Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings
Elliston of New Concord Lodge No . 813 was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Powell S . AV . was appointed AV . M . for the ensuing week .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , 18 th September 1877 . Bros . Sayer AV . M ., Daniel S . AV ., Wharman J . W ., Fraser S . D ., AValker J . D ., Harris I . 6 ., Rudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Sec , Forrest , Croker , Fraser , Holtham P . M . The Lodge was opened and minutes read and confirmed . The Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Forrest answered the questions
leading to the third degree , and waa entrusted . The Lodge opened in the third degree , and Bro . Forrest was dnly raised . The first and second sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Rudderforth , assisted by Bro . Walker and the brethren . The Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . Bros . Croker , of Tranquillity , and Bro . Fraser , of Sincerity , were elected members . Bro . Daniel was
appointed W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously that the standing orders with regard to working the installation be postponed till the first Tuesday in October , to give Bro . Daniel an opportunity of working on Tuesday next , 25 th September . The Lodge was congratulated on having held its meetings so regularly during the summer months , thus tending to prove its " Prosperity . "
Chapter of Paradise , No . 130 . —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Monday , the 17 th of September , at tho Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . Present—Comps . G . E . Bennett E . Z ., A . Scargill H ., Wm . White J ., S . B . Ellis Scribe E ., H . J . Garnett P . Z . Treas ., B . Saville Scribe N ., S . Hayes Prin . Soj ., John Clark 1 st Asst . Soj . Past Z . ' s Comps . Dr . M . M . de Bartolome , E . Drury and
W . Roddewig . Visitor Comp . J . F . Moss E . Z . 296 . Tho Chapter laving been formally opened , two brethren were elected , and three candidates exalted , the ceremonies being efficiently rendered . Two brethren were then proposed as candidates for exaltation at next meeting . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions partook of supper , after which the usual toasts were given , and a most pleasant evening spent .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —This Lodge met on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., at the Wbittington , Moor-lane , E . C . In the absence of Bro . Pelton , who had been elected at the 'last meeting , Bro . Sayer occupied the chair . There -were also present Bros . Gomm S . W ., Walker J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , J . K . Pitt Sec , John Constable P . M . Treas ., Bone S . D ., Croaker J . D .,
Ager I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; John Peartree AV . M . 185 , D . Posener P . M . Upton , Harris Sec . of the Lewis Lodgo , Benson , Abbott , & c , < fec . The Lodge having been duly opened and the minutes read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to the rehearsal of the third ceremony . The task was accomplished with marked ability . The three sections ¦ of the lecture wero worked , Bro . Constable dictating the responses .
Bros . Lewis and Abbott were elected members . The former , in ¦ expressing thanks for the honour , observed that he is a member of and visits many Lodges of Instruction , bnt does not remember one in which the work is done in so pnre and perfect a manner as that he had the pleasure and gratification of witnessing this evening .
He had known Bro . Constable by repute , but never before enjoyed the pleasure of meeting and hearing him work . He was sure that any one desiring to perfect himself in the duties of Masonry , and could attend this Lodge , would not fail to succeed . He himself was determined to be a frequent attendant . The Lodge was then adjourned to AVednesday the 26 th inst . at 7 p . m .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . — The Fifteen Sections will be worked on 23 rd September , at seven o ' clock precisely , at the Rising Sun , Globe-road , Bethual-gveeu . Bros . T . J . Barnes
P . M . No . 554 and 933 will preside . Bros . Austin P . M . No . 933 S . W ., Webb J . W . 1607 J . W ., Myers P . M . 820 and 1445 I . P . M .
FIEST LECTURE . —Bros . Hallett W . M . 781 , Shepherd S . D . 1349 , DnreIl * AV . S . 1349 , Hogg P . M . 1340 , AVilliams 933 , AVebb J . W . 1607 , Rudderforth D . C . 12 . SECOND LECTURE . —Bros . Holloway AV . S . No . 1158 , Burr 1158 , Musto P . M . 1349 , Ives 781 , Ellis 933 . THIRD LECTUKE . —Bros . Myers P . M . No . 820 , Job I . G . 1076 , 'Taylor W . S . 554 . Bro . AVm . Musto P . M . No . 1349 Hon . Sec .
