Article LODGE OF TRANQUILLITY, No. 185. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNION LODGE, No. 38. Page 1 of 1 Article FIDELITY LODGE, No. 230. Page 1 of 1 Article FIDELITY LODGE, No. 230. Page 1 of 1 Article HARMONY AND INDUSTRY LODGE, No. 381. Page 1 of 1 Article WELLINGTON LODGE, No. 784, DEAL. Page 1 of 1 Article MERIDIAN LODGE, No. 829. Page 1 of 1
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Lodge Of Tranquillity, No. 185.
Bitter and Clifford , whose arrangements for the comfort and enjoyment of tho party wero eminently satisfactory . After tho prefatory toasts had been honoured , Bro . J . D . Barnett I . P . M . had much pleasure in proposing the health of their excellent retiring
Master , Bro . Bayley , whoso services to the Lodge could not bo overestimated . No ono had ever filled that position in their old and reputed Lodge with more real ability or fidelity , and he was snre Bro . Bayley retired from the post he had so worthily filled with tho esteem and the afTootion of all tho brethren . He had so endeared
himself to the brethren by his admirable working , his urbanity and kindness , that tho testimonial which had been voted to him that evening was bnt a very slight , though sincere , recognition on their part of the regard in which he was held by all who hail the privilege of attending the meetings of this Lodge . Brother W . D . Bayley , who was received with loud and prolonged
applause , said it was always with a certain amount of diffidence that ono responded to the toast of his health so kindly and so flatteringly proposed as his had been that evening . He conld hardly find words adequate to express his gratitude for the double compliment which had been paid him by the brethren of the Lodge , but he assured them of his continued interest in the Lodge
of Tranquility , and he shonld endeavour to do his utmost to promote the welfare of a body amongst whom he had received so ranch kind , ness and assistance . He had striven to the utmost of his ability to occupy the position to which , by the kindness of the brethren he had been elected , and to retire from that post with such expressions of satisfaction as he had heard to-night was a proud moment in a man ' s
life . When he took the chair , he heard a great deal about the duties appertaining to so exalted a position , but those duties had turned into pleasures from the kindnesses he had received from the Officers and all connected with the Lodge . Indeed , his path had been one of flowers instead of thorns . In turn , he proposed the health of the W . M . elect , and he could only express the hope that when he
left the chair he might receive the same kind expressions as they had accorded to him ( the speaker ) on the present occasion . He felt certain it would be so , for Bro . Croaker had worked himself up side by side with himself , and had shown such assiduity and snch practical care for the interests of the Lodge that it was eminently satisfactory he should have been so unanimously elected to the chair for the ensuing
year . He was perfectly convinced that in Bro . Croaker they would find an excellent Wor . Master in the ensuing year . Bro . Frederick Croaker , in acknowledging the compliment paid him , assured the brethren that when he occupied the position to which they had so kindly elected him , he should do his utmost to discharge his duties to the Lodge and to the Craft in a manner that should reflect credit on
himself and , he hoped , give satisfaction to the brethren . Several other toasts were proposed , j pecial mention being made of the services rendered by Bro . John Constable , the Treasurer of the Lodge . During the evening some excellent vocal and instrumental music was rendered by the brethren and visitors , and the proceedings were altogether of a very enjoyable and harmonious description .
Union Lodge, No. 38.
UNION LODGE , No . 38 .
