Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 65 . —At Bro Maidwell's , Leadenhall-street , on Tuesday . Bros . Haynes W . M ., Valentine S . W ., Schadler J . W ., Walker S . D . and Secretary , Buggins I . G ., Moss Preceptor ; also Bros . Roberts , Daniel , Maidwell , Fraser , Sainte . After preliminaries , tho second degree was rehearsed , Bro . Roberts candidate . The W . M . vacated tho chair in
favour of Bro . Schadler , and the ceremony of installation was rehearsed ; Bro . Moss was installed in the chair of K . S . Bro . Moss duly invested his Officers . Bro . Haynes resumed the chair , and Bro . Valentine was appointed W . M . for second Tuesday in January . A vote of thanks was recorded on the minutes for tho excellent way in which Bro . Schadler had rehearsed tho ceremony of installation . Lodge was then adjourned until the second Tuesday in January 1884 .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., on 15 th December . Bros . Moss W . M ., Gush S . W ., Godolphin J . W ., Wright J . D ., Gellen J . D ., Ashton
I . G ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Treasurer , Galer Secretary , ancl twenty-seven other brethren . Lodge was opened in dne form , and minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Moss proceeded to work the sections of the lecture , assisted by Bros . Ashton , Galer , Prager , Fenner , Musto , Gush , aud Powell . Lodge opened in the second degree , and the W . M . worked the sections of tho second
lecture , assisted by Bros . Musto jun ., Musto sen ., Weeden , Parnell , and Gush . Lodge was opened in the third , and the W . M . worked the sections of that lecture , assisted by Bros . Cohen , Galer , and Pearcy . Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Saunders , of the Stanhope Lodge ; Bro . Harding , of the Temperance Lodge ; Bros . Walmore and Turner , of tho Kingsland ; and Bro . Mnsto , of the Friars , were unanimously
elected members . Cordial votes of thanks were accorded to Bro . Moss for his able working , and to the brethren who had assisted him . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the Lodgo was closed in ancient form , and adjourned to Saturday , the 22 nd instant , Brethren are reminded that the second monthly meeting of the
Masonio Association in connection with this Lodge of Instrnction will be held on Saturday , the 29 th instant , at the above address . Those who have not yet assisted the Charities should avail themselves of this easy method of making themselves Life Governors . For those who desire further information , we may add the Secretary ' s address is 12 Green Lanes , Stoke Newington , N .
St . Michael's Lodge , No . 211 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Albion , Aldersgate Street , on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., when the W . M ., Brother F . J . Hentsch , opened his Lodge at 6 p . m ., supported by Bros . Past Masters Usher Back , Charles Greenwood Past Grand Sword Bearer ( Treasnrer ) , Alfred Green , Alfred Withers , William Radcliffe ( Secretary ) ; W . W . Morgan S . W ., T . H . Peirce
J . W ., Henry Martin S . D ., E . Thring J . D ., Thomas Crapper I . G ., Henry Lindfield , F . T . Bennett , Henry Green , A . Dixon , P . J . Burr , J . R . Maples , W . G . Aires , F . J . Goodall , & o . After the minntes of lasfc regular meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Arthur Walter Hartley , who was proposed by Brother Burr and seconded by Brother Martin S . D . The result was in
favour of the candidate , who was introduced and initiated by the W . M ., who conducted the ceremony in a careful and painstaking manner . The case of a distressed brother was brought under consideration , and he was assisted , the sum of two guineas being voted from Lodge funds . Several propositions for joining and initiations were handed in , and after routine work Lod ge was closed . The brethren afterwards spent a social hour together .