York Lodge , No . 236 . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge , at York , on Monday , after the disposal of tho business . on the summons ) it was unanimously resolved to vote a sum of ten guineas from the fnnds of the Lodge towards the Indian Famine Fnnd .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —Met at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Monday , Bro . McKirdy E . W . M . in the chair . There was a good attendance of members and several visitors . The work consisted of one passing and two raisings , both ably performed by the E . AY . M .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., and was fully attended . The Lodgo was opened by the AV . M . Bro . Daniel Trnsler , and the following officers and brethren were present , vi / .. —Bros . C . P . McKay S . AV ., AV . R . Shcadd J . AV ., James Stevens
P . M ., Thos . Poore P . M . Sec , AV . Smith J . D ., AV . McMurray I . G ., E . Mitchell AV . S ., AV . Steadman Tyler ; also Bros . Blogg , AVhittaker , Lilley , Lambert , Pascal ] , King , Richardson , Green , Ash , Treves , "Wiltshire , Sanders , Kerr , & c , and visitors from Kurrachee , India , Bros . B , Duncan P , M . Hope Lodge , No , 350 , aud Jolrn Berrie P , M , Harmony
Notices Of Meetings
Lodge , No . 485 . Minutes of previous Lodge and emergency having been confirmed , the , W . M . announced the resignation of the Senior Deacon , and appointed and invested Bros . AV . Smith S . D ., MoMnrray J . D ., E . Mitchell I . G ., C . A . Blogg Organist , and G . Lambert Steward . Mr . George Mulley was introduced and initiated into tho Order . Bro . Ash was passed to the second degree . Propositions of candidates for initiation were taken , and motions were carried
unanimously in favour of the reporting of Lodge proceedings from time to time in the Masonio periodicals , of thanks to the J . W . for restoration of the Lodge jewels and ornaments , aud of an outlay for more effectively providing musical accompaniment for the ceremonies . The distinguished visitors from India having expressed their satisfaction with the only English working they had yet seen , and complimented the Lodge on its proficiency , the Lodge was closed in due form , and a frugal repast followed the labours of the evening .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Friday , the 14 th instant , at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . Goss W . M ., Gomm S . W ., Tucker J . W ., J . C . Koe Preceptor , Gardiner P . M ., Blasby Seo . and S . D ., Erwin J . D ., Costello I . 6 ., Kyezor , May , Gasson , and several others . Visitors—Bros . J . Constable 185 , A . AV . Fenner 1227 and 1693 , W . W . Morgan and W . W . Morgan jun . 1385 , & o .
Business—Lodge being opened in tbe first degree , Bro . Pearson was initiated . Bro . Constable worked tho first section , and Bro . Fenner the second , assisted by tho brethren . Lodge was called off for refreshment , and then resumed , after which the four visitors were unanimously elected honorary members of the Lodge , and severally acknowledged the compliment . Bro . Koe was appointed AV . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodgo was closed .
St . Augustine ' s Chapter , No . 779 , Ashby-de-la-Zouch . —A meeting of this Chapter was held at the Town Hall , on the 13 th
inst ., at which were present Comps . XV . Kelly Prov . Grand Supt ., Eev . John Denton and H . Etherington Smith , J . P ., P . Z . ' s , E . F . M . mmatt H ., XV . Carrick Crofts J ., and others . The first business waa to instal the principals and invest the officers , which ceremony was performed by the Grand Supt ., the officers elected being as follow : —Comps . E . F . Mammatt M . E . Z ., W . Carrick Crofts H ., Edwin
Faulkner J ., Walter S . Allen E „ Eev . John Denton P . Z . N ., Henry Blood P . S ., Allen Treasurer . A ballot having taken place for two candidates for the Order , one of whom , Bro . Balmfortb , of Lodge No . 779 , being in attendance , he was exalted ; the newly appointed P . S ., Bro . Blood , performing his duties most efficiently , tbe ceremony and tho three lectures being given by M . E . Comp . Kelly P . G . Supt . —the senior P . Z . of the Chapter—for whose services on the occasion
the thanks of the Companions was accorded , A vote of condolence on the decease of the late respected Comp . Love , the I . P . Z . of the Chapter , was recorded on the minutes , and a copy of the resolution ordered to be transmitted to the family of the late Companion ; a man highly esteemed by all those who knew him ; a zealous Mason , and a P . P . S . G . AV . of tho Province . The Chapter was then closed iu due form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at tho Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Present—Bros . W . Perrin W . M ., J . Lorkin S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Dallas Secretary , Smyth Treasurer , Williams S . D ., Weige J . D ., G . Brown Preceptor . Visitors—Bros . Finch , Perry , Beedell , Jorss , F . Brown , & c . The Lodge was opened
in dne form . The minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . F . Brown , as candidate for raising , answered the necessary questions , and the ceremony was impressively worked . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and again to labour , when the form of opening and closing the Lodge in the second and third degrees was practised . Bro . Beedell 1607 and Bro . Jorss 554 were elected as members , and the Lodge closed with prayer .
