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Grand Lodge Of Massachusetts.
WE havo received copy of the Proceedings at the last Quarterly Communication , held at the Masonic Temple , Boston , on 14 th June , of this Grand Lodge . Bro . Percival Lowell Everett M . W . G . M . presided , and was sup . ported by R . W . Bro . Charles H . Welch D . G . M ., the Grand
Wardens , Treasurer , Secretary , and other Officers past and present , including Bros . W . Parkman , Charles C . Dame , and Sereno D . Nickerson , Past Grand Masters . The Lodge was opened in ample form at 2 p . m . with prayer by tho R . W Rev . Chaises H . Titus . The record of the previous Quarterly Communication was taken as read . The Grand Master
then announced a vacancy among his officers , and that he had appointed Bro . Avery to fill it . Bro . Avery was thereupon invested with the office , namely , that of Grand Standard Bearer . Bye-laws and Amendments to Bye-laws from several Lodges were submitted to the Committee on
Bye-laws , whose report was delivered before the proceedings came to an end . A petition from the Satm ' t Lodge for a Charter was then presented and referred to the Committee on Charters . Their report was to the effect that , having examined the Bye-laws and other necessary
documents of tho Lodge , which had been under dispensation for more than a year , they found everything satisfactory , and recommended accordingly that a Charter be granted . A letter was then read from the W . M . of the Winslow Lewis Lodge , requesting , in the name and on
behalf of that Lodge , the acceptance by Grand Lodgo of aportrait of Bro . Sereno D . Nickerson , a Past Grand Master . Tho portrait was accepted and the Grand Master requested to convey to the W . M . and brethren of the Winslow Lewis Lodge the thanks of Grand Lodge for the very handsome
addition thus made to the portraits of Past Grand Masters On tho motion of Bro . John McOiellan , a sum of five hundred dollars was voted to be disbursed for charitable purposes by the Committee on Charity . The Committee on the appeal of a brother against the action of the Pl y-
mouth Lodge and its W . M . delivered a long report , in which , after a careful examination of the circumstances of the case , they recommend that the appeal be dismissed . The Committee on Ritual then reported favourably on the proposed new TrestleBoard , and it was resolved unanimously
that it should be the only authorised Trestle Board for use in the Lodges under this jurisdiction . A Committee to superintend its publication was accordingly appointed by the G . M . The petition of a brother to be formally healed having been examined and recommended , and further time
having been accorded to those Committees which had not been able to report , notice was given that a special communication , for the purpose of constituting Satuit Lodo-e , and installing its officers would be held on the 21 st of the
month . There appearing to be no further business to be transacted , Grand Lodge was closed in ample form at a few minutes after 4 p . m ., prayer being again offered by R . W . Bro . Rev . Charles H . Titus .
A Masonic Calendar For The Province Of Herts.
A DISCUSSION arose at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Herts , on the 8 th instant , as to the merits and demerits respectively of Provincial Masonic Calendars . The proposition , as moved by Bro . Lambert ,
merely went to the extent of suggesting that Prov . Grand Lodge consider the propriety of establishing a Calendar for the Province . The principal grounds on which Bro . Lambert advocated his motion were , that the Herts Masons would find it very agreeable to visit the different Lodges in
their province , as people in the country must have some amusement , and that there many places in Herts about which the brethren would find it delightful to have somo information . Bro . Halsey , the P . G . M ., mentioned a third reason , of considerable importance , namely , that the
Province was becoming more considerable ; there were moro Lodges in it than formerly , and these were widely scattered , so that a Calendar , if properly managed , might bo made very advantageous to the Craft . Bro . Carter has
already been at the pains and cost of publishing a small but useful compilation of the character in question , and no doubt this might be taken as the basis of a larger and moro ambitions work . It is satisfactory , however , to learn that the Herts brethren are bestirrine- themselves in such a
matter , and we trust before another year has passed that Herts may find itself on as good a footing in this respect as other provinces we know of . This is not the solo object we have in view in referring to the discussion which arose in Prov . Grand Lodge . Wo
have a few remarks to offer on ono or two other points of importance , and Ave take this opportunity of offering them . We think it well , however , to state that , as no member of our staff was present , and no brother thought
it worth his while to send us any particulars , wo arc indebted to common conversation and other sources for our knowledge of what was said . We say this in order that our readers may know the character of tho foundation on which we have built up our comments .
