Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
expressed as to whether the room would accommodate the number of guests , and whether tho pabulum provided would be ample enough . Bro . Ohren as Secretary , with his usual forethought , had invited members to inform him , by post card , of their intention to dine , but only one had done so , and he , as it happened , came not . These doubtshoweverwere quickly dispelled . Tho room was found large
, , enough , and the provision more than sufficient , as well as of the nsual excellent character . On the removal of the cloth , and when the loving oup had been passed round , the usual toasts followed in their regular sequence . Bro . Sugg is an excellent chairman and speaker . In prefacing the various toasts , his remarks wero felicitous as well as pertinent . Bro . Cowland responded for tho Pro Grand
Master and other Grand Officers past and present , Bro . George Robins for tho P . G . Master and Officers of Surrey , Bro . Turquand for the Visitors , and Bro . Initiate , with native modesty , for himself . Bros . Ohron , Jefferies , Geo . Robins jun ., and others , sang several songs in the course of the evening ; and when the guests rose to depart , nono , we fancy , felt any evil effects from the general omission to send post cards to the Seoretary .
Yarborough Chapter , No . 554 . — -A Convocation of this Chapter was held on Thursday , 13 th inst ., at the Green Dragon Hotel , Stepney . Comps . Finch M . E . Z ., George Ward Verry P . Z . as H .. W . G . Clark J ., J . H . Wynne P . Z . Treasurer , Rov . D . Shaboe P . Z . S . E ., J . J . Berry S . N ., Toye P . S ., B . Carter 1 st Assist ., C . A . Crouch 2 nd Assist ., Gross D . C . ; P . Z . ' s R . Taylor , S . Vasey ; Speight
Janitor . The Chapter was opened , and minutes were confirmed . A ballot , was taken for the admission of Bro . Westoby Lowles , Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 , which being in his favour , he was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry with a degree of solemnity and such perfect working as was a pleasure to listen to . The Chapter possesses a very elegant throne , decorated with four Corinthian columns . Tho M . E . Z .
announced to the Companions that a sum had been voted by tho Chapter , and augmented by the Companions , for the purpose of presenting Comp . G . Ward Verry P . Z . with a jewel , he being the first P . Z . who had been presented with one , and he remarked that it could not have been more worthily bestowed , Comp . Verry having occupied every office in the Chapter , and ho carried out his
duties in every respect to their satisfaction . The jewel is of solid gold , and is ornamented with the arms of tho Earl of Yarborough , and bears the following inscription : " Presented by the Yarborough Chapter , No . 554 , to Comp . G . Ward Verry P . Z ., as a token of regard , and in appreciation of his service as M . E . Z . of the above Chapter . 10 th Feb . 1876 . " Companion Verry , in a few but appropriate
remarks , thanked them for thoir valuable gift , and said if tho Companions required any services of him ho would only be too pleased to assist them . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to a very excellent cold collation , provided by tho worthy host , Comp . T . Walters . Tho M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loyal and R . A . toasts . Comp . G . Ward Verry I . P . M . proposed the health of the
M . E . Z ., and complimented him on tho admirable manner in which he had performed the ceremony , also on tho way he had conducted the duties of the chair . Tho M . E . Z . responded . He thanked them for the hearty way the toast had been received . Ho had been a Mason twenty years , aud had passed every office . He hoped ho had given them satisfaction . Comp . Wynne P . Z . proposed the toast of
the H . aud J . Comp . G . Clarke responded . Tho M . E . Z . in proposing the toast of the P . Z . ' s , stated they were always ready and willing to render valuable assistance . He was pleased to see old and venerable Past Principals among them , and he hoped they would be spared for many years . As iu Lodges , so in Chapters , it was always pleasant to see familiar faces , as a reminiscence of tho past , and a
hope iu tho future for them to continue among them . Comps . Wynne and Taylor returned thanks for the toast . The M . E . Z . gave the toast of the newly exalted Companion , who was the J . W . of the Finsbury Lodge , was greatly respected , and would be a credit to the Chapter . Comp . Lowles very appropriately responded .
