Article REVIEWS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REVIEWS. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCE OF EAST ANGLIA. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was in a state of rebellion , that ifc was proposed to form an Arabian Empire , ancl that Ahmed Arabi and the British Government had come to an agreement on that point . These rumours , spread by Talat Pacha , began to gain ground afc Constantinople—we hacl no special agent there to contradict these falsehoods . I was , therefore , obliged to have recourse to tho learned and pious Shpikh Muhamod
Znffer , the Sultan ' s confident ancl spiritual adviser , whom I knew by fame , although I hacl never met him personally . I wrote to him , throngh AH Ragheb , contradicting all tho projects which had been attributed to us , and requesting him to explain to His Majesty tho loyalty of my feelings , and my strong attachment to tho fundamental principles of our sacred law , which mako ifc a duty to obey the Ameer
El Moumaneen ( Commander of the Faithful ) . " The Sheikh was pleased to answer throu gh All Ragheb aforementioned ; his letter , written in the Turkish language , stated that he had laid before His Majesty fcho contents of my communication , that tho Sultan was satisfied with my loyalty , ancl commanded me to persevere in my obedience ; but added that His Majesty desired me to
defend the country at all costs from invasion , lest ifc should share tho fate of Tunis , and that ho cared neither for Ismail , Helim , or Tewfik , bufc for the man who shonld carry out his instructions . So , also , wrote Ahmed Ratib Pacha , with whom I had a long personal conference when he was in Egypt , and whose letters came along with
thafc of Muhamed Zaffor . "Shereef Ahmed Essiid , who came to Cairo with Dervish Pasha , also concurred in these injunctions , and took charge of a petition to the Sultan on our behalf . He also wrote me , later on , a letter in a similar strain .
'During the early part of the hostilities I telegraphed several times to Constantinople . About the middle of August I telegraphed to Bessim Bey , one of the Sultan ' s chamberlains , sfcating what had taken placo during the hostilities , and submitting that the law was a legitimate and legal one , thafc the Khedive had gone to the enemy , and was
therefore in exactly the same position as the Bey of Tunis . " On the 12 th Eamadan 1299 ( 6 th August 1882 ) I telegraphed to Bessim Bey , stating that Dervish Pasha , instead of advising the Khedive to remain with his people , had allowed him to join the enemy , and thafc the town of Alexandria had been delivered to the British Admiral .
When the news reached me that the Porte proposed sending troops ^ to Egypt , knowing that this would be injurious to the Egyptians , I telegraphed , on the 8 th of Ramadan ( 2 nd August 1882 ) to Bessim Bey , stating that Egypt was sufficiently provided with men , arms , and ammunition , to defend the country , and protect the Sultan ' s rights ; and that we were unanimous in our decisions to
stand by those rights . ^ " Never , during those negotiations or afterwards , up to the present time , has the Porte disapproved of our doings . The Sultan has both by act and letter often approved them . How can I then be a rebel ? Is nofc the Sultan admitted by Englishmen to be Sovereign of Egypt P " The description of the events preceding and during the bombard .
menfc of Alexandria , if they may be relied upon , show pretty conclusively , what Arabi had previously stated , that in the part he played hewas acting under the orders of the Khedive , and , as jusfc now pointed out , with the Sultan ' s approval . His version of the events that followed np to his surrender show likewise that in this part of his conduct , he acted under orders from the provisional Government
appointed by the Council , held at Cairo , and attended " by over five hundred persons of note . " Of this Council , we read that it " marie a minute examination into tho Khedivial communications and orders , also into my own letters ancl telegrams to His Highness , and after a short debate it was agreed unanimously to disregard the Khedivial orders , and to prevent him from interfering in public affairs . At this
Council a resolution was carried appointing me to the command of the army and to defend the country . This was signed by all those present at tho Conncil , ancl a telegram to this effect was sent to His Majesty the Sultan , with the names of the mosfc distinguished men who had assisted afc the Council . " As regards the Egyptian people , we are told they " made heavy sacrifices for the sake of
securing to their country liberty , justice , and independence j some gave all they possessed , others the half , but all gave some mite to the national cause , as can be proved by numberless letters and telegrams . The war was supported both morally and materially , and nothing was wanting on the part of the Egyptians to defend their native land . They voluntarily offered themselves for enlistment
