Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3
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Notices Of Meetings.
household word , one who had devoted all his energies for the good of Freemasonry , and who while in the occupation of tho chair had dis . charged his duties faithfully , he had much pleasure , in the name of the Lodge , to present him with a jewel , which he hoped ho might live long to wear . Tho jewel , a gold looket , with a Past Master ' s emblem in front and monogram on the reverse ; inside is a silver
plate , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented by the Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 , to Bro . H . A . Dubois P . M . 1423 , P . G . D . C . Middlesex , as a slight recognition of the the efficient manner in which ho officiated as W . M . for year 1875-1876 , and to perpetuate a successful year of office . Bro . Duboi 3 returned thanks for the elegant and valuable testimonial
presented to him . He said it would be worn by him with prido aud pleasure , as a souvenir of their kindness ; he hoped to be among them for many years in tho capacity of P . M . The W . M . proposed the toast of tho Officers , who were all capable of performing their duties . Bro . Fox S . W . responded , he hoped the Officers appointed that day might in due course occupy tho chair . Bro . H .
Potter P . M . W . S . also replied . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the visitors , ho strongly advocated tho interchange of visits to Lodges , it produces a good feeling in Freemasonry . He had been originally a visitor to the Lodge ; he became a joining member , and was proud to say ho was now the Master of the Lodge . It wa 3 gratifying to see the visitors present ; he would couple with it the namo of Bro . Dr . Baxter Langley W . M . 1423 , who responded . Bro .
H . M . Levy P . M . replied for the toast of the Press . He assured the brethren that all reports in tho FREEMASON ' CHRONICXE should be faithfully given , and nothing would appear therein that was not in strict accordance with the tenets of the Order . The Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren , who had thoroughly enjoyed themselves , separated . The visitors were Bros . Dr . Baxter Langley W . M . 1423 , G . Regan 55 , J . McGill , E . Hopwood P . M . 141 , S . Hill P . M . ( Bedford Lodge ) , Ockenden 1512 , Rawley 37 , H . M . Lovy P . M . 188 , & o .
Highgate Lodge , No . 1366 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the Gate House Hotel , Highgate . Bros . J . E . Cussans W . M ., Hill S . W ., W . Smeed P . M . 946 as J . W ., & c . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Ford was raised to the 3 rd degree by the W . M . Bro . Chatto , by the courtesy of the W . M ., was passed by Bro . G . Garratt P . M ., and Messrs . John Leber and Richard Wetherell Hammond were duly initiated
into the Order . The various ceremonies were impressively and per . fectly delivered . The election for W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing year resulted in Bros . Hill S . W . being unanimously elected W . M ., Jas . Terry P . M . Treasurer , and Gilbert Tyler . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The Visitors were Bros . W . Smeed P . M . 946 . Vine and Limebeer .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 19 th inst ., at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . Dr . J . Baxter Langley W . M ., H . A . Dubois Treasurer , F . Walters Secretary , B . Wright Ass . Sec ., E . W . Deverenx S . S ., H . Faija as J . D ., A . F . Loos I . G . ; P . M . Bros . W . Hammond ; Dr . Gillespie , Beckwith , & c . The Lodge was opened , and after ballot
being taken , Messrs . W . Swiudlehurst and Frederick Frampton Beard were initiated by the W . M . The announcement that Bro . H . A . Dubois had been nominated Prov . G . S . D ., and F . Walters Prov . G . J . D ., was enthusiastically received , and these brethren were warmly congratulated . The Lodge was then closed . The Visitors were Bros . E . Gilbert , B . Sharp , Skipwood , J . B . Shackleton , T . Butt , & c . Avery excellent cold collation followed labour .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —This Lodgo met at the Westbourne , Craven-road , Bayswater , on Monday , 17 th July . Present—Bros . Read W . M ., Savage S . W ., Sones J . W ., Gellion S . D ., Davis J . D ., Death I . G ., Stiles Secretary , and several
other well known members . The Lodge was opened iu due form , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The seveu sections of the first lecture were admirably worked by the following distinguished brethren : — 1 st Section - - . Bro . Powell .
2 nd „ „ Gellion . 3 rd ,, ... „ Davis . 4 th „ „ West . 5 th „ „ Savage . 6 th „ „ Rudderforth . 7 th „ „ Cole . After which the Lodge was closed with solemn prayer .
