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The "Off Night" At The Tranquillity Lodge.
yonrself in particular , I sign myself , 0 ! Most Magnanimous { vide " OLD FILE ' " letter , and Sunday Times 15 th December ) Brother Editor , YOUR REPORTER . 15 th December .
Freemasonry In North Wales And Salop.
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —It was with infinite pride and gratification that I read the article in your impression of the 14 th December nnder tho above head , bnt more especially so the concluding portion of it , in which you allude in such gracious and well merited terms to the services of our late dear departed Bro . Goldsboro P . G . S . Warden ,
of the Province of North Wales and Salop , and founder and twice W . M . of the Welshpool Lodgo . The high culogium yon have been pleased to confer npnn his many and enorg etio services in the Principality waa well deserved , and by no ono wore they more keenly appreciated and recognised than by Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , the revered Provincial Grand Master , who indeed felt honoured when Dr .
Goldsboro was numbered amongst tho sruesta at his hoapitable homo . You have spoken of the number of times that Bro . Goldsboro made journeys from London to Welshpool to attend to tho duties of his Lodge during the two years ho presided over it as W . M ., never on one single occasion being absent , but this indeed was a small amount of the work ho did for the benefit of Freemasonry in other parts of
the Kingdom , where he consecrated numerous Lodges and Chapters that are all now working and in a flourishing condition . In the Jordan Lodgo and Jerusalem Chapter he attained to the highest honours , and by the members of both he was loved aud esteemed . He was an honorary member of two other Lodges , and hia affable manners and genial disposition won tho goodwill of all . It is not
only as a Mason that Bro . Goldsboro a name will bo held in grateful remembrance , for as an eminent physician he was ever ready to answer any call that might be made npon him in the hour of trial and daneer , and very often without even a distant prospect of fee or reward , and on many occasions he even supplied from hia own purse the means for providing necessaries which some of his poor patients were unable to provide for themselves . Aa one who had tho honour
of Bro . Goldboro a intimate friendship , I personally thank you for your tribute to hia memory , and although he has departed from us I feel assured that hia name will be enshrined in the hearts of all who had the pleasure and honour of his acquaintance , and with a sincere wish that he may be greeted with the cheering welcome of " Well done , thou good and faithful servant , enter thou into the joy of thy Lord , " on his arrival at the portala of the Grand Lodge above , " where the World ' s Great Architect livea and reigns for ever . "
I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Faithfully yours , AMICUS .
Ancient Landmark Lodge, Shanghai.
The Annnal Installation of tho Office-bearers of this Lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , 15 th October . W . Bro . M . H . Cook , the W . M ., had issued invitations to the District Grand Master of Engliah Freemasons and hia Officers , as well ns to all Masons of eminence in the port ; and it must havo been gratifying to him , as well as tho W . M . elect , Bro . D . C . Jansen , to find that over seventy
brethren had responded , by their appearance in Lodge . At 9 . 15 6 m ., the Lodge was opened by the W . M ., and shortly afterwards . W . Bro . Cornelius Thome D . G . M ., entered the Lodge attended by the following of his Officers : —W . Bros . Hart D . G . J . W ., J . 1 . Miller D . G . Reg ., T . W . Kingsmill President of Board of General Purposes , H . Evans D . G . J . D ., L . Moore D . G . Sword Bearer , Geo .
B . Fentum D . G . Organist , J . Brown D . G . Pursuivant , and was received with Masonic honours . The W . M . expressed to the D . G . M . the great pleasure it afforded the brethren of his Lodge to receive this friendly visit , and ho had further to encroach npon the D . G . Master's kindness by asking him to officiate as the Installing Master . The D . G . M . briefly replied , and thanked the W . M . and brethren ou
behalf of himself and the D . G . Officers for their kindly reception , and at the call of the . W . M . assumed the chair and proceeded with the installation . W . Bro . Jansen having been presented , was duly obligated and installed into the Chair of King Solomon in due and ancient form , and the customary proclamations having been made and salutes given , the D . G . M ., at W . Bro . Jan ? eii ' s request ,
installed the following Officers : —Bros . M . H . Cook I . P . M ., N . P . Anderson S . W ., A . Bruce J . W ., J . Shadgett Treasurer , G . L . Skinnnr , Secretary , W . Graham S . D ., A . E . Flagg J . D ., nnd T . Hore Tyler ; delivering a few appropriate remarks as ho invested each Brother with the insignia of his office . The ceremony being concluded , W . Bro . Cook thanked the Officers and Brethren for their
cordifil support during the past year , and W . Bro . Jansen thanked the Visitors for their attendance , and said it was at all times particularly gratify ing to his Lodgo to receive visits from their brethren . He hoped on this occasion they would favour him by remaining to partake of the refreshment prepared in the adjoining room . The Lodge was then closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love , at
10 . 45 p . m . Amongst tho Visitors present , wo noticed W . Bro . Pemberton W . M . of the Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 528 S . C ., W . Bro . Robl of the Lodge Germanin , German Constitution ; W . Bro . Jamieson P . M . Northern Lodge of China , No . 570 E . G ., as well as several other well-known zealous members . In tho banquefting Rocm , a splendid cold collation had been laid out in that liberal manner e ° characteristic of our American Brethren , and , after ample
Ancient Landmark Lodge, Shanghai.
