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thanked the brethren for tho kindness and courtesy shown him during his year of office . Tho Lodgo being onco moro in the 1 st degree , Bro . Buckle proceeded to appoint and invest tho Officers , as follow : — Bro . W . Valentino I . P . M ., G . C . Baskett S . W ., W . H . Gainforth J . W ., ROT . J . E . M . Young P . P . G . C . Chaplain , J . Todd P . M . Treasurer , G . Kirby Secretary , J . Tissiman S . D ., M . Rooke J . D ., T . S .
Camidge P . P . G . O . Organist , W . Powell M . C ., G . Garbutt I . G ., T . G . Hodgson and W . P . Sampson Stewards , and J . Rodfaro Tyler . A presentation of two barometers was made to the Lodgo by Bros . Russell and Young , aud several letters and teleg-ams of apology for non-attendance were read , from Bro . J . S . Cumberland W . M . Eboracum 1611 , and others . Tho Lod « e having been closed , the brethren
adjourned to supper , where the W . M . presided . In proposing " The Qneennnd Craft , " the W . M . made feeling allusion to the loss sua . tained by Her Majesty in the death of her favourite daughter , and said that he was sure that of all her subjects » one would sympathise with her more deeply than the loyal Masons . In replying for the Earl of Zetland and the Provincial Grand Lodge , Bro . T . B . Whytehead
P . M . Prov . G . D . C . said , that they were very happy in being ruled over by so good a Mason as their noble brother , who had proved the active interest ho took in tho Craft's welfare , and was so ably backed up by his Deputy , ono of the finest old Masons in the world . Bro . Baskett S . W . proposed , in happy terms , "The Health of the W . M ., " who he said had already proved himself to be tho right man in the light place . The W . M . proposed " Tho Installing Master ' s" health ,
and Bro . J . Todd , in responding , said it had given him great pleasure to instal a brother who , he felt sure , wonld do honour to the Lodge and the Craft . The interests of the York Lodge were very near his ( Bro . Todd's ) heart , and he shonld spare neither time nor trouble to promote them . Other toasts followed , and a very happy and harmonious evening was passed . Amongst the members present , in addition to those already named , were Bros . Wm . Lawton P . M .
P . P . G . R ., G . Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O ., F . Bawling P . M ., J . Hollins , W . Wilson , J . Stead , G . C . Padel , W . Smith , A . Hanson , J . Young , J . F . Stephenson , J . Border , J . Wellburn , J . G . Turner , W . Battyo , J . Smith , J . J . F . Marshall , T . Tuke , J . F . Russell , T . W . Wilson , C . W . Simmons , J . Ayres , J . F . Wilson . The Visitors were Bros . T ,
B . Shaw-Hellier , W . M . St . Patrick ' s 295 ( I . C . ) , J . Hanlydo ., W . Harris do ., B . Pottinghame , Pythagoras 447 , E . Harding , Portland 1037 , E . T . Edwards , Fenwick 1387 , E . J . De Sulis , Aldershot 1321 , M . Millington , Eboracnm 1611 , W . P . Husband do ., P . Pearson do ., G . H . Hebblethwaite do ., A . T . B . Turnerdo .
Peace Lodge , No . 322 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Warren Bulkeley Arms Hotel , Stockport , on Tuesday , tho 10 th instant . Present—Bros . J . H . Carrington W . M ., N . Dumville I . P . M ., James Worsnup S . W ., L . D . Bradbury J . W ., W . C . Fleming P . M . Secretary pro tern , Robt . Chetham S . D ., Geo . Balfe J . D ., W . Hicton P . M . Treasurer , W . H . Blown jun . I . G .,
J . Meadows Tyler . There was a goodly muster of brethren , who having ratified the minutes of the last meeting , proceeded , in conformity with notice , to sell tho old furniture of the Lodge , as the brethren of 322 have fitted up their Lodge room with new and costly appointments . The old relics of bygone days were sold by auction—a novel feature in a Lodge room—to the highest bidder . The bnsiness
of the evening being ended , tho Lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren by request of the W . M . adjourned to supper . Each brother having done justice to the good things provided , the cloth was removed , after which followed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were well and heartily responded to . There were some good speeches nnd music , bnt cur space will only permit ns , on this occasion , to mention the fact .
