Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ARCH MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. ELLIOTT LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article MEETING OF THE LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDER OF THE TEMPLE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
and others favoured the brethren with some capital vocalisation , and several excellent speeches were made . The W . M . remarked that , with one exception , his Officers had been unable to bo present . It therefore was a source of great pleasnre to him to have witnessed the intimate knowledge displayed by the brethren who had been un . expeotedly oalled upon to fill offices and undertake duties at a moment ' s notice—duties they had not before discharged , but with
which they had proved themselves to be intimate by the efficient manner they had carried them out , and for whioh he sincerely thanked them . He felt that it wonld be a grave , if not an unpardonable , omission on his part if he allowed the brethren to depart without ex . pressing his feelings and notifying his appreciation of their services . They had instances that evening of the desirability of every brother being " a wise Master Mason " and fully instructed in every degree . The proceedings ended , at an early hour , with the Tyler ' s toasfc .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780—A meeting was held on Friday , 15 th instant , at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros B . Blasbv W . M ., Costelow S . W ., Franeke ! J . W ., C E . ^ Botley Hon . Seo ., Gnnner S . D ., F . Botley J . D ., W . Cmison I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Goss , Andrews , and Gardiner ; also Bros . Maton ,
Kent , Hildersley , and Sperring . Lodge opened to the second and then resumed to the first . Questions leading to the second , & c . and passing rehearsed , Sperring candidate . Questions leading to the third , & o . and raising rehearsed , P . M . Andrews candidate . Audit Committee presented report , which was accepted and thanks voted them for their labour .
Southern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 1158 . —The usual weekly meeting took plaee on Thursday evening , the 14 th inst ., at Bro . Block ' s , the Crown , 108 Blaokfriars-road . The chair was occupied by Bro . Jenkins , of the Poyal Jubilee Lodge , supported by Bros . Darch W . M . 72 S . W ., Walker J . W ., Bowes S . D ., Leaper J . D ., Bailey I . G ., Wood Seoretary , Wise P . M . Preceptor . The ceremonv
of passing was rehearsed , and the third lecture worked . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Jenkins for his able working on the first occasion of his taking the chair of W . M . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . Stewart W . M . 1158 , Harris I . P . M . 1158 , Webb , Frost , and others . South London can always depend on finding a Lodge here , opening punctually , with good and regular working .
Arch Masonry.
S . PET ROOK CHAPTER , No . 330 .
THE regular Convocation and Installation meeting of tho above Chapter , was held in tbe Masonio Hnll , Bodmin , on Tuesday 12 th inst . Thero were present E . Comps , T . C . Stephens P . Z ., and Henry de Legh P . Z ., of Unity Chapter , No . 1151 , Tvwnrdreath . who have rendered most valuable sprvices to the S . Petrock Chapter from its formation •J . R . Collins Z ., W . ROWP , H . J . Denning J . Comps . Col . Bake P . P . S ., B . G . Derry P . S ., W . H . Roberts 2 nd Asst . Soj .,
G . E . Liddell as S . E ., G . Garland , and P . Carroll Janitor . The Chapter was opened at 2 p . m ., and the minufcps of the previons meeting having been confirmed and signed , the Comps . hplow the rank of Z were requested to rptire , when E . Comp . W . Rowe , the Z . Elect , was duly presented by E . Comp . Stephens to E . Comp . Collins , the Instal . ling Offioer , who , with the assistance of E . Comps . Stephens and De
Legh , most , ably inducted Comp . Rowe into the First Principals' chair , after which Comp . J . Dennis , the H . Elect , and Comp . Col . Bako the J . Elect , were indnoted into the 2 nd and 3 rd Principal's chairs respectively , in the same able manner . The following investments were then made for the ensninsr ye < ir : —Comps . "Rd . Adams S . E .. ( by deputy ) , J . F . Pagen S . N . ( by Deputy ) , B . G . Derry P . S ., T . H . Spear 1 st asst . S . S . G . Garland 2 asst . S . P . Carroll Janitor . E .
