vitam , of the Supreme Council of England and Wales . Be it added that sundry changes have taken place in the constitution of the Supreme
Council , 111 . Bro . Dr . Hamilton having resigned his seat , and III . Bro . General Brownrigg , C . B ., having been appointed in his stead , Dr . Hamilton , however , being elected a supernumerary member . In consequence , the Supreme Council is now constituted as follows : —Grand Patron H . R . H .
Prince of Wales . Honorary Members—H . R . H . Duke of Connaught and Prince Leopold . Supreme Council—Lord Skelmersdale M . P . S . G . C . Capt . N . G . Philips P . M . P . S . G . C . and Lieut . G . C ., Major-General Clerk G . Treasurer-General , J . M . P . Montagu Grand Chancellor , Lieut .-Colonel
Shad-Avell H . Gierke G . Secretary-General , Hugh Sandeman G . Secretary Foreign Correspondence , Sir Michael Costa G . Captain of Guard , Colonel Alexander W . Adair S . G . I . G ., and General BroAvnrigg , C . B ., S . G . I . G ., Dr . Hamilton ( supernumerary member ) . Nor would it become us to
pass unheeded the consecration of a new Rose Croix Chapter at Canterbury named the Ethelbert . The event Avas attended Avith considerable ceremony . A special meeting of tho Supreme Council Avas called , in the first place to perfect candidates for the Rose Croix 18 ° , and then for tho
consecration of the Chapter and the installation of the Most Wise Sovereign . Captain N . G . Philips Lieut . G . Commander , J . M . P . Montagu G . Chancellor , Lieut .-Col . ShadAvell H . Gierke , S . Rawson 33 ° , & c , & c , took part in the ceremony , and the compliment of honorary membership was paid to Captain Philips and his coadjutors .
One event by which the year 1878 has been signalised we have reserved for separate notice . We allude to the Pilgrimage or Pilgrimages—for there Avere two—of American Knights Templar to this country and to Paris to see the Exhibition . Tho first consisted of a party of
Sir Knights of the Mary Commandery , No . 36 , ot Philadelphia , who , with their friends aud some ladies , mustered about thirty . These visited Ireland , Scotland , and England , and Avherever they appeared were heartily Avelcomed by the brethren of the United Kingdom . At the ancient city
of York they Avere right loyally entertained , conspicuous among those Avho rendered service being Sir Knight T . B , Whytehead . Tho guests wero shown over the fine old
Minster , and inspected the interesting relics and records of the old York Lodge , the Grand Lodge of All England as it was named . Afc Sheffield Sir Knight S . B . Ellis waa foremost among thoso Avho welcomed them , while in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Year 1878.
cannot now be far short of 250 Lodges , while the number of Mark Masons holding under this Grand Lodge is close on 12 , 000 , the actual numbers being 11 , 773 . At the Summer Half-yearly Communication in June , Lord Skelmersdale , who had been elected Grand Master at the
previous Communication , was formally installed by his predecessor , the Earl of Limerick , in the presence of a numerous gathering of brethren . In acknowledging the salutations which greeted him , Lord Skelmersdale expressed himself highly sensible of the honour conferred upon him ,
and having promised that he would devote himself to promoting the best interests of the Order , presented his noble predecessor with a handsome Past Grand Master ' s jewel , in token of the many and great services he had rendered during his three years' tenure of office . The gift was
suitably acknowledged by the Earl of Limerick , and the Officers for the year were then appointed , the Earl of Dononghmore being made Deputy Grand Mark Master , and Lord Henniker and Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Senior and Junior Grand Wardens respectively . From a financial
point of view nothing could be more satisfactory than the state of Grand Lodge . There is an amount of £ 2 , 000 invested , one-half in respect of the General Fund , and the other in respect of the Benevolent Fund , the great success of the annual Festival of the latter
having been such as to warrant the amount of invested money being increased to £ 1 , 000 . This Festival was held in July , at the Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill , under the presidency of Lord Skelmersdale , and the thirty-two Stewards among them raised over £ 370 . It is also
satisfactory to record that the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the district of Columbia U . S . A . and Western Virginia have recognised and interchanged representatives wifch our Mark G . Lodge , Lord Skelmersdale and Bro . F . Binckes , with his chief ' s approval , being accepted as the representatives
of Grand Lodge for Columbia and Western Virginia , while the G . High Priest McCoy , at the former and 111 . Comp . Cheever at the latter , each with the rank of Grand Warden , are representatives from this . A suggested change in the Constitntion of the Mark G . Lodge , by which it would have
taken under its banners certain side and other degrees , has not been entertained , but a scheme for establishing an Educational Fund in connection with the Fund of Benevolence , was duly sanctioned early this month in Grand Lodge . We have already adverted to the death of Sir F . M . Williams ,
Bart . M . P ., by which event Cornwall is deprived of the services of a mosfc distinguished ruler , and it may be mentioned that the Hon . H . Thoby Prinsep is the Prov . G . Master of Bengal , in place of Bro . Dr . Theodore Cooke . We cannot , however , allow this sketch of Mark Masonry
to pass without including in it a reference to one of the highest and best beloved of English Mark Masons , who was alive , though in somewhat failing health , at the time we wrote our history of 1877 . We allude to the death of that " Fine old English gentleman , " Bro . John Sutcliffe , Prov .
