Article THE MASONIC YEAR 1878. ← Page 8 of 12 Article THE MASONIC YEAR 1878. Page 8 of 12 →
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The Masonic Year 1878.
awarded to Frances Smith AVIIO took "the Ffennell ( £ 3 ) for Scripture and History , the second Astloy Prize English Division , and the first ditto French Division , and Gertrude Gill , AVIIO Avon tho Ffennell Prize last year , and Avas therefore awarded a certificate , the first Astley Prize English , and
second ditto French , together Avith the Naglo Prize in Class I . for General Proficiency . Tho Oldham good conduct medals Avere aAvarded to Jane Crymble ( silver medal ) and Henrietta Richards ( bronze ditto ) . But the extraordinary event of the past twelve months is unquestionably tho installation of H . R . H . the Dnke of Connauorhfc as
Great Prior of tho Order of the Temple in Ireland . This auspicious event took p lace on tho 28 th January , in the presence of a numerous and brilliant gathering of Sir Knights , among Avhom Avere Viscount Powerscourt Great Constable of the Order , Lord Dunboyne Grand Master ' s
Standard Bearer , the Earl of Huntingdon Great Prior ' s ditto , Lord Ed . P . Clinton , Sir David Roche , Bart ., & c . Lord Skelmersdale Great Prior of England had been deputed by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales Grand Master to be present and instal the Duke , but Avas unable to be present ,
and Captain Huband acted for him . The scene Avhen the Knights Avere assembled in the Grand Lodge Room in all their gorgeous panoply , and just before the entrance of His Royal Highness Avas grand and impressive in the extreme . On entering , the Duke was received by Captain Huband ,
Acting Great Prior , and conducted to the robing room . A Great Priory of the Order Avas then opened in the Prince Masons' Chapter Room , Avhither tho Duke Avas conducted b y Viscount Powerscourt Grand Constable , and in clue course folloAved the ceremony of obligation , which took place in
the Priory Chapel , and the installation , Avhich Avas held in the Grand Lodge Room . His Royal Highness was then proclaimed , and as his first official act , appointed Captain Huband Acting Great Prior . The Grand Officers , and subsequently the Sir Knights passed by the foot of the
throne , and sainted the Great Prior , and the latter having resumed their places , the procession of Grand Officers Avas re-formed , and having conducted His Royal Highness to the throne in the chapel , the latter ordered tho Great Priory to be closed . And so ended the most memorable day that
has yet been knoAvn in the history of Irish Templar Masonry . The one subject of regret that is associated Avith this meeting is that Captain Huband , who played so distinguished a part on the occasion , and had the honour of installing His Royal Highness , has since died . Captain
Huband Avas one of the most distinguished of our Irish brethren . He sat on the Board of General Purposes , as representative of Lodgo No . 12 Dublin in Craft , and as that of Chapter No . 12 in Arch Freemasonry . He was Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand Chapter of Prince
Masons of Ireland , and a Past Sovereign of the Original Chapter , as Avell as of Chapter 10 , and had taken the thirty-first degree iu the Ancient and Accepted Rite , Ireland , so thafc by his death Irish Freemasonry has to lament a very serious loss , and one that it will not be so
easy to replace . There is yet another member of the Fraternity—Judge Keogh—Avhose death , especially from the cause Avhich led to it , must not be passed in silence . We do not know that he took a prominent part in the doings of our Society , but he Avas one of the ablest of
the Irish judicial bench , and Avas remarkable for the intrepid impartiality Avith ivhich he administered the laAv , an impartiality Avhich , albeit he AA-as a Roman Catholic himself , brought down npon him the hatred of the Romish
priesthood . This it Avas that had so disastrous an effect on his mental poAvers , that he Avas of necessity placed under restraint at times . However , he has gone from among us , and his place in the Lodge knows him no more .