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , BOLTON , No . 221 . THE monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , the 19 th instant , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at half-past five o ' clock in the evening . Bros . Isherwood W . M ., Edwin Melrose S . W ., Peter Bradbum J . W ., G . P . Brockbank Treasurer , Charles Crompton S . D ., James Walker J . D ., H . J . Briscoe Organist , W . H . Chambers I . G ., R . Cuerden and W . Siddon Stewards , Thomas Higson Tyler ; Past
Masters Boothroyd , Morris , Rutter P . Prov . Grand Steward , and Taylor P . Prov . Grand Organist ; Bros . Haslam , Chirnside , Bradley , Fletcher , Makin , Swarbrick , Crompton , Sugden , Forrest . Visitors —R . Duxbnry W . M . 146 , E . G . Harwood J . W . 1723 , R . H . Phillips S . D . 348 , Greenhalgh 113 , Cranksbaw W . M . 348 . The minntes of the last meeting having been confirmed , Bro . Crompton passed a
satisfactory examination as to his proficiency as an Entered Apprentice , and having been entrusted , retired . Lodge proceeded to the second degree , when Bros . Makin and Swarbrick passed a satisfactory examination as Craftsmen , and , after the usual forms , were separately introduced and respectively raised to the degree of Master Mason ; the former by the W . M ., and the latter by Bro . Boothroyd . The
working tools of the degree were explained to them , and then Lodge closed to the second degree , and Bro . Crompton was passed by the W . M ., the working tools of that degree being explained by the Senior Warden , Bro . Melrose . Later on , Bro . Melrose was unanimousl y elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Brockbank was re-olected Treasnrer . Bros . Huslam and Chirnside were elected Auditors of tbe Treasurer's accounts . It was agreed to celebrate the Festival of
St . John on the ordinary Lodge night , 16 th January 1 84 . The thanks of the Lodge were accorded to Bro . Isherwood for the able and energetic manner in which he had discharged the duties of W M . for the past year , and it was resolved that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to him at the Festival . Bro . Brockbank reported that he had attended the last meeting of the G . L . of England , on the occasion of settling the draft of the newly-revised Book of Constitutions
which havo now becomo law , and binding upon the members of the Craft . Hearty good wishes wero expressed by the Visiting brethren , and the Lodge closed iu peace and harmony at eight p . m .
LODGE OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP , No . 276 . THE annual meeting of the above Lodge was held afc the Corn Exchange , Chelmsford , on Thursday , 13 th inst . Lodge waa opened afc three o ' clock , tho chair being occupied by Bro . W . J . Upton W . M ., who was supported by the following Officers , Past-Masters , Members and Visitors : —Bros . E . Shedd I . P . M ., Arthur Mead S . W ., Rev . F . B . Shepherd P . M .- P . P . G . Chap . Chaplain , F . Whitmore Treasurer , Andrew C . Durrant S . D ., A . G . Maskell J . D .,
Wilson Metcalfe I . G ., A . Durrant P . M . P . P . G . S . W . Prov . G . Treas . M . C , C . Williams Steward , Thos . S . Sarel Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . A . F . Ginn P . P . G . S . B ., J . P . Lewin P . P . G . Supt . of Works , A .. Goodohild P . P . G . D ., J . S . Brown P . P . G . S . D . and E . Shedd ; also Bros . J . W . Hair P . P . G . R ., T . W . Smith , J . Toralinsoo , J . Taylor , R . Smith , T . J . D . Cramphorn , W . Winhall , T . R . Jarvis , A . Haxell , F . H .
Meggy , B . Durrant , J . C . Creswell and W . Wood . Visitors—Bros . T . J . Railing Prov . G . Sec , R . Clowes P . M . Prov . G . S . W ., E . Robbins P . M . 193 and 276 , D . Liddall 157 , C . Stuart Barker 1632 , F . Bird I . P . M . 1024 Prov . G . P ., M . Mildred 1719 , J . A . Reed 1228 , E . Gowers 1024 P . P . G . O ., R . Smith J . W . 1977 Prov . G . Steward , H . Duke 417 , T . J . D . Cramphorn W . M . 1024 , T . J . Smith W . M . 194 , G . A . Eustace
W . M . 697 , T . Eustace W . M . 1977 P . P . G . S . B ., J . Taylor jun . S . W . 1817 , H . G . Everard W . M . 650 , S . Lord W . M . 433 . J . E . Wiseman P . M . 433 P . P . G . A . D . C , J . C . Eatles W . M . 214 , 0 . Osmond W . M . 51 P . P . G . O ., M . L . Sanders J . W . 650 , & c . Lodge having been opened , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bro . F . H . Meggy , afc fche conolusipn of whioh the W . M . vacated the chair , which was thereupon taken by Bro . E .