en masse m the army ; some individuals supplied as much as thirty horses aud three thousand asdebs of grain . The telegrams and communications received afc the Ministry of War from these benevolent patriots and from the governors of the various provinces fully testify to the truth of these statements ; so much so , that within the space of thirty days an army of volunteers , numbering a hundred thousand
men , with eight thousand horses , and four thousand mules , was sapplied , the war stores filled with provisions , and considerable sums of money flowed into the War Treasury . Such spirit of patriotism and display of zeal on the part of the Egyptians has had no precedent in fche history of Islam . Moreover , tho TJlemas ancl notables of Cairo never ceased for a moment fco give us their moral support and advice
on all occasions . " It is clear from this record of facts , as set forth by Arabi—if afc least thoy aro capable of proof—that , as he states , "ifc is quite evident thafc the Egyptian nation cannot be treated as insurrectionists acting from a spirit of fanaticism , but , on the contrary , as a nation seeking their liberty by justifiable means . " What follows , however , is still more significant . " I may add , that a considerable quantity of cattle and fruits were supplied gratis to the
various camps afc Eosefcta , Kafr-el-Dowar and Tel-el-Kcbir . These supplies came principally from the chief Dnwas at Cairo , from Riaz Pacha and Khian Pacha ( notwithstanding their absence from Egypt ) , also from the various Dairas of the Khedive's family . The communication in cypher telegrams never ceased between Kafr-el-Dowar , Cairo , and Constantinople , until the telegraph wires wero destroyed at fche former place . " With these one or two other excerpts from Arabi ' s enumeration of
tho measures which Arabi took for the maintenance of order and the preservation of tho lives and property of Europeans we shall conclude this portion of our notice . " The Government promptly took tho necessary stops to arrosfc all tho looters they could , and sent them to the Council with letters stating the nature of thoir crime and the quantity of loot in their
possession , in order that thoy might bo punished according to the laws of tho country ; and this is well known to one of tho departments connected with the Ministry of War at Kafr-el-Dowar . " Again . *—" A short time before this incident "—the massacres afc Tanlab , when Arabi took measures to restore order—I issued a circular to all
tho provinces , governors , ancl administrations , giving strict orders for the safety of all Europeans then remaining in the different localities , in conformity with tho Moslem law , which enjoins us to shelter all thoso who live with us as brethren , ovon Englishmen when nofc carrying arms in the field against us ; and thus gavo help and protected all those desirous of leaving tho country . " Also : —
On another occasion we captured two officers , one doctor , and nine privates , Germans , who landed near Aboukir by mistake . On application being made by their Consul afc Alexandria they were at onco sot afc liberty , having beon well treated . Two other officers were also taken prisoners near Salhein , and on them was found the sum of three hundred pounds ; they were kindly treated and sent to Cairo wifch all care . " ( To be continued ) .
Mark Masonry.
THE animal meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 13 th instant , at the Commercial Hotel , at half-past five o'clock in fche evening . Bros . William Cooper P . Prov . G . D . W . M ., J . B . Taylor S . W ., John Kenyon J . W ., John Partington M . O ., W . Wadeson S . O ., N . Nicholson J . O ., James Horrocks P . M . P . Prov . G . D . Registrar , Thomas Morris P . M . P . Prov . G . S . B . Secretary , W . Court Conductor , H . Tongue S . D ., R . H . Phillips Steward , Thomas Higson Tyler ;
Past Masters John Alcock Pasfc Provincial G . D ., John Harwood Pasfc Provincial G . D ., Brothers James Eckersley , William Wood Thomas Naylor , Thomas Forrester , John Priestley , James Allen , Benjamin Topp , John Barrett , Robert Jones . Visitor—Bros . J . D . Murray P . M . 158 Grand Standard Bearer . Lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., and the ordinary business transacted . The
following brethren were balloted for , and elected : —Bros . Henry Broughton Craffc Lodge 146 , Thomas Nightingale Craft Lodge 146 , Enoch Hird Craft Lodge 146 , Alfred Jones Craft Lodge 348 . The three latter being in attendance , were advanced to the degree of Mark Master Mason by the W . M ., who also instructed them in the working tools of the degree , and delivered fche traditional history .
