Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LONDONMASONICCLUB. NOTION TO MEMBERS— The Committeo havo much p leasure in iidniming tbo Members that tho Club promises wero op . ned on the 10 th . Tulv inst ,, ami tlmt ttic formal opening ami inauguration banquet will take place on Wertne-dav , tho 2 tith July inst ., when tho RIGHT HONOKAULK LORD SKKI . MKUSDALN , Right Worshipful Deputy Uvaiul Master of Ktigland , has kindly consented to preside . Full particulnrs as to the openiug ceremony can be obtained by Members from the Secretary , at tho Otlices , 37 Queen Victoria-street , E . C .
LONDONMASONICCLUB. "VTOTICE is hereby given that tho subscription payable by 11 Members joining the Club on and after tbe 2 {> th July inst . ( until further notice ) will bo £ 5 5 s for Town Members , and £ 3 3 s for Country Members ; instead of £ 3 3 s Town Members , awl £ 1 lis ( id CounlVy Members , as hitherto . The next election of Members will tuke place ou the 23 th inst ., and brethren wishing to avail themselves of the lower scalo of subscription must fend in their applications before that date . Forms of application can bo obtained from tho Secretary , at tho Offices , 37 Queen Victoria-street , London , E . C .
Now ready , Price os Gd , Grown 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. KuritiXTiSD FROM "THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " The Volumo will contain the following : — 1 . OUR LITERARY BROTHER . 17 . THE CHRISTIAN MINISTER . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON . 18 . Tim MYSTIC . 3 . THE MIX OP ENERGY . 10 . A MODEL MASON . 4 . FATHER TIME . 20 . A Ciur FROM JOPPA . 5 . A CORNER STONE . 21 . A PILLAR OP MASONRY . 6 . THE CRAFTSMAN , 22 . BAYARD . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGUT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAR . 21 . OUR CITIZEN BROTHER . D . I . THE KNicnT ERRANT . 25 . AN ABLE PRECEPTOR . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 . AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . 2 S . THE FATHER OF THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . 21 ) . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . OVR HERCULES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE . 31 . THE MARINER . Hi . THE CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIER OF FCRIUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " London : W . W . MOEGAN . Or by Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent , free by post , direct from tho Office , G 7 Barbican .
" A suitable gift from a Master to Ms Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH , THEFREEMASON'SGHRONSCLE, VOLUMES I ., II . and III . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 07 Barbican , E . C . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . Cloth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , prico Is 6 d each . ¦ -r -- ¦ -
T " l r " ^ -- . .... . __ •-- 1 --- ALEXANDRA PALACE . QEASON TICKETS , availablo for one year from the 1 st of each O montb , and entitling the holder to a chance in the Alexandra Palace Art Union , to be had of W . W . MORGAN , 07 Barbican , E . C .
. A . ZMIOlNTUIi ^ EILSrTAL WOBK . NOW IH" PKEPAKATION . HISTORY OF EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF FKEE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will lie Edited hj a distinguished Grand Officer . Iu a work o £ this magnitude , the Kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will be invaluable , aud thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ,, 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
mHE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any i Bookseller in Town or Country , but shonld any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from tho Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for tho amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Fosfc Oflleo Orders to bo made payable to W . W . MORGAN at Barbican Oiliuo . Cheques crossed " London aud Count y . " Tho Terms of Subscription ( payablo in advance ) to THE FBEEMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Fre e £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 Agents , from whom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CUKIICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Mr . T . DEISCOLL , 87 Farringdon Street . Mr . G . VV . JORDAN , lo'U Strand . Messrs . MARSHAL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . M . J . PARKINSON , 111 Goswell Road , E . C . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , la 3 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Qaeen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL aud JONES , 4 S pring Gardens , Charin " Cross . Mr . G . VICKEES , Angel Court , 172 Strand . ° Mr . H . VICKEKS , 317 Strand . 1
a^^^^^^^fi tfrjlVVAWW ^ fepgTOCTKrW ^^ SrvJij 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE week in Parliament has resulted in further progress with two Government measures . The Commons Bill has passed through Committee in tho Lords , and the Elementary Education Bill has had the full amount of discussion so important a Bill is entitled to in tho Commons . On Monday a short debate arose in tho Upper
House anent the Declaration of Paris ; in the other , Lord Henry Lennox having offered a personal explanation of the reasons that had led him to retire from the Ministry , the
Premier enlightened the House as to the alleged Turkish atrocities in Bulgaria . Such had been exercised not only by Turks towards Christians , but likewise by Christians towards Turks . The first offenders were a number of
agitating scoundrels , who had burned out the unoffending inhabitants of Turkish villages in Bulgaria , but the retaliation of tho latter had been excessively severe . On
Wednesday an attempt to repeal the Contagious Diseases Act proved a failure . On Friday and Tuesday the House of Commons was counted out a few minutes after nine , the hour fixed for the resumption of the sitting .
