Article THE GIRLS' SCHOOL ELECTION. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Girls' School Election.
fPHE number of applications for admission to the Royal - Masonic Institution for Girls is again assuming alarming proportions in comparison with the number of declared vacancies . Tho ballot paper for the election to take place on Saturday , the 13 th October , gives a list of
thirty-two candidates , while the vacancies to be filled are but eight , or exactly one vacancy to each four candidates . This is a great difference to the state of affairs at the last election , in April of the present year , when there were twenty-two vacancies and but twenty-eight candidates ,
and it gives promise of a more exciting election than lias been known for some time past in connection with " Our Girls' " School , which , fortunately for the applicants , has been enabled to take on greatly increased numbers in consequence of the additions made to the school buildings
daring the past few years . As may be surmised from the figures given above , there are six candidates on the present list -whose applications stand over from the last election , and of these two now appear for the third time , while two others are last
application cases . These latter , together with three " first and last application " cases will , as usual , receive our earliest attention . No . 5 , Helen Mabel Henshaw , is one of four children dependent on a widowed mother ; she has 624 votes to her credit , and will doubtless receive sufficient
additional support to secure a place among the successful . Her father was a member of No . 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , London , and subscribed thereto from the time of his initiation , in 1874 , until lunacy incapacitated him . No . 6 , Sylvia Mary Haworth , has 428 votes to her credit .
She is one of three children left to the care of their mother , the husband of whom was a Past Master of No . 314 , Peace and Unity , West Lancashire , and subscribed to his Lodge close on fourteen years . No . 10 , Edith Hutton , is another of the " last" cases , she is one of six children , four of
whom are wholly , and two partially , dependent on tho exertions of their mother . Her father was a Past Master of No . 43 , Faithful , Warwickshire , and also figures as a Steward and Life Governor of the Boys' and Girls' Institutions . No . 20 , Catherine Graham , one of four fatherless
children , is accredited to Cheshire , her father having some time since filled the office of Worshipful Master in the Unanimit y Lodge , No . 89 . Her cnse could hardly be in better hands than those of the Cheshire brethren , and if she is so far successful as to secure the support of the Province , there is little doubt but that she will be found
among the ei ght at the head of the poll . No . 20 , Amy Margaret Lee , is the other last application case . Her father was a member of No . 13 , Union Waterloo . His widow now has four children dependent on her , notwithstanding the fact that one of her boys is an inmate of the
JJOys' School . This is not the only case on the present list where the child has a brother in the Boys' School ; there are two others similarly circumstanced . We have already disposed of two of the " brought forward " cases , the others are Nos . 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 . No . 1 , _ , - ~ , — ... „ -. „„ . ^ ., _ , „ , — - -- - -- -,
. llen Hayes , who headed the list of unsuccessful candidates ] n April last , with 697 votes , has already competed at two elections . Her father , who is still alive , joined Peace and uarmony Lodge , No . 359 ( Hants and Isle of Wight ) , in looS , and at the present time has five children dependent
on him . No reason is given why he appeals to the Girls ' School , and , as is usual in such cases , wo are entirely ignorant of the special claims he has on the Craft generally . We do not wish to imply that his daughter ' s candidature is not quite legitimate , but why not give some reason
for tlie appeal which is being made . No . 2 , Minnie Woodward , who has also taken part in two previous elections , has a total of 333 votes to her credit . Her mother , whose husband was a Past Master of No . 153 , Inhabitants Lodge , Gibraltar , has now six children dependent on her for
support . Wo trust she may , ere long , be successful in securing the election of one of them to our Masonic Institution . No . 3 , Jane Wheeler Hatchings , polled 38 votes last April . She is one of four fatherless children . Her father was a member of No . 1382 , Corinthian , and is
among the few who figure as supporters of the Charities , he having qualified as a Subscriber to tho Benevolent Institution . No . 4 , Annie Lucie Ochsenbein , has bat 13 votes to her credit . She is one of three children , left to the care of a widowed mother . Her father was a member of No . 1257 , Grosvenor , London , from 1875 until his death in 1879 .