Comp . Collins was elected anr invested as Treasurer . The sincere thanks of the Companions were accorded to E . Comps . Stephens and De Legh , for their valuable and continuous assistance to the Chapter , whioh was suitably replied to by them . Two propositions were then made for exaltation , which will be acted upon and determined at the next quarterly Convocation . All fche business of the Chapter being finished , the same was closed in dne form at 4 . 30 p . m .
Mark Masonry. Elliott Lodge.
PHE installation meeting of the above Lodge waa held on Thurs-- * - day evening , 13 th instant , afc the Metham Masonic Hall , Stonehouse , when , in a Board of Installed Masters , Bro . Simon Hu . rsbo was installed as W . Master . The ceremony was performed by W . Bro . John Baxter P . M . P . P . G . S . D ., assisted by W . Bros . S . Jew P . M . 50
f- ^ . ftl . O . and W . Coath P . M . 91 P . P . G . S . B . The following brethren were appointed as the Officers : —J . E . Curteis P . G . J . D . England I . P . M ., J . Gibbons S . W ., W . A . H . Hunt J . Warden , D . Cross £ 41 . P . P . G . S . B . Treasurer , J . Gidley P . G . T . Secretary , W . K Foreman M . O ., W . H . Lister S . O ., E . J . Howard J . O ., G . Perkins S . D ., J t-rowhurst J . D ., T . Kingwell O ., G . Headley I . G ., Thos Gidley T .
which l ? I lIf ™ Ni AND PIDLS . —Diseases of the Bowels . —A remedy , erartipJr tested andrjroved in a thousand different ways , capable of its ca ™ •£ P olsonous taints from ulcers and healing them up . merit a trial of wnii !; E F t extracting the internal corrantions from the bowels . On rubbing
thickpTio fi ? Olntmont repeatedly on the abdomen , a rash appears and as ifc tirawa inn ; 0 alvinoinability subsides . Acting as a derivative : this unguent Prevents •a snrface < releases the tender intestines from all acrid matters , an'l fashionorltt maticm ' dysentery , and piles , for which blistering was the oldilisuae tV .. S" Buwes-ful treatment , now from its painfulness fallen into ermaUw „ discovery of this Ointment having proclaimed a remedy possessing "inauy derivative , yet perfectly paiDless , powers .
Meeting Of The Lodge Of Benevolence.
THE Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday Evening , at Free , masons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn Senior Vice-President , Bro . James Brett Junior Vice-President , and Bro . S . Rawson Past Disfcriofc Grand Master of China occupied the chairs of President and Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents . There was a large attendance of
Brethren . The brethren first confirmed grants to the amount of £ 330 recommended at last meeting . The new cases were twenty-four . One of these was dismissed , not being eligible . Four of the cases were postponed , through being incomplete . The remaining nineteen were relieved with a total sum of £ 735 .
Order Of The Temple.
A MEETING of the Provinoial Priory of Devon was held afc the Masonic Hall , Gandy . streefc , Exeter , on Monday , 18 tb instant ; , afc two o ' olock . The following were present : —The Very Eminent Sir Knight L . P . Metham P . Prior of Devon , the Eminent Sir Knight Admiral F . F . H . Glasse , C . B ., Sub-Prior , Sir Knights Samuel Jones , 1 st Standard Bearer ( England ) , Rev . J . Dickenson P . P . Prelate , Rev . R . T . Thornton P . P . Prelate , William Beunett Maye , Marshall , Dr . G .
