Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1 Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1
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Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 92 . No . 225 " Ancients ; " No . 281 at the " Union" ( 1814 ) , No . 198 A . D 1832 , and No . 169 from A . D . 1863 .
ANTRIM , GRAND MASTER . LAV . DERMOTT , D . G . M . JAM - READ , S . G . W . PETER FEHR , J . G . W < M nil fcbom it man concent . WE , the Grand Lodge of tho most Ancient and Honourable Fra . ternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the Old Constitu .
lions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nino hundred twenty and six , and in the year of Masonry Fouv thousand ISiae * nundted twenty and six ) , in ample iorm assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful Most Potent and Puissant Lord the Right Honourable William , Earl of Antrim , Lord Viscount
Dunluce , Knight Companion cf tho Most Honourable Order of the Bath , Governor of County of Antrim , & c , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER or MASONS , The Right Worshipful Laurence Dermott , Esquire , Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful James Read , Esquire , Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Worshipful Peter Fehr , Esquire ,
Jnnior Grand Warden ( with tho approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) , Do hereby authorise and impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful Brother William Trimlett one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful James Gordon
his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful William Lee hia Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the house of Brother Phillip Sei jants , the Black Horse , in Coventry Street , near the Hay Market , or elsewhere in London , npon the first Tuesday in every Calendar Month , on all seasonable
times and lawful occasions . And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the No . 225 most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty and
Well-beloved Brethren , William Trimlett , James Gordon , and William Lee ( with the consent of the Members of their Lodge ) , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant and invest them with their powers and dignities as Freemasons , & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate
chuse , and install their Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be npon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuance of this Lodgo for ever . Providing the above named Brethren , and all their Successors , always pay duo Respect to this Ri ght Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this fourth day of May , in tho Year of onr Lord One thousand Seven hundred Eighty and Four , and in the Year of Masonry Five thousand Seven hundred and Eighty-four .
ROB . LESLIE , :. Grand Secretary . 2 J OTE . —This Warrant is registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 6 , > Letter F . ) The present title , No ., & c . are , Tho Temperance Lodgo , No . 169 , Doptford .
No . 93 . fro . 278 , "Ancients ; " No . 351 A . D . 1814 ( at tho Union ) , No . 216 A . D . 1832 , and No . 204 from A . D . 1863 . ATHOLL , GRAND MASTER . JAMES AGAR , Deputy Grand Master . JOHN BUNS , S . G . W . W 5 t - Auci . HOWARD , J . G . W . XVE , the GRAND LODOE of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the Old Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness PRINCE EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in the Year of
Masonry Fonr thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample form assembled , viz ., Tho Right Worshipfnl the Most Noble and Puissant Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tullibardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardlc , Viscount Balqnider , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Constable of the Castle of Kincleaven , Lord of Man and the Isles ,
and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in the County of Gloucester , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER OF MASONS , The Right Worshipful James Agar , Esquire , Depnty Grand Master , Tho Right Worshipfnl John Bunu , Esquire , Senior Grand AVarden , and the Right Worshipful William Augustus Howard , M . D ., Junior Grand Warden No . 278 ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges
hold within the Cities and Snbnrbs of London and Westminster ) , Do hereby authorise and empower our trusty and wellbeloved brethren , viz ., The Worshipfnl Thomas Overton , Esquire , one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Nicholas Tbomasou his Senior Warden , and tho Worshipful John McGiveron his Junior AVarden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at
the Plnmb and Feathers , Cock Gate , Manchester , upon the first AVednesday in every month , or elsewhere in the said town of Manchester , and on all seasonable times and lawful occasions , and in tho said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to tho most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World , And we do hereby farther authorise and impower
Old Warrants.
our said trusty and well-beloved brethren , Thomas Overton , Nicholas Thomason , and John McGiveron ( with the consent of the members of their Lodge ) , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as Freemasons , & o . And such Successors shall
in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & o ., & c , & o . Such installations to be npon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continnance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing the above named brethren , and all their Successors , always pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise thia Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue .
Given nnder our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this seventeenth day of April , in tho year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred ninety and three , and in tho year of Masonry Five thousand Seven hundred ninety and three . ATHOLI , Grand Master * .
ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered ) in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , > Letter H . ) The present title , No ., & c . are , The Caledonian Lodge , No . 201 , Free , masons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester .
No . 94 . No . 284 , "Ancients ; " No . 359 A . D . 1814 ( at the Union ) , No . 252 A . D . 1832 , and No . 209 from A . D . 1863 to present time . ATHOLLGRAND MASTER .