No . 32 , Rose Ethel Vowles , last on tho list , appears to be tho next in order . She is one of eight fatherless children who are left dependent on their mother . Her father was a P . M ., and held hig h office in Provincial Grancl Lodge of Gloucestershire . He died during the current year , and
could boast of 31 years' subscribing membership to Freemasonry—the longest time on the present list . Let us hope that this distinction will have some weight in influencing votes on behalf of his daughter . No . 7 , Isabella Sophia Heastie , daughter of a member of the Royal Lebanon
Lodge , Gloucestershire , is one of a family of seven children left to the care of their mother . Her father , during his lifetime was a subscriber to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . No . 18 , Hilda Sophia Lyon , is also one of seven children left to the care of a widowed mother . Her
husband was a member of No . 758 , Ellesmere , Cheshire . No . 24 , Maude Mary Bromley , is similarly situated , so far as family circumstances are concerned . Her father was a member of No . 871 , Royal Oak , which Lodge he joined but seven months before his death , in May 1882 . It may
be very hard on the candidates , but we cannot help thinking that , so long as the pressure is so great , this class of case should not be approved . A child whose father joined Freemasonry but seven months before—by his death—he left her and the other members of his family destitute ,
ought not to have the same claims on us as the child of a brother of some ten , twenty , or even thirty years' membership . No . 26 , Frances Alice Searle , is another of seven fatherless children left to a mother's care . Her father was a member of No . 1107 , Cornwallis , from the time of his
initiation , in 1870 , until his death in 1881 . The distinction earned by this Lodge for its charitable propensity is exemplified in this case , for we find the father recorded as a Life Governor of the Boys' and Girls' Institutions . Let us hope that the assistance he rendered to _ the Institutions
in his lifetime may be the means of his child securing support in her candidature now that he is dead . No . 15 , Lucy Smith , is a member of a family of whom six children are
entirely , and two partially , dependent on a widowed mother . Her husband , a P . M . of No . 651 , Brecknock , achieved distinction as a Prov . Grand Officer of South Wales ( Western Division ) , and subscribed to the Craft for 16 | years .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Girls' School Election.
fPHE number of applications for admission to the Royal - Masonic Institution for Girls is again assuming alarming proportions in comparison with the number of declared vacancies . Tho ballot paper for the election to take place on Saturday , the 13 th October , gives a list of
thirty-two candidates , while the vacancies to be filled are but eight , or exactly one vacancy to each four candidates . This is a great difference to the state of affairs at the last election , in April of the present year , when there were twenty-two vacancies and but twenty-eight candidates ,
and it gives promise of a more exciting election than lias been known for some time past in connection with " Our Girls' " School , which , fortunately for the applicants , has been enabled to take on greatly increased numbers in consequence of the additions made to the school buildings
daring the past few years . As may be surmised from the figures given above , there are six candidates on the present list -whose applications stand over from the last election , and of these two now appear for the third time , while two others are last
application cases . These latter , together with three " first and last application " cases will , as usual , receive our earliest attention . No . 5 , Helen Mabel Henshaw , is one of four children dependent on a widowed mother ; she has 624 votes to her credit , and will doubtless receive sufficient
additional support to secure a place among the successful . Her father was a member of No . 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , London , and subscribed thereto from the time of his initiation , in 1874 , until lunacy incapacitated him . No . 6 , Sylvia Mary Haworth , has 428 votes to her credit .