Evans Prov . Vice G Chancellor , J . Pulling Heath P . G . Sub-Marshall , H . Melhnish W . of Regalia , H . B . Stark Organist ; Captain Elphinstone Stone A . D . C . ( England ) , William Brown of Rougemonfc Preceptory , the Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., P . P . Prelate of Loyal Brunswick Preceptory , E . Aitken Davies P . P . G . N . Chancellor of Veterans' Preceptory , L . D . Westcott P . P . G . M . of Holy Cross
Preceptory , William Bradnee P . Almoner , James Murray , William Vicary Prov . Grand Treasnrer , William Taylor , Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies of Royal Sussex Preceptory . The minutes of the last Grand Priory were read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s report was read and received , showing a balance in hand , after defraying all expenses , of £ 1 119 s 8 d . Sir Knight Samuel
Jones proposed that the sum of five guineas be given towards the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows . It was seconded by Sir Knight W . Taylor , and carried . The Very Eminent Prior proposed that the snm of two guineas be given to the Devon Masonic Educational Fund . It was seconded by Sir Knight Evans , and carried . The Very Eminent Prior proposed , tbe Eminent Sub
Prior seconded , and it was carried unanimously , " That the Fees of Honour that now stand at 5 s , be increased to 10 s . " Ou the proposition of Sir Knight Westcott , Sir Knight William Vicary was reappointed Treasnrer for the ensuing year . The Very Eminent Prior , referring to another meeting , whioh is to be held in the same building on Thursday next , expressed his regret at not hearing of
tbe same in time to bave the two meetings on the same day , as he hud made previons arrangements whioh could not be altered . He gave notice of morion for a new rule , to be discissed at the next meeting— " That Preceptories or members of Precepfcories not having paid their dues , and thereby falling into arrears , be prevented from voting or taking any part in Provinoial Priory . " Letters received
from Sir Knight Tinkler were read respecting two of tbe Preceptories which are in arrears . The following were appointed by the Very Eminent Prior as the Grand Officers for tbe ensuing year : —Eminent Sir Knights Admiral F . H . H . Glasse . C . B ., H'ly Cross , Sub-Prior , Rev . George Townsend Warner , Sussex , Prelate Rougemont , W . Hyne-Ha *» cock . Rongemont , Chancellor , 0 . A . W . Troyte Constable , Major
Chard , V . C ., Holy Cross , Marshall , William Vicary , Sussex , Treasurer , Joseph Harper . Trinity-in-TJnity , Registrar . Provincial Officers : — T . B . Bewes , Roueemont , Vice-Chancellor , William Bennett Maye , Rougemont , Sub-Marshal , Rev . Walter Bradnee , Sussex , Almoner and Chaplain , T . P . Heath , Rougemont , Warden of Regalia , J . Mur . ray , Rougemont , Herald , H . B . Stark , Rougemonfc , Organist , H .
Melhnish , Rougemont , and W . Taylor , Sussex , Standard Bearers , W . Brown , Rougemont , Banner Bearer , and P . Blanohard , Rougemonfc , Janitor . Letters of apology were received from Sir Knight J . B . Gover P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., and others , who were unavoidably absent . Alms were collected , whioh , ifc is understood , will be handed over to the distressed widow of a distressed Frater in Exeter , and fche Provinoial Priory was closed .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original and only true . ^ # S- & - ^& "OUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to i /*^^« f $ * j ^ k i ~ l its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and \ ^ ' 8 ift-i & $ iMp rapidl y curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural' ' | uii | jfeSS ? -- r \ jf gia , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains . ' , ? 8 ' ¦ ' % A' ^ ¦ It acts like a charm in Diarrbcea , and is the only specific in \^; jiai ' piygi J ^ se- Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relievos pain , from what-Tii ^ r ^' tA ^ a ^ ever cause , soothes and strengthens the system nnder ex"' c "" hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James . Lord Justico Hellish decided in fnvonr of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and "Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 21 th , 1873 . Bottles Is l $ d , 2 s 9 d , 4 s 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1 SS 0 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with mu-h pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form Many of my patients now como and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CHABLES W . OWEN , L . R . C . P . Lou ., M . ' R . CS . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Sur--geon , Cabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1 S 77 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Vrmy . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . Tho want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and bad we remained there a few weeks 1 onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOBODYUE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
