Article RE-OPENING OF THE FRIENDLY LODGE, No. 239, KINGSTON, JAMAICA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article AUCKLAND-NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article AUSTRALIA.—NEW SOUTH WALES. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FAMILY OF THE LATE BRO, GODDIN, OF LODGES 1076 AND 1437. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICE. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Re-Opening Of The Friendly Lodge, No. 239, Kingston, Jamaica.
extensive repairs and decorations . The placo is now lighted with about fifty gaslights ; the room is about fifty feet in length , and thirty feet in breadth , and does great credit to tho building committee , Tho cost was over £ 1000 . An address was delivered by tho Worshipful Master . A letter of excuse , through sickness , for tho non-attendance of tho Right Worship ful Bro . J . W . Whithouse , Deputy Provincial Grand
Master , was read . A vote of thanks was returned to tho Right Worshipfnl Bro . S . Constino Burke , Provincial Grand Master of Scotland , and his officers , for their attendance ; also a vote of thanks to tho Past Masters and brethren of Sister Lodges for their attendance . The Right Worshipful Bro . S . Constino Burke returned thanks . The Officers of tho Grand Lodge of East Jamaica wero present , as
wero also the following Past Masters and Grand Officers : —Bros . A . Do Cordova , G . C . H . Leins , Ashomieu , Harrison , J . J . Leins Prov . Grand Secretary , Brandon Friendly Lodge , Langlay , Davis Royal Lodge , Taylor , Tait Secretary Sussex Lodge , Anstie , Jamieson Hamilton Lodgo , H . Earned , D . Earned , L . Hollar , 0 . Delgado Secretary Phoenix Lodge , S . Constino Burke Provincial Grand Officer
of Scotland , A . E . Burke P . G . Sec , B . Dias , Knox , & c . The Lodge closed , and tho brethren retired into the banquet room , and partook of a sumptuous supper . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero proposed and heartily responded to . During the evening able addresses wero delivered by the Right Worshipful Bros . S . C . Burke and Dr . Allen . The band of tho 1 st W . I . Regiment was in attendance , and played several lively airs .
Friendly Chapter , No . 239 . —At a quarterly convocation of this Chapter , held at Sussex Hall , Kingston , Jamaica , on 29 th October , tho following officers were duly elected : —M . E . Comps . C . H . Davis Z ., T . Sherlock H ., YV . Andrews jun . J . The following officers presided : —M . E . Comps . R . Langley P . Z . Royal , J . Ashemieu P . H . Friendly , D . Barnes P . J . Phoenix .
Friendly Chapter , No . 239 . —At an ordinary convooation , in Jamaica , held on 22 nd November , the following officers were elected for the year : —Comps . J . L . Ashemieu Z ., G . C . H . Leins H ., E . Brandon J ., E . De Pass S . E ., A . Tripe S . N ., E , Wolfe ( re-elected ) Treasurer , G . Magnus ( re-elected ) Janitor .
Caledonian Lodge , No . 554 S . C . —On Thursday , the 8 th November , the officers forming the administration of this Lodge for 1878 were duly installed in the Lodge room , Port Maria , as under i—R . W . Bro . A . D . C . Levy Master , W . Bros . 1 . 1 . Lyon S . W ., T . G . D . Brougham J . W ., J . Nelson Treasurer , Bros . J . R . Facey Secretary , Sigismond De Pass S . D ., F . R . Stanford J . D ., J . A . Hinshelwood I . G ., W . Cuthbert Tyler . The W . Bro . T . C . Dias Deputy Master , being unavoidably absent , was not installed .
Auckland-New Zealand.