Felix Lodge , No . 1494 . —The regular monthly meeting of the above Lodge took place on Saturday , 15 th inst ., at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington . Present—Bros . F . B . Archer W . M . in the chiir , F . Sumner Knyvett , Grand Steward , I . P . M ., Edward B . Grabham , P . M . Provincial Grand Steward Middlesex , Secretary , Robert Berridge , P . M . Grand Steward , S . W ., W . G . Moore P . M . J . W ., T . S .
Archer S . D ., E . A . Woolley J . D ., Belward I . G . pro tem . Visitors —Bros . R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , Lieut . Col . Francis Burdett P . S . G . W ., the Hon . W . Warren Vernon Grand Junior Warden , H . Thorn P . M . 165 , and others . The work before the Lodge was the balloting for Mr . H . E . Taylor , who was afterwards initiated into the Order , the passing of Bros . Sealy , Weston and Cooper , and raising of Bros . Hanson and Williams ; the whole of
the work being done in a -very perfect and impressive manner . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by the W . M . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Bro . the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , Grand Junior Warden , replied to the toast of the Grand Officers , and iu tho course of his remarks congratulated the Lodge upon having a brother to preside over them who was in every way
worthy of their highest esteem , a brother whom he had known and respected for some years , and who had entered on his year of office with such brilliant prospects of success . The health of the Pro . vineial Grand Master for Middlesex was then given , and responded to by the brethren in a very hearty manner . Bro . Col . Burdett , in reply , ing to tho toast , spoke of the excellent working ho had witnessed , and
save tho brethren some exceedingly practical snsrgestions as to the future comfort and wellbeing of tho Lodgo . Bro . Grabham , Provineial Grand Steward Middlesex , responded to the toast of tho Provineial Grand Officers , and took the opportunity of acknowledging tho favourable recognition which the labours of Bro . Knyvett I . P . M ., and himself had received at the hands of tho Provincial Grand
Master . The health of tho W . M . was then proposed by Bro . Knyvett , in eulogistic terms , and was received by the brethren with much enthusiasm . Bro . Aroher in responding expressed tho pleasure it afforded him to preside over a Lodgo which had already taken so high a position in the Province . During his year of office he would do all in his power to mako the Felix Lodge worthy of the position to which it had attained , and looked for the snpport of the brethren ; he
willingly gavo them his best services . Tho health of the initiate , Bro . Taylor , was then given and responded to . The W . M . proposed the health of tho Past Masters , to which Bro . Knyvett replied . Bro , Berridge P . M ., Grand Steward , S . W ., responded for the officers , who were complimented by the W . M . for their thoroughly good working . The Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a close , and after the enjoyment of a pleasant evening , rendered more so by the excellent singing of Bros . Sealy and Hunter , the brethren returned to town .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at tho Metropolitan Club , King's Cross , on Tuesday , 18 th July . Present—Bros . H . Stiles W . M ., W . M . Stiles S . W ., Fenner J . W ., Side S . D ., Scales J . D ., Leye I . G ., Adams P . G . P . Preceptor ; and Bros . Read , Carter , Cox , Williams , Ormiston , Little , & c . The Lodgo was opened in due form , and
minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation rehearsed . 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of first lecture were worked by Bro . Adams , Preceptor . Bro . W . M . Stiles elected W . M . for ensuing week . A cordial vote of thanks was given to the W . M ., Bro . Henry Stiles , for his able and efficient conduct in the chair for the first time , the same to be recorded on the minutes .
Cranbourne Lodge , No . 1580 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Upon the Lodge being opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Webb was raised to the sublime de « gree , the W . M . performing the solemn ceremony with his wonted irapressiveness . Wo have seldom , indeed , seen it better performed . Bro .
Thody , who was also to have had this degree conferred upon him , was unfortunately absent , having fallen from his horse and sustained some injury . The W . M ., too , we regret , was in great pain during the whole of the meeting , as he had also sustained some injury to his leg . But in spite of this he fulfilled his arduous duty , as we havo said , most admirably . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren
adjourned to dinner , the W . M . presiding . Tho usual toasts were given from the chair , and we cannot too highly commend the brevity and excellence of tho Chairman ' s prefatory remarks in each case . The result was one of the most enjoyable evenings we remember , in the course of a pretty long experience , to havo spent . All was perfect harmony throughout , and the meeing was more like that of a family
than any we have yet attended . We trust the Cranbourne has a long and prosperous future before it , and if later occupants of the chair will only follow tho splendid example of Bro . Bowyer , the success of the Lodge will bo secured beyond all possibility of question . The Visitors wero Bros . A . C . Fetch Prov . G . R . Herts , E . T . Edwards , J . Constable , Joseph Stock , W . G . Jennings , and others .