Companions Davis 1260 and H . M . Levy P . Z . 188 returned thanks for the visitors . The toast of the Officers was given , and Comp . D . Shaboe P . Z . and S . E ., in a very eloquent speech , returned thanks . Ho was followed by Comps . Crouch and Berry . The Janitor ' s toast was given . Some very capital harmony emanated from Comps . Shaboe , Davies , Vasey and the M . E . Z .
Beadon Chapter , No . 619 . —A Convocation of this Chapter was held on the 13 th inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Comps . W . H . Green M . E . Z ., W . Seaman H ., E . Coste J ., J . W . Angus S . E ., and Comps . D . H . Jacobs , Carrington , Wrangham , & c . The Chapter was opened , and tho minntes of the former Convocation were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of Bro .
Francis Sharratt , of the Beadon Lodge , No . CIS ) . This was in his favour , and he was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry , the working being admirably rendered by the Principals . The Chapter was then closed , and slight refreshment followed . The M . E . Z . gave the nsual Loyal toasts , also those of tho Principals and Officers , and the newly
exalted Companion . In proposing the health of Comp . W . Smeed P . Z ., he said he hoped the day was far distant when that Companion would be absent from the Beadon Chapter , his thorough knowledge of the duties in every capacity was fully appreciated . A very cnjoyablo and harmonious evening was passed , Comps . D . II . Jacobs , Sharratt aud Coste contributing to the harmony .
Sydney Lodge , No . 829 . —The Installation meeting of this Lodge was hold ou Tuesday , 11 th Jnlv , at tho Black Horse , Sidcup , Kent , when Bro . T . Smith P . M ., P . I ' . G . P . installed Bro . Hastings W . M ., whose first duty was to present his I . P . M ., Bro . G . B . Gates , with a handsome gold jewel , which was feelingly acknowledged by the retiring officer . At the banquet tho I . P . M . presented a silver goblet , emblazoned with Masonic emblems , and the names of the
subscribers engraved thereon , to their esteemed late Treasurer , Bro . G . M . E . Snow P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., on his retirement from office , which was duly filled and received by him in appropriate terms . The officers appointed for tho ensuing year are : —Lewis Hetheridge S . W ., J . Gore J . W ., W . T . Birts Treasurer , J . Henderson Secretary , Dr . Spurrell S . D ., W . Moulder J . D ., J . Pudney I . G ., J . T . Ward D . C , T . Smith W . S ., aud S . Potts Tyler .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . — The weekly meeting of the above was held on Tuesday , 18 th July , at the Royal Edwird , Trianglo , Hackney . Bro . Worsloy W . M ., Cambridge S . W ., Barker J . W ., Smith S . D ., Perrin J . D ., Brown I . G . ; P . M . Bro . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Dallas , Robson , Horsley ,
Crane , & c . The Lodge was opened in the 1 st and 2 nd degrees , and Bro . Johnson , having answered tho usual questions , was raised to tho 3 rd degree . Bro . Wallington gave the traditional history , and Bro . Horsley worked the 1 st and 3 rd sections of the lecture . The Lodge was closed in the three degrees . Bro . Cambridge was elected W . M . for the following Tuesday .
Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 . — On Wednesday last the ceremonies of consecration aud installation were rehearsed by Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , P . M . 228 , 1278 , 1366 , and Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons ; ho was supported by tho following brethren , who met , on this occasion , at seven o ' clock : —Bros . Davies S . W ., Wright J . W ., H . B . Dunn Sec ,
J . Pigot Treas ., Chant S . D ., Rothschild J . D ., P . Dickinson D . C , T . Goodo I . G ., Burr Organist , and a large attendauce of mombers , with several visitors . The proceedings wero admirably conducted by Bro . Terry , and afforded great gratification to all , many of whom had never been present at a consecration . The ceremony of installation was also carried out most satisfactorily , Bro . Pigot acting as the
candidate for the chair , aud investing his officers in a most efficient way . At the conclusion , a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Terry , and he was elected an honorary member of the Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Terry acknowledged the compliment which had been paid him . Bros . C . H . Webb , E . G . Legge , C . Hawksley , W . D . Dickeson , C Mitchell , H . Beck , Robinson , W . W . Morgan , Powell and Lane were elected members . This Lodge of Instruction meets at the
Finsbury Park Tavern , which is close to the station on the Great Northern and North London Railways . To those of our brethren who prefer the fresh air to the heated atmosphere of some of our Lodges , and who desire to keep up their Masouio studies , we recommend a stroll round Finsbury Park , and an hour spent in instruction , under the ablo preceptorship of Bro . Dickinson . Thoy will doubtless agree with us that their time could not be spent moro satisfactorily . The brethren meet each Wednesday at 8 .
Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —The installation meeting of tho above was held on Saturday , the 15 th inst ., at the Red Lion , HamptoD . In spite of the almost tropical heat , a goodly number of the brethren assembled , Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , occupied the chair , ' E . Gilbert S . W ., Fox J . W ., S . Wickens P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . P . M . Secretary , J . Baldwin I . G ., J . B . Shackletou
Organist , and Past Masters J . T . Moss P . P . G . R . Middlesex , J . C . Woodrow , W . Hammond P . G . J . D . Middlesex , & c . The Lodge wa 3 opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . B . Sharp P . M . 168 , P . M . 84 , and P . Z . 84 , was unanimously elected a joining member . The report of the audit meeting was read and adopted . It showed the Lodge funds were in a flourishing condition , as was also the
Benevolent Fund . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . E . Gilbert S . W . and W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge , and duly installed into the chair . On the re-admission of the brethren , tho W . M . received the customary salutations and then invested his officers : H . A . Dubois P . P . G . A . D . C . I . P . M ., E . W . Fox S . W ., R . W . Williams J . W ., S . Wickens P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex ,
P . M . Secretary , J . Woodrow P . M . Assist . Secretary , J . Hammond S . D ., J . B . Shackleton J . D ., J . Baldwin P . M . I . G ., Shott D . C , H . Potter P . M . W . S ., Mitchell Organist , Meyer and G . W . Stone Stewards , and Gilbert , P . G . T . Middlesex , Tyler . A ballot was taken for Mr . David Smith , and was unanimous . The newly installed W . M . initiated that gentleman into the Order in a manner highly creditable . Bro . H . A .
Dubois I . P . M . then proposed , that the be 3 t thanks of the Lodgo be accorded , and entered on the minntes , to Bro . F . Walters P . M ., for the able manner he had performed the ceremony of installation . Two propositions for initiation wero handed in . Bro . F . Walters P . M . informed the brethren that he had been appointed by the R . W . Col . Burdett P . G . M . to the office of Junior Grand Deacon of Middlesex
on the recommendation of the Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the garden , where a marquee had been erected . A very excellent banquet was provided by the worthy host . The W . M . gavo the usual Loyal toast 3 . He proposed tho health of the R . W . Colonel Burdett , Provincial Grand Master , aud the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers ,
and coupled with the toast the name of Bro . F . Walters , who in replying said he hoped the appointment of officers for the ensuing year would give equal satisfaction as in former years . Bro . II . A . Dubois I . P . M . proposed the toast of the W . M ., he was pleased to see him occupying the chair . Tbey had witnessed what he had done since his installation ; how excellently ho had rendered the ceremony of initiation , and how ably he presided over them , every office he had
held he was perfect in , and he wished him a successful year of office . The W . M . thanked the brethren for the cordial manner they had drank his health , he did not wish to make long speeches , but whatever he did utter was from his heart , and said with all sincerity . The W . M . iu proposing the toast of the Past Masters , spoke of their various qualifications , aud in mentioning tho worthy brother who was now the I . P . M ,, ono whose name in connection with Freemasonry is a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
expressed as to whether the room would accommodate the number of guests , and whether tho pabulum provided would be ample enough . Bro . Ohren as Secretary , with his usual forethought , had invited members to inform him , by post card , of their intention to dine , but only one had done so , and he , as it happened , came not . These doubtshoweverwere quickly dispelled . Tho room was found large
, , enough , and the provision more than sufficient , as well as of the nsual excellent character . On the removal of the cloth , and when the loving oup had been passed round , the usual toasts followed in their regular sequence . Bro . Sugg is an excellent chairman and speaker . In prefacing the various toasts , his remarks wero felicitous as well as pertinent . Bro . Cowland responded for tho Pro Grand
Master and other Grand Officers past and present , Bro . George Robins for tho P . G . Master and Officers of Surrey , Bro . Turquand for the Visitors , and Bro . Initiate , with native modesty , for himself . Bros . Ohron , Jefferies , Geo . Robins jun ., and others , sang several songs in the course of the evening ; and when the guests rose to depart , nono , we fancy , felt any evil effects from the general omission to send post cards to the Seoretary .