The following items aro taken from files of Auckland papers to hand by the late mail , which arrived by the City of Berlin : — The anniversary meeting of Sir Walter Scott Lodge was held on Tuesday , 2 nd October , at the Masonic Hall , Owen-street , Grahamstown , and consisted of a soiree , concert and dance . The gathering was confined to the brethren , thoir wives , and sweethearts , tho
latter apparently predominating—and a most agreeable evening was p ; issed , the programme lasting till past midnight . A numerous attend * ance was kept in good spirits and harmony , under the direction of Bro . T . L . Murray the R . W . M . Tuo installation of Bro . the Honourable F . Whitaker as Provincial Grand Master , Scotch Constitution , for the North Island , had been
definitely fixed for the 30 th November , St . Andrew ' s Day , at the Choral HaU . It had also been arranged that tho installation of Bro . G . S . Graham , as District Grand Master English Constitution , should take place on the same day . This arrangement had been brought about by mutual agreement amongst tho several Lodges . The brethren of all Masonic Lodges in the North Island were invited to take part in the ceremony . No doubt it will be one of the largest
Masonic gatherings that has ever taken place in New Zealand . The proceedings will terminate with a grand ball in the evening . Bros . Brodie and Rawdon , of the Sir Walter Scott Lodge , Thames , have been here assisting to make arrangements for the occasion . Repreaentatives will be present from Wellington , Wanganui , Tarauaki , Napier , and other places , thereby lending additional interest to the day ' s proceedings . The impressive ceremonies were to be conducted by that veteran in Masonry , Bro . Lazar , of Hokitika .
THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF THE " PICTORIAL WORLD . "—In the number there are bold and striking drawings , humorous drawings , drawings of Christmas at homo and abroad , and pretty drawings . A presentation plate , called" Our Baby Clown , " is given , and this will certainly be much thought of by the youngsters . In addition , there are " The Moss Troopers' Christmas : Bringing home the Beef , "
drawn by S . E . Waller ; a fine example of E . YVagnor , called "Midnight Service in the Black Forest j" a double-page picture , " A Cavalier Dinner , " by E . Slocobo ; " A Warm Bed for Uncle , " by C , Gregory , and other drawings by G . G . Kilburn , C . Cattermolc , Towneley Greeu ( " Boxing Night at Drury Lane" ) , A . Lumley , YV . J . Morgan , A . Laby , & c . Miss Owens E . Blackbnrue has contributed a story , " Till the Sea gives up its Dead ; " Hain
Friswell an amusing sketch , " Too Truo and Too False ; " the Author of "Tho Harvest of a Quiet Eye , " a Christmas Story ; aud following these are stories aud little romances by Charles Townloy , J . Ewing Ritchie , A . T . Paak , E . Draper , Dr . Edwin Doudney , aud othura . Concluding with a Cavalier Lay , and a Tale of " Confirmed Bachelors , " we have briefly pointed out what our readers will find in the Christinas Number of the Pictorial World ,
Australia.—New South Wales.
A BEAUTIFULLY illuminated copy of tho address presented to Mr . F . B . Davidson , at the last annual meeting of tho Zetland Royal Arch Chapter , 390 , English Constitution , Sydney , has just been completed by the artist , Mr . George Relph , and it is in every respect a highly creditable work . For tho last twenty years Mr . Davidson has been annually elected to ono of thohighest offices in aChapter which includes
among its members many gentlemen of distinction , and his election for the twenty-first timo was chosen as a suitable occasion for acknowledging his valuable services to the Order , and tho courteous and generous demeanour which he has always exhibited in his rotations with his brother members . Tho address read as follows : — "To Francis Burnand Davidson , Esq . Dear Sir and Excellent Companion ,
—We , the Companions of the Zetland Royal Arch Chapter ot Australia , No . 392 E . G ., desire , on the occasion of tho completion of your twentieth year of service in the important office you have so efficiently and honourably held in this Chapter , to convey to you tho expression of our esteem for you as a gentleman and a Royal Arch Mason . Aud in testimony of our appreciation of the courtesy ,
integrity , and zeal which havo ever characterised your long service in connection with us as a member of our Chapter , wo beg to present you with this address , and hope that it may be the pleasure of the Most High to so dispose events that you may long bo spared to bo amongst us . On behalf of tho Chapter , we remain , Dear Sir and Companion , fraternally yours , YVILLIAJI YVEBSTER Z ., N . J . ROBINSON H ., aud E . KIRCHNERJ . "
By the Suez mail which arrived at Sydney on 13 th October , Mr , John Williams , J . P ., of New Pitt-street and Bondi , received from H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , Grand Master of England , a patent appointing him District Grand Master of the Masonic body in New South Wales under tho Constitution of tho Grand Lodge of England ; also a communication congratulating him on his return ( by the desire of the brethren ) to his official duties as D . G , Master , which post he resigned some ten years ago .