Lodge of unanimity , No . 339 , Penrith . —This old and flourishing Lodge held its annual meeting on Thursday , 12 th December , at the Crown Hotel . Tho brethren mustered iu goodly numbers as a token of respect and esteem for the W . M . elect , Bro . Kirkbride , P . M ., P . Z ., P . ProT . G . S . W ., the senior member of the Lodge . The W . M ., Bro . Thwaites , opened the Lodge , and the minutes of the
previous meeting having been read and confirmed , ho opened the Lodge in the second degree . Bro . Thwaites then invited , in the name of the Lodge , Bro . John Bowes P . M ., P . Z ., P . Prov . G . J . W . to take tho chair as Installing Master . The W . M . then presented his successor in tho usual form , and the first part of the ceremony being completed , the Lodge was opened in the Master Mason ' s
degree . The collars and jewels were now collected , Past Masters placed in the Wardens' chairs , and all requested to retire who were below the degree of Installed Master . A Board was opened , which , it was much to be regretted , is nofc done on all occasions when it is required . In all the other degrees the " opening" and "closing " ceremony is always performed , and why this necessary portion of our
ritual should be omitted in this exalted degree passes our comprehension . In the Board of Installed Masters , Bro . Kirkbride was duly and solemnly placed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom , and afterwards saluted , proclaimed , and greeted by the Past Mailers . Tho " cement" having received proper attention from the Worshipful brethren , tho Board was closed iu the name and
fear . Tbe brethren of the vurious degrees were then re-admitted , and the W . M . was saluted , proclaimed , and greeted respectively in those degrees . The Officers for the ensuing year were now inverted by the W . M ., and placed in their respective chairs , each one being appropriately addressed on his situation in the Lodge , nature of his duties , and the teachings of the emblem of office , by the Installing
Master . Bro . Bowes then delivered the ancient addresses to the W . M ., Wardens and Members , thus completing the beautiful ceremony of Installation . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Bowes , and carried by acclamation . After some routine bnsiness , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent dinner awaited them . Ample justice being dose to the choice viands , and grace after meat being said , the toast
list was considered . Tho loyal toasts wero followed by thoso of the Masonio Rulers supremo and subordinate , according to rank . The W . M . 's health was very cordially drunk , and attention was directed to his long services in the Lodge , and to the true Masonic spirit he always evinces in his intercourse with the members . After an appropriate response , tho W . M . proposed the health of tho
Installing Master , Bro . Bowes . Ho said ho had known that brother Masonically for some eighteen years , but wheu a couple of years since they wero selected respectively to preside over the West and South of the Provincial Grand Lodge , thsir acquaintance became much more intimate . Personally , he must express his deep obli . gallons to Bro . Bowes for travelling so far in such weather to place
him in the chair of the Lodge . Ho told tho brethren he had a treat in jstore for them , and he was snre they all agreed with him that Bro . Bowes had done their beautiful ceremony full justice . Bro . Bowes , in the course of his reply , said that it afforded him very great pleasure to iustal his old friend , Bro . Kirkbride , and if tho way he had worked the degree was acceptable to the brethren generally , his pleasure was enhanced . He felt quite one of them ,
for having lived in the Province and mado a largo circle of friends in it , he always felt " at home " when amongst them . The Wardens and other Officers of No . 339 was responded to with much loyalty , ono and all of tho Officers promising to render their best services to tho W . M . during the onsning year . The evening ' s proceedings were agreeably enlivened by some excellent songs , duets , & c , by brethren , and the Tyler ' s toast was given at an early hour . We wish Bro . Kirkbride and the Lodge of Unanimity a prosperous year .
