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The Legend Of Adjigarta.
pursued by a serpent ; the child killed the reptile with his Btaff , and replaced the young dove in the nest , to tho great joy of its mother . Adjigarta was pleased to see him so courageous and good . Having reached the mount , they began to gather wood for the pile , when the goat , which they had tied up , broke its rope and . fled away .
" Then , said Adjigarta , ' behold here is the wood , but wc have no victim ! ' and he knew not what to do , for they were far from any habitation , and he would not return without accomplishing his vow . He , therefore , bade his son fetch the young dove , that it might serve tho purpose
Thereupon the voice of Brahma was heard , saying , ' thou commandest thy son to fetch the dove that he had saved , in place of the goat that has escaped . Didst thou save it from the serpent only to imitate its enemy ? Such sacrifice is not agreeable to me . He who annuls the good deeds he
has committed , is not worthy to worship me . To atone thy fault thou shalt sacrifice even the son that I have given thee . ' And Adjigarta was seized with anguish , and cried , ' Oh , my wife Parvady , what wilt thou say when I return alone , and thou askest what I have done with thy
firstborn ? ' Thus he wept until the evening , unable to accomplish the sacrifice ; yet he dreamed not of disobedience , and his son incited him to execute the divine commands . Then , with trembling hand , he bound his son and raised the
knife—when Vishnu , in the shape of a dove , descended upon the head of the child , saying , ' Cut the victim ' s bonds and scatter the pile , oh Adjigarta ; Brahma is satisfied of thy obedience , and th y son ' s courage has found favour in his sight , '"
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons. Annual Benevolent Fund Festival.
THE Eighth Anniversary Festival in aid of the Mark Benevolent Fund took place at the Alexandra Palace , on the afternoon of the 19 th instant , under the presidency of Lieut .-General J . S . Brownrigg , C . B ., Grand
Junior Warden . Amongst those present were Bros . C . F . Matier , Robert Berridge , R . G . Marsh , J . Waldram , Sigismund Rosenthal , H . W . Binckes , D . M . Dewar , and Frederick Binckes ( Grand Mark Secretary ) , many of them being accompanied by the ladies of their families .
A sumptuous and well served banquet was followed by Loyal and Masonic toasts . The gallant chairman congratulated himself upon being for the first time thus honoured , where the presence of the fair sex added grace and charm
to the occasion . Bro . Frederick Binckes proposed his health with some eloquence . The proceedings throughout were characterised by an obvious spirit of cordiality and enjoyment . The music was under the able direction of Madame Thaddeus Wells . We subjoin the list of Stewards .
Strachan , T . Y . •Prov . Northumberland and Durham £ 10 10 0 Baker , H . M . ••Dover and Cinque Porta Lodge 152 -550 Berridge , Robert •Macdonald , No . 104 . - - . 17 14 0 Morfclock , T . S . •Temple , No . 173 . . . . 10 17 0 Duke , C . W . •- East Sussex , No . 166 . - . 600 Brette . Rev . P . H . E . St . Marks . No . l - . . . 7 63
Webb , E . B . •- Carnarvon , No . 7 - - . . 15 15 0 Binckes , F . •- Aldershot Lodge , No . 54 . . . 13 13 0 Norris , J . P . ••Prov . of Bristol •. . . 15 0 0 Newhouso , Richard - Prov . of North Wales and Cheshire - 11 11 0 Matthews , Henry } ( " 550 Morris , J . S . > Britannia , No . 53 •- . ] 5 50 Wright , J . R . ; ( . 550 £ 129 6 0
The regular meeting of the Grand Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday , 19 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Bro . J . Nunn P . G . S . B . in the chair , the vice chairs being occupied by Bro . Jas . Brett P . G . P . and E . P . Albert G . P . There were sixteen applicants
who were relieved , to the amount of £ 296 . There were present Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , J . Smith , Griffiths Smith , Barrett , H . Garrod , S . Poynter , J . Bingemann , W . Murlis , T . Cobham , B . Swallow , J . J . Michael , Pownell , C . J . W . Davis , S . Rawson , W . Mann , J . Hervey G . S ., H . G . Buss , Pendlebury , & c .