Robbins P . M . 193 and 276 , who acted as Installing Master , and who ably performed the impressive ceremony of installing the W . M . elect ( Bro . Arthur Mead S . W . ) into the chair . The newly-installed W . M . then appointed and invested the Officers of the Lodge for tho ensuing year , as follows : —W . J . Upton I . P . M ., F . P . Sutthery S . W ., A . O . Durrant J . W ., Rev . F . B . Shepherd Chap ., F . Whitmore Treasnrer ,
J . Nicholls P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Secretary , A . G . Maskell S . D ., W . Metcalfe J . D ., C . Williams I . G ., A . Durrant M . C , T . Winniatfc Smith Organist , W . Langham and T . R . Jervis Stewards , and T . S . Sarel Provincial G . Tyler Tyler . Bro . Fred . Whitmore then moved , and Bro . Goodohild seconded , the election of the W . M . as the representative of the Lodge on tho Charity Committee of the Province . The
motion having been carried and acknowledged , the Worshipfnl Master proposed that a cordial vote of thanks should be tendered to Bro . Robbins , and entered on the minutes , for the admirable manner in which he had thafc day discharged his onerous duties of Installing Master . The W . M . added that Bro . Robbins initiated him into Freemasonry . Bro . Goodohild seconded the motion , which was carried
with acclamation , and Bro . Robbins having briefly responded , the W . M . received the hearty good wishes , and the Lodge was closed . At six o ' clock tho brethren proceeded to fche White Hart Hotel , where the annual banquet was thoroughly well served nnder the personal supervision of Bro . A . Haxell , who did his utmost for the comfort of his gnests . Bro . Arthur Mead , the W . M ., occupied the chair ;
and at the close of the repast , the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were duly proposed and honoured . Bro . A . Durrant , in proposing the health of the W . M ., stated that since his initiation into Freemasonry Bro . Mead had scarcely if ever missed a Lodge meeting , and he had gone through the various offices leading up to the chair with greafc
efficiency . The toasfc list was interspersed with an excellent programme of music , the performers being Bros . E . Gowers , J . P . Lewin , R . Clowes , C Osmond , A . C . Durrant , J . A . Reed , T . Winniatfc Smitb , R . A . M ., F . P . Sutthery , and W . Liddell . The menu was artistically illustrated with portraits of fche Officers , by Mr . Tom Hunt , of Chelmsford .
POLISH NATIONAL LODGE , No . 534 THE usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday 13 th instant , at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street * Bros . E . T . Smith W . M ., Lancaster I . P . M ., Runtz S . W ., Birling J . W . » Tongue J . D ., Jorden I . G . ; P . M . 's W . Paas Secretary , Nowakowski Treasurer , Dr . Corrie Jackson and Dr . V . Jagielski . The business of the evening consisted in balloting for and initiating Mr . Thomas Potts
Thompson , who was proposed by Bro . Belling J . W . and seconded by Bro . Dr . Jagielski P . M . These gentlemen were elected and initiated into the Order . Bro . Davenport was then raised to the sublime degree in equally perfect manner : both the ceremonies were
performed by the W . M . Other business having been transacted , Lodge was closed in the usual wny , and the brethren retired for refreshment , when they spent a pleasant evening . The following Visitors were present—Bros . Saegert P . M . 548 , Dale 1613 , Dnrrams 1305 , Laker 1599 , and Bradford Pierpoint 1452 .