It is , m the first place , a somewhat strange idea to emanate from any Craftsman , and most of all from ono who has attained Provincial rank , that brethren will find " amusement" in visiting the vai-ious Lodges located iu their Province . We usually associate the notion of fun
with the word amusement . Wo say a certain play or exhibition was amusing , Mr . So-and-so is an amusing fellow , or , we were highly amused the other day by tho antics of a monkey , the droll appearance of some one we passed in tho street , and so on . In this , which is the sense we ordinarily
connect with amusement , we cannot see tho slightest shadow of justice in Bro . Lambert ' s first , and we presume , therefore , his most important reason . We see nothing amusing iu a Lodge meeting , though we often mix thero with some very amusing people , that is , with people who
possess the faculty of amusing their fellows . A Lodge , however , meets for the fulfilment of certain duties , many of which are solemn , and all of which are important . When the labour is ended , we are wise enough on most occasions to devote any spare time that may remain to us
before separating to the very enjoyable occupation of amusing one another . We do not see how tho establishment of a Calendar will either increase or diminish the value of this very sensible custom . It is very unfortunate , when so many excellent reasons may be urged for
establishing a wholesome institution like a Provincial Directory , that any brother should have descended to urge one so frivolous . Masonry is not an amusement , but a science . It is no compliment to the principles we profess to
say that a Provincial Masonic Calendar will be useful on the ground that people in the country must have amusement , and so a guidebook will enable brethren to visit each other more frequently . If , however , wo cannot congratulate Bro . Lambert thus far , we full y
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Massachusetts.
WE havo received copy of the Proceedings at the last Quarterly Communication , held at the Masonic Temple , Boston , on 14 th June , of this Grand Lodge . Bro . Percival Lowell Everett M . W . G . M . presided , and was sup . ported by R . W . Bro . Charles H . Welch D . G . M ., the Grand
Wardens , Treasurer , Secretary , and other Officers past and present , including Bros . W . Parkman , Charles C . Dame , and Sereno D . Nickerson , Past Grand Masters . The Lodge was opened in ample form at 2 p . m . with prayer by tho R . W Rev . Chaises H . Titus . The record of the previous Quarterly Communication was taken as read . The Grand Master
then announced a vacancy among his officers , and that he had appointed Bro . Avery to fill it . Bro . Avery was thereupon invested with the office , namely , that of Grand Standard Bearer . Bye-laws and Amendments to Bye-laws from several Lodges were submitted to the Committee on
Bye-laws , whose report was delivered before the proceedings came to an end . A petition from the Satm ' t Lodge for a Charter was then presented and referred to the Committee on Charters . Their report was to the effect that , having examined the Bye-laws and other necessary
documents of tho Lodge , which had been under dispensation for more than a year , they found everything satisfactory , and recommended accordingly that a Charter be granted . A letter was then read from the W . M . of the Winslow Lewis Lodge , requesting , in the name and on
behalf of that Lodge , the acceptance by Grand Lodgo of aportrait of Bro . Sereno D . Nickerson , a Past Grand Master . Tho portrait was accepted and the Grand Master requested to convey to the W . M . and brethren of the Winslow Lewis Lodge the thanks of Grand Lodge for the very handsome
addition thus made to the portraits of Past Grand Masters On tho motion of Bro . John McOiellan , a sum of five hundred dollars was voted to be disbursed for charitable purposes by the Committee on Charity . The Committee on the appeal of a brother against the action of the Pl y-
mouth Lodge and its W . M . delivered a long report , in which , after a careful examination of the circumstances of the case , they recommend that the appeal be dismissed . The Committee on Ritual then reported favourably on the proposed new TrestleBoard , and it was resolved unanimously
that it should be the only authorised Trestle Board for use in the Lodges under this jurisdiction . A Committee to superintend its publication was accordingly appointed by the G . M . The petition of a brother to be formally healed having been examined and recommended , and further time
having been accorded to those Committees which had not been able to report , notice was given that a special communication , for the purpose of constituting Satuit Lodo-e , and installing its officers would be held on the 21 st of the
month . There appearing to be no further business to be transacted , Grand Lodge was closed in ample form at a few minutes after 4 p . m ., prayer being again offered by R . W . Bro . Rev . Charles H . Titus .