THOMAS HARPER , D . G . M . ARCHIBALD HERRON , S . G . AV . JEREJIIAH CRANSFIELD , J . G . W . & a all Mjoii * it wait tcmcerir . WE , the GRAND LODGE of the most Ancient and Honorable FRA - TERNITY of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the old
Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in the Year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Most Noblo Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Earl of Tullibardine , Earl of Strathtay
and Strathardle , Viscount of Balqnider , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveney and Gask , Constable of the Castle of Kincleaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in the County of Gloucester , & c , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER OF MASONS , Tho ( li ght Worshipfnl Thomas Harper , Esquire ,
Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipfnl Archibald Herron , Esquire , Senior Grand AVarden , and the Right AVorshipful Jeremiah Cranfield , Esqnire , Junior Grand AVarden ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and A \ estminster ) , Do hereby authorise and impower our
Trusty and AVell-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful William Cook one of onr Master Masons , Tho Worshipfnl James No . 284 Reeves his Senior AVarden , and the AVorshipful James Martin his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the house called or known
by the name or sign of the Crown and Cushion , in Eton , in the County of Buckinghamshire ( or elsewhere ) on tho first Monday in every month , and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions : And in the said Lodgo ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most ancient aud honourable Custom
of the Royal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty and A \ ell-beloved Brethren , AVilliam Cook , James Reeves , and James Martin ( with the consent of tho Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chnse , aud install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this AVarrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities
as Free Masons , & a . And snch Successors shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be npon ( or very near ) ST . JOHN ' DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due Respect to this Right AVorshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this AVarrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this thirteenth day of July , in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirteen , and in the Year of Masonry Five thousand Eight hundred and thirteen . ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . ISAAC BAKRITT , D ' G . M . pro tern .
NOTE . —This AVarrant is Registered " ) in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , > Letter H . 27 th May 1794 . j Ent - Edw - Harper . [ SEAL . ] [ SEAL . ] The present title , No ., & c . are , The Etonian Lodgo , No . 209 , AVindsor .
The ceremony of installation will be worked on Thursday evening , the 27 th instant , in tho Great Cit y Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 , at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masom )' - avenue , Ooleman-street , E . O . Bro . Seex P . M . 177 will be
the Installing Master , Lodge will be opened at seven p , m ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 92 . No . 225 " Ancients ; " No . 281 at the " Union" ( 1814 ) , No . 198 A . D 1832 , and No . 169 from A . D . 1863 .
ANTRIM , GRAND MASTER . LAV . DERMOTT , D . G . M . JAM - READ , S . G . W . PETER FEHR , J . G . W < M nil fcbom it man concent . WE , the Grand Lodge of tho most Ancient and Honourable Fra . ternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the Old Constitu .
lions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nino hundred twenty and six , and in the year of Masonry Fouv thousand ISiae * nundted twenty and six ) , in ample iorm assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful Most Potent and Puissant Lord the Right Honourable William , Earl of Antrim , Lord Viscount
Dunluce , Knight Companion cf tho Most Honourable Order of the Bath , Governor of County of Antrim , & c , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER or MASONS , The Right Worshipful Laurence Dermott , Esquire , Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful James Read , Esquire , Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Worshipful Peter Fehr , Esquire ,
Jnnior Grand Warden ( with tho approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) , Do hereby authorise and impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful Brother William Trimlett one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful James Gordon
his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful William Lee hia Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the house of Brother Phillip Sei jants , the Black Horse , in Coventry Street , near the Hay Market , or elsewhere in London , npon the first Tuesday in every Calendar Month , on all seasonable
times and lawful occasions . And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the No . 225 most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty and
Well-beloved Brethren , William Trimlett , James Gordon , and William Lee ( with the consent of the Members of their Lodge ) , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant and invest them with their powers and dignities as Freemasons , & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate
chuse , and install their Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be npon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuance of this Lodgo for ever . Providing the above named Brethren , and all their Successors , always pay duo Respect to this Ri ght Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this fourth day of May , in tho Year of onr Lord One thousand Seven hundred Eighty and Four , and in the Year of Masonry Five thousand Seven hundred and Eighty-four .
ROB . LESLIE , :. Grand Secretary . 2 J OTE . —This Warrant is registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 6 , > Letter F . ) The present title , No ., & c . are , Tho Temperance Lodgo , No . 169 , Doptford .