Wandsworth Lodge , No . 1044 . —A meeting of this pros * perous Lodge was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel , AVandsworth , on AVednesday . Considering that this was the most important meeting of the year , the installation of Bro . H . R . Jones as AV . M ., the attendance of brethren and visitors was not so numerous aa might have been expected . The following were present : —Bros . H . R . Jones
S . W ., AV . A . Morgan J . W ., H . AVilson Treasurer , J . Frost Secretary , A . N . Newens S . D ., A . B . AValker J . D ., F . AV . AVardroper D . C , AV . J . Huntley I . G ., and J . J . Holland W . S . ; E . Walker , S . C . Landon , R . Neal , F . Knipter , AV . Springett , G . Clark , G . H . Smith , and A . A . Denham . Amongst the Past Masters were Bros . Boddy , F . H . Newens , G . Howick , J . G . Carter , J . G . Kewney , and C . AV .
Gray . The visitors were : —Bros . 0 . Di <* by No . 933 , Dr . Hngh Mac kintosh No . 4 , and Bro . F . Reed . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Bro . R . AValker was passed to the degrse of Fellow Craft , Br . Boddy being in the AV . M . ' s chair , while tho other positions in the Lodge were filled by Bros . H . R . Jones S . AV , J . G . Kewney J . AV ., A . N . Newens S . D ., and Bro . A . B . Walker as J . D . Bro .
H . R . Jones was then impressively installed into the chair of AV .. YJ . Bro . P . M . Boddy , as installing Master , called forth the admiration of the brethren by the manner in which he performed the elaborate and solemn ritnal . The AV . M . then invested his officers as follow : —Bro . H . AVilson Treasurer , John Frost Secretary , AV . A . Morgan S . AV ., A . N . Newens J . AV ., A . B . AValker S . D ., AV . J . Huntley J . D ., J . J .
Holland I . G ., F . AV . AVardroper W . S ., S . 0 . Landon D . C , and S . Steed Tyler . The Secretary read a letter from Bro . P . Cooke , the retiring AV . M ., regretting his absence on account of illness , and congratulating the AV . M . elect . A letter was also read from Bro . J . J . Limebeer , Secretary to Mount Edgcumbe , No . 1146 , stating that Bro . A . A . Denham was duly raised to the degree of M . M . at that Lodge cm 9 th June last , Bro , Gray said to thought tha ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Elliston of New Concord Lodge No . 813 was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Powell S . AV . was appointed AV . M . for the ensuing week .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , 18 th September 1877 . Bros . Sayer AV . M ., Daniel S . AV ., Wharman J . W ., Fraser S . D ., AValker J . D ., Harris I . 6 ., Rudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Sec , Forrest , Croker , Fraser , Holtham P . M . The Lodge was opened and minutes read and confirmed . The Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Forrest answered the questions
leading to the third degree , and waa entrusted . The Lodge opened in the third degree , and Bro . Forrest was dnly raised . The first and second sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Rudderforth , assisted by Bro . Walker and the brethren . The Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . Bros . Croker , of Tranquillity , and Bro . Fraser , of Sincerity , were elected members . Bro . Daniel was
appointed W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously that the standing orders with regard to working the installation be postponed till the first Tuesday in October , to give Bro . Daniel an opportunity of working on Tuesday next , 25 th September . The Lodge was congratulated on having held its meetings so regularly during the summer months , thus tending to prove its " Prosperity . "
Chapter of Paradise , No . 130 . —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Monday , the 17 th of September , at tho Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . Present—Comps . G . E . Bennett E . Z ., A . Scargill H ., Wm . White J ., S . B . Ellis Scribe E ., H . J . Garnett P . Z . Treas ., B . Saville Scribe N ., S . Hayes Prin . Soj ., John Clark 1 st Asst . Soj . Past Z . ' s Comps . Dr . M . M . de Bartolome , E . Drury and
W . Roddewig . Visitor Comp . J . F . Moss E . Z . 296 . Tho Chapter laving been formally opened , two brethren were elected , and three candidates exalted , the ceremonies being efficiently rendered . Two brethren were then proposed as candidates for exaltation at next meeting . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions partook of supper , after which the usual toasts were given , and a most pleasant evening spent .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —This Lodge met on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., at the Wbittington , Moor-lane , E . C . In the absence of Bro . Pelton , who had been elected at the 'last meeting , Bro . Sayer occupied the chair . There -were also present Bros . Gomm S . W ., Walker J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , J . K . Pitt Sec , John Constable P . M . Treas ., Bone S . D ., Croaker J . D .,
Ager I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; John Peartree AV . M . 185 , D . Posener P . M . Upton , Harris Sec . of the Lewis Lodgo , Benson , Abbott , & c , < fec . The Lodge having been duly opened and the minutes read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to the rehearsal of the third ceremony . The task was accomplished with marked ability . The three sections ¦ of the lecture wero worked , Bro . Constable dictating the responses .