justice had been done to the viands , the newly installed W . M . rose , and in a neat speech proposed "The Rulers of the Craft , " followed by the toast of the D . G . M . and the Officers of the D . G . Lodge . He thanked the R . W . D . G . M . for his kindness in installing the Officers of the Lodgo and also for the attendance of the D . G . Officers . R . W . Bro . Thorne , in reply , said it was at all times a pleasnro to assist in
the Lodge ceremonies at Shanghai , where so excellent a feeling existed amongst the brethren working under various Constitutions . He alluded to the able working he had witnessed in the Ancient Laudmark Lodgo , and wished that the ensuing year might prove one of prosperity to the W . M . and his Officers . " The Sister Lodges " were
kindly brought to tho notice of the brethren , aud on their behalf thanks were returned by W . Bro . Rohl and W . Bro . Poraberton . During the evening several songs were sung by brethren , who evidenced by thoir knowledge of music that they had not neglected the advice to cultivate at least one of tho liberal Arts . W . Bro .
Fentum added much effect to the installing ceremony by his careful performance on the organ . After the " Tyler ' s Toast " had been duly given , the brethren separated , about midnight , having spent a pleasant evening , feeling that to the cheerful and hearty disposition of the W . Master there was every prospect of success attending tho Ancient Landmark Lodge whilst under hia rule . —North China , Herald .
A QUARTERLY Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Scotland for Jamaica and Grey Town was held at Sussex Hall , on the 2 lstNovember , presided over by tho Right Worshipful Hon . S . Constantino Bnrko , Provincial Grand Master for Jamaica and Grey Town . Tho following Officers wero nominated nnd elected to serve for tho present year : —
The Rfcht Wor . H . W . D'Costa P . M . of the Glenlyon D . P . G . M . The Right Wor . Hon . M . Solomons P . M . Seville Sub . P . G . M . The Right Wor . 0 . W . Steer P . M . Seville Prov . G . Sen . Warden . Tho Right Wor .. Dr . J . Ogilvio Master St . John ' s Prov . G . J . W . Bro . Rev . A . Finlay P . G . Chaplain .
The Right Wor . J . K . McNab P . M . Glenlyon P . G . Treasurer . The Right Wor . B . M . Dias P . M . Glenlyon P . G . Seo . The Right Wor . D . C . De Enza P . M . Athole Union P . G . Sen . Deacon , The Right Wor . D . N . Berwick P . M . Caledonian P . G . Jun . Deacon . Bro . John Parry P . G . A .
The Right Wor . J . G . Mesquito P . M . Caledonia P . G . Bible Bearer . The Right Wor . S . H . Watson Master of Glenlyon P . G . D . of C . The Right Wor . H . P . Thompson P . M . Seville P . G . S . B . Bro . A . H . Jones P . G . Director of Music . The Right Wor . E . N . Hart P . M . Seville P . G . Standard Bearer .
The Right Wor . A . D . C . Levy Master of Caledonian Prea . of S . The Right Wor . H . E . Reuben Master Athole Union , Bros . W . A . Paine , G . H . Pierce , R . B . Chadwick , K . J . Spicer , E . Metville , J . F . Rickhard , J . Sherbon , H . Priest , S . J . Shendwick , T . D . Black , C . PWvmner , C . A . Austin , Stewards .
The Right Wor . C . C . M . L . Knox P . M . Glenlyon P . G . Marshal . Bro . Jonas Pollack F . G . Inner Guard . Bro . John Hoyes P . G . Tyler . The Installation waa to have taken place ou St . Andrew ' s day , 30 th November .