The London Masonic Club.
WE call the attention of our readers to the inaugural banquet of the Masonic Club , which will be held on Wednesday next , the 26 th instant . We anticipate the opening will be a great success , and wo trust , for the sake of Craftsmen generally throughout the country , our anticipations will be realised . A club of this character is certainl y
needed . There is , in this huge metropolis of ours , absolutely no common ground on which brethren can meet and enjoy a quiet half hour or so . There is , as far as we know , not a single corporate body which has not some kind of head quarters , where members can meet and enjoy social
intercourse with each other . Tho Masonic Club has been started to meet this want . The directors make no secret of their desire to promote Craft interests . It is not with them—so far as we have had an opportunity of judginga commercial speculation . They are animated purely
and simply by a desire to meet an acknowledged want . They have met thus far with a considerable amount of support , and if they go on as they have begun , wo have no hesitation in saying they will be worthy the support of the whole fraternity . We shall probablv have
occasion to refer next week at greater length to the Masonic Club , but for the moment we must content ourselves with saying that the Directoi-s have our hearty good wishes for the success of their project . Let
those who desire to know more pay a visit to Bro . Joseph Langton , at the Club , 101 Queen Victoria-street , or the Offices , 37 Queen-street , Victoria-street . They will be most courteously received , and will have every information most readily accorded them .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Middlesex and Surrey will be lei . I this day , Saturday , at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , at 5 o ' clock . A Lodge of Instruction will be opened at 4 o ' clock . Tickets for the banquet ( price 15 s , including wiae ) can be had of the Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . W . G . Brighten , 4 Bishopsgatestreet-without .
A warrant has been granted by H . R . H . the Most Worshipful the Grand Master for a new Lodge to be called the West SmithfieJd Lodge . The meetings will be held at the New Market Tavern , West Smithfield . Bro . J . Smith
P . M . P . G . P . is the W . M . designate , T . W . Adams S . W 765 the S . W . designate , G . S . Elliott 749 , 1275 , and 1423 the J . W . designate , and F . Walters P . M . P . P . G . P . Middle , sex , Secretary pro tern .
Bro . Dr . Farre , No . 1532 , has been unanimously elected Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth .
We notice that at the National Rifle Association Meeting Corp . W . Sangstroth , of the Canadian Volunteers , was tho winner of the Quarter Cask of " Specialite " Sherry given by Feltoe and Sons , of Albemarle Street . This was competed for on the 18 th instant .
The Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1607 , which was consecrated on 18 th May last , and which will hold its meetings at tho Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill , on the first Saturdays in the months of September , October , November , February , March and April , held an emergency meeting on the 17 th
inst ., when five gentlemen were initiated into the Craft . The W . M ., Bro . John Newton , P . M . 174 , was ably supported by his officers , and the ceremony was worked most creditably . Bro . James Terry , who is an honorary member , was present . Bros . Hawksley 1196 , W . Bateman 12 ,
Miller and Fraser 174 , were visitors . After the Lodge was closed , the brethren sat down to an elegant banquet , served by Bros . Bertram and Roberts . The occasion was rendered interesting by the presentation , by the
founders , of a beautiful album to tho wife of the S . W ., Bro . Brown , for the interest shown by her in the organisation of tho Lodge . The next meeting will take place on Saturday , the 2 nd September next .
to ! HOUSE PIATIKG CABDS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , Ms oer dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis per dozen packs . If by post ljd per pack extra , Cards for Piquet , Be " zique , EcartiJ , & c , Mogul Quality 10 d per pack , 9 s per dozen packs . —London : W . W . Morgan , 67 Barbican . B . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Legend Of Adjigarta.
pursued by a serpent ; the child killed the reptile with his Btaff , and replaced the young dove in the nest , to tho great joy of its mother . Adjigarta was pleased to see him so courageous and good . Having reached the mount , they began to gather wood for the pile , when the goat , which they had tied up , broke its rope and . fled away .