A GATHERING of an exceptionally interesting character took place at Chichester , on Thursday , 13 th inst . There was a large muster of Masonic notabilities to witness tho installation of Bro . R . G . Raper P . Prov . G . W . for the second time as W . M . of the above Lodge , and who selected as hia Senior Warden Bro . the Earl of March , M . P . At the banquet which followed , the W . M . referred to the circumstance of the Earl of March accepting office that day in
the Lodge , and to the fact that in due course his Lordship would succeed to the chair . The W . M . said he rejoiced in the circumstance , not simply from the high position of the noble Lord , but because he was keeping up the traditions of his Honse in thus associating his name again with Masonry . He added that for nearly 200 years the Dukes of Richmond had been connected with Masonry . In 1675 a
Duke of Richmond was Grand Master of England ; a few years later a Lodge was held on St . Roques ' s Hill ( Rock ' s HiU ) , under the auspices of a Duke of Richmond , who also obtained permission to hold a Lodge at his seat at Aubigny , in France , in consequence of which Masonry was much extended in foreign countries . Successive Dukes of Richmond and Earls of March had been Provincial
Grand Masters of Sussex and Masters of the Union Lodge in an unbroken line up to 1861 , when the death of the ranch-loved Charles Duke of Richmond , the late Duke , for a time broke the tie . Bnt that evening tbey had another Earl of March enrolled in their Lodge , holding office in it , and in full prospect of the highest post therein ,
and nnder whose kind and genial shelter they might with confidence hope to see the Lodge and Masonry generally flourish and increase . The Visitors included Bro . J . Henderson Scott J . G . D . Depnty Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , and the Masons of Portsmouth had a worthy representative in Bro . R . J . Murrell P . M . Landport Lodge , No . 1776 . —Portsmouth Times .
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
THE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Royal Hotel , Devonport , and was one of the most enjoyable of the season , inasmuch as the ladies were , as on a former occasion , present . The dinner was all that could be desired , and Mrs . and Bro . Parker were especially thanked for their attention to
the wants of the visitors , and for their excellent arrangements . The toasts usual on the occasion of the Festival of St . John were dul y honoured , and in the course of the evening the Worshipful Master presented his Installing Past Master with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , engraved aa follows : — " Presented by Lodge Fidelity , No . 230 , o W . Bro . J . P . H . Harris , iu recognition of his zeal and ability as Master . A . L . 5880 . " The Secretary stated that the finances of the Lodge were
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
in a sound and satisfactory condition . Bro . R . Cawsey , the Secretary , after thanking the brethren for himself , stated that- tha Treasurer had , on a recent occasion , declined to receive a jewel from tbe Lodge funds , whereupon the members had resolved to subscribe for one amongst themselves , and the resnlt was the very handsome aud massive gold jowol which he had the honour and pleasure of
presenting . This jowel was engraved — " Subscribed for , and presented to , Bro . John Lynn P . M . Treasurer , P . P . G . S . B . Devon , by his brethren of Lodge Fidelity , 230 , as a mark of their esteem for him , and in recognition of his services to the Lodge , A . L . 5881 . " The toast of the evening waa " The Ladies , " Bro . Gover replying " as a wife , " and giving the Masons some sound advice , whilst Bro . Orchard
replied as a sweetheart . Tho tables being cleared , a ball and concert followed . Bro . C . Haggarty acted as M . C . for the ball , and there was an excellent band . A young lady of eleven , Miss Bessie Haggarty , pupil of Miss Williams , of Valletort-place , Stoke , who has lately passed a successful examination at Trinity College with honours , performed some choice selections of musio , which were highly appreciated
and applauded ; and Bros . Rendle , Lynn , Ridland , and Orchard gave excellent songs and readings . Bro . R . Ellis presided . Amongst those present were the following Past Masters : —Bros . J . P . H . Harris , J . Lynn , R . Cawsey , William Joll , D . Lynn , A . Rowe , W . Lnce , A . Swiss , R . Pike , all of 230 ; the other Officers and brethren comprised—R . Pitcher , J . Whitford , F . Border , W . M . Ridland , E .