The Right Wor . Alex . E . Bnrke , who held the position of P . G . Seo . for the last seven years , in the performance of hia duties having given general satisfaction , it was with deep regret announced that thafc R . W . Brother would not consent to remain in harnesi , and it waa
thought the Provincial G . Master wonld have selected him as Sab . Prov . Grand Master , as he was the Senior Past Master ( with the exception of Dep . Prov . Grand Master ) , but it is hoped some day honour will bo conferred upon him for his noble services .
As it was stated on the arrival of the Right Wor . Hon . Dr . Hamilton , District Grand Master of East Jamaica , that Masonry would sure to revive in this island , we have been informed that the Phoenix Lodge , Port Royal , and the Royal Lodge , Kingston , have
sent in a petition to have a Mark Lodge , which it is expected shortly will be opened . The Friendly Lodge , Kingston , has been granted a charter for a Mark Lodgo , called the Clifton Mount Keystone . The first Master is the Right Wor . J . J . G . Lewis , and the Wardens the Right Worshipful Altamant Do Cordora and Ashemeiro .
Tho Committee of the National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis , Soho Square , issue an earnest appeal for help . During the past year 8 , 01-1 out-patients have been registered , nnd it is intended to open further wards when funds will allow . Donations may bo sent to the Treasurer , the Earl of Glasgow , at tho Hospital , or to the Bankers , Messrs . Barclay , Sevan and Co ., or to Sir Samuel Scott and Co .
HOUOWAV ' PILLS . —This medicine has resisted every tost which time , prejudice , nnd vested interest could impose upon it , and it at length stands forth trinmphant as the most reliable remedy for those derangements of tho system so common at , the chnngc of seasons . When tbe nir grows cooler , and the ftvnctions of the sis in aro retarded , an occasional dose of Holloway ' s Pills will call on tlio livpr nnd kidneys for greater activity , and compensate tho sytsem for diminished cutaneous action . As alteratives , aperients , and tonics these Pills hnvo no equal . To every aired and delicate person whoso appetite is defective , digestion infirm , and tone of health low , this wiwh ' nlne will b « a precious boon , conferring both ewe awl strength ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The "Off Night" At The Tranquillity Lodge.
yonrself in particular , I sign myself , 0 ! Most Magnanimous { vide " OLD FILE ' " letter , and Sunday Times 15 th December ) Brother Editor , YOUR REPORTER . 15 th December .
Freemasonry In North Wales And Salop.
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —It was with infinite pride and gratification that I read the article in your impression of the 14 th December nnder tho above head , bnt more especially so the concluding portion of it , in which you allude in such gracious and well merited terms to the services of our late dear departed Bro . Goldsboro P . G . S . Warden ,
of the Province of North Wales and Salop , and founder and twice W . M . of the Welshpool Lodgo . The high culogium yon have been pleased to confer npnn his many and enorg etio services in the Principality waa well deserved , and by no ono wore they more keenly appreciated and recognised than by Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , the revered Provincial Grand Master , who indeed felt honoured when Dr .
Goldsboro was numbered amongst tho sruesta at his hoapitable homo . You have spoken of the number of times that Bro . Goldsboro made journeys from London to Welshpool to attend to tho duties of his Lodge during the two years ho presided over it as W . M ., never on one single occasion being absent , but this indeed was a small amount of the work ho did for the benefit of Freemasonry in other parts of
the Kingdom , where he consecrated numerous Lodges and Chapters that are all now working and in a flourishing condition . In the Jordan Lodgo and Jerusalem Chapter he attained to the highest honours , and by the members of both he was loved aud esteemed . He was an honorary member of two other Lodges , and hia affable manners and genial disposition won tho goodwill of all . It is not
only as a Mason that Bro . Goldsboro a name will bo held in grateful remembrance , for as an eminent physician he was ever ready to answer any call that might be made npon him in the hour of trial and daneer , and very often without even a distant prospect of fee or reward , and on many occasions he even supplied from hia own purse the means for providing necessaries which some of his poor patients were unable to provide for themselves . Aa one who had tho honour
of Bro . Goldboro a intimate friendship , I personally thank you for your tribute to hia memory , and although he has departed from us I feel assured that hia name will be enshrined in the hearts of all who had the pleasure and honour of his acquaintance , and with a sincere wish that he may be greeted with the cheering welcome of " Well done , thou good and faithful servant , enter thou into the joy of thy Lord , " on his arrival at the portala of the Grand Lodge above , " where the World ' s Great Architect livea and reigns for ever . "
I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Faithfully yours , AMICUS .