Obituary .
Brother William Myatt , a -well-known market gardener , died at his residence , Manor Farm , Upper Lewisham-road , New Gross , on Friday , 14 th December , at the comparatively early age of 47 years—after a long , painful , and lingering illness . Bro . Myatt was initiated into Freemasonry in the
Royal Oak Lodge , 871 , on 22 nd July 1868 . After filling the minor offices , he was unanimously elected and duly installed W . M . in February 1873 , and after his year of
office was unanimously voted a Past Master ' s jewel . Ho was exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry in the Pythagorean Chapter , No . 79 , and , had he lived , would no doubt have filled the M . E . Z . ' s chair . He was not unmindful of
the Charities , and made himself a Life Governor of both the Girls' and Boys' Schools , while he had it in contemplation to do the same for the Male and Female Annuitants . A
more amiable brother one seldom meets with ; it is a truth to say he never made an enemy in the Lodge . Hia reputation was equally good in the world . The Lodge will mourn his loss ; his memory will ever remain green .
It is with great regret we announce the death of Bro . James Ballantine , Grand Bard to the Grand Lodge of Scotland .
The Family Of The Late Bro, Goddin, Of Lodges 1076 And 1437.
Amounts previously acknowledged - . 34 15 0 Tranquillity Lodge , No . 185 - . . . 3 3 0 Panmure Lodge , No . 720 , per Bro . W . Steedmau 2 6 0 Friars Lodge , No , 1349 , do . 110 £ 41 5 0
We have great pleasure in presenting to our readers the usual Summary of the Year . We may remark that the amounts contributed to our three Charities arc subject to
additions , as they do not represent , by several days , a complete period of one year . It is further desirable we should announce that one or two interestins : matters which should
more properly have been included in our Summary aro unfortunately , owing to considerations of space , deferred till next week .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Re-Opening Of The Friendly Lodge, No. 239, Kingston, Jamaica.
extensive repairs and decorations . The placo is now lighted with about fifty gaslights ; the room is about fifty feet in length , and thirty feet in breadth , and does great credit to tho building committee , Tho cost was over £ 1000 . An address was delivered by tho Worshipful Master . A letter of excuse , through sickness , for tho non-attendance of tho Right Worship ful Bro . J . W . Whithouse , Deputy Provincial Grand
Master , was read . A vote of thanks was returned to tho Right Worshipfnl Bro . S . Constino Burke , Provincial Grand Master of Scotland , and his officers , for their attendance ; also a vote of thanks to tho Past Masters and brethren of Sister Lodges for their attendance . The Right Worshipful Bro . S . Constino Burke returned thanks . The Officers of tho Grand Lodge of East Jamaica wero present , as
wero also the following Past Masters and Grand Officers : —Bros . A . Do Cordova , G . C . H . Leins , Ashomieu , Harrison , J . J . Leins Prov . Grand Secretary , Brandon Friendly Lodge , Langlay , Davis Royal Lodge , Taylor , Tait Secretary Sussex Lodge , Anstie , Jamieson Hamilton Lodgo , H . Earned , D . Earned , L . Hollar , 0 . Delgado Secretary Phoenix Lodge , S . Constino Burke Provincial Grand Officer
of Scotland , A . E . Burke P . G . Sec , B . Dias , Knox , & c . The Lodge closed , and tho brethren retired into the banquet room , and partook of a sumptuous supper . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero proposed and heartily responded to . During the evening able addresses wero delivered by the Right Worshipful Bros . S . C . Burke and Dr . Allen . The band of tho 1 st W . I . Regiment was in attendance , and played several lively airs .