" Then , said Adjigarta , ' behold here is the wood , but wc have no victim ! ' and he knew not what to do , for they were far from any habitation , and he would not return without accomplishing his vow . He , therefore , bade his son fetch the young dove , that it might serve tho purpose
Thereupon the voice of Brahma was heard , saying , ' thou commandest thy son to fetch the dove that he had saved , in place of the goat that has escaped . Didst thou save it from the serpent only to imitate its enemy ? Such sacrifice is not agreeable to me . He who annuls the good deeds he
has committed , is not worthy to worship me . To atone thy fault thou shalt sacrifice even the son that I have given thee . ' And Adjigarta was seized with anguish , and cried , ' Oh , my wife Parvady , what wilt thou say when I return alone , and thou askest what I have done with thy
firstborn ? ' Thus he wept until the evening , unable to accomplish the sacrifice ; yet he dreamed not of disobedience , and his son incited him to execute the divine commands . Then , with trembling hand , he bound his son and raised the
knife—when Vishnu , in the shape of a dove , descended upon the head of the child , saying , ' Cut the victim ' s bonds and scatter the pile , oh Adjigarta ; Brahma is satisfied of thy obedience , and th y son ' s courage has found favour in his sight , '"
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons. Annual Benevolent Fund Festival.
THE Eighth Anniversary Festival in aid of the Mark Benevolent Fund took place at the Alexandra Palace , on the afternoon of the 19 th instant , under the presidency of Lieut .-General J . S . Brownrigg , C . B ., Grand
Junior Warden . Amongst those present were Bros . C . F . Matier , Robert Berridge , R . G . Marsh , J . Waldram , Sigismund Rosenthal , H . W . Binckes , D . M . Dewar , and Frederick Binckes ( Grand Mark Secretary ) , many of them being accompanied by the ladies of their families .
A sumptuous and well served banquet was followed by Loyal and Masonic toasts . The gallant chairman congratulated himself upon being for the first time thus honoured , where the presence of the fair sex added grace and charm
to the occasion . Bro . Frederick Binckes proposed his health with some eloquence . The proceedings throughout were characterised by an obvious spirit of cordiality and enjoyment . The music was under the able direction of Madame Thaddeus Wells . We subjoin the list of Stewards .
Strachan , T . Y . •Prov . Northumberland and Durham £ 10 10 0 Baker , H . M . ••Dover and Cinque Porta Lodge 152 -550 Berridge , Robert •Macdonald , No . 104 . - - . 17 14 0 Morfclock , T . S . •Temple , No . 173 . . . . 10 17 0 Duke , C . W . •- East Sussex , No . 166 . - . 600 Brette . Rev . P . H . E . St . Marks . No . l - . . . 7 63
Webb , E . B . •- Carnarvon , No . 7 - - . . 15 15 0 Binckes , F . •- Aldershot Lodge , No . 54 . . . 13 13 0 Norris , J . P . ••Prov . of Bristol •. . . 15 0 0 Newhouso , Richard - Prov . of North Wales and Cheshire - 11 11 0 Matthews , Henry } ( " 550 Morris , J . S . > Britannia , No . 53 •- . ] 5 50 Wright , J . R . ; ( . 550 £ 129 6 0
The regular meeting of the Grand Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday , 19 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Bro . J . Nunn P . G . S . B . in the chair , the vice chairs being occupied by Bro . Jas . Brett P . G . P . and E . P . Albert G . P . There were sixteen applicants
who were relieved , to the amount of £ 296 . There were present Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , J . Smith , Griffiths Smith , Barrett , H . Garrod , S . Poynter , J . Bingemann , W . Murlis , T . Cobham , B . Swallow , J . J . Michael , Pownell , C . J . W . Davis , S . Rawson , W . Mann , J . Hervey G . S ., H . G . Buss , Pendlebury , & c .