Tho W . M . read a letter from the Right Worshipfnl Bro . G . P . Brockbank Senior P . M . of the Lodge and Pasfc G . W . of England , regretting his inability to attend to conduct the installation of the Wor . Master elect , he having sustained a severe chill on hia recent journey to London to attend Grand Lodge , and informing the brethren thafc Bro . J . D . Murray , P . M . of fcho daughter Lodge , Rose
and Thistle , Wigan , and Grand Standard Bearer of England , had k ndly consented to officiate in his stead . Bro . Murray accordingly assumed the chair , and the W . M . elect having been presented in due form , was forthwith installed , proclaimed , and saluted , and he proceeded to appoint his Officers for the ensuing year as under : —Bros . John Kenyon S . W ., John Parfcinuton J . W ., W . Wadeson M . O ., Nath . Nicholson S . O ., W . Court J . O ., James Horrocks Registrar , Thomas
Morris Secretary , Henry Tongue Conductor , John Barratt S . D ., Thomas Forrester J . D ., R . H . Phillips T . K ., J . F . Shelton Organist , John Alcock M . C , John Eckersley Steward . Bro . G . P . Brockbank was re-elected Treasurer . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Murray for his kindness in coming to Bolton to assist in the business of tho evening . Hearty good wishes were given from the Visitors , and tho Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 7 * 30 .
Province Of East Anglia.
A SPECIAL meeting of the members of the newly-constituted Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of East Anglia was held in the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Tuesday evening , 18 th insfc . In fche unavoidable absence of the R . W . P . G . M . ( Lord Henniker G . M . M . ) aud the D . P . G . M . ( V . W . Bro . the Rev . C J . Martyn ) Bro . Thomas J .
Railing J . G . D . England Prov . G . S . O . East Anglia , presided . The Bye-laws , whioh had been freely circulated throughout the Province , wero considered seriatim , and eventually passed with ono or two unimportant additions .
The following dinners were held at the Freemasons ' Tavern during the week ending 22 nd December 1883 : —¦ Monday , 17 th—Grand Masters' Lodge , British Lodge , Asaph Chapter ; Tuesday , ISfch—Enoch Chapter , Royal York Chapter , Cailogan Lodge , City Swiss Club ; Wednesday , 19 th—Commercial Travellers ; Thursday , 20 th—Greafc Northern Lodge , Linncean Club , Globe Club . Friday , 21 st—Jordan Lodge .
FUNERAIiS . —Bros . W . K . L . & G . A . HTJTTOIf , Coffin Makers and Undertakers , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , "W . C . and 30 Forest Hill Hoad , Pecfeham Eye , S . E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was in a state of rebellion , that ifc was proposed to form an Arabian Empire , ancl that Ahmed Arabi and the British Government had come to an agreement on that point . These rumours , spread by Talat Pacha , began to gain ground afc Constantinople—we hacl no special agent there to contradict these falsehoods . I was , therefore , obliged to have recourse to tho learned and pious Shpikh Muhamod
Znffer , the Sultan ' s confident ancl spiritual adviser , whom I knew by fame , although I hacl never met him personally . I wrote to him , throngh AH Ragheb , contradicting all tho projects which had been attributed to us , and requesting him to explain to His Majesty tho loyalty of my feelings , and my strong attachment to tho fundamental principles of our sacred law , which mako ifc a duty to obey the Ameer
El Moumaneen ( Commander of the Faithful ) . " The Sheikh was pleased to answer throu gh All Ragheb aforementioned ; his letter , written in the Turkish language , stated that he had laid before His Majesty fcho contents of my communication , that tho Sultan was satisfied with my loyalty , ancl commanded me to persevere in my obedience ; but added that His Majesty desired me to
defend the country at all costs from invasion , lest ifc should share tho fate of Tunis , and that ho cared neither for Ismail , Helim , or Tewfik , bufc for the man who shonld carry out his instructions . So , also , wrote Ahmed Ratib Pacha , with whom I had a long personal conference when he was in Egypt , and whose letters came along with
thafc of Muhamed Zaffor . "Shereef Ahmed Essiid , who came to Cairo with Dervish Pasha , also concurred in these injunctions , and took charge of a petition to the Sultan on our behalf . He also wrote me , later on , a letter in a similar strain .
'During the early part of the hostilities I telegraphed several times to Constantinople . About the middle of August I telegraphed to Bessim Bey , one of the Sultan ' s chamberlains , sfcating what had taken placo during the hostilities , and submitting that the law was a legitimate and legal one , thafc the Khedive had gone to the enemy , and was
therefore in exactly the same position as the Bey of Tunis . " On the 12 th Eamadan 1299 ( 6 th August 1882 ) I telegraphed to Bessim Bey , stating that Dervish Pasha , instead of advising the Khedive to remain with his people , had allowed him to join the enemy , and thafc the town of Alexandria had been delivered to the British Admiral .