No . 93 . fro . 278 , "Ancients ; " No . 351 A . D . 1814 ( at tho Union ) , No . 216 A . D . 1832 , and No . 204 from A . D . 1863 . ATHOLL , GRAND MASTER . JAMES AGAR , Deputy Grand Master . JOHN BUNS , S . G . W . W 5 t - Auci . HOWARD , J . G . W . XVE , the GRAND LODOE of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the Old Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness PRINCE EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in the Year of
Masonry Fonr thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample form assembled , viz ., Tho Right Worshipfnl the Most Noble and Puissant Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tullibardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardlc , Viscount Balqnider , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Constable of the Castle of Kincleaven , Lord of Man and the Isles ,
and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in the County of Gloucester , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER OF MASONS , The Right Worshipful James Agar , Esquire , Depnty Grand Master , Tho Right Worshipfnl John Bunu , Esquire , Senior Grand AVarden , and the Right Worshipful William Augustus Howard , M . D ., Junior Grand Warden No . 278 ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges
hold within the Cities and Snbnrbs of London and Westminster ) , Do hereby authorise and empower our trusty and wellbeloved brethren , viz ., The Worshipfnl Thomas Overton , Esquire , one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Nicholas Tbomasou his Senior Warden , and tho Worshipful John McGiveron his Junior AVarden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at
the Plnmb and Feathers , Cock Gate , Manchester , upon the first AVednesday in every month , or elsewhere in the said town of Manchester , and on all seasonable times and lawful occasions , and in tho said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to tho most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World , And we do hereby farther authorise and impower
Old Warrants.
our said trusty and well-beloved brethren , Thomas Overton , Nicholas Thomason , and John McGiveron ( with the consent of the members of their Lodge ) , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as Freemasons , & o . And such Successors shall
in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & o ., & c , & o . Such installations to be npon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continnance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing the above named brethren , and all their Successors , always pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise thia Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue .
Given nnder our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this seventeenth day of April , in tho year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred ninety and three , and in tho year of Masonry Five thousand Seven hundred ninety and three . ATHOLI , Grand Master * .
ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered ) in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , > Letter H . ) The present title , No ., & c . are , The Caledonian Lodge , No . 201 , Free , masons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester .
No . 94 . No . 284 , "Ancients ; " No . 359 A . D . 1814 ( at the Union ) , No . 252 A . D . 1832 , and No . 209 from A . D . 1863 to present time . ATHOLLGRAND MASTER .
THOMAS HARPER , D . G . M . ARCHIBALD HERRON , S . G . AV . JEREJIIAH CRANSFIELD , J . G . W . & a all Mjoii * it wait tcmcerir . WE , the GRAND LODGE of the most Ancient and Honorable FRA - TERNITY of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the old
Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in the Year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Most Noblo Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Earl of Tullibardine , Earl of Strathtay
and Strathardle , Viscount of Balqnider , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveney and Gask , Constable of the Castle of Kincleaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in the County of Gloucester , & c , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER OF MASONS , Tho ( li ght Worshipfnl Thomas Harper , Esquire ,
Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipfnl Archibald Herron , Esquire , Senior Grand AVarden , and the Right AVorshipful Jeremiah Cranfield , Esqnire , Junior Grand AVarden ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and A \ estminster ) , Do hereby authorise and impower our
Trusty and AVell-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful William Cook one of onr Master Masons , Tho Worshipfnl James No . 284 Reeves his Senior AVarden , and the AVorshipful James Martin his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the house called or known
by the name or sign of the Crown and Cushion , in Eton , in the County of Buckinghamshire ( or elsewhere ) on tho first Monday in every month , and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions : And in the said Lodgo ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most ancient aud honourable Custom
of the Royal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty and A \ ell-beloved Brethren , AVilliam Cook , James Reeves , and James Martin ( with the consent of tho Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chnse , aud install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this AVarrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities
as Free Masons , & a . And snch Successors shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be npon ( or very near ) ST . JOHN ' DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due Respect to this Right AVorshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this AVarrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this thirteenth day of July , in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirteen , and in the Year of Masonry Five thousand Eight hundred and thirteen . ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . ISAAC BAKRITT , D ' G . M . pro tern .
NOTE . —This AVarrant is Registered " ) in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , > Letter H . 27 th May 1794 . j Ent - Edw - Harper . [ SEAL . ] [ SEAL . ] The present title , No ., & c . are , The Etonian Lodgo , No . 209 , AVindsor .
The ceremony of installation will be worked on Thursday evening , the 27 th instant , in tho Great Cit y Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 , at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masom )' - avenue , Ooleman-street , E . O . Bro . Seex P . M . 177 will be
the Installing Master , Lodge will be opened at seven p , m ,