Union Lodge , No . 414 . —Held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , 17 th December , at the Masonio Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . Baker W . M ., C . Oades S . W ., S . Bradley J . W ., J . Leaver Sec , C . Stephens S . D ., F . Blackwell J . D ., S . Wheeler D . C , Hawkes Steward , F . Ferguson I . G ., Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Pocock , Weightman , Morris , and about thirteen members . Visitors—Bros . Sinclair P . M ., W . P . Ivey P . M . and Sec . 1101 . Tho minutes of the
last regular Lodge wero read and confirmed . Two members were initiated by the W . M . The charge was delivered by Bro . J . Morris P . M ., in his usual correct and effective manner . Bro . C . Oades S . W . was elected as W . M . for tho ensuing year . Bro . Botley was re-elected Treasurer . The Secretary ' s resignation was accepted with regret , after a very long service . After voting a P . M . ' s jewel to the W . M ., with other business , the Lodge waa closed .
Polish National Lodge , No . 534 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 12 th December , at Freemasons' Hall . Present : —Bros . J . F . Ebner W . M ., Aspinall S . W ., Taylor J . W .. Wm . Paas Sec , Boyd Treasurer , Jagielski S . D ., Jackson J . D ., E . T . Smith D . C ,
Lancaster I . G ., Becket Tyler ; P . M . Bro . Gumming . Visitors—Saegert , No . 548 , Batsford No . 173 , and Halford , No . 228 . Bro . Niedzielski was raised . Twenty-one sat down to an excellent banquet , the great feature afterwards being the masterly playing on the violin by tho newly raised Bro . Niedzielski .
St . James ' s Lodge of Instructionn , No . 765 . —Afc the Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , on 29 th November last , the Fifteen sections were worked by Bro . H . J . Lardner W . M ., assisted by tho following brethren : —Bros . Bntt , Caton , J . Jackson , Phillips , G . Rumball , Beavis , G . H . Stevens , Jackson , W . Pennefather , Davison , Beavis , Noke , Martin , T . M . Butt and Davis . The whole of
tho business was conducted in an efficient manner , after which a vote of thanks was passed to the W . M ., congratulating him upon hia first essay of the Fifteen sections . Bros . Duckett 1670 , T . Mortlook P . M . 186 , T . Barber P . M . 652 , and W . Beavis 879 , wero elected members . A vote of thanks to tho brethren who had assisted in tho work brought the proceedings to a close .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On Friday , at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Bros . W . Goss W . M ., Blasby S . W ., Gunner J . W ., Costelow S . D ., Kyezor J . D ., Talbot I . G ., Roe P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . McGee 154 Irish Const ., H . D . Sewell 1444 , Skinner , & c . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting wero read , confirmed and signed . Bro .
Skinner answered the questions , and was passed . The call was given to refreshment , after which Bro . Skinner offered himself as candidate , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation . Bro . MoGee drew attention to a matter of difference in detail between tho Irish and English ritnals in this degree . Bro . Sewell was unanimously admitted as a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Blasby will preside at the next meeting .
Koyal Kensington Lodge , No . 1827 . —A meeting was held on Friday , 6 th December , at Freemasons' Hall . Present—Bros . W . E . Gordon Leith W . M ., B . F . Cromer S . W ., Chas . E . Soppet I . P . M . as J . W ., D . M . Dewar Secretary , Hyde Pullen Treasurer , G . R . Mathews S . D ., J . B . Stevens J . D ., Jos . Steele I . G ., R . Potter Tyler . Past Master Bro . Raymond ; and Bros . Delacoste , Harvey , Timlin and Ball . Visitors—Bros . Raynham W . Stewart
P . G . D . and P . P . D . G . M . Middlesex , Leopold Rnf P . M . No . 12 , and C . F . Curlier No . 11 . Business—After the minutes of the preceding meeting had been read and confirmed , Bro . Harvey was passed to tbe second degree , and Bro . Delacoste raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The rest of the bnsiness having been transacted , Loduo was closed and adjourned till the first Friday in February . The usual banquet followed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
thanked the brethren for tho kindness and courtesy shown him during his year of office . Tho Lodgo being onco moro in the 1 st degree , Bro . Buckle proceeded to appoint and invest tho Officers , as follow : — Bro . W . Valentino I . P . M ., G . C . Baskett S . W ., W . H . Gainforth J . W ., ROT . J . E . M . Young P . P . G . C . Chaplain , J . Todd P . M . Treasurer , G . Kirby Secretary , J . Tissiman S . D ., M . Rooke J . D ., T . S .