When the news reached me that the Porte proposed sending troops ^ to Egypt , knowing that this would be injurious to the Egyptians , I telegraphed , on the 8 th of Ramadan ( 2 nd August 1882 ) to Bessim Bey , stating that Egypt was sufficiently provided with men , arms , and ammunition , to defend the country , and protect the Sultan ' s rights ; and that we were unanimous in our decisions to
stand by those rights . ^ " Never , during those negotiations or afterwards , up to the present time , has the Porte disapproved of our doings . The Sultan has both by act and letter often approved them . How can I then be a rebel ? Is nofc the Sultan admitted by Englishmen to be Sovereign of Egypt P " The description of the events preceding and during the bombard .
menfc of Alexandria , if they may be relied upon , show pretty conclusively , what Arabi had previously stated , that in the part he played hewas acting under the orders of the Khedive , and , as jusfc now pointed out , with the Sultan ' s approval . His version of the events that followed np to his surrender show likewise that in this part of his conduct , he acted under orders from the provisional Government
appointed by the Council , held at Cairo , and attended " by over five hundred persons of note . " Of this Council , we read that it " marie a minute examination into tho Khedivial communications and orders , also into my own letters ancl telegrams to His Highness , and after a short debate it was agreed unanimously to disregard the Khedivial orders , and to prevent him from interfering in public affairs . At this
Council a resolution was carried appointing me to the command of the army and to defend the country . This was signed by all those present at tho Conncil , ancl a telegram to this effect was sent to His Majesty the Sultan , with the names of the mosfc distinguished men who had assisted afc the Council . " As regards the Egyptian people , we are told they " made heavy sacrifices for the sake of
securing to their country liberty , justice , and independence j some gave all they possessed , others the half , but all gave some mite to the national cause , as can be proved by numberless letters and telegrams . The war was supported both morally and materially , and nothing was wanting on the part of the Egyptians to defend their native land . They voluntarily offered themselves for enlistment
en masse m the army ; some individuals supplied as much as thirty horses aud three thousand asdebs of grain . The telegrams and communications received afc the Ministry of War from these benevolent patriots and from the governors of the various provinces fully testify to the truth of these statements ; so much so , that within the space of thirty days an army of volunteers , numbering a hundred thousand
men , with eight thousand horses , and four thousand mules , was sapplied , the war stores filled with provisions , and considerable sums of money flowed into the War Treasury . Such spirit of patriotism and display of zeal on the part of the Egyptians has had no precedent in fche history of Islam . Moreover , tho TJlemas ancl notables of Cairo never ceased for a moment fco give us their moral support and advice
on all occasions . " It is clear from this record of facts , as set forth by Arabi—if afc least thoy aro capable of proof—that , as he states , "ifc is quite evident thafc the Egyptian nation cannot be treated as insurrectionists acting from a spirit of fanaticism , but , on the contrary , as a nation seeking their liberty by justifiable means . " What follows , however , is still more significant . " I may add , that a considerable quantity of cattle and fruits were supplied gratis to the
various camps afc Eosefcta , Kafr-el-Dowar and Tel-el-Kcbir . These supplies came principally from the chief Dnwas at Cairo , from Riaz Pacha and Khian Pacha ( notwithstanding their absence from Egypt ) , also from the various Dairas of the Khedive's family . The communication in cypher telegrams never ceased between Kafr-el-Dowar , Cairo , and Constantinople , until the telegraph wires wero destroyed at fche former place . " With these one or two other excerpts from Arabi ' s enumeration of
tho measures which Arabi took for the maintenance of order and the preservation of tho lives and property of Europeans we shall conclude this portion of our notice . " The Government promptly took tho necessary stops to arrosfc all tho looters they could , and sent them to the Council with letters stating the nature of thoir crime and the quantity of loot in their
possession , in order that thoy might bo punished according to the laws of tho country ; and this is well known to one of tho departments connected with the Ministry of War at Kafr-el-Dowar . " Again . *—" A short time before this incident "—the massacres afc Tanlab , when Arabi took measures to restore order—I issued a circular to all
tho provinces , governors , ancl administrations , giving strict orders for the safety of all Europeans then remaining in the different localities , in conformity with tho Moslem law , which enjoins us to shelter all thoso who live with us as brethren , ovon Englishmen when nofc carrying arms in the field against us ; and thus gavo help and protected all those desirous of leaving tho country . " Also : —
On another occasion we captured two officers , one doctor , and nine privates , Germans , who landed near Aboukir by mistake . On application being made by their Consul afc Alexandria they were at onco sot afc liberty , having beon well treated . Two other officers were also taken prisoners near Salhein , and on them was found the sum of three hundred pounds ; they were kindly treated and sent to Cairo wifch all care . " ( To be continued ) .