Yarborough Chapter , No . 554 . — -A Convocation of this Chapter was held on Thursday , 13 th inst ., at the Green Dragon Hotel , Stepney . Comps . Finch M . E . Z ., George Ward Verry P . Z . as H .. W . G . Clark J ., J . H . Wynne P . Z . Treasurer , Rov . D . Shaboe P . Z . S . E ., J . J . Berry S . N ., Toye P . S ., B . Carter 1 st Assist ., C . A . Crouch 2 nd Assist ., Gross D . C . ; P . Z . ' s R . Taylor , S . Vasey ; Speight
Janitor . The Chapter was opened , and minutes were confirmed . A ballot , was taken for the admission of Bro . Westoby Lowles , Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 , which being in his favour , he was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry with a degree of solemnity and such perfect working as was a pleasure to listen to . The Chapter possesses a very elegant throne , decorated with four Corinthian columns . Tho M . E . Z .
announced to the Companions that a sum had been voted by tho Chapter , and augmented by the Companions , for the purpose of presenting Comp . G . Ward Verry P . Z . with a jewel , he being the first P . Z . who had been presented with one , and he remarked that it could not have been more worthily bestowed , Comp . Verry having occupied every office in the Chapter , and ho carried out his
duties in every respect to their satisfaction . The jewel is of solid gold , and is ornamented with the arms of tho Earl of Yarborough , and bears the following inscription : " Presented by the Yarborough Chapter , No . 554 , to Comp . G . Ward Verry P . Z ., as a token of regard , and in appreciation of his service as M . E . Z . of the above Chapter . 10 th Feb . 1876 . " Companion Verry , in a few but appropriate
remarks , thanked them for thoir valuable gift , and said if tho Companions required any services of him ho would only be too pleased to assist them . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to a very excellent cold collation , provided by tho worthy host , Comp . T . Walters . Tho M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loyal and R . A . toasts . Comp . G . Ward Verry I . P . M . proposed the health of the
M . E . Z ., and complimented him on tho admirable manner in which he had performed the ceremony , also on tho way he had conducted the duties of the chair . Tho M . E . Z . responded . He thanked them for the hearty way the toast had been received . Ho had been a Mason twenty years , aud had passed every office . He hoped ho had given them satisfaction . Comp . Wynne P . Z . proposed the toast of
the H . aud J . Comp . G . Clarke responded . Tho M . E . Z . in proposing the toast of the P . Z . ' s , stated they were always ready and willing to render valuable assistance . He was pleased to see old and venerable Past Principals among them , and he hoped they would be spared for many years . As iu Lodges , so in Chapters , it was always pleasant to see familiar faces , as a reminiscence of tho past , and a
hope iu tho future for them to continue among them . Comps . Wynne and Taylor returned thanks for the toast . The M . E . Z . gave the toast of the newly exalted Companion , who was the J . W . of the Finsbury Lodge , was greatly respected , and would be a credit to the Chapter . Comp . Lowles very appropriately responded .