She is one of three children left to the care of their mother , the husband of whom was a Past Master of No . 314 , Peace and Unity , West Lancashire , and subscribed to his Lodge close on fourteen years . No . 10 , Edith Hutton , is another of the " last" cases , she is one of six children , four of
whom are wholly , and two partially , dependent on tho exertions of their mother . Her father was a Past Master of No . 43 , Faithful , Warwickshire , and also figures as a Steward and Life Governor of the Boys' and Girls' Institutions . No . 20 , Catherine Graham , one of four fatherless
children , is accredited to Cheshire , her father having some time since filled the office of Worshipful Master in the Unanimit y Lodge , No . 89 . Her cnse could hardly be in better hands than those of the Cheshire brethren , and if she is so far successful as to secure the support of the Province , there is little doubt but that she will be found
among the ei ght at the head of the poll . No . 20 , Amy Margaret Lee , is the other last application case . Her father was a member of No . 13 , Union Waterloo . His widow now has four children dependent on her , notwithstanding the fact that one of her boys is an inmate of the
JJOys' School . This is not the only case on the present list where the child has a brother in the Boys' School ; there are two others similarly circumstanced . We have already disposed of two of the " brought forward " cases , the others are Nos . 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 . No . 1 , _ , - ~ , — ... „ -. „„ . ^ ., _ , „ , — - -- - -- -,
. llen Hayes , who headed the list of unsuccessful candidates ] n April last , with 697 votes , has already competed at two elections . Her father , who is still alive , joined Peace and uarmony Lodge , No . 359 ( Hants and Isle of Wight ) , in looS , and at the present time has five children dependent
on him . No reason is given why he appeals to the Girls ' School , and , as is usual in such cases , wo are entirely ignorant of the special claims he has on the Craft generally . We do not wish to imply that his daughter ' s candidature is not quite legitimate , but why not give some reason
for tlie appeal which is being made . No . 2 , Minnie Woodward , who has also taken part in two previous elections , has a total of 333 votes to her credit . Her mother , whose husband was a Past Master of No . 153 , Inhabitants Lodge , Gibraltar , has now six children dependent on her for
support . Wo trust she may , ere long , be successful in securing the election of one of them to our Masonic Institution . No . 3 , Jane Wheeler Hatchings , polled 38 votes last April . She is one of four fatherless children . Her father was a member of No . 1382 , Corinthian , and is
among the few who figure as supporters of the Charities , he having qualified as a Subscriber to tho Benevolent Institution . No . 4 , Annie Lucie Ochsenbein , has bat 13 votes to her credit . She is one of three children , left to the care of a widowed mother . Her father was a member of No . 1257 , Grosvenor , London , from 1875 until his death in 1879 .
No . 32 , Rose Ethel Vowles , last on tho list , appears to be tho next in order . She is one of eight fatherless children who are left dependent on their mother . Her father was a P . M ., and held hig h office in Provincial Grancl Lodge of Gloucestershire . He died during the current year , and
could boast of 31 years' subscribing membership to Freemasonry—the longest time on the present list . Let us hope that this distinction will have some weight in influencing votes on behalf of his daughter . No . 7 , Isabella Sophia Heastie , daughter of a member of the Royal Lebanon
Lodge , Gloucestershire , is one of a family of seven children left to the care of their mother . Her father , during his lifetime was a subscriber to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . No . 18 , Hilda Sophia Lyon , is also one of seven children left to the care of a widowed mother . Her
husband was a member of No . 758 , Ellesmere , Cheshire . No . 24 , Maude Mary Bromley , is similarly situated , so far as family circumstances are concerned . Her father was a member of No . 871 , Royal Oak , which Lodge he joined but seven months before his death , in May 1882 . It may
be very hard on the candidates , but we cannot help thinking that , so long as the pressure is so great , this class of case should not be approved . A child whose father joined Freemasonry but seven months before—by his death—he left her and the other members of his family destitute ,
ought not to have the same claims on us as the child of a brother of some ten , twenty , or even thirty years' membership . No . 26 , Frances Alice Searle , is another of seven fatherless children left to a mother's care . Her father was a member of No . 1107 , Cornwallis , from the time of his
initiation , in 1870 , until his death in 1881 . The distinction earned by this Lodge for its charitable propensity is exemplified in this case , for we find the father recorded as a Life Governor of the Boys' and Girls' Institutions . Let us hope that the assistance he rendered to _ the Institutions
in his lifetime may be the means of his child securing support in her candidature now that he is dead . No . 15 , Lucy Smith , is a member of a family of whom six children are
entirely , and two partially , dependent on a widowed mother . Her husband , a P . M . of No . 651 , Brecknock , achieved distinction as a Prov . Grand Officer of South Wales ( Western Division ) , and subscribed to the Craft for 16 | years .