The tenacity of prejudice has lately onco more been evidenced b y the successful opposition offered in ono of the most influential Prussian Lodges to the admission of Jews . While at Bradford a Lodge chiefly composed of members professing Christianity , elected a Jew as their chaplain , another Lodge at Berlin—tho Three Globes —declare that a Jew is ineligible , were it even for the office of Tyler .
The principal ground on which the existence of Freemasonry can be vindicated is its religious neutrality . Remove this and there is no reason why any individual shonld join the Craft . A thousand channels of charity are open to him apart from those pointed out by Masonry , and the aids to leading a useful moral life are as pleutiful outside the Masonic temple as within it . It is principally to join thoso in
brotherly love whom the difference in race and creod has a tendency to separate that Masonry has been founded . This is its chief merit . It is by girdling the globe with a tie of fraternity that it has won tho attachment of so many that love progress and goodness and the respect of so many more . Sever this tie and you have cut through its vital nerve . Exclude at Berlin Jews , and there is no reason why
you shonld not keep out Christians at Constantinople , and Christians and Moslems at Pekin . Yet this is what the Berlin Lodge has done . It is poisoning the stream at its fountain head . The unity of the Craft is destroyed . How is it that English Masons look on with indifference at this heresy ? How is it that no Lodge is public , spirited enough to protest against this apostacy , to rouse the other
Lodges here , in America and on the Continent , to remonstrate against the suicidal conduct of the GermanLodge , and to cut off all fellowship with it , should it after due warning still persevere in its evil way ? Were such an attempt made , even German Lodges would join in the condemnation : for they must much more sensibly feel the disgrace
bronght upon the Craft through one in their midst than those of other countries . The time for such a movement has come . Never has liberalism felt so much the necessity of close union , irrespective of race and creed , than now , when nltramontanism levels at it its most deadly shafts , Jewish Chronicle ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
household word , one who had devoted all his energies for the good of Freemasonry , and who while in the occupation of tho chair had dis . charged his duties faithfully , he had much pleasure , in the name of the Lodge , to present him with a jewel , which he hoped ho might live long to wear . Tho jewel , a gold looket , with a Past Master ' s emblem in front and monogram on the reverse ; inside is a silver
plate , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented by the Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 , to Bro . H . A . Dubois P . M . 1423 , P . G . D . C . Middlesex , as a slight recognition of the the efficient manner in which ho officiated as W . M . for year 1875-1876 , and to perpetuate a successful year of office . Bro . Duboi 3 returned thanks for the elegant and valuable testimonial
presented to him . He said it would be worn by him with prido aud pleasure , as a souvenir of their kindness ; he hoped to be among them for many years in tho capacity of P . M . The W . M . proposed the toast of tho Officers , who were all capable of performing their duties . Bro . Fox S . W . responded , he hoped the Officers appointed that day might in due course occupy tho chair . Bro . H .
Potter P . M . W . S . also replied . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the visitors , ho strongly advocated tho interchange of visits to Lodges , it produces a good feeling in Freemasonry . He had been originally a visitor to the Lodge ; he became a joining member , and was proud to say ho was now the Master of the Lodge . It wa 3 gratifying to see the visitors present ; he would couple with it the namo of Bro . Dr . Baxter Langley W . M . 1423 , who responded . Bro .
H . M . Levy P . M . replied for the toast of the Press . He assured the brethren that all reports in tho FREEMASON ' CHRONICXE should be faithfully given , and nothing would appear therein that was not in strict accordance with the tenets of the Order . The Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren , who had thoroughly enjoyed themselves , separated . The visitors were Bros . Dr . Baxter Langley W . M . 1423 , G . Regan 55 , J . McGill , E . Hopwood P . M . 141 , S . Hill P . M . ( Bedford Lodge ) , Ockenden 1512 , Rawley 37 , H . M . Lovy P . M . 188 , & o .