If wo turn to Scotland wc shall find the page of Masonic history Avhich has been Avritten during the last year is not entirely unblotted . There is cause for satisfaction , seeing that Grand Lodge is slowly but surely setting its house in order , and after the state of chaos it Avas in till recently , this
is indeed a subject for congratulation . But it is very far from being all plain sailing , and more than oue unpleasant dispute has taken place during the year now ending . AVe Avill first of all note the condition of the Craft as regards the nnmber of its Lodges . Last year we noted , Avithout ,
however , under the circumstances , vonching for the accuraey of our figures , that there Avere 482 Lodges in working order , the highest on the roll being No . 609 . Our Grand Lodge Calendar shows thafc the highest now is 627 , and cons * quently eighteen new Lodges have been added to the list of those holding under the Grand Lodge of Scotland ;
The Masonic Year 1878.
so that the total now in active work is exactly 500 Lodges . Four of the new ones are located at home , and tho remaining fourteen abroad , namely , four in New Zealand , three in Now South Wales , one in Chili , one in China , one in Jamaica , one in South Australia , and two in Montreal . Of
these last two AVO shall have occasion to speak presently . The most notable personal changes in tho governing body of the Craft include the substitution of the Earl of Mar and Kellie as Depute Grand Master for Bro . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , aud thafc of the Hon . Macintosh Balfour as
Grand Master of Scottish Freemasonry for ail India in place of Captain Henry Morland , resigned . Their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and Prince Leopold have had the compliment paid them of being enrolled among the honorary members of Grand Lodge , Avhile one such
member , in the person of the late ex-King George V . of Hanover , has been removed from those enrolled . A further loss has been sustained through the death of the Right Hon . Lord Kinnaird and Rossie , of Rossie Priory , who was Grand Master Mason of Scotland , during the years 1830-1 , and filled the office of Provincial Grand Master of
Perthshire East at the time of his death . It was principally by his exertions thafc Freemasonry had made such considerable progress in the Province he presided over , and two years had not elapsed at tbe time of his death—which occurred on the 7 th of January—since he had , in right
princely fashion , entertained a number of his Perthshire brethren . He was in his 71 st year , and at the time of this Avriting , a successor to him in the Masonic government of Perthshire East had not been found . These are among the capital changes Avhich are Avorthy of note , and one of them
—the appointment of the Earl of Mar and Kellie m place of Bro . Inglis needs a word or two further . Sir M . R . Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., having already filled the chair of G . Lodge for over the biennial term , which is chiefly the rule in Scotland , has nevertheless been invited , and , what is more to the
point , consented to remain another year in office , in order that the changes which have been made under Avhat may be called the new administrative regime , and in which he has taken so deep an interest , may be brought more nearly into Avorking order . HoAvever , the scheme for retaining the Most
Worshipful Brother in his place for a further term does not appear to have met Avith universal approbation . Ifc Avas . proposed to nominate Bro . Inglis , but he declined , though the requisition Avas signed by some 500 members of Grand Lodge . Ifc Avas afterwards nofc very satisfactorily discussed
m the newspapers , and there Avas no small amount of somewhat unfraternal feeling exhibited . However , let us hope that all will be well , and that Scotland -will have no reason to regret having entered on a new path armed Avith a particularly new broom , which is meant to sweep it clean of all
abuses . Indeed , it Avas shoAvn at the Quarterly Communication on 4 th February thafc the income of Grand Lodge for quarter to 21 st December previous had exceeded the expenditure by £ 940 . At the meeting of Grand Lodge on the 4 th November , statements equally satisfactory , were made as to the condition of the finances . The relations
hitherto existing Avith the Grand Orient have been determined for the same reason that Ireland has discontinued intercourse with that Grand Body , and which has induced our Grand Lodge to lay down special regulations for the admission of foreign visiting brethren . Another event ,
which Ave had no time to include in our sketch of last year , seeing that it happened on the 21 st December , and the number containing it was published on the 22 nd , may appropriately be recorded now , especially as it is a testimony to the Avorth of a very prominent Mason of Ayrshire—no less ,
in fact , than its Prov . Grand Secretary , as well as Secretary to Mother Kilwinning , Avho in the early part of last year , had been a candidate for the vacant Grand Secretaryship . The gift comistod of an epergne , with a purse of 250 sovereigns , and a gold Avatch , c haiu , and brooch for Mrs . Wylie , and was
presented to Bro . W ylie at a dinner presided over by R . W . Bro . Cochran-Patr . 3 k , of Buruside , and suitably acknoAVledged in the Avarmest terms by the recipient . A more important , because an essentially national , and at the same time , Masonic evert , took place in the town of Kilmarnock ,
with Avhich will always be associated the name of the great poet , Brother Robert Burns , as the place where the first edition of his Avork was printed , aud Avhere the oi ly full collection of all tbe editions
is to bo met Avith . It Avas in the month of January 1877 , that the idea of en cting some bust or statue to his memory arose , and the att < mpt to raise the necessary funds Avas so successful , and so greatly beyond the highest anticipations
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Year 1878.