On Tuesday their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales held a second garden party at Chiswick . The guests were numerous , and the Royal party included the King and Qneen of the Hellenes , the Prince and Princess Christian , the Princess Louise , Marchioness , and
the Marquis of Lome , the Duke of Cambridge , and the Duke and Duchess of Teck . On Wednesday the Prince and Princess , with their Hellenic Majesties , paid a visit to the Crystal Palace , the directors of which , though the time
allowed them was short , exerted themselves very successfully to provide an entertainment worthy of the occasion . The chief features of the programme were a grand concert and the performances in the Hippodrome . Over fifteen thousand visitors entered the Palace and grounds .
On Friday last an appalling accident occurred on board one of our monster ironclads , H . M . S . Thunderer , one of whose boilers burst in the afternoon of that day , and caused a fearful loss of life , besides seriously injuring a still greater number of persons . About a score of persons were
killed outright , and nearly four times as many most terribly damaged . Of the latter a number have already succumbed to their wounds , and there are close upon forty deaths recorded , while the condition of ten or twelve more is said to be most precarious . The funeral of the
victims was attended with every mark of respect which the Dockyard and Naval and Military authorities of Portsmouth were able to show . The Queen , on hearing of tho catastrophe , at once telegraphed her deep sympathy with the sufferers , as did likewise the Prince and Princess of
Wales , and other members of the Royal Family . A subscription for the families of the sufferers has been opened , and among the contributors are the Queen and the Princo of Wales . The usual coroner ' s inquiry has been opened , and every endeavour will , no doubt , be made to ascertain
the cause of the accident . Our new ships of war have happily had no chance of proving their strength at the expense of our enemies , but they are very formidable to ourselves . The Captain turned turtle in the Bay of Biscay , and cost us between four and five hundred valuable
lives . The Vanguard lies at the bottom of the Irish Channel , whither she was sent in a few minutes by a sister ironclad . And now the boiler of a third ironclad has cost us already some forty more valuable lives . How it will fare with these monsters in the day of battle remains to be seen .
We gladly pass , however , to more agreeable topics . The Lord Mayor entertained the Archbishops and Bishops of the Established Church , at the Mansion House , on Wednesday . A very numerous array of reverend aud other guests assembled round his Lordship ' s hospitable board on fclio occasion , and Archbishop Tait delivered a very
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LONDONMASONICCLUB. NOTION TO MEMBERS— The Committeo havo much p leasure in iidniming tbo Members that tho Club promises wero op . ned on the 10 th . Tulv inst ,, ami tlmt ttic formal opening ami inauguration banquet will take place on Wertne-dav , tho 2 tith July inst ., when tho RIGHT HONOKAULK LORD SKKI . MKUSDALN , Right Worshipful Deputy Uvaiul Master of Ktigland , has kindly consented to preside . Full particulnrs as to the openiug ceremony can be obtained by Members from the Secretary , at tho Otlices , 37 Queen Victoria-street , E . C .
LONDONMASONICCLUB. "VTOTICE is hereby given that tho subscription payable by 11 Members joining the Club on and after tbe 2 {> th July inst . ( until further notice ) will bo £ 5 5 s for Town Members , and £ 3 3 s for Country Members ; instead of £ 3 3 s Town Members , awl £ 1 lis ( id CounlVy Members , as hitherto . The next election of Members will tuke place ou the 23 th inst ., and brethren wishing to avail themselves of the lower scalo of subscription must fend in their applications before that date . Forms of application can bo obtained from tho Secretary , at tho Offices , 37 Queen Victoria-street , London , E . C .
Now ready , Price os Gd , Grown 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. KuritiXTiSD FROM "THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " The Volumo will contain the following : — 1 . OUR LITERARY BROTHER . 17 . THE CHRISTIAN MINISTER . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON . 18 . Tim MYSTIC . 3 . THE MIX OP ENERGY . 10 . A MODEL MASON . 4 . FATHER TIME . 20 . A Ciur FROM JOPPA . 5 . A CORNER STONE . 21 . A PILLAR OP MASONRY . 6 . THE CRAFTSMAN , 22 . BAYARD . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGUT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAR . 21 . OUR CITIZEN BROTHER . D . I . THE KNicnT ERRANT . 25 . AN ABLE PRECEPTOR . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 . AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . 2 S . THE FATHER OF THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . 21 ) . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . OVR HERCULES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE . 31 . THE MARINER . Hi . THE CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIER OF FCRIUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " London : W . W . MOEGAN . Or by Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent , free by post , direct from tho Office , G 7 Barbican .