Bros . Lewis and Abbott were elected members . The former , in ¦ expressing thanks for the honour , observed that he is a member of and visits many Lodges of Instruction , bnt does not remember one in which the work is done in so pnre and perfect a manner as that he had the pleasure and gratification of witnessing this evening .
He had known Bro . Constable by repute , but never before enjoyed the pleasure of meeting and hearing him work . He was sure that any one desiring to perfect himself in the duties of Masonry , and could attend this Lodge , would not fail to succeed . He himself was determined to be a frequent attendant . The Lodge was then adjourned to AVednesday the 26 th inst . at 7 p . m .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . — The Fifteen Sections will be worked on 23 rd September , at seven o ' clock precisely , at the Rising Sun , Globe-road , Bethual-gveeu . Bros . T . J . Barnes
P . M . No . 554 and 933 will preside . Bros . Austin P . M . No . 933 S . W ., Webb J . W . 1607 J . W ., Myers P . M . 820 and 1445 I . P . M .
FIEST LECTURE . —Bros . Hallett W . M . 781 , Shepherd S . D . 1349 , DnreIl * AV . S . 1349 , Hogg P . M . 1340 , AVilliams 933 , AVebb J . W . 1607 , Rudderforth D . C . 12 . SECOND LECTURE . —Bros . Holloway AV . S . No . 1158 , Burr 1158 , Musto P . M . 1349 , Ives 781 , Ellis 933 . THIRD LECTUKE . —Bros . Myers P . M . No . 820 , Job I . G . 1076 , 'Taylor W . S . 554 . Bro . AVm . Musto P . M . No . 1349 Hon . Sec .
York Lodge , No . 236 . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge , at York , on Monday , after the disposal of tho business . on the summons ) it was unanimously resolved to vote a sum of ten guineas from the fnnds of the Lodge towards the Indian Famine Fnnd .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —Met at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Monday , Bro . McKirdy E . W . M . in the chair . There was a good attendance of members and several visitors . The work consisted of one passing and two raisings , both ably performed by the E . AY . M .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., and was fully attended . The Lodgo was opened by the AV . M . Bro . Daniel Trnsler , and the following officers and brethren were present , vi / .. —Bros . C . P . McKay S . AV ., AV . R . Shcadd J . AV ., James Stevens
P . M ., Thos . Poore P . M . Sec , AV . Smith J . D ., AV . McMurray I . G ., E . Mitchell AV . S ., AV . Steadman Tyler ; also Bros . Blogg , AVhittaker , Lilley , Lambert , Pascal ] , King , Richardson , Green , Ash , Treves , "Wiltshire , Sanders , Kerr , & c , and visitors from Kurrachee , India , Bros . B , Duncan P , M . Hope Lodge , No , 350 , aud Jolrn Berrie P , M , Harmony
Notices Of Meetings
Lodge , No . 485 . Minutes of previous Lodge and emergency having been confirmed , the , W . M . announced the resignation of the Senior Deacon , and appointed and invested Bros . AV . Smith S . D ., MoMnrray J . D ., E . Mitchell I . G ., C . A . Blogg Organist , and G . Lambert Steward . Mr . George Mulley was introduced and initiated into tho Order . Bro . Ash was passed to the second degree . Propositions of candidates for initiation were taken , and motions were carried
unanimously in favour of the reporting of Lodge proceedings from time to time in the Masonio periodicals , of thanks to the J . W . for restoration of the Lodge jewels and ornaments , aud of an outlay for more effectively providing musical accompaniment for the ceremonies . The distinguished visitors from India having expressed their satisfaction with the only English working they had yet seen , and complimented the Lodge on its proficiency , the Lodge was closed in due form , and a frugal repast followed the labours of the evening .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Friday , the 14 th instant , at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . Goss W . M ., Gomm S . W ., Tucker J . W ., J . C . Koe Preceptor , Gardiner P . M ., Blasby Seo . and S . D ., Erwin J . D ., Costello I . 6 ., Kyezor , May , Gasson , and several others . Visitors—Bros . J . Constable 185 , A . AV . Fenner 1227 and 1693 , W . W . Morgan and W . W . Morgan jun . 1385 , & o .
Business—Lodge being opened in tbe first degree , Bro . Pearson was initiated . Bro . Constable worked tho first section , and Bro . Fenner the second , assisted by tho brethren . Lodge was called off for refreshment , and then resumed , after which the four visitors were unanimously elected honorary members of the Lodge , and severally acknowledged the compliment . Bro . Koe was appointed AV . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodgo was closed .