A Masonic Calendar For The Province Of Herts.
A DISCUSSION arose at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Herts , on the 8 th instant , as to the merits and demerits respectively of Provincial Masonic Calendars . The proposition , as moved by Bro . Lambert ,
merely went to the extent of suggesting that Prov . Grand Lodge consider the propriety of establishing a Calendar for the Province . The principal grounds on which Bro . Lambert advocated his motion were , that the Herts Masons would find it very agreeable to visit the different Lodges in
their province , as people in the country must have some amusement , and that there many places in Herts about which the brethren would find it delightful to have somo information . Bro . Halsey , the P . G . M ., mentioned a third reason , of considerable importance , namely , that the
Province was becoming more considerable ; there were moro Lodges in it than formerly , and these were widely scattered , so that a Calendar , if properly managed , might bo made very advantageous to the Craft . Bro . Carter has
already been at the pains and cost of publishing a small but useful compilation of the character in question , and no doubt this might be taken as the basis of a larger and moro ambitions work . It is satisfactory , however , to learn that the Herts brethren are bestirrine- themselves in such a
matter , and we trust before another year has passed that Herts may find itself on as good a footing in this respect as other provinces we know of . This is not the solo object we have in view in referring to the discussion which arose in Prov . Grand Lodge . Wo
have a few remarks to offer on ono or two other points of importance , and Ave take this opportunity of offering them . We think it well , however , to state that , as no member of our staff was present , and no brother thought
it worth his while to send us any particulars , wo arc indebted to common conversation and other sources for our knowledge of what was said . We say this in order that our readers may know the character of tho foundation on which we have built up our comments .
It is , m the first place , a somewhat strange idea to emanate from any Craftsman , and most of all from ono who has attained Provincial rank , that brethren will find " amusement" in visiting the vai-ious Lodges located iu their Province . We usually associate the notion of fun
with the word amusement . Wo say a certain play or exhibition was amusing , Mr . So-and-so is an amusing fellow , or , we were highly amused the other day by tho antics of a monkey , the droll appearance of some one we passed in tho street , and so on . In this , which is the sense we ordinarily
connect with amusement , we cannot see tho slightest shadow of justice in Bro . Lambert ' s first , and we presume , therefore , his most important reason . We see nothing amusing iu a Lodge meeting , though we often mix thero with some very amusing people , that is , with people who
possess the faculty of amusing their fellows . A Lodge , however , meets for the fulfilment of certain duties , many of which are solemn , and all of which are important . When the labour is ended , we are wise enough on most occasions to devote any spare time that may remain to us
before separating to the very enjoyable occupation of amusing one another . We do not see how tho establishment of a Calendar will either increase or diminish the value of this very sensible custom . It is very unfortunate , when so many excellent reasons may be urged for
establishing a wholesome institution like a Provincial Directory , that any brother should have descended to urge one so frivolous . Masonry is not an amusement , but a science . It is no compliment to the principles we profess to
say that a Provincial Masonic Calendar will be useful on the ground that people in the country must have amusement , and so a guidebook will enable brethren to visit each other more frequently . If , however , wo cannot congratulate Bro . Lambert thus far , we full y