Ancient Landmark Lodge, Shanghai.
The Annnal Installation of tho Office-bearers of this Lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , 15 th October . W . Bro . M . H . Cook , the W . M ., had issued invitations to the District Grand Master of Engliah Freemasons and hia Officers , as well ns to all Masons of eminence in the port ; and it must havo been gratifying to him , as well as tho W . M . elect , Bro . D . C . Jansen , to find that over seventy
brethren had responded , by their appearance in Lodge . At 9 . 15 6 m ., the Lodge was opened by the W . M ., and shortly afterwards . W . Bro . Cornelius Thome D . G . M ., entered the Lodge attended by the following of his Officers : —W . Bros . Hart D . G . J . W ., J . 1 . Miller D . G . Reg ., T . W . Kingsmill President of Board of General Purposes , H . Evans D . G . J . D ., L . Moore D . G . Sword Bearer , Geo .
B . Fentum D . G . Organist , J . Brown D . G . Pursuivant , and was received with Masonic honours . The W . M . expressed to the D . G . M . the great pleasure it afforded the brethren of his Lodge to receive this friendly visit , and ho had further to encroach npon the D . G . Master's kindness by asking him to officiate as the Installing Master . The D . G . M . briefly replied , and thanked the W . M . and brethren ou
behalf of himself and the D . G . Officers for their kindly reception , and at the call of the . W . M . assumed the chair and proceeded with the installation . W . Bro . Jansen having been presented , was duly obligated and installed into the Chair of King Solomon in due and ancient form , and the customary proclamations having been made and salutes given , the D . G . M ., at W . Bro . Jan ? eii ' s request ,
installed the following Officers : —Bros . M . H . Cook I . P . M ., N . P . Anderson S . W ., A . Bruce J . W ., J . Shadgett Treasurer , G . L . Skinnnr , Secretary , W . Graham S . D ., A . E . Flagg J . D ., nnd T . Hore Tyler ; delivering a few appropriate remarks as ho invested each Brother with the insignia of his office . The ceremony being concluded , W . Bro . Cook thanked the Officers and Brethren for their
cordifil support during the past year , and W . Bro . Jansen thanked the Visitors for their attendance , and said it was at all times particularly gratify ing to his Lodgo to receive visits from their brethren . He hoped on this occasion they would favour him by remaining to partake of the refreshment prepared in the adjoining room . The Lodge was then closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love , at
10 . 45 p . m . Amongst tho Visitors present , wo noticed W . Bro . Pemberton W . M . of the Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 528 S . C ., W . Bro . Robl of the Lodge Germanin , German Constitution ; W . Bro . Jamieson P . M . Northern Lodge of China , No . 570 E . G ., as well as several other well-known zealous members . In tho banquefting Rocm , a splendid cold collation had been laid out in that liberal manner e ° characteristic of our American Brethren , and , after ample
Ancient Landmark Lodge, Shanghai.
justice had been done to the viands , the newly installed W . M . rose , and in a neat speech proposed "The Rulers of the Craft , " followed by the toast of the D . G . M . and the Officers of the D . G . Lodge . He thanked the R . W . D . G . M . for his kindness in installing the Officers of the Lodgo and also for the attendance of the D . G . Officers . R . W . Bro . Thorne , in reply , said it was at all times a pleasnro to assist in
the Lodge ceremonies at Shanghai , where so excellent a feeling existed amongst the brethren working under various Constitutions . He alluded to the able working he had witnessed in the Ancient Laudmark Lodgo , and wished that the ensuing year might prove one of prosperity to the W . M . and his Officers . " The Sister Lodges " were
kindly brought to tho notice of the brethren , aud on their behalf thanks were returned by W . Bro . Rohl and W . Bro . Poraberton . During the evening several songs were sung by brethren , who evidenced by thoir knowledge of music that they had not neglected the advice to cultivate at least one of tho liberal Arts . W . Bro .
Fentum added much effect to the installing ceremony by his careful performance on the organ . After the " Tyler ' s Toast " had been duly given , the brethren separated , about midnight , having spent a pleasant evening , feeling that to the cheerful and hearty disposition of the W . Master there was every prospect of success attending tho Ancient Landmark Lodge whilst under hia rule . —North China , Herald .