and others favoured the brethren with some capital vocalisation , and several excellent speeches were made . The W . M . remarked that , with one exception , his Officers had been unable to bo present . It therefore was a source of great pleasnre to him to have witnessed the intimate knowledge displayed by the brethren who had been un . expeotedly oalled upon to fill offices and undertake duties at a moment ' s notice—duties they had not before discharged , but with
which they had proved themselves to be intimate by the efficient manner they had carried them out , and for whioh he sincerely thanked them . He felt that it wonld be a grave , if not an unpardonable , omission on his part if he allowed the brethren to depart without ex . pressing his feelings and notifying his appreciation of their services . They had instances that evening of the desirability of every brother being " a wise Master Mason " and fully instructed in every degree . The proceedings ended , at an early hour , with the Tyler ' s toasfc .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780—A meeting was held on Friday , 15 th instant , at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros B . Blasbv W . M ., Costelow S . W ., Franeke ! J . W ., C E . ^ Botley Hon . Seo ., Gnnner S . D ., F . Botley J . D ., W . Cmison I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Goss , Andrews , and Gardiner ; also Bros . Maton ,
Kent , Hildersley , and Sperring . Lodge opened to the second and then resumed to the first . Questions leading to the second , & c . and passing rehearsed , Sperring candidate . Questions leading to the third , & o . and raising rehearsed , P . M . Andrews candidate . Audit Committee presented report , which was accepted and thanks voted them for their labour .
Southern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 1158 . —The usual weekly meeting took plaee on Thursday evening , the 14 th inst ., at Bro . Block ' s , the Crown , 108 Blaokfriars-road . The chair was occupied by Bro . Jenkins , of the Poyal Jubilee Lodge , supported by Bros . Darch W . M . 72 S . W ., Walker J . W ., Bowes S . D ., Leaper J . D ., Bailey I . G ., Wood Seoretary , Wise P . M . Preceptor . The ceremonv
of passing was rehearsed , and the third lecture worked . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Jenkins for his able working on the first occasion of his taking the chair of W . M . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . Stewart W . M . 1158 , Harris I . P . M . 1158 , Webb , Frost , and others . South London can always depend on finding a Lodge here , opening punctually , with good and regular working .
Arch Masonry.
S . PET ROOK CHAPTER , No . 330 .
THE regular Convocation and Installation meeting of tho above Chapter , was held in tbe Masonio Hnll , Bodmin , on Tuesday 12 th inst . Thero were present E . Comps , T . C . Stephens P . Z ., and Henry de Legh P . Z ., of Unity Chapter , No . 1151 , Tvwnrdreath . who have rendered most valuable sprvices to the S . Petrock Chapter from its formation •J . R . Collins Z ., W . ROWP , H . J . Denning J . Comps . Col . Bake P . P . S ., B . G . Derry P . S ., W . H . Roberts 2 nd Asst . Soj .,
G . E . Liddell as S . E ., G . Garland , and P . Carroll Janitor . The Chapter was opened at 2 p . m ., and the minufcps of the previons meeting having been confirmed and signed , the Comps . hplow the rank of Z were requested to rptire , when E . Comp . W . Rowe , the Z . Elect , was duly presented by E . Comp . Stephens to E . Comp . Collins , the Instal . ling Offioer , who , with the assistance of E . Comps . Stephens and De
Legh , most , ably inducted Comp . Rowe into the First Principals' chair , after which Comp . J . Dennis , the H . Elect , and Comp . Col . Bako the J . Elect , were indnoted into the 2 nd and 3 rd Principal's chairs respectively , in the same able manner . The following investments were then made for the ensninsr ye < ir : —Comps . "Rd . Adams S . E .. ( by deputy ) , J . F . Pagen S . N . ( by Deputy ) , B . G . Derry P . S ., T . H . Spear 1 st asst . S . S . G . Garland 2 asst . S . P . Carroll Janitor . E .