St . Augustine ' s Chapter , No . 779 , Ashby-de-la-Zouch . —A meeting of this Chapter was held at the Town Hall , on the 13 th
inst ., at which were present Comps . XV . Kelly Prov . Grand Supt ., Eev . John Denton and H . Etherington Smith , J . P ., P . Z . ' s , E . F . M . mmatt H ., XV . Carrick Crofts J ., and others . The first business waa to instal the principals and invest the officers , which ceremony was performed by the Grand Supt ., the officers elected being as follow : —Comps . E . F . Mammatt M . E . Z ., W . Carrick Crofts H ., Edwin
Faulkner J ., Walter S . Allen E „ Eev . John Denton P . Z . N ., Henry Blood P . S ., Allen Treasurer . A ballot having taken place for two candidates for the Order , one of whom , Bro . Balmfortb , of Lodge No . 779 , being in attendance , he was exalted ; the newly appointed P . S ., Bro . Blood , performing his duties most efficiently , tbe ceremony and tho three lectures being given by M . E . Comp . Kelly P . G . Supt . —the senior P . Z . of the Chapter—for whose services on the occasion
the thanks of the Companions was accorded , A vote of condolence on the decease of the late respected Comp . Love , the I . P . Z . of the Chapter , was recorded on the minutes , and a copy of the resolution ordered to be transmitted to the family of the late Companion ; a man highly esteemed by all those who knew him ; a zealous Mason , and a P . P . S . G . AV . of tho Province . The Chapter was then closed iu due form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at tho Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Present—Bros . W . Perrin W . M ., J . Lorkin S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Dallas Secretary , Smyth Treasurer , Williams S . D ., Weige J . D ., G . Brown Preceptor . Visitors—Bros . Finch , Perry , Beedell , Jorss , F . Brown , & c . The Lodge was opened
in dne form . The minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . F . Brown , as candidate for raising , answered the necessary questions , and the ceremony was impressively worked . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and again to labour , when the form of opening and closing the Lodge in the second and third degrees was practised . Bro . Beedell 1607 and Bro . Jorss 554 were elected as members , and the Lodge closed with prayer .
Wandsworth Lodge , No . 1044 . —A meeting of this pros * perous Lodge was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel , AVandsworth , on AVednesday . Considering that this was the most important meeting of the year , the installation of Bro . H . R . Jones as AV . M ., the attendance of brethren and visitors was not so numerous aa might have been expected . The following were present : —Bros . H . R . Jones
S . W ., AV . A . Morgan J . W ., H . AVilson Treasurer , J . Frost Secretary , A . N . Newens S . D ., A . B . AValker J . D ., F . AV . AVardroper D . C , AV . J . Huntley I . G ., and J . J . Holland W . S . ; E . Walker , S . C . Landon , R . Neal , F . Knipter , AV . Springett , G . Clark , G . H . Smith , and A . A . Denham . Amongst the Past Masters were Bros . Boddy , F . H . Newens , G . Howick , J . G . Carter , J . G . Kewney , and C . AV .
Gray . The visitors were : —Bros . 0 . Di <* by No . 933 , Dr . Hngh Mac kintosh No . 4 , and Bro . F . Reed . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Bro . R . AValker was passed to the degrse of Fellow Craft , Br . Boddy being in the AV . M . ' s chair , while tho other positions in the Lodge were filled by Bros . H . R . Jones S . AV , J . G . Kewney J . AV ., A . N . Newens S . D ., and Bro . A . B . Walker as J . D . Bro .
H . R . Jones was then impressively installed into the chair of AV .. YJ . Bro . P . M . Boddy , as installing Master , called forth the admiration of the brethren by the manner in which he performed the elaborate and solemn ritnal . The AV . M . then invested his officers as follow : —Bro . H . AVilson Treasurer , John Frost Secretary , AV . A . Morgan S . AV ., A . N . Newens J . AV ., A . B . AValker S . D ., AV . J . Huntley J . D ., J . J .
Holland I . G ., F . AV . AVardroper W . S ., S . 0 . Landon D . C , and S . Steed Tyler . The Secretary read a letter from Bro . P . Cooke , the retiring AV . M ., regretting his absence on account of illness , and congratulating the AV . M . elect . A letter was also read from Bro . J . J . Limebeer , Secretary to Mount Edgcumbe , No . 1146 , stating that Bro . A . A . Denham was duly raised to the degree of M . M . at that Lodge cm 9 th June last , Bro , Gray said to thought tha ^