" A suitable gift from a Master to Ms Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH , THEFREEMASON'SGHRONSCLE, VOLUMES I ., II . and III . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 07 Barbican , E . C . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . Cloth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , prico Is 6 d each . ¦ -r -- ¦ -
T " l r " ^ -- . .... . __ •-- 1 --- ALEXANDRA PALACE . QEASON TICKETS , availablo for one year from the 1 st of each O montb , and entitling the holder to a chance in the Alexandra Palace Art Union , to be had of W . W . MORGAN , 07 Barbican , E . C .
. A . ZMIOlNTUIi ^ EILSrTAL WOBK . NOW IH" PKEPAKATION . HISTORY OF EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF FKEE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will lie Edited hj a distinguished Grand Officer . Iu a work o £ this magnitude , the Kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will be invaluable , aud thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ,, 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
mHE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any i Bookseller in Town or Country , but shonld any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from tho Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for tho amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Fosfc Oflleo Orders to bo made payable to W . W . MORGAN at Barbican Oiliuo . Cheques crossed " London aud Count y . " Tho Terms of Subscription ( payablo in advance ) to THE FBEEMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Fre e £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 Agents , from whom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CUKIICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Mr . T . DEISCOLL , 87 Farringdon Street . Mr . G . VV . JORDAN , lo'U Strand . Messrs . MARSHAL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . M . J . PARKINSON , 111 Goswell Road , E . C . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , la 3 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Qaeen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL aud JONES , 4 S pring Gardens , Charin " Cross . Mr . G . VICKEES , Angel Court , 172 Strand . ° Mr . H . VICKEKS , 317 Strand . 1
a^^^^^^^fi tfrjlVVAWW ^ fepgTOCTKrW ^^ SrvJij 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE week in Parliament has resulted in further progress with two Government measures . The Commons Bill has passed through Committee in tho Lords , and the Elementary Education Bill has had the full amount of discussion so important a Bill is entitled to in tho Commons . On Monday a short debate arose in tho Upper
House anent the Declaration of Paris ; in the other , Lord Henry Lennox having offered a personal explanation of the reasons that had led him to retire from the Ministry , the
Premier enlightened the House as to the alleged Turkish atrocities in Bulgaria . Such had been exercised not only by Turks towards Christians , but likewise by Christians towards Turks . The first offenders were a number of
agitating scoundrels , who had burned out the unoffending inhabitants of Turkish villages in Bulgaria , but the retaliation of tho latter had been excessively severe . On
Wednesday an attempt to repeal the Contagious Diseases Act proved a failure . On Friday and Tuesday the House of Commons was counted out a few minutes after nine , the hour fixed for the resumption of the sitting .
On Tuesday their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales held a second garden party at Chiswick . The guests were numerous , and the Royal party included the King and Qneen of the Hellenes , the Prince and Princess Christian , the Princess Louise , Marchioness , and
the Marquis of Lome , the Duke of Cambridge , and the Duke and Duchess of Teck . On Wednesday the Prince and Princess , with their Hellenic Majesties , paid a visit to the Crystal Palace , the directors of which , though the time
allowed them was short , exerted themselves very successfully to provide an entertainment worthy of the occasion . The chief features of the programme were a grand concert and the performances in the Hippodrome . Over fifteen thousand visitors entered the Palace and grounds .
On Friday last an appalling accident occurred on board one of our monster ironclads , H . M . S . Thunderer , one of whose boilers burst in the afternoon of that day , and caused a fearful loss of life , besides seriously injuring a still greater number of persons . About a score of persons were
killed outright , and nearly four times as many most terribly damaged . Of the latter a number have already succumbed to their wounds , and there are close upon forty deaths recorded , while the condition of ten or twelve more is said to be most precarious . The funeral of the
victims was attended with every mark of respect which the Dockyard and Naval and Military authorities of Portsmouth were able to show . The Queen , on hearing of tho catastrophe , at once telegraphed her deep sympathy with the sufferers , as did likewise the Prince and Princess of
Wales , and other members of the Royal Family . A subscription for the families of the sufferers has been opened , and among the contributors are the Queen and the Princo of Wales . The usual coroner ' s inquiry has been opened , and every endeavour will , no doubt , be made to ascertain
the cause of the accident . Our new ships of war have happily had no chance of proving their strength at the expense of our enemies , but they are very formidable to ourselves . The Captain turned turtle in the Bay of Biscay , and cost us between four and five hundred valuable
lives . The Vanguard lies at the bottom of the Irish Channel , whither she was sent in a few minutes by a sister ironclad . And now the boiler of a third ironclad has cost us already some forty more valuable lives . How it will fare with these monsters in the day of battle remains to be seen .
We gladly pass , however , to more agreeable topics . The Lord Mayor entertained the Archbishops and Bishops of the Established Church , at the Mansion House , on Wednesday . A very numerous array of reverend aud other guests assembled round his Lordship ' s hospitable board on fclio occasion , and Archbishop Tait delivered a very