Comp . Collins was elected anr invested as Treasurer . The sincere thanks of the Companions were accorded to E . Comps . Stephens and De Legh , for their valuable and continuous assistance to the Chapter , whioh was suitably replied to by them . Two propositions were then made for exaltation , which will be acted upon and determined at the next quarterly Convocation . All fche business of the Chapter being finished , the same was closed in dne form at 4 . 30 p . m .
Mark Masonry. Elliott Lodge.
PHE installation meeting of the above Lodge waa held on Thurs-- * - day evening , 13 th instant , afc the Metham Masonic Hall , Stonehouse , when , in a Board of Installed Masters , Bro . Simon Hu . rsbo was installed as W . Master . The ceremony was performed by W . Bro . John Baxter P . M . P . P . G . S . D ., assisted by W . Bros . S . Jew P . M . 50
f- ^ . ftl . O . and W . Coath P . M . 91 P . P . G . S . B . The following brethren were appointed as the Officers : —J . E . Curteis P . G . J . D . England I . P . M ., J . Gibbons S . W ., W . A . H . Hunt J . Warden , D . Cross £ 41 . P . P . G . S . B . Treasurer , J . Gidley P . G . T . Secretary , W . K Foreman M . O ., W . H . Lister S . O ., E . J . Howard J . O ., G . Perkins S . D ., J t-rowhurst J . D ., T . Kingwell O ., G . Headley I . G ., Thos Gidley T .
which l ? I lIf ™ Ni AND PIDLS . —Diseases of the Bowels . —A remedy , erartipJr tested andrjroved in a thousand different ways , capable of its ca ™ •£ P olsonous taints from ulcers and healing them up . merit a trial of wnii !; E F t extracting the internal corrantions from the bowels . On rubbing
thickpTio fi ? Olntmont repeatedly on the abdomen , a rash appears and as ifc tirawa inn ; 0 alvinoinability subsides . Acting as a derivative : this unguent Prevents •a snrface < releases the tender intestines from all acrid matters , an'l fashionorltt maticm ' dysentery , and piles , for which blistering was the oldilisuae tV .. S" Buwes-ful treatment , now from its painfulness fallen into ermaUw „ discovery of this Ointment having proclaimed a remedy possessing "inauy derivative , yet perfectly paiDless , powers .
Meeting Of The Lodge Of Benevolence.
THE Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday Evening , at Free , masons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn Senior Vice-President , Bro . James Brett Junior Vice-President , and Bro . S . Rawson Past Disfcriofc Grand Master of China occupied the chairs of President and Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents . There was a large attendance of
Brethren . The brethren first confirmed grants to the amount of £ 330 recommended at last meeting . The new cases were twenty-four . One of these was dismissed , not being eligible . Four of the cases were postponed , through being incomplete . The remaining nineteen were relieved with a total sum of £ 735 .
Order Of The Temple.
A MEETING of the Provinoial Priory of Devon was held afc the Masonic Hall , Gandy . streefc , Exeter , on Monday , 18 tb instant ; , afc two o ' olock . The following were present : —The Very Eminent Sir Knight L . P . Metham P . Prior of Devon , the Eminent Sir Knight Admiral F . F . H . Glasse , C . B ., Sub-Prior , Sir Knights Samuel Jones , 1 st Standard Bearer ( England ) , Rev . J . Dickenson P . P . Prelate , Rev . R . T . Thornton P . P . Prelate , William Beunett Maye , Marshall , Dr . G .