Friendly Chapter , No . 239 . —At a quarterly convocation of this Chapter , held at Sussex Hall , Kingston , Jamaica , on 29 th October , tho following officers were duly elected : —M . E . Comps . C . H . Davis Z ., T . Sherlock H ., YV . Andrews jun . J . The following officers presided : —M . E . Comps . R . Langley P . Z . Royal , J . Ashemieu P . H . Friendly , D . Barnes P . J . Phoenix .
Friendly Chapter , No . 239 . —At an ordinary convooation , in Jamaica , held on 22 nd November , the following officers were elected for the year : —Comps . J . L . Ashemieu Z ., G . C . H . Leins H ., E . Brandon J ., E . De Pass S . E ., A . Tripe S . N ., E , Wolfe ( re-elected ) Treasurer , G . Magnus ( re-elected ) Janitor .
Caledonian Lodge , No . 554 S . C . —On Thursday , the 8 th November , the officers forming the administration of this Lodge for 1878 were duly installed in the Lodge room , Port Maria , as under i—R . W . Bro . A . D . C . Levy Master , W . Bros . 1 . 1 . Lyon S . W ., T . G . D . Brougham J . W ., J . Nelson Treasurer , Bros . J . R . Facey Secretary , Sigismond De Pass S . D ., F . R . Stanford J . D ., J . A . Hinshelwood I . G ., W . Cuthbert Tyler . The W . Bro . T . C . Dias Deputy Master , being unavoidably absent , was not installed .
Auckland-New Zealand.
The following items aro taken from files of Auckland papers to hand by the late mail , which arrived by the City of Berlin : — The anniversary meeting of Sir Walter Scott Lodge was held on Tuesday , 2 nd October , at the Masonic Hall , Owen-street , Grahamstown , and consisted of a soiree , concert and dance . The gathering was confined to the brethren , thoir wives , and sweethearts , tho
latter apparently predominating—and a most agreeable evening was p ; issed , the programme lasting till past midnight . A numerous attend * ance was kept in good spirits and harmony , under the direction of Bro . T . L . Murray the R . W . M . Tuo installation of Bro . the Honourable F . Whitaker as Provincial Grand Master , Scotch Constitution , for the North Island , had been
definitely fixed for the 30 th November , St . Andrew ' s Day , at the Choral HaU . It had also been arranged that tho installation of Bro . G . S . Graham , as District Grand Master English Constitution , should take place on the same day . This arrangement had been brought about by mutual agreement amongst tho several Lodges . The brethren of all Masonic Lodges in the North Island were invited to take part in the ceremony . No doubt it will be one of the largest
Masonic gatherings that has ever taken place in New Zealand . The proceedings will terminate with a grand ball in the evening . Bros . Brodie and Rawdon , of the Sir Walter Scott Lodge , Thames , have been here assisting to make arrangements for the occasion . Repreaentatives will be present from Wellington , Wanganui , Tarauaki , Napier , and other places , thereby lending additional interest to the day ' s proceedings . The impressive ceremonies were to be conducted by that veteran in Masonry , Bro . Lazar , of Hokitika .
THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF THE " PICTORIAL WORLD . "—In the number there are bold and striking drawings , humorous drawings , drawings of Christmas at homo and abroad , and pretty drawings . A presentation plate , called" Our Baby Clown , " is given , and this will certainly be much thought of by the youngsters . In addition , there are " The Moss Troopers' Christmas : Bringing home the Beef , "
drawn by S . E . Waller ; a fine example of E . YVagnor , called "Midnight Service in the Black Forest j" a double-page picture , " A Cavalier Dinner , " by E . Slocobo ; " A Warm Bed for Uncle , " by C , Gregory , and other drawings by G . G . Kilburn , C . Cattermolc , Towneley Greeu ( " Boxing Night at Drury Lane" ) , A . Lumley , YV . J . Morgan , A . Laby , & c . Miss Owens E . Blackbnrue has contributed a story , " Till the Sea gives up its Dead ; " Hain
Friswell an amusing sketch , " Too Truo and Too False ; " the Author of "Tho Harvest of a Quiet Eye , " a Christmas Story ; aud following these are stories aud little romances by Charles Townloy , J . Ewing Ritchie , A . T . Paak , E . Draper , Dr . Edwin Doudney , aud othura . Concluding with a Cavalier Lay , and a Tale of " Confirmed Bachelors , " we have briefly pointed out what our readers will find in the Christinas Number of the Pictorial World ,
Australia.—New South Wales.