Mark Masonry.
THE animal meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 13 th instant , at the Commercial Hotel , at half-past five o'clock in fche evening . Bros . William Cooper P . Prov . G . D . W . M ., J . B . Taylor S . W ., John Kenyon J . W ., John Partington M . O ., W . Wadeson S . O ., N . Nicholson J . O ., James Horrocks P . M . P . Prov . G . D . Registrar , Thomas Morris P . M . P . Prov . G . S . B . Secretary , W . Court Conductor , H . Tongue S . D ., R . H . Phillips Steward , Thomas Higson Tyler ;
Past Masters John Alcock Pasfc Provincial G . D ., John Harwood Pasfc Provincial G . D ., Brothers James Eckersley , William Wood Thomas Naylor , Thomas Forrester , John Priestley , James Allen , Benjamin Topp , John Barrett , Robert Jones . Visitor—Bros . J . D . Murray P . M . 158 Grand Standard Bearer . Lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., and the ordinary business transacted . The
following brethren were balloted for , and elected : —Bros . Henry Broughton Craffc Lodge 146 , Thomas Nightingale Craft Lodge 146 , Enoch Hird Craft Lodge 146 , Alfred Jones Craft Lodge 348 . The three latter being in attendance , were advanced to the degree of Mark Master Mason by the W . M ., who also instructed them in the working tools of the degree , and delivered fche traditional history .
Tho W . M . read a letter from the Right Worshipfnl Bro . G . P . Brockbank Senior P . M . of the Lodge and Pasfc G . W . of England , regretting his inability to attend to conduct the installation of the Wor . Master elect , he having sustained a severe chill on hia recent journey to London to attend Grand Lodge , and informing the brethren thafc Bro . J . D . Murray , P . M . of fcho daughter Lodge , Rose
and Thistle , Wigan , and Grand Standard Bearer of England , had k ndly consented to officiate in his stead . Bro . Murray accordingly assumed the chair , and the W . M . elect having been presented in due form , was forthwith installed , proclaimed , and saluted , and he proceeded to appoint his Officers for the ensuing year as under : —Bros . John Kenyon S . W ., John Parfcinuton J . W ., W . Wadeson M . O ., Nath . Nicholson S . O ., W . Court J . O ., James Horrocks Registrar , Thomas
Morris Secretary , Henry Tongue Conductor , John Barratt S . D ., Thomas Forrester J . D ., R . H . Phillips T . K ., J . F . Shelton Organist , John Alcock M . C , John Eckersley Steward . Bro . G . P . Brockbank was re-elected Treasurer . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Murray for his kindness in coming to Bolton to assist in the business of tho evening . Hearty good wishes were given from the Visitors , and tho Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 7 * 30 .
Province Of East Anglia.
A SPECIAL meeting of the members of the newly-constituted Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of East Anglia was held in the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Tuesday evening , 18 th insfc . In fche unavoidable absence of the R . W . P . G . M . ( Lord Henniker G . M . M . ) aud the D . P . G . M . ( V . W . Bro . the Rev . C J . Martyn ) Bro . Thomas J .
Railing J . G . D . England Prov . G . S . O . East Anglia , presided . The Bye-laws , whioh had been freely circulated throughout the Province , wero considered seriatim , and eventually passed with ono or two unimportant additions .
The following dinners were held at the Freemasons ' Tavern during the week ending 22 nd December 1883 : —¦ Monday , 17 th—Grand Masters' Lodge , British Lodge , Asaph Chapter ; Tuesday , ISfch—Enoch Chapter , Royal York Chapter , Cailogan Lodge , City Swiss Club ; Wednesday , 19 th—Commercial Travellers ; Thursday , 20 th—Greafc Northern Lodge , Linncean Club , Globe Club . Friday , 21 st—Jordan Lodge .
FUNERAIiS . —Bros . W . K . L . & G . A . HTJTTOIf , Coffin Makers and Undertakers , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , "W . C . and 30 Forest Hill Hoad , Pecfeham Eye , S . E .