Littleton , W . Rattenbury , H . Boyling , Fred . Orchard , J . E . Curteis 189 , E . Aitken-Davies 1099 , J . Batten-Gover 20 , J . Russell-Lord 1247 , 0 . S . Stribbling 70 , E . Mnrch 202 , R . Pengelly 70 , James Rendle 1247 , W . Coath 893 , Hy . J . Trethowy 202 , T . Searle 1091 , T . G . Peek Metham . Tho Indies were well represented by Mesdames Ellis ,
Harris , J . Lynn , Cawsey , D . Lynn , Pike , Pitcher , Whitford , Border , Ridland , Littleton , Boyling , Pengelly , Murch , Trethewy , Quarioe , Vahland , Haggarty , Pierce , Bridgman , Sandy , and Misses Stephens , Miller , Boyling ( 2 ) , Ellis , Berryman , Leader , Brown , and Bailey . Altogether there were about 120 present .
Harmony And Industry Lodge, No. 381.
ON Wednesday , 12 th inst ., the members of the above Lodge met to celebrate the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of W . M . and investiture of the other Officers , which took place at the Masonic Rooms , Shorey Bank . The W . M . elect waa installed in the chair by Bro . Franklin Thomas P . M . ( Blackburn ) P . P . G . R . Oxon P . P . G . J . D . E . Lane , and the following Officers were
invested by Bros . John Wardley P . M . ( Darwen ) : Bros . J . H . Shorrock I . P . M . and Treasurer , J . S . Heavyside S . W ., G . W . Thackeray J . W ., B . Lloyd S . D ., A . Millward J . D ., L . Roberts P . M . Secretary ,, W . Grimshead I . G-., John Marsden O . G ., J . Wardley P . M . Organist W . Hodgson and C . H . Woods Stewards . There was a large
attendance of brethren , including Bros . R . Duckworth P . M . P . P . G . R . E . L . of Blackburn , W . Almond P . M . P . P . G . Supt . of Wks . E . L ., T . Grime P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C . E . L . of Darwen , and other brethren from Blackburn , Bacnp , Stockport , Plymouth , & o . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Alexandra Hotel , were a most sumptuous dinner was served by Bro . and Mrs . Bromley . The room was tastefully decorated ,
the leading feature being three large shields , bearing the monogram , number , and name of the Lodge , and badge of the principal Officer , and affixed behind each principal chair , executed in most artistic taste by Bro . 0 . H . Woods , Architect , of this town . The Lodge appears to be in a healthy and flourishing condition , and is rapidly gaining strength in numbers and in influence .
Wellington Lodge, No. 784, Deal.
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Public Rooms , Deal , on Thursday , 13 th inst ., when Bro . Benjamin Wood was duly installed as W . M . by Bro . Bird P . M . 78 i P . P . S . G . W . Kent . There was a large number of visiting brethren present ; nineteen Past Masters forming the Board . Bro . Wood then appointed bis Officers as follow : — Bros . Solly S . W ., Rev . T . Griffith Rector of Deal J . W ., Bridge jun . S . D ., Foster J . D ., Elliott I . G ., Bro . Hayman
was re-appointed Secretary , and Browning re-invested as Treasurer . The Lodge was then closed and the brethren adjonrned to the Royal Hotel , and partook of an excellent banquet . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the evening was enlivened by the admirable singing of Bros . Plant and Rhodes , of Canterbury , and Bro . Foster the Host of the Hotel . The Charity box was passed , and the Tyler ' s toast terminated a very agreeable evening .
Meridian Lodge, No. 829.
ON Monday , the 17 th inst ., a new Lod ge room—bnilt by the R . W . Grand Master of Cornwall , the Earl of Mount Edgecurnbewas opened at Millbrook , when a large number of distinguished brethren were present . After the ceremony of opening , and the performance of the several duties , the Lodge closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Devon and Cornwall Hotel , where the banquet was
provided . The following Prov . Grand Officers , Officers , and brethren were present : —V . W . Bros . Rev . F . T . W . Wintle W . M . 893 " R R . Rodd , E . J . Worth , W . Veale , H .. O'Neil , W . H . Biekford , J . H . Filmer , W . J . Harris , S . Hatchings , and Wor . Bros . A . B . Olives , W . Coath ,
Past Masters 833 ; Wor . Bro . H . L . Boyle j Bros . J . Henwood , R . Cawsey , G . Perkins , A . H . VVhidden , J . H . Lake , J . Moysey , B . Gray , and many other members and brethen . After the repast , the nsnrtl toasts were given and heartily responded to . The meeting the meeting then became convivial .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Of Tranquillity, No. 185.