A BEAUTIFULLY illuminated copy of tho address presented to Mr . F . B . Davidson , at the last annual meeting of tho Zetland Royal Arch Chapter , 390 , English Constitution , Sydney , has just been completed by the artist , Mr . George Relph , and it is in every respect a highly creditable work . For tho last twenty years Mr . Davidson has been annually elected to ono of thohighest offices in aChapter which includes
among its members many gentlemen of distinction , and his election for the twenty-first timo was chosen as a suitable occasion for acknowledging his valuable services to the Order , and tho courteous and generous demeanour which he has always exhibited in his rotations with his brother members . Tho address read as follows : — "To Francis Burnand Davidson , Esq . Dear Sir and Excellent Companion ,
—We , the Companions of the Zetland Royal Arch Chapter ot Australia , No . 392 E . G ., desire , on the occasion of tho completion of your twentieth year of service in the important office you have so efficiently and honourably held in this Chapter , to convey to you tho expression of our esteem for you as a gentleman and a Royal Arch Mason . Aud in testimony of our appreciation of the courtesy ,
integrity , and zeal which havo ever characterised your long service in connection with us as a member of our Chapter , wo beg to present you with this address , and hope that it may be the pleasure of the Most High to so dispose events that you may long bo spared to bo amongst us . On behalf of tho Chapter , we remain , Dear Sir and Companion , fraternally yours , YVILLIAJI YVEBSTER Z ., N . J . ROBINSON H ., aud E . KIRCHNERJ . "
By the Suez mail which arrived at Sydney on 13 th October , Mr , John Williams , J . P ., of New Pitt-street and Bondi , received from H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , Grand Master of England , a patent appointing him District Grand Master of the Masonic body in New South Wales under tho Constitution of tho Grand Lodge of England ; also a communication congratulating him on his return ( by the desire of the brethren ) to his official duties as D . G , Master , which post he resigned some ten years ago .
Obituary .
Brother William Myatt , a -well-known market gardener , died at his residence , Manor Farm , Upper Lewisham-road , New Gross , on Friday , 14 th December , at the comparatively early age of 47 years—after a long , painful , and lingering illness . Bro . Myatt was initiated into Freemasonry in the
Royal Oak Lodge , 871 , on 22 nd July 1868 . After filling the minor offices , he was unanimously elected and duly installed W . M . in February 1873 , and after his year of
office was unanimously voted a Past Master ' s jewel . Ho was exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry in the Pythagorean Chapter , No . 79 , and , had he lived , would no doubt have filled the M . E . Z . ' s chair . He was not unmindful of
the Charities , and made himself a Life Governor of both the Girls' and Boys' Schools , while he had it in contemplation to do the same for the Male and Female Annuitants . A
more amiable brother one seldom meets with ; it is a truth to say he never made an enemy in the Lodge . Hia reputation was equally good in the world . The Lodge will mourn his loss ; his memory will ever remain green .
It is with great regret we announce the death of Bro . James Ballantine , Grand Bard to the Grand Lodge of Scotland .
The Family Of The Late Bro, Goddin, Of Lodges 1076 And 1437.
Amounts previously acknowledged - . 34 15 0 Tranquillity Lodge , No . 185 - . . . 3 3 0 Panmure Lodge , No . 720 , per Bro . W . Steedmau 2 6 0 Friars Lodge , No , 1349 , do . 110 £ 41 5 0
We have great pleasure in presenting to our readers the usual Summary of the Year . We may remark that the amounts contributed to our three Charities arc subject to
additions , as they do not represent , by several days , a complete period of one year . It is further desirable we should announce that one or two interestins : matters which should
more properly have been included in our Summary aro unfortunately , owing to considerations of space , deferred till next week .