G . M . M . M . of Lincolnshire , than whom a grander fellow never existed . True , he died the day before last Christmas clay , but the sad event , though noted in our columns in the last Aveekof 1877 , comes properly within the scope of onr present record . It were foolish to say , " We ne ' er shall
look upon his like again , " for we know not what good men may como among us , but it may well happen Ave shall never see a better . Bro . Sutcliffe was in his prime , and we might have hoped for a long continuance of service from him ; but the fiat had gone forth , and a few days hence , and
one year will have elapsed since he was among us . But though he has gone , his memory still liveth , and Avill live , Avhile there is a sense of truth and respect among Mark Masons . The usual Moveable Grand Lodge Avas held at Keswick , in Cumberland , on which occasion there was a
strong muster of brethren , for the purpose of witnessing the consecration of the Fletcher Lodge , No . 213 , and the Henry , No . 216 , the former being located afc Whitehaven , and the latter at Fitzington . Oue eminently auspicious event has happened in Templar
Masonry . By special dispensation from Lord Skelmersdale Great Prior of England , an Emergency Meeting of the Cceur de Lion Preceptory , Province of Oxford , was held in November , at 33 Golden-square , London , for the purpose of installing H . R . H . Prince Leopold , into the Preceptor ' s chair .
The ceremony was performed by the eminent Preceptor Sir Knight Rev . T . Cochrane Grand Prelate , Avho was assisted by Sir Knights Hyde Pullen , F . Richardson , Rev . John Robins , D . D , and Colonel Somerville Burney . When tbe ( special dispensation tor holding the Preceptory in London
The Masonic Year 1878.
instead of at Oxford , had been read , it Avas announced that the V . H . and E . Great Prior of Ireland His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , awaited admittance . A deputation of the Great Officers Avas formed , and conducted His Royal Highness into the Preceptory , where he Avas
received with all honours , under an Arch of Steel . Prince Leopold Avas then installed , and having beeu proclaimed and saluted , briefly expressed his thanks and appointed his
Officers , Sir Knig ht Rev . T . Cochrane being assigned tho office of Pro Preceptor . Their Royal Highnesses subsequently retired under the Arch of Steel , and the interesting proceedings came to an end .
The Ancient and Accepted Rite can likewise boast of what , perhaps , may be regarded as the unique event of the year . On the 6 th November , their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught , K . G ., and Prince Leopold , K . G ., were advanced to the thirty-third and last degree of Freemasonry .
Among the members present of the Sup . Council were Lord Skelmersdale M . P . So v . G . Commander , Captain N . G . Philips Lieut . Grand Commander and Past S . G . C ., Major-General H . Clerk Treasurer-General , J . M . P . Montagu G . Chancellor , and Lieut .-Colonel Shad well H . Gierke G .
Secretary-General , and several members of the thirty-third degree . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Patron of the Order , accompanied by his brothers , arrived at 4 p . m ., and having been received by Lord Skelmersdale and other members , were conducted to the Council Chamber , Avhere the
31 st and 32 ud degrees were conferred upon them . The Supreme Council then adjourned to the hall , Avhere the Duke and Prince Leopold had the 33 rd degree conferred upon them in a most impressive manner by Lord Skelmersdale M . P . Sov . G . Commander , Avhile the Prince of Wales
personally invested his brothers Avith the insignia of the degree . Rightly have we described this as a unique event , for it is the first and only occasion on which the three Princes have met together in Masonry , illness or duty having hitherto operated to prevent this . They were then
proclaimed and saluted by their style and titles as Sovereign G . Inspector-Generals of the 33 rd degree , and as honorary members , ad vitam , of the Supreme Council of England and Wales . Be it added that sundry changes have taken place in the constitution of the Supreme
Council , 111 . Bro . Dr . Hamilton having resigned his seat , and III . Bro . General Brownrigg , C . B ., having been appointed in his stead , Dr . Hamilton , however , being elected a supernumerary member . In consequence , the Supreme Council is now constituted as follows : —Grand Patron H . R . H .
Prince of Wales . Honorary Members—H . R . H . Duke of Connaught and Prince Leopold . Supreme Council—Lord Skelmersdale M . P . S . G . C . Capt . N . G . Philips P . M . P . S . G . C . and Lieut . G . C ., Major-General Clerk G . Treasurer-General , J . M . P . Montagu Grand Chancellor , Lieut .-Colonel
Shad-Avell H . Gierke G . Secretary-General , Hugh Sandeman G . Secretary Foreign Correspondence , Sir Michael Costa G . Captain of Guard , Colonel Alexander W . Adair S . G . I . G ., and General BroAvnrigg , C . B ., S . G . I . G ., Dr . Hamilton ( supernumerary member ) . Nor would it become us to
pass unheeded the consecration of a new Rose Croix Chapter at Canterbury named the Ethelbert . The event Avas attended Avith considerable ceremony . A special meeting of tho Supreme Council Avas called , in the first place to perfect candidates for the Rose Croix 18 ° , and then for tho
consecration of the Chapter and the installation of the Most Wise Sovereign . Captain N . G . Philips Lieut . G . Commander , J . M . P . Montagu G . Chancellor , Lieut .-Col . ShadAvell H . Gierke , S . Rawson 33 ° , & c , & c , took part in the ceremony , and the compliment of honorary membership was paid to Captain Philips and his coadjutors .
One event by which the year 1878 has been signalised we have reserved for separate notice . We allude to the Pilgrimage or Pilgrimages—for there Avere two—of American Knights Templar to this country and to Paris to see the Exhibition . Tho first consisted of a party of
Sir Knights of the Mary Commandery , No . 36 , ot Philadelphia , who , with their friends aud some ladies , mustered about thirty . These visited Ireland , Scotland , and England , and Avherever they appeared were heartily Avelcomed by the brethren of the United Kingdom . At the ancient city
of York they Avere right loyally entertained , conspicuous among those Avho rendered service being Sir Knight T . B , Whytehead . Tho guests wero shown over the fine old
Minster , and inspected the interesting relics and records of the old York Lodge , the Grand Lodge of All England as it was named . Afc Sheffield Sir Knight S . B . Ellis waa foremost among thoso Avho welcomed them , while in