Bitter and Clifford , whose arrangements for the comfort and enjoyment of tho party wero eminently satisfactory . After tho prefatory toasts had been honoured , Bro . J . D . Barnett I . P . M . had much pleasure in proposing the health of their excellent retiring
Master , Bro . Bayley , whoso services to the Lodge could not bo overestimated . No ono had ever filled that position in their old and reputed Lodge with more real ability or fidelity , and he was snre Bro . Bayley retired from the post he had so worthily filled with tho esteem and the afTootion of all tho brethren . He had so endeared
himself to the brethren by his admirable working , his urbanity and kindness , that tho testimonial which had been voted to him that evening was bnt a very slight , though sincere , recognition on their part of the regard in which he was held by all who hail the privilege of attending the meetings of this Lodge . Brother W . D . Bayley , who was received with loud and prolonged
applause , said it was always with a certain amount of diffidence that ono responded to the toast of his health so kindly and so flatteringly proposed as his had been that evening . He conld hardly find words adequate to express his gratitude for the double compliment which had been paid him by the brethren of the Lodge , but he assured them of his continued interest in the Lodge
of Tranquility , and he shonld endeavour to do his utmost to promote the welfare of a body amongst whom he had received so ranch kind , ness and assistance . He had striven to the utmost of his ability to occupy the position to which , by the kindness of the brethren he had been elected , and to retire from that post with such expressions of satisfaction as he had heard to-night was a proud moment in a man ' s
life . When he took the chair , he heard a great deal about the duties appertaining to so exalted a position , but those duties had turned into pleasures from the kindnesses he had received from the Officers and all connected with the Lodge . Indeed , his path had been one of flowers instead of thorns . In turn , he proposed the health of the W . M . elect , and he could only express the hope that when he
left the chair he might receive the same kind expressions as they had accorded to him ( the speaker ) on the present occasion . He felt certain it would be so , for Bro . Croaker had worked himself up side by side with himself , and had shown such assiduity and snch practical care for the interests of the Lodge that it was eminently satisfactory he should have been so unanimously elected to the chair for the ensuing
year . He was perfectly convinced that in Bro . Croaker they would find an excellent Wor . Master in the ensuing year . Bro . Frederick Croaker , in acknowledging the compliment paid him , assured the brethren that when he occupied the position to which they had so kindly elected him , he should do his utmost to discharge his duties to the Lodge and to the Craft in a manner that should reflect credit on
himself and , he hoped , give satisfaction to the brethren . Several other toasts were proposed , j pecial mention being made of the services rendered by Bro . John Constable , the Treasurer of the Lodge . During the evening some excellent vocal and instrumental music was rendered by the brethren and visitors , and the proceedings were altogether of a very enjoyable and harmonious description .
Union Lodge, No. 38.
UNION LODGE , No . 38 .