Companions Davis 1260 and H . M . Levy P . Z . 188 returned thanks for the visitors . The toast of the Officers was given , and Comp . D . Shaboe P . Z . and S . E ., in a very eloquent speech , returned thanks . Ho was followed by Comps . Crouch and Berry . The Janitor ' s toast was given . Some very capital harmony emanated from Comps . Shaboe , Davies , Vasey and the M . E . Z .
Beadon Chapter , No . 619 . —A Convocation of this Chapter was held on the 13 th inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Comps . W . H . Green M . E . Z ., W . Seaman H ., E . Coste J ., J . W . Angus S . E ., and Comps . D . H . Jacobs , Carrington , Wrangham , & c . The Chapter was opened , and tho minntes of the former Convocation were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of Bro .
Francis Sharratt , of the Beadon Lodge , No . CIS ) . This was in his favour , and he was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry , the working being admirably rendered by the Principals . The Chapter was then closed , and slight refreshment followed . The M . E . Z . gave the nsual Loyal toasts , also those of tho Principals and Officers , and the newly
exalted Companion . In proposing the health of Comp . W . Smeed P . Z ., he said he hoped the day was far distant when that Companion would be absent from the Beadon Chapter , his thorough knowledge of the duties in every capacity was fully appreciated . A very cnjoyablo and harmonious evening was passed , Comps . D . II . Jacobs , Sharratt aud Coste contributing to the harmony .
Sydney Lodge , No . 829 . —The Installation meeting of this Lodge was hold ou Tuesday , 11 th Jnlv , at tho Black Horse , Sidcup , Kent , when Bro . T . Smith P . M ., P . I ' . G . P . installed Bro . Hastings W . M ., whose first duty was to present his I . P . M ., Bro . G . B . Gates , with a handsome gold jewel , which was feelingly acknowledged by the retiring officer . At the banquet tho I . P . M . presented a silver goblet , emblazoned with Masonic emblems , and the names of the
subscribers engraved thereon , to their esteemed late Treasurer , Bro . G . M . E . Snow P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., on his retirement from office , which was duly filled and received by him in appropriate terms . The officers appointed for tho ensuing year are : —Lewis Hetheridge S . W ., J . Gore J . W ., W . T . Birts Treasurer , J . Henderson Secretary , Dr . Spurrell S . D ., W . Moulder J . D ., J . Pudney I . G ., J . T . Ward D . C , T . Smith W . S ., aud S . Potts Tyler .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . — The weekly meeting of the above was held on Tuesday , 18 th July , at the Royal Edwird , Trianglo , Hackney . Bro . Worsloy W . M ., Cambridge S . W ., Barker J . W ., Smith S . D ., Perrin J . D ., Brown I . G . ; P . M . Bro . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Dallas , Robson , Horsley ,
Crane , & c . The Lodge was opened in the 1 st and 2 nd degrees , and Bro . Johnson , having answered tho usual questions , was raised to tho 3 rd degree . Bro . Wallington gave the traditional history , and Bro . Horsley worked the 1 st and 3 rd sections of the lecture . The Lodge was closed in the three degrees . Bro . Cambridge was elected W . M . for the following Tuesday .
Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 . — On Wednesday last the ceremonies of consecration aud installation were rehearsed by Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , P . M . 228 , 1278 , 1366 , and Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons ; ho was supported by tho following brethren , who met , on this occasion , at seven o ' clock : —Bros . Davies S . W ., Wright J . W ., H . B . Dunn Sec ,
J . Pigot Treas ., Chant S . D ., Rothschild J . D ., P . Dickinson D . C , T . Goodo I . G ., Burr Organist , and a large attendauce of mombers , with several visitors . The proceedings wero admirably conducted by Bro . Terry , and afforded great gratification to all , many of whom had never been present at a consecration . The ceremony of installation was also carried out most satisfactorily , Bro . Pigot acting as the
candidate for the chair , aud investing his officers in a most efficient way . At the conclusion , a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Terry , and he was elected an honorary member of the Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Terry acknowledged the compliment which had been paid him . Bros . C . H . Webb , E . G . Legge , C . Hawksley , W . D . Dickeson , C Mitchell , H . Beck , Robinson , W . W . Morgan , Powell and Lane were elected members . This Lodge of Instruction meets at the
Finsbury Park Tavern , which is close to the station on the Great Northern and North London Railways . To those of our brethren who prefer the fresh air to the heated atmosphere of some of our Lodges , and who desire to keep up their Masouio studies , we recommend a stroll round Finsbury Park , and an hour spent in instruction , under the ablo preceptorship of Bro . Dickinson . Thoy will doubtless agree with us that their time could not be spent moro satisfactorily . The brethren meet each Wednesday at 8 .
Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —The installation meeting of tho above was held on Saturday , the 15 th inst ., at the Red Lion , HamptoD . In spite of the almost tropical heat , a goodly number of the brethren assembled , Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , occupied the chair , ' E . Gilbert S . W ., Fox J . W ., S . Wickens P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . P . M . Secretary , J . Baldwin I . G ., J . B . Shackletou
Organist , and Past Masters J . T . Moss P . P . G . R . Middlesex , J . C . Woodrow , W . Hammond P . G . J . D . Middlesex , & c . The Lodge wa 3 opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . B . Sharp P . M . 168 , P . M . 84 , and P . Z . 84 , was unanimously elected a joining member . The report of the audit meeting was read and adopted . It showed the Lodge funds were in a flourishing condition , as was also the
Benevolent Fund . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . E . Gilbert S . W . and W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge , and duly installed into the chair . On the re-admission of the brethren , tho W . M . received the customary salutations and then invested his officers : H . A . Dubois P . P . G . A . D . C . I . P . M ., E . W . Fox S . W ., R . W . Williams J . W ., S . Wickens P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex ,
P . M . Secretary , J . Woodrow P . M . Assist . Secretary , J . Hammond S . D ., J . B . Shackleton J . D ., J . Baldwin P . M . I . G ., Shott D . C , H . Potter P . M . W . S ., Mitchell Organist , Meyer and G . W . Stone Stewards , and Gilbert , P . G . T . Middlesex , Tyler . A ballot was taken for Mr . David Smith , and was unanimous . The newly installed W . M . initiated that gentleman into the Order in a manner highly creditable . Bro . H . A .
Dubois I . P . M . then proposed , that the be 3 t thanks of the Lodgo be accorded , and entered on the minntes , to Bro . F . Walters P . M ., for the able manner he had performed the ceremony of installation . Two propositions for initiation wero handed in . Bro . F . Walters P . M . informed the brethren that he had been appointed by the R . W . Col . Burdett P . G . M . to the office of Junior Grand Deacon of Middlesex
on the recommendation of the Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the garden , where a marquee had been erected . A very excellent banquet was provided by the worthy host . The W . M . gavo the usual Loyal toast 3 . He proposed tho health of the R . W . Colonel Burdett , Provincial Grand Master , aud the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers ,
and coupled with the toast the name of Bro . F . Walters , who in replying said he hoped the appointment of officers for the ensuing year would give equal satisfaction as in former years . Bro . II . A . Dubois I . P . M . proposed the toast of the W . M ., he was pleased to see him occupying the chair . Tbey had witnessed what he had done since his installation ; how excellently ho had rendered the ceremony of initiation , and how ably he presided over them , every office he had
held he was perfect in , and he wished him a successful year of office . The W . M . thanked the brethren for the cordial manner they had drank his health , he did not wish to make long speeches , but whatever he did utter was from his heart , and said with all sincerity . The W . M . iu proposing the toast of the Past Masters , spoke of their various qualifications , aud in mentioning tho worthy brother who was now the I . P . M ,, ono whose name in connection with Freemasonry is a