The London Masonic Club.
WE call the attention of our readers to the inaugural banquet of the Masonic Club , which will be held on Wednesday next , the 26 th instant . We anticipate the opening will be a great success , and wo trust , for the sake of Craftsmen generally throughout the country , our anticipations will be realised . A club of this character is certainl y
needed . There is , in this huge metropolis of ours , absolutely no common ground on which brethren can meet and enjoy a quiet half hour or so . There is , as far as we know , not a single corporate body which has not some kind of head quarters , where members can meet and enjoy social
intercourse with each other . Tho Masonic Club has been started to meet this want . The directors make no secret of their desire to promote Craft interests . It is not with them—so far as we have had an opportunity of judginga commercial speculation . They are animated purely
and simply by a desire to meet an acknowledged want . They have met thus far with a considerable amount of support , and if they go on as they have begun , wo have no hesitation in saying they will be worthy the support of the whole fraternity . We shall probablv have
occasion to refer next week at greater length to the Masonic Club , but for the moment we must content ourselves with saying that the Directoi-s have our hearty good wishes for the success of their project . Let
those who desire to know more pay a visit to Bro . Joseph Langton , at the Club , 101 Queen Victoria-street , or the Offices , 37 Queen-street , Victoria-street . They will be most courteously received , and will have every information most readily accorded them .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Middlesex and Surrey will be lei . I this day , Saturday , at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , at 5 o ' clock . A Lodge of Instruction will be opened at 4 o ' clock . Tickets for the banquet ( price 15 s , including wiae ) can be had of the Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . W . G . Brighten , 4 Bishopsgatestreet-without .
A warrant has been granted by H . R . H . the Most Worshipful the Grand Master for a new Lodge to be called the West SmithfieJd Lodge . The meetings will be held at the New Market Tavern , West Smithfield . Bro . J . Smith
P . M . P . G . P . is the W . M . designate , T . W . Adams S . W 765 the S . W . designate , G . S . Elliott 749 , 1275 , and 1423 the J . W . designate , and F . Walters P . M . P . P . G . P . Middle , sex , Secretary pro tern .
Bro . Dr . Farre , No . 1532 , has been unanimously elected Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth .
We notice that at the National Rifle Association Meeting Corp . W . Sangstroth , of the Canadian Volunteers , was tho winner of the Quarter Cask of " Specialite " Sherry given by Feltoe and Sons , of Albemarle Street . This was competed for on the 18 th instant .
The Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1607 , which was consecrated on 18 th May last , and which will hold its meetings at tho Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill , on the first Saturdays in the months of September , October , November , February , March and April , held an emergency meeting on the 17 th
inst ., when five gentlemen were initiated into the Craft . The W . M ., Bro . John Newton , P . M . 174 , was ably supported by his officers , and the ceremony was worked most creditably . Bro . James Terry , who is an honorary member , was present . Bros . Hawksley 1196 , W . Bateman 12 ,
Miller and Fraser 174 , were visitors . After the Lodge was closed , the brethren sat down to an elegant banquet , served by Bros . Bertram and Roberts . The occasion was rendered interesting by the presentation , by the
founders , of a beautiful album to tho wife of the S . W ., Bro . Brown , for the interest shown by her in the organisation of tho Lodge . The next meeting will take place on Saturday , the 2 nd September next .
to ! HOUSE PIATIKG CABDS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , Ms oer dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis per dozen packs . If by post ljd per pack extra , Cards for Piquet , Be " zique , EcartiJ , & c , Mogul Quality 10 d per pack , 9 s per dozen packs . —London : W . W . Morgan , 67 Barbican . B . C .