A GATHERING of an exceptionally interesting character took place at Chichester , on Thursday , 13 th inst . There was a large muster of Masonic notabilities to witness tho installation of Bro . R . G . Raper P . Prov . G . W . for the second time as W . M . of the above Lodge , and who selected as hia Senior Warden Bro . the Earl of March , M . P . At the banquet which followed , the W . M . referred to the circumstance of the Earl of March accepting office that day in
the Lodge , and to the fact that in due course his Lordship would succeed to the chair . The W . M . said he rejoiced in the circumstance , not simply from the high position of the noble Lord , but because he was keeping up the traditions of his Honse in thus associating his name again with Masonry . He added that for nearly 200 years the Dukes of Richmond had been connected with Masonry . In 1675 a
Duke of Richmond was Grand Master of England ; a few years later a Lodge was held on St . Roques ' s Hill ( Rock ' s HiU ) , under the auspices of a Duke of Richmond , who also obtained permission to hold a Lodge at his seat at Aubigny , in France , in consequence of which Masonry was much extended in foreign countries . Successive Dukes of Richmond and Earls of March had been Provincial
Grand Masters of Sussex and Masters of the Union Lodge in an unbroken line up to 1861 , when the death of the ranch-loved Charles Duke of Richmond , the late Duke , for a time broke the tie . Bnt that evening tbey had another Earl of March enrolled in their Lodge , holding office in it , and in full prospect of the highest post therein ,
and nnder whose kind and genial shelter they might with confidence hope to see the Lodge and Masonry generally flourish and increase . The Visitors included Bro . J . Henderson Scott J . G . D . Depnty Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , and the Masons of Portsmouth had a worthy representative in Bro . R . J . Murrell P . M . Landport Lodge , No . 1776 . —Portsmouth Times .
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
THE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Royal Hotel , Devonport , and was one of the most enjoyable of the season , inasmuch as the ladies were , as on a former occasion , present . The dinner was all that could be desired , and Mrs . and Bro . Parker were especially thanked for their attention to
the wants of the visitors , and for their excellent arrangements . The toasts usual on the occasion of the Festival of St . John were dul y honoured , and in the course of the evening the Worshipful Master presented his Installing Past Master with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , engraved aa follows : — " Presented by Lodge Fidelity , No . 230 , o W . Bro . J . P . H . Harris , iu recognition of his zeal and ability as Master . A . L . 5880 . " The Secretary stated that the finances of the Lodge were
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
in a sound and satisfactory condition . Bro . R . Cawsey , the Secretary , after thanking the brethren for himself , stated that- tha Treasurer had , on a recent occasion , declined to receive a jewel from tbe Lodge funds , whereupon the members had resolved to subscribe for one amongst themselves , and the resnlt was the very handsome aud massive gold jowol which he had the honour and pleasure of
presenting . This jowel was engraved — " Subscribed for , and presented to , Bro . John Lynn P . M . Treasurer , P . P . G . S . B . Devon , by his brethren of Lodge Fidelity , 230 , as a mark of their esteem for him , and in recognition of his services to the Lodge , A . L . 5881 . " The toast of the evening waa " The Ladies , " Bro . Gover replying " as a wife , " and giving the Masons some sound advice , whilst Bro . Orchard
replied as a sweetheart . Tho tables being cleared , a ball and concert followed . Bro . C . Haggarty acted as M . C . for the ball , and there was an excellent band . A young lady of eleven , Miss Bessie Haggarty , pupil of Miss Williams , of Valletort-place , Stoke , who has lately passed a successful examination at Trinity College with honours , performed some choice selections of musio , which were highly appreciated
and applauded ; and Bros . Rendle , Lynn , Ridland , and Orchard gave excellent songs and readings . Bro . R . Ellis presided . Amongst those present were the following Past Masters : —Bros . J . P . H . Harris , J . Lynn , R . Cawsey , William Joll , D . Lynn , A . Rowe , W . Lnce , A . Swiss , R . Pike , all of 230 ; the other Officers and brethren comprised—R . Pitcher , J . Whitford , F . Border , W . M . Ridland , E .
Littleton , W . Rattenbury , H . Boyling , Fred . Orchard , J . E . Curteis 189 , E . Aitken-Davies 1099 , J . Batten-Gover 20 , J . Russell-Lord 1247 , 0 . S . Stribbling 70 , E . Mnrch 202 , R . Pengelly 70 , James Rendle 1247 , W . Coath 893 , Hy . J . Trethowy 202 , T . Searle 1091 , T . G . Peek Metham . Tho Indies were well represented by Mesdames Ellis ,
Harris , J . Lynn , Cawsey , D . Lynn , Pike , Pitcher , Whitford , Border , Ridland , Littleton , Boyling , Pengelly , Murch , Trethewy , Quarioe , Vahland , Haggarty , Pierce , Bridgman , Sandy , and Misses Stephens , Miller , Boyling ( 2 ) , Ellis , Berryman , Leader , Brown , and Bailey . Altogether there were about 120 present .