GREZ FRIARS LODGE , No . 1101 . A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge , tho first since the Installation meeting , was held on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Officers present—Bros . W . W . Ridley W . M ., R . Dowsett I . P . M ., J . S . Hawko S . Wi , R . 0 . Prickett J . W ., J . T . Stransom Treasurer , W . P . Ivoy P . M . Secretary , J . Greenaway
Assist . Secretary , W . Ravens-croft S . D ., H . Crood J . D ., W . Hickie Organist , W . Cordrey I . G ., M . Sands Steward , W . Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . 's W . Ferguson , E . J . Blackwell , A . Welch , E . Margrett ; Bros . Slaughter , Coates , Sparrow , Morris , Egginton , Parkes , Knight , James ; Visitors—Bros . H . It . Lncker P . P . D . G . M . Herefordshire , P . P . G . S . W . Gloucestershire P . M . 702 , 338 , 1067 , S . Wheeler S . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 65 . —At Bro Maidwell's , Leadenhall-street , on Tuesday . Bros . Haynes W . M ., Valentine S . W ., Schadler J . W ., Walker S . D . and Secretary , Buggins I . G ., Moss Preceptor ; also Bros . Roberts , Daniel , Maidwell , Fraser , Sainte . After preliminaries , tho second degree was rehearsed , Bro . Roberts candidate . The W . M . vacated tho chair in
favour of Bro . Schadler , and the ceremony of installation was rehearsed ; Bro . Moss was installed in the chair of K . S . Bro . Moss duly invested his Officers . Bro . Haynes resumed the chair , and Bro . Valentine was appointed W . M . for second Tuesday in January . A vote of thanks was recorded on the minutes for tho excellent way in which Bro . Schadler had rehearsed tho ceremony of installation . Lodge was then adjourned until the second Tuesday in January 1884 .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., on 15 th December . Bros . Moss W . M ., Gush S . W ., Godolphin J . W ., Wright J . D ., Gellen J . D ., Ashton
I . G ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Treasurer , Galer Secretary , ancl twenty-seven other brethren . Lodge was opened in dne form , and minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Moss proceeded to work the sections of the lecture , assisted by Bros . Ashton , Galer , Prager , Fenner , Musto , Gush , aud Powell . Lodge opened in the second degree , and the W . M . worked the sections of tho second
lecture , assisted by Bros . Musto jun ., Musto sen ., Weeden , Parnell , and Gush . Lodge was opened in the third , and the W . M . worked the sections of that lecture , assisted by Bros . Cohen , Galer , and Pearcy . Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Saunders , of the Stanhope Lodge ; Bro . Harding , of the Temperance Lodge ; Bros . Walmore and Turner , of tho Kingsland ; and Bro . Mnsto , of the Friars , were unanimously
elected members . Cordial votes of thanks were accorded to Bro . Moss for his able working , and to the brethren who had assisted him . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the Lodgo was closed in ancient form , and adjourned to Saturday , the 22 nd instant , Brethren are reminded that the second monthly meeting of the
Masonio Association in connection with this Lodge of Instrnction will be held on Saturday , the 29 th instant , at the above address . Those who have not yet assisted the Charities should avail themselves of this easy method of making themselves Life Governors . For those who desire further information , we may add the Secretary ' s address is 12 Green Lanes , Stoke Newington , N .
St . Michael's Lodge , No . 211 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Albion , Aldersgate Street , on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., when the W . M ., Brother F . J . Hentsch , opened his Lodge at 6 p . m ., supported by Bros . Past Masters Usher Back , Charles Greenwood Past Grand Sword Bearer ( Treasnrer ) , Alfred Green , Alfred Withers , William Radcliffe ( Secretary ) ; W . W . Morgan S . W ., T . H . Peirce
J . W ., Henry Martin S . D ., E . Thring J . D ., Thomas Crapper I . G ., Henry Lindfield , F . T . Bennett , Henry Green , A . Dixon , P . J . Burr , J . R . Maples , W . G . Aires , F . J . Goodall , & o . After the minntes of lasfc regular meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Arthur Walter Hartley , who was proposed by Brother Burr and seconded by Brother Martin S . D . The result was in
favour of the candidate , who was introduced and initiated by the W . M ., who conducted the ceremony in a careful and painstaking manner . The case of a distressed brother was brought under consideration , and he was assisted , the sum of two guineas being voted from Lodge funds . Several propositions for joining and initiations were handed in , and after routine work Lod ge was closed . The brethren afterwards spent a social hour together .