A QUARTERLY Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Scotland for Jamaica and Grey Town was held at Sussex Hall , on the 2 lstNovember , presided over by tho Right Worshipful Hon . S . Constantino Bnrko , Provincial Grand Master for Jamaica and Grey Town . Tho following Officers wero nominated nnd elected to serve for tho present year : —
The Rfcht Wor . H . W . D'Costa P . M . of the Glenlyon D . P . G . M . The Right Wor . Hon . M . Solomons P . M . Seville Sub . P . G . M . The Right Wor . 0 . W . Steer P . M . Seville Prov . G . Sen . Warden . Tho Right Wor .. Dr . J . Ogilvio Master St . John ' s Prov . G . J . W . Bro . Rev . A . Finlay P . G . Chaplain .
The Right Wor . J . K . McNab P . M . Glenlyon P . G . Treasurer . The Right Wor . B . M . Dias P . M . Glenlyon P . G . Seo . The Right Wor . D . C . De Enza P . M . Athole Union P . G . Sen . Deacon , The Right Wor . D . N . Berwick P . M . Caledonian P . G . Jun . Deacon . Bro . John Parry P . G . A .
The Right Wor . J . G . Mesquito P . M . Caledonia P . G . Bible Bearer . The Right Wor . S . H . Watson Master of Glenlyon P . G . D . of C . The Right Wor . H . P . Thompson P . M . Seville P . G . S . B . Bro . A . H . Jones P . G . Director of Music . The Right Wor . E . N . Hart P . M . Seville P . G . Standard Bearer .
The Right Wor . A . D . C . Levy Master of Caledonian Prea . of S . The Right Wor . H . E . Reuben Master Athole Union , Bros . W . A . Paine , G . H . Pierce , R . B . Chadwick , K . J . Spicer , E . Metville , J . F . Rickhard , J . Sherbon , H . Priest , S . J . Shendwick , T . D . Black , C . PWvmner , C . A . Austin , Stewards .
The Right Wor . C . C . M . L . Knox P . M . Glenlyon P . G . Marshal . Bro . Jonas Pollack F . G . Inner Guard . Bro . John Hoyes P . G . Tyler . The Installation waa to have taken place ou St . Andrew ' s day , 30 th November .
The Right Wor . Alex . E . Bnrke , who held the position of P . G . Seo . for the last seven years , in the performance of hia duties having given general satisfaction , it was with deep regret announced that thafc R . W . Brother would not consent to remain in harnesi , and it waa
thought the Provincial G . Master wonld have selected him as Sab . Prov . Grand Master , as he was the Senior Past Master ( with the exception of Dep . Prov . Grand Master ) , but it is hoped some day honour will bo conferred upon him for his noble services .
As it was stated on the arrival of the Right Wor . Hon . Dr . Hamilton , District Grand Master of East Jamaica , that Masonry would sure to revive in this island , we have been informed that the Phoenix Lodge , Port Royal , and the Royal Lodge , Kingston , have
sent in a petition to have a Mark Lodge , which it is expected shortly will be opened . The Friendly Lodge , Kingston , has been granted a charter for a Mark Lodgo , called the Clifton Mount Keystone . The first Master is the Right Wor . J . J . G . Lewis , and the Wardens the Right Worshipful Altamant Do Cordora and Ashemeiro .
Tho Committee of the National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis , Soho Square , issue an earnest appeal for help . During the past year 8 , 01-1 out-patients have been registered , nnd it is intended to open further wards when funds will allow . Donations may bo sent to the Treasurer , the Earl of Glasgow , at tho Hospital , or to the Bankers , Messrs . Barclay , Sevan and Co ., or to Sir Samuel Scott and Co .
HOUOWAV ' PILLS . —This medicine has resisted every tost which time , prejudice , nnd vested interest could impose upon it , and it at length stands forth trinmphant as the most reliable remedy for those derangements of tho system so common at , the chnngc of seasons . When tbe nir grows cooler , and the ftvnctions of the sis in aro retarded , an occasional dose of Holloway ' s Pills will call on tlio livpr nnd kidneys for greater activity , and compensate tho sytsem for diminished cutaneous action . As alteratives , aperients , and tonics these Pills hnvo no equal . To every aired and delicate person whoso appetite is defective , digestion infirm , and tone of health low , this wiwh ' nlne will b « a precious boon , conferring both ewe awl strength ,