Evans Prov . Vice G Chancellor , J . Pulling Heath P . G . Sub-Marshall , H . Melhnish W . of Regalia , H . B . Stark Organist ; Captain Elphinstone Stone A . D . C . ( England ) , William Brown of Rougemonfc Preceptory , the Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., P . P . Prelate of Loyal Brunswick Preceptory , E . Aitken Davies P . P . G . N . Chancellor of Veterans' Preceptory , L . D . Westcott P . P . G . M . of Holy Cross
Preceptory , William Bradnee P . Almoner , James Murray , William Vicary Prov . Grand Treasnrer , William Taylor , Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies of Royal Sussex Preceptory . The minutes of the last Grand Priory were read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s report was read and received , showing a balance in hand , after defraying all expenses , of £ 1 119 s 8 d . Sir Knight Samuel
Jones proposed that the sum of five guineas be given towards the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows . It was seconded by Sir Knight W . Taylor , and carried . The Very Eminent Prior proposed that the snm of two guineas be given to the Devon Masonic Educational Fund . It was seconded by Sir Knight Evans , and carried . The Very Eminent Prior proposed , tbe Eminent Sub
Prior seconded , and it was carried unanimously , " That the Fees of Honour that now stand at 5 s , be increased to 10 s . " Ou the proposition of Sir Knight Westcott , Sir Knight William Vicary was reappointed Treasnrer for the ensuing year . The Very Eminent Prior , referring to another meeting , whioh is to be held in the same building on Thursday next , expressed his regret at not hearing of
tbe same in time to bave the two meetings on the same day , as he hud made previons arrangements whioh could not be altered . He gave notice of morion for a new rule , to be discissed at the next meeting— " That Preceptories or members of Precepfcories not having paid their dues , and thereby falling into arrears , be prevented from voting or taking any part in Provinoial Priory . " Letters received
from Sir Knight Tinkler were read respecting two of tbe Preceptories which are in arrears . The following were appointed by the Very Eminent Prior as the Grand Officers for tbe ensuing year : —Eminent Sir Knights Admiral F . H . H . Glasse . C . B ., H'ly Cross , Sub-Prior , Rev . George Townsend Warner , Sussex , Prelate Rougemont , W . Hyne-Ha *» cock . Rongemont , Chancellor , 0 . A . W . Troyte Constable , Major
Chard , V . C ., Holy Cross , Marshall , William Vicary , Sussex , Treasurer , Joseph Harper . Trinity-in-TJnity , Registrar . Provincial Officers : — T . B . Bewes , Roueemont , Vice-Chancellor , William Bennett Maye , Rougemont , Sub-Marshal , Rev . Walter Bradnee , Sussex , Almoner and Chaplain , T . P . Heath , Rougemont , Warden of Regalia , J . Mur . ray , Rougemont , Herald , H . B . Stark , Rougemonfc , Organist , H .
Melhnish , Rougemont , and W . Taylor , Sussex , Standard Bearers , W . Brown , Rougemont , Banner Bearer , and P . Blanohard , Rougemonfc , Janitor . Letters of apology were received from Sir Knight J . B . Gover P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., and others , who were unavoidably absent . Alms were collected , whioh , ifc is understood , will be handed over to the distressed widow of a distressed Frater in Exeter , and fche Provinoial Priory was closed .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original and only true . ^ # S- & - ^& "OUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to i /*^^« f $ * j ^ k i ~ l its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and \ ^ ' 8 ift-i & $ iMp rapidl y curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural' ' | uii | jfeSS ? -- r \ jf gia , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains . ' , ? 8 ' ¦ ' % A' ^ ¦ It acts like a charm in Diarrbcea , and is the only specific in \^; jiai ' piygi J ^ se- Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relievos pain , from what-Tii ^ r ^' tA ^ a ^ ever cause , soothes and strengthens the system nnder ex"' c "" hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James . Lord Justico Hellish decided in fnvonr of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and "Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 21 th , 1873 . Bottles Is l $ d , 2 s 9 d , 4 s 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1 SS 0 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with mu-h pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form Many of my patients now como and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CHABLES W . OWEN , L . R . C . P . Lou ., M . ' R . CS . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Sur--geon , Cabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1 S 77 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Vrmy . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . Tho want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and bad we remained there a few weeks 1 onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOBODYUE , with which I effected miraculous cures .