Highgate Lodge , No . 1366 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the Gate House Hotel , Highgate . Bros . J . E . Cussans W . M ., Hill S . W ., W . Smeed P . M . 946 as J . W ., & c . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Ford was raised to the 3 rd degree by the W . M . Bro . Chatto , by the courtesy of the W . M ., was passed by Bro . G . Garratt P . M ., and Messrs . John Leber and Richard Wetherell Hammond were duly initiated
into the Order . The various ceremonies were impressively and per . fectly delivered . The election for W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing year resulted in Bros . Hill S . W . being unanimously elected W . M ., Jas . Terry P . M . Treasurer , and Gilbert Tyler . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The Visitors were Bros . W . Smeed P . M . 946 . Vine and Limebeer .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 19 th inst ., at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . Dr . J . Baxter Langley W . M ., H . A . Dubois Treasurer , F . Walters Secretary , B . Wright Ass . Sec ., E . W . Deverenx S . S ., H . Faija as J . D ., A . F . Loos I . G . ; P . M . Bros . W . Hammond ; Dr . Gillespie , Beckwith , & c . The Lodge was opened , and after ballot
being taken , Messrs . W . Swiudlehurst and Frederick Frampton Beard were initiated by the W . M . The announcement that Bro . H . A . Dubois had been nominated Prov . G . S . D ., and F . Walters Prov . G . J . D ., was enthusiastically received , and these brethren were warmly congratulated . The Lodge was then closed . The Visitors were Bros . E . Gilbert , B . Sharp , Skipwood , J . B . Shackleton , T . Butt , & c . Avery excellent cold collation followed labour .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —This Lodgo met at the Westbourne , Craven-road , Bayswater , on Monday , 17 th July . Present—Bros . Read W . M ., Savage S . W ., Sones J . W ., Gellion S . D ., Davis J . D ., Death I . G ., Stiles Secretary , and several
other well known members . The Lodge was opened iu due form , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The seveu sections of the first lecture were admirably worked by the following distinguished brethren : — 1 st Section - - . Bro . Powell .
2 nd „ „ Gellion . 3 rd ,, ... „ Davis . 4 th „ „ West . 5 th „ „ Savage . 6 th „ „ Rudderforth . 7 th „ „ Cole . After which the Lodge was closed with solemn prayer .
Felix Lodge , No . 1494 . —The regular monthly meeting of the above Lodge took place on Saturday , 15 th inst ., at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington . Present—Bros . F . B . Archer W . M . in the chiir , F . Sumner Knyvett , Grand Steward , I . P . M ., Edward B . Grabham , P . M . Provincial Grand Steward Middlesex , Secretary , Robert Berridge , P . M . Grand Steward , S . W ., W . G . Moore P . M . J . W ., T . S .
Archer S . D ., E . A . Woolley J . D ., Belward I . G . pro tem . Visitors —Bros . R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , Lieut . Col . Francis Burdett P . S . G . W ., the Hon . W . Warren Vernon Grand Junior Warden , H . Thorn P . M . 165 , and others . The work before the Lodge was the balloting for Mr . H . E . Taylor , who was afterwards initiated into the Order , the passing of Bros . Sealy , Weston and Cooper , and raising of Bros . Hanson and Williams ; the whole of
the work being done in a -very perfect and impressive manner . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by the W . M . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Bro . the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , Grand Junior Warden , replied to the toast of the Grand Officers , and iu tho course of his remarks congratulated the Lodge upon having a brother to preside over them who was in every way
worthy of their highest esteem , a brother whom he had known and respected for some years , and who had entered on his year of office with such brilliant prospects of success . The health of the Pro . vineial Grand Master for Middlesex was then given , and responded to by the brethren in a very hearty manner . Bro . Col . Burdett , in reply , ing to tho toast , spoke of the excellent working ho had witnessed , and
save tho brethren some exceedingly practical snsrgestions as to the future comfort and wellbeing of tho Lodgo . Bro . Grabham , Provineial Grand Steward Middlesex , responded to the toast of tho Provineial Grand Officers , and took the opportunity of acknowledging tho favourable recognition which the labours of Bro . Knyvett I . P . M ., and himself had received at the hands of tho Provincial Grand
Master . The health of tho W . M . was then proposed by Bro . Knyvett , in eulogistic terms , and was received by the brethren with much enthusiasm . Bro . Aroher in responding expressed tho pleasure it afforded him to preside over a Lodgo which had already taken so high a position in the Province . During his year of office he would do all in his power to mako the Felix Lodge worthy of the position to which it had attained , and looked for the snpport of the brethren ; he
willingly gavo them his best services . Tho health of the initiate , Bro . Taylor , was then given and responded to . The W . M . proposed the health of tho Past Masters , to which Bro . Knyvett replied . Bro , Berridge P . M ., Grand Steward , S . W ., responded for the officers , who were complimented by the W . M . for their thoroughly good working . The Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a close , and after the enjoyment of a pleasant evening , rendered more so by the excellent singing of Bros . Sealy and Hunter , the brethren returned to town .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at tho Metropolitan Club , King's Cross , on Tuesday , 18 th July . Present—Bros . H . Stiles W . M ., W . M . Stiles S . W ., Fenner J . W ., Side S . D ., Scales J . D ., Leye I . G ., Adams P . G . P . Preceptor ; and Bros . Read , Carter , Cox , Williams , Ormiston , Little , & c . The Lodgo was opened in due form , and
minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation rehearsed . 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of first lecture were worked by Bro . Adams , Preceptor . Bro . W . M . Stiles elected W . M . for ensuing week . A cordial vote of thanks was given to the W . M ., Bro . Henry Stiles , for his able and efficient conduct in the chair for the first time , the same to be recorded on the minutes .