Camidge P . P . G . O . Organist , W . Powell M . C ., G . Garbutt I . G ., T . G . Hodgson and W . P . Sampson Stewards , and J . Rodfaro Tyler . A presentation of two barometers was made to the Lodgo by Bros . Russell and Young , aud several letters and teleg-ams of apology for non-attendance were read , from Bro . J . S . Cumberland W . M . Eboracum 1611 , and others . Tho Lod « e having been closed , the brethren
adjourned to supper , where the W . M . presided . In proposing " The Qneennnd Craft , " the W . M . made feeling allusion to the loss sua . tained by Her Majesty in the death of her favourite daughter , and said that he was sure that of all her subjects » one would sympathise with her more deeply than the loyal Masons . In replying for the Earl of Zetland and the Provincial Grand Lodge , Bro . T . B . Whytehead
P . M . Prov . G . D . C . said , that they were very happy in being ruled over by so good a Mason as their noble brother , who had proved the active interest ho took in tho Craft's welfare , and was so ably backed up by his Deputy , ono of the finest old Masons in the world . Bro . Baskett S . W . proposed , in happy terms , "The Health of the W . M ., " who he said had already proved himself to be tho right man in the light place . The W . M . proposed " Tho Installing Master ' s" health ,
and Bro . J . Todd , in responding , said it had given him great pleasure to instal a brother who , he felt sure , wonld do honour to the Lodge and the Craft . The interests of the York Lodge were very near his ( Bro . Todd's ) heart , and he shonld spare neither time nor trouble to promote them . Other toasts followed , and a very happy and harmonious evening was passed . Amongst the members present , in addition to those already named , were Bros . Wm . Lawton P . M .
P . P . G . R ., G . Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O ., F . Bawling P . M ., J . Hollins , W . Wilson , J . Stead , G . C . Padel , W . Smith , A . Hanson , J . Young , J . F . Stephenson , J . Border , J . Wellburn , J . G . Turner , W . Battyo , J . Smith , J . J . F . Marshall , T . Tuke , J . F . Russell , T . W . Wilson , C . W . Simmons , J . Ayres , J . F . Wilson . The Visitors were Bros . T ,
B . Shaw-Hellier , W . M . St . Patrick ' s 295 ( I . C . ) , J . Hanlydo ., W . Harris do ., B . Pottinghame , Pythagoras 447 , E . Harding , Portland 1037 , E . T . Edwards , Fenwick 1387 , E . J . De Sulis , Aldershot 1321 , M . Millington , Eboracnm 1611 , W . P . Husband do ., P . Pearson do ., G . H . Hebblethwaite do ., A . T . B . Turnerdo .
Peace Lodge , No . 322 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Warren Bulkeley Arms Hotel , Stockport , on Tuesday , tho 10 th instant . Present—Bros . J . H . Carrington W . M ., N . Dumville I . P . M ., James Worsnup S . W ., L . D . Bradbury J . W ., W . C . Fleming P . M . Secretary pro tern , Robt . Chetham S . D ., Geo . Balfe J . D ., W . Hicton P . M . Treasurer , W . H . Blown jun . I . G .,
J . Meadows Tyler . There was a goodly muster of brethren , who having ratified the minutes of the last meeting , proceeded , in conformity with notice , to sell tho old furniture of the Lodge , as the brethren of 322 have fitted up their Lodge room with new and costly appointments . The old relics of bygone days were sold by auction—a novel feature in a Lodge room—to the highest bidder . The bnsiness
of the evening being ended , tho Lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren by request of the W . M . adjourned to supper . Each brother having done justice to the good things provided , the cloth was removed , after which followed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were well and heartily responded to . There were some good speeches nnd music , bnt cur space will only permit ns , on this occasion , to mention the fact .