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , BOLTON , No . 221 . THE monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , the 19 th instant , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at half-past five o ' clock in the evening . Bros . Isherwood W . M ., Edwin Melrose S . W ., Peter Bradbum J . W ., G . P . Brockbank Treasurer , Charles Crompton S . D ., James Walker J . D ., H . J . Briscoe Organist , W . H . Chambers I . G ., R . Cuerden and W . Siddon Stewards , Thomas Higson Tyler ; Past
Masters Boothroyd , Morris , Rutter P . Prov . Grand Steward , and Taylor P . Prov . Grand Organist ; Bros . Haslam , Chirnside , Bradley , Fletcher , Makin , Swarbrick , Crompton , Sugden , Forrest . Visitors —R . Duxbnry W . M . 146 , E . G . Harwood J . W . 1723 , R . H . Phillips S . D . 348 , Greenhalgh 113 , Cranksbaw W . M . 348 . The minntes of the last meeting having been confirmed , Bro . Crompton passed a
satisfactory examination as to his proficiency as an Entered Apprentice , and having been entrusted , retired . Lodge proceeded to the second degree , when Bros . Makin and Swarbrick passed a satisfactory examination as Craftsmen , and , after the usual forms , were separately introduced and respectively raised to the degree of Master Mason ; the former by the W . M ., and the latter by Bro . Boothroyd . The
working tools of the degree were explained to them , and then Lodge closed to the second degree , and Bro . Crompton was passed by the W . M ., the working tools of that degree being explained by the Senior Warden , Bro . Melrose . Later on , Bro . Melrose was unanimousl y elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Brockbank was re-olected Treasnrer . Bros . Huslam and Chirnside were elected Auditors of tbe Treasurer's accounts . It was agreed to celebrate the Festival of
St . John on the ordinary Lodge night , 16 th January 1 84 . The thanks of the Lodge were accorded to Bro . Isherwood for the able and energetic manner in which he had discharged the duties of W M . for the past year , and it was resolved that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to him at the Festival . Bro . Brockbank reported that he had attended the last meeting of the G . L . of England , on the occasion of settling the draft of the newly-revised Book of Constitutions
which havo now becomo law , and binding upon the members of the Craft . Hearty good wishes wero expressed by the Visiting brethren , and the Lodge closed iu peace and harmony at eight p . m .
LODGE OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP , No . 276 . THE annual meeting of the above Lodge was held afc the Corn Exchange , Chelmsford , on Thursday , 13 th inst . Lodge waa opened afc three o ' clock , tho chair being occupied by Bro . W . J . Upton W . M ., who was supported by the following Officers , Past-Masters , Members and Visitors : —Bros . E . Shedd I . P . M ., Arthur Mead S . W ., Rev . F . B . Shepherd P . M .- P . P . G . Chap . Chaplain , F . Whitmore Treasurer , Andrew C . Durrant S . D ., A . G . Maskell J . D .,
Wilson Metcalfe I . G ., A . Durrant P . M . P . P . G . S . W . Prov . G . Treas . M . C , C . Williams Steward , Thos . S . Sarel Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . A . F . Ginn P . P . G . S . B ., J . P . Lewin P . P . G . Supt . of Works , A .. Goodohild P . P . G . D ., J . S . Brown P . P . G . S . D . and E . Shedd ; also Bros . J . W . Hair P . P . G . R ., T . W . Smith , J . Toralinsoo , J . Taylor , R . Smith , T . J . D . Cramphorn , W . Winhall , T . R . Jarvis , A . Haxell , F . H .
Meggy , B . Durrant , J . C . Creswell and W . Wood . Visitors—Bros . T . J . Railing Prov . G . Sec , R . Clowes P . M . Prov . G . S . W ., E . Robbins P . M . 193 and 276 , D . Liddall 157 , C . Stuart Barker 1632 , F . Bird I . P . M . 1024 Prov . G . P ., M . Mildred 1719 , J . A . Reed 1228 , E . Gowers 1024 P . P . G . O ., R . Smith J . W . 1977 Prov . G . Steward , H . Duke 417 , T . J . D . Cramphorn W . M . 1024 , T . J . Smith W . M . 194 , G . A . Eustace
W . M . 697 , T . Eustace W . M . 1977 P . P . G . S . B ., J . Taylor jun . S . W . 1817 , H . G . Everard W . M . 650 , S . Lord W . M . 433 . J . E . Wiseman P . M . 433 P . P . G . A . D . C , J . C . Eatles W . M . 214 , 0 . Osmond W . M . 51 P . P . G . O ., M . L . Sanders J . W . 650 , & c . Lodge having been opened , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bro . F . H . Meggy , afc fche conolusipn of whioh the W . M . vacated the chair , which was thereupon taken by Bro . E .