Cranbourne Lodge , No . 1580 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Upon the Lodge being opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Webb was raised to the sublime de « gree , the W . M . performing the solemn ceremony with his wonted irapressiveness . Wo have seldom , indeed , seen it better performed . Bro .
Thody , who was also to have had this degree conferred upon him , was unfortunately absent , having fallen from his horse and sustained some injury . The W . M ., too , we regret , was in great pain during the whole of the meeting , as he had also sustained some injury to his leg . But in spite of this he fulfilled his arduous duty , as we havo said , most admirably . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren
adjourned to dinner , the W . M . presiding . Tho usual toasts were given from the chair , and we cannot too highly commend the brevity and excellence of tho Chairman ' s prefatory remarks in each case . The result was one of the most enjoyable evenings we remember , in the course of a pretty long experience , to havo spent . All was perfect harmony throughout , and the meeing was more like that of a family
than any we have yet attended . We trust the Cranbourne has a long and prosperous future before it , and if later occupants of the chair will only follow tho splendid example of Bro . Bowyer , the success of the Lodge will bo secured beyond all possibility of question . The Visitors wero Bros . A . C . Fetch Prov . G . R . Herts , E . T . Edwards , J . Constable , Joseph Stock , W . G . Jennings , and others .
The tenacity of prejudice has lately onco more been evidenced b y the successful opposition offered in ono of the most influential Prussian Lodges to the admission of Jews . While at Bradford a Lodge chiefly composed of members professing Christianity , elected a Jew as their chaplain , another Lodge at Berlin—tho Three Globes —declare that a Jew is ineligible , were it even for the office of Tyler .
The principal ground on which the existence of Freemasonry can be vindicated is its religious neutrality . Remove this and there is no reason why any individual shonld join the Craft . A thousand channels of charity are open to him apart from those pointed out by Masonry , and the aids to leading a useful moral life are as pleutiful outside the Masonic temple as within it . It is principally to join thoso in
brotherly love whom the difference in race and creod has a tendency to separate that Masonry has been founded . This is its chief merit . It is by girdling the globe with a tie of fraternity that it has won tho attachment of so many that love progress and goodness and the respect of so many more . Sever this tie and you have cut through its vital nerve . Exclude at Berlin Jews , and there is no reason why
you shonld not keep out Christians at Constantinople , and Christians and Moslems at Pekin . Yet this is what the Berlin Lodge has done . It is poisoning the stream at its fountain head . The unity of the Craft is destroyed . How is it that English Masons look on with indifference at this heresy ? How is it that no Lodge is public , spirited enough to protest against this apostacy , to rouse the other
Lodges here , in America and on the Continent , to remonstrate against the suicidal conduct of the GermanLodge , and to cut off all fellowship with it , should it after due warning still persevere in its evil way ? Were such an attempt made , even German Lodges would join in the condemnation : for they must much more sensibly feel the disgrace
bronght upon the Craft through one in their midst than those of other countries . The time for such a movement has come . Never has liberalism felt so much the necessity of close union , irrespective of race and creed , than now , when nltramontanism levels at it its most deadly shafts , Jewish Chronicle ,