Lodge of unanimity , No . 339 , Penrith . —This old and flourishing Lodge held its annual meeting on Thursday , 12 th December , at the Crown Hotel . Tho brethren mustered iu goodly numbers as a token of respect and esteem for the W . M . elect , Bro . Kirkbride , P . M ., P . Z ., P . ProT . G . S . W ., the senior member of the Lodge . The W . M ., Bro . Thwaites , opened the Lodge , and the minutes of the
previous meeting having been read and confirmed , ho opened the Lodge in the second degree . Bro . Thwaites then invited , in the name of the Lodge , Bro . John Bowes P . M ., P . Z ., P . Prov . G . J . W . to take tho chair as Installing Master . The W . M . then presented his successor in tho usual form , and the first part of the ceremony being completed , the Lodge was opened in the Master Mason ' s
degree . The collars and jewels were now collected , Past Masters placed in the Wardens' chairs , and all requested to retire who were below the degree of Installed Master . A Board was opened , which , it was much to be regretted , is nofc done on all occasions when it is required . In all the other degrees the " opening" and "closing " ceremony is always performed , and why this necessary portion of our
ritual should be omitted in this exalted degree passes our comprehension . In the Board of Installed Masters , Bro . Kirkbride was duly and solemnly placed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom , and afterwards saluted , proclaimed , and greeted by the Past Mailers . Tho " cement" having received proper attention from the Worshipful brethren , tho Board was closed iu the name and
fear . Tbe brethren of the vurious degrees were then re-admitted , and the W . M . was saluted , proclaimed , and greeted respectively in those degrees . The Officers for the ensuing year were now inverted by the W . M ., and placed in their respective chairs , each one being appropriately addressed on his situation in the Lodge , nature of his duties , and the teachings of the emblem of office , by the Installing
Master . Bro . Bowes then delivered the ancient addresses to the W . M ., Wardens and Members , thus completing the beautiful ceremony of Installation . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Bowes , and carried by acclamation . After some routine bnsiness , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent dinner awaited them . Ample justice being dose to the choice viands , and grace after meat being said , the toast
list was considered . Tho loyal toasts wero followed by thoso of the Masonio Rulers supremo and subordinate , according to rank . The W . M . 's health was very cordially drunk , and attention was directed to his long services in the Lodge , and to the true Masonic spirit he always evinces in his intercourse with the members . After an appropriate response , tho W . M . proposed the health of tho
Installing Master , Bro . Bowes . Ho said ho had known that brother Masonically for some eighteen years , but wheu a couple of years since they wero selected respectively to preside over the West and South of the Provincial Grand Lodge , thsir acquaintance became much more intimate . Personally , he must express his deep obli . gallons to Bro . Bowes for travelling so far in such weather to place
him in the chair of the Lodge . Ho told tho brethren he had a treat in jstore for them , and he was snre they all agreed with him that Bro . Bowes had done their beautiful ceremony full justice . Bro . Bowes , in the course of his reply , said that it afforded him very great pleasure to iustal his old friend , Bro . Kirkbride , and if tho way he had worked the degree was acceptable to the brethren generally , his pleasure was enhanced . He felt quite one of them ,
for having lived in the Province and mado a largo circle of friends in it , he always felt " at home " when amongst them . The Wardens and other Officers of No . 339 was responded to with much loyalty , ono and all of tho Officers promising to render their best services to tho W . M . during the onsning year . The evening ' s proceedings were agreeably enlivened by some excellent songs , duets , & c , by brethren , and the Tyler ' s toast was given at an early hour . We wish Bro . Kirkbride and the Lodge of Unanimity a prosperous year .