Harmony And Industry Lodge, No. 381.
ON Wednesday , 12 th inst ., the members of the above Lodge met to celebrate the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of W . M . and investiture of the other Officers , which took place at the Masonic Rooms , Shorey Bank . The W . M . elect waa installed in the chair by Bro . Franklin Thomas P . M . ( Blackburn ) P . P . G . R . Oxon P . P . G . J . D . E . Lane , and the following Officers were
invested by Bros . John Wardley P . M . ( Darwen ) : Bros . J . H . Shorrock I . P . M . and Treasurer , J . S . Heavyside S . W ., G . W . Thackeray J . W ., B . Lloyd S . D ., A . Millward J . D ., L . Roberts P . M . Secretary ,, W . Grimshead I . G-., John Marsden O . G ., J . Wardley P . M . Organist W . Hodgson and C . H . Woods Stewards . There was a large
attendance of brethren , including Bros . R . Duckworth P . M . P . P . G . R . E . L . of Blackburn , W . Almond P . M . P . P . G . Supt . of Wks . E . L ., T . Grime P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C . E . L . of Darwen , and other brethren from Blackburn , Bacnp , Stockport , Plymouth , & o . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Alexandra Hotel , were a most sumptuous dinner was served by Bro . and Mrs . Bromley . The room was tastefully decorated ,
the leading feature being three large shields , bearing the monogram , number , and name of the Lodge , and badge of the principal Officer , and affixed behind each principal chair , executed in most artistic taste by Bro . 0 . H . Woods , Architect , of this town . The Lodge appears to be in a healthy and flourishing condition , and is rapidly gaining strength in numbers and in influence .
Wellington Lodge, No. 784, Deal.
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Public Rooms , Deal , on Thursday , 13 th inst ., when Bro . Benjamin Wood was duly installed as W . M . by Bro . Bird P . M . 78 i P . P . S . G . W . Kent . There was a large number of visiting brethren present ; nineteen Past Masters forming the Board . Bro . Wood then appointed bis Officers as follow : — Bros . Solly S . W ., Rev . T . Griffith Rector of Deal J . W ., Bridge jun . S . D ., Foster J . D ., Elliott I . G ., Bro . Hayman
was re-appointed Secretary , and Browning re-invested as Treasurer . The Lodge was then closed and the brethren adjonrned to the Royal Hotel , and partook of an excellent banquet . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the evening was enlivened by the admirable singing of Bros . Plant and Rhodes , of Canterbury , and Bro . Foster the Host of the Hotel . The Charity box was passed , and the Tyler ' s toast terminated a very agreeable evening .
Meridian Lodge, No. 829.
ON Monday , the 17 th inst ., a new Lod ge room—bnilt by the R . W . Grand Master of Cornwall , the Earl of Mount Edgecurnbewas opened at Millbrook , when a large number of distinguished brethren were present . After the ceremony of opening , and the performance of the several duties , the Lodge closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Devon and Cornwall Hotel , where the banquet was
provided . The following Prov . Grand Officers , Officers , and brethren were present : —V . W . Bros . Rev . F . T . W . Wintle W . M . 893 " R R . Rodd , E . J . Worth , W . Veale , H .. O'Neil , W . H . Biekford , J . H . Filmer , W . J . Harris , S . Hatchings , and Wor . Bros . A . B . Olives , W . Coath ,
Past Masters 833 ; Wor . Bro . H . L . Boyle j Bros . J . Henwood , R . Cawsey , G . Perkins , A . H . VVhidden , J . H . Lake , J . Moysey , B . Gray , and many other members and brethen . After the repast , the nsnrtl toasts were given and heartily responded to . The meeting the meeting then became convivial .