awarded to Frances Smith AVIIO took "the Ffennell ( £ 3 ) for Scripture and History , the second Astloy Prize English Division , and the first ditto French Division , and Gertrude Gill , AVIIO Avon tho Ffennell Prize last year , and Avas therefore awarded a certificate , the first Astley Prize English , and
second ditto French , together Avith the Naglo Prize in Class I . for General Proficiency . Tho Oldham good conduct medals Avere aAvarded to Jane Crymble ( silver medal ) and Henrietta Richards ( bronze ditto ) . But the extraordinary event of the past twelve months is unquestionably tho installation of H . R . H . the Dnke of Connauorhfc as
Great Prior of tho Order of the Temple in Ireland . This auspicious event took p lace on tho 28 th January , in the presence of a numerous and brilliant gathering of Sir Knights , among Avhom Avere Viscount Powerscourt Great Constable of the Order , Lord Dunboyne Grand Master ' s
Standard Bearer , the Earl of Huntingdon Great Prior ' s ditto , Lord Ed . P . Clinton , Sir David Roche , Bart ., & c . Lord Skelmersdale Great Prior of England had been deputed by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales Grand Master to be present and instal the Duke , but Avas unable to be present ,
and Captain Huband acted for him . The scene Avhen the Knights Avere assembled in the Grand Lodge Room in all their gorgeous panoply , and just before the entrance of His Royal Highness Avas grand and impressive in the extreme . On entering , the Duke was received by Captain Huband ,
Acting Great Prior , and conducted to the robing room . A Great Priory of the Order Avas then opened in the Prince Masons' Chapter Room , Avhither tho Duke Avas conducted b y Viscount Powerscourt Grand Constable , and in clue course folloAved the ceremony of obligation , which took place in
the Priory Chapel , and the installation , Avhich Avas held in the Grand Lodge Room . His Royal Highness was then proclaimed , and as his first official act , appointed Captain Huband Acting Great Prior . The Grand Officers , and subsequently the Sir Knights passed by the foot of the
throne , and sainted the Great Prior , and the latter having resumed their places , the procession of Grand Officers Avas re-formed , and having conducted His Royal Highness to the throne in the chapel , the latter ordered tho Great Priory to be closed . And so ended the most memorable day that
has yet been knoAvn in the history of Irish Templar Masonry . The one subject of regret that is associated Avith this meeting is that Captain Huband , who played so distinguished a part on the occasion , and had the honour of installing His Royal Highness , has since died . Captain
Huband Avas one of the most distinguished of our Irish brethren . He sat on the Board of General Purposes , as representative of Lodgo No . 12 Dublin in Craft , and as that of Chapter No . 12 in Arch Freemasonry . He was Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand Chapter of Prince
Masons of Ireland , and a Past Sovereign of the Original Chapter , as Avell as of Chapter 10 , and had taken the thirty-first degree iu the Ancient and Accepted Rite , Ireland , so thafc by his death Irish Freemasonry has to lament a very serious loss , and one that it will not be so
easy to replace . There is yet another member of the Fraternity—Judge Keogh—Avhose death , especially from the cause Avhich led to it , must not be passed in silence . We do not know that he took a prominent part in the doings of our Society , but he Avas one of the ablest of
the Irish judicial bench , and Avas remarkable for the intrepid impartiality Avith ivhich he administered the laAv , an impartiality Avhich , albeit he AA-as a Roman Catholic himself , brought down npon him the hatred of the Romish
priesthood . This it Avas that had so disastrous an effect on his mental poAvers , that he Avas of necessity placed under restraint at times . However , he has gone from among us , and his place in the Lodge knows him no more .
If wo turn to Scotland wc shall find the page of Masonic history Avhich has been Avritten during the last year is not entirely unblotted . There is cause for satisfaction , seeing that Grand Lodge is slowly but surely setting its house in order , and after the state of chaos it Avas in till recently , this
is indeed a subject for congratulation . But it is very far from being all plain sailing , and more than oue unpleasant dispute has taken place during the year now ending . AVe Avill first of all note the condition of the Craft as regards the nnmber of its Lodges . Last year we noted , Avithout ,
however , under the circumstances , vonching for the accuraey of our figures , that there Avere 482 Lodges in working order , the highest on the roll being No . 609 . Our Grand Lodge Calendar shows thafc the highest now is 627 , and cons * quently eighteen new Lodges have been added to the list of those holding under the Grand Lodge of Scotland ;
The Masonic Year 1878.