Union Lodge , No . 414 . —Held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , 17 th December , at the Masonio Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . Baker W . M ., C . Oades S . W ., S . Bradley J . W ., J . Leaver Sec , C . Stephens S . D ., F . Blackwell J . D ., S . Wheeler D . C , Hawkes Steward , F . Ferguson I . G ., Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Pocock , Weightman , Morris , and about thirteen members . Visitors—Bros . Sinclair P . M ., W . P . Ivey P . M . and Sec . 1101 . Tho minutes of the
last regular Lodge wero read and confirmed . Two members were initiated by the W . M . The charge was delivered by Bro . J . Morris P . M ., in his usual correct and effective manner . Bro . C . Oades S . W . was elected as W . M . for tho ensuing year . Bro . Botley was re-elected Treasurer . The Secretary ' s resignation was accepted with regret , after a very long service . After voting a P . M . ' s jewel to the W . M ., with other business , the Lodge waa closed .
Polish National Lodge , No . 534 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 12 th December , at Freemasons' Hall . Present : —Bros . J . F . Ebner W . M ., Aspinall S . W ., Taylor J . W .. Wm . Paas Sec , Boyd Treasurer , Jagielski S . D ., Jackson J . D ., E . T . Smith D . C ,
Lancaster I . G ., Becket Tyler ; P . M . Bro . Gumming . Visitors—Saegert , No . 548 , Batsford No . 173 , and Halford , No . 228 . Bro . Niedzielski was raised . Twenty-one sat down to an excellent banquet , the great feature afterwards being the masterly playing on the violin by tho newly raised Bro . Niedzielski .
St . James ' s Lodge of Instructionn , No . 765 . —Afc the Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , on 29 th November last , the Fifteen sections were worked by Bro . H . J . Lardner W . M ., assisted by tho following brethren : —Bros . Bntt , Caton , J . Jackson , Phillips , G . Rumball , Beavis , G . H . Stevens , Jackson , W . Pennefather , Davison , Beavis , Noke , Martin , T . M . Butt and Davis . The whole of
tho business was conducted in an efficient manner , after which a vote of thanks was passed to the W . M ., congratulating him upon hia first essay of the Fifteen sections . Bros . Duckett 1670 , T . Mortlook P . M . 186 , T . Barber P . M . 652 , and W . Beavis 879 , wero elected members . A vote of thanks to tho brethren who had assisted in tho work brought the proceedings to a close .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On Friday , at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Bros . W . Goss W . M ., Blasby S . W ., Gunner J . W ., Costelow S . D ., Kyezor J . D ., Talbot I . G ., Roe P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . McGee 154 Irish Const ., H . D . Sewell 1444 , Skinner , & c . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting wero read , confirmed and signed . Bro .
Skinner answered the questions , and was passed . The call was given to refreshment , after which Bro . Skinner offered himself as candidate , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation . Bro . MoGee drew attention to a matter of difference in detail between tho Irish and English ritnals in this degree . Bro . Sewell was unanimously admitted as a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Blasby will preside at the next meeting .
Koyal Kensington Lodge , No . 1827 . —A meeting was held on Friday , 6 th December , at Freemasons' Hall . Present—Bros . W . E . Gordon Leith W . M ., B . F . Cromer S . W ., Chas . E . Soppet I . P . M . as J . W ., D . M . Dewar Secretary , Hyde Pullen Treasurer , G . R . Mathews S . D ., J . B . Stevens J . D ., Jos . Steele I . G ., R . Potter Tyler . Past Master Bro . Raymond ; and Bros . Delacoste , Harvey , Timlin and Ball . Visitors—Bros . Raynham W . Stewart
P . G . D . and P . P . D . G . M . Middlesex , Leopold Rnf P . M . No . 12 , and C . F . Curlier No . 11 . Business—After the minutes of the preceding meeting had been read and confirmed , Bro . Harvey was passed to tbe second degree , and Bro . Delacoste raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The rest of the bnsiness having been transacted , Loduo was closed and adjourned till the first Friday in February . The usual banquet followed .