Robbins P . M . 193 and 276 , who acted as Installing Master , and who ably performed the impressive ceremony of installing the W . M . elect ( Bro . Arthur Mead S . W . ) into the chair . The newly-installed W . M . then appointed and invested the Officers of the Lodge for tho ensuing year , as follows : —W . J . Upton I . P . M ., F . P . Sutthery S . W ., A . O . Durrant J . W ., Rev . F . B . Shepherd Chap ., F . Whitmore Treasnrer ,
J . Nicholls P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Secretary , A . G . Maskell S . D ., W . Metcalfe J . D ., C . Williams I . G ., A . Durrant M . C , T . Winniatfc Smith Organist , W . Langham and T . R . Jervis Stewards , and T . S . Sarel Provincial G . Tyler Tyler . Bro . Fred . Whitmore then moved , and Bro . Goodohild seconded , the election of the W . M . as the representative of the Lodge on tho Charity Committee of the Province . The
motion having been carried and acknowledged , the Worshipfnl Master proposed that a cordial vote of thanks should be tendered to Bro . Robbins , and entered on the minutes , for the admirable manner in which he had thafc day discharged his onerous duties of Installing Master . The W . M . added that Bro . Robbins initiated him into Freemasonry . Bro . Goodohild seconded the motion , which was carried
with acclamation , and Bro . Robbins having briefly responded , the W . M . received the hearty good wishes , and the Lodge was closed . At six o ' clock tho brethren proceeded to fche White Hart Hotel , where the annual banquet was thoroughly well served nnder the personal supervision of Bro . A . Haxell , who did his utmost for the comfort of his gnests . Bro . Arthur Mead , the W . M ., occupied the chair ;
and at the close of the repast , the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were duly proposed and honoured . Bro . A . Durrant , in proposing the health of the W . M ., stated that since his initiation into Freemasonry Bro . Mead had scarcely if ever missed a Lodge meeting , and he had gone through the various offices leading up to the chair with greafc
efficiency . The toasfc list was interspersed with an excellent programme of music , the performers being Bros . E . Gowers , J . P . Lewin , R . Clowes , C Osmond , A . C . Durrant , J . A . Reed , T . Winniatfc Smitb , R . A . M ., F . P . Sutthery , and W . Liddell . The menu was artistically illustrated with portraits of fche Officers , by Mr . Tom Hunt , of Chelmsford .
POLISH NATIONAL LODGE , No . 534 THE usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday 13 th instant , at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street * Bros . E . T . Smith W . M ., Lancaster I . P . M ., Runtz S . W ., Birling J . W . » Tongue J . D ., Jorden I . G . ; P . M . 's W . Paas Secretary , Nowakowski Treasurer , Dr . Corrie Jackson and Dr . V . Jagielski . The business of the evening consisted in balloting for and initiating Mr . Thomas Potts
Thompson , who was proposed by Bro . Belling J . W . and seconded by Bro . Dr . Jagielski P . M . These gentlemen were elected and initiated into the Order . Bro . Davenport was then raised to the sublime degree in equally perfect manner : both the ceremonies were
performed by the W . M . Other business having been transacted , Lodge was closed in the usual wny , and the brethren retired for refreshment , when they spent a pleasant evening . The following Visitors were present—Bros . Saegert P . M . 548 , Dale 1613 , Dnrrams 1305 , Laker 1599 , and Bradford Pierpoint 1452 .
GREZ FRIARS LODGE , No . 1101 . A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge , tho first since the Installation meeting , was held on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Officers present—Bros . W . W . Ridley W . M ., R . Dowsett I . P . M ., J . S . Hawko S . Wi , R . 0 . Prickett J . W ., J . T . Stransom Treasurer , W . P . Ivoy P . M . Secretary , J . Greenaway
Assist . Secretary , W . Ravens-croft S . D ., H . Crood J . D ., W . Hickie Organist , W . Cordrey I . G ., M . Sands Steward , W . Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . 's W . Ferguson , E . J . Blackwell , A . Welch , E . Margrett ; Bros . Slaughter , Coates , Sparrow , Morris , Egginton , Parkes , Knight , James ; Visitors—Bros . H . It . Lncker P . P . D . G . M . Herefordshire , P . P . G . S . W . Gloucestershire P . M . 702 , 338 , 1067 , S . Wheeler S . W .