so that the total now in active work is exactly 500 Lodges . Four of the new ones are located at home , and tho remaining fourteen abroad , namely , four in New Zealand , three in Now South Wales , one in Chili , one in China , one in Jamaica , one in South Australia , and two in Montreal . Of
these last two AVO shall have occasion to speak presently . The most notable personal changes in tho governing body of the Craft include the substitution of the Earl of Mar and Kellie as Depute Grand Master for Bro . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , aud thafc of the Hon . Macintosh Balfour as
Grand Master of Scottish Freemasonry for ail India in place of Captain Henry Morland , resigned . Their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and Prince Leopold have had the compliment paid them of being enrolled among the honorary members of Grand Lodge , Avhile one such
member , in the person of the late ex-King George V . of Hanover , has been removed from those enrolled . A further loss has been sustained through the death of the Right Hon . Lord Kinnaird and Rossie , of Rossie Priory , who was Grand Master Mason of Scotland , during the years 1830-1 , and filled the office of Provincial Grand Master of
Perthshire East at the time of his death . It was principally by his exertions thafc Freemasonry had made such considerable progress in the Province he presided over , and two years had not elapsed at tbe time of his death—which occurred on the 7 th of January—since he had , in right
princely fashion , entertained a number of his Perthshire brethren . He was in his 71 st year , and at the time of this Avriting , a successor to him in the Masonic government of Perthshire East had not been found . These are among the capital changes Avhich are Avorthy of note , and one of them
—the appointment of the Earl of Mar and Kellie m place of Bro . Inglis needs a word or two further . Sir M . R . Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., having already filled the chair of G . Lodge for over the biennial term , which is chiefly the rule in Scotland , has nevertheless been invited , and , what is more to the
point , consented to remain another year in office , in order that the changes which have been made under Avhat may be called the new administrative regime , and in which he has taken so deep an interest , may be brought more nearly into Avorking order . HoAvever , the scheme for retaining the Most
Worshipful Brother in his place for a further term does not appear to have met Avith universal approbation . Ifc Avas . proposed to nominate Bro . Inglis , but he declined , though the requisition Avas signed by some 500 members of Grand Lodge . Ifc Avas afterwards nofc very satisfactorily discussed
m the newspapers , and there Avas no small amount of somewhat unfraternal feeling exhibited . However , let us hope that all will be well , and that Scotland -will have no reason to regret having entered on a new path armed Avith a particularly new broom , which is meant to sweep it clean of all
abuses . Indeed , it Avas shoAvn at the Quarterly Communication on 4 th February thafc the income of Grand Lodge for quarter to 21 st December previous had exceeded the expenditure by £ 940 . At the meeting of Grand Lodge on the 4 th November , statements equally satisfactory , were made as to the condition of the finances . The relations
hitherto existing Avith the Grand Orient have been determined for the same reason that Ireland has discontinued intercourse with that Grand Body , and which has induced our Grand Lodge to lay down special regulations for the admission of foreign visiting brethren . Another event ,
which Ave had no time to include in our sketch of last year , seeing that it happened on the 21 st December , and the number containing it was published on the 22 nd , may appropriately be recorded now , especially as it is a testimony to the Avorth of a very prominent Mason of Ayrshire—no less ,
in fact , than its Prov . Grand Secretary , as well as Secretary to Mother Kilwinning , Avho in the early part of last year , had been a candidate for the vacant Grand Secretaryship . The gift comistod of an epergne , with a purse of 250 sovereigns , and a gold Avatch , c haiu , and brooch for Mrs . Wylie , and was
presented to Bro . W ylie at a dinner presided over by R . W . Bro . Cochran-Patr . 3 k , of Buruside , and suitably acknoAVledged in the Avarmest terms by the recipient . A more important , because an essentially national , and at the same time , Masonic evert , took place in the town of Kilmarnock ,
with Avhich will always be associated the name of the great poet , Brother Robert Burns , as the place where the first edition of his Avork was printed , aud Avhere the oi ly full collection of all tbe editions
is to bo met Avith . It Avas in the month of January 1877 , that the idea of en cting some bust or statue to his memory arose , and the att < mpt to raise the necessary funds Avas so successful , and so greatly beyond the highest anticipations